DX425 bulletin issue nr. 641

425 DX News #641
16 August 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

3V     - Some 20 operators will be active as TS7N from the Kerkennah  Islands
          (AF-073) between  19 November  and 1  December. They  will run  five
          stations on all bands and modes and will participate in the CQ WW DX
          CW Contest as a Multi-Two entry. QSL via DL9USA. [TNX DJ7IK]
7Q     - Allan, G0IAS reports that Harry, 7Q7HB (G0JMU) is back to Malawi for
          at least a couple of months. QSL direct only to G0IAS.
7Q     - Ely, IN3VZE will be active once  more as 7Q7CE  from Malawi on  4-21
          September. QSL  direct  only  via home  call  (Ely  Camin,  Corso  3
          Novembre 136/2, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy). [TNX IN3VZE]
9G     - Once again Henk, PA3AWW will be working at Dormaa Hospital in Ghana.
          Look for him to be active as 9G1AA  in his free time from 30  August
          to 12 September. QSL via home call. [TNX PA3AWW]
9V    -  S61FD is  the  special call  to  be aired  from  St.  John's  Island
          (AS-019, WWL OJ11wf), Singapore on 5-8 September during a field  day
          operation organized by SARTS, the IARU member Society in  Singapore.
          Look for CW, SSB and PSK31  activity on 160-10 metres, with  special
          emphasis on 80  and 160m  at local  sunset (11.15  UTC) and  sunrise
          (23.05 UTC).  QSL  direct (SARTS,  Robinson  Road,  P.O.  Box  2728,
          Singapore 904728, Singapore) or via the bureau. [TNX 9V1RH]
9Y     - Chris, DL1MGB will  be active  as either  9Y4/DL1MGB (especially  on
          RTTY and the  WARC bands)  and 9Y4TBG  in contest  (during the  IARU
          Region 1 Field Day - SSB and the WAEDC SSB) from Tobago (SA-009)  on
          4-18 September. QSL 9Y4TBG via DL4MDO, QSL 9Y4/DL1MGB via home call.
          [TNX DL1MGB]
C3     - Twelve operators from Andorra and Spain will participate in the IARU
          Region 1  Field  Day  (6-7 September)  from  Pic  Maia  (2614m  ASL,
          JN02UN), Andorra. They will operate as  C37URA on 2 metres  (144.345
          MHz), on  1.2  GHz as  C31PM  and via  satellite  as  C31US.  E-mail
          Enrique, EA1RX (ea1rx-@terra.es) for skeds. [TNX EA1RX]
CE     - Atacama Desert  DX Group  members  CE1FLS, CE1RQB,  CE1URH,  CE1VBH,
          CE6TBN, XQ1IDM, XQ4ZW, CA2WUI and CD0906  will operate as 3G2D  from
          Damas Island (SA-086, DICE ICE-201) on  17-19 October. They plan  to
          run three  stations 24  hours a  day on  160-6  metres CW,  SSB  and
          RTTY/PSK. QSL via XQ1IDM. [TNX CE6TBN]
CE0_ei - Look for CE0Y/SP9PT  and CE0Y/SP9EVP to  operate from Easter  Island
          (SA-001) from 17 October to 1 November. They will be active on  80-6
          metres CW, maybe with some PSK, RTTY and SSTV. On 1-8 November  they
          expect to  sign  CE3/SP9PT/m and  CE3/SP9EVP/m  while  visiting  the
          Atacama Desert. QSL via home calls. [TNX SP9EVP]
CT     - Special station  CQ0RLH will  be activated  on 17  August from  Roca
          Ligthouse (ARLHS POR-007, DFP FES-001). Look for activity on 40, 20,
          17, 15 and 10 metres SSB. QSL via CT2GZB. [TNX CT2GZB]
EA6    - Andy, DL8LAS  reports he  will be  active  as EA6/DL8LAS  (on  10-80
          metres mostly  CW, RTTY  and PSK)  from  Mallorca (EU-004)  on  8-20
EA8    - EH8ACW/p is the call to be used on  6 metres by the Gran Canaria  DX
