DX425 bulletin issue nr. 657

425 DX News #657
6 December 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

9M & V8 - Ian, 9M2/G3TMA and two other operators are planning an IOTA trip in
           late March/early April 2004. They will be active on SSB and CW from
           Pulau Satang Besar  (OC-165, East Malaysia)  and Pulau Muara  Besar
           (OC-184, Brunei). Further details are expected in due course.  [TNX
9Y      - Bill, N4ZDL will  be active as  9Y4/N4ZDL from  Tobago (SA-009)  on
           19-25 December. He will operate on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB
           and CW.  Further  information  at  http://members.cox.net/9y4-n4zdl
           [TNX N4ZDL]
DL      - Andy, OE7AJT reports he will be active in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest
           (13-14 December)  as  DA0BCC (anniversary  call  for  the  Bavarian
           Contest Club). QSL via DJ9MH.
F       - Special event  station TM0TLT  will be  activated on  5-6  December
           during the French Telethon for  research against genetic  diseases.
           QSL via F6JOB. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
FG      - FG1JD and other operators from the  A.C.R.A Guadeloupe ARC will  be
           active on 13-14 December  from the lighthouse  (LH 0142) on  Gosier
           Island (NA-102, DIFO FG-016). Requested call is TO7ACR and activity
           is planned on HF and 6 metres SSB and CW. [TNX F5NQL]
FO      - The Daily DX  gives the details  of Vladimir's (UA4WHX/AC4LN)  most
           recent and future stops (QSL via UA4WHX):
           1-6   December  Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands (OC-027)
           6-8   December  Atuona on Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands (OC-027)
           10-12 December  Rurutu (OC-050), Austral Islands
           12-15 December  Tubuai (OC-152) Austral Islands
           16-23 December  Maupiti, Raiatea,  Bora Bora  (all OC-067),  French
           23-25 December  Huahine (OC-067), French Polynesia
FR/E    - The TO4E activity from Europa is still scheduled to run through  15
           December. Some 15300 QSOs have been made so far (5800 SSB, 7700 CW,
           1800 RTTY and 6 QSOs on 6 metres with ZS stations), plus 4000  QSOs
           logged as TO4WW during the CQ WW DX CW Contest. The new  QRV  times
           are 06.00-07.00  UTC  and 15.30-19.45 UTC:  the operators  will try
           to spend more time on the  bands, but the generators are not  under
           their control, and they have necessarily to obey orders.  The main
           station is now being used  for SSB. An effort  will be made to work
           US  West  Coast stations, and  special attention  will be  paid  to
           Scandinavia. The web site is at http://europa2003.free.fr/. QSL via
           F5OGL. [TNX F5CWU]
G       - Members of  the  North Wakefield  Radio  Club will  be  operate  as
           GX4NOK/P from the  island of Inner  Farne (EU-109)  on 17-18  April
           2004, hopefully on multiple modes and bands. [TNX M3NJW]
I       - Antonio, IZ8CCW and other operators from  the Mediterraneo DX  Club
           will be active from Procida (EU-031,  IIA NA-002) on 7-8  December.
           They plan to operate SSB, CW and RTTY. [TNX IZ8CCW]
J2      - Baldur, DJ6SI  has  been  active on  10-80  metres  as  J20DA  from
           Djibouti since 1 December. He should be there until 7 December. QSL
           via home call.
JA      - Osamu,  JR1EEU   will   be  active   from   Aoga   Shima   (AS-043,
           JIIA-AS-043-001) until March  2004. QSL direct  or vi bureau.  [TNX
KH2     - Setsu, JL1UXH (KK2H) and his wife Maki, 7L4FSR will be active again
           as KK2H/KH2  from  Guam (OC-026)  on  16-23  December.  Setsu  will
           operate on all  HF bands SSB  and CW;  he plans  to concentrate  on
           working Europe and  USA East Coast  stations. Online  logs will  be
           available at  http://kk2h.4th.jp  during  the  operation.  QSL  via
           JL1UXH either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JL1UXH]
PY      - Special call ZW5SF will be aired on all HF bands from Sao Francisco
           do Sul (SA-027)  from 15 December  to 15 January  to celebrate  the
           500th anniversary of the discovery of that island. QSL via  PP5CIT.
           [TNX PP5MQ]
PY0_fni - Tony, PY8IT will be active again as PY0FT from Fernando de  Noronha
           (SA-003) on 15-26 December. QSL via JA1ELY. [TNX NG3K]
T32     - Gary, KH6GMP and  Tuck, KH6DFW will  b e active (SSB  and RTTY)  as
           T32I (QSL direct to KH6GMP) and  T32BI (QSL direct to KH6DFW)  from
           East Kiribati on 1-8 March, including a Multi-Single entry  in  the
           ARRL DX Phone Contest  (6-7 March) as T32I. [TNX KH6GMP]
VK9_ck  - Ken,  JA1CMD  (N4XJ)  will  operate  as  VK9CA  from  Cocos/Keeling
           (OC-003) from 28 December to 2 January. He will be active on  10-80
           metres CW and  SSB with 100  watts. QSL  via JA1CMD  or K4ST.  [TNX
VK9_lh  - Mark, VK2GND will operate as VK9LD from Lord Howe (OC-004) on 25-31
           December. Look for him on or  around 14273 and  14195 kHz. QSL  via
           VK2GND. [TNX VK2GND]
XU      - According to a  note released by  ON4AJV, Jack/ON4AJT (XU7AJV)  and
           Wim/ON6TZG (XU7TZG) plan to operate  SSB and CW  on all bands  from
           Koh Poah (AS-133) on 1-12 March 2004. QSL via ON4AJV. [TNX IK3QAR]
ZF      - Tony, N3ME will be active on 10-80 metres as ZF2TM from the  Cayman
           Islands (NA-016)  until 9  December. QSL  via home  call. [TNX  The
           Daily DX]
ZF      - Pete, N2LM will be active as ZF2PD from Grand Cayman Island from 28
           December until 8 January. He  will operate on  80-6 metres SSB  and
           CW. QSL via home call. [TNX N2LM]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

HEARD ISLAND ---> Jim, VK9NS reports that a scientific multi-interest team of
fifteen expeditioners  is  preparing to  leave  Hobart (Tasmania)  for  Heard
Island in the coming days, but he does not know if any amateur radio operator
is in this team. There  are plans to  visit Heard Island  on a regular  three
year basis to continue the studies.

