DX425 bulletin issue nr. 656

425 DX News #656
29 November 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

5H     - The Russian Robinson  Club has  announced a  mountain DXpedition  in
         Tanzania to  the  top of  Kilimanjaro  (5985  metres  a.s.l.).  Team
         members include  RW3GW, RW3GU,  RZ3EM, Gennadiy  Khryukin  (mountain
         climber) and  Boris  Mamlin (video  operator  and  journalist).  The
         DXpedition will take  place between December  3rd and 16th.  Special
         QSL cards will be sent out via the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
5T     - Look for 5T5AFF (QSL  via JA1AFF), 5T5CPS  (QSL via JA1CPS),  5T5GDR
         (QSL via JR1GDR), 5T5HC (QSL via  JA1HC), 5T5RQ (QSL via JA6RQ)  and
         5T5TY (QSL  via  JA1TY)  to  be active  in  their  spare  time  from
         Mauritania on 4-17 December. [TNX The Daily DX]
8P     - Steve, K2WE will operate (on 80-6  metres CW and SSB) as 8P9AP  from
         Barbados (NA-021) on 2-8 December. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily
A6     - UN World Food  Programme workers currently  stationed in Dubai,  UAE
         include SM7PKK, S53R, S57CQ, PA5M and ON5NT. They will be joined  by
         N2AA and participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest from A61AJ. QSL  via
         K2UO (for North, Central, South  America, Caribbean, US  territories
         in the Pacific) and DJ2MX (rest of the world). Owing to the  current
         workload, the IOTA  operations from AS-021  and AS-124 [425DXN  641]
         are postponed until February-March 2004. [TNX ON5NT]
FR/E   - The TO4E team became active from  Europa Island around 16 UTC on  24
         November (17 and then 20 metres  CW). Antenna setup was expected  to
         be completed by 28 November. Except for the CQ WW DX CW Contest, the
         operators cannot work 24 hours a day owing to "restriction with  the
         generator, probably due to a lack  of gas" (F5CWU). QRV times  (UTC)
         are 04.00-07.30, 10.00-10.30, 13.00-13.30 and 15.15-19.45 or  20.00.
         During the weekend look for TO4WW to participate in the CQ WW DX  CW
         Contest, while TO4E will concentrate on the WARC bands. The web site
         for the operation is at  http://europa2003.free.fr/, but since  they
         do not have Internet capabilities from the island, the logs will  be
         posted when the operators return to France. QSL via F5OGL.
G      - Andre, GM3VLB will operate as GM3VLB/P or /M from Holy (Lindisfarne)
         Island (EU-120)  on 29  and 30  November. QSL  via home  call.  [TNX
HS     - Mirek, VK6DXI is travelling to Thailand again. He will be at Pattaya
         on business from 3 to 23 December  at least and will operate in  his
         spare time  as HS0/VK3DXI  on 80-10  metres.  QSL via  DL4DBR.  [TNX
I      - Alberto, IT9MRM   (http://www.qsl.net/it9mrm/index.html) expects  to
         operate on 20 and 15 metres SSB as IF9/IT9MRM from the lighthouse at
         Punta Sottile (WAIL SI-024, ARLHS ITA-145) on Favignana Island  (EU-
         054, IIA TP-001) on 2 December, between  9 and 15 UTC. QSL via  home
         call. [TNX IT9MRM]
J8     - Wayne, K8LEE and Pete, N0FW will be active from St. Vincent on  3-16
         December. Look for J8DX  on 160-6 metres,  including entries in  the
         ARRL 160 CW  the ARRL 10  Meter contests.  QSL via  W8QID. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
KP2    - Curt, W3HQ (fclambert@infonale.com)  will operate  as W3HQ/KP2  from
         the US Virgin Islands on 3-11 December.  He will be active on   160,
         80, 40, 30, 20 and 15 metres CW  QRP and will welcome skeds with  DX
         stations, especially  from  Asia and  Oceania.  QSL  via  home  call
         through the W3 bureau. [TNX W3HQ]
PY0_spp- Joca, PS7JN will be active again as  ZW0S from St. Peter & St.  Paul
         Rocks (SA-014) on 1-15 December. He  will operate in his spare  time
         and will work  SSB and  RTTY on  HF plus  6 metres.  QSL via  PS7JN.
         Please note that after receipt of the necessary documentation a  few
         days ago, Joca's past operations as ZW0S (April 2001, February 2002,
         April and September 2003), as well as his forthcoming activity,  are
         approved for DXCC credit. [TNX The Daily DX]
V4     - Larry, KJ4UY  will operate  as V47UY  from  Nevis (NA-104)  on  3-16
         December, including activity during the ARRL 160 Meter and 10  Meter
         contests. QSL via home call (US stations direct only, others  either
         direct or via the bureau). [TNX KJ4UY]
VK     - VK2DMM, the  Murwillumbah  Museum amateur  radio  station,  will  be
         active from 1  December on +/-  7085, 14185 and  21205 kHz SSB.  The
         Murwillumbah Museum has  one of  the last  regional repositories  of
         early transmission  and reception  equipment in  Australia.  Further
         information at http://tweedhistory.org.au/murwillumbah/radioroom.htm
         [TNX VK2DFC]
VU     - An operation  by VU2NXM  from Janjira  Island is  expected to  start
         during the weekend. Activity is likely  to be for several days  with
         multiple operators;  island chasers  please note  that it  will  not
         count for  IOTA as  this island  does  not meet  IOTA  qualification
         criteria and  should not  be confused  with the  qualifying  Janjira
         listed in the IOTA Directory.
ZA     - Project Goodwill Albania 2003, the IARU Region 1 supported five-week
         course under the sponsorship of  the Minister of  Telecommunications
         and in cooperation  with the Polytechnic  University of Tirana,  has
         entered its third week. The Albanian  authorities have released  the
         callsign ZA1UT (University of Tirana)  symbolizing this program  and
         the  Albanian  Amateur  Radio  Association  (AARA)  will  launch   a
         multi-multi effort by ZA1A for the  CQ WW DX  CW Contest. A  special
         event QSL card can be obtained for all callsigns active during  this
         program from  Project  Goodwill Albania  2003,  P.O. Box  73,  02380
         Espoo, Finland or via OH2BH. The progress of the entire project  can
         be followed on the Internet at http://www.za1a.com [TNX OH2BN]
ZL     - Jonathan, W1CU will operate as ZL/W1CU from Waiheke Island  (OC-201)
         from 30 November through 2 December.  Activity will be on all  bands
         CW and SSB, but Jonathan's operating time will be limited. [TNX OPDX

