425 DX News #663 17 January 2004 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 7Q - Mark/G4AXX, Dick/GU4CHY, Steve/G4JVG and Rich/M5RIC will operate from Malawi between 18 April and 1 May. The callsign will be announced shortly before the start of the operation. Activity will be on 10-80 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK, using three stations with amplifiers and beam antennas. QSL via G3LQP direct (Roger Brown, 262 Fir Tree Road, Epsom KT17 3NL, England) or via the bureau. A website at http://www.malawi.digital-crocus.com has been set up and will include a log-search facility updated regularly. Each of the team members will be making a personal donation to a Malawian aid charity (details to appear on the website) and donations from DX clubs and individuals for the DXpedition or the charity would be welcome. They may be sent to G4JVG (Steve Telenius-Lowe, 27 Hertford Road, Stevenage SG2 8RZ, England). [TNX G4JVG] 9Q - Gus, SM5DIC will be going back to the Democratic Republic of Congo on 20 January for two months and will operate (also on 6 metres and digital modes) the club call 9Q0AR in his spare time. QSL direct only via SM5BFJ (Leif Hammarstrom, Lerklockan 4, SE-73091 Riddarhyttan, Sweden). [TNX The Daily DX] C5 - Jan, PA9JJ will be active again as C56JJ from Kololi, The Gambia from 29 March to 5 April. This year he will operate also RTTY and/or PSK31 and will try to work on 160 metres. If the low bands are not good, he will concentrate on the WARC bands. No activity on 6 metres is planned. QSL information at www.qrz.com/c56jj [TNX PA9JJ] C6 - Wade, AA8LL and Liz, K8LIZ have cancelled their 16-19 January activity from Crooked Island (NA-113) [425DXN 662]. The trip may be rescheduled in February or March. [TNX AA8LL] C6 - Steve, AK0M will be active (on 10-80 metres mainly CW) as C6ASB from Treasure Cay (NA-080), Bahamas on 21-28 February, including some casual all-band operation in the ARRL DX CW Contest. Steve's wife Sandy, KC0RD may also be active as C6ASC. QSL via AK0M. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] CE - CA5UBP reports he plans to operate (on 80, 40 and 10 metres, from 2 to 11 UTC) from the Bio-Bio Region group (SA-070, Santa Maria and Quiriquina Islands) on 20-25 January. QSL direct only to CA5UBP (www.qrz.com). CT - Weather permitting, CT1GFK/p, CT1GPQ/p, CT2IHP/p, CT2IUA/p and CT1EHX/p will operate from Ilha do Barro (not IOTA, DIP AL-21) on 18 January. Look for them on 40, 20, 17, and 15 metres SSB and CW between 7 and 12 UTC. QSL via home calls. [TNX CT1END] F - Jean-Marc, F5SGI will be active, hopefully as TM6ILE, from Groix Island (EU-048, DIFM AT-012) on 11-18 April. This will be a 10-80 metres CW only operation. QSL via home call (but contacts will be confirmed automatically via the bureau). [TNX F5SGI] FM - Guy, F5MNW will be active as FM/F5MNW from Martinique (NA-107, DIFO FM-001) from 21 February to 6 March. He will operate on the HF bands only CW during his spare time. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL] FS - David/K3LP, Larry/N7DD, Steve/N3SB, Tyler/K3MM, Jeff/N8II, Clint/W3ARS and Kam/N3KS will be active as FS/homecall from St. Martin (NA-105) on 18-24 February. They will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest (21-22 February) as FS5UQ (Multi-Multi). All QSLs are via www.qrz.com [TNX NG3K] HA - On 1 May Hungary will become a full member of the of the European Union and, to celebrate the event, special callsign HA2004EU will be used by members of MOM Radioclub through the end of the year. Further information is available at http://ha2004eu.hu/ [TNX HA5X] HC - Rick, NE8Z will be operating as HC1MD from Tumbaco, Ecuador on 22-28 January. Look for activity on 80-10 metres CW and SSB, with an emphasis on the WARC bands. On 26 January Rick will have access to 6 metres (100w + 5 element yagi) and will be be monitoring 50110 kHz all day. QSL via www.qrz.com or K8LJG (John Kroll, 3528 Craig Drive, Flint, MI 48506, USA). Do not forget to give a look to the HC-DX Awards at http://www.octavia.com/qsl/awards.htm [TNX NE8Z] J3 - Bob, AA1M and Mike, W1USN will be active as J3/homecall from Grenada from 29 January through 6 February. They will operate CW, SSB and some PSK on the HF bands. QSL via jome calls, direct or bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] KG4 - Tip, N4SIA will operate on all bands as KG4AS from Guantanamo Bay starting on 20 January for eight days. