DX425 bulletin issue nr. 659

425 DX News #659
20 November 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                     *        TO ALL OUR READERS        *
                     * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES *
                     *     FOR A WONDERFUL  HOLIDAY     *
                     *    AND A  VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR    *

F      - Look for F6IFC/P and F5OGG/P to  be active (on  14250 and 7044  SSB,
          14044 and 7024 CW) from the Vieux Mole Lighthouse (DPLF PB-181,  see
          the   new   website    for   the   World    Lighthouse   Award    at
          http://www.wlh-award.com) from 12 UTC  to 17 UTC  on 22 December  to
          celebrate the  launching of  "Queen Mary  2". QSL  F6IFC/P via  home
          call, QSL F5OGG/P via LX1NO. [TNX F5OGG]
F      - John, F5VHQ plans  to operate  as F5VHQ/p  from Porquerolles  Island
          (EU-070) on 22-23 December and from Cezembre Island (EU-157) between
          28 December and 2 January. QSL via home call.
FR/E   - The TO4E  operation  from Europa  shut  down around  12  UTC  on  17
          December (a couple of days later than originally planned), when  the
          island was hit by tropical storm  Cela. The operators were  expected
          to leave on 18 December, but the latest news is that their departure
          has been delayed for "a few days". They have been granted permission
          to continue using TO4E during  this time, and  one station has  been
          put     back     on     the     air.     Keep     an     eye      on
          http://europa2003.free.fr/europa_infos-e.htm [TNX La Gazette du DX]
KP2    - Kan, AB2RF  will  operate (on  80-6  metres CW,  RTTY  and  SSB)  as
          KP2/AB2RF  from  St.  Thomas,  Virgin  Islands  (NA-106)  on   26-31
          December. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
LU     - The Radio  Club Argentino  will provide  communications to  the  300
          participants in the 6th Andes Crossing between 4 and 15 January. Two
          HF stations will be active on all bands SSB and CW as LS4M (a prefix
          that has not  been activated for  nearly 20 years).  QSL via  LU4AA,
          bureau or direct. A special award will be issued for five QSOs  (any
          mode, any band) with LS4M; further  information can be requested  at
          lu4aa@lu4aa.org [TNX LU1BCE]
LU_so  - Henry, LU4DXU is going to join  the next supply voyage to  different
          Argentine Antarctic bases. He should depart on either 18 December or
          - more likely - on  22 January, and  the first stop  will be at  the
          Navy base "Orcadas" on Laurie Island,  South Orkneys (AN-008),  from
          where he expects to operate for  about 20 days. Henry will have  his
          own radio with  him and will  be active  on 10,  15, 20,  40 and  80
          metres CW, SSB  and RTTY. He  plans to leave  his rig  and a  linear
          amplifier at the LU1ZA club station, in order to guarantee permanent
          operation on the amateur radio bands  from the South Orkneys.  Those
          who  can   help   financially   please   contact   Dominik,   DL5EBE
          (DWeiel@t-online.de). [TNX DL5EBE]
OA     - Martijn, PA3GFE will  be going back  to Peru  on 15  January for  at
          least three months and will operate as OA7/PA3GFE in his spare time.
          His activity will be on 40-6 metres (hopefully also on 80 metres) CW
          and SSB, with the low and  WARC bands as primary interests. QSL  via
          home call, direct or bureau. [TNX PA3GFE]
PA     - ON6UM, ON4LO,  ON4LN and  ON4BAG will  be  active (SSB  and  digital
          modes) from Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146) on 20 December. [TNX ON6UM]
UA     - Several memorial stations  will be active  from different  locations
          between 21 UTC on 18 December until 21 UTC on the 21st to  celebrate
          the 100th  anniversary of  Ernest  Teodorovich Krenkel  (RAEM),  the
          legendary polar  explorer and  radio operator.  Look for  RAEM  (QTH
          Sankt-Petersburg), R1AEM (QTH  Murmansk), R3AEM  (QTH Kolomna,  near
          Moscow), R4AEM (QTH Votkinsk, near Izhevsk), R6AEM (QTH  Krasnodar),
          R9AEM (QTH Vorkuta), R0AEM  (QTH Norilsk). QSL  RAEM via RV1AQ,  QSL
          R#AEM via UA9XC. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VE     - VO1MRC, the Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland, will be conducting a
          propagation experiment on  60 metres from  00.00-24.00 UTC on  20-21
          December. A CW beacon will be in operation on 5269 kHz. The  station
          will be open briefly for 2  way contacts starting 00.00 UTC each  of
          these days and will operate simplex on 5260.5 kHz CW. Following this
          it will transmit on 5327.5 USB and receive 5346.5 USB and 3807.5 kHz
          LSB. [TNX DL8AAM]
VE     - Jeff, KG0VL and Justin, K9MU  will be active  as VE4/K9MU from  grid
          EO16 and VE4/KG0VL from grid EO26 starting on 3 January for a couple
          of      weeks.       Details       can       be       found       at
          http://www.qsl.net/k9mu/ArcticGridExpedition.html [TNX WZ8D]
W      - Peter, W1DAD  and  Jeanne, K1MOM  will  operate as  K1D  between  21
          December and  5  January to  celebrate  Kid's Day  (4  January)  and
          Amateur Radio Awareness week. Look for  them on 28380, 21380,  14280
          and 7230 kHz. QSL via W1DAD (Peter Schipelliti, 7 Dearborn Ridge Rd,
          Atkinson, NH 03811, USA). [TNX W1DAD]
W      - Rich, K8HGY might operate from Hilton Head Island (NA-110) some time
          between 24 December and 2 January. [TNX www.islandchaser.com]
YA     - Johnny Johansen, LA5IIA  will be working  in Kabul, Afghanistan  for
          the next five months and will operate in his spare time as YA8G.  He
          is currently active on 10-40 metres, but  plans are to be QRV on  80
          and 160 metres as well. CW is his preferred mode. His web page is at
          http://www.qsl.net/la8g/YA8G.htm; QSL via LA4YW. [TNX The Daily DX]
Z3     - Antonio, IZ8CCW and  Pietro, IZ8FWN will  be active  as either  Z38M
          (http://www.mdxc.org/z38m) or  Z3/homecalls  from Macedonia  on  2-6
          January. They plan to operate SSB,  CW and RTTY  on all bands  along
          with several members of Z37M. [TNX IZ8CCW]