CQ WW  DX  CW  CONTEST  ---> The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (29-30 November):
ZONE  CALL         CATEGORY        DXCC                   QSL VIA
02    VE2IM                        Canada                 VE3DZ
05    4U1UN                        United Nations HQ      qrz.com
05    NP3D                         USA                    W3HNK
05    VP9I         SOAB LP         Bermuda                KQ1F
05    VP9/K9CC     SOSB 20m        Bermuda                K9CC
07    TG0AA        M/S             Guatemala              TG9AXF
07    TI5N         M/2             Costa Rica             W3HNK
08    6Y0A         SOSB QRP or LP  Jamaica                WA4WTG
08    6Y4A         SOSB QRP or LP  Jamaica                WA4WTG
08    6Y6X         M/2             Jamaica                KN5H
08    6Y8A         SOSB 80m LP     Jamaica                WA4WTG
08    6Y9A         SOSB 15m LP     Jamaica                WA4WTG
08    8P5A         SOAB LP         Barbados               NN1N
08    CO8LY        SOAB LP         Cuba                   EA7ADH
08    CO8TW        SOSB 160m LP    Cuba                   IZ8CCW
08    FM/T93Y      SOAB LP         Martinique             T93Y
08    FS/K3LP      M/S             St. Martin             K5KV
08    J37KF                        Grenada                J37KF
08    J38AA        SOAB            Grenada                WA1S
08    KP2/N4EXA    SOSB 15m LP     US Virgin Islands      DJ2MX
08    KP2/OK1TN                    US Virgin Islands      OK1TN
08    NP4Z         SO QRP          Puerto Rico            WC4E
08    PJ5NA        SOAB            St. Eustatius          K1NA
08    V26DX        M/S             Antigua & Barbuda      KU9C
08    V26K                         Antigua & Barbuda      AA3B
08    VP5X         M/S             Turks & Caicos
08    WP2Z         M/2             US Virgin Islands      KU9C
08    WP4F         SOSB 40m        Puerto Rico            WP4F
08    ZF1A         M/S             Cayman Islands         W5ASP
09    4M5X         SOSB 20m        Venezuela              W4SO
09    9Y4ZC        M/2             Trinidad & Tobago      DL1HCM
09    P40E         SOAB            Aruba                  W3HNK
09    P40R         SOSB 20m        Aruba                  NK4U
09    P40TA        SOAB HP         Aruba                  WM6A
09    PJ2T         M/2             Netherlands Antilles   N9AG
10    HC8N         M/M             Galapagos Islands      W5UE
11    PT5A         M/M             Brazil
13    CW4A         SOSB 15m LP     Uruguay                EA5KB
13    CX1JJ        SOAB LP         Uruguay                EA5KB
13    CX5BW        SOSB 10m HP     Uruguay
13    CX7BY        SOSB 20m HP     Uruguay                direct
13    CX9AU        SOSB 40m LP     Uruguay                KA5TUF
13    LU5FF        SOSB 10m LP     Argentina              EA7JX
14    CQ0T                         Portugal               CT1ILT
14    CT8T         SOAB HP         Portugal               bureau
14    CU2F         SOSB 20m LP     Azores                 SM4DHF
14    EA6IB        M/S             Balearic Islands
14    GJ2A         SOAB HP         Jersey                 GJ3DVC
14    GZ7V         SOAB            (Shetlands) Scotland
14    LX7I         M/S             Luxembourg             LX2AJ
14    LX/G3VQO     SOAB LP         Luxembourg             G3VQO
14    TM5CW                        France                 F5SJB
14    TM6X         SOAB            France                 F5VHY
14    TM7W                         France                 F8BBL
15    9A1A         M/M             Croatia                9A1A
15    9H3WW        M/2             Malta                  DJ5CL
15    OH0Z         M/M             Aland Islands          OH5DX
15    OH5Z         M/S             Finland                bureau
