425 DX News #629 24 May 2003 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 4W - 4W3DX is the new callsign for Thor, TF3MM (formerly 4W6MM), which apparently has been issued by the new licensing authority in the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste (East Timor). Thor expects to be active for at least one more week before leaving the country. QSL via TF3MM. [TNX The Daily DX] 4W - JA1BK and JR2KDN will be active as 4W1BK (QSL via WA2MOE) and 4W2DN (QSL via JR2KDN) respectively from Timor Leste on 24-29 May. This is a WFWL operation (see "Timor Leste" below). [TNX WA2MOE] 5B - Alan, G3PMR reports he will be active as 5B4AHJ from Cyprus from 28 May until 22 June. QSL via home call. 7X - As at 20 May the IOTA expedition to the Habibas Islands (AF-???) [425DXN 628] was still scheduled to start on 1 June. Latest information from Steve, OM3JW was that Ivan/OM3CGN, Afif/7X2RO and three other local operators would be active as 7W4HI on the usual IOTA frequencies (SSB and CW). QSL arrangements will be announced after the DXpedition - if it takes place, as on 21 May northern Algeria was hit by a strong earthquake. [TNX OM3JW] 9A - Look for Boro, 9A3KB/p and Den, 9A3FO/p to be active (on 10-80 metres CW) from the following Croatian islands (all of them count for IOTA EU-136) between 31 May and 4 June: 31/05 Sveti Marko (IOCA CI-117) 31/05-01/06 Krk (CI-046) & Voscica LGT (CLH 188) 02/06-03/06 Susak (CI-108) & Garba LGT (WLHA LH-0444, CLH-031) 03/06 Losinj (CI-058) 03/06-04/06 Cres (CI-012). QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ] 9A - Gianfranco, I6GFX will be active as 9A/I6GFX from Lastovo Island (EU-016, IOCA CI-051) on 6-17 July. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX I6GFX] BV - Paul, BV4FH and the BV DX Group will be active from Liu-chiu Yu (AS-155) in early June. Operations will take place on 10-40 metres SSB and CW, and are expected to start around 8 UTC on 6 June until 4 UTC on the 8th. QSL direct to BV4YB. [TNX JI6KVR] CT - CQ5AA is the special callsign to be used from 9 through 18 UTC on 31 May by the Associacao de Radioamadores da Vila de Moscavide (CT1RVM, (http://www.qsl.net/arvm/) to celebrate their 15th anniversary. CY9 - CY9A is the callsign to be used by K5AAH, K5AB, KO4RR, N0RN, N5VL and VE7SV during the 24 July-2 August operation from St. Paul Island (NA-094) [425DXN 623]. They will be active on 160-6 metres all modes. QSL via N5VL. [TNX N5VL] EA8 - The Gran Canaria DX Group will be active (SSB and CW) as EA8AOK/p from Los Dos Roques (DIE S-112) on 31 May (11-19 UTC) for the first time. QSL via bureau or to EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN] F - F1SDQ, F2EJ, F5IQC, F5LOW, F6ANA, F6HKA and F5NBQ will be active as TM0Y from Yeu Island (EU-064, DIFM AT-021) on 24-29 May. They will operate on 10-40 metres SSB and CW. QSL via F6ANA either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5UJK] F - Jerome, F5ASD (http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/f5asd-dx-news/) reports he will be active as TM5SC from 25 May to 8 June for the last Paris-New York City flight of the supersonic aircraft "Concorde", which is scheduled to take place on 31 May. QSL via F5ASD, either direct or through the bureau. F - Special station TM6JUN will be active (SSB and CW) on 1-9 June from Utah Beach, Normandy to commemorate the 59th anniversary of D-Day. QSL via F5RJM (note that all of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via bureau). [TNX F5NQL] F - The South Flanders DX Activity Group will be active (on HF and 6 metres CW and SSB) once more as F/ON6JUN/P from Ranville (France) on 5-7 June to celebrate the 59th anniversary of D-Day. QSL via ON6BV. Their web site is at http://www.qsl.net/on6jun/ [TNX ON5SD] F - Michel, F6IPS will be active (SSB and CW) as TM6SME from Sainte Mere Eglise on 6-20 June to commemorate the 59th anniversary of D-Day. QSL via home call, either direct or through the REF bureau. [TNX F5NQL] FO - Nando/IT9YRE, Alfio/IT9EJW and Claudio/I1SNW are planning an IOTA operation from a new