425 DX News #626 3 May 2003 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<< The 425 DX News monthly edition (April issue) can be downloaded in either pdf or .doc formats at http://www.425dxn.org. [TNX I1-21171/IZ1CRR] 5H - Ramesh, VU2RKS is active on 20 and 15 metres as 5H9KR from Mwanza, on the banks of Lake Victoria in northern Tanzania. "I currenlty QSL direct", he says, "and shall return direct QSLs by mid May". 9H - Miki, YT1CS is active as 9H3CS from Malta until 4 May. QSL via home call (Stosic Miroljub-Miki, Jugoslovenska 70, Surdulica 17350, Serbia and Montenegro). [TNX YU1AS] A4 - Younis, A41MA will be active from Mahoot (Mahawt) Island (AS-014) until 5 May. His web page is at http://www.geocities.com/suwadi_island/ F - Jean-Claude, F6HDH (SSB) and Francis, F6HKS (CW) plan to be active from a couple of lighthouses as follows: 2 May: Cap Ferret Lighthouse (DPLF PB-049, FRA-226) 3 May: Hourtin Lighthouse (DPLF PB-055, FRA-105). QSL via home calls, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5NQL] I - I0CUT, IK0LNN, IK0NFV, IK0OER, IK0PEA, IK0SME and IZ0BXZ will partecipate in the ARI Contest as IR0N. QSL via bureau or direct to IK0NFV. [TNX IK0LNN] I - The 11 May IP1TIN activity from Tino Island (EU-083) [425DXN 625] has been cancelled. Next operations are confirmed to take place on 25 May and on 26-27 July (IOTA Contest included). QSL via IK5MDF either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK5MDF] JA - Yuki, JI6KVR reports that the 3-5 May operation [425DXN 621] by JM1PXG from Tokara Kuchino-shima (AS-049) has been cancelled. JA - Look for Yoshiro, JL3SIK/6 to be active (on 40-6 metres CW and SSB) from Yonaguni island (AS-024) until 2 May. [TNX JL3SIK] JT - Nicola, I0SNY and Gianni, I8KGZ have cancelled their 6-29 May trip to Mongolia [425dxn 623] due to the SARS emergency. [TNX I0SNY] PY - Look for ZW7AA to be activated (on 40-6 metres SSB and CW) from Ponta de Pedras Lighthouse (PE-03 for the Brazilian Lighthouse Award) on 9-11 May. QSL via PY7AA. [TNX VA3RJ] SP - Special event station HF6UE is active through 10 June to celebrate Poland's European Community Accession Agreement (the suffix UE stands for Unia Europejska, i.e. European Union). QSL to SP6ZDA preferably via bureau or direct to Scouts Radio Club SP6ZDA, P.O. Box 41, 51-673 Wroclaw 9, Poland. [TNX SP6NIC and SP5UAF] SV - Terry, M0CLH will be active as SV8/M0CLH/P from Skopelos Island (EU-072) on 2-9 May. This will be a holiday style operation on 10-20 metres SSB. Terry will be running 5 watts into dipoles and ground planes. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX M0CLH] SV5 - Steve, G0SGB will be active from Kos Island (EU-001) on 10-23 May. He plans to activate nine lighthouses while on the island and to operate 15, 17, 20, 40 and 80 metres. QSL direct only via home call. [TNX G0SGB] SV9 - Dick, G3URA is active as SV9/G3URA from Crete until 15 May. He will be on RTTY during the ARI and Volta contests; outside the contests, he will be active again on PSK31, including the WARC bands. QSL via home call, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX G3URA] UA - Special call RL1A will be aired (on 10-160 metres SSB) on 1-31 May to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the city of Saint Petersburg. QSL via RA1AG either direct (Konstantin A. Chudnovskiy, P.O. Box 651, Saint Petersburg, 195269, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX UA1AKJ] UA - Special event callsigns UE3QDG and