425 DX News #628 17 May 2003 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 3D2 - Andre, GM3VLB confirms he will be active as 3D2LB from Beachcomber Island (OC-121) [425DXN 621], Fiji on 26-29 May. QSL direct only to home call. 7X - A second attempt at operating from the Habibas Islands (AF-???) is scheduled to take place on 1-5 June. Last year the operation aborted at the very last minute [425DXN 576]. The operators (Ivan/OM3CGN, Afif/7X2RO and maybe other locals) are waiting for the last permission to be issued. [TNX OM3JW] 9A - Siggi/DL1AZZ, Lutz/DL3ARK, Mario/DL5ASE and Heiko/DG0OGM plan operate from Dugi Otok (EU-170, IOCA CI-018) and Veli Rat lighthouse (CRO-183) on 24-31 May. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ] 9M2 - Tex, 9M2TO will be active as 9M2TO/P from Perhentian Island (AS-073) until 18 May. Contacts will be confirmed automatically through the bureau via JA0DMV. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] C6 - Duncan, EA5ON will be active (on 160-10 metres SSB) as EA5ON/C6A from Freeport, Grand Bahama (NA-080) on 22-26 May. This is a business visit and operating time will be restricted. QSL via home call. [TNX EA5ON] C9 - Vlado, ZS6MG reports he will participate in the CQ WPX CW Contest as C8A from Maputo, Mozambique. QSL via ZS6MG (Vladimir Karamitrov, P.O. Box 1788, Bramley 2018, South Africa). CT - Special event station CT1RVM/p will be active (on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB) on 18 May from the Portuguese Air Force Museum. QSL via CT1RVM, bureau or direct. [TNX CT1END] G - Special station GB300WES, celebrating the life of John Wesley, born in 1703, will be active on 18 May, 24-26 May and various dates until September. QSL via M0RHI either direct (Royce Hunt, 24 Athelstane Crescent, Edenthorpe, Doncaster DN3 2NG, South Yorkshire, UK) or through the RSGB bureau. [TNX M0RHI] I - Gianni, IZ8CGS will be active (on 10-40 metres SSB) as IG9/IZ8CGS from Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001) on 22-25 May. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ8CCW] J7 - George, K5KG will be active on CW and SSB as J75KG from Dominica on 20-29 May. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as J75A. QSL via KU9C. [TNX The Daily DX] JW - Terje, LA3OHA is organizing a second expedition to Prins Karls Forland (EU-063) and is looking for operators. The operation is scheduled to take place between 11 and 25 July; please visit http://www.dxpedition.org/dxjwpk for further information. OH - Finnish military amateur radio stations will be active with the special prefix OI on 20 May. A complete listing of stations can be found at http://www.kolumbus.fi/srela/oi/. [TNX The Daily DX] PJ2 - Look for Jim, WI9WI to be active as PJ2WI from Curacao (SA-006) on 21-27 May, including a single operator n entry in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. QSL via WI9WI, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ] SM - Martin, SM0DTK will be active as SM0DTK/1 from Gotland Island (EU-020) on 24-31 May. Skeds can be arranged via sm0dtk@passagen.se [TNX SM0DTK] SP - Special event station HF25KVW is QRV until 31 July to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the SP5KVW Radio Club of Ostroleka. QSL via SP5KVW. [TNX SP5XSD] SP - Special memorial operations will be take place from Poland to commemorate Polish scientist Ignacy Lukasiewicz, whose first-ever kerosene lamp was used for the first time on 31 July 1853 in Lviv: through 30 June HF8IL (QSL via SP8PJG) 1 July-15 August HF150IL (QSL via SP8PJG) 25 July-4 August 3Z0IL (QSL via SP8ZBX) 25 July-4 August SN0IL (QSL via SP9PEE) 