DX425 bulletin issue nr. 612

425 DX News #612
25 January 2003
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                    >>> 425 DX NEWS MOST WANTED SURVEY <<<

The results  are  now available  at  http://www.425dxn.org/surv2003/  -  many
thanks to the 2663 participants in the survey (last year they were 1985).
Give also a look to the  results of The DX Magazine's  Most Wanted Survey  at
Bernie McClenny, W3UR, Editor of The  Daily DX, has  combined the results  of
the two surveys and has come to the conclusion that the top 10 positions  are
being held by Andaman  (VU4), Scarborough (BS7),  Lakshadweep (VU7), Juan  de
Nova & Europa (FR/J) and Peter I (3Y), Desecheo (KP5) and Yemen (7O), Navassa
(KP1) and North Korea (P5), Aves (YV0).

5X     - Bob, WB2YQH reports  that Graham,  5X1GS has  been semi-active  this
          month due  to work  related travel  away from  Kampala.   He is  now
          travelling to Kenya  (no operation)  and back  to Uganda  for a  day
          before departing for the UK on 30 January. He will return to  Uganda
          on 15 February, hopefully with a WARC beam for a better signal.  QSL
          via WB2YQH.
6W     - Norbert, F6AXX will be active as  6W7/F6AXX from Saly, Senegal  from
          25 January to 7 February. His favourite  mode is CW and he plans  to
          operate mainly  during his  morning and  night  hours on  or  around
          14035, 18090,  21035, 24105  and 28035  kHz.  QSL via  F6AXX  either
          direct or through the bureau. [TNX NG3K]
9Y     - Look for Moni, 9Y/DL1SEN and Mike, 9Y/DL2SEK to be active on SSB and
          digital modes from Tobago  (SA-009) until 6  February. QSL via  home
          calls. [TNX DX Newsletter]
HH     - Hans/DL7CM and Sid/DM2AYO will be active as HH6/DL7CM and HH6/DM2AYO
          from Ile a  Vache (NA-149), Haiti  from 30 January  to 15  February.
          They plan to operate on 160-6 metres  CW, SSB and RTTY, with a  beam
          and a  GP for  the low  bands.  QSL via  home  calls. Logs  will  be
          available at http://www.qsl.net/dl7cm/haiti.htm [TNX DL7CM]
I      - Vincenzo, IT9NVA plans  to be active  from Cozzo Spadaro  lighthouse
          (WAIL SI-012,  IOTA EU-025)  on 25  January. He  also says  that  is
          correct new address is P.O. Box 216, 96100 Siracusa - SR, Italy (Box
          164, reported in 425DXN #611, was a mistake and Vincenzo  apologizes
          for any inconvenience this may have caused).
OD     - Pavel, OD5/OK1MU will participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW  Contest
          as Single  Operator  HP (he  has  about 400W  but  only a  35m  half
          slooper). QSL  via OKDX  Foundation or  OK1TN. His  web page  is  at
          http://www.qsl.net/ok1mu [TNX NG3K]
PY     - Scout Association Baependi,  PY3UEB will  operate as  ZX3S until  19
          February to celebrate the World Social  Forum taking place in  Porto
          Alegre. QSL via PY3CQ. [TNX PY3CQ]
T31    - Mike, KM9D is currently active as T31MY from Canton Island (OC-043),
          Central Kiribati.  QSL via  OM2SA. The  Daily DX  reports that  Mike
          expects to remain there for the next three to four weeks.
VK0_mi - The Daily DX reports  that Peter, VK0MQI  will be leaving  Macquarie
          Island the last  week of  March: "he  plans his  last activity  this
          Sunday (GMT) at 0000Z. Keep an ear on 21365, 24940 and 28630".
VP5    - Chrissy, KB9VAL  and  her  father  Gary,  K9SG  will  be  active  as
          VP5/KB9VAL and VP5/K9SG from Providenciales (NA-002) from 31 January
          through 3 February. QSL via K9SG. [TNX The Daily DX]
XE     - Hector/XE2K,    Pablo/XE2CHE,     Rogelio/XE2FCR,     Emidgio/XE2ZY,
          Hector/XE2CK and Ray/N6VR (CW operator) will be active as XF1K  from
          Isla Pelicano  (NA-167) between  6 and  9 February.  This rare  IOTA
          group (Sonora State North) is  needed by the  97.40% of the  current
          IOTA members. The operation will last three days. The team hopes  to
          start operating at  3 UTC on  6 February  and expects  to leave  the
          island on either the evening of 8 Feburary or the morning of the 9th
          (the decision  will depend  on tides).  SSB  and CW  operations  are
          expected to take place on 80,  40, 20, 15 and  10 metres, for  12-18
          hours a day.  QSL via  N6AWD either  direct (Fred  K. Stenger,  6000
          Hesketh Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA)  or through the bureau.  The
          operations is sponsored  by the Island  Radio Expedition  Foundation
          (IREF) - http://www.islandradio.org [TNX AB5EB]
XY     - Kai, JH6VZS and Shirow, JF6DEA  are going to  join Hiroo, XY2A,  who
          has been already active from Myanmar for a few days. Kai and  Shirow
          plan to be active, hopefully as XY5D and XY6J, on 25-27 January  and
          to concentrate  on the  low bands  and 6  metres. There  is  further
          infomation on  Shirow's  web  site  (http://www.ham-net.net/vu-dx/).
          QSLs for XY5D and XY6J  should be sent  direct to JH6QIL  (Shin-Ichi
          Kusumoto, 1777-289,  Nishi-Mochida, Aira-cho,  Aira-Gun,  Kagoshima,
          899-5431 Japan). [TNX JF6DEA]
YB     - Stan, OK1JR/YB0AJR reports he will  be active during  the CQ WW  160
          Meter CW Contest as YE0X  from Jawa, Indonesia.  He will be  looking
          for Europeans around 1855 kHz. Special QSL via the YB bureau.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CDXC AWARD ---> Robert Felicite, 3B9FR is the first winner of the Chiltern DX
Club's "Local Heroes" Award. Club members voted for Robert as an  outstanding
operator who, resident in a rare  DX location, has for many years  tirelessly
provided QSO's and  QSL's for thousands  of amateurs  worldwide, all  without
major sponsorship. Nominations  are now requested  for the  2003 award  which
will  be   decided  in   June   this  year.   Votes   can  be   e-mailed   to
chairman@cdxc.org.uk [TNX G3LAS]