UE3QSY will be aired on 6-8 May for the 350th anniversary of the Divnogor'e monastery. QSL to RA3QSY via bureau. [TNX RA3QSY] UR - Crimea Contest Club will activate special event station EO58JM on 5-11 May. QSL via KG6AR. [TNX KG6AR] UR - Special event call EO58E will be aired on all bands from Dnepropetrovsk on 5-12 May. QSL via UR5EDX (CW) and UR7EP (SSB), either direct or through the bureau. [TNX UR5EDX] V3 - Mark, W7ZB will be active as V31ZB from St. George's Cay (NA-073), Belize on 3-13 May. Look for him on 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB during his afternoons and evenings. QSL direct ot home call. [TNX The Daily DX] YB - Mediterraneo DX Club members YC3DIK, YC3MM, YC3BDJ and YC3BCS, along with other operators, plan to be active from Pisang Island in the Sumatra's Coastal Islands South group (OC-???) starting around 12 UTC on 11 May until the 17th at the latest. They will operate on 10, 15, 40 and 80 metres SSB; a special callsign has been applied for. QSL via IZ8CCW, [TNX IZ8CCW] YJ - Patrice, FK8HA is expected to be signing YJ0AHA from Vanuatu until 25 May. [TNX OZ6M] SOUTH AMERICAN TOUR ---> Jonathan, MM0OKG will be in Peru for about one week starting 5 May; he will then moving on to Bolivia for a further two weeks. He will be active as OA/MM0OKG/p and with a CP call to be confirmed on 20 (+/- 14280 kHz) and 10 metres SSB QRP mainly in his late afternoon and evenings. [TNX MM0OKG] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 9K2ZZ ---> Bob, 9K2ZZ is going to be spending the majority of his time in YI and A9 and has informed his QSL manager (Raymond, W8CNL) that "all requests for confirmations go to the LOTW" (Logbook Of The World). This includes the past K4CY/P and K4CY/M operations from Iraq. Please refrain from sending cards for K4CY/M to W8CNL, as he has neither logs nor cards. However, Raymond has all the 9K2ZZ and 9K9Z logs and plenty of cards (QSL direct only to Raymond H. McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, North Augusta, SC 29841-4319, USA). [TNX N7MAL] ARBE ---> ARI Milano announces ARBE, "Amateur Radio Balloning Experiment", to take place on 10 May (or on the 17th, if the weather is bad). A special team will apply APRS technology for balloon ground position monitoring. At the same time, an operator will fly onboard and operate as IQ2MI/p on +/- 144.300 MHz USB starting around 8-9 UTC for 1-3 hours. QSL via operator's instructions. For further information please email Tibor, IK2SAI (ik2sai@amsat.org) or visit http://www.arimi.it/rubriche/arbe.html. DXCC NEWS ---> DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L (nc1l@arrl.org) reports the following operations have been approved for DXCC credit: - 5X1CW (licence renewed through 1 March 2004) - 9N7DX (22 April 2003 through 19 June 2003) - YA1BV, YA1CQ and YA1JA (14 November 2002-31 March 2003) ILLW ---> This year the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend will take place from 00.01 UTC on 16 August until 23.59 UTC on the 17th. This highly popular annual event attracts hundreds of activated lighthouses and lightships (316 in 45 countries last year), and the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society offers several awards and certificates for achievements in various categories. If you decide to take part in this year's event, please register on-line at http://vk2ce.com/illw/ or send the details of your operation to illw@vk2ce.com. Announced operations will be listed at