15    TK9A         SOAB            Corsica
15    YT9X         SOSB 20m        Serbia & Montenegro    YU1ZZ
15    ZA1A         M/M             Albania                OH2BH
16    UV7M                         Ukraine                US5MTJ
17    EX9A         SOAB HP         Kyrgyzstan             bureau
17    EY8MM        SOSB 80m        Tajikistan
19    RS0F         SOAB HP         Asiatic Russia         W3HNK
20    J43J         SOSB 20m        Greece                 DJ5JH
20    JY8B         M/S             Jordan                 DL5MBY
20    SV5RDS       SOSB 40m HP     Dodecanese             bureau
20    TA2IJ                        Turkey
20    TA3/DK3KD                    Turkey                 DL5JQ
20    ZC4T         SOSB 160m       UK SBA on Cyprus       G3AB
21    A61AJ        M/?             U.A.E.
21    AP2ARS       SOAB LP         Pakistan               JA1PBV
21    AP2AUM                       Pakistan               9A4NA
21    HZ1AB        SOSB 15m        Saudi Arabia           K8PYD
23    JT1AS        SOSB 10m        Mongolia
23    JT1BE        SOSB 10m        Mongolia
23    JT1BJ        SOSB 20m        Mongolia
23    JT1BV        SOAB HP         Mongolia
23    JT1CD        SOSB 40m        Mongolia
23    JT1CO        SOSB 80m        Mongolia
23    JT1CS        SOSB 15m HP     Mongolia
23    JT1DA        SOSB 15m LP     Mongolia
23    JT1JA        SOSB 160m       Mongolia
23    JT1KAA       SOAB            Mongolia
24    B4RF         SOSB 40m HP     China
24    BW3/JD1BKQ   SOAB LP         Taiwan                 JR3PZW
24    BW4/UA3VCS   SOSB 15m LP     Taiwan                 UA3VCS
25    D88DX                        Korea                  DS3FGV
25    DS0DX        M/S             Korea                  HL1XP
26    E20HHK       SOAB LP         Thailand               E21EIC
26    HS0ZDY       SOSB 15m        Thailand
26    HS4BPQ/9     SOSB 20m LP     Thailand               E21EIC
26    XU7ACZ       M/?             Cambodia               OM3TZZ
26    XV2NA        SOAB HP         Vietnam                JE7IDA
26    XV2PO                        Vietnam                N5PO
27    4D71/N0NM                    Philippines            W4DR
27    AH2R         M/S             Guam                   JH7QXJ
27    V63PF                        Micronesia             W5PF
27    V63WC                        Micronesia             WF5W
28    4W3CW        SO LP           Timor Leste
28    9M4JB        M/?             West Malaysia          E21EIC
28    YB0ECT       SOAB LP         Indonesia              K5ZE
29    VK6AA                        Australia              DL8YR
29    VK9CJ                        Cocos/Keeling Isls     JA1KJW
31    KH6/KE0UI    SOAB LP         Hawaii                 KE0UI
31    T32WW        M/2             East Kiribati          N0KV
33    7X2ARA       SOAB LP         Algeria                DF4SA
33    CN2R         SOAB HP (?)     Morocco                W7EJ
33    CT9L         M/2             Madeira                DJ6QT
33    EA8AX        M/?             Canary Islands         Bureau
33    EA8ZS        SOAB HP         Canary Islands         EA5FV
33    IG9A                         (African) Italy
33    TS7N         M/2             Tunisia                DL9USA
34    SU9NC        SOAB LP         Egypt                  OM2SA
35    5U5Z         M/M             Niger                  G3SXW
35    D4B          SOAB HP         Cape Verde             K1BV
35    D44TD        SOSB 20m        Cape Verde
36    ZD8Z         SOAB            Ascension Island       VE3HO
37    5X1X         SOAB LP         Uganda                 K3JT
38    ZS2DL                        South Africa           direct
39    TO4WW                        Juan de Nova & Europa  F5OGL
40    JW5E         M/?             Svalbard               LA5NM