20 August-10 September HF8IL (QSL via SP8PJG) Another special event station, EN3WLL (QSL via UR4WXQ), will be activated from Lviv, Ukraine between 25 July and 4 August. The anniversary celebrations are supported by the Podkarpacie Branch of PZK and Lviv Radio Amateur Club. For further details please visit http://www.ot5.cq.pl/ [TNX SP5UAF and SP9JPA] VE - Dana, VE1VOX reports he plans to be active as VE1OTA/VY2 from Prince Edward Island (EU-029) and other nearby islands on 16-18 May. VE - Look for VA2BY and K8DD/VE2 to be QRV from Waskaganish, James Bay (Zone 2) on 20-23 May. Yhey will operate on 10-40 metres SSB and CW. QSL via K8DD. The web page for Team Zone 2 is at http://www.qsl.net/teamzone2/ [TNX NG3K] VE - Andy, AE6Y will be active as VC1R from VE1JF's QTH in Nova Scotia on 21-26 May, CQ WW WPX CW Contest included. QSL via VE1JF. [TNX AE6Y] VE - Industry Canada has authorized the use of special event prefixes to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the National Library of Canada between 24 May and 27 July. The prefixes will be CK for VE, CY for VO, CJ for VA and CZ for VY. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] VE - This is the latest information on the June operations by Andre/GM3VLB, Alex/G0DHZ and Niall/VP8NJS from a few British Columbia (VE7) islands [425DXN 621]: Denman (NA-036) on 4-5 June, Malcolm (NA-091) on 6-7 June, Campbell (NA-061) on 8-9 June, Denny (NA-061) on 9-11 June, Gabriola (NA-075) on 12-14 June. Please e-mail Andre (5z4kl@ukonline.co.uk) before 22 May for possible skeds or further information on possible QRV times. [TNX GM3VLB] W - Ken, W8KL will be operate mobile from the North Carolina State East Group (NA-067) on 18-22 May. Look for him on or around 14260 kHz during his afternoons and evenings, while during the mornings he will look for JA/VK stations. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DXCC NEWS ---> DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L reports that the following operations from Iraq are approved for DXCC credit: YI/EK6DO, YI/EK6KB, YI/F5ORF, YI/ON4WW, YI/ON5NT, YI/ON6TT, YI/S53R, YI/S57CQ, YI/SM7PKK and YI/VK4KMT. Pictures and other information on the UN World Food Programme's workers in Iraq can be found at http://www.wfpdx.org/ FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 2003 ---> Ham Radio (the biggest amateur radio event in Europe) 2003 will take place at Friedrichshafen on 27-29 June. Further information is available at http://www.messe-friedrichshafen.de/fairs/ham_radio/index.php3 LOTW ---> The long-anticipated "Logbook of the World" (LoTW) - ARRL's secure electronic contact-confirmation system - is being opened for beta testing. While a formal unveiling is set for the Hamvention DX Forum (17 May) in Dayton's Hara Arena, LoTW now is available to all who wish to participate in the beta testing program, expected to last 60 days. Visit the ARRL Logbook of the World Web site (http://www.arrl.org/lotw/#top) to learn more, download the necessary software and take part in the beta testing effort. NEW BOOKS ---> Idiom Press has announced publication of "Up Two. Adventures of a DXpeditioner" by well known contester, DXer and world traveler Roger Western, G3SXW (256 pages) and the third updated edition of "The Complete DX'er" by Bob Locher, W9KNI (228 pages). Complete details are available at http://www.idiompress.com QSL 9Y4TBG & 9Y4/DL4MEH ---> Andy, DL4MEH reports he is going to move permanently to Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies. Effective immediately, QSL cards for the following operations should be routed via Wolfgang Utz, DL4MDO (either