DX425 bulletin issue nr. 623

425 DX News #623
12 April 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

4S     - Ivan, ex-8Q7VR [425DXN 616] is now  active as 4S7DXG from Sri  Lanka
          until 1 May. QSL via UR9IDX (P.O. Box 85, Mariupol 87531,  Ukraine).
          [TNX UA3FDX]
5N     - Vaclav Voldrich, OK1DXE  has been sporadically  active as 5N0W  from
          the Czech Embassy in Nigeria since 1  July 2000. He now hopes to  be
          able to spend  more time on  the air  as either  5N0W (club  station
          call) and 5N0HVC (his personal call).  QSL via OK1DXE direct or  via
          bureau. [TNX OK1DXE]
5Z     - Don Gardner, KC7JDC (ex 7Q7DC) has now moved to live in Nairobi  and
          has been allocated the call 5Z4DE. He is the first US citizen in  12
          years to obtain a 5Z licence and will  be active as soon as he  puts
          up his mast and beams. QSL direct only to G0IAS. [TNX G0IAS]
6W     - A groups of operators from the  ARAS (Association des  Radioamateurs
          Senegalais, http://www.radio6w.org/) Radio Club  will be active  (on
          SSB and CW) as 6V1A from Goree Island (AF-045) on 7-9 June. QSL  via
          bureau to 6W6JX. [TNX F5NQL]
7P    -  Look for 7P8CF (K5LBU), 7P8TA (WW5L), 7P8MJ (W5MJ) and 7P8NK (VA7DX)
          to be active (on SSB, CW,  PSK31, RTTY) from Lesotho on 18-25  July.
          They will probably have at least one station on 24 hours a day.  QSL
          via home calls. [TNX NG3K]
9N     - Dov, 4Z4DX  (http://www.qrz.co.il/4z4dx) will  be active  (on  160-6
          metres CW and digital modes) as 9N7DX from Nepal from 22 April to 12
          May. QSL  via home  call (Dov  Gavish,  27 Hamitnahalim  St.,  Ramat
          Hasharon 47203, Israel). [TNX 4Z4DX]
BY     - Nicola, I0SNY and Gianni, I8KGZ have  cancelled their 6-29 May  trip
          to China  [425DXN 613].  They will  go to  Mongolia instead  and  be
          active as JT1Y  and JT7Y  with the  help of  Khosbayar, JT1CD.  [TNX
CX     - The CV1T  activity from  Cabo Polonio  Lighthouse (URU-005)  [425DXN
          621] will take place on 26-27 April. Look for operations on 160, 80,
          40 and 10 metres CW and SSB. QSL via EA5KB. [TNX CX2TG and EA5KB]
CY9    - N5VL, N0RN,  KO4RR, W4WY  and possibily  others will  be active  (on
          2-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) from St. Paul Island (NA-094) from 24
          July to 2 August, including and  entry in the IOTA Contest.  Further
          information is expected in due course. [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - Special event  station TM6ACO  will be  activated  on 7-15  June  to
          celebrate the 71th edition of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. QSL via F6KFI
          either direct (P.O.  Box 22088, 72002  Le Mans Cedex  1, France)  or
          through      the      bureau.      Further      information       at
          http://asso.proxiland.fr/aras72/ [TNX F5TJC]
F      - Jean-Marc, F8IXZ reports he will be active as TM0GAY from 20 June to
          4 July for the Gay Pride parades in France. QSL via home call.
FO     - Look for Fabien, FO/F8CFU to be active from the Tuamotu  Archipelago
          (OC-066), French  Polynesia  and  Tubuai  Island  (OC-152),  Austral
          Islands from 20 April to 16 May. QSL via home call. [TNX F0CRS]
