DX425 bulletin issue nr. 673

425 DX News #673
27 March 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

5H     - Eric, SM1TDE will  operate (mainly  CW with  some RTTY  and SSB)  as
          5H3/SM1TDE from  Tanzania on  4-18 April.  A side  trip to  Zanzibar
          (AF-032) might take place during the second week. QSL via home call,
          direct or bureau. [TNX SM1TDE]
9N     - 9N7PR is the call issued to Jim, W4PRO for his 10-13 April operation
          from Nepal  [425DXN 672].  Jim is  currently active  as A52PRO  from
          Bhutan. QSLs via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
C6     - Apparently the C6DX operation from the Cay Sal Banks (NA-219), which
          was expected to start on 25  March, has been cancelled. On 24  March
          the operators (W8GEX, K8LEE,  K9AJ and W9IXX)  were still in  Bimini
          and,  according  to  the  information  posted  on  their  web   site
          (http://www.wb8xx.com/c6dx2004.htm), it did  not "look like  they'll
          attempt the trip south to Cay Sal" because of strong winds and rough
          seas ("the captain  didn't think they'd  even be able  to land  once
          they got there").
CU     - Look for Arlindo, CT1EGW to operate  mainly RTTY as CT1EGW/CU2  from
          Sao Miguel Island (EU-003), Azores on 7-11 April. QSL via home call,
          direct or bureau. [TNX CT1END]
FK     - Masayoshi, JF1UIO will operate as FK/JF1UIO from the Loyalty Islands
          (OC-033) in May.  Look for  activity 10-40  metres CW  and SSB  from
          Ouvea (DIFO FK-018) on 2-4 May  and from Lifou (DIFO FK-012) on  4-7
          May. QSl via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
GM     - Carlos,  EA1CRK  (http://www.qsl.net/ea1crk/escocia/trip.htm) will
          operate (on 20 and 40 metres "holiday style") as MM/EA1CRK from  the
          islands of Skye (EU-008), Orkney (EU-009)  and Shetland (EU-012)  on
          10-20 July. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [TNX EA1CRK]
I      - Alberto, IT9MRM will be  on Favignana (EU-054,  IIA TP-001) from  15
          UTC on 31 March to 14 UTC on 1 April and plans to operate (mainly on
          20 and 15  metres SSB) as  IF9/IT9MRM from the  lighthouse at  Punta
          Sottile (WAIL SI-024, ARLHS ITA-145). QSL  via home call, direct  or
          bureau.        Logs        will        be        available        at
          http://www.qsl.net/it9mrm/index.html [TNX IT9MRM]
I      - Eight ARI  Formia  (ariformia@tiscali.it) members  (IZ0EGC,  IZ0EWG,
          IZ0FIU, IZ0GZW,  IK0JFS,  IK0NWG,  IW0BTN  and  IW0DTK)  plus  guest
          operator Rick, N6CY  will be active  on several bands  and modes  as
          IQ0FM/p from Monte Orlando Lighthouse  (WAIL LA-006, ARLHS  ITA-105)
          on 3 April. QSL direct to IZ0EGC or to ARI Formia, P.O.Box 33, 04023
          Formia - LT, Italy. [TNX IZ0EGC]
JA     - Look for Samy, JR8KJR to operate  (on 15-80 metres SSB and SSTV)  as
          JR8KJR/8 from  Rishiri Island  (AS-147,  JIIA AS-147-007)  on  26-31
          March. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
LX     - SP5HNK, SP5MBQ,  SP5UAF,  SQ5IRO, SP6T,  SP7NJX  and SP7VC  will  be
          active as LX/homecall  from Luxembourg on  1-6 April.  They plan  to
          operate on 160-2 metres CW,  SSB, RTTY and  possibly also PSK31  and
          SSTV. QSL via home calls. They will participate in the SP DX Contest
          as LX5A (QSL via the LX bureau). [TNX SP5UAF]
SP     - Special event station HF1EU will be  aired from 23 April through  31
          May to celebrate the accession of Poland to the European Union.  QSL
          via SP1NQF, direct or bureau. [TNX SP1NQF]
V3     - Alan, WQ5W will  operate as V31RR  from Placencia,  Belize on  22-29
          April. He will  be active on  160-6 metres  CW, SSB,  RTTY, PSK  and
          WSJT, with an emphasis on the WARC bands (mostly on CW) and  digital
          modes. Alan will  have a  dedicated radio  listening constantly  for
          openings on 6 metres; meteor scatter via WSJT will also be attempted
          and schedules can  be set up  prior to the  expedition by  e-mailing
          Alan at v31rr@hotmail.com. QSL  via WQ5W (logs  will be uploaded  to
          LOTW).  Further   information   and  updates   can   be   found   at
          http://www.qsl.net/v31rr [TNX WQ5W]
VK9_lh - Skip, JE2HCJ will operate as VK9LU  from Lord Howe (OC-004) from  31
          March to 9 April. Look for  activity on 160-6  metres, mainly on  CW
          and the low bands. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
T33    - The all-band all-mode T33C DXpedition to  Banaba Island is  expected
          to take place between 4 and 16 April. QSL via F5CWU (Flo Moudar,  25
          Rue du Castel  Salis, 37100  Tours, France).  The web  site for  the
          operation is at http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004
YI     - Kaspars, YI9ZF (YL1ZF)  will participate in  the CQ WPX  SSB and  DX
          contests HN0Z (SOAB  lo Power) from  Baghdad, Iraq.  QSL route  TBA.
          [TNX SM1TDE]
ZD8    - Ian, ZD8I (home call G8WVW) will be living on Ascension Island until
          the end of March 2006 and plans  to operate on 80-6 metres SSB.  QSL
          via G4LTI.  Further  information at  http://www.zd8i.net [TNX  OPDX
ZL7    - Franz, ZL2III (DK1II) and Dom, DL5EBE will be active as ZL2III/7 and
          ZL7/DL5EBE from Chatham Island (OC-038) from 7 April (arrival) until
          the 14th (departure). They plan to  be operate on all bands,  mainly
          CW and SSB with some PSK31  and RTTY. They have  also applied for  a
          special call sign, which will be announced after it is granted.  QSL
          via DL5EBE (Dominik Weiel,  Johannes-Meyer-Str. 13, D-49808  Lingen,
          Germany). [TNX DL5EBE and ZL2III]
ZS8    - Owing to an unfortunate case of  cut and mispaste, the CW  operating
          frequencies for the  7-30 April  ZS8MI activity  from Marion  Island
          [425DXN 672] were  wrong. The correct  QRGs are  3505, 7010,  14020,
          21025, 28060 kHz for CW, and 3750, 7080, 14195, 21295, 28495 kHz for
          SSB. Many thanks to Bob, W6KX for detecting the error.

