DX425 bulletin issue nr. 648

425 DX News #648
4 October 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                         >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<<

The 425  DX  News  monthly edition  (September  issue),  edited  by  Maurizio
Bertolino  (I1-21171/IZ1CRR)  is  now  available  for  free  downloading   in
either.pdf or .doc  formats at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/ In this  issue
you can find a detailed report with  pictures on the XF1K operation from  the
Todos Santos Islands (NA-162), as well  as the usual features (the  September
weekly bulletins, QSL routes and addresses, calendar and news from the web).

4U_UN  - Bob, N4CD  reports that  Pedro, HK3JJH  will be  operating from  the
          United Nations HQ (4U1UN) "for  two days sometime  between 8 and  16
BQ9    - The BQ9P operators expect  to arrive on  Pratas Island [425DXN  647]
          around noon (local time) on 7 October.  They plan to set up the  low
          band antenna and one yagi for  10, 15 and metres before sunset.  QSL
          via KU9C. [TNX JI6KVR]
F       - Franck/F5JOT, Daniel/F5LGQ,  Claude/F6CKH and  Jean-Paul/F6GNG  will
          operate SSB and CW as homecall/p from Cezembre Island (EU-157,  DIFM
          MA-008) on 3-5 October. QSL via home calls. [TNX F5JOT]
FK      - Yoshi, JA7AQR will be active as FK/JA7AQR from Mare Island  (OC-033,
          DIFO FK-013), New Caledonia until 6  October. Look for him on  40-10
          metre SSB and  RTTY. QSL via  home call,  direct (Yoshihiro  Tanaka,
          1-10-6 Minamihara, Yamagata, 990-2413 Japan) or bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
I      - Special event station II8PAX will  be activated by  ARI Pompei on  7
          October to celebrate the visit of Pope John Paul II. QSL via IZ8CLM,
          direct or bureau. [TNX IW8EOB]
KH0     - Look for KH0/JA1DM (QSL via home call), KH0T (QSL via JA1SGU),  KH0V
          (QSL via JJ1KZI)  and NH0B (QSL  via JI1JMK)  to be  active on  40-6
          metres SSB,  CW  and RTTY  from  Saipan,  Northern  Mariana  Islands
          (OC-086) on 10-13 October. [TNX JA1SGU]
KH2     - Aki Fujimoto, JR1VAY reports he will be active as AH2J from Guam  on
          3-6 October. QSL via home call through the JARL bureau.
LU      - GACW (http://gacw.no-ip.org) members Alberto/LU1DZ, Hector/LU6UO and
          Fernando/LW2DX will be active (on 160-6 metres CW with some SSB)  as
          homecall/P from  the rare  San Juan  Province of  Argentina until  6
          October. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX LU6EF]
PA     - Martin, VE3MR will be active again as PA9MR from IOTA EU-146 on 7-25
          October. QSL via VE3MR. [TNX The Daily DX]
SP     - Other two special event stations will be active from Poland until 31
          October to celebrate Pope  John Paul II's  Silver Jubilee. They  are
          SO25JP (QSL via  SP9W) and HF25JP  (QSL via SP9PKZ).  [TNX SP9W  and
T2      - After Samoa (5W0MW) and Tokelau (ZK3MW) Willi, DJ7RJ was expected to
          operate from Vanuatu [425DXN 644]. However, he is now reported to be
          on his way to Tuvalu, where he hopes to arrive around 10 October and
          stay until the 24th. QSL via home call. [TNX AA1M]
XU      - Shirow, JF6DEA  will  be  active as  XU7ACD  from  Cambodia  on  3-6
          October. Look for him on 6  metres as well as  on 40-10 metres.  QSL
          direct  to  JH6QIL  (Shin-Ichi  Kusumoto,  1777-289   Nishi-Mochida,
          Aira-cho,  Kagoshima,  899-5431   Japan).  Further  information   at
          http://www.ham-net.net/vu-dx/ [TNX JF6DEA]
YJ     - Mike, KM9D (YJ0AMY) and Jan, KF4TUG (YJ0ATU) expect to be active  on
          10-160 metres CW and  SSB from Tegua  Island (OC-110) [425DXN  647],
          Vanuatu until around 12 October. QSL via OM2SA. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZK1_sc  - Henrik, OZ6TL  will be  active as  ZK1TLA from  Rarotonga  (OC-013),
          South Cook Islands between 11  October and 6  November. He plans  to
          operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31  in his spare  time. [TNX The  Daily
ZL      - Chas, ZL3CED will be active as  ZL6FF between 20  UTC on 10  October
          and 8 UTC on the 11th, During the Oceania DX Contest he will use his
          home call. He will operate CW only on 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40  metres.
          QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX ZL3CED]
ZL8     - Jacky, ZL3CW (F2CW) will be active again as ZM8CW from Raoul  Island
          in the Kermadecs (OC-039) on 10-18 October. This is not a DXpedition
          and Jacky  will operate  in his  spare time.  QSL via  ZL1AMO.  [TNX

