DX425 bulletin issue nr. 668

425 DX News #668
21 February 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

5H     - Hans-Peter, HB9BXE will be active as  5H1BP from Zanzibar  (AF-032),
          Tanzania on 1-6 March. He plans  to operate on 10-80 metres CW,  SSB
          and PSK31. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
6Y     - Look for WN9O, WO9Z and W9IU to operate as 6Y5/homecall from Jamaica
          from 28 February to 14 March.  They will participate in the ARRL  DX
          SSB Contest as 6Y8Z (QSL via W9IU). [TNX The Daily DX]
9K     - Special event  call 9K43NLD  will be  aired on  25-29 February  from
          Kuwait to celebrate the National Liberation Day. QSL via 9K2RR. [TNX
9U     - Michael, PA5M has  been active as  9U5M since 17  February and  will
          leave Bujumbura, Burundi on 17 March. He operates in his spare  time
          (typically after 16 UTC) on 10-40 metres CW and SSB, with 100  watts
          into   a   vertical   antenna.   Logs    will   be   available    at
          http://www.pa7fm.nl/ as  soon as  possible.  QSL via  PA7FM  (Dennis
          Robbemond, Loggerhof 11,  3181NS Rozenburg,  The Netherlands).  [TNX
          PA7FM and ON5NT]
C6     - Bill, NE1B (C6AWB) and Tom, C6ANM will be active from the islands of
          Eleuthera (NA-001) and New Providence  (NA-001) between 24  February
          and 8 March, CQ WW 160 Meter SSB and ARRL DX SSB Contests  included.
          On 2-4 March will make a  side trip to  the Berry Islands  (NA-054).
          QSLs via WA2IYO. [TNX The Daily DX]
CN     - Jim, W7EJ will be in Morocco from 24 February until about the end of
          March. He plans to be active as CN2R in the CQ 160-Meter SSB  (28-29
          February), ARRL DX  SSB (6-7  March) and  CQ WPX  SSB (27-28  March)
          contests. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
DL     - Gerhard, DL3NBL  reports  that his  7-14  March  IOTA  operation  as
          TA/DL3NBL/P [425DXN  664]  will  take  place  from  Ucadalar  Island
          located in  the  Antalya  Province  group  (AS-115),  not  from  the
          Ucadalar which is part of AS-099. QSL via home call.
GM     - Leo, W3LEO  reports he  will once  again be  active as  MM0LEO  from
          Portpatrick in southwest Scotland from about 29 February to 3 April.
          He plans to participate in the ARRL DX SSB and CQ WPX SSB  contests.
          QSL via W3LEO.
JA     - Takeshi, JI3DST plans to operate as  JI3DST/3 from O-Shima  (AS-117)
          from 2 to 7 UTC on 22 February. QSL via bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
T33    - The all-band all-mode T33C DXpedition to Banaba [425DXN 663] remains
          on schedule for starting operations on  4 or 5 April and  continuing
          for at least eleven days. The  expeditioners extend their thanks  to
          all the sponsors, organizations and individuals who have contributed
          to the expedition; however, as shipping  costs have been very  high,
          they still welcome any  and all contributions.  There is still  room
          for another one or two operators to join the team, though  arranging
          air transport to  Tarawa at this  late date may  be difficult.  Full
          details     on     the     operation     can     be     found     at
          http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004/ [TNX K6SRZ, doctore@well.com]
T7     - IV3JVJ, IV3TDM  and  IV3OWC  will  participate  in  next  week's  CQ
          160-Meter SSB Contest  as a multioperator  entry from  T77C. QSL  to
          T77C. [TNX IV3OWC]
TJ     - Jack, F6BUM reports  he has received  permission to  go and  operate
          from the uninhabited island of Mondoleh (AF-???), Cameroon. He  will
          be leaving France on 2 April, and plans are to be QRV from that IOTA
          new one  on the  9-11th.  Jack (http://www.f6bum.fr.st)  is  seeking
          contributions to help defray  the costs of  this operation (he  will
          have to get  a generator); he  is also  looking for  someone who  is
          willing to lend him an antenna, as his R7 "has got tired".
UA     - Alex, RX3AJL  plans  to visit  several  White Sea  islands  for  the
          Russian Robinson Award  (possibly including  islands qualifying  for
          the EU-147 and EU-162 IOTA groups as well) between 23 February and 6
          March. He expects to be active  as RX3AJL/1 on 20 metres SSB  (QRP).
          QSL via RX3AJL. [TNX RZ3EM]
V5     - Klaus, DJ4SO will be active again as V51/DJ4SO from Namibia  between
          25 February  and 15  March. He  plans to  operate on  160-6  metres,
          mainly CW and RTTY/PSK31 with some SSB. QSL via home call, direct or
          bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - John, WA9HMN will be active (20, 17, 15, 12 and  10 metres SSB) from
          Estero Island (NA-069) until 23 February. QSL via home call,  direct
          or bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W      - Club call K5MDX  will be aired  from two rare  counties (George  and
          Greene)      during       the      Mississippi       QSO       Party
          (http://www.arrlmiss.org/AFTERA_1/aftera_1.htm),  which   will   be
          running from 15 UTC on 28 February  through 3 UTC on the 29th.  [TNX
ZF     - Bob, K3UL will be active as ZF2UL from Grand Cayman (NA-016) from 28
          February to 4 March. He plans to operate as time permits on the  low
          bands CW. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZS     - Etienne Swart, ZS6Y reports he will be active with the special  call
          ZS10RSA until mid-May "to celebrate ten years of democracy". QSL via
          KK3S, direct or bureau.