HK0_sa - Eight members of the Florida DXPedition Group will be operating with
          4-5 stations from San Andres Island (NA-033) on 20-28 October, CQ WW
          DX SSB  Contest  included (requested  contest  call  is  5J0X).  The
          Florida DXPedition Group has entered the CQWW SSB Contest from a  DX
          location since 1996 and in the  past they have  never asked for  any
          assistance, but  this year  they are  asking for  donations to  help
          offset the cost. Donations  should be sent  to Bill Gallier,  FDXPG,
          2694 North Camel Ave., Middleburg, FL  32068. The web pages for  the
          operations      are      at      www.geocities.com/hk02003       and
          www.geocities.com/w4wx1/upcoming [TNX W4WX]
HR     - Look for HQ9W to be  aired on 40,  20 and 15  metres from Water  Cay
          (NA-057) on 12-14 April. QSL via HR2HCH. [TNX HR2JRP]
I      - Sergio, IK4JPR will guest  operate (SSB and  CW) from the  Guglielmo
          Marconi Foundation, IY4FGM on 12 April in the local morning. QSL via
I      - Angelo, I2ADN will be active as  IE9/I2ADN from Ustica (EU-051,  IIA
          PA-001, WWL JM68OR) during the Contest Lazio 50Mhz on 12 April. [TNX
I      - Walter, IN3XUG will be active as IC8/IN3XUG from Ischia (EU-031, IIA
          NA-001) on 16-27 April. He plans to operate on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80
          metres SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call either direct or (preferably)
          thorugh the bureau. [TNX IN3XUG]
I      - The newly issued IQ2VA call will be  aired for the first time on  27
          April. This club call belongs to  Busto Arsizio ARI Branch; QSL  via
          bureau or direct to Sezione ARI, P.O. Box 125, 21052 Busto Arsizio -
          VA, Italy. [TNX IK2UVR]
I      - Ruggero, IK2PZC reports  he will be  active (on  40, 20,  15 and  10
          metres SSB) as  IG9/IK2PZC from  Lampedusa (AF-019,  IIA AG-001)  on
          3-10 May. During the ARI International DX Contest (3-4 May) he  will
          operate also RTTY.
JA     - Look for JI1PLF/1, JA1UNS/1, 7N1GMK/1 and 7L4PVR/1 to be active  (on
          10-80 metres SSB, CW and PSK31) from Hachijo Island (AS-043) on  6-9
          June. QSL direct to home calls or via the JARL bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
OH     - In ancient  times witches  were believed  to fly  around Finland  on
          Easter  eve.   Nowadays   amateur   radio   "witches"   Jatta/OH2IO,
          Anne/OH2MXS and Annika/OH2HSJ will "fly  around" Finland with  their
          pilot Lasse,  OH1LQP  on  18-20  April.  They  plan  to  operate  as
          OH2YLS(/#) on 80, 40, 20, 10  and 2 metres  (possibly also 15m)  SSB
          with some  CW. QSL  via bureau.  They also  expect to  be active  as
          OH1LAG (QSL via OH2IO), OH6MXS (QSL via OH2MXS) and OH4CNX (QSL  via
          OH2HSJ). This will be a good chance to collect points for the OH  YL
          and      the       OH       County      Awards       (rules       at
          http://www.sral.fi/award_eng.html). [TNX OH2HSJ]
OH0    - Look for OH0/DF8QJ, OH0/DL2VB, OH0/DK6QW, OH0/DG1YTF and  OH0/DL6YFB
          to be  active (on  80-2 metres  CW, SSB  and  RTTY) from  the  Aland
          Islands (EU-002) on 19-25 April. QSL via home calls. [TNX DL2VFR]
