DX425 bulletin issue nr. 671

425 DX News #671
13 March 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                          >>> 425 DX NEWS TROPHY <<<

The ST0RY expedition to Sudan (March-April  2003) has been  voted the 425  DX
News DXpedition of  the Year for  2003. Full results  of this  survey can  be
found at http://www.425dxn.org/trophy_2003/

                         >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<<

The 425 DX News monthly edition (February issue),edited by Maurizio Bertolino
(I1-21171/IZ1CRR), is now  available for  free downloading  in either.pdf  or
doc formats at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/. In this issue you can  find a
report  with  pictures  on XF1K's  operations  from  Parajos Island (NA-166);
a  large  number  of  pictures  about  FK/AC4LN (Belep, OC-079),  V63MB (Mog,
OC-078), H44VV (Nggela, OC-158), P29VVB (Karkar, OC-258),  II0RAI,  OA4/F6BUM
(SA-010), TO4E and Z38M, as well as the usual features and much more.

3B9    - Robert, 3B9FR will join the 3B9C team as a full member, taking  time
          off work to be a part  of the upcoming all-band all-mode  DXpedition
          [425DXN 661], which is due to start around 20 UTC on 19 March.  Full
          details on  the operation  can be  found  on the  expedition's  most
          comprehensive  web   site  at   http://www.fsdxa.com/3b9c   (shorcut
          www.3b9c.com). See also 3B9C Trophies,  3B9C Video, Contacting  3B9C
          and QSL 3B9C in the "Good To Know" section below.
4U_un  - 4U1UN plans to  be active on  12 March.  Activity will  be on  10-80
          metres, depending on  propagation, primarily CW,  with some SSB  and
          PSK, and possible QRV on 60m (SSB) late in the afternoon (NY  time).
          The operators will be Theo, PB7CW and Henry, KT1J (PA0AFN). The  QSL
          route given for this activity is via HB9BOU (direct or bureau). [TNX
5H     - Eric, SM1TDE  will  be active  as  5H3/SM1TDE from  Dar  Es  Salaam,
          Tanzania on 4-18 April. He  plans to operate  barefoot mainly CW  on
          the WARC bands, with some RTTY and  a little SSB on the other  bands
          as well. There might be a side trip to Zanzibar (AF-032) during  the
          second week. QSL via SM1TDE, direct or bureau. [TNX SM1TDE]
9G     - Rob, PA3DEW and Vincent, PA3FQX are  currently active as 9G1AA  from
          Dormaa Hospital in Ghana. Look for  them around 17 UTC on +/-  14140
          kHz. QSL via PA3ERA, direct or bureau. [TNX PA3AWW]
C6     - Joe/W8GEX, Wayne/K8LEE,  Mike/K9AJ and  Phil/W9IXX will  operate  as
          C6DX from Double Headed Shot Cay  (NA-219), Bahamas on 25-29  March.
          They plan  to operate  on all  bands and  modes  with at  least  two
          stations and to be QRV also during  the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL  via
          K9AJ.    The    web    page    for     the    operation    is     at
          http://www.wb8xx.com/c6dx2004.htm. This most  wanted IOTA group  was
          activated only  once  back  in  October  2000  by  W5BOS/C6A,  whose
          operation was cut short by bad weather. [TNX The Daily DX]
DL     - Look for  Andy, DL4OK/p  will be  active from  Staberhuk  Lighthouse
          (ARLHS FED-226) on Fehmarn Island (EU-128)  on 18-25 March. He  will
          operate  on  10-80  metres  CW  and   SSB.  QSL  via  bureau.   [TNX
EI     - Eleven special  event  stations  (EI25CY,  EI25ES,  EI25HA,  EI25LY,
          EI25ML, EI25OK, EI25OM, EI25SL, EI25SP, EI25YL and IRTS's HQ station
          as EI25EU) will be activated  from Ireland on  1-2 May to  celebrate
          the enlargement of the European Union to 25 members. The Irish Radio
          Transmitters Society (IRTS)  is issuing an  award for amateurs  (and