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Rolf, DK2ZF will be touring the Pacific between 27 February
and 21 April. His trip will  start from Fiji and end on  Guam, "with four  or
five islands in between". He plans to operate 95% CW mainly on 40, 30 and  20
metres, plus  80 metres  on  his sunset/sunrise  times.  Rolf would  like  to
receive real RST  reports, not  the standard 599. QSL  direct via home  call.

ARRL DX  CW  Contest  (21-22  February)  --->  The  following  stations  have
announced their participation in this year's event:
* AA4NC and K4MA as 8P9JA (Multi-Single) from Barbados. QSL via K4MA.
* Olli, EA4BQ/OH0XX as 8R1K from Guyana. QSL to Olli Rissanen, Calle Ciguela,
   331, 28729 Venturada, Madrid, Spain.
* Saty, JE1JKL as 9M6NA (SOSB 80m) from Labuan Island, East Malaysia. QSL via
   home call.
* Robert, S53R as A61AJ (SOAB) from  the United Arab  Emirates. QSL via  K2UO
   (Americas) or DJ2MX (others).
* Steve, AK0M as C6ASB (SOAB Low Power, QSL via home call) and Randy, W6SJ as
   C6AWS (SOAB Low Power, QSL via home call) from the Bahams.
* DL3OI, DL4LQM, DL4WG, DL5AXX, DL5LYM and DL8WAA as CS6V (Multi-Multi)  from
   Portugal. QSL via DL5AXX (dl5axx@qsl.net).
* The Gran Canaria DX Group as EA8ZS (Multi-Single, QSL via bureau) and  Jim,
   ON5UM as EA8/ON5UM (SOAB LP, QSL  via home call)  from the Canary  Islands.
* Laurent, FM5BH as SOAB High Power from Martinique. QSL via W3HNK.
* K3LP, N7DD, N3SB, K3MM, N8II,  W3ARS and N3KS  as FS5UQ (Multi-Multi)  from
   St. Martin. QSL via www.qrz.com
* Rich, K2WR as GJ2A (SOAB) from Jersey.
* William, N7OU as N7OU/HI9 (SOAB Low Power) from the Dominican Republic. QSL
   via home call.
* JY9QJ as a SOAB entry from Jordan. QSL via DL5MBY.
* Rick, K6VVA as KP2CW (SOAB High Power) from the US Virgin Islands. QSL  via
   home call.
* George, KP2/K2ZZ as SOSB (15 metres) Low Power from the US Virgin  Islands.
   QSL via W1QJ.
* Javi, LU5FF as SOAB (Low Power). QSL via EA7JX.
* Mat, F5SHQ as MJ0ASP (SOSB 20m) from Jersey, QSl via F5SHQ.
* Paolo/I2UIY as P40G (QSL via I2EOW), John/W2GD as P40W (SOAB, QSL via N2MM)
   and Andy, AE6Y as P40Y (QSL via home call) from Aruba.
* W8TK, W0NB, N1ZZ, W8AV, W0CG as PJ2T (Multi-Two) from Curacao,  Netherlands
   Antilles. QSL via N9AG.
* KU8E, W9RE,  N5OT  and N4GG  possibly  as PJ4R  (Multi-Two)  from  Bonaire,
   Netherlands Antilles.
* Jim, K1NA as PJ5NA (SOAB) from St. Eustatius. QSL via home call.
* George, K2DM and Peter, K3ZM as V26DX (Multi-Single) from Antigua. QSL  via
* W2OX as V47KP from St. Kitts. QSL via K2SB.
* AG9A and K9RS as VP5K from North Caicos. QSL via K9QVB.
* Jim, N6TJ as ZD8Z (SOAB) from Ascension Island. QSL via VE3HO.
Do not forget to give a look to the Announced Operation tables maintained  by
Bill Feidt, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/

