DX425 bulletin issue nr. 643

425 DX News #643
30 August 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

This issue of 425 DX News  was edited by Maurizio Bertolino,  I1-21171/IZ1CRR
owing to the untimely death of Mauro's, I1JQJ beloved mother. We are close in
thoughts and  prayers  to Mauro  and  his wife  Valeria,  IK1ADH and  we  are
confident that the readers of 425DXN  will understand the hard time of  grief
and distress our friends have been called to face.
5R     - Phil, G3SWH and his wife will be touring Madagascar (AF-013) between
         13 and  22 September,  when they  we will  fly to  Ile Sainte  Marie
         (AF-090) and relax  for a few  days until  the 27th.  Phil hopes  to
         activate his 5R8HA  call from the  mainland whenever he  can and  to
         operate as 5R8HA/P from AF-090, where he expects to be more  active.
         Look for him on 10-40 metres CW only. QSL via home call. [TNX G3SWH]
CT3    - Moreira, CT1AHU  will  operate as  CQ3U  from Porto  Santo,  Madeira
         (AF-014, DIP MA-002) from 30 August to 9 September. QSL via  CT1AHU.
         The page for the operation is at http://ct1end.netpower.pt/cq3u [TNX
EA6    - Christian, DL6KAC will be active again (mainly SSB with some CW)  as
         EA6/DL6KAC from Mallorca (DIE E-021), Balearic Islands (EU-004) from
         8 September to 7 October. QSL via home call either direct or through
         the DARC bureau. [TNX DL6KAC]
F      - A group of operators from  Cenon Radio Club  (F6KNL) will be  active
         from Madame Island  (not IOTA, DIFM  AT-024) on  29-30 August.  They
         will operate CW  and SSB on  10-80 meres. QSL  via F8BBL, bureau  or
         direct. [TNX F8BBL]
F      - Special station TM5GAP will be active  on 6-14 September during  the
         World Parachuting  Championship at  Gap-Tallard aerodrome.  QSL  via
         F5IQJ. [TNX F0CRS]
HB0    - IZ2DPX and IW2NEF will be in Liechtenstein for the IARU VHF Region 1
         Contest (6-7  September).  Look for  HB0/IZ2DPX/P  from  JN47TC  and
         HB0/IW2NEF/P from JN47SB. IZ2DPX will operate also on 10, 15, 20 and
         40 metres. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ2DPX]
HB0    - Weather permitting, Pierre, HB9QQ will again be active as  HB0/HB9QQ
         from Liechtenstein from 12 October for  a few days. His QTH will  be
         at 2200m a.s.l. and plans are  to concentrate on  160 metres with  a
         dipole at a height of 23m and 500 watts. QSL via HB9QQ. [TNX F5NQL]
I      - Vanni, IK4RUX and  Giuseppe, IZ4CCO  will  be active from   Bergeggi
         Island (EU-083, IIA SV-002) on 6-7   September. QSL via  home  call,
         direct  or bureau. [TNX IZ6EGW]
I      - Vesuvio DX Team member IZ8FDH will be active as IL7/IZ8FDH from  San
         Domino (EU-050, IIA FG-001)  on 13-18 September.  QSL via home  call
         either direct (Paolo Capobianco, Via Enrico Cocchia 26, 80124 Napoli
         - NA, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IZ8DDG]
KH6    - Lee, KB1AIM/HL1IWD reports he will be  visiting Honolulu, Hawaii  on
         7-12 September and will  operate as KH6/KB1AIM  on 20 metres  mainly
         CW. QSL via HL1IWD.
KH7K   - The DXpedition to  Kure Atoll  [425DXN 640],  originally planned  to
         take place  in  October, has  been  postponed "until  sometime  next
         year". Owing to  uncertainties related to  transportation access  to
         Midway, the expedition's stepping stone to get to Kure, it has  been
         decided to wait until things are settled. [TNX KH7U]
KP2    - The Wireless Association of South Hills  will be QRV from St.  John,
         US Virgin  Islands (NA-106)  on 4-12  October. The  NP2SH team  will
         operate CW and SSB on 10-80  metres, and will participate in  either
         the California  QSO Party  (4-5 October)  and the  Pennsylvania  QSO