CARIBBEAN TOUR  --->  Koh/JA1ADT (JA7KAC),  Taka/JA7AGO  and  Aki/JA7ZP  will
attend the Caribbean Hamboree [425DXN 667] that will be held on 9-14 April in
Martinique; they will operate as FM/homecall  on 80-10 metres all modes.  QSL
via home calls. Then they will  visit Antigua (V2) on  15-20 April, and  will
operate on all  bands and  modes (callsigns  not known  so far,  but QSL  via
homecalls). [TNX JA7KAC]

CQ  WPX  SSB  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (27-28 March):
3B9 - The 3B9C team from Rodrigues will  operate as an active participant  in
       the Multi-Multi category,  though they will  continue to  be active  on
       other bands and modes during the contest weekend.
4L  - Shota, 4L6AM as SOSB (20m) High Power. QSL via www.qrz.com
5T  - The  European  Community  ARC's  team  [425DXN   672]  as  5T0EU   from
       Mauritania. QSL via OR5EU.
9M2 - Keith, 9M2/GM4YXI and Rich, 9M2/G4ZFE as  9M2RPN (Multi-Two) from  West
       Malaysia. QSL via G4ZFE.
BV  - BW3/JD1BKQ as SOSB (20m) LP from Taiwan. QSL via JR3PZW.
CT  - CT1EWE and CT2GVG as CT7Z from Portugal.
CT3 - Madeira Team (namely CT3BD, CT3DL, CT3DZ,  CT3EE, CT3EN, CT3IA,  CT3IQ,
       CT3KU, CT3KU and CT3HK) as CQ9K (Multi-Two). QSL via CS3MAD.
D4  - Al, 4L5A as D4B (SOAB HP) from Cape Verde. QSL via K1BV.
DL  - Karlfried/DL1EK, Stephan/DL7AOS and several  other German operators  as
       DA0WPX (Multi-Multi).  QSL  via  DL1EK,  preferably  through  the  DARC
EA8 - Juan, EA8CAC as AN8CAC (SOSB 80m) from the Canary islands. QSL via home
FG  - F6GWV and F6HMQ as TO7T from Guadeloupe. QSL via F6HMQ.
FM  - Announced operations from Martinique include:
       * Danny, T93M as FM/T93M (SOAB HP). QSL via DJ2MX.
       * Gilbert, FM5FJ as SOSB (10m) Low Power. QSL via KU9C.
GU  - Rich, M5RIC as MU2Z (SOAB HP) from Guernsey. QSL via home call.
HB9 - HB75A (the Swiss Amateur Radio Club's 75th anniversay special call)  as
       a Multi-Single entry. QSL via HB9A.
HI  - Hiro, JA6WFM/HI8 and  others, probably as  HI3CCP (Multi-Single),  from
       the Dominican Republic.
HK  - Pedro, HK1HHX as 5K1X from Colombia. QSL via home call.
I   - IZ1CCE, I1RB,  IK1MJG, IK1QLD,  IZ1CQY, IK1ZNN,  IZ1ESH and  others  as
       II1D. QSL via IZ1CCE.
KP  - Alfredo, WP3C as KP4AH (SOSB 10m  LP) from Puerto  Rico. QSL direct  to
LX  - Announced operations from Luxembourg include:
       * LX1AQ, LX1RQ, LX1ER and probably  others as LX5A (Multi-Single).  QSL
       via LX1RQ.
       * Philippe, LX2AJ as LX7I (SOSB 80m). QSL via home call.
P4  - Announced operations from Aruba include:
       * John, KK9A as P40A (SOAB). QSL via WD9DZV.
       * Andy, AE6Y as P40Y. QSL via home call.
PJ2 - Martin, W1MD as PJ2T (SOSB) from Curacao. QSL via N9AG.
PJ4 - Helmut, DF7ZS as PJ4P (SOAB) from Bonaire. QSL via home call.
PY  - Moreira, CT1AHU  (PT7ZXU) as  ZX7U (SOAB).  QSL via  CT1AHU, direct  or
       bureau. Web page at http://ct1end.netpower.pt/zx7u
SP  - Announced operations from Poland include:
       * Krzysztof, SP6DVP as 3Z6V (Low Power). QSL via home call.
       * SP8AJC as 3Z8Z (SOAB). QSL via home call.
T30 - Dave, K3LP as T30DC (SO Low Powe) from West Kiribati. QSL via K5KV.
T9  - VE6PR as VE6PR/T9  (SOAB) from Bosnia-Herzegovina.  QSL direct to  home
VP5 - W5AO, K5CM and N5KW as VP51V  (Multi-Single) from North Caicos. QSL  to
       P.O. Box 88, Morris, OK 74445-0088, USA.
YA  - YA0J as a Multi Operator entry from Afghanistan. QSL via JG1OWV.
ZK1 - Victor, ZK1GC on all bands from  Rarotonga, South Cook Islands. QSL  to
       Victor Rivera, P.O. Box 618, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, via New Zealand.
ZL  - ZL2BSJ, ZL2III,  ZL2AMI  and ZL1CT  as  ZL6QH  (Multi-Multi)  from  New
       Zealand. QSL via ZL2AOH.
ZP  - Tom, ZP5AZL as ZP1C (SOAB). QSL via W3HNK.

Give a look to the Announced  Operations listing maintained by Bill, NG3K  at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3B9C ---> Operations from Rodrigues started  on seven bands at  20 UTC on  19
March, and 12,000 QSOs were made during the first 24 hours. The  DXpedition's
website (http://www.fsdxa.com/3b9c/)  is  being updated  daily  and  includes
pictures, on-line logs, daily bulletins, etc.  QSL direct to FSDXA, P.O.  Box
73, Church Stretton, SY6  6WF, UK or  through the RSGB  bureau (a for  bureau
cards requests can be found on the website).

DXCC NEWS ---> 5X1X (11 November - 17 december 2003) from Uganda, XU7ACY from
Cambodia (February  2004) and  5V7C (5-13  March 2004)  from Togo  have  been
approved for DXCC credit.

EU SPRINT CONTESTS ---> The two Spring events will be held on 20, 40 and   80
metres only from 15.00 UTC until 18.59  UTC on 10 April (Spring SSB,  managed
by G4BUO) and  17 April (Spring  CW, managed  by I2UIY).  Full details  (free
software included) can be found at http://www.qsl.net/eusprint

GACW DX CONTEST  ---> This year's  event will be  held on  17-18 April.  Full
rules can be found at http://gacw.no-ip.org [TNX LU6EF]

QSL 9V1GO --->  Gustab, OK1DOT reports  he is the  new QSL  manager for  Bob,
9V1GO. Cards can be sent either direct (Petr Gustab, P.O.Box 52, Cesky  Brod,
282 01 Czech Republic) or through the bureau.