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Anci, JA2ZL (www4.ocn.ne.jp/~ja2zl) will be active as ZK2ZY
from Niue (OC-040) on 18-24 October and as 5W0ZY from Samoa (OC-097) on 25-28
October, probably including an  entry in the  CQ WW DX  SSB Contest. He  will
operate on 12-80 metres (SSB, CW and RTTY from ZK2, SSB only from 5W),  using
100 watts,  dipoles and  beams. QSL  via JA2ZL  either direct  (Anci  Yamada,
17-8-2 Takirocho, Tajima, 507-0813 Japan) or  through the JARL bureau  (until
July 2004). [TNX JA1ELY]

VK9 TOUR --->  Some confusion  seems to  exist about  the dates  of the  YLs'
forthcoming DXpeditions  [425DXN  631]. They  will  be  on  Christmas  Island
(OC-002) as VK9XYL on 13-27 October and on Cocos Keeling Islands (OC-003)  as
VK9CYL on 27 October-10 November. QSL to VK3DYL. (Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Court,
Mt. Waverley,  Victoria 3149,  Australia) Direct  cards enclosing  old  style
IRCs, insufficient postage or no SAE will be returned via the bureau.  E-QSLs
will not be accepted. [TNX VK3DYL, http://www.qsl.net/vk3dyl]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CDXC  --->  The  new  officers  and  directors  of  the  Clipperton  DX  Club
(http://cdxc.free.fr/)  are    Yannick/F6FYD    (President),     Joel/F5IPW
(Vice-President), Jean-Louis/F9DK (Vice-President), Gerard/F2JD  (Treasurer),
Mauricette/F8BPN (Secretary).  Other  Board  members,  charged  with  various
repsonsabilities, include F2VX, F4AJQ, F5CQ, F5CWU, F5IL, F5LMJ, F5OGL, F5XL,

INDEXA --->  The  International DX  Association  (INDEXA) has  announced  its
directors and officers for the 2003-2004 term: Judy Roush, AA7UC (President);
Bill  "Pick"   Pickard,  WA5PAE   (Vice-President);  Bill   Jennings,   W4UNP
(Secretary-Treasurer); Franz Langner,  DJ9ZB (Director);  Ron Wright,  ZL1AMO
(Director); Richard Grant, W9RG (Director); Nellie  Saltiel de Lazard,  XE1CI
(Director).  INDEXA  is  a  non-profit  organization  that  is  dedicated  to
supporting rare and semi-rare DX while promoting goodwill among amateur radio
operators   of   the    world.   For   more    information,   please    visit
http://www.indexa.org or contact  Bill Jennings,  W4UNP (P.O.  Box 607,  Rock
Hill, SC 29731, USA). [TNX AA7UC]

OCEANIA DX CONTEST ---> The  Phone Contest will  take place from  8 UTC on  4
October through  8 UTC  on the  5th; the  CW Contest  will be  held on  11-12
October. The aim of the contest  is to promote HF  contacts with stations  in
the Oceania region (VK, ZL,  Pacific Islands and  other locations within  the
IARU "Worked All Continents" Oceania boundary). Full details are available at

PIRATE ---> Scott, K7ZO  is the QSL  manager for Joe,  NK7U and has  received
around 40 cards for QSOs made with TA0/NK7U on 9 August 2002. "This operation
was a pirate/slim", he says. There are also a few cards for TA9/NN7E via NK7U
on 22 November 2002: "this operation may or may not be a pirate, but NK7U  is
not the QSL manager if it is a good one".