OZ     - Look for Peter, OZ/DL4AMK to be active on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20 and  40
          metres SSB from Aro  Island (EU-172, JY-003  for the Danish  Islands
          Award) on 16-21 April. QSL  via home call  either direct or  through
          the DARC bureau. [TNX DL4AMK]
OZ     - Ben, OZ6B will be  active from Bornholm  Island (EU-030, BO-001  for
          the Danish Islands Award) on 19-26  June. Look for him on +/-  14265
          kHz. QSL via bureau or direct. [TNX OZ6B]
OZ     - Jurgen, OZ0J  will be  active (SSB  and CW)  as OZ0J/p  from  Laesoe
          Island (EU-088, DIA  NK-003) on 26-28  July. The  main objective  of
          this trip is the participation in  the IOTA Contest. Those who  want
          to  arrange  a  sked  before/after  the   IOTA  event,  can   e-mail
          oz0j@roemming.dk not later than 20 July.  QSL via home call,  either
          direct or  through  the bureau.  Log  serach will  be  available  at
          http://www.oz0j.dk/ [TNX OZ0J]
PY     - LABRE-RJ club station PY1AA will be active as ZW1AA to celebrate the
          Brazilian Communications Day on 3-4 May. [TNX PY1XP]
S0     - Joe, KO4RR  has joined  the S05X  multi-national team  scheduled  to
          begin all-band  all-mode  operations on  15  April.  The  group  now
          includes YT1AD, YU1AU,  I8NHJ, CT1BWW, N6TQS,  KO4RR, EA1BT,  EA2RC,
          EA5RM, EA5XX and S01MZ. Donations  to help offset  the trip will  be
          gratefully accepted and can be sent via the QSL manager, EA4URE (URE
          - Union  de Radioaficionados  Espanoles,  Avda. Monte  Igueldo  102,
          Madrid  28053,  Spain;  e-mail  ure@ure.es).  Full  details  on  the
          DXpedition are available at http://www.pagus.it/s05x/ The pilots are
          Mauro,  I1JQJ   (i1jqj@425dxn.org)  and   Maurizio   I1-21171/IZ1CRR
          (i121171@425dxn.org); please  send your  messages  to the   BOTH  OF
          THEM and put "S05X" in the subject line.
SM     - Eric, SM1TDE will be  active from Gotland  Island (EU-020) on  12-18
          April. He plans to focus on  CW and the WARC  bands, with some  RTTY
          and SSB. QSL via bureau. [TNX SM1TDE]
SV5    - Ermanno, IK2WZD  reports  he will  be  active on  digital  modes  as
          SV5/IK2WZD from  Lipsi Island,  Dodecanese  (EU-001) from  24  April
          through the summer. QSL via home  call either direct or through  the
UN     - Vlad, UN7EX will be active as  UQ1EDX from Kokchetav, Kazakhstan  on
          19-20 April. QSL via RW6HS or direct to home call. [TNX UN8CC]
VE     - VE3UUH and  VE3GID  will  operate  as  VB3MCC  (further  information
          www.storm.ca/~scalver) from 27 June to 4 July to celebrate the 100th
          anniversary of Military Communications in Canada. Note that Industry
          Canada has authorized the use of the following special prefixes  for
          this anniversary between 1 July and 31 August: XM for all VE, XL for
          all VA, XN for all  VO and XO for all  VY. [TNX VA3RJ and VE3UUH]
W      - Rick, AI5P  reports  he hopes  to  be active  from  the  islands  of
          Martha's Vineyard on 15-18 April and Nantucket on 21-25 April.  Both
          of them counts for NA-046. QSL via AI5P.
W      - The Maritime Radio  Historical Society  (http://www.radiomarine.org)
