425 DX News #638 26 July 2003 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 3D2 - Mike/KM9D and Jan/KF4TUG are currently active as 3D2MO CW and 3D2BT from Vanua Levu (OC-016), Fiji. They plan to participate in the IOTA Contest as 3D2BT. QSLs via OM2SA. [TNX The Daily DX] 9A - A group of operators from Radio Club "Josipovac" will participate in the IOTA Contest as 9A6K from Kakan Island (EU-170). Before and after contest, until 31 July, will operate as 9A6K/p from several other Croatian islands. QSL via bureau to 9A3QB. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 9A - S50R (http://lea.hamradio.si/~s50r/) and S50K will participate in the IOTA Contest from Vis Island (EU-016). QSL via S50R. [TNX NG3K] 9A - Aco, 9A/DJ0LZ/p will be active from Pag Island (EU-170) from 26 July to 9 August. [TNX DJ0LZ] BV - Several operators will be active on all bands and modes as BV2B/BV9W from P'engchia Yu (AS-155) on 25-28 July. QSL via BV2KI, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] BY - BA4TA, BD4RS, BD5RV, BA5RX, BD5RT and some other BY5s will be active as BI5P from Pingtan Island (AS-138) on 25-28 July. They will have two stations on 160-10 metres (WARC bands not included) SSB and CW and will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via BA4RD, direct or bureau. Further details can be found on the Jiangsu DX Club's web site at http://www.jsdxc.org; comments and inquiries can be sent to Dave, KA5TQF (ka5tqf@arrl.net) or Deal, BA4TB (ba4tb@arrl.net). [TNX BD5RV] CT - Mor/CT1AHU, Joao/CT1BOP, Alex/CT1DIZ and Luis/CT4NH will participate in the IOTA Contest as CS4B (the same call they used back in 1993, when they won the first edition of the contest) from Bugio Island (EU-040, DIP ES-004, LH-647). [TNX CT4NH] CU - CU3AK and CU3DJ will operate as CU9X from Corvo Island (EU-089) until 28 July. QSL via CU3AK (Jaime Eloy, Largo Dr. Teotonio Machado Pires, 9760-544 Praia da Vitoria, Terceira, Portugal). [TNX CT1END] EA - Gabriele, IK3GES reports he will participate in the IOTA Contest as EA1/IK3GES/p from Arosa Island (EU-080). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. F - Look for F5JOT, F5LGQ and F6CKH to operate as homecall/p from Ile du Large (DIFM MA-001, WLH 060), Saint Marcouf Islands (EU-081) until around 16 UTC on 27 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via home calls. [TNX La Gazette du DX] F - ON5MF and ON6NN will be active as F/homecall/p from Sainte Marguerite (EU-058) on 25-27 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest as F/ON5MF/P. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K] FP - Look for Paul, FP/K9OT and Peg, FP/KB9LIE [425DXN 625] to be active from Miquelon Island (NA-032) from 27 July to 5 August, including an entry by FP/K9OT in the CW North American QSO Party. They will operate CW and SSB on 160-6 metres (emphasis on 40, 30, 17, and 12m) with 100 watts and a variety of antennas. Six metres will have a breakable beacon around 50.120 MHz. Special attention will be paid to Asia and Oceania. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. Their web page is at http://www.mhtc.net/~k9ot [TNX KB9LIE] GD - G0HSS, G1GEY, G3NKC, G4MJS, G4XUM and M0BEW will participate in the IOTA Contest as MD4K from the Isle of Man (EU-116). QSL via G3NKC (e-mail requests for bureau card are welcome at http://www.md4k.com). [TNX OPDX Bulletin] HL - HL4GRT, DS1NPP, DS1PRZ, DS3DJX, DS3FGV, DS3LKL, DS4NMJ, DS4OWM, DS4QGX, DS5EVU and DS5LRJ will be active as D88DX from Anmyon Island (AS-080) on 25-28 July, IOTA contest included. QSL via HL0CAC. Logs will be available at http://www.59dx.com/iota2003 [TNX DS5EVU] HL - Lee, HL1IWD and other operators from Korea DX Club will participate in the IOTA Contest as DS0DX/2 from Yongyu Island (AS-105). Look for them on either CW and SSB. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via bureau. [TNX HL1IWD] I - Enzo/I7PXV (CW), Michele/IK7FPX, Alfredo/IK7JWX, Gilberto/IK7LMX, Elvira/IV3FSG, Frank/IZ7AUH and Angelo/IZ7CTE (CW) will participate in the IOTA Contest as IZ7AUH/p from Isola Grande di Porto Cesareo (EU-091, IIA LE-001). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Outside the contest they will operate also on 6 metres from JN80WG. Pictures and on line logs will be available at http://www.iz7auh.com/iota-20003 [TNX IZ7AUH] I - Paolo/IV3DSH, Stefano/IV3LZQ, Giovanni/IV3ODE and Paolo/IV3PUT will participate in the IOTA Contest as IQ3UD/p from EU-130. QSL via IV3LZQ. [TNX IV3LZQ] IS0 - Rough seas prevented the IM0M operation from Isola dei Meli (EU-165, IIA CA-006) from taking place on 18-21 July [425DXN 637]. A second attempt is scheduled on 25-28 July. QSL via IS0BMU. [TNX IS0AGY and IS0BMU] IS0 - Alberto, IK4HPU will be active as IS0/IK4HPU from Sardinia on 3-21 August. He plans to operate also on 6 metres and from a few islands for the Italian Islands Award programme. JA - Taka, JR3TVH and Natsu, JJ3NAW are sorry to report that due to serious family problems they will not be able to go and operate from AS-147 on 25-30 July as previously announced [425DXN 631]. Hopefully the activity will take place in autumn, further information is expected in due course. KH9 - Jake, N6XIV/KH9 should once again be QRV from Wake Island (OC-053) beginning on or about 26 July if all goes as planned. His visit will run approximately four weeks and will be his last KH9 work assignment for 2003. Jake will operate (SSB only) whenever possible during his very limited spare time. QSL via K2FF, direct or bureau. [TNX K2FF] OH0 - Harry, OH6YF (http://www.oh6yf.com) is celebrating his 20th anniversary as an amateur radio operator and will be active from the Aland Islands (EU-002) as OH0MYF on 24-28 July. He will participate in the IOTA Contest as OH0Y. QSL via OH6YF. Logs will be available at http://logs.oh6yf.com [TNX OH6YF] OZ - OZ2TF, OZ7KDJ and OZ9V will participate in the IOTA Contest as OZ8MW/P (CW and SSB) from Anholt Island (EU-088, NK-001 for the Danish Islands Award). QSL direct or via bureau. [TNX OZ9V] PA - PA7BT, ON4IA, ON5UM, ON6CC and ON6NL will participate in the IOTA Contest as PI4HQ from Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146). QSL via PA3CAL. Pictures of last year's operation can be found at http://www.qsl.net/on5ll [TNX ON6NL] PA - Look for PA/DJ1YFK/P (SOAB CW 12h) to participate in the IOTA Contest from Texel