          Group during  their 16-17  August activity  from the  lighthouse  at
          Punta de La Aldea [425DXN 639].  On HF they will be signing  ED8LPA.
          QSL via bureau or to EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN]
ER     - Special station ER27A will  be active on  20-27 August to  celebrate
          the Independence  Day of  Moldova. QSL  via ER1DA  either direct  or
          through the bureau. [TNX ER1DA]
FS     - Gregg, W6IZT reports he will operate SSB and CW as FS/W6IZT from  on
          St. Martin (NA-105)  from 23  August to  1 September.  QSL via  home
G      - Look for GB2BML to be aired (on  160-10m plus 2 metres, SSB, CW  and
          SSTV) from Blakeney Mariners  Light (ENG 292)  on 16-17 August.  QSL
          direct via  M0CNP or  G0GFQ, or  via bureau.  The web  site for  the
          operation is at http://gb2bml.mysite.freeserve.com [TNX M0CNP]
GM     - Peter, MM5PSL, Hans, DJ6AU (MM0XAU) and Paul/GM4ENK will operate  as
          GB2ELH on  HF  and 6  metres  from  Eshaness  Lighthouse  (SCO-075),
          Shetland Islands (EU-012) on 16-17 August. QSL via WA7OBH or bureau.
          [TNX MM5PSL]
GW     - Flatholm Island (EU-124) was used by Marconi when he demonstrated to
          the British Post  Office his theory  that radio  waves would  travel
          across water. He  made the link  via radio from  Lavernock Point  in
          south Wales to the island on 13  May 1897. To pay homage to  Marconi
          the Barry Amateur Radio Society (South Wales) erected a monument  on
          the island and each year make  an annual visit to operate a  special
          event station using the callsign GB5FI. This year's visit will  take
          place on 22-27 August. Look for activity on 80-10 metres SSB,  RTTY,
          PSK and SSTV, plus - for  the first time - AO-40  and also Oscar  14
          (subject to access in the short pass time). QSL via GW0ANA direct or
          bureau. [TNX GW0ANA]
HL     - Kim/HL1OYF, Kwon/HL1SRJ  and  Ryu/DS4NYE will  be  active  on  10-40
          metres CW and SSB from Soan Island (AS-085) until 17 August. QSL via
          HL1OYF. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
I      - Look for Roberto, ID9/IK8PGM and Antonello, ID9/IW9BBX to be  active
          on 40, 20, 15, 10 and  an emphasis on 6 metres) from  Strombolicchio
          Island (EU-017,  IIA  ME-017) and  lighthouse  (ARLHS  ITA-163,  WLH
          LH-1320) between 7 UTC and 13,30 UTC on 16 August. QSLs via  IK8PGM,
          either direct (Roberto Duca, Viale  Europa 184, 80053  Castellammare
          di Stabia - NA, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IK8PGM]
I      - Lan, I6KYL e Gianfranco, I6GFX will participate in the International
          Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend   as  IQ6AN   from  Monte   Cappuccini
          Lighthouse (WAIL MA-003, ARLHS  ITA 104). QSL  via I6KYL, bureau  or
          direct. [TNX IK1NLZ]
I      - A group of operators from the Salento DX Team (namely IK7JWX, I7PXV,
          IK7JWY, IK6CAC and  IK7JPJ) will  be active  (SSB and  CW) on  16-17
          August from  Torre  San  Giovanni  Lighthouse  (WAIL  PU-003,  ARLHS
          ITA-171). QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
I      - I0NNZ, IZ0EAC and  I0EUQ will be  active as  IA5/IQ0VT from  Pianosa
          Island (EU-028, IIA LI-016) on 20-24 August. [TNX IZ0HDB]
KG4    - Cory, N1WON/KG4CM and David, WA4ET/KG4DP [425DXN 640] will be active