http://vk2ce/illw/2003.htm [TNX GM4SUC] KB5GL/5 ---> Silvano, KB5GL reports that, after struggling against winds and insects (158 bites), he made over 800 QSOs in 13 hours during his 25-26 April operation from Breton Island (NA-089). QSL 9V1YC ---> Please note that the new QSL route for James Brooks, 9V1YC is via N5ID: Joe Morris, 813 Highway 13, Wiggins, MS 39577, USA. [TNX 9V1YC] QSL K1B ---> Some 11,000 QSOs and 2,300 cards have been processed so far. Please contact Stephen, K4YL (K4YL@arrl.net) if you have any special request and remember that he handles direct requests only (Stephen Grose, P.O. Box 183, Flat Rock, NC 28731-0183, USA). Any small donations will be gratefully accepted towards printing cards, printing supplies and postage. QSL PT5T ---> Mac, W3HC reports he will handle the QSL cards for PT5T operation by CT1BOH in November 2001 (5,509 QSOs). Cards will be ordered within the week. QSL W2A & W2AA ---> The W2 Incoming Bureau asks not send any cards for W2A & W2AA for the operating period of 24 October 1997 - 5 March 2001. These stations are "are not interested in replying to these cards" and, according to Bill, W2AY, "the only communication we have had with them is for the W2 Incoming Bureau to trash the cards". QSL VIA F6JOB ---> Bill, W2AY reports that Patrice, F6JOB (patrice@f6job.net) has assumed QSL duties for F6EPY's March 2001 operations as 5W0DA and ZK1EPY (Rarotonga, South Cooks). His mailing address is Patrice Nowak, 3 Allee des Tuyas, 17520 Germignac, France. YASME BOOK ---> Commissioned by the YASME Foundation [425DXN 523] and published by ARRL, "YASME. The Danny Weil and Colvin Radio Expeditions" by Jim Cain, K1TN highlights the adventures of YASME pioneer Danny Weil, ex-VP2VB, and of the late husband-and-wife DXpedition team of Lloyd and Iris Colvin, W6KG and W6QL. The book (320 pages with illustrations) will be available via the ARRL on-line catalog as well as through dealers who sell ARRL publications. Limited copies will be available at the International DX Convention in Visalia (2-4 May). [TNX N7NG] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH IB0DX: Pictures from the recent operation from Ventotene (EU-045) can be found at http://www.mdxc.org/ib0dx [TNX IZ8CCW] LOGS: Logs for 8J1RF (Dome Fuji Station) and 8J1RL (Syowa Station) are updated 2-3 times a month at http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/4_Library/A-4-7_8j1rl/2002/frame.htm [TNX JA0WJN/8J1RF] LOGS: The logs for the recent ZW0S operation from St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago are available at http://www.qsl.net/ps7jn/logs/search.html NCDXF: The new and greatly improved web site of the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) is at http://www.ncdxf.org/ [TNX K6RIM] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 4A2Q WD9EWK GD4OBK/P G4OBK TX4PG I2YSB 4S7YSG JA2SWH GS2MP N3SL UE6IAA RA6AU 4X0R 4X6HI HI8A K3WGR UE6IKI RA6AU 4X55I 4Z4SZ HJ3ISB EA5KB UN5J W3HNK 5H9IR ZS6EZ IB0DX IZ8CCW V21BBQ V21ARC 5J3GC HK3OVP ID9RGE IT9EJW V44KJ WB2TSL 5N0EVR LZ3XV II3SM IQ3VE VI5WCP VK3ZZ 5T5SN IZ1BZV IP1TIN IK5MDF VK6CN/P AC6DD 5U7JB ON5NT IZ4CUK IK4BWC VK9XC JA3MCA 5X1CW F6GQK J20LA DL2LAH VK9XE JA8VE 5Z4DE G0IAS J5UAT/P F8DQZ VK9XK JA1KJW 9A0CI DE0MST J79AK 8R1AK VK9XY JA1JQY 9G1YK PA3ERA JM1LJS/JD1 JM1LJS VO1BZM VO1HE 9N7DX 4Z4DX JW/F8DVD F8DVD W1ACT N1JOY A61AR UA6MF JY9QJ DL5MBY W6C K6AO AP2ARS K2PF KH9/N6XIV K2FF XQ6ET W8UVZ C93CM IZ4DPV KP4SQ KD8IW XU7ACG 7N4QHA C93FF IK4ZHH