         Party (11-12 October). QSL direct to N3ZNI. [TNX W4ZE]
OZ     - Ric, DL2VFR  reports he  will operate  mostly CW  as OZ/DL2VFR  from
         Langeland Island (EU-172)  from 31 August  to 6  September. QSL  via
         home call, bureau or direct.
S7     - Norbert, DL2RNS will operate mainly CW as S79NS from the  Seychelles
         on 4-17 October. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [TNX DL2VFR]
SV     - Nicolas, F5TGR  will  be  active  as  SV8/F5TGR  from  the  Cyclades
         (EU-067) on 6-27 September. He will operate on 10-20 metres SSB  and
         CW from the islands of Paros  (6-12 September), Santorini  (13-19th)
         and Naxos  (20-27th).  QSL via  home  call, wither  direct  (Nicolas
         Quennet,8 bis Rue de  la Marne, 95220  Herbaly, France) or  throught
         the bureau. [TNX F5TGR]
SV5    - Russell, G5XW  reports he  will be  active (on  20 metres  only)  as
         SV5/G5XW from the Dodecanese from 28 August to 4 September.
UA     - UA0LD, RW0LE and RA0LIA  will operate as  UE0LZZ/P from the  Natural
         Reserve of Ussuriisky on 5-7 and  again on 12-14 September. QSL  via
         UA0LD. [TNX RU3GN]
UT     - Special event call EN100WAY (World Aviation  Year) will be aired  by
         club station  UR4WWE, located  at the  Lviv State  Airport, on  1-30
         September. QSL via UT7WZ either direct (Miroslav Lupiy, P.O.Box  94,
         Lviv, 79000, Ukraine)  or through  the bureau.  E-mail requests  for
         bureau cards will be welcome at ur4wwe@ut1wpr.ampr.org [TNX UR5WCW]
V2     - Bud, AA3B will be active as V26K from Antigua & Barbuda (NA-100)  on
         26-30 November.  This  will  be  a CW  only,  all  band,  low  power
         operation, including an entry in the  CQ WW DX  CW Contest. QSL  via
         home call. [TNX AA3B]
V6     - V63SXW (Roger, G3SXW) and V63TXF (Nigel,  G3TXF) have changed  their
         plans regarding this weekend [425DXN 632]. Nigel will go to  Falalop
         (OC-078) alone and be active as  V63TXF/P, while Roger will stay  on
         Yap (OC-012). QSL via home calls. [TNX G3ZAY]
VK     - Bill, VK4FW is likely to be  active (possibly for  a couple of  days
         from each island) from OC-160, OC-171, OC-172 and OC-142 starting on
         29 September. This will be a 95% CW operation. QSL direct only (with
         2 USD  or  2  IRC)  via  home call  (Bill  Horner,  P.O.  Box  1343,
         Maroochydore, 4558, Australia). [TNX VK4FW]
VP9    - Bert, PA3GIO will be active as  PA3GIO/VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005)  on
         18-28 September. He will operate from the QTH of Ed, VP9GE and  will
         be QRV on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB. QSL via  PA3GIO,
         preferably through the bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards will
         be welcome at qsl@pa3gio.nl). The web  page for the operation is  at
         http://www.pa3gio.nl/VP9 [TNX PA3GIO]
YA     - Operator Sada in  Kabul, Afghanistan [425DXN  631] has received  his
         own licence and is  now active as  YA1D. He has  also got club  call
         YA0J for visiting operators.  Sada is QRV  almost daily after  12.30
         UTC on 80-10 metres mainly SSB with some slow CW. QSL YA1D and  YA0J
         via JG1OWV. [TNX JG1OWV]
YI     - Dane, S57CQ is expected to  be back to  Iraq until mid-October.  QSL
         YI/S57CQ (already  approved  for  DXCC  credit)  via  S57DX  (Slavko
         Celarc, Ob igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia), [TNX S57DX]
YV     - A group of operators will be active on all bands and modes as  4M9YY
         from San Fernando de Apure, in the rare call area 9 of Venezuela, on
         7-12 October. QSL  direct (maildrop) to  4M9YY, Pakmail 10012,  P.O.
         Box 025304, Miami, FL 33102-5304, USA (YV stations only can  request
         their cards via bureau). [TNX YY5JMM]