          is pleased to announce  that K6KPH will  be on the  air on 26  April
          (starting at  17 UTC)  to participate  in the  annual  International
          Marconi Day.  K6KPH uses  the original  transmitters, receivers  and
          antennas of famous  ex-RCA coast station  KPH. The transmitters  are
          located at the transmitting station founded by the American  Marconi
          Co. in 1913 at Bolinas, CA.  The receivers and operators will be  at
          the KPH receiving  station about 20  miles north at  Pt. Reyes,  CA.
          K6KPH transmitting frequencies  will be  7050, 14050  and 21050  kHz
          (3545 may  also  be  activated  if  conditions  warrant).  QSLs  and
          reception reports should be sent to  Ms. D.A. Stoops, P.O. Box  381,
          Bolinas CA 94924-0381, USA. [TNX F5NQL and W6AWO]
W      - W1T will be a special event station operated by WA2VUY and K2MVW  on
          all bands from  5 July  through the  27th to  commemorate the  100th
          anniversary of the  Tour de France.  QSL via WA2VUY  (the card  will
          have a photograph of 21 of the 22 living Tour champions taken on  24
          October 2002 in Paris). [TNX WA2VUY]
V2     - A group  of operators  from the  recently formed  Antigua &  Barbuda
          Radio Club (V21ARC) will be having a DXpedition on the sister island
          of Barbuda on 18-21 April. They plan to operate as V21BBQ on  160-10
          metres with three HF stations. QSL to Antigua & Barbuda Radio  Club,
          P.O. Box 965, St.John's, Antigua, West Indies. [TNX NG3K]
VP2V   - Bob, N6RFM  will be  active as  VP2V/N6RFM from  the British  Virgin
          Islands  on  22-25  April.  This  will  be  a  vacation  and  casual
          DXpedition as time permits. Operation will be PSK31 QRP on 20 metres
          only. QSL via home call. [TNX N6RFM]
ZC4    - Bill, G4EHT will be visiting his  son Dez, ZC4DW  between 14 and  28
          April. This will be a family holiday but Bill hopes to spend some on
          HF CW. He will operate  from the Eastern  Sovereign Base club  using
          their callsign, ZC4ESB. Please be  patient with Bill  as he has  not
          worked pile-ups for many years. QSL via G4EHT (Bill Watson, 7 Darwin
          Close, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 7ET, England). [TNX ZC4DW]
ZD8    - Jim, N6TJ  will activate  his ZD8Z  station on  Ascension Island  on
          16-26 April. He will operate on all bands, SSB and CW. Jim will make
          an effort on  160 metres, especially  on the  18, 19  and 20th.  QSL
          direct only via VE3HO. [TNX The Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CELTIC CONNECTIONS --->  The GMDX  Group introduces  "Celtic Connections"  to
encourage activity  by all  radio amateurs  worldwide to  contact areas  with
Celtic origins:  Tras-os-Montes  (Portugal), Galicia  and  Asturias  (Spain),
Ireland, Brittany  (French  Departments 22,  29,  35, 56  and  44),  Cornwall
(England), Isle of  Man, Northern Ireland,  Scotland, Wales  and Nova  Scotia
(Canada). This "activity weekend" is to be held on the third weekend in April
each year (in  2003 it will  start at 00:00  UTC on 19  April and last  until
24.00 UTC  on  the 20th).  Further  details from  the  GMDX  Group  web  site
(http://www.gmdx.org.uk). [TNX GM3YTS]