Island (EU-038). QSL via bureu to home call. [TNX NG3K] PY - Eger, PY2EX and others will participate in the IOTA Contest as PS2I (CW and SSB) from Santo Amaro (SA-071). IOTA enthusiasts please note that credit for contacts made with this island will continue to be allowed until 1 February 2005 only. QSL via PY2BEG. [TNX PY2EX] PY - PR2C (QSL via PY1NEZ) and ZY2C (QSL via PY1NEW) are the new calls for the 25 July-3 August operation from Comprida Island (SA-024) [425DXN 635], IOTA Contest included. [TNX PY2NEZ] SM - Look for SM7BHM and SM7GXR to participate in the IOTA Contest as SK7A/P from Lindoe Island (EU-137). QSL via SK7BQ. [TNX SM7BHM and G3KMA] SP - Look for SP2Y/1 (Marek), SP2CYK/1 (Andy) and club station SP2PIT/1 to be active (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) from Wolin Island between 28 July and 2 August. [TNX SP2OVN] SV - Kostas, SV1DPI will be active as SV1DPI/p from Zakynthos (EU-052) between 25 July and 3 August, including a participation in the IOTA Contest. QSL preferably via bureau. [TNX SV1DPI] TA - Look for TA2MW and TA2RC to be active during the IOTA Contest as TA0GI and YM0T from Giresun Island (AS-154) and Kefken Island (AS-159) respectively. [TNX TA2RC] UA - R1PQ [425DXN 635] will continue operations from Novaya Zemlya (EU-035) until 30-31 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest. QSL via UA1RJ. [TNX NC5K] UA - Look for RK0LWW/p to be active from Reyneke Island (AS-066) on 25-28 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] UK - Mikhail Mejlumov, UK8OM has got a licence for 6 metres (MN51UA) and can be found daily around 50115 CW. Write for skeds to uk8om@uzpak.uz [TNX UK8OM] UR - Look for US0ZZ, UT4ZG, UX0ZX, UR5ZJL, UR5GHK and ER1OO to operate on 80-6 metres CW and SSB from the Kalanchakskiye Islands (EU-179, UIA BS-08) on 25-28 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as UW0G. [TNX ER5OK] VE - Debbie, N7FL and Ralph, N7KGA are active from Herschel Island (NA-193) and will participate in the IOTA Contest as VY1/N7FL. [TNX The Daily DX] VE - Mike, K9AJ/VY0 was unable to operate from NA-009 [425DXN 633], but will be QRV from Southampton Island (NA-007) for the IOTA Contest until early on 28 July. He will operate on 15, 17 and 20 metres mainly CW. [TNX IZ8CCW] W - Stan, N2US reporst he will participate in the IOTA Contest as N2US/3 from Assateague Island (NA-139). Look for him on 26 July, from 12 to 24 UTC. W - Look for John, WA4JA/p, to be active from Shell Island (NA-085) for about 10 hours on 26 July during the IOTA contest. Outside the contest he will be operate from Okaloosa/Santa Rosa (NA-142). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ] W - Jeff, KU8E reports he has planned a last minute trip to NA-058 (either Jekyll or St Simons Island) for the IOTA Contest. He is likely to be in the CW Only - 12 Hour category. W - Look for Ron, K0IOA/p to be active (mainly on 40 and 20 metres CW) from Santa Cruz Island (NA-144) on 26-27 July. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ] W - The Old Barney ARC (http://www.obarc.org) will be operating as N2OB from the Barnegat Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-039) on Long Beach Island (NA-111, USI NJ001S) on 2 August (or the 3rd, if it rains) from 13 to 23 UTC. Operation will be primarily on +/- 7240 and 14240 kHz. QSL via N2OB (P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA). [TNX N2OO] YB - YE5X is the special call issued to YC3MM, YC5YAS, YC5WUH and YD5NGQ for their IOTA Contest operation from Galang Island (OC-075) [425DXN 637]. QSL via IZ8CCW (YB stations can send their cards to P.O. Box 254, Batam 29400). [TNX YC3MM] YV - A group of operators is active as YV5JBI/P (QSL via YV5JBI) from Piritu Afuera (SA-090) until 12 UTC on 26 July. Then they will use YW6P (QSL via EA7JX) for the IOTA Contest. [TNX YV1DIG] ___________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH GLOBAL OVERLAY MAPPER ---> EI8IC's Global Overlay Mapper, with IOTA overlays, is a most comprehensive set of world prefix maps, packed full of features for all amateur radio enthusiasts. It is now freely available in the demo version at http://www.qsl.net/ei8ic/ QSL 4U1UN ---> The OPDX Bulletin reports that Jerry, WB8LFO has returned all the 1986-1996 logs to the UN. QSL requests for those years should sent to P.O. Box 3873, Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163, USA. QSL OZ1HQ ---> QSL Manager Allis Andersen, OZ1ACB reports that the QSL cards for OZ1HQ (IARU Contest 2003) will not be ready until sometime in September. QSL XF2IH ---> Enrique, XE1H reports he has received the cards for the March 2003 operation from Isla de Enmedio (NA-224) from the printer. The first batch of about 300 direct QSLs was mailed on 19 July. QSL to Enrique Garcia Munive, P.O. Box 118-481, 07051 Mexico - DF, Mexico. QSL ZL4/G4EDG ---> Steve, G4EDG reports that direct cards for his operation from OC-203 were posted on 24 July. Bureau cards will be processed as they arrive. QSL VIA IT9NVA ---> Those who need a direct card for one of Vincenzo's several operations from Italian lighthouses and islands are requested to use the following address: Vincenzo Altamura, P.O. Box 216, 96100 Siracusa - SR, Italy. [TNX IT9NVA] ___________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 9A/I6GFX: Information on Gianfranco's recent activity from the islands of Lastovo and Mrcara (EU-016) is available at http://www.gianfrancogervasi.it/ioca.htm [TNX I6GFX] DIFI: The official web site for the French Inland Islands Award (D.I.F.I.: Diplome des Iles Francaises Interieures) is at http://perso.wanadoo.fr/difi/. The Award Manager is Jean-Pierre Tendron, F5XL. DX HOLIDAY: DX Holiday (http://www.dxholiday.com) is a website that lists information on where to operate overseas. Categories include Rent-a-QTH, Ham Friendly Locations, Club Stations and General Information. The website has been updated with new information by Kenny K2KW. LOG: The log for IM0/IK5PWQ's recent activity from San Pietro Island (EU-165, IIA CA-013) is now available on line at http://www.qsl.net/ik5pwq/logs/Logs.html. Cards will be sent out in September. [TNX IK5PWQ] LOG: Vagelis, SV8DTP reports he has made available his logbook on line at http://www.qsl.net/sv8dtp/qsos/default.htm ___________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B9ZL FR5ZL DS4NYE/2 