425 DX News #669 28 February 2004 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) >>> 425 DX NEWS TROPHY <<< The 425DXN survey for the best DXpedition in 2003 (to be chosen among 14 selected operations) will be closing down on 1 March. More than 1200 people have participated so far (http://www.425dxn.org/trophy_2003/Votes.htm) and you are still in time to cast your vote at http://www.425dxn.org/trophy_2003/ (no dupes, please!). 3B8 - Walter, DL3LBP (http://www.dl3lbp.de) will operate as 3B8/DL3LBP from Mauritius (AF-049) on 1-21 May. Look for activity on 40-10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via homecall. [TNX DL3LBP] 5V - Franck/F5TVG and John/F5VHQ will arrive in Togo on 4 March to pick up the licence and start setting up the stations. 5V7C might hit the airwaves earlier than 6 March, when the rest of the team [425DXN 661] will join the first two operators for a 7-day all band all mode activity. QRT time is expected to be not earlier than 12 UTC on 13 March. The pilot stations will be Bruno/F5AGB (Europe and French speaking countries) and Floyd/N5FG (North America), plus other two pilots TBA from Australia and Japan. The web site for the operation is at http://5v7c.free.fr/le_togo.htm. QSL via F5TVG. [TNX F5NQL] 8Q - Hardy, DL5SBA will be active as 8Q7BA from Athuruga, Maldives (AS-013) on 4-20 March. He will operate RTTY and PSK only on 20 metres (possibly on 17 and 30 metres as well) with 50 watts. QSL via home call, preferably through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL5SBA] A6 - Robert, S53R will participate in this weekend's CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest as A61AJ from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. QSL via K2UO (Americas) and DJ2MX (rest of the world). [TNX NG3K] BV - BV8BC, BV8BM, BV8BQ, BV8CM, BX8AAA and BM8BTM will operate as BV9O from Orchid Island (AS-155) on 11-15 March. QSL direct to BV8BC (Bill-Chen, P.O. Box 222, Taitung 950, Taiwan). [TNX BV8BC] CO - Don, VE3ESE and members of the Santiago de Cuba University and City Club will operate as T48RAC from Santiago de Cuba during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7 March). Look for activity on 40 and 20 metres. QSL direct to VE3ESE (Don Fisher, 48 Lucerne Dr., Kitchener, Ontario N2E 1B3, Canada). [TNX VE3RGG] CT3 - Look for Rosel, CT3/DL3KWR and Hardy, CT3/DL3KWF to be active from Madeira (AF-014) on 4-18 March. They will operate CW mainly on the WARC bands, typically in their late afternoon and evening hours. QSL via home calls. E-mail requests for bureau cards will be welcome at dl3kwr@darc.de and dl3kwf@darc.de [TNX DL3KWF] EA6 - Christian, DL6KAC will be active again (on 10-40 metres mainly SSB with some digital mode) as EA6/DL6KAC from Mallorca (DIE E-021), Balearic Islands (EU-004) from 25 February to 26 March. QSL via home call either direct or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL6KAC] EA8 - Piero, W1NA (I8CZW) reports he will participate in this weekend's CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest as EA8AK from the Canary Islands. FO0_cl - The DXpedition to Clipperton Island [425DXN 667] has been rescheduled for April. Trasportation on another boat has been arranged, but 5-7 more operators are needed to join the original team to pay for the trip. The boat should be leaving on or about 10 April. The license and landing permission are in hand. There will be five full time stations and the team will place special emphasis on working Europe and the low bands. If you would like to join the team please contact Dave, K4SV (K4SV2@Charter.net) for more information. [TNX K4SV] GJ - Ken, G3OCA and Peter, G6KUI will operate as GH8KGC from Les Minquiers Islands (EU-099) on 25-29 June. QSL via G3OCA, direct or bureau. [TNX G3OCA] HC8 - Alfredo Caviedes, HC1HC will be active (on 160-10 metres mostly SSB with some CW) as HD8A from Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos (SA-004) on 2-9 March, ARRL DX SSB Contest included. He may also sign HC1HC/HC8 before and after the contest. QSLs via NE8Z (Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA). [TNX NE8Z] HI - Bert, PA3GIO will be active as PA3GIO/HI9 from the Dominica Republic (Hispaniola, NA-096) on 11-18 March. He plans to operate on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB. The web site for the operation is at http://www.pa3gio.nl/HI9/ [TNX PA3GIO] I - ARI Pompei club station will be active as IQ8BI/P on 