Do not forget to give a look  to the list of announced operations  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2003.html
A collection of QSL routes will be published on http://www.contesting.info on
4 December thanks to Zik, 4N1DX (DL/VE3ZIK).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DXCC NEWS ---> Contacts made with  E4/G3WQU through the end  of 1999 are  now
accepted for DXCC credit.

QSL 5H3RK ---> Ralph, VK4VB (5H3RK)  will be working in the  US for the  next
2-3 years.  His current  address is  Ralph Karhammar,  1306 34th  Street  NW,
Washington, DC 20007-2801, USA. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]

QSL MD0BXX ---> Dave reports he has moved to Cyprus; if anyone still needs  a
card for MD0BXX, his new permanent  address is: David Walton, Kissonerga  Sea
View C003, No3, Yianni, Irodotou Street, 8574 Kissonerga, Cyprus.

QSL YI/ON5NT ---> Ghis will  be back home  on 20 December  and the QSL  cards
should be  ready by  that time.  He  expects to  process  and mail  them  out
immediately. QSL to  Ghis Penny, P.O.  Box 93,  BE-9700 Oudenaarde,  Belgium.

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Danny, LZ2UU is not  and has never been the QSL  manager
for ZA1MM. According to Wally, LZ2CJ the "unknown operator using the callsign
ZA1MM" is a pirate.

NOT THE MANAGER  ---> Artur, SQ5TA  reports he is  still receiving cards  for
R1ANF, but he is not the  QSL manager for this station.  He can only  confirm
contacts made with R1ANF/HF0POL (2002).

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Alvaro, PY3CQ reports that PY3UEB (Radio Club  Baependi)
is receiving "countless cards" for 5X1DC. Please note that the correct  route
for the February 2003 5X1DC operation is via DL7AFS.