direct or, preferably, through the bureau): 9Y4TBG CQWW CW 1999, CQWW SSB 2001 & 2002, ARRL DX CW & SSB 2003 9Y4/DL4MEH: all operations from 1999 onwards. Those who want to QSL direct to Andy ("please only stamp collectors, hi"), should use the following address (not earlier than August 2003): Andreas Kretzschmar, #5 Estate Ave., Cassleton Gardens, Trincity, Trinidad W.I., Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. QSL AH3D ---> Vertex Standard (Yaesu) will host the distribution of full-color AH3D folded-QSLs at their booth (#535) during the Dayton Hamvention. Martti Laine/OH2BH, Toni Linden/OH2JTE and Daily DX editor, Bernie McClenny/W3UR are prepared to serve you with a smile. [TNX N4GN] QSL K5C ---> The Magnolia DX Association reports that the QSL cards for their 4-6 April operation from Cat Island (NA-082) have arrived from the printer (give a look to http://www.mdxa.org/k5c_03.html). Glenn, K2FF is processing direct cards and expects to make a mass mailing on 17 May. QSL VIA VE7DP ---> Frank, VE7DP provides an update on the QSL routes for recent IOTA activations from the Philippines: 4G6A OC-125 via VE7DP DX4CN OC-202 via VE7DP 4H1LC OC-244 via VE7DP or DX1CW Frank has several listed addresses, but the preferred one is: Frank Toplak, General Delivery, Winfield, BC V4V 1M6, Canada. UFT ---> The newly elected officers of the Union Francaise des Telegraphistes (the French National CW Society, http://www.uft.net) for 2003/04 are: Raymond Talazac/F6BQV (President), Norbert Laurent/F6AXX (Vice President), Pierre Gallo/F6FXS (Treasurer) and Jean Pierre Auxentides/F5TFP (Secretary). Assistant Board members include Ghislain/F6CEL, Alain/F6ENO, Alain/F6EQV, Gerard/F6ICG, Andre/F5AKL, Bernard/F5HEW, Vincent/F5MJV, Maurice/F5NQL and Martial/F5SIE. Honorary Past President Jean-Claude Perrotey, F9IQ has been appointed as the UFT's CW consultant for REF (the IARU French Society). [TNX F5NQL] VISALIA 2004 ---> The Southern California DX Club (www.scdxc.org) has announced that the 55th Annual International DX Convention will be held at The Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center Visalia on 23-25 April 2004. Online reservation information can be found at www.visaliaholidayinn.com [TNX N6DHZ] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: Complete logs for the recent TX4PG operation (12607 CW, 8901 SSB and 1029 RTTY QSOs) from the Marquesas Islands (OC-027) are now available at http://digilander.libero.it/i2ysb; discrepancies in QSO data should be reported to Silvano, I2YSB (i2ysb@libero.it). YE5A: An audio file from the YE5A operation (OC-262) is available on the Meditearraneo DX Club's web site at http://www.mdxc.org [TNX IZ8CCW] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3V8SF DL1BDF HF650O SQ4NR RP4NKF RA4NAJ 3V8SQ DL1BDF HF6UE SP6ZDA RP9LTK RU9LA 3XY1L UY5XE HG50MT HA3HK RP9W RW9WA 4H1LC VE7DP HP1RIP EA7FTR RP9X UA9XW 4K7Z/F8LPX F8LPX HS4BPQ/9 E21EIC S92UN CT1CPP 5B4/S57CQ S57DX II3NAV IQ3VE SN0UNP SP5PPK 5N6NDP/9 IK5JAN IO7J IK7JWX TA1ED/0 TA1ED 5U7JB ON5NT IR0N IK0NFV TM5I F5PTI 5U7JK I2YSB IU7FM I7YKN TM7R F6KOP 5Z4PV PA3CBH JD1BLK JM1LJS TP6CE F5LGF 7X0AD EA4URE K4C KP4ARN TT8FC EA4AHK 8Q7AV DK6AV KH2/AC4LN UA4WHX TX4PG I2YSB 9A0CI DE0MST KH6/AC4LN UA4WHX UA1ONY RZ3EC 9H3CS YT1CS LU1ZG LU4DXU UE3QDG RA3QSY 9N7DX 4Z4DX LZ03KM LZ1BFR UE3QSY RA3QSY 9V1SM W3HNK N6XIV/KH9 K2FF UE3SFF RU3SD 9V1YC N5ID OH0WK OH3WK UE9ORQ UA9ORQ A41KJ N5FTR OJ3JF OH3JF UE9OWQ UA9ORQ A41MA/P A41MA P29KH WD9DZV UN7QX W7BO A61AR UA6MF PQ2Q PY2WC US4IXQ WB7QXU AP2AUM 9A4NA PV2AA PY2AA UV7M US5MTJ BV9AAC BV2KI R0PA UA1ADQ V31ZB W7ZB C91AA WZ8P R300SP RU1AE V44KCB