425 DX News #616 21 February 2003 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 8P - Look for 8P9NX to be active (mainly on RTTY and CW) from Barbados (NA-021) between 21 February and 6 March. QSL via W0SA. [TNX VA3RJ] 8P - W2SC will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (1-2 March) as 8P5A (SOAB HP) from Barbados. QSL via NT1N. [TNX NG3K] 8Q - Ivan, 8Q7VR has been active from the Maldives (AS-013) since 16 February and will be there until May. QSL via UR9IDX. [TNX RL3AW] 9A - Boro, 9A3KB and Emir, 9A6AA will be active (on 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB) from the lighthouse of Plicina Paklena (LH-0708) on 22 February and from the lighthouse of Barbaran (LH-1018) on the 23rd. After that, they plan to operate from Sv. Nikola Island (EU-110, IOCA CI-118). QSL via home calls. [TNX VA3RJ] C9 - Depending on local situation, Reinhard, DL6DQW will be active as C98RF from Mocambique Island (AF-088) on 21-24 February and from Quirimba Island (AF-061) between 25 February and 3 March.. QSL via DL6DQW. [TNX NG3K] CE - The 3G5Q operators [425DXN 615] have been granted permission to start their activity from Quiriquina Island (SA-070, ARLS CHI-025) a few hours earlier than originally planned and now they hope to become QRV around 21 UTC on 21 February. They will try to operate also on RTTY or PSK31 and to install a dipole for 160 metres in order to be active during the CQ 160M SSB Contest. Logs will be available at http://www.qsl.net/3g5q after the operation. QSL via XQ5SM (P.O. Box 2841, Concepcion, Chile). CE - Ferdy, CE4FXY will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as CE4Y on 10 metres HP. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K] CN - Look for W7EJ to participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as CN2R from Morocco (SOAB HP). QSL via W7EJ. [TNX NG3K] DU - Ken, G3OCA reports that due to some delays with the licencing authority the callsigns for the March operation from OC-120 and OC-092 [425DXN 613] have changed. The new calls will be 4D2C from Cuyo Island (OC-120, 14-17 March) and 4D2B from Babuyan Island (OC-092, 20-26 March). Two DU pilot stations will announce frequency/mode/times on cluster for the duration of the operation - "this we hope will maximise the openings to Europe and North America". QSL via G3OCA either direct or through the RSGB bureau (cards for Russian stations will be handled by UA4SKW). EA8 - Operators fron the Gran Canaria DX Group will be active on SSB and CW as EA8OK/p from the lighthouse at Punta Sardina (ARLHS CAI-055, FEA D-2816) on 23 February. QSL via bureau or direct to EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN] EA8 - Look for EA8/OH6XX (SOSB 15 metres) and EA8/OH9MM (SOSB 20 metres) to participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest from the Canary Islands. QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K] F - Marc, F6HQP expects to operate as F6HQP/P from the islands of Ratonneau (EU-095, DIFM ME-03) and/or Pomegues (EU-095, DIFM ME-16) on 23-24 February. QSL via bureau. [TNX La Gazette du DX] FO_aus - Antoine, FO5RK reports he is planning to be active again from Rapa Island (OC-051), Austral Islands on 1-20 March during his holidays (which means more time to spend on the radio). H4 - Bernhard, DL2GAC/H44MS has been back in the Solomon Islands since 21 February and expects to remain there for the next two months. During the next week he will reduce his activity while recovering from malaria ("I do hope the worst is over, but I still feel weak", he says). Our best wishes to him. HR - Henry/HR2HM, Eduardo/HR2EMC, Cesar/HR2CPS, Carlos/HR2CSB, Byron/HR5LBR, Rene/HR5RJC and Manuel/HR5MJC will be active as HQ8V from Cayos Vivorillos (Gracias a Dios Department group, NA-???) from around 22 UTC on 21 March through around 12 UTC on the 24th. They will operate mainly on 40, 20, and 15 metres SSB. QSL via HR2CPS (Cesar Pio Santos Andino, P.O. Box 747, 21105 San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras). [TNX HR2CPS] JA - Look for JS6QVP (QSL via JI5USJ), JS6QVQ (QSL via JI5RPT) and and JI5RPT/6 (QSL via home call) to be active (on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31) from the Daito Islands (AS-047) [425DXN 611] on 4-11 March. Cards can be sent either direct or through the JARL bureau. More information is available at http://www.aa.alpha-net.ne.jp/ji5rpt/as-047/ [TNX JI6KVR] KP2 - Tony, N2TK will be operating at WP2Z (QSL via KU9C) for the ARRL DX SSB Contest. Before and after the contest he will be active as N2TK/NP2 (QSL via home call). [TNX N2TK] LU - Mariano, LU4EJ will be active as LU4EJ/D from Martin Garcia Island (SA-055) on 20-22 March. Suggested frequencies are 3680, 7090, 14200, 21300, 28460 and 50110 kHz. QSL via LU4EJ either direct (Mariano Viva, Independencia 1193, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina) or through the bureau. [TNX LU4EJ] OZ - Look for Jakob, OZ7AEI/P to be active from the lighthouse of Griseta odde (DEN-075, DLS-030) on 22 February starting around 15 UTC on +/- 14270 kHz. QSL via bureau or direct. [TNX OZ7AEI] PJ - K1NA plans to be active as PJ5/K1NA or PJ5NA from St. Eustatius (NA-145) during the ARRL DX SSB Contest. It will be a "casual effort" in the SOAB category. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K] V2 - Doug, W3CF (V26DX) and a group of Team Antigua operators (namely Jay/WX0B, Jim/N2EA, Irwin/KD3TB and Sharon/N5CK) will activate V26DX as a Multi Two entry for 2003 ARRL DX SSB Contest from Antigua. They plan to be on the air by 26 February. QSL V26DX via KU9C. [TNX NG3K] W - Several members of the Magnolia DX Association (http://www.mdxa.org) will be active as K5C from Cat Island (NA-082, USI MS002S) on 4-6 April. They will operate on 10-80 metres CW and SSB from multiple stations. QSL via K2FF. The K5C QSL cards for the September 2002 operation [425DXN 592] have been received from the printer and all direct requests have been answered and put into the mail on 13 February. Future requests will continue to be answered the same way received. "Cards for the upcoming trip will be ordered in advance", Randy, W5UE says, "and we hope to be able to answer direct requests within weeks of the end of the expedition". ZF - John, K0DQ will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as ZF2DQ (SOAB HP) from ZF2NT's QTH in the Cayman Islands (NA-016). On 26-28 February, while preparing for the contest, he plans to operate on 12 and 17 metres. QSL via K0DQ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH GACW KEY DAY ---> The GACW KD will take place from 18 UTC on 22 February through 6 UTC on the 23rd. This is not a contest, but an event for encouraging amateur radio operators to log as many QSOs as possible using their straight keys. More information at http://gacw.no-ip.org HOLYLAND CONTEST ---> The results of the Holyland DX Contest 2002 can be found on the Israel Amateur Radio Club's web site at http://www.iarc.org/contest. This year the Contest will take place on 19 April, from 00.00 UTC through 24 UTC. [TNX 4Z4KX] IR4X ---> Due to a bureaucratic misunderstanding, the Monte Capra Contest Team - formerly IQ4A and IR4A [425DXN 615] - has had to change again its callsign. The new call is IR4X and it will be used starting from the ARRL DX SSB Contest on 1-2 March. The QSL route for either IR4A (for the 2003 ARRL DX CW Contest *only*) and IR4X is via IK4QJH. [TNX I4VEQ] QSL CO3CJ ---> Peppe, IZ8EBI (http://space.virgilio.it/iz8ebi@tin.it) is the new QSL manager for Juan Carlos, CO3CJ. Cards can be sent either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IZ8EBI] QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Being retired, Bob Smith, W0VU has "lots of time to do cards" and is willing to act as a QSL manager for one or more stations. Bob can be contacted at rsmith55@iland.net QSL VIA I3BQC ---> Vittorino, I3BQC reports that he has neither direct nor bureau backlog for any of his past operations. QSL VIA W1TE ---> The following are now being handled by Charley, W1TE (QSL either direct or through the bureau): UU0JM (all operations), UU7J/P (IOTA Contest 2002 from EU-180), UU7J (all operations starting this year). On-line logs are available at http://www.w1te.com/search.html (additional UU0JM and UU7J logs will be added as they are received). Charley is not the manager for V47NS (QSLs at this time continue to go to W9NY), but he handles the cards and post the logs. [TNX W1TE] ST2X ---> There is a possibility that Gerben, PA5NT/ST2X will go back to Sudan after 16 March. Latest information and final announcement will be available at http://www.dx.to/ For the time being, "The ST2X Story" with results of Gerben's recent activity can be found at the URL above (it can also be downloaded as .pdf file). WARD AWARD ---> The WARD (World Amateur Radio Day) Award commemorates the World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU on 18 April each year. The award is sponsored by MK QTC (the Polish Amateur Radio Journal) with the Polish Amateur Radio Union's support, and it is issued to licenced amateurs and SWLs for contacts made/heard between 00.00 and 24 UTC on 18 April. For further information please e-mail Sylwester Jarkiewicz, SP2FAP at qtc@post.pl YI1BGD ---> The Slovak Embassy in Baghdad has been closed down and Mike, OM2DX, who was active from YI1BGD, has left Baghdad. Steve, OM3JW will get the log for Mike's last days of operation after his arrival at home. _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The AH3D log search is now up and running: send an e-mail to ah3d-log@n4gn.com (type your call in the subject line, the body of message should be blank) and you will receive a response back, in the form of an e-mail, stating your QSOs that are in the AH3D log. ROMANIA: The Romanian Amateur Radio Federation has a new web site at http://www.hamradio.ro - the YO callbook is available there, as well as the final results for the the International Championship of Romania 2002. [TNX N2YO/YO3FWC] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B8/DK7AO DL3APO EA8BH OH2BH SX1R SV1XV 3V8SQ DL1BDF ED2TPA EA5CVN SY8A SV8CS 3W3ZZ JA1EUI ED5MHE EA5ZD T31MY OM2SA 4J9NM K2PF EK60SB EA7JX T77CD I0MWI 4K9W DL6KVA EK6DZ EA7JX T88AQ JH6WDG 4L1MA ON4RU EM0U UT7UW T88DY JA5SUD 4L8A OZ1HPS ES85L ES6PZ T88EI JA5EIY 5B4/RA6LUX UA6LCW ES85V ES6DO T88RH JA5ROH 5B4/UA9MA UA9MA ES85X ES7FU T88TM JA5AUC 5H9IR ZS6EZ EU5F DL8KAC TF8GX K1WY 5N6EAM IK2IQD EY8MM K1BV TI9MOT TI6MOT 5T5CPS JA1CPS FM5BH W3HNK TM3QK F5UJY 5T5HC JA0HC FY5GS F6FNU TR8CA F6CBC 5T5KHT JK1KHT HF2VL SP2PI TR8SA F5OGL 5T5PBV JA1PBV HK6PSG EA5OL TT8FC EA4AHK 5T5RUZ JA8RUZ HP1/DJ7AA DL6MYL TZ8FT F2YT 5T5U JA1UT HS0ZDZ GM4FDM UA0BD RW6HS 5T5UPA JA1UPA IO4T IK4XCL UE6YYW UA6YW 5V7BR F5RUQ J42A SV2AEL UK8IZ IK2QPR 5X1DC DL7AFS K3ZB/KH2 JH1NBN UN7MO EA7FTR 5X1GS WB2YQH KH4/NH6D N6FF V25LR W1LR 6Y0T K3TEJ LT1F LU1FKR V25WX W4WX 7Q7LA G0IAS LU1FAM AC7DX V26EW N2ED 8Q7CR DF5JR LU1NDC EA7FTR V31DJ W1LLU 8S5X SM5HJZ LU1ZA LU2CN V31DK N0UGX 9G5GA DL3GA LU5FF EA7JX V31FG DL2SWW 9G5ZZ DL1CW LX9UN LX1NJ V31JP KA9WON 9L1BTB SP7BTB MJ0ASP F5SHQ V47DD K8DD 9Q1A/2 F2YT MM0XAU DJ6AU V47KP K2SB 9Y4/DL6RAI DL6RAI N3JZ/KH2 JE3NJZ V47WW AC8W 9Y4/IV3IYH