QSL VIA  IV3NVN  --->  On  24  March  Simone,  IV3NVN  replied  to  the  last
outstanding direct cards  for J5UCW, J5UDX,  ZY5X and ZW5T  (there are  still
some 50 requests that arrived without return postage). If you do not  receive
your  card(s),   please  contact   Simone  at   either  iv3nvn@50mhz.com   or
s.candotto@hamburg.de before sending second requests. [TNX IV3NVN]

QSL VIA PA3GIO ---> A form  for requesting bureau cards  is available on  the
QSL    Information     page    at     either    http://www.pa3gio.nl/  and
http://www.qsl.net/pa3gio/; please  visit it  also for  details about  direct

QUEBEC  QSO  PARTY  --->  Radio  Amateurs  du  Quebec  Inc.,  the  provincial
organization of amateur radio  operators, has announced  the creation of  the
Quebec QSO Party,  which is  held every  summer on  the Saturday  immediately
preceding 24 June. This year's event will take  place from 17 UTC on 19  June
to 3 UTC on the  20th. Rules and  other related information  can be found  at
http://www.raqi.ca/qqp,  or      from      Guy      Lamoureux,      VE2LGL
(directeur.general@raqi.ca)  and  Luc  Dore,  VA2KSH  (va2ksh@raqi.ca).  [TNX

SP DX CONTEST  ---> Organized by  the the  Polish Amateur  Radio Union  (PZK,
http://www.pzk.org.pl) and the SP DX Club, this year's event will be held (on
160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 metres SSB and CW, 12 categories including SWLs) from
15 UTC  on 3  April  through 15  UTC  on the  4th.  Full details,  new  rules
included, can be found at http://www.contest.spdxc.org.pl/ [TNX SP5XVY]

YLRC CONTEST ---> The  YLRC (YL Radio  Club) "Elettra Marconi"  International
Contest will be held from 13  UTC on 3 April through 13  UTC on the 4th.  For
further information please visit http://www.arrl.it/ylrci/index.htm or e-mail
Adriana, IK5MEQ (adrianap@tin.it).

+ SILENT KEYS + We have  been informed recently of the  passing of Ivo,  9A5I
and Luciano, I1NLU (licenced since 1974, he was a co-founder of ARI Rosta and
the Turin North Western DX Club). [TNX 9A2WJ and I1HAG]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA BEARING CHART: This is a new resource available on Tim's, EI8IC web site
                     (http://www.qsl.net/ei8ic/iota/iota.php).   Enter    your
                     6-digit Grid Locator code, and the webpage will  generate
                     a short path, long path and  distance list from your  QTH
                     to each of the current IOTA reference numbers.
LOGS:               On-line logs for the recent 5V7C operation from Togo  are
                     available at http://5v7c.free.fr/searchlog.php
R1FJ:               Pictures and log search for the expedition to Franz Josef
                     Land can be found at http://www.hamradio.ru/r1fj/

QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A0KM, 3V8BB, 4K6DI, 4L4AJ,  4S7EA,
4S7GGG, 4U1ITU,  4X4WN, 5N6NDP/9,  5U7JK, 5V7BR,  5VZBB, 5W0AH,  5X1X,  6D9X,
7W4HI, 8R1K,  8R1RPN, 9H1AL,  9H1ET, 9H4DX,  9J2KC, 9M2TO  (AS-015),  9M2TO/P
(AS-073), 9M6BG,  9M6NA, 9V0A,  9Y4/DL7DF,  9Y4SF, A25/G3HCT,  A41KJ,  A45WD,
A45XR, A71AW, AP2IA,  AP2NK, BA4RF, C31LJ,  C5P, C93FF, CE0Y/SP9PT,  CE6TBN/8
(SA-032 and  SA-091), CO2CI,  CU3GD, CU4/G3TXF,  CY9A, DU9RG,  EA8BH,  EA9IE,
J68AR, J68AS,  J6DX,  JW0HU, JY9QJ,  KG4AS,  KG4WW,  KG4ZK,  KP2A,  MJ/K3PLV,
N2TK/NP2,  N6FF,  N7OU/HI9,  OD5IU,   OX3DB,  OY1CT,  PJ2/AE9B,   PJ4/DL5NAM,
SU9US, T30M, T32KV, T32MP, T32WW, T32ZA, T32ZM, T77C, TI2PZ, TI5/WJ7R,  TM6X,
TR8CA, TR8IG, TS7N (AF-073), TT8XZ, TU2IG, TY5ZR, V25CH, V26B, V31DK,  V31GW,
V31MD, V47KP, V73AZ,  V73GOD, VK4WWI/P (OC-265),  VP5/WA4PGM, VP5JM,  VP8DBR,
VQ9LA, VR2BG, W0GLG/HR3 (NA-160), W7LR, XE1UN, XE2KIR, XF1K (NA-166),  XW1IC,
YA8G, YB8NA/P  (OC-213), YI/N3JUW,  YI9ZF,  YL800NS, YO2LDC,  YW5M  (SA-015),

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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