DX425 bulletin issue nr. 621

425 DX News #621
29 March 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

3D2    - Andre, GM3VLB reports he  will be active  as 3D2LB from  Beachcomber
          Island (OC-121), Fiji on 26-30 May. QSL direct only to home call.
4X     - Guenter, OE1GZA will  be active on  10-20 metres as  4Z8GZ from  Tel
          Aviv, Israel on 4 and probably also  on 5 April. QSL via home  call.
          [TNX OE1GZA]
5Z     - Look for Tom, DL2RUM/5Z4BL and Jan, DJ8NK/5Z4BK to be active on  CW,
          SSB and RTTY from Kenya from 30  March to 12 April. No operation  on
          6, 30 and 160 metres. QSL via home calls. [TNX DJ8NK]
8P     - Richard, G3RWL will be active (on 10-40 metres, plus 80 and 6 metres
          if he can arrange the antennas)  as 8P6DR from Barbados (NA-021)  on
          5-20 April. [TNX The Daily DX]
8Q     - Riccardo, IZ5EBL  and  Rossella, IZ5BRO  will  be active  (on  10-40
          metres SSB  with some  CW and  PSK31) as  8Q7RL and  8Q7RC from  the
          Maldives (AS-013) on 13-21 April. QSL via home calls.
C9     - Look for  Max, IZ4DPV  (C93CM) and  Filippo,  IK4ZHH (C93FF)  to  be
          active from Mozambique from 20 April to 4 May. They plan to  operate
          on 10-80 metres SSB and CW (possibly RTTY and 6 metres as well)  and
          to participate in the ARI DX  Contest (3-4 May). QSL via home  calls
          either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IZ4DPV]
CT3    - Ben, DJ8FW will be active  (on 15-80 metres  CW, RTTY/PSK31 as  time
          permits) as CT3AS  from Madeira on  9-21 April. QSL  via home  call.
          [TNX NG3K]
CX     - Daniel Rivero, CX2TG reports that CV1T  will be aired during the  CQ
          WW WPX SSB  Contest this  weekend and  from the  lighthouse at  Cabo
          Polonio between 12 and 30 April. QSL via EA5KB.
DU     - Frank, VE7DP will be making a short visit to the Philippines  during
          April and some  of his partners  from the 2001  activations will  be
          joining him again. Destinatins of interest  are OC-126, also  OC-202
          or OC-207. Most  of their activity  will take place  on 6-18  April.
          More information will follow. [TNX VE7DP]
FO     - Jean-Baptiste, F8DQL will be active (on  +/- 28030, 21030 and  14030
          kHz) as FO/F8DQL from Tahiti (OC-046, DIFO FO-002), French Polynesia
          on 3-25 May. He also plans  to go and  operate from Moorea  (OC-046,
          DIFO FO-010) during that time frame. QSL via home call either direct
          (Jean-Baptiste Jacquemard,  241 boulevard  Voltaire, F-75011  Paris,
          France) or through the REF bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
GU     - A group of operators  from Scout Radio  Club SP5ZCC (namely  SP5UAF,
          SP5LCC, SP5MBQ  and  SP5ULC/M0ULC)  will  be  active  from  Guernsey
          (EU-114) on 2-8  April. They will  operate as MU/SP5UAF,  MU/SP5LCC,
          MU/SP5MBQ and  MU0ULC  (the latter  to  be used  during  the  SP  DX
          Contest). QSL  for  all via  SP5ZCC,  preferably  via  bureau.  [TNX
I      - Alberto/IK5FTV, Giuseppe/IK5CBE and others will  be active on  160-6
          metres as IP1A from Palmaria  Island (not IOTA,  IIA SP-001) on  4-7
          April.    The    web    page    for    the    operation    is     at
          http://space.virgilio.it/gmiross@tin.it [TNX IK5FTV]
I      - Special event call IR3IDO will be  aired between 24 May and 15  June
          for the 75th anniversary of the North Pole expedition led by general
          Nobile. As many will  recall, radio was  instrumental in the  search
          and rescue  operation for  the expeditioners  who had  survived  the
          airship "Italia" disaster.  QSL via IK3OYY  either direct  (Fabrizio
          Bottaro, Via A.  Manzoni 4, 35041  Battaglia Terme -  PD, Italy)  or
          through the bureau). [TNX IK3OYY]
JA     - Look for Samy, JR8KJR/8 to be active (on  6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 40  and
          80 metres) from Rebun Island (AS-147)  on 1-4 April. QSL via  JR8KJR
          either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Due to  a change  in the  ferry schedule,  Toshi, JM1PXG/6  will  be