L44DX EA5KB XU7ACS JS1DYB CN2CT F1CNH LU1ECZ EA5KB XV2M SP5JTF CN8NK EA5XX LU1ZV LU4DXU YA1CQ JA1CQT CU3DJ/P KZ5RO LW9DA AC7DX YB0AJR OK1JN CV1T EA5KB LZ03KM LZ1BFR YB2DX YB2LAB CX4NF EA5KB M0SDX UT2UB YB7N WB7B D2CR RK3BR MM0BNN/P M0BNN YC3MM/5 IZ8CCW D44TD CT1EKF MM0CRG G3TAY YC4FIJ/P YC9BU DX4CN VE7DP NL7RT AC7DX YC8RRK YC9BU ED1SSA EA1AUM PJ2MI W2CQ YS1EJ W4GJ ED5SJF EA5URL R1ANB RU1ZC YV5A YV5NWG EL2AB IK0PHY RP1COP RN1CX YW5NN YV5NWG EM0U UT2UB S92UN CT1CPP ZA1B OH2BH EM13UCC UY5ZZ S9SS N4JR ZD8A N6CW FG5FC F6DZU T88KL JN3JBC ZD8R N6ND FO/JJ8DEN JJ8DEN TA2ZF UT2UB ZD8Z VE3HO FP5BZ F5TJP TL8CK F6EWM ZK1AYL VK4SJ GB2LBL M0CMW TP6CE F5LGF ZK1SIM VK4SJ GB2SJ M0BWI TR8CA F6CBC ZW1AA PY1AA _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 4Z4DX Dov Gavish, 27 Hamitnahalim St, Ramat Hasharon 47203, Israel CT1CPP Antonio Duarte Prates Bebiano, Estrada dos 4 Marcos 17, Sarilhos Grandes, 2870 Montijo, Portugal DE0MST Fredy Stippschild, P.O. Box 1406, D-83657 Lenggries, Germany DL2SWW Frank Dreyer, Gartenweg 9, D-19069 Alt-Meteln, Germany DL4KQ Frank Rosenkranz, Blumenstr. 25, D-50126 Bergheim, Germany E21EIC Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903, Thailand F8DVD Francois Bergez, 6 rue Liberte, 71000 Macon, France I2YSB Silvano Borsa, P.O.Box 45, 27036 Mortara - PV, Italy IN3DEI Claudio Daddario, P.O.Box 1, Succ. P.T. n. 10, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy IQ2VA Sezione ARI, P.O. Box 125, 21052 Busto Arsizio - VA, Italy IQ3VE ARI Venezia, P.O. Box 227, 30100 Venezia - VE, Italy IR4A c/o Sezione ARI, P.O. Box 178, 42100 Reggio Emilia - RE, Italy IT9EJW Alfio Bonanno, P.O. Box 18, 95028 Valverde - CT, Italy IZ1BZV Giorgio Tabilio, P.O. Box 95, 19100 La Spezia - SP, Italy IZ8CCW Antonio Cannataro, P.O.Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy JA1JQY Matsui Shigeo, 2-31-10 Shimoseya, Seya, Yokohama, 246-0035 Japan JA1KJW Nakayama Hisashi, 1-17-8 Shibuya, Yamato, 242-0023 Japan JA3MCA Tachibana Kaoru, 1-7-5-403 Tsukimino, Yamato, 242-0002 Japan JA8VE Saito Kunio, 2-26-5-554 Nishitsuruma, Yamato, 242-0005 Japan JJ8DEN Yoshitake Izumi, Minami-24-7, Nishi-1, Obihiro-City, Hokkaido, 080-0011, Japan JQ1EYN Nobuhiko Hiruma, Engel Kawasaki Glandia 1405 Higasida-chou, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, 210-0005 Japan KB5GL Silvano Amenta, 5028 Hearst Ave, Metaire, LA 70001, USA LZ1BFR P.O.Box 830, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria M0CLH Terry Martin, 40 Palmers, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 7HB, England, UK N1JOY Roland Daignault, 19 Davis Road, Westport, MA 02790, USA NK1N Glen S. Johnstone, 555 Kappock St 16A, Riverdale, NY 10463, USA RK3BR Vladimir Eremeev, P.O. Box 26, Moscow, 121609, Russia RN1CX Konstantin A. Lisovsky, P.O. Box 215/6, Sosnovy Bor, 188540, Russia SM0FWW Leif B.Lindgren, Brantingsgatan 54, Stockholm SE-11535, Sweden UT2UB Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine UY5ZZ Vladimir F. Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850, Zaporozhye, 69118, Ukraine VE3MIS Mississauga ARC, c/o Michael Brickell (VE3TKI), 2801 Bucklepost Crescent, Mississauga, ON L5N 1X6, Canada VK4SJ June Sim, P.O. Box 406, Caloundra 4551, Queensland, Australia W3IYQ John L. Sielke, 1353 Samuel Dr, Vineland, NJ 08360, USA W4ALZ Lee Zehmer, 2321 Mill House Lane, Matthews, NC 28104, USA W5EW Ray Husher, 202 Washington Ave, Thibodaux, LA 70301, USA ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************