425 DX News #618 8 March 2003 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 3D2 - Mike, DF8AN hopes to have his old 3D2MN call renewed for his 12-27 March stay in Nadi, Fiji Islands. He plans to operate mostly CW on all bands, 6 metres included. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] 9N - After a couple of weeks spent at home Hugo, LA5YJ/9N7YJ is back to Kathmandu, Nepal for a longer stay on an U.N. assignment. He now has a better transceiver and trapped dipoles for 160, 80, 40, 30, 17 and 12 metres, and will try to get a linear amplifier. Please note that he does not work on RTTY or PSK31. Updates will be published at http://www.qsl.net/la6fja/9n7yj.html. QSL direct only to Bjorn Hugo Ark, Rute 504 - Paulsrud, NO-2840 Reinsvoll, Norway. [TNX LA6FJA] A4 - Look for Younis, A41MA/p to be active from Suwadi Island (AS-112) through 8 March. The web page for the operation is at http://www.geocities.com/suwadi_island [TNX A41MA] EA6 - Christian, DL6KAC will be active again (manily SSB with some RTTY and/or PSK31) as EA6/DL6KAC from Mallorca (DIE E-021), Balearic Islands (EU-004) from 11 March to 10 April. QSL via home call either direct or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL6KAC] HB0 - Pascal, F5RZJ will be active on SSB and CW as HB0/F5RZJ/P from Liechtenstein on 15-16 March. QSL via home call. [TNX F5NZO] J5 - Simone, IV3NVN will leave Europe for Guinea-Bissau on 8 March. His first stop will be in the capital city of Bissau, where he will collect his licence and will be QRV for some five days. Then he will go and operate from Pecixe Island in the Guinea-Bissau Coastal Region group (AF-???). He plans to be there for about one week and to be active mostly on 15 and 6 metres (beacon on 50.096 MHz) SSB and CW (possibly on 12, 17, 20, 30 e 40 metres as well). Around 20 or 21 March he will travel to Caboxanque in the southern part of the country, where he will try to operate also on 80 and 160 metres CW and on digital modes. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as SOSB on 10 metres. On 3 April he will be back to Bissau for another couple of days before returning home. QSL direct to IV3NVN (Simone Candotto, P.O. Box 4, 33050 Castions di Strada - UD, Italy). Please do not include old style IRCs and note that Simone anticipates he will not be able to start QSLling before August. [TNX IV3NVN] JA - Look for Taka, JR3TVH/6 and his wife Nuts, JJ3NAW/6 to be active from Miyako Island (AS-079) on 8-10 March. They plan to operate on 15, 10, 20, 17 and 12 metres SSB and CW and to pay special attention to 6 metres (they will have a beacon on 50138 kHz). QSLs via bureau. [TNX JR3TVH] OY - Tom/GM4FDM and Bill/AK0A have joined the team of Dutch operators (namely PA3EWP, PA3FQA and PA5ET) who will be active on all bands and modes from the Faroer Islands from 24 March and 3 April [425DXN 617]. They will have three stations (one for digital modes) with amplifiers and plans are to concentrate on 80 & 160 metres and the WARC bands. The callsigns to be used are OY7ET (operator PA5ET), OY7QA (operator PA3FQA), OY7TW (operator GM4FDM), OY7WB (operator AK0A) and OY7WP (operator PA3EWP), plus OY8PA for 80/160 metres, digital modes and the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL for all via PA5ET. Latest information can be found at http://www.qsl.net/lldxt [TNX PA5ET] PY - The ZY8C operation from Caviana Island (SA-042) [425DXN 617] has been postponed and it now scheduled to take place from 27 March through 3 April, including a M/S effort during the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. [TNX