28-29 February. ARI Pompei (http://www.aripompei.it) sponsors the newly born Italian Towns Award (I.T.A.); information can be obtained from the Award Manager Tina Spano', IZ8DPN (tinaspano@iz8dpn.it). I - Gaetano/I8IHG, Nello/IK8HVJ, Salvatore/IK8NTN, Achille/IZ8CKS, Luigi/IZ8ENR and Andrea/IK8GDA will operate (on 10-80 metres plus 6 metres SSB) as IC8/homecall from Vivara Island (EU-031, IIA NA-005) on 13 March. QSLs via home calls, direct or bureau. KH6 - Len, K1NU will be signing K1NU/KH6 from the SeaQMaui resort (www.seaqmaui.com), Hawaii on 4-9 March. Plans include a low-power entry in the ARRL DX Phone contest, some WARC band operation (mostly CW) before and after, and possibly some 60m operation if he can get an antenna up. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LOTW. [TNX K1NU] LX - LX1AQ, LX1ER, LX1RQ and DK2OY will participate in this weekend's CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest as LX5A (Multi-Single). QSL via LX1RQ. [TNX NG3K] OE - Special call OE1W/IARU will be aired on all bands on 28-29 February for the interim meeting of the IARU VH/UHF/MW Committee in Vienna. QSL via bureau. [TNX OE1TKW] ON - Look for ON6UM/L, ON4LO/L and ON4BAG/L to operate from three Belgian lighthouses (BEL 001, BEL 005 and BEL 006) on 6 March. QSL via home calls. [TNX ON6UM] R1F - Moscow Contest Club members RD3AF, RN3AZ, RU3AV, RZ3DU, UA3DX and UA3AKO will operate as R1FJ from Franz Josef Land (EU-019) on 17-25 March. They will operate on all bands CW, SSB and RTTY, and will participate in the Russian DX Contest (20-21 March). QSL via DL6ZFG (Rolf Rahne, P.O. Box 15. 39241 Gommern, Germany) or, For Russia and CIS countries, via UA3AKO (Victor Slabodchikov, P.O Box 867, Moscow, 119334, Russia). Financial support will be appreciated via either DL6ZFG (dl6zfg@dl6zfg.de) or UA3AKO (ua3ako@mail.ru). [TNX UA3AKO] SV - Look for SV1ELF to participate in this weekend's CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest as SX3Z. QSl via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX SV1ELF] V3 - Robin, K4VU and Lori, K0LAA will be active as V31RG from Belize on 7-24 April. They will operate on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via K4VU. [TNX K4VU] V4 - Look for W2OX to participate in this weekend's CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest as V47KP from St. Kitts. QSL via K2SB. [TNX NG3K] V5 - Felix, DL5XL (aka DP1POL) and Christine, DH3FBS will be active as V51/homecalls from Namibia while visiting that country until mid April. QSL via home calls. [TNX DX News Letter] VK - Wally, VK6YS - of Browse Island (OC-234) and Breaksea Island (OC-243) fame - has announced that an operation from an IOTA new one in Western Australia (VK6) is schedule to begin on 22 April through 2 May. The trip will also include the reactivation of a pretty rare and most wanted group. The plan is to take a team of five members, but two have had to pull out due to other committments. If you think you could participate in a "pretty rugged and rough outing to a rather difficult to get to and isolated place", please contact Wally at vk6ys@iinet.net.au [TNX www.islandchaser.com] VK9_xms- Charlie, W0YG (VK9XG) will return to Christmas Island from 22 November to 9 December, CQ WW DX CW Contest included. He plans to operate on as many bands as he can, with an emphasis on the lower bands and RTTY. QSL via W0YG (direct only). [TNX W0YG] VP5 - WE3C, N3FTI and KQ3V will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (6-7 March) as VQ5A (Multi-Multi). QSL via KQ3V. This will be the first Victor Quebec Five prefix from the Turks & Caicos Islands. [TNX NG3K] VP9 - David, M0CNP (http://www.qsl.net/m0cnp) will operate (on 10-80 metres SSB, CW and maybe RTTY and PSK31 as well) as M0CNP/VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005) on 10-22 March. QSL via home call. [TNX M0CNP] XF4 - The XF4IH team expects to start operations from Socorro, Revilla Gigedo (NA-030) [425DXN 665] around 18 UTC on 3 March. They will be active on all bands and modes through the 20th. The web page for the expedition is at http://xf4ih.xedx.net/. QSl via XE1IH (Enrique Garcia Munive, P.O. Box 118-481, 07051 Mexico - D.F., Mexico). YI - Ramon Gomez de Salazar, YN1GSR (3C1GS) is active as YI9GS from Iraq for the next five months. QSL direct to EA5BYP. [TNX EA5YN] YU - Michele, IN3IZT is active in his spare time on 10-40 metres as YU8/IN3IZT from Kosovo until mid May. [TNX IN3IZT] ZK3 - Silvano, I2YSB reports from Tokelau that the current ZK3SB operation [425dxn 667] will close down on 29 February, not on the 25th as previously planned and announced. QSL via I2YSB (direct only) or M5AAV (bureau only). _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CORRECTIONS ---> The correct QSL route for Nodir, EY8MM is via K1BV (not K1TT as mentioned in 425DXN #668). UA1RJ is the QSL manager for UE1SAP/3 (not UE3SAP/3 as reported in 425DXN #668). We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our readers. ECUADOR AWARDS ---> The DX-TA-SEA DX Club (WW8DX) issues two awards (available to either licenced amateurs and SWLs) for working/listening to HC stations. The "HC8/HD8 DX Diploma" is for contacts made with a minimum of 3 different HC8 or HD8 stations in the Galapagos Islands; the "Equatorial Line Diploma" is for contacts made with the different Ecuadorean HC & HD prefix areas. For further information please contact Rick Dorsch, NE8Z (ne8z@yahoo.com) or visit http://www.octavia.com/QSL/awards.htm PIRATE ---> Peter, VY0PW (formerly known as VE8PW) reports he is receiving a fair number of cards for contacts made with TA4/VE8PW on 40 and 80 metres CW. Please note that Peter's VE8PW call expired in April 1999 and has not been reassigned so far; TA4/VE8PW is a pirate. QSL CX4TO ---> Antonello, IK2DUW reports that all of the direct cards for CX4TO received so far have been processed and mailed. QSL FM5WE ---> Tony, WF1N can confirm contacts made from October 1985 through 31 December 2001 only (cards for contacts from 1 January 2002 on should go to K3PD). Recently Tony returned many bureau cards for December 2001 contacts as "Not In Log" because the log he had ended on 23 December at 22.02 UTC. He has just received two additional log sheets for the rest of December 2001; please resubmit your QSL if your contact with FM5WE was from December 23 to December 31, 2001. [TNX WF1N] QSL PJ6/PA0VDV ---> Joeke expects the cards to be ready in a couple of weeks. He logged about 4400 CW only QSOs during his 4-week stay on Saba. QSL via PA0VDV, direct (Joeke van der Velde, Delleburen 1, 8421 RP Oldeberkoop, The Netherlands) or bureau. [TNX PA0VDV] QSL YI1FLY ---> Koos, KK3S is no longer the QSL manager for YI1FLY, who has decided to do his own QSLling. [TNX K1XN and The Golist] STRAIGHT KEY PARTY ---> The Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League sponsors the Puerto Rico Straight Key Party, to be held from 18 UTC on 11 April through 2 UTC on the 12th (8 hours). For further information on this event, as well as on the relevant awards, please visit http://www.prarl.org or e-mail prarl@prarl.org [TNX WP4F] TOP QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Kim Larson - Steve's (N3SL) daughter and one of the five Top QSL Managers for the year 2003 [425DXN 667] - is currently looking to do more work. If anyone is interested, please e-mail n3sl@arrl.net for more information. _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ITALIAN AWARDS: An up-to-date collection of amateur radio awards issued in Italy, including the relevant rules, is maintained by Alessandro Scandelli, IW1FGZ (suggestions are welocome at iw1fgz@email.it) at http://www.425dxn.org/awards M.I.A.: The Mediterranean Islands Award (MIA), sponsored by the Mediterraneo DX Club, is available to either licensed amateur radio operators and SWLs for working stations from islands located in the Mediterranean Sea. For full information please visit http://www.mdxc.org/mia or e-mail mdxc@mdxc.org. _____________________________________________________________________________ QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A0KM, 3B8/PA0VHA, 3B9FR, 3C0V, 3XY1L, 4L0G, 4U1ITU, 5R8FU, 5U5Z, 5W1SA, 5X1X, 6Y5WJ, 7X4AN, 8Q7JE, 9A5W, 9G5ZZ, 9J2KC, 9K2YM, 9Y4/DL7DF, A52CQ, A61AJ, A71MA, C31LJ, C6APX (NA-001), CE0Y/SQ9BOP, CQ9K, CY9A, D88S (AN-010), DP1POL, FG/YL2KL, FO/G35WH, FO0PT, FS/W3ARS, H40V, HK0/N2WB, HK7AAG, HR1RMG, J41YM, J5UCW, J6/LA4LN, J88DR, J8DX, JT1CO, JW0HU, JW4LN, JW5RIA, JX7DFA, KP2/N6DE, OY9JD, P29TL, PJ2T, PJ7D, PZ5A, R1ANF, RA1QQ/1 (EU-119), RK3DZJ/1 (EU-066 and EU-147), T32YL, TG9NX, UA0ZAL/P (AS-039), UK9AA, UN6G, V47ZM, V51BG, V73MJ, VK4WWI (OC-265), VK9CD, VP2MDY, VP2MX, VP2V/N3ME, VP2VE, VP6DIA, VP8DGA, VP8DHI, VQ9LA, VR2MY, W4WX/C6A, XT2DX, YA0J, YA1BV, YI/KC0LEK, YI9ZF, YJ0AMY (OC-110), ZA1B, ZF2DS, ZG2FX, ZK2SA, ZV0SW, ZW0S. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************