                         >>> ANTARCTIC OPERATIONS <<<

SOUTH ORKNEYS  - Henry, LU4DXU  is  expected to  go  QRT as  AY1ZA  from  the
                  "Orcadas" base on Laurie Island on 21 February.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

OPERATORS NEEDED --->  Charles "Frosty" Frost,  K5LBU is  putting together  a
team to  operate  from Botswana  (A2)  in July,  IARU  contest  (10-11  July)
included. If interested, please contact Frosty at frosty1@pdq.net [TNX K5LBU]

QSL 4L1GW ---> Vladimir Radev, LZ1OT is the QSL manager for 4L1GW. Cards have
been already printed and requests can  be sent either  direct or through  the
bureau. [TNX LZ1OT]

QSL BI3H ---> Mac, W3HC has finally received the BI3H logs for the year  2000
in order. Those who sent a request had it returned unverified are invited  to
resubmit. [TNX W3HC]

QSL VIA  IK7JWX  ---> Those  who  need a  bureau  card  for  ZA0IS  (EU-169),
ZA0/IK7JWX (EU-169)  or ZA3/IK7JWX  can send  their QSO  data to  Alfredo  at
either ik7jwx2003@yahoo.it or ik7jwx@aliceposta.it [TNX IK7JWX]

SFDXA ---> The newly elected officers of the South Florida DX Association for
2004-05 are Steve/W4DTA (President), Bill/W2CQ (Vice-President),  Brian/NY4PD
(Secretary),  Bruce/W4OV  (Treasurer),  Ron/W4BP,  Don/W3AZD  and   Norm/W4QN
(Directors). [TNX W4DTA]

WARD AWARD --->  The WARD (World  Amateur Radio Day)  Award commemorates  the
World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU  on 18 April each year. The  award
is sponsored by  MK QTC (the  Polish Amateur Radio  Journal) with the  Polish
Amateur Radio Union's support, and it is issued to licenced amateurs and SWLs
for contacts made/heard between 00.00 and 23.59 UTC on 18 April. For  further
information please  e-mail Sylwester  Jarkiewicz,  SP2FAP at  qtc@post.pl  or
visit http://qtc.radio.org.pl/ward2004/ [TNX SP2FAP]

+ SILENT KEY + We are sad to report  the passing of Percy Raurich, CE7ZK  (14
February) and Edilberto "Beto"  Rojas, HK3DDD (18  February). [TNX CO2QQ  and
The Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

II0RAI:  Pictures of II0RAI and II9RAI [425DXN  660], as well as  information
          on the  relevant award,  are now  available at  http://www.raiway.it
          (under "news"). [TNX IK0ZRR]
XF1K:    Information and pictures of the recent operation from NA-166 are now
          available at http://www.islandradio.org. Other pictures can be found
          at http://www.425dxn.org