ES OPEN HF CHAMPIONSHIP ---> It will take place  on 40 and 80 metres SSB  and
CW from 05.00 through  08.59 UTC on  19 April. Results  of past editions  and
rules are available at http://www.erau.ee [TNX ES5TV]

EU SPRINT 2003 ---> The four  2003 European Sprint Contests  will be held  on
20, 40 and 80 metres  only from 15.00  UTC until 18.59  UTC on the  following
dates: 12 April (Spring SSB, managed by G4BUO), 19 April (Spring CW,  managed
by I2UIY), 4 October (Autumn SSB,  managed by I2UIY), 11 October (Autumn  CW,
managed by OK2FD). Full details can be found at http://www.qsl.net/eusprint

GACW WW DX CONTEST ---> It will be held on 19-20 April, detailed  information
is available at http://gacw.no-ip.org [TNX LU6EF]

IARU NEWS --->  Three new  members have  been admitted  to the  International
Amateur Radio Union effective 4 April 2003, They are the National Association
Radioamateurs of Georgia (NARG) the Federation of Radiosport of the  Republic
of Armenia (FRRA) and the Vietnam Amateur Radio Club (VARC).

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> This year the  IMD will run from 00.00 UTC  to
23.59 UTC on 26 April. The  event is organized by  the Cornish Amateur  Radio
Club which  offers  awards  to stations  in  various  classes.  Please  visit
http://www.gb4imd.co.uk/ for details.

IQ2GM ---> This club call has been  assigned to the Gallarate ARI Branch  and
was aired for the first time on 11 April. QSL via bureau. [TNX IK2UIZ]

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Norbert, DL9NEI is  not the QSL manager for LX5A.  Cards
should be routed via LX1RQ or bureau.

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Henryk, SQ1GYH is till receiving cards for T99C, but  he
is not the QSL manager for this station.

OH0CO ---> The 10-16 April operation  from the Aland  Islands by Ben,  SM6CCO
[425DXN 622] has been cancelled. [TNX NG3K]

PIRATE ---> Before you begin wondering if I1JQJ (a) has become unable to  use
his second VFO, (b) has become deaf or (c) has become crazy, be advised  that
yesterday, 11 April, someone pirated  your Editor's  call over and over again
on  XY4KQ's transmitting frequency, on both 15 and  20 metres CW. I apologize
on behalf of the perpetrator and I am  grateful to  those  who have expressed
their sympathy on the PacketCluster and by e-mail.

PIRATE ---> Luis, LU1BR reports someone  pirated his call as VP8/LU1BR on  13
March (21.40-22.40 UTC  on 28006 and  24896 kHz). Apparently  this pirate  is
also used to calling as "LU1BR" on DX stations transmitting QRG during  split
frequency operations.

PORTUGAL DAY  ---> Sponsored  by REP  (Rede dos  Emissores Portugueses),  the
Portugal Day DX Contest (SSB only) will be held on 14 June (00.00-24.00 UTC).
For  full  information  (soon  available  also   in  English)  please   visit
http://www.rep.pt/dia_de_portugal.htm [TNX CT1END]

PORTUGUESE NAVY  CONTEST --->  It will  be held  on  17-18 May.  Details  are
available at http://www.marinha.pt [TNX CT1CZT]

QSL 5R8FU --->  All direct cards  have been sent  out as of  11 April.  John,
SM5DJZ anticipates he  will not be  able to  answer future  QSLs until  early
August because of his work commitments.

QSL 5T5SN ---> Nicolas Sinieokoff, 5T5SN (www.qsl.net/5t5sn) reports that his
QSL manager is IZ1BZV (not F5RUQ,  as reported in 425DXN #618). Cards  should
be sent to Giorgio Tabilio, P.O. Box 95, 19100 La Spezia - SP, Italy.

QSL CL9C ---> Al Bailey, K8SIX is the  QSL manager for CL9C. The artwork  has
not been received yet, please be patient as  it will take some time to  print
the cards. Al is also the QSL manager for CO2OJ.

QSL PX5E  ---> The  QSL route  is  direct only  via  VE3HO. The  recent  PX5E
operator was PP5JR [425DXN 622] from ZX5J contest location.

QSL ST2X ---> Gerben, PA5NT, reports that all direct cards for ST2X have been
answered. Those who worked him on  all the 7 bands  that were activated  will
receive a special award.

QSL JY8WW --->  Mark Demeuleneere,  ON4WW operated  as JY8WW  in March  2003.
Direct cards were expected to be  mailed this week, other contacts have  been
confirmed automatically via bureau.

QSL VIA UA9OBA ---> Yuri Zaruba, UA9OBA  reports that all of the direct  QSLs
for the 16 April-2 May 2001  DXpedition to "The Lost  Islands" - namely  RI0B
(AS-156), RU0B (AS-057), RS0B (AS-042), RU0B/p (AS-050), RS0B/p (AS-068)  and
R3CA/0 (AS-005)  -  were  answered  by RW3GW  and  UA9OBA  himself  in  2002.
Remaining QSOs  were confirmed automatically via bureau. Those who still need
a direct card, should send their request to UA9OBA (Yuri V. Zaruba, P.Box  1,
Novosibirsk-92, 630092, Russia). Do not enclose USD or EUR, use IRCs  instead
and note that 1 IRC covers air mail postage up to 20 grams.

