DX425 bulletin issue nr. 662

425 DX News #662
10 January 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                          >>> 425 DX NEWS SURVEY <<<

425 DX News has launched a new survey,  this time for the best DXpedition  in
2003.   Fourteen    DXpeditions   have    been   selected;    please    visit
http://www.425dxn.org/trophy_2003/ and cast your vote.

C5     - Look for C56/G0VUH  to be active  on all  bands from  The Gambia  on
          16-30 January. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
C6     - Look for Wade, AA8LL/C6A and Liz,  K8LIZ/C6A to operate (mostly  SSB
          on 40-10 metres, with an  emphasis on the  WARC bands) from  Crooked
          Island (NA-113), Bahamas  on 16-19  January. On  17-18 January  they
          will be  active  as  C6ALB from  the  Bird  Rock  Lighthouse  (ARLHS
          BAH-005, WLA LH-0118). QSL  via home calls,  direct or bureau.  [TNX
CT     - Toze, CT1GFK/P and  Goncalo, CT1GPQ/P will  be active on  20 and  40
          metres SSB and  CW from Geada  Island (not  IOTA, DIP  AL-22) on  11
          January (7-12 UTC). QSL via home calls. [TNX CT1END]
HI     - Look for John, G4RCG/HI9 and Bruce, KI7VR/HI9 to be active from  the
          Dominican Republic  on 17-31  January, CQ  WW 160  Meter CW  Contest
          included. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
HA     - On 1 May Hungary will become  a full member of  the of the  European
          Union and, to celebrate the event, special callsign HA2004EU will be
          used by  members of  MOM  Radioclub through  the  end of  the  year.
          Further information is available at http://ha2004.eu/ [TNX HA5X]
I      - IZ1CCE, I1RB, IK1MJG, IK1QLD and IZ1ESH  will be active as  IZ1CCE/L
          (from Lions Club Solferino in Torino, Italy) on 10-11 January during
          the   33rd    annual   Hunting    Lions   in    the   Air    Contest
          (http://www.sarl.org.za/public/contests/lionita.asp). Look for  them
          on +/-  7085,  14185,  21285  and  28485  kHz.  The  contest  is  to
          commemorate the birth of Melvin Jones, the founder of Lionism,  born
          on 13 January 1879. QSL via IZ1CCE, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ1CCE]
KG4    - Bill, W4WX  (KG4DX) has  had to  cancel his  13-19 January  trip  to
          Guantanamo Bay [425DXN  660] owing  to "shortage  of billeting".  He
          will try again later in the year. [TNX W4WX]
S5     - Radio Club S59DKR will operate (on all HF bands CW, SSB and  digital
          modes) as S59DKR/p from Drazgose on  10-11 January to celebrate  the
          62nd anniversary of the battle that took place during WW II. Further
          information at http://lea.hamradio.si/~s59dkr [TNX S58MU]
UA     - Alex, RX3AJL/p  plans  to  operate (only  on  20  metres  SSB)  from
          Vodokhlebina and  possibly other  islands for  the Russian  Robinson
          Award along the White Sea coast on 8-10 January. [TNX RZ3EM]
VU     - Ram, VU3DJQ  expects to  operate as  either  AT0D or  AT0DJQ  during
          contests (20 metres only) from 10 January through 31 March. QSL  via
          EA7FTR. [TNX VU3DJQ]
W      - Dan, W2NDP  and Budd,  N4WBJ will  be active  from Honeymoon  Island
          (NA-034) on 11 January. QSL via  home calls, direct or bureau.  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
XU     - Peter, NO2R has  had to postpone  his XU7ACY  activity [425DXN  661]
          from Cambodia. He will be leaving  on 31 January and ashould be  QRV
          from about 2 to 8 February. [TNX NO2R]