QSL 7Q7RS ---> The QSL manager  for Sigfrido, 7Q7RS is  IW9BBX. Cards can  be
sent either direct (Antonello Scauso, P.O. Box 34, 98057 Milazzo - ME, Italy)
or through the bureau. [TNX IK8PGM]

QSL PJ2P  --->  The  proper QSL  route  for  the  PJ2P  (http://www.pj2t.org)
operation from Curacao  in the CQ/RJ  WW RTTY  Contest this  past weekend  is
KQ3F. They operated in the M/S Low Power category. [TNX K8ND]

QSL TX4PG (MARQUESAS  2003) ---> Please  note that  the new  QSL manager  for
bureau cards only is IK2DIA. Direct requests should still be sent to I2YSB.

QSL YI1BGD/5  --->  "There has  been  a lot  of  confusion  regarding  Hasan,
YI1BGD/5 and  his operation  out of  Basrah  since before  2002/2003",  Cliff
Underhill, G0MMI  says.  He has  been  unable to  reply  to any  direct  card
received so far [425DXN 637], but on 30 September it was confirmed via  Diya,
YI1DZ that Hasan would like Cliff to be his QSL manager. Logs are expected to
arrive "in the near future" and cards have still to be printed, so please  be
patient. Also please note that Cliff  can accept direct cards only, at  least
"for the foreseeable future", as he has pulled out of the RSGB QSL Bureau.

QSL ZW8M ---> Moreira, CT1AHU reports  that the first  batch of direct  cards
for the May 2003 ZW8M operation from Mexiana Island (SA-042) was mailed on 30
September. [TNX CT1END]

QSL VIA I2YSB ---> Silvano is the  QSL manager for 5U7B, 5U7DW, 5U7JK,  5U7JW
and 5U7RW. QSL direct only to Silvano Borsa, P.O. Box 45, 27036 Mortara - PV,
Italy. On-line  logs  for 5U7B,  5U7DW,  5U7JW and  5U7RW  are  available  at
http://digilander.libero.it/i2ysb [TNX I2YSB]

QSL VIA S57DX ---> Dane, S57CQ has  left Iraq, where he operated as  YI/S57CQ
(some 3100 QSOs)  and YI9T (some  1500 QSOs); both  calls are acceptable  for
DXCC credit. Dane  is now in  Guinea-Bissau (J5) until  mid October. All  QSL
requests for his  previous operations (YI9T,  YI/S57CQ, 5B4/S57CQ,  T9/S57CQ,
9A/S57CQ) go to S57DX (Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika,  Slovenia).

VK9XAB ---> Andy,  G3AB made 10,800  QSOs as VK9XAB  during his recent  7-day
stay on Christmas Island. Direct QSLs  are being mailed  now. Two weeks  were
spent in Indonesia prior to the VK9  activity where Andy was pleased to  meet
up with many well-known YB DXers  in Jakarta. Some  photos will be  appearing
soon on http://www.g3ab.net [TNX G3AB]

W/VE ISLANDS QSO PARTY ---> This year event it will be held on 18-19 October.
Full details  can be  found at  http://www.eng.mu.edu/usislands/usvetest.html

