425 DX News #651 25 October 2003 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 3W - Eddy Visser, XV9DT has been authorized to operate as 3W22S until 31 December. This special event call celebrates the 22nd SEA (South East Asian) Games hosted by Vietnam. On line logs will be available at http://www.qsl.net/3w22s/logs [TNX 3W22S] EA6 - Laci/HA6NL, Zsolt/HA6PS, Tibor/HA6ZV and Sanyi/HA7JJS will be active as EA6/homecall/p from the Balearic Islands (EU-004) on 2-9 November. QSL via home calls. During the HA-QRP Contest they will be signing EA6/HA5RT/p (QSL via HA6NL) on +/- 3511 kHz with 10 watts. [TNX HA0HW] F - Look for Bruno, F5JYD/P to be active from a few islands in Normandy on 27-30 October. He plans to operate QRP from the islands of Mont St. Michel (not IOTA, DIFM MA-005), Rimains (not IOTA, MA-006) and Landes (not IOTA, MA-034). QSL via home call. [TNX F5JYD] F - Laurent, F8BBL reports he will be active as TM7W on 16-30 November, CQ WW CW Contest included. QSL to F8BBL via bureau. FR/E - Dany/F5CW, Eric/F5JKK, Phil/F5PHW, Christian/TR8SA, Stephane/F5KIN, Freddy/F5IRO, David/F0CRS and Daniel/F1IWH are the operators for the DXpedition to Europa Island [425DXN 647] which is now scheduled to take place from 24 November to 15 December. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres SSB, CW and RTTY with three stations (one for CW, one for SSB and one for digital modes and 6 metres). Requested calls are TO4E and TO4WW (the latter to be used during the CQ WW DX CW Contest). Suggested frequencies, as well as other information, are available at http://europa2003.free.fr/europa_2003-e.htm; contributions will be gratefully accepted and can be sent to F5OGL (Didier Senmartin, P.O. Box 7, 53320 Loiron, France), who will also be the QSL manager for the operation. GM - Look for Peter, GM3OFT/p to operate from the Isles of Fleet on 1-2 November. If conditions allow, Peter will be active from the Murray's Isles (EU-123), otherwise he will be on the more accessible island of Ardwal (EU-005). [TNX GM3VLB] HB0 - Look for HB0/HA0HW/p (Laci), HB0/HA4DX/p (Tomi) and HB0/HA4XG/p (Geza) to operate from Masescha (1350m a.s.l.), Liechtenstein on 2-10 November. They will be active on 160-10 metres (with an emphasis on the low bands) CW, SSB and RTTY, using groundplanes and wire antennas. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW] HH - Manfred/DK1BT, Hans/DL7CM, Juergen/DL7UFN and Sid/DM2AYO will operate as 4V200YH (Four Victor Two Hunderd Years of Haiti) from Haiti (NA-096) from 28 January until 15 February. They will have three stations active on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and SSTV. QSL via DL7CM. The web page for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/dl7cm/haiti2.htm [TNX DL7CM] HL - Han/DS2GOO, Chae/DS5BSX, Ryu/DS4NYE and others will be active from Soan Island (AS-085) on 1-4 November. They will operate as homecall/4 (QSL via home call) or D90HE/4 with 100w transceivers and various wire antennas. [TNX HL1VAU] HP - Look for Mike, HP1/DL2OE (QSL via DL7CM) and Will, HP1/DJ7AA (QSL via home call) to be active on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY from Contadora Island (NA-072) until 29 October. [TNX NG3K] HP - Special event station HP100RCP will be active on all bands and modes on 1-3 November to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Panama. QSL to Radio Club de Panama, P.O. Box 10745, Panama, Panama. [TNX HP1AC] I - Alfredo, IK7JWX reports he will be signing IR7LH from various lighthouses during the weekends between November 2003 and April 2004. QSL via IK7JWX, bureau or direct. KH6 - Max, KH6ZM is QRV for Southern Europe daily on 80 metres CW around 5 UTC. QSL