DX425 bulletin issue nr. 661

425 DX News #661
3 January 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)


The 425 DX News monthly edition  (December issue) and the  425 DX News  Index
for 2003,  both  edited by  Maurizio  Bertolino  (I1-21171/IZ1CRR),  are  now
available at http://www.425dxn.org/, as well as the results of the 2004  Most
Wanted EU Survey (1001 voters).

1A0    - Francesco/IK0FVC along  with  I0JBL, IK0FTA  and  IK0PRG  have  been
          active as 1A0KM from  the Sovereign Military  Order of Malta  (SMOM)
          since 2 January. Operations will continue until 5 January. They have
          set up two stations, one will concentrate on 15 and 20 metres  while
          the other should be active on the other bands (with an empahisis  on
          the low  and WARC  bands).  Logs are  expected  to be  available  at
          http://www.sixitalia.org/1a0km/1a0km2004.htm after  the end  of  the
          activity. QSL via IK0FTA.
          I (Mauro, I1JQJ) am neither a  pilot station nor  a team member,  so
          please avoid inundating me with inquiries about operating schedules,
          etc.  A  special  e-mail  address  (1a0km@sixitalia.org)  has   been
          activated: write  your call  sign in  the  subject line,  use  ASCII
          format only,  do not  send attachments  of  any sort,  refrain  from
          sending any particular band/mode activity requests and refrain  from
          asking "am I in log?" until after on line logs are published.
3B9    - Robert/F5VHN  and  Eric/K3NA  have  joined   the  Five  Star   DXers
          Association's "Project Star  Reach", the  large-scale DXpedition  to
          Rodrigues Island (AF-017) [425DXN 653]. A  multinational team of  29
          operators will be active on all  bands and modes with up to  fifteen
          high-power HF  stations. Look  for 3B9C  to be  QRV by  20 March;  a
          gradual breakdown will start on 12 April, with the team due to leave
          the island on the 14th. Project Star Reach is seeking  contributions
          from sponsors  to help  defray the  costs  of this  DXpedition.  For
          further information please visit http://www.fsdxa.com/3b9c
5V     - Dany/F5CW, Franck/F4AJQ,  Pascal/F5TVG,  Pascal/F5JSD,  Romain/F8BUI
          and Guenther/F5VHQ (OE5TGL) will be active  as 5V7C from Lome,  Togo
          on 6-12 March. They will operate on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and digital
          modes. QSL via F5TVG (Franck Savoldi,  P.O. Box 92, 94223  Charenton
          Cedex,   France).    For    further   information    please    visit
          http://5v7c.free.fr/les_newsleng.htm or  e-mail  5v7c@free.fr  [TNX
9A     - Milan, 9A4KF  plans  to operate  from  different  locations  in  the
          Pakleni Islands  (EU-016) during  the weekends  in January.  Further
          information is available at http://www.inet.hr/9a6aa
          [TNX 9A6AA]
BY     - Harri, OH6YF is in Beijing (BY1)  until 12 January  and plans to  be
          active on  the  amateur radio  bands.  He says  he  will  post  more
          information on his web site (http://www.oh6yf.com).
C6     - Brian, ND3F will  be active (on  10-80 metres CW,  RTTY and SSB)  as
          C6A/N3IQ from Abaco  Island (NA-080), Bahamas  on 2-10 January.  QSL