one and a rare one in late September-early October. The islands concerned are Maria (OC-???), Austral Islands and Hereheretue (OC-052), French Polynesia. They will leave Italy on 26 September and return on 16 or 17 October; plans are to spend at least two days on each island, depending on local conditions. They will operate as FO/home calls on SSB and CW with two transceivers, a vertical, a dipole and probably an amplifier (but there might be power supply problems). QSL via home calls. A web page is under construction at http://www.printed.it. Donations to help offset the high costs of the expedition will be gratefully accepted. [TNX I1SNW] GJ - Ekki/DF4OR, Peter/DL1FX, Tilo/DJ5BX and Rainer/DL1ZBO will be active as MJ/homecall from Jersey (EU-013) on 3-9 June. They plan to operate on 10-80 metres CW and SSB and to participate as MJ/DJ5BX in the ANARTS WW RTTY Contest. [TNX DL2VFR and DF4OR] HC - A strike has prevented Andy, NP3D from going to La Plata (SA-033), as originally planned [425DXN 627]. He said to N6VR he would go to SA-056 instead; however reports seems to indicate he was operating from Muisne Island, which does not qualify for IOTA. HS - Champ, E21EIC (http://www.qsl.net/e21eic) will participate in the IOTA Contest as E21EIC/P from Si Chang Island (AS-107). He will run 100 watts into a dipole. QSL via E21EIC. [TNX NG3K] I - Look for Mario, IC8/IZ8DBJ and Carlo, IC8/IZ0EGC to be active (SSB, CW and RTTY on 10-40 metres, plus 2 and 6 metres) from Nisida Island (not IOTA, IIA NA-004) on 24 May. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IZ8DBJ] I - Andrea, IZ0EHO reports will be active on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres as IB0/IZ0EHO from Ponza (EU-045, IIA LT-001) on 1-8 June. IS0 - Luigi, IZ5FKK reports he will be active as IM0/homecall from the islands of Maddalena (EU-041, IIA SS-001) and Caprera (EU-041, IIA SS-005) on 10-18 July. He plans to operate on the HF bands as well as on 6 and 2 metres. J3 - W4/G4BKI has moved to Grenada and will be active as J3/G4BKI for a year before getting a local callsign. Further information is at http://stcgrenada.com/amateurradio.htm JA - Takeshi, JI3DST reports he will be active as JI3DST/8 from Okushiri Island (AS-147) from 25 July to 3 August. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call, preferably through the bureau. JW - Tom, LA7VK reports he will be active as JW7VK from Svalbard from 29 May to 1 June. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. KL - Lanny, W5BOS and Don, N5XG will operate (SSB and CW) as W5BOS/AL5 and N5XG/KL6 from Walrus Island (NA-121), Alaska starting around 2 UTC on 15 July through 15 UTC on the 17th. QSL via home calls. The web site for the operation is at http://www.geocities.com/buzzsimm/NA121.html [TNX W5BOS] LU - Look for LU5DIT/D, LW5EE/D, LU6DBL/D, LU8EXJ/D, LU8ERH/D and LU3DR/D from Radio Club Tandil (LU2EE, www.qsl.net/lu2ee) to be active from Claromeco Lighthouse (ARG-014) on 31 May and 1 June. QSL direct to LU2EE or via bureau to home calls. OD - Pavel, OD5/OK1MU (www.qsl.net/ok1mu) says the CQ WW WPX CW Contest will be his last one from Lebanon, as he will leave the country in late July-early August. QSL direct to OK1TN or via the OK QSL bureau. As for bureau cards, reports form OK indicate that 25,000 blank cards have been received from the printer and QSLs will be sent out after Pavel returns home. Please be patient. OZ - Lars, OZ1HPS and Karl, LA8DW will be active as OZ4DI from Fano Island (EU-125, NS-002 for the Danish Islands Award) on 5-7 June. QSL via OZ1HPS. Another operation from the same island will take place on 7-14 June by Siggi, OZ/DL1AZZ (SSB and CW). QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX OZ1HPS and VA3RJ] SV - Look for Petros, SV3FUO to be active on 80-6 metres as SY8FUO from Skopelos Islands (EU-072) on 1-10 July. QSL via SV3FUO. Logs will be available at http://www.qsl.net/sv3fuo/sy8fuo.html [TNX SV3FUO] T33 - In March or April 2004 an international team of about 15 well known operators, including most of the TI9M group, will