DX425 bulletin issue nr. 617

425 DX News #617
1 March 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                         >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<<

The 425 DX News monthly edition (February issue) can be downloaded in  either
pdf or .doc formats at http://www.425dxn.org. This month we feature articles
and photos from XF1K, FO5RK, HC4/NP3D and Sazan Island. [TNX I1-21171/IZ1CRR]

3D2    - Brian, N6IZ will  be active as  3D2IZ from  Namotu Island  (OC-121),
          Fiji from 27 March to 6  April. He will operate  on 10-80 metres  CW
          and SSB. Check http://www.tdl.com/~brianb/3d2iz.html for a  schedule
          of operation. [TNX N6IZ]
9N     - Dov, 4Z4DX will be active (on 160-6 metres CW and digital modes)  as
          9N7DX from Nepal from 21 April  to 15 May. QSL  via home call.  [TNX
BV     - As of 24 February Art, UA3VCS  will be signing BW4/UA3VCS  (previous
          call BW3/UA3VCS). He will participate  in either the  CQ WW WPX  SSB
          (SOSB 10 metres Low Power)  and CW (SOAB  Low Power) Contests.  [TNX
BY     - By special arrangement with the government of the People's  Republic
          of China and the Chinese Radio Sports Association, Rick/AE3C and his
          10-year old daughter Barbara (KB3HAS) will be operating (SSB and CW)
          at various locations in Beijing and northern mainland China until 11
          March. QSL via home calls. [TNX K2FRD]
CE     - Juan, CA7ARU  and  others plan  to  be active  from  Melinka  Island
          (Guaitecas Islands, SA-043)  between 28 February  and 2 March.  [TNX
CE     - The following Chilean stations will be active during the ARRL DX SSB
          Contest this weekend:  CE4Y (by CE4FXY,  10m High  Power), 3G5A  (by
          XQ5SM,  All  Band   Low  Power),   CE3NR  (by   CE3NR  and   CE4PBB,
          Multi-Single). QSL routes at qrz.com. [TNX XQ5SM]
CX     - A group of operator from Uruguay (namely CX1SI, CX1UI, CX1UN, CX2UH,
          CX3SN, CX3UG, CX3UH,  CX3UO, CX4SS and  CX7OV) will operate  special
          event station CW1OO on 8-10 March to celebrate the 150th anniversary
          of the town of Vergara. QSL via EA5KB. [TNX EA5KB]
EI     - Declan, EI9HQ plans to be active  (on 20 metres  SSB) as EJ9HQ  from
          Inishmor Island (EU-006) and Dun Oghil Lighthouse (IRE-087) from  28
          February until 1 March. QSL via WA7OBH. [TNX VA3RJ]
FY     - F1HAR, F5HRY, F5MZN, F6FVY and FY5FY will participate in the ARRL DX
          SSB Contest as FY5KE (M-S) from  French Guiana. QSL to FY5KE  either
          direct or through the bureau. [TNX F6FVY]
G      - Marc, ON5FP and Jose, ON4CJK will  participate in the IOTA  Contesst
          from Lundy Island (EU-120). Further information  is expected in  due
          course. [TNX ON5FP]
GJ     - Pete/K8PT and Craig/K3PLV  will be  active as  MJ/K8PT and  MJ/K3PLV
          from Jersey (EU-013) on 19-24 March. They will be operating SSB,  CW
          and RTTY on all bands with concentration on the low bands  including
          160 metres. QSL via home calls either direct or through the  bureau.
          [TNX K8PT]
GU     - 5B4WN (aka G0WWW)  and 5B4AFM (aka  M0BBB) will  participate in  the
          ARRL DX SSB Contest as  MU2A (M-S) from  Guernsey (EU-114). QSL  via
          G4EOF. [TNX NG3K]
