DX425 bulletin issue nr. 630

425 DX News #630
31 May 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

7X     - In spite of  the recent earthquake  in (we have  been informed  that
          7X2DW and  7X2DS's  daughter lost  their  lives) Algeria  the  7W4HI
          operation from the Habbibas Islands (AF-???)  [425DXN 629] is  still
          on, even though it is now  scheduled to start  on 2 June,  hopefully
          around 14 UTC. Ivan/OM3CGN, Afif/7X2RO and three other 7X  operators
          plan to  be active  at least  until around  6 UTC  on 6  June for  a
          minimum of 12 hours a  day, depending on  local power. Steve,  OM3JW
          (om3jw@konektel.sk) will be the pilot for the operation. [TNX  OM3JW
          and VK6DXI]
CT     - Special station CQ5AA will be active on 31 May to celebrate the 15th
          anniversary  of  ARVM  (Association  of  Radioamadores  da  Vila  de
          Moscavide). QSL via CT1RVM. [TNX A.R.V.M.]
DL     - Look for  Erding Radio  Club  to be  active  as DA0ED/p  during  the
          European Field  Day Contest  on 7-8  June.  QSOs will  be  confirmed
          automatically via bureau.  This year the  city of Erding  celebrates
          its 775th anniversary  and there is  an award for  working DA0ED  on
          different bands.  Details can  be found  at  http://www.ov-erding.de
          [TNX DL7MAE]
EA8    - Tony, EA8AKN reports that the call for the 31 May operation from Los
          Dos Roques [425DXN 629] will be EA8OK/p (not EA8AOK/p as previsously
F      - Eight operators from Evreux Radio Club,  F8KOM (namely F0CXZ,  F5IL,
          F5JOT, F6GNG, F8ACL,  F8CUR, F8CUY and  F8DSL) will  be active  from
          Brehat Island (EU-074, DIFM MA-012) on  6-9 June. QSL via bureau  or
          direct to F5IL. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
GD     - Adrian, M3LCR is active as MD3LCR/P  from the Isle of Man  (EU-116).
          He concentrates on RTTY  (3595, 7035, 14086,  21086 kHz), with  some
          SSB. QSL via bureau to M3LCR. [TNX M3LCR]
I      - Special call IC8C is being aired from Capri (EU-031, IIA NA-006) for
          the Capri Island Award (www.qsl.net./ii8a). [TNX IC8JAH]
I      - ARI Versilia  (www.ariversilia.it)  will  activate  special  station
          II5BEM on 31 May-1 June  to celebrate the  150th anniversary of  the
          invention of  the  piston engine  by  Eugenio  Barsanti  and  Felice
          Matteucci. [TNX I5WEA]
I      - Look for Petr, OK1CZ to be active (on HF and 6 metres mainly CW)  as
          ID9/OK1CZ/p from Vulcano Island (EU-017, IIA ME-018) from 31 May  to
          7 June. QSL via OK1CZ. [TNX The Daily DX]
I      - Paolo/IV3DSH,   Stefano/IV3LZQ,    Giovanni/IV3ODE,    Paolo/IV3PUT,
          Pietro/IV3RUA and Maria Pia/IV3ZLT expect to be active as homecall/p
          from Anfora  Island (EU-130,  IIA GO-026)  on  7-8 June.  They  will
          operate on 160-6 metres all modes and will be active during the IARU
          Region 1 and ARI Field Day  contests. QSL via home calls, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX IV3LZQ]
LU     - Operators from  Radio Club  Salta (LU4OC,  http://www.qsl.net/lu4oc)
          will be active as L28OO from Iruya on 2-9 June. Iruya (2800m a.s.l.)