          active from Tokara Kuchino-shima (AS-049) [425DXN 619] until  around
          00.00 UTC on 5 May. Operations are due to start on the 3rd. QSL  via
          home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
J3     - Hugo, HB9AFH and Uli, HB9CGA will be active, possibly as  J3/HB9CGA,
          from Grenada (NA-024) on 12-23 April. They plan to operate on  10-80
          metres mainly CW  with some SSB.  QSL via HB9CGA,  either direct  or
          through the bureau. [TNX DJ5AV]
J7     - Jon, AA1K and Jeanie, AB1P will be active from Dominica (NA-101)  on
          5-12 April. They plan to operate  on 160-6 metres, especially CW  on
          the WARC bands. Callsigns unknown, but QSL via home calls. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
JA     - Look for Nobu, JQ1EYN/6  to be active  from Kamaka, Okinawa  Islands
          (AS-017) on 27-28 April. Hi main frequencies will be 21260 and  7030
          kHz, but he plans to be QRV also on other  HF bands as well as on  6
          metres. QSL via home call either direct or through the JARL  bureau.
          Web  site  at  http://www.chinenmarine.co.jp/local/komaka.htm [TNX
KH2    - Look for Yoshi, JE2EHP to be active  (on 80-6 metres SSB and CW)  as
          K1HP/KH2  from  Guam  (OC-026)  on  11-14  April.  QSL  via   JE2EHP
          (preferably through the bureau). [TNX JE2EHP]
KH3    - The Daily DX reports that John, KH3/KT6E will be on Johnston  Island
          "until sometime this summer". He operates in his free time with  100
          watts and a long wire. QSL via the address at www.qrz.com
PY     - Luc, PY8AZT reports the 27 March-3 April ZY8C operation from Caviana
          Island (SA-042) [425DXN 618] has been cancelled. The operation  from
          Mexiana (SA-042) [425DXN  613] is still  expected to  take place  on
          21-25 May (web page at http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/mexianaisland).
S0     - Marq/CT1BWW,   Fernando/EA1BT,   Juan   Carlos/EA2RC,    Toni/EA5RM,
          Julio/EA5XX, Max/I8NHJ,  Jordan/KD7RCD,  Doug/N6TQS,  Mahafud/S01MZ,
          Hrane/YT1AD and  Miki/YU1AU  will be  active  as S05X  from  Western
          Sahara on 15-21 April. They plan  to operate 24 hours  a day on  all
          bands 6 metres  included CW, SSB,  RTTY and  PSK. Special  attention
          will be paid to the low bands, as well as to openings towards the US
          West  Coast.   QSL   via   EA4URE;   questions   and   comments   to
          s05x@hotmail.com [TNX EA5XX]
T8     - Bill, T88BA is scheduled to go  to all of the south-west Islands  of
          Palau (Sonsorol, Pulo Anna, Meriil  and Tobi/Hatohobei, all  OC-248)
          for a week leaving 24 April, depending on local weather  conditions.
          He plans to  be QRV  around 14004  kHz CW  and 14320  Khz SSB,  with
          possibly some 15m activity.  Bill says that  this time his  workload
          should be light so there should be a good bit of time for operating,
          but unfortunately he cannot specify operating times. QSL via  G4OHX.
          [TNX G4JVG]
UA     - Victor, RV3YR  and  other operators  from  the  Fifth  Ocean  Flight
          Amateur Radio Club (http://www.qsl.net/5ocean) will operate  special
          station RP3YGA from Brjansk region on  5-12 May, CQ-M  International
          DX Contest included. QSL direct only to RV3YR. [TNX RV3YR]
UA     - Vlad, UA1RG and other operators from  Radio Club Vologda plan to  be
          active with two stations as R1PQ from Novaya Zemlya (EU-035) for ten
          days between 15 July and 15 August. Further information is  expected
          in due course. [TNX UA1RJ]
V6     - Joe (I2YDX)  and Robert  (IK2WXZ) report  V60A  and V60Z  have  been
          issued to  them in  addition to  their  announced calls  (V63DT  and
          V63ZR) [425DXN  620]. They  will be  active as  V60A and  V60Z  from
          Nukuoro Atoll (OC-???)  on 29 March  until 1 April.  On 3 April,  on
          their way back to Pohnpei, they  will stop for  few hours at  Oroluk
          (OC-???). They expect to tbe there from around 00.00 UTC until  6.00
          UTC, but they will try to do their best and remain QRV until  around
          8 UTC in order to give Europe the best chance. They also plan to  be