NT5W CO0E bureau RA9LI/9 DL6ZFG V63GO JA7AGO CU3DJ/P KZ5RO RL1A RA1AG V63MB UA4WHX CX7OV EA5KB RL1B RU1AB V63ZP JA7ZP DU1ZV JA1BRK RL1C RV1CC VK6CN/4 AC6DD E20HHK/8 E21EIC RL1D OH5ZZ VK9LS VK7TS EA6UN EC6TK RL1F RU1AS VQ9TP N5TP ED1EK EA1CCW RL1G RA1AR W2H W2CE EM0U UT3UZ (a) RL1J RZ1AWF XU7ACE ES1FB EM0U UT7UW (b) RL1K UA9KG/1 XV2M SP5JTF EM1U UT7UA RL1L RZ1AYA XV3AA JA6UHG EM4IZA UR7IA RL1M UA1ANA YA1CQ JA1CQT EM5U UT2UB RL1N RA1ABC YB2DX YB2LAB EO58E UR5EDX (c) RL1O RZ1AWO YB9AY YC9BU EO58E UR7EP (d) RL1P RZ1AP YC0EEX WB4HAM EO58G UR3GM RL1Q RV1AQ YC8RRK YC9BU EO58HK UT1HT RL1R RA1ALA YE5A IZ8CCW EO58I UR6IM RL1S UA1AES YI/ON4WW KU9C EO58IS US7IGF RL1T RX1CQ YI/S53R K2PF EO58JM KG6AR RL1U RA1AOL YI/S57CQ KU9C EO58JS KD5RBU RL1W RW1AI YI/S57CQ S57DX ER0ITU ER1DA RL1X RX1AX YI/VK4KMT KU9C ER9V ER1DA RP0Q RA0QC YV4DDK EA5KB EV5V DL8KAC RP1COP RN1CX Z32AF N8RKA EW5HST EU1SA RP1N RK1NWA Z38Z DL7AFS F6KNL/P F0DVX RP1NKF RZ1NWT ZD7DP W1ZT FG5FC F6DZU RP3AM RK3AWA ZD8C EA1DGZ FO/F5RQQ F8NAN RP3FIA RU3DG ZK1AYL VK4SJ FY/XT2DT F1NGP RP3PTP UA3PW ZK1SIM VK4SJ FY5GS F6FNU RP3XMV UA3XAC ZW1AA PY1AA GB100MAS MM0ERK RP3YGA RV3YR ZW7AA PY7AA (a) SSB and CW (b) RTTY and PSK (c) CW (d) SSB _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 4Z4DX Dov Gavish, 27 Hamitnahalim St, Ramat Hasharon 47203, Israel 9M2/G3TMA Ian Buffham, Bekay Court, 7 Lorong Enau (off Jalan Ampang), 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia CT1CPP Antonio Duarte Prates Bebiano, Estrada dos 4 Marcos 17, Sarilhos Grandes, 2870 Montijo, Portugal DE0MST Fredy Stippschild, P.O. Box 1406, D-83657 Lenggries, Germany E21EIC Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903, Thailand EA1CCW Ramon Ruiz Ursuequia, Colonia El Impulsor 490 - 4 Izda, 39317 Sierrapando, Cantabria, Spain EA6ZX Pau Balaguer, P.O. Box 240, 07080 Palma de Mallorca, Spain ER1DA Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 3000, Chisinau, MD-2071, Moldova F8DQL Jean-Baptiste Jacquemard, 241 boulevard Voltaire, F-75011 Paris, France G4OBK Phil Catterall, Wayside, Lendales Lane, Pickering, YO18 8EE, England I2YSB Silvano Borsa, P.O. Box 45, 27036 Mortara - PV, Italy IQ3VE ARI Venezia, P.O. Box 227, 30100 Venezia - VE, Italy IZ8CCW Antonio Cannataro, P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy JT1CH Sh. Chuluunbat, P.O. Box 421, Ulaanbaatar-38, Mongolia LU4DXU Horacio Ledo, P.O. Box 22, 1640 Martinez - BA, Argentina N5ID Joe Morris, 813 Highway 13, Wiggins, MS 39577, USA N8RKA Arthur Barbetta, 2395 Liberty Rd, Stow OH 44224, USA PY2AA P.O. Box 22, 01059-970 Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil RA1AG Konstantin A. Chudnovskiy, P.O. Box 651, Saint Petersburg, 195269, Russia RA3AR Dmitry K. Darkov, ul. Borisovskie prudy 10-1-108, 115211, Moscow, Russia S57DX Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia SP5KVW Radioklub SP5KVW, P.O. Box 56, 07-410 Ostroleka, Poland SP6ZDA Scouts Radio Club SP6ZDA, P.O. Box 41, 51-673 Wroclaw 9, Poland SQ4NR Grzegorz Gawel, ul. Herdera 16/14, 10-691 Olsztyn, Poland UA9ORQ Vladimir Volosozhar, P.O. Box 868, Novosibirsk, 630089, Russia UR3GM Igor Pulin, P.O. Box 23, Kherson, 73022 Ukraine UR5EDX Sergej Grachev, P.O. Box 464, Dnepropetrovsk, 49005 Ukraine UR7EP Yuri Stetsenko, P.O. Box 6512, Dnepropetrovsk, 49128 Ukraine UR7IA Leonid Aniskin, P.O. Box 1901, Gorlovka-46, 84646 Ukraine UT2UB Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine VK4SJ June Sim, P.O. Box 406, Caloundra 4551, Queensland, Australia YT1CS Stosic Miroljub-Miki, Jugoslovenska 70, Surdulica 17350, Serbia and Montenegro ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************