PY8AZT ST - Claudio, IV3OWC has received his licence and now he will operate as ST2CF (not ST1C as previously announced). He will be in Sudan on 16-31 March, including an entry in the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL direct only via home call. [TNX IV3OWC] SV9 - Dick, G3URA reports he will be on 20 metres only from his house on Crete as SV9/G3URA during the BARTG RTTY Spring Contest (15-16 March). QSL via home call. T8 - Seiji, JH6RTO will be active (on 80-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) as T88FS from Palau on 13-17 March. QSL via home call (Seiji Fukushima, 1182-2506 Hase, Atsugi-city 243-0036 Japan). [TNX OPDX Bulletin] UA - Special station UE3RDA will be active on 8-15 March from rare districts for the Russian District Award (http://rdaward.org). QSL via RW3RN (Alex Kuznetsov, P.O. Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023 Russia). [TNX RW3RN] VK - Bill, VK4FW reports he will be on Fraser Island (OC-142) from 8 March for about four days. "I will be extremely busy", he says, "however I hope to get a little time for the radio". He will operate mainly CW in his late afternoon and some night. QSL direct only to Bill Horner, P.O. Box 1343, Maroochydore 4558, Australia. VK - VI5WCP is the special call to be used from Waldegrave Island in the South Australia State West Centre Group (OC-???) [425DXN 615]. Tom/VK3ZZ, Peter/VK3QI, Keith/VK3FT and Jack/VK3WWW will now be active (on all bands except 160 metres, SSB and CW) on 17-22 April. The operation will celebrate the historical naming of the island by Matthew Flinders during his coastal exploration of 1802/03. QSL via VK3ZZ either direct (Thomas Marlowe, P.O. Box 368, Leongatha, Victoria 3953, Australia) or through the bureau. [TNX VK3ZZ] VP5 - Look for David, VP5/KY1V (www.ky1v.com) to be active from Whitby, North Caicos Island (NA-002) on 11-18 March. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K] VP6_di - Stu Greene, WA2MOE reports that the Ducie Island team expects to arrive on 8 March in their morning (Ducie time is UTC -8). To avoid pirates, the call sign will not be released until the operation has begun. Suggested frequencies are the following: CW 10.102 or 10.124 listen up per instructions 14.020 up 9 18.070 up 9 21.020 up 9 24.900 up 9 28.020 up 9 SSB 14.195 up .215 18.130 up .140 21.295 up .305 24.950 up .955 28.445 up .455 RTTY 21.080 up .100-120 (primary band as long as there is demand) 14.080 up .085 (second band) 6m 50.110 SSB/CW on operators instruction, a beacon will be there 24 hours "Please don't ask about 40, 80 or 160, because I do not know at this time", WA2MOE says. The pilots for the operation are JE2EHP(je2ehp@jarl.com), DJ8NK (C_Harders@compuserve.com) and WA2MOE (wa2moe@firstinter.net). QSL via JR2KDN Yuichi Yoshida, 4F Kato Building, 529 Rokugaike, Kita-Ku, Nagoya 462-0002, Japan). The web sites are at www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/ducie.htm and www.qsl.net/aa0mz/ducie2.htm. CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Nigel, G3TXF will be active as VP2EN from Anguilla (NA-022) through 12 March. He hopes to be QRV during the RSGB's Commonwealth Contest (8-9 March). On 13-18 March Nigel plans to operate as FS/G3TXF/p from Tintamarre Island (NA-199), St. Martin. These are likely to be daytime only operations from about 14 UTC to 22 UTC. Both operations will be CW only and Nigel will try to "stick to the zeroes" (i.e 14030 or 14040, 18080 or 18090, 21030 or 21040, 24900 or 24910, 28030 or 28040). QSL via G3TXF. Further details on