HL1OYF R1100PS RA1WZ 3D2BT OM2SA EG03PFG EA3MM R3R RU3AX 3D2MO OM2SA F6KNL/P F8BBL RA4CF/0 UA0IFC 3D2RK W7TSQ FO/G35WH G3SWH RA9LI/9 DL6ZFG 4D71HBC DU1HBC FO/G4MFW ZS1FJ RI0MR UA0LCZ 4J9NM K2PF FP5BZ F5TJP RK3DZJ/1 RA3DEJ 4S7VK DJ9ZB FS/VA3YDX/M VA3YDX RL3AA/1 UA3DX 4X0IS 4X1GA G0RLU ON4ADN S01HA EA2JG 5R8FL G3SWH GB5FI GW0ANA S50KBS S57L 5R8GZ G3SWH GB600SBY G3SRT SD5DS SM5BDY 5U7JB ON5NT HF150IL SP8PJG SN28SMS SP3ZAH 5W0AH DL2AH HF25KVW SP5KVW SV0JD/SV8 DL6NBA 5W1SA JH7OHF HF650O SQ4NR T88AY JA7AYE 7P8AD IK2ANI HF750MP SP3PKK T88XP JS1CYI 7P8CF K5LBU HI3TEJ ON4IQ TA1ZK/0 HB9DUR 7P8DA K4YL HI8ROX ON4IQ TA3AX DL7JAK 7P8EW KA2UCA HL1EJT/2 HL1OYF TE8IP TI2KAC 7P8IZ W0IZ HL1OYF/2 HL1OYF TM1OOP F5SUL 7P8MJ W5MJ HL1TXQ/2 HL1OYF TM9ES F5GTW 7P8NK VA7DX HL1VAU/2 HL1OYF UA1TAN/1 UA1TAN 7P8NN AA4NN HL3QP/2 HL1OYF UP5QHT UA3TT 7P8NR IN3ZNR HL9DX/2 HL1OYF V31MX K0BCN 7P8TA WW5L IO7J IK7JWX V31UA N5WD 8Q7LC VK6LC IU0HQ I2MQP V31WD N5WD 9A/IN3DEI IN3YGW IU2HQ I2MQP V44KJ WB2TSL 9A0LH 9A7K IU3HQ I2MQP VP2E N5AU 9A6NL HA6NL IU4HQ I2MQP VP2MDO K9MDO 9K2K W6YJ IU9HQ I2MQP VP2MHX W4WX A22AN IK2ANI J49PC OM3PC VP2MNS N9NS A22FV IN3ZNR JD1YAB JA1MRM VP2MWB N2OO A22NN AA4NN JX2IJ LA2IJ VP2VFM G0IAS A35VB UA4WHX JY4NE K3IRV VP5FEB KZ5RO BD5RI/5 BD5RI K9AJ/VY0 K9AJ VQ9NA N2NA BN0F JL1ANP K9PPY/VY0 K9PPY VU3DJQ EA7FTR BU2/JJ1TBB JL1ANP KH8/DL2AH DL2AH W5BOS/AL5 W5BOS BV4CT NO0C KP4SQ KD8IW WR3W/KH2 JA0DAI BW3/JR3PZW JL1XMN LV0N LU2NI XL2ZO/XO2 VA2ZO C6ASB AK0M MJ0AWR K2WR XU7ACW LA5YJ C6ASC AK0M N1S KB1LN YA6RF F6ITD CL6BIA N3ZOM N8L W5AZN YC0EEX WB4HAM CN8KD EA5XX OA4WW OH0XX YI1BGD OM3JW CS5F HB9CRV OJ0U OH1VR YW5M W4SO CS9FSF CT3FJ OJ0VR OH1VR ZA1A OH2BH (a) CT9M CS3MAD OZ4DI OZ1HPS ZA1B OH2BH (b) D90HC/2 DS2BGV P40CJ KU5B ZW2VP PT2AAA DS1EVQ/2 HL1OYF PJ2HQ N9AG ZW5B W3HC DS1KOQ/2 HL1OYF PJ7/VA3YDX VA3YDX ZW7S PY2RAR DS3BGI/2 HL1OYF PT2ZAW OK1FWQ ZY5X IV3NVN (a) IARU 2003 (b) 6m QSOs 1-7 July 2003 ___________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3B9FR Robert Felicite, P.O. Box 31, Port Mathurin, Victoria St, Rodriguez Island, Republic of Mauritius 7Q7RS Romeo Siufrido, c/o Chimanga Project, P.O. Box 61, Balaka, Malawi CP1AA Radio Club La Paz, P.O. Box 2111, La Paz, Bolivia HB9CRV Hermann Stein, Brueelmatten 13, CH 4410 Liestal, Switzerland HL1OYF Kim Duck-nam, P.O.Box 54, Dong-jack 156-600, Seoul, South Korea IK5XCT Stefano Macerini Papini, Via Sarzanese Valdera 64/M, 56032 Cascine di Buti - PI, Italy IV3NVN Simone Candotto, P.O. Box 4, 33050 Castions di Strada - UD, Italy K0BJ Bruce Frahms, 1553 County Road T, Colby, KS 67701, USA KD8JN Randall Phelps, 1226 Delverne Ave SW, Canton, Ohio 44710-1306, USA PY2RAR Ronan A. Reginatto, Avenida 1, 2091 Rio Claro, SP 13503-250, Brazil RA1WZ Al Trubchaninov, Rizhskij pr. 51-104, Pskov, 180016, Russia UA3TAE Alex N. Polozov, P.O. Box 66, Dzerjinsk-15, 606015, Russia VA3YDX Igor Slakva, 2900 Bathurst Street, Apt. 307, Toronto, Ontario, M6B 3A9 Canada W5BOS Lanny Phillips, 8381 FM 2101, Quinlan, TX 75474-4836, USA Z35G Jane Atanasov, P.O. Box 73, 2300 Kochani, Macedonia Z36W Venco Stojcev, Ivo Loa Ribar 92, Stip 2000, Macedonia ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************