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] LU - Henry, LU4DXU is currently active as LU4DXU/X from Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego, SA-008) until 22 January. Look for him around 14290 kHz. Depending on transportation opportunities, Henry might operate also from other nearby IOTA islands. QSL via home call. See Antarctic Operations below for the latest information on Henry's activity from the South Orkneys. [TNX DL5EBE] LU - Alberto/LU1DZ, Hector/LU6UO and Fernando/LW2DX will operate as homecall/L from Esquina, in the rare Corrientes province of Argentina, on 22-27 January. The operation is sponsored by the Grupo Argentino de CW (GACW) and they will operate CW on all the HF bands. QSL LU1DZ/L via EA3RE, others via home calls. [TNX LW2DX] PA - ON6UM, ON4LO, ON4LN and ON4BAG will be active (SSB and digital modes) again from Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146) on 24 January. [TNX ON6UM] PY0_fni- Bill, W5SJ will operate as PR0F from the PY0FF station on Fernando de Noronha on 21-27 January. He plans to be on CW most evenings on 160, 80 and 40 metres; on 24-25 January he will be on 10109, 14225, 18127, 21225, 24935 and 28450 kHz from around 15 to 18 UTC. The CQ WW 160 CW Contest is the main purpose for this trip. [TNX QRZ-DX] T33 - The equipment for the T33C DXpedition to Banaba [425DXN 651] has been shipped. The team will arrive on Tarawa (T30) late in March and T33C should be on the air by 4 April. The 2-week expedition will be a major effort, featuring 24 hour a day operations on all bands and modes with seven separate stations. The expedition still needs contributions to cover costs. Contributions may be sent to F5CWU (Flo Moudar, 25 Rue du Castel Salis, 37100 Tours, France) or by PayPal to pa2r@muurkrant.com or pa5et@muurkrant.com; for further information, please visit http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004. [TNX K6SRZ, doctore@well.com] T8 - Kazu, JH6WDG will operate (on 80-10 metres SSB and CW) as T88AQ from Palau (OC-009) from 27 January to 2 February. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [TNX JH6WDG] TJ - Oscar/IK2AQZ, Giuliano/IK2OPW and Mario/IW2HUZ will be active as TJ1GA from Cameroon on 16-30 January. They will operate SSB and PSK31 on 80-6 metres. QSL via IK2AQZ, direct or bureau. [TNX I2FUG] UA - Alex/RV3DPM, Vadim/RX3AKL, Vadim/RX3AKQ, Serge/UA3DNR and possibly Dmitry/RA3DEJ will operate (on 80-10 metres CW and SSB) as RK3DZJ/3 (QSL via RA3DEJ) and R3ARS/3 (QSL via RA3AKF) from the Russian National Park "Kerzhenskiy" (RRF-46, RDA NN-26) on 16-18 January. For full information on the RFF Award, please visit http://www.hamradio.ru/rrc/ [TNX UA3DNR] XE - Hector, XE2K and others will be active as XF1K from an island in the Sonora State South group (NA-166, the most "most wanted" IOTA group in North America) on 5-9 February. Plans are to operate on 10-80 metres (maybe on 160m as well) SSB and CW, with three 100 watt stations powered by battery and generator for 18-24 hours on the air. They will have two triband yagis, two verticals for 10-40m and 10-80m (maybe a third one for 10-160m) and one dipole for 80-40-30m. QSL via N6AWD (Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA). Further details will be provided in due course. [TNX XE2K] XT - Orlando, VE4JOP is currently active as XT2OP from Burkina Faso until 26 January. He plans to operate daily on 14195 kHz between 12 and 14 UTC. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] YI - Kaspars, YL1ZF is active as YI9ZF from Baghdad for the coming 6-8 months. Kaspars prefers CW, but he has also equipment for RTTY. QSL via SM1TDE, either direct (Eric Wennstrom, P.O. Box 94, SE-62016 Ljugarn, Sweden) or through the SM bureau. Direct cards without sufficient return postage will be replied to via bureau. [TNX SM1TDE] ZC4 - "After some extensive negotiations", George, 5B4AGC says, "we are pleased to announce that ZC4A will be QRV during the upcoming CQ WW 160m CW Contest. This will be a combined operation from members of the various Sovereign base areas and we have been given permission to use a redundant 200 ft tower which we will be shunt feeding". The operators will be 5B4AGC, 5B4AGN, 5B4FL and ZC4CW. QSL via 5B4AGC. >>> ANTARCTIC OPERATIONS (*) <<< ANTARCTICA - Obi, JA0WJN/8J1RF will be going QRT from Dome Fuji Station (AN-016) on 20 January [425DXN 622 & 42DXN 626]. The research station will be closed on the 23rd and it will take a couple of weeks to reach Syowa station on East Ongul Island (AN-015) by snowmobile. For further information, please visit http:// www.jarl.or.jp/English/4_Library/A-4-7_8j1rl/2002/frame.htm [TNX F5NOD] ANTARCTICA - Nikolai Makarov, UA3YH/AB0KG (R1ANM) is active as KC4AAA from the Amundsen-Scott Base (South Pole, AN-016). QSL via K1IED. Give a look to the beautiful pictures on web site at http://mitglied.lycos.de/mapu2001/nsf.html [TNX F5NOD] ANTARCTICA - Michele, IK7JGQ is active as KC4/IK7JGQ from "Baia Terra Nova" station until 31 January. He can be found on 14185 kHz, with Luigi (IK8OZZ), between 18.30 and 19.15 UTC. For further information, please visit http:// www.italiantartide.it/default.asp Give a look to the beautiful pictures on web site at http://www.gdargaud.net/Antarctica/TerraNova.html SOUTH ORKNEYS - On 23 January Henry, LU4DXU will board the supply ship "Almirante Irizar"; he expects to arrive to Laurie Island, South Orkneys (AN-008) on the 26th and to operate as AY1ZA from the "Orcadas del Sur" base until 29 February. He plans to operate SSB (28390, 24930, 21190, 18130, 14290, 7090, 3785 kHz), CW (28035, 24905, 21035, 18090, 14035, 10120, 7025, 3515, 1835 kHz), RTTY (28120, 21090, 14090 kHz) and PSK31 (21070, 14070 kHz) with a linear amplifier, a 4-element yagi, a rhombic antenna and some wire antennas. QSL via LU4DXU (Horacio Enrique Ledo, P.O. Box 22, 1640 Martinez - Buenos Aires, Argentina). [TNX DL5EBE] (*) As far as base names, locations and accessory information are concerned, the reference source is the WABA Directory 2003 (which is also an acknowledged reference source for the RSGB IOTA Programme). _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 1A0KM ---> Contrary to previous announcements, on-line logs for the most recent 1A0KM operation will not be available - not for the time being, at least. According to their web page, 1A0KM was pirated on the following days/times: 2 January 23-24 UTC (40 metres CW), 3 January 08-09 UTC (20 metres CW), 4 January 01-06 UTC (40 metres CW) and 20-21 UTC (40 metres CW). [TNX http://www.sixitalia.org/1a0km/1a0km2004.htm] 3XY1L ---> Leo, UT1WL/3XY1L logged about 15,000 SSB QSOs during his stay in Guinea, between 16 March and 9 December 2003. His QSL manager (UY5XE) has sent out some 8,000 cards so far (around 900 direct, the rest via the bureau). [TNX UY5XE] DELTA DX ASSOCIATION ---> The officers of the Delta DX Association (Metairie, LA) for 2004 are Chip Tilton/K5RSG (President), Don Boudreau/W5FK (Vice-President), John Uhl/W5ZE (Secretary) and Walt Cockerham/N5VN (Treasurer). [TNX W5ZE] DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations are approved for DXCC credit: 5X2F (29 July 2003 - 1 July 2004), YA4F (September 2003 - April 2004) and YA8G (14 December 2003 - 31 January 31 2004). [TNX NC1L] IPHG AWARD ---> The International Pharmacists Ham Group issues the I.P.H.G. Award for contacts made (or, for SWLs, heard) with IPHG members (details are available at http://www.malpensa.it/iphg/index.htm). Currently there are 170+ members representing 42 countries all around the world and many of them will be on the air on 18 January for the IPHG Sked. Look for them around 3618, 7098, 14318, 21318 and 28318 kHz. [TNX IK2UVR] POSTAGE ---> Owing to the increasing strength of some local currencies against the US dollar and/or new and more expensive postal rates, 1 USD no longer covers