be active as T33C from Banaba (OC-018) for a period of about 12 days. The QSL manager will be announced at a later date. The main emphasis of this DXpedition will be to work Europe on all bands, especially on the low-bands. The team will use 5 stations around the clock. When the DX window to Europe is not open, the team will focus on all other areas of the world. Operations will take place on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and some SSTV with linear amplifiers available, when needed. This will be a completely self supporting DXpedition, since little of the infrastructure of Banaba is left. All food, water, medical support, radios, antennas and electrical power equipment must be brought in by boat. The web site for the DXpedition is at http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004, and it will be updated as frequently as things progress. [TNX N4CD] UR - Pavlo, UY5YY has been active on th amateur radio bands for 40 years and will celebrate this anniversary by signing EN40QPG until 20 June. QSL via home call either direct (Pavlo P. Guzenko, Moskovskaja str., 42, Melitopol, Zaporizkaja obl., 72004, Ukraine) or through the bureau. [TNX UR7QM] W - Bob, AA4RW will be vacationing near Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert Island (NA-055) over the Memorial Day weekend and plans to activate at least two lighthouses in that area on 25 and 26 May. Look for him mainly on +/- 14270 kHz starting around 14 UTC each day. QSL direct to home call. [TNX VA3RJ] ZA - The 28 May-5 June 160-6m activities by the ZA3/hc team (IK2DUW, IK5BHN, IK6CAC, IK7JWX, IK7LMX, IN3VCC, IV3FSG, IZ0CKJ, IZ2DPX, IZ7ATN, IZ7BHN, IZ7CTE, ZA1FD and ZA5G) [425DXN 625] will include operations from lighthouses (the list of ZA lighthouses can be found at http://arlhs.com/). On 2 June they will celebrate the Peacekeeping Forces Day and operate from the HQ of the 28th Naval Group of the Italian Navy in Durres. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK7JWX] CANADIAN & US ISLANDS ---> Dominic, M0BLF and Martin, G3ZAY (NU2L) will be QRV as VE2/M0BLF and VE2/G3ZAY from a number of islands in Quebec in mid-June. Current plans, which will remain flexible until the last moment, include Bonaventure (NA-177) around 10-12 June for a couple of days (note that it is unlikely they will be able to stay overnight on the island as the park closes each evening), then Sept Iles (NA-125) and/or Anticosti (NA-077) and/or Mingan Archipelago (NA-176) around 14-18 June. They hope to have time to stop at Ile d'Orleans (NA-128) on their way back to Quebec City. There will also be a brief operation as W1/M0BLF and NU2L from Star Island (Isles of Shoals, NA-217) from about 15.30-19.30 UTC on 21 June. QSL via home calls. [TNX G3ZAY] ISLAND & LIGHTHOUSE WEEKEND ---> A special activity weekend for German islands and lighthouses will take place on 31 May-1 June. [TNX DL2VFR] CQ WW WPX CW CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their participation in this year's event (24-25 May): 8P - W2SC as 8P1A (SOAB) from Barbados. QSL via NT1N. 9K - 9K2RR as 9K9X (SOSB 40m) from Kuwait. QSL via 9K2HN. A6 - Sejo, T97C as A61AJ (SOAB High Power). C6 - K9VV and K6CT as C6AKU (Multi-Single) from Bahamas. QSL via K9VV. CO - Eduardo/CO8LY and Juan/CO8TW as CO8LY (Multi Two). QSL via EA7ADH. CT3 - Announced operations from Madeira include: * Con, DF4SA as CT3EE (SOAB LP). QSOs will be confirmed automatically via bureau. * OH6RX as CT9A (SOAB High Power). QSL via OH6RX. EA9 - Jim, N6TJ as EA9LZ (SOAB) from Ceuta. QSL via VE3HO (this operation *only*). F - Announced operations from France include: * Laurent, F8BBL as TM7A. This special call has been issued for use between 24 May and 7 June. QSL via home call. * Gilles, F6IRA as TM9R (SOSB 15m). This special call has been issued for use between 19 May and 2 June. QSL via home call. FM - RW3QC as TO5AA (SOAB High Power) from FM5BH's QTH on Martinique (NA-107). QSL via RW3RN. HS - Annouced operations from Thailand include: * E21CJN (SOSB 15m High Power), QSL via W3PP * E21EIC as SOSB (15m) * HS0GBI/2 (SOSB 40m Low Power), QSL via home call * HS4BPQ/9 as SOSB (20m), QSL via E21EIC KH0 - Kuroi, JH0MGJ as AL5A/NH0 (SOAB) from Saipan (OC-086). QSL via bureau to JH0MGJ. LU - Javi, LU5FF on all bands low power. QSL via EA7JX. OA - Olli, OH0XX (OA4WW) as OC4WW (SOAB). QSL to either Olli Rissanen, #599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Bech, FL 33442, USA or Calle Ciguela 331, Los Cotos de Monterrey, 28729 Venturada, Madrid, Spain. P4 - Scott, K0DQ as P41P (SOAB High Power) from Jacky's (P43P) QTH on Aruba (SA-036). QSL via I2MQP. PY - Ton, PY2YU as PX2W on 15 metres. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. SM - Announced operations from Sweden include: * Ingo, SM5AJV as 8S5A (SOAB High Power). QSL via SM5AJV. * SM3CER, SM3CVM, SM3EAE and SM3FJF as SI9AM (Multi Single). QSL via SM3CVM. SV - Costas, SV1XV as SX1R. QSL via home call either direct (Costas Krallis, P.O.Box 3066, GR-10210 Athens, Greece) or through the bureau. TA - Announced operations from Turkey include: * Andy, G3AB as TA3/G3AB (SO, band to be decided). QSL via G3AB. * Serge, TA2ZF (ex M0SDX) and UA9CLB as YM2ZF (Multi-Single). QSL via UT2UB. TK - S59AA as TK/S52A (SOAB Low Power) from Corsica. QSL via S59AA. UA - RW1AC, RV1AW, RA1AIP and UA1ARX as R300SP (Multi Two), celebrating the 300th anniversary of Saint Petersburg. QSL via RU1AE. ZF - John/K6AM, Ned/AA7A, Lee/KY7M and Bud/N7CW as ZF1A (Multi-Single) from the Cayman Islands (NA-016). QSL via W5ASP. ZL - ZL3CW, ZL1GO and ZL1GO (JA4EKO) as ZM1A on all bands. QSL via ZL1AMO. Give a look to the Announced Operations listing maintained by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com. Zik, DL/VE3ZIK (4N1DX) reports that a collection of QSL routes will be available on 27 May at http://www.contesting.info _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH >>> SMSCLUSTER <<< Stefano, IZ5ENH is one of the promoters of SMSCLUSTER Service, which is a "unique, exclusive and innovative way of receiving DX spots from the world packet cluster directly to your cellular phone or pager, via SMS or e-mail, wherever you are". The service is free of charge, supports all modes and bands and features a complete set of DXCC/IOTA filters in order to receive only the spots you are interested in. For further information and registration, please visit http://www.smscluster.org. This is an experimental service, problem reports or comments should be sent to info@smscluster.org IPHG AWARD ---> The International Pharmacists Ham Group issues the I.P.H.G. Award for contacts made (or, for SWLs, heard) with IPHG members (currently about 140 individuals representing 32 countries all around the world). Neither QSL cards nor award fees are required. Details are available at http://www.malpensa.it/iphg/index.htm and http://www.iphg.too.it, or from the Award Manager Pier Luigi Anzini, IK2UVR (ik2uvr@malpensa.it). IPHG members meet every 18th day of any month on 28318, 21318, 14318, 7098 and 3618 kHz. PIRATE ---> Someone has been pirating for several months 4L0G on satellite, especially UO14. QSL manager DL7BY reports that no satellite QSOs were ever made by 4L0G. [TNX IZ1EGT] PIRATE ---> Luca, IW0DJB reports that on 11 May HV5PUL was pirated on 80 and 160 metres. Please do not waste your time and money on QSLling these contacts. RD9M & UE9MDA ---> These two stations were active (RD9M from Omsk and UE9MDA from various nearby districts) from 7 to 18 May to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Radioclub of Omsk. Information on the relevant award can be found at http://orc.omsklan.ru/award-eng.htm [TNX RA9MX] QSL 8Q7ZZ ---> Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH reports has replied to all direct requests for 8Q7ZZ received so far. QSL VK9LS ---> Trevor, VK7TS reports that some QSL cards for the recent VK9LS expedition are being sent to VK7LS (Lima Sierra) - this is incorrect. The correct route is via VK7TS (Tango Sierra). QSL VQ9LA ---> Larry, VQ9LA reminds DXers that cards should be sent to Larry Arneson, PSC 466 Box 