          via ND3F. [TNX The Daily DX]
FG     - Pierre, F6FXS will be active once again as FG/F6FXS from  Guadeloupe
          (NA-102, DIFO FG-001) between  14 January and  13 February. He  will
          operate on 40, 30 20, 15 and 10 metres CW only with 30 watts into  a
          long wire antenna.  Look for him  every day from  13 to  14 UTC  and
          again from 22 to 24 UTC. QSL  via home call, direct or bureau.  [TNX
FO_aus - OH3JR, OH1AWW, OH6KN, OH9MDV, OH1RX and  OH1RX [425DXN 660] will  be
          active from Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Islands  on 6-18 January.  They
          will operate  CW  (1822, 3503,  7008,  10108, 14008,  18068,  21008,
          24898, 28008  kHz),  SSB (1845,  3790,  7050, 14195,  18145,  21295,
          24945, 28495 kHz) and some RTTY,  with an emphasis on the low  bands
          and QSOs with Europe and US East Coast. Their equipment will include
          1/2 element verticals  for the low  bands and yagis  for the  higher
          bands; plans are to have 2-3 stations active. QSL via OH9MDV, either
          direct (Kimmo Rautio, Sieppotie  10 as 1B,  90650 Oulu, Finland)  or
          through  the  bureau.  The  web  site   for  the  operation  is   at
          http://personal.inet.fi/private/pcf2004/ (on  line  logs  will   be
          available). [TNX OH6KN]
I      - Alfredo, IK7JWX  reports  he will  be  signing  IR7LH  from  various
          lighthouses during  next weekend (3-4 January):  Brindisi Lighthouse
          (WAIL PU-008, ARLHS ITA-107),  Punta Torre Canne (WAIL PU-009, ARLHS
          ITA-150) and Brindisi/Casale  (WAIL  PU-015, ARLHS ITA-069). QSL via
          IK7JWX, bureau or direct. [TNX IK7JWX]
OX     - Frank, DL2SWW and Ric,  DL2VFR will be  active as OX/homecalls  from
          Maniitsoq (Sukkertoppen) Island  (NA-220) from around  18 UTC on  23
          April to around 18 UTC on 5 May. They will operate CW and SSB on  as
          many bands as possible depending on  propagation (no 6m activity  is
          planned). QSL via home calls, bureau or direct. Further  information
          is available at http://www.iota-expedition.com, where on line  logs
          will be posted after the expedition. [TNX DL2VFR]
PA     - ON6UM, ON4LO,  ON4LN and  ON4BAG will  be  active (SSB  and  digital
          modes) again from  Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146)  on 19 January.  [TNX
V3     - Gerd/DJ4KW and Gisela/DK9GG will be active on 10-160 metres as V31YN
          (CW) and V31GW (RTTY) from Belize from 10 January through the end of
          February. On 2-6 February they will operate as V31YN/P (10-40 metres
          CW only) from Lighthouse Reef (NA-123).  QSL via home calls,  direct
          or bureau. Logs  will be available  at http://www.qsl.net/dj4kw and
          http://www.qsl.net/dk9gg [TNX The Daily DX]
XU     - Hiroo, XW2A will be active as  XU7AAA from Cambodia on 2-7  January.
          QSL direct to P.O. Box 10003, Vientiane, Laos. [TNX JI6KVR]
XU     - Peter, NO2R will be active as XU7ACY from Sihanoukville, Cambodia on
          5-12 January. He will operate on 160, 80 and 40 metres  exclusively.
          QSL via K2NJ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