          active as V63DT and V63ZR from Mokwil (OC-226) on 6-7 April. QSL via
          home calls.
VE     - Andre/GM3VLB,  Alex/G0DHZ  and  Niall/VP8NJS   will  be  active   as
          VE7/homecall from  the following  British Columbia  islands:  Denman
          (NA-036) on  4-5  June,  Malcolm  (NA-091)  on  5-7  June,  Campbell
          (NA-061) on  8-9  June,  Denny (NA-061)  on  9-11  June  and  Thetis
          (NA-075) on 12-14 June. [TNX GM3VLB]
VE     - Mike, K9AJ  and possibly  another operator  will be  in the  Nunavut
          region (VY0) of Northern Canada in July and are planning to activate
          Somerset Island (NA-???)  and Southampton  Island (NA-007).  Further
          information is expected in due course. [TNX K9AJ]
VK9_xms- Due to the many expeditions to Christams Islands that are  scheduled
          to take place in 2003, Steve, VK3OT/VK3SIX [425DXN 613] says he will
          concentrate his 7-21 April VK9XI activity on CW for HF and 6  metres
          with an extended schedule.
          Details  http://members.datafast.net.au/electronics/path.htm; logs
          will be online at http://www.qsl.net/vk4cp/vk9xi/logbook.htm
VK9_xms- Four members of Yamato  ARC (JA1ZEK) will  be active from  Christmas
          Island (OC-002)  from 26  April  to 2  May.  Look for  VK9XC  (Karl,
          JA3MCA), VK9XE (Kuni, JA8VE), VK9XK (Sasi,  JA1KJW) and VK9XY  (Mat,
          JA1JQY) to  operate on  160-6  metres SSB,  CW  and RTTY  with  four
          stations. Suggested frequencies are 1822, 3507, 7007, 10007,  14007,
          18077, 21007, 24897, 28007 and 50110 (CW); 3799, 7080, 14170, 18130,
          21270, 24940,  28470 and  50110 (SSB);  14080  and 21080  (RTTY).  A
          becaon will be  activated on  50110 kHz.  QSL via  home calls.  [TNX
XZ    - Frank, DL4KQ (XY4KQ) [425DXN 619] will be staying in Myanmar from  1
          to 15 April. On 2-4 April he will  be in Yangoon, then he will  move
          to Chaungtha and remain there from the 6th to the 14th. Frank  plans
          to be active on 10-80 metres (maybe on 6 metres as well) SSB and CW.
          During this time frame (actual dates will depend on local situation)
          he will  take  a side  trip  and operate  for  four  days  from  the
          Yangon/Irrawaddy/Pegu Region group (AS-???).  QSL via DL4KQ,  direct
          or bureau. Updates will be posted on http://www.dx-pedition.de [TNX
YS     - Holger/DL7IO and  Birgit/DL7IQ will  be operating  as HU1M  for  the
          whole period of their stay in El Salvador (i.e. not only for the  CQ
          WW WPX SSB Contest), until 11 April [425DXN 619]. On 5-6 April  they
          will be active as  HU1M/3 Meanguera Island  (NA-190). The dates  for
          the side trip to NA-060 (Honduras) are not known, however they  plan
          to operate as either HQ4M or HR4/homecall. QSLs via DK7AO. [TNX OPDX
ZC4    - Bill, G4EHT  will be  visiting his  son Dez, ZC4DW between 14 and 28
          April.  Bill will be on  a family holiday  but hopes to  schedule in
          some time on HF CW. He will be operating from the  Eastern Sovereign
          Base club using their  club callsign ZC4ESB.  Please be patient with
          Bill as  he has not worked pile-ups  for many years.  QSL via G4EHT:
          Bill Watson, 7 Darwin Close,  Lichfield,  Staffordshire,  WS13 7ET,
          England. [TNX ZC4DW]
ZS     - Announced frequencies for the  ZS1RBN  operation from Robben  Island
          are +/- 3755, 7055, 14260,  18128, 21260, 24950  and 28460 KHz  SSB;
          +/- 3530, 7026, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040, 24920 and 28040 KHz  CW.
          The  team   (Phil/G3SWH,   David/G3UNA,   Vidi/ZS1EL,   Kosie/ZS1SR,
          Malcolm/ZS1MC and Andrew/ZS1AN)  plans to have  two stations on  the
          air on a 24 hours a day basis. One station will operate SSB and  one
          will operate CW on 10-80 metres. Operations are due to start  around
          14 UTC on 4 April until 6 UTC on the 7th. Robben Island (AF-064)  is
          listed amongst the  top 500 most  wanted IOTA groups  in the  latest
          IOTA Directory; additionally,  the lighthouse on  the island  counts
          for ARLH SAF-023. QSL via G3SWH. [TNX G3SWH and ZS1AN]