ST2CF ---> Claudio, IV3OWC logged some 30,000 QSOs during his recent activity
from Sudan. Logs are  expected to be  available soon at  http://www.irae2.com

THE LOST ISLANDS VIDEO ---> The professionally produced "Lost Islands"  video
was presented  for  the first  time  at the  RSGB  International  HF  &  IOTA
Convention back in October 2002. Copies  are now available in either PAL  and
NTSC versions  and can  be ordered  at  www.nsiradio.com. The  expedition  to
Ushakova and Uyedineniya (RI0B and RU0B) was awarded the IOTA Trophy for  the
Most Courageous IOTA DXpedition in 2001.

WARD AWARD --->  The WARD (World  Amateur Radio Day)  Award commemorates  the
World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU  on 18 April each year. The  award
is sponsored by  MK QTC (the  Polish Amateur Radio  Journal) with the  Polish
Amateur Radio Union's support, and it is issued to licenced amateurs and SWLs
for contacts made/heard  between 00.00 and  24 UTC on  18 April. For  further
information please e-mail Sylwester Jarkiewicz, SP2FAP at qtc@post.pl

+ SILENT KEY + Claus Stehlik,  OE6CLD reports the sad new  of the passing  of
Selim, OE6EEG  on 30  March after  a long  illness. Selim,  who also  held  a
Sudanese callsign, was known for his DXpeditions (for instance to Abu-Ail  in
1979) as well as for his activity on the European DX Net.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CT BY K1EA:  Ken Wolff, K1EA has announced that  his popular contest  logging
              software (CT) is now  freeware. The web  site where to  download
              the programme is at http://www.k1ea.com
LOGS:        The   first   logs    for   VK9XI   are    now   available    at

QSLs received direct:  3G1A (SA-069),  3W2FM, 5A1A,  5R8FU (AF-013),  5T5PBV,
5U7JK, 5X1DC, 5X1DC,  7Q7LA, 6W1RD, 7Q7LA,  9K2F, 9K2USA, 9L1BTB,  9M2/G4ZFE,
9S1X, 9V1YC,  9X/ON4WW, A61AJ,  A71MA,  A92ZE, AC4LN/HR2,  AC4LN/J3,  AC5ML/p
(NA-168), BD4ED, BQ9P  (AS-110), C6AGN, C98RF,  CE6M (SA-061), CN8LI,  CP6XE,
CT9DLH, CY0MM (NA-063), D2BB, D44TD, D4B, DP1POL, DS2GOO/4 (AS-093),  DS3EXX,
DS5XEH/4 (AS-148),  EK3SA, EL2WW,  EP6KI  (AS-166), ER1LW,  EZ8CQ,  FG/F6FXS,
HS0/OZ1HET, J75EA,  J75ET,  J75KG, J75WP,  J75ZH,  JW0HU, JY0HU,  JY9QJ,  K8O
(OC-077), K8T (OC-045), KH7X, KM9D/KH8 (OC-200),  KP2D, L65W (SA-065),  L99D,
OA4/DL3JRM (SA-052), OA4O, OD5/OK1MU, OH0/W3UR, OX3LG (NA-220), OY3QN, OY9JD,
P3A, P40TA (SA-036), PJ2K, PJ2T, PJ7/ND5S, PX2I (SA-028), PY0FF,  PY2XB/PY0F,
TY3M, UN7EG,  UN7MO, UY0CA,  V25WX, V26FM  (NA-100), V26WP  (NA-100),  V31YN,
V44KJ, V47KP,  VK6LC/4  (OC-138), VP2MCV,  VP2MEA,  VP2MET,  VP2MPA,  VP2MWM,
XT2WP, XX9C,  YI9OM,  YL5M, YM3WW,  YS1/AC4LN,  Z24S,  ZC4BS,  ZC4DW,  ZD7BG,

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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