SOUTH  SHETLANDS  --->  Dominik,  DL5EBE  reports  that  Oleg,  UA1PBA   from
Bellingshausen Station (R1ANF)  has got  verbal permission  to operate  again
from the German Dallmann Laboratory on King George Island. Hopefully the call
sign he used in 2003 (DP1ANF)  will be issued again for  an activity to  take
place in February-March.
There are  also plans  to  operate from  the  Chilean Ardley  Refuge  (Ardley
Island), which, according to  Dominik, "in some  listings appears as  'German
Penguin Laboratory'". Actually this Antarctic refuge (originally  established
by the former German Democratic Republic and taken over by the Alfred Wegener
Institute for Polar and Marine Research) was activated only once by DL7VTS as
DP1KGI (January-February 1995)  under the unofficial  and fictitious name  of
"German  Penguin  Laboratory",  before  being  transferred  to  the   Chilean
Antarctic   Institute   in   February   1997   (see  WABA Directory  2003  at
http://www.ddxc.net). Further information on both the operations is  expected
in due course.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

6M BEACON --->  Danny Ponce, WP4F  reports that WP4F/B  is active around  the
clock on 50091  kHz with 5  watts and a  5/8 vertical antenna.  Danny is  the
Sysop  of  "El   Faro  DX  Cluster"   in  San  Juan,   Puerto  Rico   (telnet
wp4f.dns2go.com port 23), as well as the QSL manager for WP4DX (ARRL 10 Meter

DXCC NEWS  ---> DXCC  Manager Bill  Moore,  NC1L  reports that  BQ9P  (Pratas
Island, 9-16 September 2003) has been approved for DXCC credit.

GERMAN POSTAL RATES ---> Rolf,  DL6ZFG reports that  effective 1 January  the
postage for a regular letter from Germany to extra-European countries is  EUR
1.55 (it used to be 1.50), which is not loger covered by 1 US$.

QSL MANAGER SURVEY ---> This is  a nomination process by DXers  of the Top  5
QSL Managers with whom they have  had dealing with in  2003. "The purpose  of
this voting is to give at least a small 'thank you' to the work performed  by
QSL managers around the world", John, K1XN says. "They do not receive  enough
praise for the work they perform, nor are they respected enough by the  DXers
who benefit from their work". Please  send the call signs of  the 5 Best  QSL
Managers (in your opinion) for 2003 to golist@golist.net; the results of this
survey will  be given  to N4AA  for inclusion  in  the QRZ-DX  bulletin.  The
deadline for voting is 1 February. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]

QSL 1A0KM ---> The  new QSL manager  is IK0FTA (Sergio  Roca, P.O. Box  7132,
00162 Roma Nomentano - RM, Italy).  Requests without return postage, as  well
as those without a self-addressed envelope, will be processed, but cards will
be sent via the  bureau. Please refrain  from sending QSLs  for QSOs made  in
different years  in  the same  envelope.  QSL requests  via  e-mail  will  be

QSL 9H1PF & P29KPH ---> Bill, K5YG is no longer the QSL manager for 9H1PF and
P29KPH. Cards for 9H1PF should be  sent direct, for  P29KPH QSL per  operator
instructions. Bill has a few cards  left for those QSLing direct with  return
postage or a green stamp. [TNX N5FG]

QSL 9K2MU ---> Alan, WA4JTK would like to remind everyone that 9K2MU does not
have any cards. QSLs are to be sent direct only to WA4JTK, who processes  the
requests as soon as logs are recieved from  Kuwait. All cards are up to  date
as of 12 November 2003.

QSL 9K9A ---> There  was some confusion  before, but it  has been sorted  out
and, effective immediately,  Tim/N9NU will be  handling QSL  duties for  9K9A
(contest call for 9K2AI). Cards can be sent either direct (Tim Dickerson, 900
Vincent Drive, Sandwich, IL  60548, USA) or  via the bureau.  Tim is the  QSL
manager  also  for  KH6XT,  9K2AI,  A92GE   and  YB0GJS  (on  line  logs   at
http://www.n9nu.net/logsearch/logsearch.php); he  has  two  additional  slots
open if anyone needs a manger. [TNX N9NU]

QSL 9V0A & VP8PJ ---> Alan,  VK4AAR is receiving e-mails  and cards for  9V0A
and VP8PJ simply because he is  the manager for 9V1DX  (the same operator  in
each case). Please  note that the  QSL routes for  these operations have  not
been announced yet.  "I will hold  any cards that  come to me  for either  of
these Antarctic operations", Alan says, "and  will honour them  if I get  the
job". 9V1DX  is  expected  to  post  the QSL  information  on  his  web  page
(http://www.geocities.com/vk0ld/1.html) when  he returns  to Singapore  in  a
couple of weeks. [TNX VK4AAR]

QSL EU-166  --->  Alfio, IT9EJW  reports  that all  of  the  direct  requests
received so far for IT9EJW/P, IT9HLN/9 and IK8PGM/9 from Pietra di Patti (IIA
ME-030, August 2003) have been processed and mailed.