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W2B        XW2A        D44TT       K1BV        SX1A        SV1DPI
4J4AF       EA7FTR      DU9/N0NM    W4DR        T20HC       DL9HCU
4K0GNY      GM0GNY      EA6UN       EC6TK       T32Z        K3PD
4L1DA       W7LPF       EA8/OH4NL   OH2BYS      T98FKN      CT1FKN
4L1QX       RW6HS       ED3TCG      EA3DQU      TP7CE       F5LGF
4L8A        OZ1HPS      ED3VGC      EA3NI       UA0AZ       W3HNK
4N200A      4N1A        EM5U        UT2UB       UA1OJL/A    RZ3EC
4S7CWG      DK7PE       EW6AC       DL8KAC      UA1ONY      RZ3EC
4S7DLG      DK7TF       EW6AF       DL8KAC      UE1QAP      UA1RJ
4S7FPG      DL4PG       EX2M        W3HNK       UE1QAP/1    UA1RJ
4S7LHG      DJ3FK       EX8QB       IK2QPR      UE1QAP/3    UA1RJ
4V200YH     DL7CM       EY8MM       K1TT        UE1QSK      UA1RJ
5B4/RA3CQ   RA3AMG      FG5FC       F6DZU       UE1RAP      UA1RJ
5U7JB       ON5NT       FK8GX       W3HNK       UE1SAP      UA1RJ
5W1SA       JH7OHF      FS5UQ       W3HNK       UE3FKW      RZ3DYG
5Z4HW       DL3DF       HC1MD       K8LJG       UE3IAP      UA1RJ
5Z4PV       PA3CBH      II2V        IK2LNJ      UE3SAP/3    UA1RJ
7Q7HB       G0IAS       IQ5RR       I5DOF       UE3SFF/4    RU3SD
7X0AD       EA4URE      J43BSF      SV1CIB      UN7EG       DL8KAC
7X5JF       DJ8QP       J68AR       K9JE        UU7J        W1TE
8P9JA       K4MA        J68AS       N9AG        V26G        N2ED
8P9NX       W0SA        J68GS       KI6T        V51KC       WD4AWO
8Q7RK       JA1BRK      J6DX        N9AG        V73MJ       JF1NZW
8Q7VV       AI6V        J75KG       KU9C        VK9LB       DL7AFS
8R1RPN      EA4BQ       J79Z        K3TEJ       VP2E        N5AU
8S7A        W3HNK       J7A         KU9C        VP5/AG9A    K9QVB
9J2BO       G3TEV       JA6WFM/HI8  JA6VU       VP5/K7BV    KU9C
9M6NA       JE1JKL      JT1FDD      RW6HS       VP5/K9RS    K9QVB
9Y4SF       WA4JTK      JW5HE       LA5HE       VU3VLH      OK1TN
A22TL       ZS6TFB      KL7DX       AC7DX       WP2Z        KU9C
A61AJ       DJ2MX (a)   L20H        EA7FTR      XE1YYD      EA5KB
A61AJ       K2UO  (b)   LU1DZ/X     EA3RE       XQ3WTR      W3HC
A71EM       LZ1YE       OC3I        OA4DJW      XU7AAA      XW2A
AY1ZA       LU4DXU      OY3QN       OZ1ACB      YA1RS       ZL1RS
BW0PSK      BV2KI       P40G        I2EOW       YB0ECT      K5ZE
BW0RTY      BV2KI       P40LE       K2LE        YI3DX       W3ICM
C6AKQ       N4BP        P40W        N2MM        YI3Q        W3HNK
C6ALK       K7RE        P40Y        AE6Y        YI9ZF       SM1TDE
C6AMM       K1CN        P49MR       VE3MR       YV1/K3UOC   W1AF
C6APG       K4PG        PA6Z        PA1K        YV5ANF      EA7FTR
C6APX       KC4PX       PJ2L        K2LE        ZD8A        N6CW
C6APX       KC4PX       PT5T        W3HC        ZF2BC       W8HW
C6AQX       WA8SQX      PY2OMS      W3HC        ZF2DS       W3WKP
CE3WTR      W3HC        RA1OZ/A     RZ3EC       ZK3SB       I2YSB (c)
CO2CI       WD4OIN      RW0BB/9     UA4RC       ZK3SB       M5AAV (d)
CO8LY       EA7ADH      SJ9WL       SM5DJZ      ZS4PB       W3HNK
CU3DJ       K3PD        SV0XAI/9    LA4XFA      ZY1AA       PY1AA

(a) others       (b) Americas       (c) direct       (d) bureau

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DJ2MX   Mario Lovric, Kampenwandstrasse 13, 81671 Munich, Germany
DL7AFS  Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstrasse 86, 34123 Kassel, Germany
EA7FTR  Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain
G0IAS   Allan Hickman, The Conifers, High Street, Elkesley, Retford, DN22 8AJ
         Notts, UK
I2YSB   Silvano Borsa, P.O. Box 45, 27036 Mortara - PV, Italy
I5DOF   Franco Donati, Via A. Fratti 205, 55049 Viareggio - LU, Italy
JA6VU   Kano Masaaki, 712 Kagami-Machi, Yatsushirogun, Kumamoto 869-4203,
K2UO    George R. Oliva Jr, 5 Windsor Drive, Eatontown, NJ  07724, USA
KG4WW   Bill Walker, USNH GTMO, Box 4, FPO AE 09589, USA
LU3MAM  Osvaldo Peralta, P.O. Box 232, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina
ON5NT   Ghis Penny, P.O.Box 93, BE-9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium
PA0RRS  Richard Smeets, Schoorveken 100, 5121 NM Rijen, The Netherlands
PS8ET   Jose of Jesus Moura Costa, Q-25 C-17 Parque Piaui, Teresina, PI
         64025-100, Brazil
RZ3EC   Eugene Shelkanovtcev, P.O. Box 70, Orel 302028, Russia
SV1DPI  Kostas Stamatis, P.O. Box 66, 30100 Agrinio, Greece
UN7AB   Aleksandr Zavodyanyj, 9 MKRN, 29 dom, 37 kv, Aktau, 466200,
UT2UB   Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine
W7LPF   Joseph Lutz, 5421 RTE 711, New Florence, PA 15944, USA
XW2A    P.O. Box 10003, Vientiane, Laos

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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