return postage from several countries to destinations outside their own continents. Reports received so far include Australia (VK4AAR), Canada (VE3LYC), Denmark (OZ1ACB), France (F5MNW), Germany (DL6ZFG), New Zealand (ZL4HU), The Netherlands (PA3GIO), Sweden (SM7AED, who adds that 1 USD is not sufficient also from Sweden to other European countries). As for Italy, 1 USD is no longer sufficient for Priority Mail letters sent to destinations outside Europe. The current postage for a standard letter up to 20 grams is EUR 0.62 (Europe), EUR 0.80 (Africa, Asia, Americas), EUR 1,00 (Oceania) by Priority Mail (more reliable) and EUR 0.45 (Europe), EUR 0.65 (Africa, Asia, Americas), EUR 0.70 (Oceania) by Ordinary Mail. QSL A52CQ ---> Dane, A52CQ (S57CQ) left Bhutan on 15 January. He logged 1880 QSOs, many of them on the low bands. According to Slavko, S57DX (QSL manager), cards will be printed in the next 2 or 3 weeks. If you use IRCs, please make sure that the coupon is properly stamped in the left corner. [TNX S57DX] QSL KH7R ---> Please note that Ken, W8LU is not the the QSL manager for KH7R (Hawaii). The correct QSL route is direct to Ken Hoppe, P.O. Box 95521, Las Vegas, NV 89193-5521, USA. [TNX K1XN and The Golist] QSL PZ5A ---> QSLs for PZ5A (CQ WW DX SSB 2003) and for pre/post contest operation by PZ5UE, PZ5FF and PZ5CQ have been received from the printer and it is hoped to have all direct requests received so far answered within two weeks. Refer to the web page for additional information (http://www.mdxa.org/pz_2003.html). [TNX W5UE] QSL VIA N9NU ---> Tim, N9NU says there was a typo in his qrz.com information page and e-mail signature, as he is the QSL manager for A92GQ (and not A92GE, as reported in 425DXN 662). Tim says he will be handling QSL services for Serge, UA9CKN as well. Log searches are available at http://www.n9nu.net/logsearch/logsearch.php QSL VIA UA3FDX ---> Vladimir, UA3FDX (not UA3DFX as reported by UA3SAQ in 425DXN 662) is the new QSL manager for 4J1S, 4K1V, 4K60AA, 4K7DWZ and 4K7Z. He has logs and cards also for 4K50V, 4K51V, 4K52V and 4K53V. The address is Vladimir Ulyanov, P.O. Box 10, Moscow 121615, Russia. [TNX UA3FDX] + SILENT KEY + Ace Jevremov, DJ0LZ (Z32FD) reports that Petar "Pepi" Krajcev, Z31PK passed away on 13 January at 64 years of age. "I was his QSL manager", Ace says. "Pepi was one of the best teachers for all of us in Macedonia". [TNX K1XN and The Golist] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CONTEST: An excellent source of information is the Contest Service by Jan Eric Rehn, SM3CER (http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/) LOGS: On-line logs of the recent Z38M operation can be found at http://www.mdxc.org/ [TNX IZ8CCW] _____________________________________________________________________________ QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A0KM, 3A2MD, 3C0V, 3D2II, 3G1P (SA-085), 3XY1L, 4K6CD, 4S7VK, 5H3RK, 5R8FL, 5R8HA/P, 5U7B, 5W1SA, 5Z4FM, 6K2CLF/4 (AS-085), 6W/ON5TN, 7P8NK, 7Q7PS, 7W4HI (AF-094), 8P6KY, 9G5ZZ, 9J2BO, 9J2KC, 9K2MU, 9M2/G44ZFE/P, 9M6NA, A43GI (AS-119), A45WG, A52SM, A61AJ, AH2R, AP2IA, BD5RI, BQ9P, C49A, C56JHF, CE0Y/SP9EVP, CE0Y/SP9PT, CW4A, CX9AU, CY9A, DP1POL, EK3SA, EP3CQ, EP3SMH, F/ON5MF/P (EU-058), FO/DL3GA (OC-152), FO/I1SNW (OC-264), FO/IT9EJW (OC-264), FO/IT9YRE (OC-264), FS/N5GI, FY5FY, H40H, HC1/NP3D, HC8N, HK3CQ, HP1/DL2OE, HV5PUL, HZ1AB, HZ1MD, IK8PGM/9 (EU-166; IIA ME-038), IT9EJE/p (EU-166; IIA ME-038), IT9EJW/p (EU-166; IIA ME-038), IT9FCC/p (EU-166; IIA ME-038), IT9HLN/p (EU-166: IIA ME-038), J49RW, J8DX, JD1YAB, JY4NE, JY8YB, JY9QJ, KH7X, KK2H/KH2, KP2D, OC4WW, OH0NL, P29KM, P40E, PW0T, R1ANM, R1PQ, S21YY, T21MY, T31MY, T77M, TA0/F5SNY (AS-098), TA1FA, TA2IJ, TF8GX,TI3TLS, TI5/KE0UI, TI5N, TL8CK, TU2MA, TX0AT, V31FG, V47KP, V47UY, V73AZ, V85GA, VK4GL/P (OC-265), VK9CD, VK9XW, VP9I, VQ9LA, VR2MY, WH0L, WR2W/KH2, XU7ACT, XZ7A, YI9X, YJ0AMY (OC-110), YJ0ATU (OC-110), YN9HAU, YS1UL, YW5M (SA-015), YW6P (SA-090), YW8D (SA-063), Z22JE, Z24S, ZD8Z, ZK2GB, ZL5CP, ZM8CW. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************