                          >>>  ANTARCTIC OPERATIONS <<<

* Felix, DP1POL (DL5XL) reports he  will be leaving  Neumayer Station at  the
   end of January 2004, but he is not likely to to  have a lot of time to  get
   on the air during his last few weeks in Antarctica.
* Finn, VK4LL (OZ2QK) has been working at Davis Station since 18 November and
   will remain  there  through  December  2004.  According  to  his  web  page
   (http://www.qsl.net/vk0dx/), Finn is "95% CW fan". QSL to Radio VK0DX,  GPO
   Box 1544, Brisbane 4001, Australia (proceeds beyond return postage will  be
   donated to charity).

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CANADIAN POSTAL RATES ---> Cezar, VE3LYC  reports that as  of 1 January  2004
postage in Canada is going up.  The cost of a regular  letter from Canada  to
overseas (outside of Canada and the US) will  be CND 1.45 (which will NOT  be
covered by USD 1), while from  Canada to the  US it will  be CND 0.80  (which
will be covered by USD 1).

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ---> This year the ARLHS "Lighthouse Christmas Lights" event
will  run   from   20  December   through   4  January   2004.   Details   at

DXCC NEWS ---> KH3/KT6E (Johnston Island) is accepted for DXCC credit.  "Only
authorized persons are allowed to land on Johnston Island", Bill Moore,  NC1L
(DXCC Manager) says. "Proof of presence at certain DXCC entities is required.
Although no  one  has  provided any  information  regarding  that  status  of
KH3/KT6E, some research  on our part  indicates that  DXCC requirements  have
been met".

IPHG AWARD ---> The International Pharmacists  Ham Group issues the  I.P.H.G.
Award for contacts made (or, for SWLs, heard) with IPHG members (details  are
available at http://www.malpensa.it/iphg/index.htm). Currently there are  175
members representing 41 countries all around the world and many of them  will
be on the air on 21 December for the IPHG Greetings Day. Look for them around
3618, 7098, 14318, 21318 and 28318 kHz. [TNX IK2UVR]

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Please note  that Champ, E20EIC is  not the QSL  manager
for HS9IFG/P or HS1CKC/P. [TNX E20EIC]

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Gabriele, IK3GES is receiving cards for 5T5SA, but he is
not the manager for this station. He was the manager, and still has logs  and
cards, for 5T5FA (1998-90). [TNX IK3GES]

PIRATE ---> The station signing TK/DK9GL is a pirate, since the genuine DK9GL
has not been active for ten years. [TNX IT9MRM]

PROJECT GOODWILL ALBANIA 2003 ---> The programme reached its final day on  12
December, when  the students  of the  Polytechnic University  of Tirana  took
their full  license  (CEPT A)  exam,  resulting in  39  new  licensees  (thus
doubling the amateur radio population in Albania). IARU Region 1 Chairman Ole
Garpestadt  (LA2RR)  participated  in  the  graduation  ceremony,  and   also
participated in final negotiations with Albanian authorities for their  entry
to CEPT and for the integration of the Albanian licensing regime to bring  it
into line with the rest of  the CEPT world. Full  information on this  unique
programme can be found at http://www.za1a.com [TNX OH2BN]

QSL 4L1UN ---> The QSL manager  for 4L1UN is Vasilij, RW6HS  and not TA9I  as
reported in 425DXN  #658. We apologize  for any inconvenience  this may  have
caused our readers.