CQ WW  WPX SSB  CONTEST  ---> The  following  stations have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (29-30 March):

5B   - RA0AM, RA9JX,  RW4WR, RW9UP,  RZ9OA, RZ9UA,  UA9OTM and  UA9UR as  P3A
        (Multi-???) from Cyprus. QSl via W3HNK.
9M2  - GM4YXI, G4ZFE and G3TMA as 9M2RPN (Multi-Two) from West Malaysia.  QSL
        route at qrz.com
AP   - Willy, 9A4NA/T98N will participate in the contest using Asad's, AP2AUM
        call. QSL via 9A4NA (Zeljko Curkovic, Vukovarska 125, HR-21000  Split,
CE   - Announced operations from Chile include:
        - CE4FXY as CB4Y  (http://www.qsl.net/cb4y) on 10  metres High  Power.
          QSL via home call.
        - Ferdi, XQ5SM as CB5A (SOAB Low Power) from Chile. QSL via XQ5SM.
CN   - W7EJ as CN2R (SOAB HP) from Morocco. QSL via W7EJ.
CT   - CT1EAT, CT1ERK,  CT1ETE, CT1GQN  and CT2IAF  as CS6RPA  (Multi-Single)
        from Mendro Mount in Alentejo, South Portugal. QSL via CT1EAT.
CT3  - Nine operators from Madeira (namely CT3BD, CT3DL, CT3EE, CT3EN, CT3HK,
        CT3IA, CT3IQ, CT3KU and CT3KY) as CQ9K (Multi-Single). QSL via  CT3EE,
        or CT3BD, or CT3DL.
D4   - Carlos, D44AC will partecipate in the contest on  SOSB 20 metres. QSL
        via home call.
EA9  - Jim, N6TJ as EA9LZ (SOAB). QSL via VE3HO (this operation only).
FM   - Announced operations from Martinique (NA-107) include:
        - Joachim, FM5FJ as SOSB (15 metres); QSL via KU9C.
        - Al, F5VHJ (NH7A) as TM5A (SOAB); QSL via F5VHJ.
GD   - G0HSS, G3NKC, G4MJS,  G4XUM and M0BEW  as MD4K  from the  Isle of  Man
        (EU-116). QSL via G3NKC.
HI   - HI3CCP, HI3HCE, HI3TEJ  and HI8ROX as  HI3CCP (Multi-Single) from  the
        Dominican Republic. QSL via AD4Z.
I    - Announced opertaions from Italy include:
        - Alfredo, IK7JWX as IO7J. QSL via home call.
        - Giorgio, IZ2BHQ as IR2G. QSL via home call.
        - Giuseppe, IT9BLB as IU9S (SOSB 20m HP). QSL via IT9BLB.
LU   - Announced operations from Argentina include:
        - Walt/LU8NA and Ed/LU1NDC as LU1NDC (Multi-Single). QSL via EA7FTR.
        - A group of 15 operators as L71F (Multi-Multi). QSL via AC7DX.
LX   - LX1TI, LX1AQ, LX1RQ, LX1KQ,  LX1JH, PY3IQ, OH2PQ,  DL1LE and DK2OY  as
        LX4B (Multi-Two)  from Luxembourg.  This is  the 10th  anniversary  of
        LX4B, the Joke and Fun Contest Team (http://www.qsl.net/lx4b). QSL via
P4   - John, KK9A as P40A from Aruba (SA-036). QSL via WD9DZV.
PJ2  - Steve/N8BJQ and Bob/N8NR from Curacao as  PJ2T and PJ2C  respectively.
        QSL for both via N9AG.
PY   - Announced operations from Brazil include:
        - Mario, PP5MQ as PS5S (SOSB 10m LP). QSL via home call.
        - Ton, PY2YU as PX2W (SOSB 10m). QSL via home call.
SV   - Costas, SV1XV  as  SX1R.  QSL via  home  call  either  direct  (Costas
        Krallis, P.O.Box 3066, GR-10210 Athens, Greece) or through the bureau.
TI   - Phil/N0KE,  William/N0ZA,  William/TI2WGO  and  Carlos/TI5KD  as  TI5N
        (Multi-Multi HP) from Costa Rica. QSL via W3HNK.
UA   - Allen, N5XZ as R9/N9XZ from Zone 18 in Asiatic Russia. This will be  a
        multi-op entry along with RA9JP and RW9QW/9. QSL via N5XZ.
V3   - Jay, K0BCN as V31MX (SOSB 15m LP) from Caye Caulker (NA-073),  Belize.
        QSL via home call.
VP2E - Sheila/N5HGB, Gordon/N5AU and  Ray/KC5EA as  VP2E (Multi-Single)  from
        Anguilla (NA-022). QSL via N5AU.
VP5  - William/KX4WW, Bruce/W4OV  and Charles/W4SAA  as VP5WW  (Multi-Single)
        from Providenciales (NA-002), Turks and Caicos Islands. QSL via KX4WW.
YB   - Stan, OK1JR as YB0AJR (SOAB). QSL via OK1JN.