IK2ILH OH0R OH2PM V51KC WD4AWO 9Y4TBG DL4MEH OH0Z OH5DX VK3FY/DU8 EA7JX A51B W0GJ OI3SVM OH3JF VK9LBJ VK2BJ A71MA KZ5RO OX3FV OZ5FV VP5/N3SB N4ZH C6AGN W1DIG OY3QN OZ1ACB VP5/WX3B N4ZH C6AKQ N4BP P29VMS DL2GAC VP5LP N4ZH C6ALK K7RE P3F 5B4AGN VP8DES VP8LP C6AMM K1CN P40T VE3HO W3MCA/KH2 JA3MCA C6APX KC4PX P49MR VE3MR XF1K N6AWD C6AQX WA8SQX P49V AI6V XT2SX G3SXW CN2MP EA9AM PJ2/N8LGP W8TTS XT2WP G4BWP CN2R W7EJ PJ2T N9AG YA1CQ JA1CQT CO8EJ EA5KB PJ4/K2NG WA2NHA YB0IR W4JS CO8TW IZ8CCW PJ4/NO2R WA2NHA YC3BDJ IZ8CCW CS6V DL5AXX PJ4G WA2NHA YN4SU TI4SU CX1JJ EA5KB PJ5/K3RGD WA2NHA YV5LIX EA7FTR D2GG CT1GG PJ7/KF5LG ND5S YV5OHW EA7FTR D2YY CT1YWI PY0ZFO W9VA Z24S W3HNK D44AC RW3TN R1ANF/P RK1PWA ZC4VG G0UVX D44TT 4L5A RO4M RN4LP ZF1DZ VE3DZ D4B 4L5A RO4M/6 RN4LP ZK3HC DL9HCU DL2GG/YV5 DL3AMA S07V DK2WV ZS03CWC ZS1AU DP1POL DL1ZBO SU9BN EA7FTR ZS90SAP ZS6ZYM E21CJN W3PP SU9NC OM2SA ZY0T PY1YB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 5B4AGC George Beasley, P.O. Box 61344, 8133 Paphos, Cyprus 9A9R Vladimir Pavlica, P.O. Box 312, HR-51001 Rijeka, Croatia BA4DW David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China CP6EB Luis R. Skultety, P.O. Box 291, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia DL1ZBO Rainer Hilgardt, Hans-Sachs-Weg 38, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany DL2GAC Bernhard Stefan, Moeggenweiler Str. 18, 88677 Markdorf, Germany DL2SWW Frank Dreyer, Gartenweg 9, D-19069 Alt Meteln, Germany EA7FTR Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain EA7JX Rodrigo Herrera, P.O. Box 47, 41310 Brenes, Sevilla, Spain F2YT Paul Herbet, 9 Rue de l'Alouette, 62690 Estree-Cauchy, France F5PAC Joel Sutterlin, 1 rue du Rossberg, 68310 Wittelsheim, France F5RUQ Thierry Lesnier, 31 rue des Bleuets, 22190 Plerin, France F6KHS Radio Club Cyrano, 97 rue neuve d'Argenson, 24100 Bergerac, France I0MWI Stefano Cipriani, Via Taranto 60, 00055 Ladispoli - RM, Italy JA3KAB Taka K. Shimazu, 10-36 Kizuri 3-chome Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0827, Japan JH6QIL Shin-Ichi Kusumoto, 1777-289, Nishi-Mochida, Aira-cho, Aira-Gun, Kagoshima, 899-5431 Japan K4YL Stephen M. Grose, P.O. Box 183, Flat Rock, North Carolina 28731-0183, USA KB2FB/DU7 David J. Collins, Pons Garcia Building, CPG Ave, Tagbilaran 6300 Bohol, Philippines KL7J c/o Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres Dr, Sioux City, IA 51108, USA N6AWD Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA OH5DX Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank. 9A1, FIN 29200 Harjavalta, Finland OM2SA George Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Slovakia OZ7AEI Jakob Pedersen, Hvamvej 47, DK-7500 Holstebro, Denmark RN4LP Vladislav Lakeev, P.O.Box 208, Dimitrovgrad, 433512, Russia SV1XV Costas Krallis, P.O.Box 3066, GR-10210 Athens, Greece SV2AEL Savas Pavlidis, P.O. Box 22013, Thessaloniki 55310, Greece TG0AA C.R.A.G., P.O. Box 115, Correo Central, Guatemala City 01001, Guatemala UA0BA Andrej N. Moiseev, P.O. Box 645, Norilsk, 663317, Russia UA1RJ Yuri G. Sinitso, Box 10, 160000 Vologda, Russia UA6LCW Serge Belikov, P.O.Box 504, Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russia UN2O Leo. V. Welikanov, P.O. Box 1, Atyrau 465002, Kazakhstan UT7UW Yuri Zaskaleta, P.O. Box B-32, Kiev 01001, Ukraine VE3HO Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada VY1JA (*) c/o Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres Dr, Sioux City, IA 51108, USA W9AE Wayne Estes, 18673 W. Meadow Lane, Mundelein, IL 60060, USA Z35M Vladimir Kovaceski, P.O. Box 10, Struga 6330, Macedonia ZS6ZYM Jan Swanepoel, P.O. Box 14393, Zuurfontein 1912, South Africa (*) JAs via JA3JM ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************