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4M9YY:         The web page for the 7-12 October 4M9YY operation [425DXN 643]
                is at http://www.4m9yy.com.ve [TNX YY5JMM]
IOCA TOUR:     Full information (including pictures,  QSL routes, etc)  about
                the Croatian islands tour of 9A/RZ3EC, 9A/UA3NAN and 9A6AA  is
                now available at  http://www.qsl.net/rz3ec/9a. QSL cards  have
                been printed and are being sent out. [TNX RZ3EM]
LOGS:          The QSOs from the 20-27 September GB0SM (EU-011) activity have
                been  added  to   the  main   log,  which   is  available   at
                http://www.qsl.net/gb0sm [TNX G0PSE]
LOGS:          On-line logs for AL5A/NH0 (Saipan) [425DXN 645] are  available
                at http://www6.plala.or.jp/jh0mgj/logs/index.html [TNX JH0MGJ]
QSL GALLERIES:  A collection of 1700+ QSL cards  is available on Les  Nouvelle
                DX's web site. Six  different galleries include cards for each
                of the 58 deleted DXCC entities, obsolete prefixes,  Antarctic
                bases & TAAF  (Terres Australes and Antarctiques  Francaises),
                pre-1945 countries and French Departments.  Several cards  are
                still needed and your participation is welcome - please  visit
                http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr and send  send your comments  to
                LesNouvellesDX@free.fr [TNX F6AJA]
QSL ROUTES:    QSL routes for stations active during the latest CQ/RJ WW RTTY
                Contest  are   listed   at   http://www.contesting.info [TNX
TOP LISTS:      The  latest    Topband,   Topmode  and    Toplist    listings
                (October      update)     are       now      available      at
                http://www.425dxn.org/awards/toplist.html -  please  send your
                scores, as  well as  any request  for further  information, to
                Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2eow@fastwebnet.it)
XZ7A:           The web  page for  the current  operation from  Myanmar is  at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3C0V        DJ9ZB       ED3TCT      EA3EVR      P3A         W3HNK
3D2LL       JA2LLK      ED6MAT      EA6ACF      PJ2MI       W2CQ
4D71HBC     DU1HBC      ED7SAC      EA7DA       PS7/ZY2A    PT2AA
4L1MA       ON4RU       EM225G      UR3GM       PY9BT       PP2BT
4O8AA       UA3DX       EM5U        UT2UB       R10RRC      RV3ACA
4S7PBG      JH3PBL      EO6F        UX0FF       RK0LXD/p    UA0LQJ
4V200H      HH2JR       EW6AC       DL8KAC      S9SS        N4JR
4Z8EE       OK1EE       EX2M        W3HNK       SN25JP      SP4GFG
5B4AHJ      G3PMR       FK/AC4LN    UA4WHX      SO1VAF      DL7VAF
5N0NHD      JH8BKL      FM5BH       W3HNK       SR25JP      SP6KFA
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      FO/DF6IC    DF6IC       SU9NC       OM2SA
5R8HA       G3SWH       FO/DL1IAN   DL1IAN      SV0JD/SV8   DL6NBA
5X2PV       PA3CBH      FO/DL3GA    DL3GA       SX8X        SV8ENI
7Q7HB       G0IAS       FW/AC4LN    UA4WHX      T88BA       G4OHX
8P9AM       UT2UB       GB0SAM      M0RAW       T88UG       K7ZZ
8P9SH       KU9C        GB75BF      G4DFI       T88ZX       K7ZZ
8S5A        SM5AJV      HC8N        W5UE        T99RM       DL2JRM
8S5X        SM5HJZ      HE2GR       HB9DOT      TA0KA       DJ6QT
8S6UEA      DL1CC       HF25JP      SP9PKZ      TA2ZF       UT2UB
8S7A        W3HNK       HF8JP       SP8QED      TA4ZT       DK1AR
9G1OO       PA3ERA      HF8KAF      SP8KAF      TG9NX       N4FKZ
9H3GQT      YL2GQT      HJ3ISB      EA5KB       TM9NL       F5AXP
9H3KKL      YL2KL       HS0ZEA      OE2REL      TR8CA       F6CBC
9H3M        YL2KL       II1D        IZ1CCE      UE3SFF/P    RU3SD
9H3MMD      YL2MD       IO1DCI      IK1GPG      UE3YGA/P    RV3YR
9H3YM       PE1OFJ      J42A        SV2AEL      UE6FBR      RN6FJ
9H3ZR       PB9ZR       J45XB       DJ9XB       UT0U        UT2UB
9J2BO       G3TEV       JW5X        LA5X        UT4UZA/P    UX7UN
9J2KC       JL1NKC      JW6VM       LA6VM       UT5UDX      UT2UB
9L1DX       EA4CEN      JW7XK       LA7XK       V31LZ       LZ3RZ
9N7DZ       UA4AX       JW9DL       LA9DL       V31XW       G7UXW
9Y4ZC       DL4MDO      JY4NE       K3IRV       V51KC       WD4AWD
A41KJ       N5FTR       JY9QJ       DL5MBY      V63SC       JM1LBO
A52SM       SM7EHU      K2K         K2KGB       V73MJ       JF1NZW
A61AR       UA6MF       K4R         KG4KWW      V85RH       JH7FQK
AL5A/NH0    JH0MGJ      K7WD/KH6    JH7IMX      V8A         JH7FQK
CL6BIA      N3ZOM       KH0AC       K7ZA        VK4SRW      PA0RRS
CN2R        W7EJ        KH6ZM       I0MWI       VP5/AH6HY   AH6HY
CN8KD       EA5XX       KL7FAA      AC7DX       VP8DGA      G0WJN
CO3CJ       IZ8EBI      KP2D        KU9C        XZ7A        DL7DF
CO6TB       N3ZOM       KP4SQ       KD8IW       YA3R        K3KN
CO6XN       N3ZOM       LN1B        LA1B        YC0KTS      LZ1YE
CO8CY       EA5KB       LN2T        LA2T        YI1UNH      WA3HUP
CP8XA       DL3NAZ      LZ100JVA    LZ1PJ       YI9X        OM3JW
CU3DJ/P     KZ5RO       M0SDX       UT2UB       YM2ZF       UT2UB
D4B         K1BV        N1VK/VE2    JL3SIK      Z28JL       G3UUV
DL2GG/YV5   DL3AMA      OH0B        OH2BH       ZA1E        I2MQP
DS0DX/2     HL1XP       OH0PM       OH2PM       ZL/9V1SM/P  W3HNK
DU3NXE      W3HNK       OH0V        OH6LI       ZV5OKT      PP5ZP
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        OH0WK       OH3WK       ZY2A        PT2AA
ED2LUZ      EA2CV       OH0XY       OH6XY       ZY5BI       PP5ZP
ED3TCA      EA3DQU      OK8BWW      CT1BWW      ZY5JP       PY5ZHP