          as KG4LH from Windward Lighthouse (GTM-01),  Guantanamo Bay for  the
          International Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend. Activity  will be  80-6
          metres SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL KG4LH via N1WON or WA4ET.
LU     - Luis/LU1DMA,     Ariel/LU5EIA,     Gerardo/LU7EGY,     Jorge/LU8EOA,
          Marcelo/LW2DQZ, Alejandro/LW3EA and Gaston/LW5EOL will be active (on
          all bands CW and SSB) from the lighthouse at Punta Medanos on  16-17
          August. QSL per operator's instructions. [TNX LU1DMA]
OJ0    - The QLF  DX Team  (LA5UKA, LA6MP,  LA8AJA, LA8SDA  and LA9VDA)  will
          operate as OJ0LA from Market Reef (EU-053, ARLHS MAR-001, WLH  0542)
          on 19-26 September. They will be  joined by OH0RJ (OJ0RJ). Look  for
          activity on all bands CW, SSB  and RTTY. The group will pay  special
          attention to North America and Japan and will participate in the SAC
          CW with one station. QSL OJ0LA via LA9VDA, QSL OJ0RJ direct only  to
          OH0RJ.    The    web    page    for    the    operation    is     at
          http://www.qsl.net/la8aja/oj0la/ [TNX LA9VDA]
OZ     - Simone/DJ2KS, Michael/DJ5KP  and  Christian/DL6KAC will  be  signing
          OZ0AIS/mm while cruising  in the Baltic  Sea until  22 August  (APRS
          position report at http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/winlink.cgi?oz0ais).
          They will  participate  in  the  International  Lighthouse/Lightship
          Weekend from  an  island  in the  EU-172  IOTA  group  (their  final
          destination will  depend  on weather  conditions).  QSL  via  DL6KAC
          either direct or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL6KAC]
OZ     - Look for Jakob,  OZ7AEI/P to operate  on 20 and  40 metres from  the
          following islands (all  count for EU-029)  and lighthouses on  22-24
          August: Eno (DIA SJ-028), Ore (ARLHS DEN-122) on Sjaelland (SJ-001),
          Masnedo (SJ-023), Orehoved  (DEN-135) on  Falster (SJ-016),  Lolland
          (SJ-015), Bogo (DEN-138 and SJ-023), Mon (DEN-025 and SJ-017), Nyord
          (SJ-026), Gavno (SJ-027)  and Glaeno  (SJ-013). QSL  via home  call,
          direct or bureau. [TNX OZ7AEI]
SM     - Three of operators (namely Erik/SM0AGD, Leif/SM0AJU and John/SM5DJZ)
          from the Scandinavian Airlines Radioclub (SK5SAS) will be active  on
          all bands CW and SSB as  SK5LGT from Orskar Lighthouse (SWE-052)  on
          Orskar Island (EU-084) on 15-16 August. QSL via SM5DJZ. [TNX SM5DJZ]
SV5    - Hubert, DK9NCX will be active as SV5/DK9NCX from the Dodecanese from
          20 August to 3 September. He  will operate SSB and  CW QRP. QSL  via
          the DARC bureau. [TNX DL2VFR]
T8     - Haruki, JH9URT will operate (on HF and 6 metres) as T88HO from Palau
          (OC-009) on 22-26 August.  QSL via home  call either direct  (Haruki
          Ohtsubo, 1377-1 Futatsuka, Takaoka, 933-0816  Japan) or through  the
          JARL bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
TA     - Berkin,  TA3J  will  be  signing   TA3J/4  from  Antalya   Bababurnu
          Lighthouse (TUR-???) on 16-17 August. Look  for activity on 40,  20,
          15 and 10  metres SSB. QSL  via home call,  direct (no green  stamps
          please) or  bureau. Further  information at  http://www.qsl.net/ta3j
          [TNX TA3YJ]