                       >>> ANTARCTIC OPERATIONS (*) <<<

- Ricardo, CE3HDI will be active (on all bands  CW and SSB) as CE9R from  the
   Chilean base  "Presidente  Eduardo Frei  Montalva"  on King  George  Island
   (South Shetlands, AN-010) until 24 February. QSL via CE3HDI. [TNX CE6TBN]
- Voytek, SP5QF will  be active as  either HF0QF and  HF0POL from the  Polish
   "Henryk Arctowski"  station  at Rakusa  Point,  King George  Island  (South
   Shetlands, AN-010) until December. He will operate on all bands CW and SSB.
   QSL via SP7IWA, direct or bureau. [TNX SP7IWA]
- Filippo, IK0AIH  was active  as KC4/IK0AIH/p  from  "Concordia" base  on  5
   January. Located at Dome C (75.06S-123.23E, East Antarctic Plateau, AN-016)
   and opened in January 1997, this  Antarctic station is a project  developed
   jointly by France and Italy. Give a  look to the beautiful pictures on  the
   station's web site at http://www.concordiastation.org
   In the meanwhile, Michele/IK7JGQ operated as  IA0PS from the Italian  "Baia
   Terra Nova" station at Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land (AN-016).
- Martin, LU3DO is the new the  new medical doctor at  the "Orcadas" base  on
   Laurie Island, South Orkneys (AN-008). He is expected to operate as LU3DO/Z
   until March 2005 and to use the equipment that Henry, LU4DXU will leave  at
   the base after his own operation [425DXN 659]. [TNX DL5EBE]

(*) As far as base names, locations and accessory information are  concerned,
the  reference  source  is  the  WABA  Directory  2003  (which  is  also   an
acknowledged reference  source  for  the RSGB  IOTA  Programme).  It  can  be
downloaded at http://www.ddxc.net (the web master, Egidio/IZ8BRI, is not  and
has never been involved in WABA management, so please refrain from contacting
him on WABA matters).

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CE6TBN/8 --->  Three pilot  stations will  assist  Marco, CE6TBN  during  his
operations from the islands of Riesco (SA-091, 12-15 January) and  Wellington
(SA-032,    17-20    January)     [425DXN    658].     They    are     JA1QXY
(ja1qxy@mub.biglobe.ne.jp) for Japan,  CE1VLY (ce1vly@123mail.cl) and  CE1URH
(ce1urh@hotmail.com) for the rest of the world. [TNX CE6TBN]

DXCC NEWS ---> The 9-16 September 2003 BQ9P operation from Pratas Island  has
been approved for DXCC credit. [TNX NC1L]

DX SPOTS ---> Rod Elliott, VE3IRF  has collected the  DX spots from the OH2AQ
Web Cluster since January 1997.  The collection  -  from  January 1997  up to
December 2003 - is available at http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/.

EASTER ISLAND ---> Wojciech, SP9PT  and Jerzy, SP9EVP  logged 17,482 QSOs  on
CW, SSB  and RTTY  during their  19 October-1  November 2003  operation  from
Easter Island.  QSLling has  started; cards  for CE0Y/SP9PT  and  CE0Y/SP9EVP
should be sent direct to home calls. [TNX SP9PT]

GACW KEY DAY  ---> The GACW  KD will take  place from 18  UTC on 28  February
through 6  UTC  on the  29th.  This  is  not a  contest,  but  an  event  for
encouraging amateur radio  operators to log  as many QSOs  as possible  using
their non-electronic  keys. More  information at  http://gacw.no-ip.org [TNX