          for SWLs on a heard basis) who work these stations; full information
          will be published  in the next  issue of the  425 DX News  Magazine.
          [TNX EI7CC]
HB0    - HA5AUC (Pista), HA5BWW (Ed), HA5OJ (Pisti)  and HA7PC (Karcsi)  will
          operate as HB0/homecall/P from  Masescha (1350m asl),  Liechtenstein
          on 1-8 April. They will be active with two stations on 160-10 metres
          CW with some SSB. QSLs via  home calls, direct or bureau. They  will
          also try to operate on 144 and 432 MHz, CW and SSB, as  HB0/HA5KHC/P
          (QSL via HA5KHC, direct or bureau). [TNX HA5BWW]
HB9    - The Swiss Amateur Radio Club (USKA) celebrates its 75th  anniversary
          in 2004 and special callsign HB75A will be aired throughout the year
          to mark this event. QSL via HB9A. [TNX HB9AAP]
HR     - Henry (HR2H),  Gustavo  (LU1DY/HR), Cesar  (HR2P),  Carlos  (HR2SB),
          Antonio (HR2AHC) and  Manuel (HR5MJC)  plan to  operate as  HR2RCH/3
          from Cayos Cochinos (NA-160) from 22 UTC on 20 March to 6 UTC on the
          22nd. Look for activity on 40, 20  and 15 metres SSB. They may  also
          operate PSK-31, MFSK-16  and Hellschreiber on  20m. QSL via  HR2AHC.
          [TNX VA3RJ]
HS     - Charles, K4VUD will  be active again  as HS0ZCW  from Thailand  from
          around 7 May  to around 15  August. He will  operate on neither  the
          WARC bands (not allowed in Thailand) nor 80 and 160 metres. QSL  via
          home call. [TNX K4VUD]
I      - Special event station II6CC will be operated on all bands and  modes
          by ARI Ancona and ARI Senigallia from 6 UTC on 15 April to 22 UTC on
          the 18th. QSL  via IZ6FUQ. Requests  for direct  cards with  special
          cancellation for philatelists can be sent to Sezione ARI di  Ancona,
          P. O. Box 122, Via dell'Artigianato, 60100 Ancona - AN, Italy before
          14 May (please  enclose 1  EUR or  1 USD).  For further  information
          please visit http://web.tiscali.it/stefanocatena/ii6cc.htm or e-mail
          ii6cc@tiscali.it [TNX IZ6FUQ]
JA     - Nine operators will be active (on  160-6 metres CW, SSB and  digital
          modes) as JO1ZZZ/3 from  Awaji Island (AS-117)  on 20-21 March.  QSL
          via JO1ZZZ (bureau) or JL3SIK (direct). [TNX The Daily DX]
JA     - Yoshiro, JA1AMP  will  be active  as  JA1AMP/6  from  Tarama  Island
          (AS-079) on 9-11 April. He plans  to operate on 40-6 metres CW,  SSB
          and digital modes. QSL via bureau or direct to JL3SIK. [TNX JA1AMP]
KH6    - Goffredo, KH6/I0TWA and Max,  KH6ZM will be  QRV for Europe  through
          the end of March at 4-6 UTC on 7005/7007 kHz, at 6-7.30 UTC on 14014
          or 14195 kHz and at 7 UTC on 10110 kHz. [TNX I0MWI]
KL     - Roger, WL7CPA will be  active until 31  December 2006 from  Unalaska
          Island (NA-059), Alaska, where he now lives. Further information  at
          http://www.geocities.com/wl7cpa. [TNX VA3RJ]
LU     - Look for LU2XX (Radio Club Rio Grande, http://www.qsl.net/lu2xx/) to
          be active  from Tierra del Fuego (SA-008) from 28 March to 2  April.
          QSL via LU8XQB. [TNX LU1XS]
PA     - Look for PA3EEQ and PA0XAW to operate  (on 40 and 20 metres SSB  and
          CW) from Den Helder Lighthouse (NET-005) on 20 March. QSL via bureur
          or direct. Information on the "Dutch Lighthouse Award" can be  found
          at http://www.qsl.net/pi4alk [TNX PA0XAW]
SV     - Charles, KE2SP  will be  active on  10-20 metres  as SV8/KE2SP  from
          Hydra (EU-075) until 15 June. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
T30    - Rolf, DK2ZF had to cancel his 9-15 March trip to Nauru [425DXN  670]
          and is currently active as T30ZF from Tarawa, Western Kiribati.  QSL