PROJECT GOODWILL  ALBANIA  2003 --->  The  highlight of  Week  4  of  Project
Goodwill Albania 2003 (http://www.za1a.com) was a field trip with  University
of Tirana Amateur  Radio course students  to the  coastal city  of Durres  to
experience a full day of  DXotica which included  the first radio  operations
from four operating sites.
The CQ WW  CQ effort at  ZA1A, the first  ever multi-multi contest  operation
from Albania, included 15 operators, with each band headed by a local ZA ham,
who ran  six stations  from two  operating sites.  The entire  operation  was
powered partially by  two huge generators,  substituting for  the absence  of
power for many hours. The ZA1A team made 14500 QSOs during the contest,  with
more than 22  million points to  credit ZA1A with  the highest claimed  score
from Europe. The  contest was a  joint effort by  the Albanian Amateur  Radio
Association (AARA), Contest Club Finland (CCF), the Rhein Ruhr DX Association
(RRDXA) and the Bavarian Contest Club (BCC).
QSL cards  to all  ZA and  portable ZA  calls  used during  Project  Goodwill
Albania 2003 can be sent in  one envelope to: Project Goodwill Albania  2003,
P.O. Box 73, FIN-02380 Espoo, Finland. [TNX OH2BN]

QSL 6K0HG ---> The correct QSL route  is via DS2CYI (not DS2CYO, as  reported
in 425DXN 656).  Kwon is the  QSL manager  also for  6K17HG, HL0GHQ,  DT8FWC,
DS50CYI/2 and DS17CYI/2.

QSL 7X2ARA --->  The QSL route  for contacts made  with the Algerian  Amateur
Radio Association's club station between 24 and 30 November 2003 (CQ WW DX CW
Contest included) is  via DF4SA, direct  (Cornelius Paul,  Adelberger Weg  3,
D-73104 Breech, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DF4SA]

QSL 9M2/JI1ETU ---> Masaru will be  going QRT at the  end of December.  Cards
should be sent  either direct (Masaru  Funakubo, 2-10-11  Tsujidou-Motomachi,
Fujiwara, Kanagawa,  251-0043  Japan)  or via  the  JARL  bureau.  [TNX  OPDX

QSL KK2H/KH2 --->  All of the  direct QSLs for  the 12-16 November  operation
have been answered, bureau cards will follow in early 2004. The log has  been
placed on LoTW. [TNX JL1UXH]

QSL LU8XW ---> Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK  (http://qsl.wd9ewk.net/) is the  new
QSL manager for  the Radio Club  Ushuaia (Tierra del  Fuego). He can  confirm
also contacts made with AY8XW in 2002. [TNX LU3XQ and LU6XTA]

QSL N2TA ---> Andrei, NP3D used club callsign N2TA instead of his own  during
the CQ WW  DX CW  Contest (SOSB  80m) from  Long Beach  Island (NA-111).  QSL
direct to NP3D. [TNX NP3D]

QSL VIA  W7RJ --->  Cards for  FS/N7DD, PJ7/N7DD  and PJ7D,  as well  as  for
contacts made with  FS5UQ during the  CQ WW  DX CW  Contest (operator  Larry,
N7DD), should be sent direct to W7RJ. [TNX N7DD]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

D2PFN:             A web site for Ed/4L4FN, who is currently active as  D2PFN
                    from Angola, has  been set  up at  http://www.amsatnet.com
                    [TNX The Daily DX]
FMRE RTTY CONTEST: The Mexico RTTY  International Contest,  sponsored by  the
                    Federacion Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores (FMRE),  will
                    be held on 80-10 metres from 18 UTC on 7 February  through
                    24  UTC  on  the  8th.   For  further  information   visit
                    www.fmre.org.mx or e-mail Jose Levy, XE1J  (xe1j@ucol.mx).
                    [TNX XE1KK]

QSLs  received  direct  or  through  managers:  3A2MD,  3B9FR,  3DA0SV,  3G1P
(SA-085), 3G5Q (SA-070),  3XY1L, 4S7DXG,  4T4V, 4U1UN,  4W3DX, 5H3RK,  5Z4BL,
6D2YFM, 7P8AD, 7X0AD, 7X2DG, 8Q7VR, 9L1JT, 9V1YC, CY9A, D2EB, DP1POL, EA5KB/7
(EU-152), EG9IC (AF-036),EL2AR,  F6CKH/p (EU-081),FH/G4IRN, FO/DF6IC,  FY5KE,
HU1M/3 (NA-190), J79JRC, JD1YBJ, JT1CO, JT1KAA, K9AJ/VY0 (NA-225),  K9PPY/VY0
(NA-225), LU1ZA, RI1CGR (EU-133), S05X, SU9NC, T2YL, T5X, TI5N, TO1A, TU43CI,

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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