LIGHTHOUSES ---> Alfredo, IK7JWX (ik7jwx2003@yahoo.it)  provides the list  of
lighthouses he  has  operated from  so  far (QSL  via  home call,  direct  or
Year Day/Month Call      Lighthouse                      WAIL   ARLHS   WLH
2000 12/11    IK7JWX/p   Monumento al Marinaio d'Italia PU-008 ITA-107   -
     19/11    IK7JWX/p   P.ta San Cataldo di Lecce      PU-007 ITA-142   -
     26/11    IK7JWX/p   Torre Sant'Andrea (Missipezza) PU-006 ITA-170   -
     3/12     IK7JWX/p   Torre Sant'Andrea (Missipezza) PU-006 ITA-170   -
2001 6/1      IK7JWX/p   P.ta Torre Canne               PU-009 ITA-150   -
     28/1     IK7JWX/p   Torre San Giovanni (Ugento)    PU-003 ITA-171   -
     11/2     IK7JWX/p   Torre San Giovanni (Ugento)    PU-003 ITA-171   -
     18/3     IK7JWX/p   Traversa Island (EU-091)         -    ITA-175 LH-005
     13/5     IK7JWX/p   P.ta Palascia (Capo d'Otranto) PU-005 ITA-137   -
     20/5     IK7JWX/p   Capo Santa Maria di Leuca      PU-004 ITA-039   -
     26/5     IK7JWX/IB0 Ventotene Island (EU-045)      LA-005 ITA-172   -
     1/7      IK7JWX/p   Torre Sant'Andrea (Missipezza) PU-006 ITA-170   -
     18-19/8  IK7JWX/p   Capo Santa Maria di Leuca      PU-004 ITA-039   -
     22/8     IK7JWX/IB0 P.ta della Guardia (EU-045)    LA-004 ITA-128   -
     4/11     IK7JWX/p   Capo San Vito                  PU-001 ITA-040   -
     2/12     IR7GM/p    P.ta San Cataldo di Lecce      PU-007 ITA-142   -
2002 18-19/5  IK7JWX/p   Capo Santa Maria di Leuca      PU-004 ITA-039   -
     17-18/8  IK7JWX/p   Sant'Andrea Island (EU-091)      -    ITA-084 LH-075
     2-3/11   IK7JWX/p   Porto Industriale Interno      PU-002 ITA-117   -
     9-10/11  IK7JWX/p   San Cataldo di Bari            PU-010 ITA-141   -
     19-23/12 IK7JWX/ZA0 Sazan Island (EU-169)            -    ALB-004 LH-028
2003 1/6      IK7JWX/ZA3 Cape Durres                      -    ALB-002   -
     14/7     IK7JWX/p   Porto Cesareo Front              -    ITA-237   -
     19-20/7  IK7JWX/p   Brindisi/Casale                PU-015 ITA-069   -
     17-18/8  IK7JWX/p   Torre San Giovanni (Ugento)    PU-003 ITA-171   -
     30-31/8  IK7JWX/p   Porto Cesareo Rear               -    ITA-238   -
     1/11     IR7LH      P.ta San Cataldo di Lecce      PU-007 ITA-142   -
     15/11    IR7LH      P.ta San Cataldo di Lecce      PU-007 ITA-142   -
     22/11    IR7LH      P.ta San Cataldo di Lecce      PU-007 ITA-142   -
     6-7/12   IR7LH      Torre Sant'Andrea (Missipezza) PU-006 ITA-170   -
     13-14/12 IR7LH      Torre Sant'Andrea (Missipezza) PU-006 ITA-170   -
     27/12    IR7LH      P.ta Palascia (Capo d'Otranto) PU-005 ITA-137   -
2004 3/1      IR7LH      Monumento al Marinaio d'Italia PU-008 ITA-107   -
     3/1      IR7LH      Brindisi/Casale                PU-015 ITA-069   -
     4/1      IR7LH      P.ta Torre Canne               PU-009 ITA-150   -

MOST WANTED SURVEY ---> The DX Magazine's (http://www.dxpub.com) annual  Most
Wanted Survey was conducted between mid-September and mid-October 2003,  when
the TO4E/TO4WW expedition to Europa had still to take place. The top 10  Most
Wanted DXCC Entities are  Scarborough Reef (BS7),  Andaman & Nicobar  Islands
(VU4), North Korea (P5), Lakshadweep Islands (VU7), Peter I (3Y), Yemen (7O),
Juan de Nova & Europa (FR/J&E), Navassa Island (KP1), Desecheo (KP5) and Aves
Island (YV0). Complete results  can be found  in the latest  issue of The  DX

PIRATE ---> Mike, G3TEV is the QSL manager for 9J2BO and reports that Brian's
call has been pirated  on 80, 40  and 30 metres.  "This problem is  occurring
quite often,  from the  number of  cards I  have  received", Mike  says.  The
genuine 9J2BO operates on 80 metres  only very rarely due  to the high  noise
level on that band.

POSTAGE FROM AUSTRALIA ---> Peter, VK6RZ reports that "due to the  increasing
value of the Australian  dollar against the  US dollar, one  US dollar is  no
longer sufficient for return postage except to the Asia/Pacific region".

QSL 5B4AHJ ---> Alan, G3PMR has now moved permanently to Cyprus. Bureau cards
for 5B4AHJ (and 5B/G3PMR) should be addressed to 5B4AHJ (not via G3PMR).  QSL
requests via email (g3pmr@shacklog.co.uk) are acceptable. Direct cards should
be sent to  Alan Jubb,  P.O. Box  61430, 8134  Kato Pafos,  Cyprus. All  QSLs
already sent via G3PMR will reach Alan and will be acknowledged, but new  QSL
requests should be made as above. [TNX 5B4AHJ]

QSL IQ6AN ---> Lan, I6KYL  reports that all  of the QSOs  made by IQ6AN  from
Monte Cappuccini Lighthouse (WAIL  MA-003, ARLHS ITA  104) during the  latest
International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend have been confirmed  automatically
via the bureau.

QSL OC-264 ---> All of the direct cards for FO/IT9YRE, FO/I1SNW and FO/IT9EJW
have been mailed. These operations, as well  as V63RE and V63WN in 2002,  are
also accepted for DXCC credit.

QSL UA0FDX  ---> Victor,  UA0FDX reports  that EA5OL  is  no longer  his  QSL
manager. Cards  should  be  sent  direct  to  Victor  Komzuk,  P.O.  Box  29,
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 7, Sakhalin Island, 693007 Russia.

QSL YI/ON5NT ---> Ghis, ON5NT reports that all direct cards have been replied
to. The rest of the QSOs will  be confirmed automatically via the bureau.  In
the meantime Ghis got his personal call (YI9N), but "I doubt that I will ever
use it", he says.

QSL VIA UA3DFX ---> Vladimir, UA3DFX is  the new QSL manager for 4J1S,  4K1V,
4K60AA, 4K7DWZ and 4K7Z. His address is Vladimir Ulyanov, P.O. Box 10, Moscow
121615, Russia. [TNX UA3SAQ]

QSL VIA UA4WHX  ---> Vladimir, UA4WHX  (AC4LN) is  back home  after his  long
Pacific travels (about 85,000 QSOs made  from 25 DXCC  Entities and 35+  IOTA
groups between 1  May and  25 December  2003). QSL  cards will  not be  ready
earlier than a couple of months. The  correct QSL route is via UA4WHX  either
direct (Vladimir M. Bykov, P.O. Box 2040, 426000 Izhevsk, Russia) or  through
the bureau. Cards sent to AC4LN  (CBA or bureau) will be  replied to, but  it
will take time; those who  have a large  number of direct  cards, as well  as
those who would like to  contribute with more  than ordinary return  postage,
are invited to contact Vladimir (ua4whx@mail.ru) for arrangements or to  send
it all to AC4LN. Logs are on paper and  will not be available on-line in  any
form at any time. Vladimir was active as follows:
Date          Call       Island                 DXCC                    IOTA
May 1-12      KH6/AC4LN  Big                    Hawaii                OC-019
May 13        KH2/AC4LN  Guam                   Guam                  OC-026
May 14-15     V63MB      Yap                    Micronesia            OC-012
May 16-18     V63MB      Mog-Mog (Ulithi Atoll) Micronesia            OC-078
May 19-20     V63MB      Yap                    Micronesia            OC-012
May 21-26     T88VV      Peleliu and Koror      Palau                 OC-009
May 27-Jun 1  KH0/AC4LN  Saipan                 Mariana Islands       OC-086
Jun 2-6       V63MB      Pohnpei                Micronesia            OC-010
Jun 6-11      V63MB      Kosrae                 Micronesia            OC-059
Jun 11-20     V73VV      Majuro and Arno        Marshall Islands      OC-029
Jun 24-30     5W0VB      Upolu                  Samoa                 OC-097
Jun 30-Jul 4  ZK2VB      Niue                   Niue                  OC-040
Jul 4-9       5W0VB      Savai'i                Samoa                 OC-097
Jul 10        A35VB      Tongatapu              Tonga                 OC-049
Jul 11-14     A35VB      Foa                    Tonga                 OC-169
Jul 14-17     A35VB      Vava'u                 Tonga                 OC-064
Jul 17-19     A35VB      Tongatapu              Tonga                 OC-049
Jul 19-31     ZL/AC4LN   various locations      New Zealand
Aug 2-4       P29VVB     New Britain            Papua New Guinea      OC-008
Aug 4-8       P29VVB     Los Negros             Papua New Guinea      OC-025
Aug 9-12      P29VVB     Karkar                 Papua New Guinea      OC-258
Aug 12-18     P29VVB     New Guinea             Papua New Guinea      OC-034
Aug 18-20     H44VV      Guadalcanal            Solomon Islands       OC-047
Aug 20-23     H44VV      Nggela                 Solomon Islands       OC-158
Aug 24        H40VB      Nendo                  Temotu Province       OC-100
Aug 25-29     H40VB      Pigeon                 Temotu Province       OC-065
Aug 30        H40VB      Nendo                  Temotu Province       OC-100
Aug 31-Sep 3  H44VV      Guadalcanal            Solomon Islands       OC-047
Sep 5         YJ0VB      Efate                  Vanuatu               OC-035
Sep 6-8       YJ0VB      Ambrym                 Vanuatu               OC-035
Sep 9-12      YJ0VB      Malakula               Vanuatu               OC-035
Sep 13        YJ0VB      Efate                  Vanuatu               OC-035
Sep 14-16     YJ0VB      Tanna                  Vanuatu               OC-035
Sep 17-18     YJ0VB      Efate                  Vanuatu               OC-035
Sep 21-24     FK/AC4LN   Art                    New Caledonia         OC-079
Sep 25        FK/AC4LN   New Caledonia          New Caledonia         OC-032
Sep 27-Oct 3  FW/AC4LN   Wallis Island          Wallis & Futuna       OC-054
Oct 4-7       3D2VB      Viti Levu              Fiji                  OC-016
Oct 8-14      3D2VB/R    Rotuma                 Rotuma                OC-060
Oct 16-20     3D2VB      Viti Levu              Fiji                  OC-016
Oct 21-28     T30VB      Abaiang                West Kiribati         OC-017
Oct 29-Nov 5  T20VB      Funafuti               Tuvalu                OC-015
Nov 6-7       3D2VB      Viti Levu              Fiji                  OC-016
Nov 9-15      ZK1/AC4LN  Penrhyn                Northern Cook Isls    OC-082
Nov 18-26     ZK1/AC4LN  Mangaia                Southern Cook Isls    OC-159
Dec 2-6       FO/AC4LN   Nuku Hiva              Marquesas Islands     OC-027
Dec 7-9       FO/AC4LN   Hiva Oa                Marquesas Islands     OC-027
Dec 11-12     FO/AC4LN   Rurutu                 Austral Islands       OC-050
Dec 13-15     FO/AC4LN   Tubuai                 Austral Islands       OC-152
Dec 16-25     FO/AC4LN   Leeward Isls (various) French Polynesia      OC-067