EWWA ---> The new Country List for the European World Wide Award can be found
at  http://www.ewwa.net  or  can  be  requested  by  sending  an  e-mail   to
radioamateur.tp2ce@coe.int [TNX F6FQK]

GREEK PREFIXES  ---> Costas,  SV1XV reports  the Greek  amateur radio  prefix
system has changed recently to support the introduction of the new  VHF-only,
no-CW licence:
* SV1-SV9       = full HF privileges
* SW1-SW9       = 144 MHz and higher, no HF or 50 MHz
* SZ1-SZ9       = club stations
* J41-J49       = special event stations
* SY1-SY9       = special event stations
* SX1-SX9       = special event stations
* SV1x-SV9x     = voice repeaters and beacons
* J41xxx-J49xxx = digital repeaters
* SV0XAA-SV0XZZ = foreign amateurs with semi-permanent licence (HF)
* SW0AAA-SW0ZZZ = foreign amateurs with semi-permanent licence (VHF only).
* Temporary operations by foreign amateurs shall  use the SV or SW  prefixes,
   as appropriate,  followed by  the original  callsigns and  the  appropriate
   identifier /P, /M, /MM, /AM.
* The following identifiers shall be used for portables etc:
   /P   portable
   /M   land mobile, mounted on a vehicle
   /A   alternative licensed location
   /MM  maritime mobile
   /AM  aeronautical mobile
* There is no provision for call  area identifier, if operating outside  main
   station call area; SV1AAA portable in SV5 will be SV1AAA/P.
* There  is  no  prefix  reserved  for  Mount  Athos.  SY  callsigns  and  /A
   identifiers do not imply a Mount Athos operation.

QRP MARATHON ---> The I-QRP Club  organizes the 4th HF Marathon to  encourage
QRP activity. Open  to licenced amateurs  and SWLs, it  will take place  from
00.00 UTC on  1 April through  24.00 UTC on  31 August.  For further  details
please contact Giovanni Zangara, IW0BET at iw0bet@amsat.org

QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Alan Roocroft, VK4AAR says that now he has more time
to manage the QSLs of additional DX or IOTA activities. If any of our readers
need  his  services,  please   contact  Alan  for   the  details  at   either
almee@dodo.com.au or almee@countyhunter.com Alan currently handles cards  for
the following stations (some now QRT): C21RH, KH2VM, P29RH, V63PD,  VI0ANARE,
VK0MM, VK6BM  (OC-234), VK6BSI  (OC-243),  VK8AN, VK8AN/6  (OC-154),  VK8AN/8
(OC-229), VK8AV/3  (OC-136), VK8DP,  VK8MI  (OC-173), VK8RH,  VK8XC,  VU3RSB,
ZK2JJ, ZK2PJ. Please  note that logs  for YJ8AA  are no  longer available  to

QSL 9V1DJ ---> QSL cards can be  sent via the SARTS (Singapore Amateur  Radio
Transmitting Society) bureau. Those who want to QSL direct, please note  that
Taka, 9V1DJ/JA3KAB will be  going back to  Japan an the  end of February.  He
advises that  after  15 February  direct  cards should  be  sent to  Taka  K.
Shimazu, 10-36 Kizuri 3-chome Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0827, Japan. [TNX K1XN]

QSL CO6XN ---> Effective immediately, Frank Dalonzo, N3ZOM, will be  handling
all of CO6XN's  direct cards. Bureau  cards will  continue to  be handled  by
Oscar Gaviria, HK6DOS. [TNX HK6DOS]

QSL CV1F ---> The correct QSL route is  via EA5KB (not EA5JB): Jose F.  Ardid
Arlandis, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain.  Many thanks to Paulo,  PY2PAI
for detecting the typo in 425DXN 610.