UA     - The Brjanskij Radio Club plans to be active on 10-160 metres SSB, CW
          and digital modes as UE3YGA  and UE3YGA/p between  15 August and  25
          September from various areas around Bryansk.  QSL via RV3YR  (Victor
          Borodin, P.O. Box 1, Bryansk-27, 241027 Russia). [TNX RV3YR]
UA     - Look for  RK0LWW/p  to operate  (CW  and SSB)  from  Lavrova  Island
          Lighthouse (ARLHS ASR-093)  on 15-18  August. QSL  via bureau.  [TNX
UA     - Dennis/RZ1AK and Vlad/UA1CIO will  participate in the  International
          Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend from  Krasnaya Gorka Lighthouse  (ARLHS
          ERU-141, RLHA RLE-016). QSL via RZ1AK. [TNX RZ3EM]
UA     - RA3NN and UA1OEJ expect to be active from Sosnovets Island  (EU-161)
          for about five  days starting on  18 or 19  August. Afterwards  they
          should go and operate from three EU-153 islands. [TNX The Daily DX]
UA     - Weather permitting, RM1P will be aired from Mestnyy Island (RR-0629)
          starting on 20 August. [TNX RZ3EM]
UA     - Gen/RU3BY (ex UA6LGW), Toly/UA6NY, Max/UA6LGR and Ivan/UA6MF will be
          active on 22-28 August from  the Caspian Sea.  They plan to  operate
          from Chechen'  Island (not  IOTA, RRA  RR-1807) and  lighthouse  and
          possibly  also  from  Tyuleniy  Island   (not  IOTA,  RR-1801)   and
          lighthouse.  Look  for  RI6WCI,  UE6WTI  and  R3RRC/6,  as  well  as
          homecall/6, to be aired on 40-10 metres CW and SSB. [TNX RZ3EM]
UT     - Look for Max, UT2FA/p to be active from Tendra Island (not IOTA, UIA
          BS-17) and Tendrovskiy lighthouse (WLH LH-0277, ARLHS UKR-032) until
          17 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
V7     - V73T and V73B are the calls issued to John, W5RQ and Buzz, N5UR  for
          their operation from  the Marshall  islands [425DXN  436]. Look  for
          V73T to be aired from Taongi  Atoll (OC-???) starting on Monday.  In
          their latest  report from  Kwajalein John  and  Buzz said  they  are
          "unsure what time on 18th we  will be on", as  the voyage to  Taongi
          takes 36+ hours. QSL via N6AWD. [TNX W5BOS]
VK9_xms- Andy Chadwick,  G3AB  will  be working  mainly  CW  as  VK9XAB  from
          Christmas Island (OC-002) from 30 August  to 6 September. This is  a
          low key DXpedition with 100w and  wire antennas. QSL via home  call.
          [TNX G3AB]
VP5    - Dennis, K7BV will be operating as  VP5/K7BV from the Turks &  Caicos
          on 9-16 September. Six metres will  be his primary focus  (including
          meteor scatter) with  active participation in  the ARRL VHF  Contest
          (13-14 September). HF operating when the 6 meter band is closed will
          be primarily on  RTTY and CW.  QSL via KU9C.  The web  page for  the
          operation is at http://www.qth.com/k7bv/TURKS [TNX N4GN]
W      - A  group  of  operators  from  Eastern  Massachusetts,  working   in
          cooperation with the US Coast Guard (USCG) and National Park Service
          (NPS), will be active as N1L  from Boston Light (USA 073) on  Little
          Brewster    Island     (MA-035S)    during     the     International
          Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. This  will be the  first ever  amateur
          radio       operation       from       from       Boston       Light
          (http://www.lighthouse.cc/boston/index.html), the  first  lighthouse
          in America and  currently the only  lighthouse still  manned by  the
          USCG. QSL via KB1HJO, direct or bureau. [TNX K1RV]
W      - Eagle Harbor Lighthouse  (USA-253) will be  active (on  HF and  VHF,
          CW/SSB,  plus  FM  satellite  and  possiblye  HF  digital)  in   the
          International Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend using  the special  call
          K8E. QSL  via  bureau or  direct  to N8MR.  The  web  page  for  the
          operation  is  at  http://www.kc8nah.com/Interests/illw03.htm [TNX
W      - Weather permitting,  Terry/W8JE,  Karolina/KD5SDQ  and  Chris/KB5TBB
          will be active (on 40-6  metres SSB) from  Ship Island (NA-082,  USI
          MS-005S) from around 15.30 UTC through  around 21 UTC on 16  August.
          QSL via W8JE or the operator's home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
XE     - Ray/N6VR, Jim/N6KZ,  David/XE1NTT (N6AN),  Roman/XE2ED,  Hector/XE2K
          and Emigdio/XE2ZY  will be  active as  XF1K  from the  Todos  Santos
          Islands (NA-162) on 4-7 September. They will have three stations  on
          10-80 metres SSB  and CW (plus  a fourth  station for  6 metres  and
          satellite), with beams, verticals, dipoles  and maybe an  amplifier.
          Plans are to be QRV for at least 18 hours a day. QSL via N6AWD (Fred
          K. Stenger,  6000 Hesketh  Dr., Bakersfield,  CA 93309,  USA).  [TNX
YI     - Ghis, ON5NT has been in Baghdad,  Iraq since 13 August and plans  to
          operate (also on 6 metresa) as  YI/ON5NT (already approved for  DXCC
          credit) for about three weeks. QSL  via home call (Ghis Penny,  P.O.
          Box 93, BE-9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium). Afterwards  Ghis will be  back
          to A6 until 10 December, and  will try to  operate from IOTA  groups
          AS-021 and AS-124. [TNX ON5NT]
ZC4    - Geoff, ZC4CW will be active  from the UK  Eastern Sovereign Base  on
          Cyprus for the next few years. QSL via G3AB. [TNX G3AB]