TEXAS DX SOCIETY  ---> The Texas  DX Society  has elected  the following  new
officers to serve in 2004:  Mike Anderson, N5MV  (President); Don Daze,  N5DD
(Vice-President); Ed Gerber, W5GCX (Secretary); Dave Topp, W5BXX (Treasurer).
The Texas  DX Society  (http://www.tdxs.org) fosters  the  growth of  DX  and
contest activities centered around South Texas, USA. [TNX N5DD]

Z38M ---> IZ8CCW  and IZ8FWN  logged about  10,000 QSOs  during their  recent
activity from Macedonia. They wish to express their gratefulness to to  Z36W,
Z33F, Z31GX and Z32XX for  the help given.  Logs will be  posted soon on  the
Mediterraneo DX Club's web site  at http://www.mdxc.org/z38m, where  pictures
are already available. [TNX IZ8CCW]

+ SILENT KEY + IK1AWV  reports the sad  news of the  passing of INORC  member
Stelvio Bozzano, I1BWI, past President and doyen of ARI Imperia, who became a
Silent Key on 7 January.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
1A0KM       IK0FTA      HC1AJQ      EA7FTR      R1ANF       RK1PWA
3Z2AQB      SP2AQB      HE2MM       HB9MM       RK0AXX      RA0ALM
3Z2EFU      SP2EFU      HF2BBD      SP2BBD      RW0A        RA0ALM
4L1AE       LY2MM       HF2PI       SP2PI       SN2AIB      SP2AIB
4L1W        LY2MM       HF9FM       SP9PKZ      SN2JLR      SP2JLR
4L4MM       F5VHH       HG04HNY     HG4I        SP40PMK     SP2PI
4L5T        LY2MM       HH2SJR      K3PD        T20RE       HA8IB
4S7XKG      LA7XK       HI3TEJ      ON4IQ       T94JJ       OE1EMS
8P9AM       UT2UB       HI7/OE1DIA  OM1APD      TA2ZF       UT2UB
9G1UW       DL8UP       II9RAI      IK0ZRR      TF3CW       LX1NO
9H3CT       G0WKJ       J79USA      N4USA       TM3QK       F5UJY
9K2MU       WA4JTK      J79WW       N4USA       TT8FC       EA4AHK
9M6NA       JE1JKL      J79WWW      N4USA       UE9WFJ      RX9WN
9N7YDY      JH8XIX      JT1T        JT1KAA      UT0U        UT2UB
A43XA       A47RS       JT9BH       JT1BH       UT5UDX      UT2UB
A52CQ       S57DX       JU1T        JT1KAA      V5/JD1BLK   JM1LJS
AM4NET      EA4URE      JW0HZ       SQ5TA       V73MJ       JF1NZW
BN0F        JL1ANP      JW5RIA      LA5RIA      VK9LD       VK2GND
C6A/N3IQ    ND3F        KC4AAA      K1IED       VP5/ZF2ZL   W8ERI
CN2DX       HB9HLM      KC4AAC      K1IED       VP8DHI      NH6YK
CN8YZ       EA7FTR      KH0/JA1KAJ  JA1KAJ      XU7AAA      XW2A
D2PFN       KK5DO       KL7FAA      AC7DX       XV2J        JR1TAG
D44/IZ7ATN  IZ7ATN      KL7J        N3SL        XV2M        SP5JTF
DC1DT       DK3DM       LS4M        LU4AA       XX9TNG      JN4ASA