          direct to home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
T33    - Alan Eshleman, K6SRZ confirms that T33C should start operations from
          Banaba by April 4 or 5 [425DXN  668]. All of the equipment that  was
          shipped from Europe has  now cleared Kiribati  customs and is  ready
          for transfer to  Te Taobe, the  boat that  will take  the team  from
          Tarawa (T30) to Banaba. T33C's likely operating frequencies are  now
          posted on http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004/.  The operators  are
          aware that there will be other  DXpeditions on the  air at the  same
          time. For that  reason, their frequencies  may change  from time  to
          time. To prevent overlap and confusion  with other operations,  they
          will try to  maintain splits and  spreads that do  not conflict.  As
          soon as the operators  establish a reliable  PACTOR link, they  will
          send daily logs and bulletins to the web site. However, "if there is
          any doubt whether or not you are our log", they say, "please work us
          again". All logs will be refreshed upon their return to Tarawa on 18
          April. The pilot stations will be:
          Europe          Martino, IK3RIY (ik3riy@libero.it)
          West Coast NA   Larry, N7DF (n7df@yahoo.com)
          East Coast NA   Woody, KQ4NW (kq4nw@rbnet.com)
          Asia            Toshi, JA1ELY (ja1ely@bb.mbn.or.jp)
          Oceania         Gary, KH6GMP (kh6gmp@hawaii.rr.com)
          South America:  Daniel, PT7BI (MiltomMoutinho@aol.com) and
                          Freddy, PY3YD (py3yd@radioamador.com)
W      - Look for Dick,  K2ZR/4 to be  active on 40-10  metres from Key  West
          (NA-062) until 1 June. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - Brad, NL7AU will be active from  Upper Matecombe Key (NA-062)  until
          31 December. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - Lee/K1NT and Marvin/AG5I  will operate special  event callsigns  K5O
          and K5K mobile during the Oklahoma QSO Party (13-14 March). QSL  via
          KW5DX. [TNX K1NT]
W      - St. Georges Reef  (NA-184) and  Lighthouse (ARLHS  USA-793) will  be
          activated by WA6LUT and K0NW from 30  April to 2 May. The call  sign
          will be WA6LUT  and plans are  to operate  primarily on  SSB on  the
          usual IOTA frequencies. QSL to WA6LUT. [TNX K0NW]
XU     - Jack/ON4AJT (XU7AJV) and  Wim/ON6TZG (XU7TZG) [425dxn  657] will  be
          active as XU7POS  from Koh  Poah (AS-133)  from 12  March until  the
          local morning of the 15th. [TNX JI6KVR]
YA     - Club station  YA0J is  expected to  participate in  the CQ  WPX  SSB
          Contest (27-28 March) as a Multi  Operator entry. Activity might  be
          limited, as it will depend on the operators' work schedules. QSL via
          JG1OWV. [TNX JG1OWV]
YB     - Look for Adi, YC3MM/M to operate (on 15 metres mainly CW and digital
          modes with some SSB)  from  Madura Island (OC-237) on 14 March 2004.
          He will run 50 watts into a homemade mobile antenna. QSL via IZ8CCW.
          [TNX IZ8CCW & YC3MM]
YU    - YU0HST is a  special call issued  to celebrate the  IV European  and
          IARU Region I  High Speed Telegraphy  Championships in  the city  of
          Nis. QSL via YU1AST (P.O. Box 76, 18106 Nis, Serbia and Montenegro).
          [TNX 4N1JA]
ZB     - Steve, G0SGB  will be  active as  ZB/G0SGB/p from  the Europa  Point
          Lighthouse (ARLHS GIB-001), Gibraltar on 20-21 March. He also  plans
          to operate the other four lighthouses in Gibraltar during this  time
          period. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]

