DX425 bulletin issue nr. 653

425 DX News #653
8 November 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                           >>> RODRIGUES 2004 <<<

The Five Star DXers Association, of  9M0C (February 1998) and D68C  (February
2001) fame, has announced "Project Star  Reach", a large-scale DXpedition  to
Rodrigues Island (AF-017).
A multinational team (so  far including DL7AKC,  EI5DI, G0MRF, G0OPB,  G3NUG,
and W3EF) will operate as 3B9C for over three weeks, including four weekends.
The first members of the team  will arrive on 15 March,  and expect to  spend
the first  two  to three  days  installing antennas  and  equipment.  Station
breakdown will  start on  12  April, though  operations  may continue  for  a
further day or two after that.
3B9C will have  up to fifteen  high-power HF  stations active  simultaneously
when band conditions allow.  Activities will encompass  SSB, CW, RTTY,  PSK31
and, as appropriate, FM. There will  also be satellite activity and  possible
EME. Large monoband antennas will be used on  all bands, as the the two  main
objectives are to provide the possibility for every amateur radio station  in
the world -  even those running  QRP or a  very simple antenna  - to make  at
least one contact with 3B9C; and to enable top DXers to put 3B9C in their log
on as many bands and modes as possible.
Project Star Reach is seeking contributions from sponsors to help defray  the
very significant logistics costs of this DXpedition. For further  information
please visit http://www.fsdxa.com/3b9c [TNX G3XTT, g3xtt@lineone.net]