direct only via I0MWI (http://www.qsl.net/i0mwi) [TNX I0MWI] OA - Jack, F6BUM (http://www.f6bum.fr.st) will be active on CW, SSB and RTTY as OA4-7/F6BUM from Peru from 5 November until 5 December. On 17-21 November he will operate from the island of Suasi (not IOTA) in Lake Titicaca. QSL direct only to home call. [TNX F6BUM] PA - A group of operators from ON4IPA (the Belgian branch of the International Police Association) will be active on 10-80 metres CW, SSB and digital modes as PA/homecalls from EU-146 between 31 October and 2 November. They will participate in the IPA Contest as PA/ON4IPA (QSL via ON6ZV). [TNX ON6ZV] T33 - Rob Snieder, PA2R (ex-PA5ET) will lead the international team of 21 operators to activate Banaba (OC-018) as T33C for two weeks during April 2004 [425DXN 629]. The expeditioners will travel by air to Fiji, and then to Tarawa (T30), from where they will be active during the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. From Tarawa, the operators will go to Banaba by chartered vessel. Because of severe weight restrictions on flights to Tarawa, most of the equipment is being shipped ahead by container from Rotterdam. The expedition will be a major effort, featuring 24 hour a day operation. CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, and SSTV will be used as appropriate on all bands 160 through 6 metres and AO-40. There will be seven separate stations, including a dedicated station for the digital modes and another for 6 metres, equipped with amplifiers and a variety of transmitting and receiving antennas. Logs will be transmitted daily to Australia for publication on the Internet. The T33C group is seeking volunteers to operate pilot stations in Asia, Oceania and South America. The expedition still needs contributions to cover costs. Contributions may be sent to F5CWU (Flo Moudar, 25 Rue du Castel Salis, 37100 Tours, France). For further information, please visit http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004. [TNX K6SRZ, doctore@well.com] V6 - Cal/WF5W and Paul/W5PF will be active as V63WC and V63PF respectively from Yap Island (OC-012), Micronesia on 22-29 November. They will run 100 watts into wire dipoles for 30 and 40 metres and a 2-element yagi for 20-6 metrws. Operation will be CW and SSB; some limited activity in the CQ WW DX CW Contest may be possible. QSL via W5PF. [TNX W5PF] V7 - Brian, K9QQ will be active as V73/K9QQ (QSL via home call) from Kwajalein Atoll (OC-028), Marshall Islands until 28 October. He will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as V73AZ (QSL via K9JS). [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin] ZL - Chris, GM3WOJ will operate (on 40 and 20 metres CW and SSB) as ZL1CT/4 from Stewart Island (OC-203) on 11-15 January. For further information please visit http://www.qsl.net/gm3woj/ [TNX GM3WOJ] ______________________________________________________________________________ CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their participation in this year's event (25-26 October): ZONE 02 - VE2CVI, VE2PGI and VE2GTZ as VE2CVI (http://www.qsl.net/ve2cvi). ZONE 05 - Bill/N1HRA, Matt/WE1H, Foster/N3KCJ and Joe/K1JN as VP9I from Bermuda. QSL via K1JN. ZONE 06 - XE1NK (EA1DLD), XE1UN and XE1NTT (N6AN) as 6D9X (Multi-Single) from Mexico. ZONE 07 - WQ7R as HQ9R on all bands low power from Roatan Island (NA-057), Honduras. QSL via N6FF. ZONE 07 - Announced operations from Costa Rica include: * K8LEE, WA8NJR, and W8GEX as TI5A. QSL via TI5AA. * TI2KAC, K4UN, W4BD, K4WPM, K4ZJ, N5VI and W4KTR as TI8M (Multi-Two). QSL via W4BD, direct or bureau. ZONE 08 - Announced operations from Barbados include: * Tom, W2SC as 8P1A (SOAB High Power), QSL via