INDIAN OCEAN TOUR ---> Willy Dellaert,  ON5AX reports he will be active  (SSB
and CW) as FR/ON5AX from La Reunion (AF-016) on 20-23 October, as S79AX  from
Mahe, Praslin and La Digue (AF-024), Seychelles from 24 October to 4 November
(CQ WW SSB DX Contest included)  and as 3B8/ON5AX from Mauritius (AF-049)  on
6-15 November. QSLs via ON5AX.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

BEACON ---> VE1/W1BKR/B (http://www.henryisland.com) is back  on the air.  It
is battery/solar panel powered and it is intended to run continuosly  through
the year. Signal reports are most welcome. [TNX AA1XV]

DXCC ANNUAL LIST ---> The deadline  to submit applications for the 2003  DXCC
Annual List is 30 September. For more information, contact DXCC Manager  Bill
Moore, NC1L (dxcc@arrl.org).

ILLW ---> A full list  of stations participating in this year's International
Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend can be found at:

NEW PREFIXES (PA) ---> As of  4 August the Dutch  authority has expanded  the
possibilities for the callsign assignment to  amateur radio operators in  The
Netherlands. For class A (CEPT class I) licensees the follwing prefix  blocks
are available: PA, PB, PC, PF and PG, followed  by a number in the range  0-5
or 7-9 (6 remains reserved for  special event stations in all prefix  blocks,
PA0 only available  to former PA0  callsign holders) +  a 1-3 letter  suffix.
Class C (CEPT class II) licensees may use PE and PH, Class D (Novice) may use
PD. An  overview, including  allocations for  PI prefixes  and a  listing  of
new/former  calls,  can   be  found   at  http://www.pg7v.net/english/ [TNX

QSL 3G1P ---> Nick, XQ1IDM reports that  the first batch of direct cards  for
3G1P (SA-085, March 2003) was mailed  on 8 August.  Some 900 direct  requests
have been received so far and they will be processed according to the date of
arrival to the QSL manager.