PACIFIC TOUR ---> A35DH (QSL via DH3WO), A35DJ (QSL via DJ2HD) and A35DA (QSL
via DL5DAN) will  operate from Fafa  Island (OC-049), Tonga  on 15-29  March.
Look for activity on 10-80 metres (but not  on 30m) SSB, RTTY and PSK31.  The
team will  then move  to the  Northern Island  of  New Zealand  (OC-036)  and
operate as ZL/DH3WO, ZL/DL5DAN  and ZL/DJ2HD and  maybe other islands  and/or
lighthouses for two weeks. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]

                       >>> ANTARCTIC OPERATIONS (*) <<<

ANTARCTICA       - Paul,  UX2HO  is  again  active  as  EM1HO  from  Akademik
                    Vernadsky Station on Galindez Island (AN-006).  Reportedly
                    he will be there for one year; plans are to operate on all
                    bands (160-6 metres) and  modes. On 6m  he should have  an
                    amplifier and a 3 or 4-element  yagi (home made). QSL  via
                    I2PJA, direct or bureau. [TNX I2PJA]
SOUTH SHETLANDS  - Oleg, R1ANF  has been  active as  DP1ANF from  the  Eduard
                    Dallmann Laboratory on King  George Island (AN-010)  since
                    10 March. According to Dominik, DL5EBE Oleg expected to be
                    there for about four days. QSL via RK1PWA.

(*) As far as base names, locations and accessory information  are concerned,
the  reference  source  is  the  WABA  Directory   2003  (which  is  also  an
acknowledged   reference  source  for the  RSGB  IOTA  Programme).  The  WABA
Directory is downloadable at http://www.425dxn.org, but please note that  425
DX News is  not and has  never been involved  in WABA  management, so  please
refrain from contacting us on WABA matters.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AMATEUR RADIO ON TELETEXT ---> Thanks to Dan/S50U, Joze/S52JK and the  Cerkno
ARC (S50E), RTV Slovenija features two  Teletext pages (with five  sub-pages)
devoted to amateur radio, including SK3BG's Contest Calendar (page 396/3), DX
spots from S50CLX (397/1) and 425DXN's calendar (397/2). RTV Slovenija can be
found on Eutelsat Hot Bird (12.303 GHz, Pol.  V, SR 2750, FEC 3/4). Web  page
at http://teletekst.rtvslo.si/S39701.HTML

6M MARATHON ---> The Six Meters  Marathon 2004 is open  to all amateur  radio
operators worldwide.  The objective  is  to work  as  many DXCC  entities  as
possible on 6m between 8 May (00.00 UTC)  and 8 August (24 UTC). The  results
will be continuosly  updated at http://www.50mc.tk.  For further  information
please contact Hannu Saila, OH3WW (marathon@saila.org). [TNX OH5DX]

3B9C TROPHIES --->  A wide range  of trophies will  be available for  working
3B9C on different  band/mode slots. The  objective of  the "Nevada  Rodrigues
Award Programme" is to encourage amateur radio stations (as well as SWLs)  to
make contact with  this all-band all-mode  major expedition;  details can  be
found at www.3b9c.com.

3B9C VIDEO ---> A 45 minute  video tape of the 3B9C  DXpedition will be  made
and edited by Don, G3BJ. Those who order it, will receive also a copy of  the
as yet un-released "limited  edition" D68C DXpedition  video free of  charge.
All surplus funds from the sales  of this combined  video (total 90  minutes)
will be  used to  fund future  FSDXA DXpeditions.  Details  can be  found  at
www.3b9c.com; any queries to G3BJ (g3ozf@btinternet.com).