DP1POL      DL1ZBO      LZ100JVA    LZ1PJ       YA8G        LA4YW
DX1F        JA1HGY      M0SDX       UT2UB       YB0ECT      K5ZE
EL2AR       EL2BA       MM0CWJ      WA3RHW      YB1HLF      EA5KB
EM5U        UT2UB       N0R         K3PD        YI4A        IZ8CLM
EU6MM       IK2QPR      N4Z         N4KZ        YM2ZF       UT2UB
EV60OK      EW8WW       NH2PW       N5FTR       YN4SU       TI4SU
EV6Z        DL8KAC      NP4A        W3HNK       YR300A      YO2BV
FO/OH6KN    OH9MDV      OM100TS     OM3CKU      Z38M        IZ8CCW
FP5BZ       F5TJP       OX/LA8OKA   LA8OKA      ZF2PD       N2LM
GB2NBL      G3UZU       OX3SA       K3PD        ZL/W1CU     W1CU
HA2004EU    HA5X        P49MR       VE3MR       ZW5SF       PP5CIT

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DL1ZBO  Rainer Hilgardt, Hans-Sachs-Weg 38, D-64921 Darmstadt, Germany
IK0FTA  Sergio Roca, P.O. Box 7132, 00162 Roma Nomentano - RM, Italy
JT1AS   N. Sank, P.O. Box 719, Ulaanbaatar-23, Mongolia
JT1BE   R. Timur-Ochir, P.O. Box 116, Ulaanbaatar-24, Mongolia
JT1BG   S. Baatar, P.O. Box 158, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia
JT1BH   S. Surenjav, P.O. Box 125, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia
JT1BJ   Ts. Erdenebileg, P.O. Box 758, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia
JT1BV   T. Naranbaatar, P.O. Box 820, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia
JT1BZ   J. Sukhee, P.O. Box 277, Ulaanbaatar-44, Mongolia
JT1CD   N. Khosbayar, P.O. Box 830, Ulaanbaatar-24, Mongolia
JT1CH   Sh. Chuluunbat, P.O. Box 421, Ulaanbaatar-38, Mongolia
JT1CN   T. Batbayar, P.O.Box 116, Ulaanbaatar-24, Mongolia
JT1CO   Ch. Chadraabal, P.O. Box 905, Ulaanbaatar-23, Mongolia
JT1CS   Z. Bat-Erdene, P.O. Box 125, Ulaanbaatar-37, Mongolia
JT1DA   B. Enkhbayar, P.O. Box 736, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia
JT1KAA  P.O. Box 639, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia
JT2KAA  Dornod Radio Club Station, P.O.Box 94, Dornod, Mongolia
K1IED   Larry F. Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074, USA
LA8OKA  Martin Storli, Engelsrudlia 35, 1385 Asker, Norway
OH9MDV  Kimmo Rautio, Sieppotie 10 as 1B, 90650 Oulu, Finland
RA0ALM  Valeri Koursov, P.O. Box 8611, Krasnoyarsk, 660093, Russia
RK1PWA  Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
UA0AGI  Vladimir A. Simonchuk, P.O. Box 5416, Krasnoyarsk-49, 660049 Russia
UT2UB   Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine
XW2A    P.O. Box 10003, Vientiane, Laos
ZS1BLO  P.O. Box 180, Milnerton 7435, South Africa

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