24 (DG-21 Annex 30), FPO AP 96595-0024, USA. Cards without return postage will be bundle up and sent via the bureau after 6 months. QSLs sent to his home call (WD0HSP) may take longer than the bureau to get, because Larry goes back to the US only once a year. QSL VIA PA5ET ---> Rob reports that all direct QSLs for the recent LLDXT (http://www.qsl.net/lldxt) OY operation have been processed and mailed. Direct cards without return postage will be sent via the bureau. Please refrain from sending registered letters, as they are not collected. If for any reason you want to send your request by registered mail, please contact Rob (pa5et@muurkrant.com) in advance so that he can give another proper address. TIMOR LESTE ---> The following press release comes from Stu Greene, WA2MOE and it is being quoted verbatim: The United Nations no longer is in control and independence was won by the East Timorese on May 20, 2002. An application for new entity status will be filed together with an application to delete of the former 4W territory as an entity under DXCC rules. Article 5 of the treaty between Portugal and Indonesia of May 5, 1999 removed East Timor from the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories of the General Assembly and the deletion of the question of East Timor from the agendas of the Security Council and the General Assembly. The treaty , witnessed by the Secretary General of the United Nations, did not make the United Nations the administrator of East Timor but did provide for UN humanitarian assistance. Article 7 requested "the Secretary-General to maintain an adequate United Nations presence in East Timor." The DX Advisory and Awards Committees quite possibly misinterpreted the language of the treaty as conferring status of East Timor as a UN administered territory which in fact was not the case. Only when the referendum authorized by the treaty was held and the East Timorese people declared themselves independent was there a new entity. The role of UNTAET (UN Transitional Administration in East Timor) was humanitarian and peacekeeping and was not a quasi-government authorized to issue amateur radio licenses. UNTAET did not have the authority to issue amateur radio licenses; it was a peacekeeping mission and only after the referendum was there a Ministry of Communications which does have that authority. The text of the treaty for those interested is at http://www.un.org/peace/etimor99/agreement/agreeFrame_Eng01.html If ARRL agrees, the UN sanctioned operations in East Timor would be deleted on the ground that East Timor was not an entity under the rules and a new entity, would be created effective 20 May 2002, the date of the creation of the East Timorese state. Democratic Republic of Timor Leste became a UN state on 27 September, 2002. ITU has reassigned 4WA-4WZ to the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste on 23 April, 2003. _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH YE5A: Pictures of the recent YE5A operation from Pisang Island (OC-262) are now available at www.mdxc.org/southsumatra [TNX IZ8CCW] _____________________________________________________________________________ QSLs received direct: 3A2MD, 3B9FR, 3C2MV, 3D2AG/p, 3D2IO/R, 4D2B (OC-092), 5R8GZ, 5T5PBV, 5X1DC, 5Z4RL, 6W4RK, 7P8ZZ, 7Q7HB, 7Q7JL, 7Q7LA, 8P2K, 8P9Z, 8Q7ZZ, 9S1X, 9Y4TBG, A25/DL1YFF, A35XX, A4/IV3NCC (AS-112), A45WD, A52DA, A71AW, A92GE, AP2ARS, BA4DX, BW0RTY, C98RF, CN2R, CP5NU, CX1SI, CY0MM, CY9DH, D2BB, D44TD, D4B, E20HHK/P (AS-125), EA9LZ, EP2MKO, EU3FT, EW3CW, EY8/F5CW, FO/N5XX, FR5ZL, FS/AH8DX, GU0SUP, HC8A, HH6/DL7CM, HQ3J, HQ8V (NA-223),HQ9R, J45KLN, J88DR, K1B, K5C (NA-082), KH2/KB7OBU, KP4KE, N8Z, OY7ET, OY7QA, OY7TW, OY7WP, OY8PA, P29KM, P4/K2LE, PJ7/K7ZUM, PR0F, PY0FF, PY0ZFO, RA1QQ/1 (EU-161), S21YY, SV2ASP/A, T97M, TI5/KI7VR, TI5N, TI7/N4MO, TT8ZZ, TU2XZ, UA2FX, UU7J, V26P, V31YN, V44NK, V51E, VI5WCP (OC-261), VP5LP, VP5V, VQ9LA, XT2ATI, YI9OM, YJ0APY, YK1AO, YS1MAE, ZB2X, ZD8R, ZF2NT, ZK2XX, ZX0F. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************