CONTACTING 3B9C  ---> The  3B9C team  believe that,  with current  levels  of
Internet use, the traditional concept of regional pilot stations is no longer
applicable. Instead, there  is a single  e-mail address  for contacting  3B9C
(deserving@3b9c.com): messages will  go direct to  the island,  and be  dealt
with by  members of  the team.  Note that  you will  not receive  a  personal
response and that responses will be placed on www.3b9c.com.

DIE CONTEST --->  The 10th edition  of the DIE  Contest for working  stations
located on Spanish islands will be held from 6 to 12 UTC on 20 June. The  DIE
Contest software is  available from  Paco, EA5OL  (http://www.ea5ol.net/die).

DX SPOTS ---> Rod Elliott, VE3IRF  has collected the  DX spots from the OH2AQ
Web Cluster since January 1997.  The collection  -  from  January 1997  up to
February 2004 - is available at http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/.

LOW BANDS IN THAILAND  ---> Champ, E21EIC  reports that Thailand's  licencing
authority has renewed the 160 & 80m operating permission through 31  december
2004. Thai amateur radio operators can  use the following frequencies  during
contests only: 1800-1825 kHz,  3500-3505 kHz, 3524-3536  kHz. Those who  need
Thailand on 80 metres SSB can  look for Chai,  HS1NGR to be  QRV on 3536  kHz
(QSX 3795 kHz) during the weekends between 17 and 20 UTC.

QSL 3B9C  ---> The  QSLing task  will  be shared  by  a team  of  volunteers,
centrally  co-ordinated  through  StarQSL,  a  piece  of  software  developed
especially by John,  G3WGV for the  purpose. Direct cards  should be sent  to
FSDXA, P.O. Box 73,  Church Stretton, SY6  6WF, UK. Bureau  cards go via  the
RSGB  bureau  (a   form  for  requesting   bureau  cards   is  available   at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AS-049:    Information on  the recent  operation by  JA6PSE and  JA6PSI  from
            Takara    Island    [425DXN     664]    can     be    found     at
            http://www.aa.alpha-net.ne.jp/ji5rpt/index.html [TNX JI6KVR]
LOGS:      On-line logs  for the  recent XF1K  operation from  NA-166 can  be
            found at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/na166/logs.html
LOGS:      On-line logs for the  recent ZK3SB opeation  from Tokelau are  now
            available at http://www.qsl.net/i2ysb/zk3/logs.htm
QSL DB:    Boye Christensen,  OZ7C  has updated  his  QSL  DBase  (which  now
            contains 345,390 unique records) for  Packet Cluster. The  package
            can be downloaded at http://www.qsl.net/oz7c/qsl [TNX OZ7C]

QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A0KM, 3A2MD, 3B8CF, 3B9FR,  3C2MV,
3G1P (SA-085), 4J4K, 4S7DUG, 4W4W, 4W6GH,  5T5HC, 5T6M, 5U7JB, 5VZBB,  5X1CW,
5X1X, 6W/SM0JHF, 6Y5/KN5G, A45XR, A61AJ, C31LJ, C5P, CO8LY, CU4/G3TXF,  CY9A,
HC8/N1KO,  HC8N,  HV5PUL,  J3/AA1M,  J49Z,   JD1YBJ,  JT1CO,  JT1JA,   JY9QJ,
PZ5A, RU9TC,  S79BL, S9SS,  SM2/DL1UU (EU-139),  T32WW, T32ZM,  T77C,  TF3CW,
VP9/K9CC, XQ6ET,  XU7ACB,  XU7ACW, YA8G,  YC3MM/P  (OC-197),  YC9WZJ,  YI9ZF,
YK1AO, YL2KF, Z21GC, Z22JE, ZC4VG, ZK1CG, ZM8CW, ZP6CW, ZY5X (SA-088).

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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