HL     - Kim, DS4BHW will be stationed on  Cho Island (AS-060) for two  years
          starting in late March and plans  to be active  on 80-6 metres.  QSL
          via DS4BHW either durect (Kim, P.O. Box 27, Sunchon, 540-600,  South
          Korea) or through the bureau. [TNX DS4BHW]
HL     - Pyoungteak DX Club's members Han/DS2GOO, Son/DS3HWS, Chae/DS5BSX and
          Choi/6K2CLF will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB and RTTY) as  either
          homecall/4 and  D90HE/4 from  the Chuja  Islands (AS-084)  on  18-24
          March. QSL D90HE/4 via DS2GOO,  others via home  call. The web  page
          for the operation is at http://myhome.naver.com/dxer2han/as084/ [TNX
I      - Alessandro, IK4ALM will participate in this year's  major SSB and CW
          contests as IR4R. QSL via home calla. [TNX IK4ALM]
I      - IR4Z is the new contest call for Giancarlo, IK4QJH (formerly  IQ4B).
          E-mail requests  for bureau  cards for  either  IR4Z and  the  other
          stations     managed     by     Giancarlo     are     welcome     at
          http://www.qsl.net/ik4qjh; direct cards should be sent to  Giancarlo
          Gnudi, Via Valgattara 35, 40063 Monghidoro - BO, Italy. [TNX IK4QJH]
JA     - Look for JQ1SUO/1, JF1CCH/1 and JA2HMD/1 to be active (on 10, 15, 30
          and 40 metres CW and SSB) from Hachijo Island (AS-043) on 8-9 March.
          QSL via home  calls either direct  or through the  bureau. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
OY     - Ronald/PA3EWP, Dick/PA3FQA  and Rob/PA5ET  will be  active from  the
          Faroe Islands (EU-018) from 24 March to 3 April. They will have  two
          stations with amplifiers and will operate on 10-160 metres CW,  SSB,
          RTTY and PSK31 with  some SSTV. The  callsigns will be  OY/homecall,
          but they have also applied for a local callsign to be used on 80/160
          metres and  during the  CQ  WPX SSB  Contest.  QSLs via  PA5ET  (Rob
          Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The  Netherlands).
          More information can be foun on the Low Land DX-pedition Team's  web
          site (http://www.qsl.net/lldxt). [TNX PA5ET]
PY     - Luc/PY8AZT,  Carl/PY8MD,  Phil/PT8PS  and  Adonay/PT8DX,  from   the
          Uirapuru DX Club (http://www.uirapuru.org) will be active on SSB and
          CW as ZY8C from Caviana Island  (SA-042) on 1-8 March. They plan  to
          have three stations with amplifiers,  beams, verticals and  dipoles.
          [TNX http://www.islandradio.org/]
SV5    - Steve,  G0SGB  will  be  active  as  SV5/G0SGB/p  from  Kos  Island,
          Dodecanese (EU-001)  on 8-22  March. Operation  will be  on a  daily
          morning basis (8-11 UTC) mainly on  18154, 14264 and 21264 kHz.  QSL
          via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
XT     - Dani, XT2ATI (EA4ATI) reports he will participate in the ARRL DX SSB
          Contest on 20 metres (low power). QSL via EA4YK.
VP6_duc- The pilots for the forthcoming operation  from Ducie Island will  be
          JE2EHP(je2ehp@jarl.com), DJ8NK (C_Harders@compuserve.com) and WA2MOE
          (wa2moe@firstinter.net). QSL  via  JR2KDN.  The  web  sites  are  at
          www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/ducie.htm and www.qsl.net/aa0mz/ducie2.htm.