Do not forget to give a look  to the list of announced operations  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

NOT THE MANAGER --->  Jose, EA5KW has  been receiving for  one month now  QSL
cards requests for stations from Colombia,  Venezuela, Chile and other  South
American countries. He says he is not and has never been the QSL manager  for
operators in South America.

PIRATE (A4WD) ---> Alex, A45WD (YO9HP) reports that on 23 March around  20.10
UTC someone pirated his call on 30 metres. Alex  says he was not QRV at  that
time, and above all 30 metres are not allowed in Oman.

PIRATE (ON4RO) ---> Guy, ON4RO is receiving QSLs for RTTY contacts never made
by him. He only works CW and SSB and apparently someone has been pirating his
call on RTTY for quite some time.

PIRATE (TT8FC) ---> Paco, EA4AHK (ea4ahk@wanadoo.es) has received several QSL
cards for CW contacts made with TT8FC. Please note that Francisco, TT8FC does
not work on that mode. [TNX N2OO]

QSL D44TT & D4B ---> 4L5A and EY8MM have asked Ted Melinosky, K1BV to  handle
cards for these operations.  Ted currently has  the February-March 2003  logs
for D44TT and is awaiting those for D4B. He  does not have cards yet, but  he
hopes to get  them shortly. QSL  either direct  or through  the bureau.  [TNX

QSL VIA N9NU ---> Tim, N9NU reports he  has taken over direct and bureau  QSL
services   for   9K2AI   and   A92GQ.   Online   logs   can   be   found   at

QSL VIA Z35M ---> Vlado reports that all direct requests for ZA/Z35M and Z35M
received by 22  March have been  answered. Cards should  be sent to  Vladimir
Kovaceski, P.O. Box 10, Struga 6330, Macedonia. [TNX IZ8CCW]