          is a  little  town in  northern  Argentina, close  to  the  Bolivian
          border. QSL via LU4OC. [TNX LU4OO]
OZ     - Look for Finn, OZ4EL to be  active (especially on 20 and 80  metres)
          from Sletterhage Lighthouse (DEN-043)  from 31 May  to 13 June.  QSL
          via OZ4EL either direct or through the bureau. [TNX OZ4EL]
OZ     - Look for  Jakob,  OZ7AEI/P to  be  active from  Lodbjerg  Lighthouse
          (DEN-022, DLS-009) on Nordjylland Island (EU-171 and NJ-001 for  the
          Danish Islands Award) on 1 June. QSL via home call, either direct or
          through the bureau. [TNX OZ7AEI]
UA     - Nick, RA1QQ and Andy, RA3NN will be active (on all bands SSB and  CW
          with two stations) as UE1RRC/1  from EU-119 on  5-10 June. On  their
          way back they might stop  for one day  on Sosnovets Island  (EU-161)
          and operate as  RA1QQ/1 and  RA3NN/1. Donations  will be  gratefully
          accepted along with QSL cards. QSL  via RA1QQ; amateurs from  Sweden
          can QSL  via SM7TE  (Kjell Ekholm,  P.O. Box  30010, 20061  Limhamn,
          Sweden). [TNX SM7TE]
UA     - Oleg, UA6LP will be active as UA6LP/6 from Ullu-Tau (2500m  a.s.l.),
          Caucasus on 5-13 June, including an  entry as UA6LP/6/P in the  IARU
          Region 1 Field Day. QSL via home call. [TNX UA6LP]
UA     - Alex/RW6CW, Andy/RK6ABM, Slava/RZ6AER,  Alex/RA6AFB, Vit/RK6ALP  and
          Serge/RK6ADS will be active as RW6AWW/p from Sazalniksky  Lighthouse
          (ARLHS ERU-174 and RLE-026 for the Russian Lighthouses Award) on 6-7
          June. QSL via RW6CW. [TNX RW6CW]
UR     - UY0UY, UX7UN, UX1UF, UT5UKY  and UT5UUQ will  be active as  UT4UZA/P
          from Karel Fehtel Island (not IOTA, DN-?? for the Ukrainian  Islands
          Award) on 31  May and from  another UIA island  on 1  June. QSL  via
          UX7UN. [TNX UT5UKY]
VE     - Special event call  VC3RCS will be  aired between 1  and 30 June  to
          celebrate the  100th  anniversary of  the  formation  of  the  Royal
          Canadian Signals Corps. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX VA3RJ]
XW     - Champ, E21EIC will be active again as XW1IC from Laos between around
          3 and 23  June. He plans  to operate on  160-10 metres  CW, SSB  and
          RTTY, and will participate in  the All Asian  DX Contest (SOAB  LP).
          QSL via E21EIC. [TNX NG3K]
YN     - H74C is the callsign Michael/AB5EB,  Mike/AD5A and Jake/KB5SKN  will
          be using  during their  31 May-2  June operation  [425DXN 625]  from
          Little Corn Island  (NA-013). They plan  to operate  on 80-6  metres
          with two  stations on  the HF  bands and  one station  that will  be
          listening on  50.110  MHz during  the  whole trip.  They  will  have
          amplifiers for the HF bands, a vertical antenna, a dipole and a beam
          for 6m. QSL via N6AWD. [TNX AD5A]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9A AWARD --->  Amateur Radio Club  "Koprivnica" sponsors a  special award  to
celebrate the  third  visit of  pope  John Paul  II  to  Croatia.  Rules  are
available at  http://www.qsl.net/9a7k or  from  the Award  Manager,  Kresimir
Juratovic, 9A7K (9a7k@qsl.net).