SOUTH SHETLANDS  (AN-010) --->  Oleg (UA1PBA)  and  Alex (UA1PAW)  are  still
active as R1ANF/p from the Teniente  Ballve refuge of Argentina (WABA  LU-22)
until 5  March. Then  they will  go and  operate as  DP1ANF from  the  German
Dallmann Laboratory  (WABA DL-NEW)  adjacent to  Jubany Base.  QSL for  these
activies via RK1PWA. [TNX DL5EBE]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CN2PM & S07PM ---> Peter McKay, G3WQU is now QRT as CN2PM and S07PM. He  will
be moving to  East Timor (4W)  at the end  of March. Peter  will put the  new
address for QSLs to his previous calls in qrz.com [TNX G3WQU]

DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations have recently been approved for  DXCC
credit: VK0MQI, Macquairie Island (1 January 2002 - 15 March 2003) and 3C2MV,
Equatorial Guinea (11 November -  12 December 2002).  [TNX Bill Moore,  NC1L,
DXCC Branch Manager]

GMDX CONVENTION ---> The GM DX  Group's 6th annual  Convention & Dinner  will
take place on 26 April at the  King Robert Hotel, Whins of Milton,  Stirling,
Scotland. More details can be found at http://www.gmdx.org.uk [TNX GM3YTS]

LCRA TO BE DISSOLVED  ---> "My old  friend HK3DDD has  just informed me  that
postal rates in Colombia were doubled as of January 1, 2003 and it now  costs
the equivalent of US$2.00 to send a  letter from Colombia to the USA",  Fred,
K3ZO reports. "It now costs HJ/HK hams the equivalent of 13 cents per QSL  to
send outgoing  cards through  the  bureau, but  anyway  the bureau  won't  be
available any  longer  because the  Colombian  IARU-member  society  LCRA  is
meeting this Saturday to dissolve itself, since with only 200 paid-up members
and US$8000 of debt it  feels it can  no longer stay  in business. Beto  says
Colombian hams  have stopped  calling CQ  and running  stations because  they
can't afford to  handle the  consequences economically.  Colombian DXers  are
simply searching  and pouncing  these days,  looking  for new  countries  for

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Yves, F6CYV says he is not the QSL manager for XE1FT.

PSK ON 160 ---> "Probably the first PSK QSO on 160 metres between Europe  and
Oceania was made between VK6HD (transmitting on 1810) and DL8LE (transmitting
on 1838.7)  on  27 February  at  21.40 UTC.  Both  signals were  copied  with
excellent R5 on both ends. The  following attempt in  RTTY was successful  as
well, but gave R3 and R4 only". [TNX DL8LE]

QSL 3C2MV  ---> Vitaly,  VE6JO reports  that the  QSL  cards for  his  recent
activity from Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea  are expected from the  printer
around mid March. He will proceed  with mailing as soon as  he gets them,  as
from late March until early May he will not be at home.

QSL FK8KAB ---> Please  note that Robert,  FK8AH is not  the QSL manager  for
FK8KAB. Direct  cards should  be sent  to Association  des Radio-Amateurs  de
Nouvelle Caledonie, P.O. Box 3956, F-98846 Noumea. [TNX DJ5AV]

QSL FW8FP  ---> Cards  have arrived  from the  printer and  Bill, VK4FW  will
process and  post cards  daily until  finished. "Direct  cards sent  with  no
return or insufficent postage will not  be answered", Bill says, "as I  don't
have any access to the buro system".  QSL direct direct only to Bill  Horner,
P.O. Box 1343, Maroochydore, 4558, Australia.

QSL TA4/DL2OBO ---> Tom, DL2OBO reports that the QSL cards should be ready in
a couple of weeks' time. Between 26 January and 2 February he made some  1000
CW QSOs and enjoyed "really big pileups". 

QSL TX0DX --->  Alessio, IZ0CKJ reports  that the QSL  cards for the  October
2002 operation from the Chesterfields are not ready. Please be patient and do
not send second requests.

QSL ZL7C ---> All QSL requests for  the October 2002 ZL7C operation from  the
Chatham Islands which were received  as of 26  February (some 5100  envelopes
for 19,200 QSOs) were mailed on  28 February taking advantage of New  Zealand
Post's International Economy rate (allow 3-5  weeks for delivery and  refrain
from sending second requests until after  1 May). Please note that this  does
not include  cards received  via QSL  Services and  the like  (these will  be
mailed out at a  later date when  time permits) or  ZL7C requests sent  along
with cards for other DXpeditions. Direct cards without sufficient postage  or
SAE will be answered via the bureau. [TNX ZL4HU]

QSL MANAGER  OFFERED --->  Guy Spriet,  ON4LCT is  willing to  act as  a  QSL
Manager for one or more stations. You can contact him at gspriet@skynet.be

QSL VIA VE3DZ ---> Yuri Onipko,  VE3DZ (QSL manager  for 8P4A, 8P9AL,  8P9AM,
VE2IM, ZF1DZ,  6W1/N2WCQ  and others)  reports  that his  local  post  office
"refuses to cover old IRCs (older than  2000) at existing air mail price.  So
effective immediately all cards accompanied with only one old style IRC dated
1999 and earlier (or improperly stamped) will be answered via the bureau".