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4U1UN   P.O. Box 3873, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163, USA
4W3CW   Peter McKay, UNMISET, P.O. Box 2436, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
AC7DX   Ron Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA
DJ9ZB   Franz Langner, Benfelder Str. 4, D-77955 Ettenheim, Germany
DL3NAZ  Peter Kapraun, Ebenung 5, D-63762 Grossostheim, Germany
EA2CV   Jose Antonio Box Ubeda, C/Jose Miguel Barandiaran 4-B, 20700
         Zumarraga - Guipuzcoa, Spain
EA3DQU  Francisco R. Bedos Balletbo, C/Caracas 6-1, 08380 Malgrat de Mar -
         Barcelona, Spain
EA3EVR  Jorge Barcelo Serret, P.O. Box 51, 43540 Sant Carles de la Rapita -
         Tarragona, Spain
EA7DA   Julio Gonzalez Gonzalez, P.O. Box 202, 41927 Mairena del Aljarafe -
         Sevilla, Spain
IT9MRM  Alberto Mattei, Via Enrico Millo 20, 96011 Augusta - SR, Italy
IU1L    P.O. Box 1117, 16121 Genova GE, Italy
JE4WKR  Akira Yasumoto, 1-56 Asahihonmachi, Okayama, 700-0865, Japan
K2KGB   Larry R. Cohen, 15 Canterbury Drive, Coram, NY 11727-2307, USA
KG4KWW  Greg Curti Sr., 8307 Patrick Henry Blvd., Mechanicsville, VA 23116,
LZ1PJ   Ivan Ivanov, P.O.Box 15, BG 1324 Sofia, Bulgaria
SP4GFG  Tadeusz Bres, P.O. Box 147, 15-959 Bialystok 2, Poland
UN8CC   Alexander W.Goncharow, Magistralnaya str, Chistopolye, G.Musrepow
         reg, SKO, 476340 Kazakhstan
UR3GM   Igor Pulin, P.O. Box 23, Kherson 73022, Ukraine
UT2UB   Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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