9Q1A & 9Q1YL ---> Pat and Nicole report they will go permanently QRT from the
Democratic Republic of Congo around 31 May, after twenty years in Africa  and
some 35,000 QSOs  made from Kinshasa  and Matadi.  They expect  to return  to
their home QTH in southern Brittany (France) around 15 June.

ANTARCTICA NET ---> There is a new Antarctica Net every Saturday on 14300 kHz
at 19 UTC. Net control is Henry, LU4DXU who is in touch with LU1ZV (Esperanza
Base, WABA LU-06), LU1ZG (General Belgrano II, WABA LU-08) and LU1ZD (General
San Martin, WABA LU-011). [TNX F5NOD]

ARBE --->  The  IQ2MI/p  "Amateur  Radio  Balloning  Experiment",  previously
scheduled to take place on 17 May [425DXN 627], has been postponed to 1  June
(starting around 9.30-10 UTC) due to  bad weather. See 425  DX News #626  for
the  details;   for   further  information   please   email   Tibor,   IK2SAI

MAIL DROP ---> Terry  Morton, KJ6OW has  been doing a  mail drop service  for
Vit, EZ8CW for a good while now; he informs *** U.S. hams only *** that as of
15 June he will be adding Alex, EZ8CQ  to the service (please enclose a  SASE
and $2).

QSL 5H3RK ---> The Daily DX reports that Ralph's work assignment in  Tanzania
is coming to  an end. QSL  cards can  be sen  to his  current address  (Ralph
Karhammar, P.O. Box 9274, Dar  es Salaam, Tanzania)  until early July,  after
that they should now be sent (direct only, as he  is not a member of WIA)  to
VK4VB  (Ralph    Karhammar,  6  Sevenoaks  Street,  Maroochydore,  QLD  4068,

QSL C56TA ---> Andy,  LY2TA has received  the first batch  of cards from  the
printer and will start processing direct requests (700+ received so far) in a
few days. Bureau cards will be sent at the end of the year. [TNX LY2TA]

QSL FR/F6KDF/T  ---> Gil,  F5NOD reports  that  all FR/F6KDF/T  (August  2000
operation from tromelin) direct requests received so far have been processed.
The last batch of cards will  be mailed within a couple  of weeks. Those  who
still need a card can send their request to F6KDF or direct to F5NOD.

QSL PR0F  ---> This  callsign (previously  used by  W5SJ in  January/February
2003), was reissued to YU1RL for the  recent CQ WW WPX Contest. QSL  requests
for the operation should be sent to YU1RL, not to W5SJ. [TNX QRZ-DX]

QSL UA1ONY (EU-035)  ---> Eugene, RZ3EC  reports he has  received UA1ONY  and
UA1ONY/p's logs up  to 3 May  2003. Direct cards  received so  far have  been
answered. Inquiries should be sent to rz3ec@rekom.ru 

QSL UK8OB ---> Paolo, IK2QPR reports he is the new QSL manager for UK8OB. QSL
to Palo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy.

QSL ZS1RBN --->  Phil, G3SWH reports  that all  direct QSL  requests for  the
recent ZS1RBN operation  from Robben Island  (AF-064) received  to date  have
been mailed.