+ SILENT KEY + Bill "Pick" Pickard, WA5PAE became a Silent Key on 23 November
at 68 years of age. Pick  had a distinguished military career  in the US  Air
Force and was an avid DXer throughout  his life. He operated from Germany  as
DL4IZ and for the past three  years he made  three DXpeditions to  Guantanamo
Bay where he operated as KG4IZ. In  2002, Pick was elected vice president  of
INDEXA and continued in that capacity until his death. [TNX AA7UC]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AUCTION:  Maurizio, IZ1CRR/I1-21171 has  put up  37 different  QSL cards  for
          YASME       expeditions       for       auction       on       Ebay
          geName=ADM E:B:LC:US:1).  The  proceeds  will  be  donated  to  the
          February 2004 DXpedition to Tokelau [425DXN 653].
BQ9P:     The  Pratas  2003  web  site  now  includes  the  DXpedition  story
          (http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage64.htm). [TNX JI6KVR]
LOGS:     Logs for the recent activity from Soan Island (AS-085) [425DXN 651]
          are now available at http://ds2goo.karl.or.kr/log.htm [TNX DS2GOO]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A50ARM     bureau      IQ3AZ/P     IV3WMI      TY4JM       ON4JM
3G2D        CA2WUI      J38AA       WA1S        TZ6JA       JA3EMU
4J6ZZ       UT3UY       J59OFM      IZ3BIY      UE9XXX      RV9XX
4N25K       YU1SB       J88DR       G3TBK       UN5A        DL8KAC
5B4/RA3AMG  RA3AMG      JY8YB       DL5MBY      UN7MO       EA7FTR
5B4/RA3CQ   RA3AMG      JY9NX       JM1CAX      UN7TX       RW6HS
5B4/RN3QO   RN3QO       KH0/JR1GSE  JR1GSE      V26K        AA3B
5B4AHB      LA8LA       KH6/KE0UI   KE0UI       V31JP       KA9WON
5H6BA/P     DL4MMT      KH7U/KH5    KH7U        V63PF       W5PF
5H6IZ/P     DL4MMT      KK2H/KH2    JL1UXH      V63WC       W5PF
5N0HVC      OK1DXE      KL7USI      KL7JR       V8AQZ       IZ8CCW
5N6NDP/9    IK5JAN      KP2/AB2E    AB2E        VC3AT       VE3AT
5U7LF       KY7M        KP2/K2ZZ    W1QJ        VK7TS/P     VK7TS
5U7MF       KC7V        KP2/K3TEJ   K3TEJ       VK9CJ       JA1KJW
5U7WP       G4BWP       KP2/OK1TN   OK1TN       VK9CV       JA1KJW
5X1X        K3JT        LU1ECZ      EA5KB       VP5/KY1V    OH3RB
6K0HG       DS2CYO      MJ0AWR      K2WR        VP8/LZ2UU   LZ2UU
7Q7RS       IW9BBX      N1VF/KH2    JL3SIK      VP8DGA      G0WJN
8P6SH       KU9C        OM9AMI      SP8MI       VP9BO       W4ZGR
8Q7JE       JA1KAW      P40E        W3HNK       VQ9JC       WB9IHH
8Q7KO       HB9KOF      P40K        WM6A        WA6O/6Y5    WA4WTG
9A4PN       N4PN        P40NJ       K2TB        WP2Z        KU9C
9A5PC       NF4A        P40TA       WM6A        XU7ACG      7N4QHA
9G5ZZ       DL1CW       P40X        W0YK        XU7ACZ      OM3TZZ
9H3GP       HK3SGP      P49MR       VE3MR       XU7ADA      OM3TA
9J2GS       PA3CPI      PJ2/NH7C    KQ3F        XU7ADB      OM1ATT
9J2KC       JL1NKC      PJ2P        KQ3F        XU7ADC      OM1KW
9M0SEA      E21EIC      PJ4/PA3CNX  PA3CNX      XV2PO       N5PO
9N7AU       JA2AAU      PJ7/N7DD    W7RJ        YA1BV/P     JA1PBV
9N7LN       JA2ALN      PJ7/W3ARS   N3TOG       YA1D        JG1OWV
9N7SZ       JA9LSZ      R1ANB       RU1ZC       YA1RS       ZL1RS
9N7WE       SP9FIH      RZ3BY/0     UA3DX       YA4F        G4KUX
9Y4/DJ7ZG   DL7AFS      S9SS        N4JR        YB1HDF      EA5KB
9Y4/DL7AFS  DL7AFS      SU9BN       EA7FTR      YC0IEM/7    IZ8CCW
A22BP       7M1WBP      SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH      YC8RRK      YB9DU
A71EM       LZ1YE       SX8E        SV1EQU      YI/N3YPI    N3YPI
AA1NY/KH2   JA4CZM      T32KV       N0KV        YI1DZ       WA4JTK
C31VQ       EA2NA       T32MP       N0KV        YI9DAZ      M3SDE
CN8MC       DL4ZBC      T32N        KE4RHU      YI9X        OM3JW
CO2CI       WD4OIN      T32TF       KT0F        YL85GQT     YL2GQT
CU3DJ       K3PD        T32WW       N0KV        YL85TW      YL2TW
D2PFN       KK5DO       T32YL       N0WBV       YL85XN      YL1XN
D44TT       K1BV        T32ZA       W0ZA        Z22JE       K3PD
EV60OG      EW8ZZ       T32ZM       N0ZM        ZA/K7ZV     OH2BH
EX7ML       DL4YFF      T8HRC       JA1OZK      ZA/NA7DB    OH2BH
FS/K3LP     K5KV        TA2ZF       UT2UB       ZA/WA6CDR   OH2BH
FS/N7DD     W7RJ        TM5CW       F5SJB       ZA/WF5T     OH2BH
FS/W3ARS    N3TOG       TM7W        F8BBL       ZA1A        OH2BH
FS5UQ       W7RJ        TO4E        F5OGL       ZA1UT       OH2BH
HC8N        W5UE        TO6M        F6AUS       ZD8Z        VE3HO
HE2GR       HB9DOT      TP6CE       F5LGF       ZF2AH       W6VNR
HI3TEJ      ON4IQ       TS7N        DL9USA      ZF2AM       K6AM
HJ0KPG      EA5KB       TU0PAX      TU2CI       ZK1/AC4LN   UA4WHX
II1D        IZ1CCE      TU2OJ       F5IPW       ZK1USN      K6USN