3Y_p1   - The January  2004  DXpedition to  Peter  I [425DXN  645]  has  been
          postponed until January  2005. "A last  minute glitch developed  in
          the transportation  plan",  Bob,  K4UEE  and  Ralph,  K0IR  report.
          "Weather windows precluded a rescheduling for 2004", but "the  2005
          expedition will be bigger and better!".
4U_un   - Ray, W2RE and Frank, W2IX will be active from the United Nations HQ
          station (4U1UN) on 9 November. They  plan to operate SSB and CW  on
          all HF bands. [TNX W2RE]
5U      - The VooDoo  Contest Group  will  participate in  the  CQ WW  DX  CW
          Contest as 5U5Z  (Multi-Multi) from Niamey,  Niger. QSL via  G3SXW.
          This will be a field-day style  operation, with seven 1KW  stations
          and many antennas,  covering 160-10 metres.  The operators will  be
          G0MTN, G3XTT, G4BWP (5U7WP), G4PIQ, K5VT (5U7VT), KC7V (5U7MF)  and
          KY7M (5U7LF), and there  will be some  activity before the  contest
          with personal calls  while testing  antennas and  hopefully on  the
          WARC bands if  time permits. There  will also  be short  operations
          from Burkina Faso  (XT2) while in  transit. QSLs  for all  contacts
          other than 5U5Z should be sent via home call. [TNX G3SXW]
9M6     - Bob, N2OO will  continue to be  active as 9M6OO  from the  Hillview
          Gardens  ARC   station   (http://www.qsl.net/9m6aac)   through   13
          November. He has  been joined  by Peter/G4MJS  and Jani/YB0US,  who
          will be 9M6AAC and 9M6US respectively also through 13 November. The
          three of them will operate in  the JA DX SSB  Contest as 9M6A.  QSL
          all calls via N2OO. [TNX N2OO]
9N      - Janusz, SP9FIH will be in Nepal from 13 November to 6 December  and
          hopes to get a licence for 40, 20,  17 and 15 metres. QSL via  home
          call. [TNX SP9FIH]
9N      - Look  for   Noboru/JA2AAU  (9N7AU),   Takashi/JA2ALN  (9N7LN)   and
          Yasu/JA9LSZ (9N7SZ)  to be  active from  Katmandu, Nepal  on  16-22
          November. They will operate on 40-6 metres (beacon on 50.100  MHz),
          with three  rigs (one  for 6m),  dipoles for  40  and 30m  and  two
          5-element beams, one for 20-20m and the other for 6m. QSL via  home
          calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
9Y      - Mike, DL1HCM and Heye, DJ9RR will  participate in the  CQ WW DX  CW
          Contest as  9Y4ZC (Multi-Two)  from the  QTH  of Andy  (DL4MEH)  on
          Tobago (SA-009). Outside the contest they  will concentrate on  the
          low and  WARC  bands CW,  with  some RTTY  and  PSK. QSL  for  this
          operation via bureau to DL1HCM (please refrain from sending  direct
          cards, all of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically through  the
          bureau). [TNX DL1HCM]
F       - The Council of Europe Amateur Radio Club will be activated with the
          call TP6CE on 14-16 November. Look for activity on all the HF bands
          SSB, CW,  RTTY  and  PSK.  For  further  information  please  visit
          http://www.ewwa.net or http://www.coe.int/T/E/Tp2ce/ [TNX F6FQK]
F       - Francois, F5JNE will be active from Belle Ile en Mer (EU-048,  DIFM
          AT-015) on 17-24 November. He plans to operate on 20 and 40  metres
          mainly CW, starting  around 13 UTC.  QSL via home  call, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
F       - Dom, F5SJB will operate again as  TM5CW from 24 November through  8
          December, including an entry in the  CQ WW DX  CW Contest. QSL  via
          home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5SJB]
FS      - Ann/W2AZK and Brian/KF2HC  will return to  St Martin (NA-105)  with
          Gene/K2KJI,  Mary  Ann/K2RVH,  Bob/W5GJ  and  Mike/WA2VUN  on  3-10
          December. The group plans to  have 2 stations  on 160-6 metres  CW,
          SSB and PSK31.  W5GJ and  KF2HC will  participate in  the ARRL  160
          Meter Contest  using  the  call  FS/W2JJ,  while  all  other  times
          operators will sign FS/homecall. QSL via  home call, direct or  via
          the bureau. QSOs  with Ann  and Brian  are good  towards the  North
          Jersey DX Association's NJDXA  Award (see http://www.njdxa.org  for
          details). [TNX KF2HC]
GJ     - Rich, K2WR  will   participate in the  CQ WW DX  CW Contest as  GJ2A
         (SOAB High Power)  from Jersey. QSL  via GJ3DVC,  direct or  bureau.
         Look for some activity as  MJ0AWR (QSL via  K2WR, direct or  bureau)
         before and after the contest. [TNX NG3K]
HI     - John, G4RCG  and  Bruce, KI7VR  will  operate on  160-10  metres  as
         G4RCG/HI9  and  KI7VR/HI9  from  the  Dominican  Republic  on  17-31
         January. Look for G4RCG/HI9 to take part  in the CQ WW 160 Meter  CW
         Contest. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX G4RCG]
HV     - Look for  HV5PUL to  be activated  from the  Pontificia  Universita'
         Lateranense, Vatican City  between 10 and  14 November to  celebrate
         the opening of the 2002-03 academic year, and again on 22  November.
         [TNX IW0DJB]
KH2    - Setsu, JL1UXH (KK2H) and his  wife Maki, 7L4FSR  will be active  (on
         all HF bands  CW and SSB)  as KK2H/KH2 from  Guam (OC-026) on  12-16
         November. On-line log will be  available at http://kk2h.4th.jp; QSL
         via JL1UXH either direct (Setsu Yoshimura, 6-13-14 Minami-Shinagawa,
         Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo  140-0004, Japan)  or through  the JARL  bureau.
         [TNX JL1UXH]
KH2    - Look for Yoshiro, JL3SIK to be active as N1VF/KH2 to be active  from
         Guam on 21-24 November. He plans  to operate on  40-6 metres CW  and
         SSB. QSL  via  home call  (Yoshiro  Nishimura  M.D.,  2-6  Takemidai
         4-Chome, Suita City, Osaka 565-0863, Japan). [TNX JI6KVR and JL3SIK]
LU     - Special call LU3CU will be aired on 8 November (from 21 to 23 UTC on
         40 and 80  metres) from  the Museum  Ship "Corbeta  ARA Uruguay"  to
         celebrate the  100th anniversary  of the  rescue by  that  Argentine
         corvette of the ship-wrecked Swedish Antarctic Expedition under Otto
         Nordenskjold. QSL via LU4AA. [TNX LU7ADC]
PJ2    - K4BAI, N8BJQ, K8MFO,  K8ND, W8WTS,  PJ2DX and  S50R will  be at  the
         Caribbean Contesting Consortium's PJ2T site on Curacao from 17 to 30
         November, including a Multi-Two entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest.
SV     - SV1EQU, SV1FJP, SV1GYG,  SV1AIN and SV1HAO  will be  active as  SX8E
         from the  island  of Aegina  (EU-075)  on 28-30  November.  QSL  via
         SV1EQU. [TNX SV9AHZ]
T32    - Larry/N2WW (T32WW, QSL via N0KV), Bill/K0MP  (T32MP, QSL via  N0KV),
         Barry/N0KV (T32KV, QSL  via home  call), Greg/W0ZA  (T32ZA, QSL  via
         home call), Tim/N0ZM  (T32ZM, QSL via  home call), Paul/NO0T  (T32N,
         QSL via home call), Cheryl/N0WBV (T32YL, QSL via KT0F) and John/KT0F
         (T32TF, QSL  via  home  call)  will be  active  on  all  bands  from
         Christmas Island, East Kiribati (OC-024) from 24 November through  8
         December, including a Multi-Two entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest  as
         T32WW. [TNX The Daily DX]
UA     - Valery/UA3AOK,   Aleksey/RA3AKF,   Alex/RV3DPM,   Vadim/RX3AKL   and
         Vadim/RX3AKQ will operate (on 160-10 metres  CW, SSB, RTTY and  PSK)
         as RK3DZJ/3 and R3ARS/3 from the  Russian National Park  "Smolenskoe
         Poozer'e" (RRF-142) on 14-17 November. QSL RK3DZJ/3 via RA3DEJ,  QSL
         R3ARS/3 via RA3AKF. For information on  the RFF Award, please  visit
         http://www.hamradio.ru/rrc/ [TNX RA3AKF]
VK9_ck - Sasi, JA1KJW and Kuni, JA8VE  will be active  (on 160-10 metres  CW,
         SSB and RTTY) as VK9CJ  and VK9CV from  the Cocos (Keeling)  Islands
         (OC-003)  from  27  November  to  7  December.  Look  for  VK9CJ  to
         participate in the CQ WW DX  CW Contest. QSL  via JA1KJW, direct  or
         bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
XU     - Jack, XU7AJV and Wim, XU7TZG were finally expected to leave for  Koh
         Poah (AS-133) [425DXN 652] on 5  November. The length of their  stay
         is not known. QSL for both via ON4AJV. [TNX ON5KL]
XU     - OM3TZZ (ex SU9ZZ), OM1KW, OM3TA and OM1ATT will be active as XU7ACZ,
         XU7ADC, XU7ADA  and  XU7ADB from  Cambodia  from 26  November  to  3
         December. They will operate on 160-10  metres CW, SSB and RTTY,  and
         will particpate in the CQ WW DX  CW Contest as XU7ACZ. QSL via  home
         calls. [TNX OM3JW]
YL     - More than  20 Latvian  stations will  be using  special prefix  YL85
         until the end of November to  celebrate the 85th anniversary of  the
         Republic of Latvia. [TNX YL3AD]
ZK3    - Silvano/I2YSB, Flaviano/I2MOV, Carlo/IK1AOD and Marcello/IK2DIA will
         be active with two stations from Nukunonu, Tokelau Islands  (OC-048)
         on 13-25  February.  QSL via  I2YSB  (direct)  or  IK2DIA  (bureau).
         Further information  will be  available at  http://www.qsl.net/i2ysb
         [TNX I2YSB]
ZS     - A  group   of  amateurs   from  the   Boland  Amateur   Radio   Club
         (http://www.qsl.net/zs1bak) will  operate  a special  event  station
         from the Sutherland Observatory, which  hosts the largest  telescope
         in the southern  hemisphere. Look for  ZS1SALT (South African  Large
         Telescope) on  all HF  frequencies SSB,  CW and  digital modes  from
         around 11 UTC on 21 November  until 10 UTC on  the 23rd. QSL  direct
         only to  P.O. Box  273, Strand  7140, South  Africa. For  additional
         information   on   the   project,    please   visit   the    website
         http://www.salt.ac.za [TNX ZS4BS]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CONTEST/DX MEETING  --->  The 9th  annual  International  Contest/DX  Meeting
organized by Contest Club Finland (CCF)  will be held on 16-18 January  2004.
For further information please visit  http://www.qsl.net/ccf or e-mail  OH2IW
(oh2iw@oh2u.com). [TNX The Daily DX]