QSL VIA ES1RA ---> Oleg, ES1RA reports he still has logs and blank cards  for
all of his past callsigns and operations:
UM8BA        Kirghiz (obl. 034)      1967
UR2RCU       Estonia (Tallinn)       1972-1989
RU2RCU       Estonia (Tallinn)       01 Jan-03 Aug 1980
UR3RA        Estonia (Tallinn)       26 May-31 Dec 1989
ES1RA        Estonia (Tallinn)       after 01 Jan 1989
ES1RA/UM1M   Kirghiz (obl.036)       04-07 Feb 1990; 23-27 Jan 1991;
                                      09-14 Jul 1991; 21 Nov 1992
ES1RA/UM2Q   Kirghiz (obl. 033)      07-08 Feb 1990; 28-29 Jan 1991
ES1RA/UM3N   Kirghiz (obl. 034)      22-29 Jan 1990; 15-17 Jan 1991
ES1RA/UI4O   Uzbek   (obl. 050)      01 Feb 1990
ES1RA/UI5F   Uzbek   (obl. 047)      30-31 Jan; 15-17 Jan 1991
ES1RA/UM6A   Kirghiz (obl. 032)      25 Jun-03 Jul 1991; 30 Nov-15 Dec 1992
ES1RA/UM7P   Kirghiz (obl. 177)      05-07 Jul 1991
ES1RA/UI8I   Uzbek   (obl. 051)      17-19 Jul 1991; 23 Dec 1992
ES1RA/1      Aegna Isl. (EU-149)     09-18 Aug 1991; 28 May-03 Jun 1992;
                                      15-21 Aug 1996; 16-28 Jul 1997;
                                      26-31 Jul 2001
ES1RA/2      Aegna Isl. (EU-149)     13-17 Jul 1995
ES1RA/2      Mohni Isl. (EU-149)     11-12 Aug 2000
ES1RA/8      Kihnu Isl. (EU-178)     09-13 May 2001; 25-27 May 2001;
                                      29 Jun-02 Jul 2001; 08-11 Jun 2002
ES1RA/0      Muhu Isl. (EU-034)      08-10 Jun 1995; 22 Nov 1996;
                                      23-26 Jan 1997; 22-26 May 1997;
                                      09-12 Apr 1999
ES1RA/0      Kassar Isl (EU-034)     11-12 Jun 2002
EX/ES1RA     Kirghiz                 01-11 Oct 1998
UK/ES1RA     Uzbek                   06-07 Oct 1998
OH0/ES1RA/P  Aland Isls. (EU-002)    22-28 Sep 2001
OH8/ES1RA/P  Hailuoto Isl. (EU-184)  12-17 Apr 2002
Direct cards should be sent to 
Oleg M. Mir, P.O. Box 806, 11702 Tallinn, Estonia.
Oleg can  also confirm  contacts made  with ES85M  (Muhu Island,  EU-034)  in
February 2003.

SSA ACTIVITY AWARD ---> The SSA  Activity Award is for promoting activity  on
the amateur radio bands and it  is available to either licensed amateurs  and
SWL for working 365 QSOs from  1 January through 31  December each year.  For
further information please contact the Award Manager, Bengt Hogkvist,  SM6DEC