VISALIA 2003 ---> The International DX Convention at Visalia, California will
take place  on  2-4  May  2003.  Details  and  registration  information  are
available at http://www.ncdxc.org/Ncdxc/Convention/index.htm

WRTC2002 QSL CARDS, T-SHIRTS & PLAQUES ---> All OJ1 through OJ8 QSL cards are
printed and ready  for release. Those  who still  like to  obtain their  QSLs
direct should send  their request  so that  it reaches  OH2JTE (Toni  Linden,
Ohratie 16E218, 01370 Vantaa, Finland) by 15 April.
The plaque and T-shirt winners as  well as Early Bird submission winners  can
be viewed at http://www.n4gn.com/wrtc/
T-shirt winners are  requested to  select their  size and  inform Ari,  OH5DX
(oh5dx@sral.fi); if no further  information is received  by 1 April,  XL-size
T-shirt will be mailed. If your postal  address has changed over the past  12
months, you may wish to inform OH5DX accordingly.

YB0AJR ---> This is Stan Matejicek, OK1JR (http://www.ok1jr.com/) who will be
staying at the Czech Embassy in Jakarta  for another few months. He plans  to
be active on 160-6 metres and  to operate from other Indonesian islands.  QSL
via Stan's Father, OK1JN.

+ SILENT  KEY +   Manolo   Calero,  I4CMF,  one  of   the  founders   of  the
PacketCluster network in Italy, passed away unexpectedly. [TNX IK4SDY]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:   On-line logs for the  recent 3G1P operation  from SA-085 (7192  QSOs)
         can be found at http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX XQ1IDM]
LOGS:   The HH4  team from  the Florida  DXpedition  Group made  over  18,000
         contacts on 160-10 metres on SSB,  CW, RTTY, PSK-31  and 10m FM.  Log
         checking  can  be  accessed   from  the  Team   Haiti  web  site   at
LOGS:   The VP6DIA logs are now available at
         http://vp6di.hp.infoseek.co.jp/scan2.html (reportedly a few  browsers
         do not work with this page)

QSLs received direct: 3B9FR, 3C0R, 3G1A (SA-069), 4M7X, 4T0I (SA-052), 5H3RK,
5T5PBV, 5W0IR, 5Z4DZ, 6D2X,  6Y9X, 7Q7DX, 7X0DX,  7X4AN, 8P8P, 8P9KW,  8P9NX,
9H0A, 9K2OD, 9L1BTB,  9L1DX, 9M6/7M2VPR,  9N1HA, 9Q1YL,  9S1X, 9V1YC,  A22EW,
A41MA/p (AS-112), A45WD,  A71MA, A92ZE, BA7JA/7  (AS-094), BQ9P, C53M,  C56R,
C6A/K7RE, C6AKQ,  C6ALK,  C98DC  (AF-072),  C98RF  (AF-061),  CE6M  (SA-061),
CE9/R1ANF (WABA  CE-10),  CO8LY, CP1WG,  CP5NU,  CX4DX,  CY0MM,  D2AI,  D2BB,
FG/T93M,  FG5DH,  FG5XC,  FM5DN,  FO0PT,  FW/G3SXW,  FY5KE,  HC8A,  HH4/W4WX,
HH6/DL7CM (NA-149),  HQ2AHC,  HR5/F2JD,  HV5PUL,  J28UN,  J3/DJ7RJ,  J6/KI6T,
J6/VK2IR, J6R, J75ET, J75PA, J75WP, J75ZH,  JA1KJW/JD1, JT1BJ, JT1CO,  JT1DA,
JT1R, JW/SM1TDE, JW5HE,JX7DFA, K1B, K8O (OC-077), K8T (OC-045), KG4IZ, LX0LT,
LX5A, LY2ZZ,  LZ9W, N4BQW/KH9,  NH6D/KH4,  OA8V, OD5/OK1MU,  OH0/W3UR,  OH0R,
OI0/OH3GZ, OZ/DL5XJ/p  (EU-125), P43P,  P49V,  PJ2/WB9Z, PJ5NA,  PT0F,  PV0F,
CX-01 and  BY-01),  R1ANF/P (WABA  PY-03),  R1FJL (EU-019),  S9MX  (AF-023  &
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