JT QSL BUREAU ---> The new  address for the Mongolian Radio Sport  Federation
(MRSF) is P.O. Box 830, Ulaanbaatar-24, Mongolia.

URE CONVENTION ---> The annual URE Convention will be held in Badajoz,  close
to the  border between  Spain and  Portugal, on  5-8  December. Some  of  the
presentations include S05X (Western Sahara), TZ6RD (Mali), EG9IC  (Chafarinas
Islands)  and  Martti  Laine,  OH2BH  on  the  Albania  2003  Project.   Full
information      on      this      event      can      be      found       at
http://www.ure.es/badajoz/badajoz.htm [TNX EA5RM]

QSLs received direct: 3B9ZL, 3G5Q, 4W3DX, 5V7BR, 7P8NK, 7P8ZZ, 8Q7LC,  9G5VJ,
9L1JT, 9M2/G4ZFE, A45WD, CT3BX, EG9IC  (AF-036), EP3CQ, FH/G4IRN,  HK0/W9AAZ,
IM0/IK5PWQ,  J5UCW  (AF-093),  J5UDX,  JW8D,  K9AJ/VY0  (NA-007),   K9PPY/VY0
(NA-225), KD6WW/VY0  (NA-131),  KH2/G3TXF, KH8/DL2AH,  LU6Z,  LY10ZZ,  LY2ZZ,
UA1ADQ/0 (AS-042),  UE1RRC/1 (EU-119),  V63TXF (OC-012),  V63TXF/p  (OC-078),
V73GE, VK9XAB,  VP2MLE, VP2MPF,  VQ9LA, W5BOS/AL5  (NA-121), XF2IH  (NA-224),

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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