+ SILENT KEY + We are  sad to report  the sudden passing  of Doug Sim,  VK4BP
(ZK1SIM), who  was  killed  in a  motorcycle  accident  while  on  Rarotonga,
Southern Cooks. We are close in thoughts and prayers to June, VK4SJ (ZK1AYL),
Doug's surviving wife.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:       The YE5A  (Pisang  Island, OC-262)  logs  are  now  available  at
             www.mdxc.org/logsearch.asp [TNX IZ8CCW]
POSTAGE:    Updated information on  IRCs/US$s needed for  returning cards  to
             the US is maintained by Bill, W9OL at
QSL ROUTES: A collection of QSL routes for stations active during the  recent
             CQ    WW    WPX    CW    Contest    is    now    available     at
             http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj/wpxcw03.htm [TNX EA5EYJ]
WEB PAGES:  Are you going  on a  DXpedition? Do  you want  to publicize  your
             operation on the Internet but  do not know  where to start  from?
             The Mediterraneo DX Club offers its services (free of charge) for
             customized web pages, including pictures, logs, etc. For  further
             information please contact mdxc@mdxc.rog [TNX IZ8CCW]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2LB       GM3VLB      EA8OK/p     EA8AKN      SD5DS       SM5BDY
3D2NC       AC6DD       EN40QPG     UY5YY       SI9AM       SM3CVM
4G6A        VE7DP       EO58IS      US7IGF      SU9US       K4DX
4H1LC       VE7DP       ER0ITU      ER1DA       SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
4K7Z/F8LPX  F8LPX       EX10R       EX2M        SX1R        SV1XV
4L1MA       ON4RU       GB300WES    M0RHI       SX2B        SV2BFL
4L1W        LY2MM       GS2MP       N3SL        T88VV       UA4WHX
4L8A        OZ1HPS      HC#/NP3D    W3HNK       TA2ZF       UT2UB
4W1BK       WA2MOE      HC1OT       NE8Z        TI5N        W3HNK
4W2DN       JR2KDN      HF8IL       SP8PJG      TK/S52A     S59AA
4W3CW       qrz.com     HG50MT      HA3HK       TL8CK       F6EWM
4W3DX       TF3MM       HL1EJT/4    HL1OYF      TM0AR       F5TJC
4W3JEG      JR3HPS      HP3XBH      W4WX        TM0Y        F6ANA
5B4AHJ      G3PMR       HS0ZCW      K4VUD       TM5B        F5XX
5R8FL       G3SWH       HS4BPQ/9    E21EIC      TM5CW       F5SJB
5T5SN       IZ1BZV      HZ1MD       PA2VST      TM5SC       F5ASD
5W0GW       DL2AWG      IC8C        IC8SDL      TM7A        F8BBL
5W1SA       JH7OHF      IG9/ON4DST  ON4AMM (d)  TM9R        F6IRA
7S6N        SM6CNN      IG9/ON4DST  ON4DST (b)  TO5AA       RW3RN
8P1A        NT1N        II1D        IZ1CCE      TU2XZ       W3HC
8P9AM       UT2UB       IR3IDO      IK3OYY      UE3RFF      RK3RB
8S0ITU      SK0CC       IU3X        IV3SKB      UE4YRW      RK4YYY
8S5A        SM5AJV      J45KLN      SM0CMH      UE9MDA      RA9MX
9H3UT       DL9GDB      J75A        KU9C        UT0U        UT2UB
9J2KC       JL1NKC      J75KG       KU9C        UT5UDX      UT2UB
9K9X        9K2HN       J7A         KU9C        V63MB       UA4WHX
9Y4/DL4MEH  DL4MDO      J88JA       JA1WSX      VC1R        VE1JF
A35WG       DL2AWG      J88KS       JA1FUI      VC6A        VA7RR
A61AJ       N4QB        JW7VK       LA7VK       VC6X        VE6BF
AL1G        AC7DX       KH0/AC4LN   UA4WHX      VE1OTA/VY2  VE1VOX
AL5A/NH0    JH0MGJ      LU1ZV       LU4DXU      WL7AP       UA3DX
AX2ITU      VK2PS       LU5FF       EA7JX       YA/N4SIX    N4SIX
AX3ITU      VK3ER       MM0BNN/P    M0BNN       YI/EK6DO    K6EID
BA7NQ       W2AY        N6XIV/KH9   K2FF        YI/S53R     K2PF
C6AKU       K9VV        OC4WW       OH0XX       YM2ZF       UT2UB
C8A         ZS6MG       OH0/SK3SN   SM3KIF      YN2OM       TI2OHL
C91MG       ZS6MG       OH0B        OH2BH       Z24S        W3HNK
CO3VK       IZ8EBI      P40L        W6LD        Z38Z        DL7AFS
CO8LY       EA7ADH      P41P        I2MQP       ZF1A        W5ASP
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       PJ2WI       WI9WI       ZF2DX       N7CW
CS7AL       CT1BXE      PR2F        PY2NDX      ZF2ES       AA7A
CT9A        OH6RX       PT2ZAW      OK1FWQ      ZF2LF       KY7M
D4B         K1BV        PT7ZXU      CT1AHU      ZK1SQA      ZL2SQ
DL100JFT    DK6MF       PV2AA       PY2AA       ZL6QH       ZL2AOH
DS0PF/4     HL1OYF      PW2F        PY2NA       ZM1A        ZL1AMO
DS4NYE/4    HL1OYF      PX2W        PY2YU       ZP6CW       ZP6CU
DX4CN       VE7DP       R300SP      RU1AE       ZS23I       ZS1FJ
E21CJN      W3PP        RD9M        UA9NN       ZW1AA       PY1AA
EA8BH       OH2BH       RZ3BY/0     UA3DX       ZW8M        CS1GDX