SEANET CONTEST ---> This year the SEANET 2003 Contest will take place from 12
UTC on 16 August through 12 UTC on  the 17th. The contest is associated  with
the 31st Annual  SEANET Convention to  be held in  Johor Bahru, Malaysia,  on
27-30     November.     For     further     information     please      visit
http://www.seanet2003.com or  e-mail Ray  Gerrard, HS0ZDZ  (g3nom@rast.or.th)

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ARRL DX SSB: A list of  stations that have  announced their participation  in
              this year's event is maintained by Bill, NG3K at
LOGS:        The logs for the most recent 3G5Q operation from SA-070 are  now
              available at http://www.qsl.net/3g5q [TNX CE4USW]
LOGS:        The complete log  for Mike's (OM2DX)  activities from YI1BGD  (1
              January   -   13   February   2003)    has   been   posted    on
              http://www.qsl.net/om2dx [TNX OM3JW]
XF1K:        Pictures taken by Ray,  N6VR of the  recent XF1K operation  from
              NA-167   are   now   available   on   the   IREF   website    at
              http://www.islandradio.org [TNX AD5A]

QSLs received direct: 3A2MD, 3B9FR, 3C5XA,  3D2RW, 3XY7C, 4L8A, 4M1X,  4S7NE,
5B4AGC, 5R8FU, 5R8FY, 5T5PBV, 5V7FA, 6W6/K3IPK,  6Y2A, 7Q7LA, 8N1OGA,  9G1XA,
9K2GS, 9L1AB, 9L1BTB,  9N7YJ, 9U0X,  9V1ZB, 9Z4DI,  A22HH, A25/V51AS,  A35RK,
A45WD, A61AJ, BD5RT,  C6AKQ, C98RF, CE6M  (SA-061), CE8/F5JY (SA-050),  CN2R,
FR5ZU/T,  FS/W5GJ,  FY5GS,  HL5FUA  (AS-045),  HP100RCP,  IJ7/IZ8DBJ (EU-073;
IIA TA-02), HP3XUG, J28FD,  J28FO, J28NU, J45PC, J75PL,  J8/AC4LN, JW0HU, K1B
(via K4YL,  see 425DXN 614),  K5C (NA-082),  K9V,   KF1V/KH2,  KG4IZ,  KG4MO, 
KH2/KF2XN,   KH6GMP/KH3,   LU4ETN/D  (SA-022),  LU7DSY/D (SA-021),  LU8DWR/D,
LU9ESD/D  (SA-022),  LW4DRH/D  (SA-022),  LY3MR,   LY3UM,  LZ5SZ/1  (EU-181),
NZ7Q/KH4,  PJ2/N1UR,  PT0F,  PW0S, PW0T, PZ5PI  (SA-092), PZ5RA,  T2T, T32NCC
(OC-084), T77BL, T77M, T88CM, T88SM, TG4/W0IZ,  TI5/N5KO, TI5N, TM1BI, TO8MZ,
VI3JPI (OC-251),  VK4LV (OC-137),  VK4WWI (OC-187 and OC-255), VK9NL,  VO2WL,
XE2P, XQ6ET,  XT2DX,  XU7ACJ,XU7ACN,  XV9DT,  YA5T, YB9AY/7 (OC-252), YC9BU/7
(OC-252), YI1BGD, YK1AO,  YW1T, YW5LF,  Z22JE,  Z24S, ZA/Z35M, ZB2FK,  ZB2JO, 

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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