http://www.G3TXF.com [TNX NG3K] SOUTH AMERICA TOUR ---> From 14 to 30 March Rick, NE8Z will be operating from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil as LU/NE8Z (various locations), CX/NE8Z (Colonia) and PY5/NE8Z (Iguazu Falls). He plans to operate on 40-10 metres CW (most activity on WARC bands). QSL via NE8Z (Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA). [TNX NE8Z] SOUTH SHETLANDS (AN-010) ---> Oleg (UA1PBA) is currently active as DP1ANF from the Eduard Dallmann Laboratory (WABA DL-07) on King George Island, but will have to QRT on 8 March (actual time will depends on the weather which is very poor at the moment). QSL via RK1PWA. Due to poor propagation, Oleg and Alex (UA1PAW) logged some 1400 QSOs only during their recent R1ANF/p operation from the Teniente Ballve refuge of Argentina (WABA LU-22). [TNX DL5EBE] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DXCC NEWS ---> TT8ZZ (24 September to 8 November 2002) has been approved for DXCC credit. [TNX NC1L, DXCC Manager] IOTA CONTEST ---> The results for the IOTA Contest 2002 are now available at http://www.blacksheep.org/hfcc/results/IOTA-2002/IOTA%20Contest%202002.html LCRA ---> Good news from Beto, HK3DDD, who reports that the Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados is still alive. During the meeting held on 1 March [425DXN 517] they agreed not to dissolve the society, "so the bureau service is active 100%". [TNX VE3EXY] NIGER ---> Peter, VY0PW (ex VK8PW and VE8PW) has been trying for many months to get a licence for his QTH in eastern Niger where he has been working since early 2002. He has now received the official news that a licence for this part of the country cannot be issued. This is due to serious concerns by the government relating to the internal security in various parts of Niger. A HF radio in private hands is considered too much of a risk. The present licencing policy seems to restrict the issuing of new licences to the capital Niamey or the immediate surroundings. [TNX DK8MZ] OPERATIONS ABORTED ---> The 3B8/DK7AO operators, who were supposed to be active from Mauritius on 9-15 February, were unable to get their licence ("we are very frustrated and disappointed", Peter, DL3APO says). Maurice, F5NQL reports that Pierre, FG/F6FXS, who was supposed to operate from Guadeloupe until 12 March, had to go QRT on 28 February due to the death of his mother. PIRATE ---> Claudio, IV3OWC reports that Marco Nobili, ST1MN currently has not time for amateur radio and above all he does not operate CW. PIRATE ---> Raul, LU6EF reports he is not the QSL manager for ZR2A, which is believed to be a slim. QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Noel Schechtman, PT2ND is a member of The QSL Manager's Society (http://www.qsl.net/qslmanagers) and offers his services to stations in need. He can be contacted at pt2nd@ig.com.br QSL FW8FP ---> All QSL cards received as at 28 February have been processed and mailed. QSL direct only via VK4FW. [TNX VK4FW] QSL KC4AAC ---> Larry, K1IED has finally received the log for KC4AAC (AN-012) and the QSL cards have been printed. He plans to mail most if not all of the direct QSL requests over the next 2-3 weeks. [TNX VE3LYC] QSL MQ0CBM ---> Rod, M0CBM reports that two packets of QSL cards for MQ0CBM were lost in the post. Anyone needing a QSL from 13.30 on 27 June 2002 through 23.00 on the 30th please contact Rod at rod.newman@btinternet.com [TNX M0CBM] QSL OX2K ---> Allis, OZ1ACB reports she has run out of cards. Please be patient while a new batch of QSLs is being printed. QSL ZC4DW ---> The new address for Dez, G0DEZ (ZC4DW, ZD8DEZ, 5B4AGW) is Dez Watson, 7 Darwin Close, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS13 7ET, England. [TNX The Golist] QSL ZY7USA ---> Ciro, PY7ZY reports that all the direct cards (http://www.qsl.net/py7zy/zy7usa.htm) for the ZY7USA operation have been answered. If you do not receive your QSL within 10 days, please contact Ciro at py7zy@ig.com.br QSL VIA DF6PB ---> Alexander, DF6PB is the QSL manager for UN1F, UN2E, UN6T and UN9FD. His new address is Alexander Schwindt, Josef-Kunz Str.3, 76726 Germersheim, Germany. [TNX DF6PB] QSL VIA G0IAS ---> Allan, G0IAS reports that too many direct requests for 7Q7RM, 7Q7HB and 7Q7LA still do not include return postage. Please note that these cards will never get a reply, as Allan has no access to the bureau. QSL VIA WB2RAJ ---> Long time QSL Manager, WB2RAJ, has a new QTH and a new mailing address. Send all QSL requests to Dick Kashdin, 4591 West Overlook Drive, Williamsville, NY 14221, USA. WB2RAJ is QSL Manager for EM3W, FK5DX, FK8GM, J39BW, LZ2TU (1992 only), ST2/G4OJW, ST2AA (up to 25 February 1995), ST0K, UZ3AYR and WB2RAJ/VP9. [TNX WB2RAJ] + SILENT KEY + The Russian Robinson Club reports the death of Vladimir Lukjanchuk, RX3DQU, who was killed in a plane crash on 1 March. Vladimir was one of the RK3DZJ island team in 2000 and 2001. [TNX WRC/RRA Bulletin and MDXC] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The 9K2USA logs are now available on line at http://dx.qsl.net/cgi-bin/logform.cgi?9k2usa. Hamad, 9K2HN reports he has "just taken over this QSLling job from the previous QSL manager"; if you have any QSL problem, please let him know at dxer@qualitynet.net RRA: The new updated Island List for the Russian Robinson Award is now available at http://www.hamradio.ru/rrc/AWARDS/RRA/rra_new.asp (if you need your own e-copy, please contact Eugene, RZ3EC at rz3ec@rekom.ru). [TNX WRC/RRA Bulletin and MDXC] QSL GALLERIES: A collection of 1000+ QSL cards is available on Les Nouvelle DX's web site at http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr - five different galleries include cards for each of the 58 deleted DXCC entities, obsolete prefixes, Antarctic bases & TAAF (Terres Australes and Antarctiques Francaises) and pre-1945 countries. [TNX F6AJA] QSL MANAGERS: The latest update of ON6DP's QSL Manager Database (some 63,000 QSL routes) is now available at http://www.on6dp.be.tf [TNX ON6DP] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3G5Q XQ5SM EI9HQ WA7OBH OH0Z OH5DX 3V8SF DL1BDF EJ4GK/P EI4GK PJ2/W0CG N9AG 4H1C 4F1FZ EJ9HQ WA7OBH PJ2T N9AG 4J6ZZ UT3UY EK3SA DK6CW PJ5NA K1NA 4L1FX DJ1CW EO410CYD UT4CE PJ7B W8EB 4L1W LY2MM ES7NY/0 ES7NY R3ARES R3AR 4S7KJG JA1KJK ES85I ES4RD RW2F DK4VW 5R8GT DK8ZD ES85J ES1RA RW6HS EX2F 5T5SN F5RUQ ES85L ES6PZ RZ3BY/0 UA3DX 5U7JB ON5NT ES85M ES1QD S21YY JM1HXU 5V7BR F5RUQ ES85Z ES0NW SN70M SP5ZCC 5W1VE DL9HCU ET3BN DL1JRC SU9BN EA7FTR 5X1CW F6GQK FG5FC F6DZU SU9LL EA7CHR 6W1RD KZ5RO FM5FJ KU9C SU9NC OM2SA 6Y8Z WO9Z FY5GS F6FNU SY8A SV8CS 7X0AD EA4URE GB0CCE GW0ANA T88CQ JA0DCQ 7X3WDK EA5KB GB2ELH WA7OBH TA1ZK/0 HB9DUR 8P5A NT1N H44MS DL2GAC TJ1AG F5RUQ 8P9NX W0SA HC1CB EA7FTR TM5A F5VHJ 8Q7VR UR9IDX HC1HC NE8Z TM7Z F5CWU 9G1UW DL8UP HE2CC HB9BCK TO1A IK2QEI 9H3AS DL5SDK HF2VL SP2PI TU5JD IK2IQD 9J2BO G3TEV HK6PSG EA5OL UE3MFU RK3MWI 9K2ZZ W8CNL HK8RQS EA5KB UN7EG DL8KAC 9Q1A/2 F2YT HR3/N7DF N7DF UU0JM W1TE 9S1X F2YT HS0ZEA OE2REL UU7J W1TE A45WD YO9HP HU1A YT1AD V25LR W1LR A51B W0GJ HZ1AB K8PYD V25WX W4WX A71MA KZ5RO II1D IZ1CCE V26DX KU9C BU2/JJ1TBB JL1ANP II4G IZ4DJZ V26P WJ5DX C31LJ VE3GEJ IR4X IK4QJH V26TB KD3TB C6ALK K7RE IR4Z IK4QJH V31LU W2LU C98RF DL6DQW J28UN F8UNF V31ME N3ME CE4Y CE4FXY J37LR VE3EBN V31QQ KQ1F CN2R W7EJ J88DR G3TBK V31XM KQ1F CN8YR K4KU JS6QVP JI5USJ V44KAI K2SB CO0O bureau JS6QVQ JI5RPT V44KJ WB2TSL CO3CJ IZ8EBI JT1FDK UA0ACG V47DD K8DD CO8EJ EA5KB JW5HE LA5HE V47MX KA8AMX CO8OY AD4C JY8WW ON4WW V47NS W9NY CO8TW IZ8CCW LR1F LU5FD V47WW AC8W CP6XE IK6SNR LT1F AC7DX VI3GP VK3ER CW1OO EA5KB LU1FF EA7FTR VK8DP VK4AAR CX3HF EA5XX LU1FKR AC7DX VP8ROT GM0HCQ D2BB W3HNK LU1ZA LU2CN VQ9CJ VQ9X D2U CT1BFL LX5A LX1RQ WP2Z KU9C D44TD CT1EKF LX7I LX2AJ YA1CQ JA1CQT D88S DS4CNB LZ125O LZ1KZA YA4F G4KUX DP1ANF RK1PWA MM0LEO W3LEO YS3/YN4SU TI4SU DP1POL DL1ZBO MM0XAU DJ6AU Z24S W3HNK EA6UN EC6TK MM5PSL WA7OBH ZA/Z35M Z35M EA8BH OH2BH MU2A G4EOF ZF2AH W6VNR EA8OK/p EA8AKN OD5/OK1MU OK1TN ZF2DQ K0DQ ED1PEC EA1AUM OD5UT K3IRV ZF2HW N3GXF ED6TCC EA6ZX OH0B OH2BH ZF2PX K5PX ED9DIM EA9CE OH0PM OH2PM ZS03CWC ZS1AU _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH A41MA Younis Albuloushi, PO.Box 1470, CPO, 111 Oman DL2GAC Bernhard Stefan, Moeggenweiler Str. 18, 88677 Markdorf, Germany DL6DQW Reinhard Fendler, Waldteichstrasse 34, D-01468 Moritzburg/OT Boxdorf, Germany EA1AUM Juan Carlos Rodriguez, P.O. Box 598, 33400 Aviles, Asturias, Spain EA5KB Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain EA5ND Joaquin Garcia Rico, P.O. Box 344, 03600 Elda, Alicante, Spain EA6ZX Pau Balaguer, P.O. Box 240, 07080 Palma de Mallorca, Spain EA9AO Salvador Bernal Gordillo, P.O. Box 2032, 51001 Ceuta, Spain EA9CE Union de Radioaficionados de Ceuta, P.O. Box 103, 51080 Ceuta, Spain EP3SMH Sayyed Mohsen Hosseini, P.O. Box 441, 34815 Takestan, Iran ES1QD Vello Priimann, P.O.Box 3739, Tallinn 10508, Estonia F2YT Paul Herbet, 9 Rue de l'Alouette, 62690 Estree-Cauchy, France F5PAC Joel Sutterlin, 1 rue du Rossberg, 68310 Wittelsheim, France F5RUQ Thierry Lesnier, 31 rue des Bleuets, 22190 Plerin, France FK8KAB Association des Radio-Amateurs de Nouvelle Caledonie, P.O. Box 3956, F-98846 Noumea HB9DUR Andrea Bianchi, Via Ghiringhelli 49, 6500 Bellinzona - TI, Switzerland IK4QJH Giancarlo Gnudi, Via Valgattara 35, 40063 Monghidoro - BO, Italy IZ1CCE Carlo Sobrito, Via I Maggio 9, 10051 Avigliana - TO, Italy JI5RPT Makoto Koyanagi, 5-42-203 Kadan Aoba Sendai, Miyagi 980-0815, Japan JI5USJ Toru Koyangi, 400-6-1119 Nagasoneminami Hikone, Shiga 522-0052, Japan JO1EPY Hiroshi Kotoku, 3-4-19 Kishimachi, Kawagoe City, Saitama 350-1131, Japan LU5FD Daniel R. Amadori, Santa Fe 812, S2139BGR Chanar Ladeado - SF, Argentina LZ1KZA P.O. Box 36, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria NE8Z Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA OH5DX Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank. 9A1, FIN 29200 Harjavalta, Finland OM2SA George Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Slovakia ON5NT Ghis Penny, P.O. Box 93, BE-9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium RW9QA Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia SP2PI Jerzy H. Wojniusz, Matejki 56/39, 87-100 Torun, Poland UA0ACG Vlad Kravchenko, P.O.Box 375, Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarskiy kray, 663690, Russia US7IGF Slava Shevchenko, P.O. Box 591, Slavyansk-12, Donetsk obl. 84112, Ukraine VK3ER P.O. Box 87, Mitcham, Victoria 3132, Australia VO1MZL Admiralty House Museum, 3 Centennial St., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 1G4, Canada YO9HP Alex Panoiu, Pleasa, Prahova, RO-2038, Romania ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************