(d) direct
(b) bureau

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CS1GDX  Grupo Portugues de DX, Apartado 1156, 2736-996 Agualva, Portugal
DH8BQA  Olli Droese, Auguststrasse 12, D-16303 Schwedt, Germany
DL7VOX  Helmut Radach, Riesaer Str. 93, D-12627 Berlin, Germany
E21EIC  Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
         10903, Thailand
ER1DA   Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 3000, Chisinau, MD-2071, Moldova
ES1RA   Oleg M. Mir, P.O. Box 806, 11702 Tallinn, Estonia
F5ASD   Jerome Aoutin, 14 rue Neuve, 77410 Villeroy, France
F5TJC   Jean-Louis Briere-Lecomte, 18 Le Petit St Louis, route de Theligny,
         72400 Cormes, France
IK3OYY  Fabrizio Bottaro, Via A. Manzoni 4, 35041 Battaglia Terme - PD, Italy
IZ1BZV  Giorgio Tabilio, P.O. Box 95, 19100 La Spezia - SP, Italy
IZ1CCE  Carlo Sobrito Via I Maggio 9, 10051 Avigliana - TO
LU4DXU  Horacio Ledo, P.O. Box 22, 1640 Martinez - BA, Argentina
M0RHI   Royce Hunt, 24 Athelstane Crescent, Edenthorpe, Doncaster DN3 2NG,
         South Yorkshire, UK
NE8Z    Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA
OH0XX   Olli Rissanen, #599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Bech, FL
         33442, USA
ON4AMM  Mary Lou Moons, Oudestraat 9, B-3560 Lummen, Belgium
PY2AA   P.O. Box 22, 01059-970 Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil
PY2YU   Hamilton Oliveira Martins, Rua Rui Coelho de Oliveira Filho 131, Jd.
         Panorama, 18030-020 Sorocaba - SP, Brazil
SM0CMH  Goran Lundell, Algovagen 11, SE-133 36 Saltsjobaden, Sweden
SM6CNN  Anders Larsson, Nabbagatan 40, S-50494 Boras, Sweden
SM6DEC  Bengt Hogkvist, Ostbygatan 24 C, SE-53137 Lidkoping, Sweden
SV1XV   Costas Krallis, P.O.Box 3066, GR-10210 Athens, Greece
UA3DX   Nick Averyanov, P.O. Box 39, Odintsovo-10, 143010, Russia
UA4WHX  Vladimir M. Bykov, P.O. Box 2040, Izhevsk 426000, Russia
UR3UN   Sergei Petlevanny, P.O. Box 3, Fastov-5, 08505 Ukraine
UR5UO   George Muzyka, Kozhanka, Kiev - Fastov, 08550 Ukraine
US5UL   Yaroslav Gricenko, Kamp 4 str. Borowaya, Kiev - Fastov, 08520 Ukraine
US7IGF  Slava Shevchenko, P.O. Box 591, Slavyansk-12, Donetsk obl., 84112
UT2UB   Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine
UY5YY   Pavlo P. Guzenko, Moskovskaja str., 42, Melitopol, Zaporizkaja obl.,
         72004, Ukraine
VE7DP   Frank Toplak, General Delivery, Winfield, BC V4V 1M6, Canada
VK4SJ   June Sim, P.O. Box 406, Caloundra 4551, Queensland, Australia
VQ9LA   Larry Arneson, PSC 466 Box 24 (DG-21 Annex 30), FPO AP 96595-0024,
W3HNK   Joseph L. Arcure Jr., P.O. Box 73, Edgemont, PA 19028, USA
ZS6MG   Vladimir Karamitrov, P.O. Box 1788, Bramley 2018, South Africa

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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