QSL FO/IT9YRE --->  Nando, IT9YRE  reports that  the direct  cards for  Maria
Island (OC-264) will be mailed  starting on 3 January, to let  island chasers
receive them before the IOTA annual update deadline.

QSL TO4E & TO4WW ---> It will take a  while before the cards are printed,  so
please be patient. Didier, F5OGL (the QSL manager for either TO4E and  TO4WW)
is receiving countless e-mails concerning errors in the on-line logs.  Didier
would like to assure the DX community worldwide that each QSL request will be
scrutinized carefully and if gross logging  mistakes are detected, they  will
be corrected. [TNX La Gazette du DX]

QSL VK4WWI/P --->  Johan, PA3EXX reports  that the QSL  cards for his  recent
operation from Cato Reef (OC-265) are  likely to be available in February.  A
few     pictures     and      on-line     logs      are     available      at

QSL VIA LY2MM ---> Al, LY2MM  reports that effective  immediately he will  no
longer be able  to receive  any 4L1AE,  4L1W and  4L5T bureau  cards, as  the
Lithuanian ARS now makes a charge  for QSL management.  "Direct QSLs are  and
will be  processed promptly",  he says,  "but please,  do not  send any  card
through the Lithuanian QSL bureau".

SURVEY ---> Jose, CT1EEB is carrying  out an informal  survey on the  current
band needs (160-6 metres) for Timor  Leste (4W), Angola (D2), Sao Tome  (S9),
Mozambique    (C9),    India    (VU).    Let    Jose    know    by     e-mail
(zemurtosa@mail.telepac.pt)  what  bands  you  still  need  for  these   DXCC

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

1A0KM:    On line logs  for QSOs made  with 1A0KM between  1994 and 1998  are
           available at  http://www.qsl.net/ik0hbn/log.htm; for  QSOs made  in
           the year 2000 please visit http://www.sixitalia.org/1a0km/1a0km.htm
DX SPOTS: Rod Elliott, VE3IRF has collected the  DX spots from the OH2AQ  Web
           Cluster since January 1997. The collection  - from January 1997  up
           to Novembrer 2003 - is available at http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/.
UARL:     UARL  Secretary   Vladimir   I.   Vakatov,   UT1WA   reports   that
           http://www.uarl.com.ua is  no  longer the  URL  for  the  Ukrainian
           Amateur Radio League web site.

QSLs received  direct  or through  managers:  3C0V,  3DA0TM,  3G1P  (SA-085),
3XD02/P (AF-051), 4W2A,  4W2DN, 4W3DX,  5R8HA/P, 5W0UU,  5Z4BK, 7Q7CE,  7W4HI
(AF-094), 7Z1SJ,  9K2MU, 9Y4/DL1MGB,  A25AN, A35WG,  A41MA/P (AS-112),  A43GI
(AS-119), A45WD, A52SM, A61AJ, BQ9P, C56TA, CY9A, D44TT, D4B, ET3PMW,  EY8MM,
FG/EA2RY, FO/DF6IC,  FO/DL3GA,  FO/G35WH/P,  FO5QB  (OC-046),  FY5KE,  HU1M/3
(NA-190), J5UAT/P (AF-020), J8DX, JD1YAB, KH8/N5OLS, KM9D/KH8 (OC-200), MD4K,
OA4BR, P29KM, P29KM/P,  PT0F, PY0FF,  RA6AU, RI1CGR  (EU-133), RW6AWT,  S9SS,
SU9BN, SX9G (EU-187), T21MY, T32Z, T88ZX,  UE1RRC/1 (EU-119), V63SXW,  V63ZT,

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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