PACIFIC TRIP ---> Jim, W7UG and  Tom, K7ZZ will operate  as T88ZX from  Palau
(OC-009) starting around 1 October for one  week. Then they will move to  Yap
(OC-012), Micronesia and be active as  V63ZT for another week. Look for  them
on 10-80 metres (with an emphasis  on the WARC bands) SSB  and CW, with  some
RTTY if there  is enough interest  in that mode.  QSLs direct  to K7ZZ.  [TNX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

NCDXF ---->  At its  Board of  Directors meeting  on 26  August the  Northern
California DX Foundation re-elected the following officers and directors:
President       Len Geraldi, K6ANP
Vice President  Al Burnham, K6RIM
Secretary       Tom McShane, NW6P 
Treasurer       Bruce Butler, W6OSP 
Director        Rusty Epps, W6OAT 
Director        Dave Pugatch, KI6WF 
Director        Chuck Ternes, N6OJ 
Director        Glenn Vinson, W6OTC 
Director        Steve Merchant, K6AW 
Director        Ken Anderson, K6TA
Director        Tim Totten, N4GN
Information pertaining to the Northern California DX Foundation is  available
at http://www.ncdxf.org/ [TNX K6RIM]

QSL KH6ZM ---> Effective 1 September 2003,  I0MWI is the new QSL manager  for
Max, KH6ZM.  QSL direct  only  to Stefano  Cipriani,  Via Taranto  60,  00055
Ladispoli - RM, Italy. [TNX I0MWI]

SAN MARINO  (VHF)  --->  Nazzareno,  T72NC  expects  to  participate  in  the
forthcoming IARU VHF Region 1 Contest  (6-7 September). QSL via bureau.  [TNX

YO DX HF CONTEST ---> It will take place from 12 UTC on 30 August through  12
UTC on  the 31st.  The rules  are available  on  the Romanian  Amateur  Radio
Federation's web site at http://www.hamradio.ro [TNX N2YO]

+ SILENT KEY + La Gazette  du DX reports the passing  of Lucien Aubry,  F8TM,
the doyen of the French radioamateurs, on 17 August. First licenced in  1926,
Lucien was 97 years old.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

JA HAM FAIR: Pictures of the Japan DX Meeting,  held during the recent  Tokyo
             Ham    Fair    (23-24     August),    can     be    found     at
             http://www.ndxa.jp/activity/2003hamfair/ [TNX JA1DOT]
LOGS:        On-line logs for CT1GFK/p, CT1GPQ/p  and CT2IHP/P (EU-145,  June
             2003) are available at http://adxg.sytes.net [TNX CT1GFK]
LOGS:        On-line logs for CT6B and CT1EGW/p (EU-040) are now available at
             http://ct1end.netpower.pt/ct6b  or   http://www.portal-dx.web.pt
             [TNX CT1END]
LT7W:        Information and pictures of this recent lighthouse activity  can
             be found at http://www.LT7W.tk [TNX LU4WG]
NA-225:      Information and  pictures  of K9AJ/VY0  and  K9PPY/VY0's  recent
             operation from Somerset Island are available  on the IREF's  web
             site at http://www.islandradio.org [TNX AB5EB]
OZ0AIS:      Pictures and on-line log for this recent operation [425DXN  641]
             can be found at http://www.aatis.de [TNX DL6KAC]

QSLs received  direct: 3B8CF, 3W7TK, 4W2DN, 5T6M, 5V7VJ, 5Z4BK, 5Z4BL,  6Y8Z,
7P8IZ, 7X0AD, 8P1A,  9L1AB, 9N7DX,  9Y4/DL4MEH, A35WE,  A61AJ, AH2R,  AP2JZB,
ES1WW,  ET3AA,  EZ8AQ,  EZ8YL,  FP/K9OT,  HC4M,  HL1EJT/2  (AS-168),  HL9DX/2
(AS-168), HR1LW, J5UCW  (AF-093), J5UDX, JT1FDI,  K1B, KH2T, KH3/KT6E,  KL7KG
(NA-041), KP4WS, LX7I,  N4BQW/KH9, N6XIV/KH9, NH2PW,  OA4WW, P29VMS  (OC-099,
103, 256,  257, 258),  PJ2/WB9Z, PW0T,  PZ1AP,  R1100PS, RU1A,  S05X,  S21VJ,
(EU-185), UU7J, V73MJ, VB2V, VE1/K1WO (NA-126), VK9XE, VP2EN, VP2MHX, VP2MWB,
XW2A, YB0ECT,  YE5A  (OC-262), YI/KV4EB,  YL2GP,  YS1/AC4LN,  YW8D  (SA-063),

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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