QSL 7W4HI ---> The first batch of 7W4HI (AF-094) direct cards were mailed  on
19 December and a  second batch will  follow after Christmas.  If you do  not
receive your  card  by  the  end of  January,  please  contact  Ivan,  OM3CGN
(om3cgn@nextra.sk). [TNX OM3JW]

QSL C56TA  ---> Andy,  LY2TA reports  that all  of the  1146 direct  requests
received so far have been processed  and mailed. Bureau cards will follow  in
the second half of 2004.

QSL E20NTS ---> E20NTS has had  Champ, E20EIC as his QSL  manager for a  long
time, but now  he would  like to  handle his  QSLling by  himself. Cards  for
E20NTS, E20NTS/8 and E20NTS/P can be  sent direct (Supote Saripan, 19/65  Moo
5, Soi Thensoun, Klong  Thanon, Saimai, Bangkok,  10220 Thailand) or  through
the bureau. [TNX E20EIC]

QSL JA6WFM/HI8 ---> The QSL manager  for Hiro is JA6VU (direct only).  Bureau
cards will be handled after Hiro returns to Japan. [TNX JI6KVR]

QSL R1PQ ---> Yuri, UA1RJ reports  that only a first batch  of cards for  the
July 2003 R1PQ operation from EU-035 has been printed. These will be used for
direct QSLling, bureau cards will follow no sooner than March 2004.

QSL TX4PG  (MARQUESAS 2003)  ---> Silvano,  I2YSB reports  that the  new  QSL
manager for bureau cards only is M5AAV (no longer IK2DIA, 425DXN 648). Direct
requests should still be sent to I2YSB. These will also be the QSL routes for
the 13-25 February 2004 DXpedition to Tokelau [425DXN 653].

QSL YI/PA5M ---> Dennis, PA7FM reports that the cards have just arrived  from
the printer. He will mail all direct QSLs before the end of the year,  bureau
cards will be processed when they arrive.

QSL ZL7C (CHATHAM 2002) ---> To  date there have been  23384 QSOs replied  to
directly with a further 9267  via the bureau  (32651 QSOs out  of a total  of
72213, a 45% QSL rate in the first year). At  the present time there is a  24
hour turn-around for  direct QSLs for  all of The  Kermadec DX  Association's
three DXpeditions: ZL8RI (May 1996), ZL9CI  (January 1999) and ZL7C  (October
2002). For any question regarding direct QSLling, please contact Ken  Holdom,
ZL2HU/ZL4HU at zl2hu@clear.net.nz [TNX ZL2HU/ZL4HU]

QSL VIA IK3GES ---> Gabriele, IK3GES reports that all the requests for IQ3TR,
Z38B, Z38A and Z38/IVEFSG have been processed and mailed, while the cards for
ZA3/IV3FSG are  still  awaited from  the  printer. As  for  9E1C  and  ST2CF,
Gabriele simply helps IV3OWC in processing the requests. Since IV3OWC has  no
access to the QSL bureau, cards for either 9E1C and ST2CF must be sent direct
only (please use new IRCs).

UT4UZA/P ---> Vladimir, UT5UKY reports that  the following Ukrainian  islands
were activated  by UT4UZA/P  (operators UY2UA,  UY0UY, UX7UN,  UX1UF,  UT1UW,
UT5UKY and UT5UUQ) over the last  few years: in August 2000 Velykyi  (DN-103)
and  Pischanyi   (DN-104);   in  June-September   2002   Blyz'kyi   (DN-140),
Val'kivs'kyi  (DN-101),  Malyi  (near  Desenka)  (DN-142),  Letnik   (DE-01),
Starosil'ski   (DN-102),   Bezimennyi   (DN-141),   Muromets   (DN-105);   in
May-September 2003 Dolbets'kyi (DN-106),  Patona (DN-149), Yunosti  (DN-150),
Rovzhy (DN-151), Rybny (DN-152), Gidropark (DN-107), Malyi (DN-108).

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSL DB:    Boye Christensen,  OZ7C  has updated  his  QSL  DBase  (which  now
            contains 344,316 unique records) for  Packet Cluster. The  package
            can be downloaded at http://www.qsl.net/oz7c/qsl [TNX OZ7C]

QSLs received direct or through managers: 3C0V, 3C1DX, 3D2BT, 3D2MO,  4S7DUG,
4W2A, 4W2DN, 5R8FU, 5R8HA/P, 5U7JB, 5V7BR, 6D2YFM, 6W/SM0JHF, 8N1OGA,  9J2KC,
BD4XA, CP6/DF9GR,  CT9L,  CY0MM, CY9A,  D3SAF,  D4B, H40H,  HU1M/3  (NA-190),
JT1CO, K6AA/p (NA-066), KM9D/KH8, PZ5RA, RA0FF, RV1AC/1, ST2SA, SU9NC,  SX9G,
(EU-119), UU7J,  V63UG,  V63ZT,  V73B,  V73NS,  V73T  (OC-263),  VQ9LA,  XF1K
(NA-162), XQ3ZW, YI/KC0LEK, YI9R, YI9X, YW5M, Z22JE, Z33A, ZK2MO.

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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