NT1N. * Dean, 8P6SH as 8P2K (SOSB 15m or 40m), QSL via KU9C. ZONE 08 - Eduardo/CO8LY, Juan/CO8TW and others as CO8LY (Multi-Two) from Cuba. QSL via EA7ADH. ZONE 08 - Craig, AH8DX as FS/AH8DX (SOAB) from St. Martin. ZONE 08 - Jim, N6TJ as KP2A (SOSB 20m) from the Virgin Islands. QSL via W3HNK. ZONE 08 - Al, F5VHJ (NH7A) as TO5A (SOAB) from Martinique. QSL via F5VHJ. ZONE 08 - KC5EA, N5HGB, N5AU, N5KO, N5TJ and K5MR as VP2E from Anguilla (Multi-Single). They will be trying for a new North American record score. QSL via N5AU. ZONE 08 - WP3C as SOAB LP from Puerto Rico. QSL via W3HNK. ZONE 09 - FY5FY, F1HAR, F5HRY, F5LND, F5MZN, F6FGZ and F6FVY as FY5KE (Multi-Single) from French Guiana. QSL to FY5KE, direct or bureau. ZONE 09 - Announced operations from Aruba include: * KK9A as P40A (SOSB 20m), QSL via WD9DZV. * W2GD as P40W (SOAB High Power), QSL via N2MM. ZONE 09 - N8BJQ, WC4E, N8BJQ, W1MD, K1AR and PJ2DX from the PJ2T station in Curacao as a Multi-Two entry. QSL via N9AG. ZONE 10 - Dave, NN1N as HC8N (SOAB high Power) from the Galapagos Islands. QSL via W5UE. ZONE 13 - A large group of eighteen operators from Argentina as LT1F (Multi-Multi). QSL via AC7DX. ZONE 14 - Announced operations from Portugal include: * CT1EHX, CT1ERY, CT1GFK, CT1GPQ and CT2IHP as CT7A (Multi-Single). QSL via CT1GFK. * Filipe, CT1ILT as CQ0T (SOAB). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. ZONE 14 - Announced operations from Luxembourg include: * Philippe, LX2AJ as LX7I (SOSB 40m). QSL via home call. * Phil, LX1AQ as LX5A (SOSB HP 80m) and Robert, LX1RQ as LX9SW (SOSB HP 20m). QSLs via LX1RQ or through the LX bureau. ZONE 14 - G0HSS, G1GEY, G3NKC, G4XUM and M0BEW as MD4K (Multi-Two) from the lighthouse at Point of Ayre on the Isle of Man. QSL via G3NKC. ZONE 14 - M5RIC as MJ2Z (SOAB High Power) from Jersey. QSL via home call. ZONE 15 - I6UNR, IZ8BRI, IZ8CCW, IZ8CGS, IZ8DEJ, IZ8DWL, IZ8EPY and IZ8EPX as IR8M (Multi-Single, http://www.mdxc.org/ir8m). QSL via IZ8BGY. ZONE 15 - UA2FB and others as RW2F (Multi-Two) from Kaliningrad. QSL via DK4VW. ZONE 15 - Pertti, OH2PM as ZA1A (SOAB) from Albania. ZONE 16 - Valery/UT1ML and Vitaly/US5MTJ as UV7M on all bands from Ukraine. QSL via bureau to US5MTJ. ZONE 17 - Nodir, EY8MM as SOSB (80 metres) from Tajikistan. QSL via K1BV. ZONE 17 - UN9GC, UN7GM, UA9MA and others as UP5G (Multi-Two) from Kazakhstan. QSL via LZ1YE. ZONE 18 - Andy, UA0ANW as RM0A (SOAB HP). QSL via UA0ANW, direct or bureau. ZONE 20 - Marios, 5B4WN as C4W (SOAB High Power) from Cyprus. Logs are expected to be placed on Logbook Of the World (http://www.arrl.org/lotw/). ZONE 20 - I2WIJ, IK8HCG and IK8UND as J49Z (Multi-Single HP) from Crete (EU-015). QSL via IK8UND. ZONE 20 - Announced operations from Greece include: * George/K6SV, Xenofon/SV3BEF, Dimitris/SV3BEH and Vangelis/SV3BEG as J43GRC (low power) QSL via K6HRO. * SV8CS, SV2DCD, IK2QEI, IK4MTF, IK2SGC and IZ2AAJ as SY8A (Multi-Single) from the QTH of Spiros, SV8CS on Zante Island (EU-052). ZONE 21 - Alex, YO9HP as A45WD (SOAB Low Power) from Oman. QSL via YO9HP. ZONE 21 - A61AJ, N2AA and several operators from the Slovenia Contest Club as A61AJ (Multi-Multi) from the United Arab Emirates. QSL via K2UO (USA) and DJ2MX (others). ZONE 24 - BW3/JD1BKQ (SOAB) from Taiwan. QSL via JR3PZW. ZONE 25 - DS3GLW, DS4NYE, HL3VQ, HL3AHQ, HL3AMO and HL3SEO as D70LW (Multi operator class to be decided) from South Korea. QSL via HL3VQ. ZONE 27 - Guam Contest Club members JI3ERV, JR7OMD, JP1JFG, JG3RPL, JH7QXJ, JR8VSE, JE8KKX as AH2R (Multi-Two) from Guam. QSL via JH7QXJ, direct or bureau. ZONE 27 - PA0CYW/DU2 (SOAB) from the Philippines. QSL via home call. ZONE 28 - YB0AI, YB0DPO, YF0ANA and YB0ECT as YB0ZDA (the ORARI Kebayoran's club station) in the Multi-Single category. QSL via YB0AI. ZONE 29 - David, VK2CZ as VK9XD from Christmas Island. ZONE 31 - Brian, K9QQ as V73AZ (SOAB High Power) from the Marshall Islands. QSL via K9JS. ZONE 32 - VK4TI, VK2IR, VK3FY, VK3WA and possibly others as YJ0X (Multi-Single) from Vanuatu. QSL via VK4TI. ZONE 33 - W7EJ as CN2R (SOAB) from Morocco. QSL via home call. ZONE 33 - Walter, DJ6QT and others as CT9L (Multi-Two) from Madeira. QSL via DJ6QT. ZONE 33 - Announced operations from the Canary Islands include: * Pekka/OH1RY as EA8AH (SOSB 40m), QSL via home call. * Martti/OH2BH as EA8BH (SOSB 80m), QSL via home call. * Ville/OH2MM as EA8EA (SOSB 15m), QSL via home call. ZONE 33 - IT9GSF and possibly others as IG9A from Lampedusa (AF-019), African Italy. ZONE 34 - SU9NC (Tom, N9NC) as Single Operator All Bands Low Power from Egypt. QSL via OM2SA. ZONE 35 - Announced operations from Cape Verde include: * Al, 4L5A as D4B (SOAB HP). QSL via K1BV. * Fabio, I4UFH as D44TD (SOAB). QSL via CT1EKF. ZONE 37 - Paul/K1XM (5H1X/3), Charlotte/KQ1F and others from the 5I3A club station in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania as a Multi-Multi entry. ZONE 38 - Edwin, ZS5BBO as ZS5T (SOSB 20m). QSL via home call. ZONE 40 - TF3AO and others as TF3W (Multi-Single) from Iceland. QSL via TF3GB. _____________________________________________________________________________ Other announced operations, mentioned in past issues of 425 DX News, include: DXCC CALL CATEGORY QSL VIA ZONE 02 - Canada VB2C M/M ZONE 02 - Canada VO2WL SOAB HP VE3JM ZONE 07 - Costa Rica TI5N M/M W3HNK ZONE 07 - Honduras VE3BW/HR6 VE3BW ZONE 07 - San Andres & Providencia 5J0X M/2 N1WON ZONE 08 - Antigua & Barbuda V26DX M/2 KU9C ZONE 08 - Antigua & Barbuda V26B M/2 WT3Q ZONE 08 - Bahamas W8JE/C6A W8JE ZONE 08 - Turks & Caicos VP5T M/M N2VW ZONE 08 - Turks & Caicos VP5B M/2 N2AU ZONE 08 - Turks & Caicos VP5DX M/S NU4Y ZONE 08 - Virgin Islands WP2Z M/2 KU9C ZONE 09 - Bonaire PJ4T DL9NDS ZONE 09 - Suriname PZ5A M/2 W5UE ZONE 09 - Suriname PZ5JR M/S K3BYV ZONE 09 - Trinidad & Tobago 9Y4ZC SOAB HP DL6FBL ZONE 11 - Fernando de Noronha PT0F W3HC ZONE 14 - France TM9AF F5SM ZONE 14 - Liechtenstein HB0/HB9AON DJ2YE ZONE 14 - Norway LA/N0HJZ SOAB LP N0HJZ ZONE 14 - Scotland MM0Q SOAB LP MM0BQI ZONE 14 - Scotland MM0LEO W3LEO ZONE 15 - Aland Islands OH0Z SOAB OH5DX ZONE 15 - Malta 9H3SB DL5XAT ZONE 15 - Malta 9H3UD DL5OB ZONE 15 - Sardinia IS0A M/M ZONE 15 - Sardinia IS0/.... M/M ZONE 17 - Uzbekistan UK/JE7RJZ JE7IDA ZONE 22 - Nepal 9N7MV JA0UMV ZONE 22 - Nepal 9N7ET JI1LET ZONE 22 - Sri Lanka 4S7FBG DL9GFB ZONE 22 - Sri Lanka 4S7JWG DL9MS ZONE 26 - Cambodia XU7ACE ES1FB ZONE 27 - Mariana Islands KH0AA M/2 JA5DQH ZONE 28 - Papua New Guinea P29AM ZONE 28 - Timor Leste 4W2A JR2KDN ZONE 32 - Samoa 5W0ZY JA2ZL ZONE 32 - South Cook Islands ZK1SSB W6ORD ZONE 32 - Vanuatu YJ0X M/S VK4TI ZONE 33 - Italy IH9P M/2 ZONE 38 - Namibia V55V ZS6EGB ZONE 39 - Seychelles S79AX ON5AX ZONE 40 - Greenland OX3UB OZ1GER Do not forget to give a look to the list of announced operations maintained by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2003.html _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH BQ9P ---> The Pratas Island DXpedition went QRT at 6 (local time) on 16 October, after some 27,000 QSOs. A photo gallery is now available at http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage64.htm [TNX JI6KVR] NCDXA ---> At the October meeting, the members of the National Capitol DX Association (http://www.qsl.net/ncdxa/) elected the following officers to serve in 2004: Dick Mayott, W2YE (President); Terry Hines, N2ZH (Vice President); Brian Bayus, N1KC (Treasurer); George Vincent, K3GV (Secretary). [TNX K3GV] MARIA ISLAND ---> IT9YRE, IT9EJW and I1SNW logged about 1800 QSOs in 36 hours during their recent and unfortunate operation from Maria Island (OC-264, new one for IOTA). Over the last couple of weeks 425 DX News has received a few inquiries from IOTA chasers who are willing to send a donation in order to compensate the operators for part of their losses (two transceivers and two antennas fell overboard and sank). Donations can be sent either along with the QSL cards (QSL via home calls) or to Gaetano, IT9GAI (Gaetano Giudice, Via dei Mille 94, 96017 Noto - SR, Italy), who has offered to help collecting contributions. Direct requests that are being received will be processed in time for the cards to reach the "deserving" before the IOTA annual update deadline. [TNX IT9GAI] NOT THE MANAGER ---> Danny, LZ2UU is not and has never been the QSL manager for ZA1MM [425DXN 650]. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Danny and our readers. [TNX LZ3SM] PY1OW ---> This is the new call sign of Antonio Da Silva, formerly known as PY1XP, from the island of Itacuruca (SA-029). QSLS ---> Giovanni, IZ2DPX and Stefano, IK5PWQ report that the cards for their ZA3/IZ2DPX (May-June 2003) and IM0/IK5PWQ (July 2003, EU-165) operations have been printed and direct as well as bureau requests are being processed. QSL VIA JE7IDA ---> The correct address for JE7IDA, QSL manager for UK/JE7RJZ [425DXN 650], is: Kunihiko Nakano, 2-5-4 Mitsuwari, Morioka, 020-0011 Japan. QSL VIA YL2GN ---> Don, YL2GN has received the C5P and FG/YL2KL cards from the printer and the relevant logs from YL2KL. Direct cards will be processed first, bureau cards will follow (requests for the latter are welcome at Ziedonis.Knope@lattelekom.lv). [TNX YL2GN] SV2ASP/A ---> Monk Apollo is back on the air thanks to the help provided by George Varvitsiotes, K6SV. George has taken Monk Apollo a new transceiver and power supply to replace the broken gear [425DXN 635]; he also planned to install all the antennas that were previous donated in order to get SV2ASP/A back on the air "in a big way". [TNX OPDX Bulletin] TJ OPERATION CANCELLED ---> Alfredo, IK7XGF has had to cancel his 16-28 October operation from Cameroon [425DXN 650], as "after the initial struggle for the license, other problems of family nature added on top and forced a quick return home". [TNX IK0FTA] WRTC 2006 ---> The World Radiosport Team Championship Sanctioning Committee, the Liga de Amadores de Radio Emissao (LABRE) and the Araucaria DX Group (GADX) have announced that the fifth WRTC competition will be held in Florianopolis, capital of the Santa Catarina State, in July 2006. + SILENT KEY + Enzo Tancredi, IK6BOB, one of the most active DXers in Italy, becane a SK on 14 October. [TNX IK6DEN] ______________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The 3C0V logs for CW, RTTY and PSK31 are available at http://www.tabarca.es.mn; SSB contacts will follow. [TNX EA5BYP] QSLs received direct: 3A2MD, 3B9ZL, 3G1P (SA-085), 4L5T, 4S7NE, 4W3DX, 5R8EY, 5T5KG, 5V7BR, 5W0DA, 5X2A, 7Q7CE, 7X0AD, 8A3M (OC-250), 9J2BO, 9Y4/IV3IYN, A35XX (OC-064), AP2ARS, AP2HA, BN0F, CS4B (EU-040), CY0MM (NA-063), E4/DF3EC, EP3SMH, FH/G4IRN, FO0TOH, J72JOT, JR8XXQ/JD1, JT1BV, KB5GL/5 (NA-089), KD6WW/VY0 (NA-131), MJ0AWR, R1ANC, S05X, S79MX, S9SS (AF-023), T5X, TI2NA, TR8BAR, TR8JPF, TX0AT, UA0ACG, UA0FZ, UN7AM, V63SC (OC-010), V63SC (OC-010), V63TXF, V63TXF/p (OC-078), VK9XAB, VK9YL, VQ9LA, W5BOS/AL5 (NA-121), XV9DT, YC9MB (OC-151), YE5A (OC-262), YI/KV4EB, YI/OM2DX, YJ8MN (OC-035), Z37M, ZC4RR, ZD9VC, ZF2TR, ZW0S, ZW8M (SA-042). ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************