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CA2WUI   P.O. Box 1037, La Serena, Chile
CU9AC    Joao Medeiros da Camara, Estrada para o Caldeirao, 9980-028 Corvo,
         Azores, Portugal
DF4SA    Cornelius Paul, Adelberger Weg 3, D-73104 Breech, Germany
DL7AFS   Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstrasse 86, D-34123 Kassel, Germany
F5OGL    Didier Senmartin, P.O. Box 7, 53320 Loiron, France
HK3SGP   Francisco Hennessey, Jet Box 9779, P.O. Box 02-5242, Miami, Florida
         33102-5242, USA
JA1KJW   Nakayama Hisashi, 1-17-8 Shibuya, Yamato, 242-0023 Japan
JA2AAU   Kanno Noboru, 1785-61 Shikata, Shikatsu, 481-0004 Japan
JA2ALN   Takashi Yamada 1-90 Nishishiga, Kita-ku, Nagoya, 462-0058 Japan
JA9LSZ   Yasuhiro Yahara, P.O. Box 111, Fukui, 910-8691 Japan
JG1OWV   Masahiro Wada, 391-C-1204, Shibacho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama 236-0012,
JL3SIK   Yoshiro Nishimura M.D., 2-6 Takemidai 4-Chome, Suita City, Osaka
         565-0863, Japan
JM1CAX   Koji Tahara, 4-2-3 Sagamiono, Sagamihara 228-0803, Japan
SP8MI    Wojtek W. Gello, P.O. Box 27, PL 38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland
SP9FIH   Janusz Wegrzyn, P.O. Box 480, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
ZS1SALT  P.O. Box 273, Strand 7140, South Africa

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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