QSL 5B4AGM --->  RW3RN reports that  he is the  QSL route  for contacts  made
during the 2003 EU  HF Championship (not  the IOTA Contest,  as he said  last
week). His address is Alex Kuznetsov, P.O. Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023 Russia.

QSL EK6DZ ---> Rod, EA7JX (ea7jx@qslcard.org)  reports that regrettably,  for
reasons beyond his control, he cannot be the QSL manager for Serge, EK6DZ any

QSL VIA IV3HAX ---> Cards for IU3A and IV3HAX, including his operations  from
the islands of Martignano (IIA UD-005) and Conchiglie (IIA UD-007), should be
requested direct only to Mauro Lizzi, P.O. Box 1, 33034 Fagagna - UD,  Italy.

SRM 2003 ---> The Scottish-Russian ARS sponsors the Scottish-Russian Marathon
as well as  several SRM awards  to encourage activity  by all radio  amateurs
worldwide to contact areas of Scotland and Russia. The event is to be held on
the full second week in August each  year. This year the Marathon started  at
00:00 UTC on  11 August 2003  and will last  until 24  UTC on  the 17th.  All
information  can  be  found  at  http://www.qsl.net/mm0dfv/srm2003.htm [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ANNOBON: The web pages for the forthcoming DXpedition to Annobon [425DXN 637]
          can be found at http://www.tabarca.es.mn [TNX EA5BYP]
LOGS:    On line logs and pictures of CS5C (Culatra Island, EU-145) and  CS4B
          (Bugio Island, EU-040) are available at
          http://ct1end.netpower.pt/eu145_culatra_2003/ and
          http://ct1end.netpower.pt/cs4b [TNX CT1END]
TZ6RD:   The first logs for the current DXpedition to Mali are now on-line at
          http://www.pagus.it/tz6rd. Updates are expected to follow on a daily
          basis. TZ6RD  has  four stations  running  around  the  clock  (160m
          activity will  not  be possible);  the  operators  are  experiencing
          electric power problems that prevent them from using the amplifiers,
          as well as  occasional blackouts and  high QRM/QRN  caused by  daily
          thunderstorms. [TNX I8NHJ, i8nhj@pagus.it]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSLs received  direct: 3B9FR,  3C2MV (AF-010),  3D2RK, 3V8SQ,  4K4W,  4U1ITU,
4W1BK (OC-148), 4W2DN, 5H3RK, 5K0Z, 5T6M, 5W0MO, 6W/DK8YY, 6Y5/DL7VOG, 6Y5IC,
7P8Z, 7X2LS, 7X2RO, 9L1BTB, 9M2/G4ZFE/p  (AS-046), 9M6CT, 9Y4/DL6RAI,  9Z4BM,
A35WE, A61AJ,  AI5P/P (NA-046), C31LJ, CN8UN,  CP6XE, CY0MM, ED1ONS (EU-080),
EX8MLE, FP/K9OT,  GD0TEP, H44MS,  HK3JJH/2,  HQ8V (NA-223),  J5UCW  (AF-093),
J5UDX, JD1YBJ, N4BQW/KH9, N6XIV/KH9, P29KM,  P29VMS (OC-231, OC-256,  OC-257,
OC-258), P3A, PY0F/PY2XB, RS0F, S05X, S07V, S92UN, ST0RY, ST2CF, ST2X, T31MY,
T32Z, V25WX, V44/AK7G,  V73GE, VC7K (NA-181),  VR2FD, VR2MY, XF2IH  (NA-224),
XT2ATI, XY4KQ (AS-167), YE5A (OC-262), Z33A, ZA1E, ZD7BG, ZW0S.

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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