QSL KC4/N2TA ---> Mike Fokin (RW1AI)  went QRT from  "East Camp" (WABA  K-12,
AN-016) on 22 January, after some 5000 QSOs made as KC4/N2TA. QSL direct only
to P.O. Box 392, Brooklyn, NY 11230,  USA (mail drop). Mike and Alex,  UA1PAC
were expected  to stop  for a  couple of  days at  McMurdo Base  (WABA  K-09,
AN-011) on their way to Christchurch, New Zealand. [TNX UA1AKE]

QSL YI1BGD  --->  Contradictory information  is  being circulated  about  the
correct QSL route for the current activity of YI1BGD.
Diya, YI1DZ, confirms that he is the QSL manager and QSL cards should be sent
direct only to P.O. Box 7361, Baghdad 12216, Iraq.
However Steve, OM3JW, states that the current operator at YI1BGD is  his  son
Mike, OM2DX [425DXN  605], who, while  waiting for  his personal  call to  be
issued, is active from the club station. The QSL route  for this operation is
via OM3JW (logs are at http://www.qsl.net/om2dx).
At the same time Cliff, G0MMI, reports that "due to the confusion   regarding
the latest operation at  YI1BGD, I am  no longer Rodger's   manager. All  QSL
cards go to YI1DZ" (Cliff used to be the QSL manager  only for contacts  made
with YI1BGD operated by G0TLC).
At the end of the day, as John, K1XN from the Golist wisely says, "guess this
one should be: QSL via operators instructions".

QSL VIA KU9C ---> "As of January 31", Steve says, "I will be current with all
direct QSL received for PW0T and YA5T as of January 6, 2003. Please note that
this means that  if you  sent a  QSL to  me for  *only* PW0T  or YA5T  (i.e.,
without another card for a station I manage), it will have been processed and
mailed to you. If you do not have your card within a reasonable mailing  time
from NJ at that time, I'd suggest you resubmit.
The 2002 BQ9P operation will be my next focus, and I expect to have that done
in February.
Other calls I manage have been on the back burner a bit, although I'm mailing
them out as I can get to them.  If  you sent me *individual* SASEs for  these
stations, I expect to have them out in the next month or so as well.
Many QSLs will  be delayed beyond  the above schedule  because more than  one
call have been included in the SASE.
Statistics: just  under 50,000  PW0T  QSOs and  20,000  YA5T QSOs  have  been
issued. When I  take these with  the other calls  I manage, including  bureau
mailings, approximately 100,000 QSOs have been issued by me since January  1,

SWL CONTEST ---> The SLP Contest for  SWLs will take place in eight  sessions
through  the   year.  The   first  session   is  on   25-26  January.   Visit
http://www.veron.nl/cie/nl/swlcontest.htm  for  the  rules,  or  e-mail  Ruud
Ivens,  NL-290,  the   new  VERON  SWL   Manager,  at  NL290@amsat.org   [TNX

WRTC 2002 VIDEO ---> The official  video of the Amateur Radio Olympics  (WRTC
2002) is now available on DVD and VHS. Unlike previous ham radio videos, this
one is produced from a 100% "pro-sports" perspective. In order to capture  as
much of the action as possible, three different camera crews were sent out to
film as  many teams  and events  as  they could  during  the actual  24  hour
competition. And supporting all this great footage are high-end 3D  graphics,
intra-competition scoreboards,  top-ten boxes,  team  profiles, and  lots  of
other things that you might expect when watching a professional sports  event
on television. The entire production is  even narrated by  one of ESPN's  top
announcers. Total running time is 60  minutes. The DVD version also  contains
lots of extra features like full score breakdowns for each team,  continental
line-ups, competitor rulebook, and even all the past WRTC scores dating  back
to 1990.  All  information on  how  to  obtain your  copy  can  be  found  at
http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~jamesb/ [TNX OH5DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CONTEST CALENDAR: The 12-Month  Contest  Calendar, compiled  by  Bruce  Horn,
                   WA7BNM and updated as new contest information is  received,
                   is available  at http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/  The
                   e-mail version can  be requested  by sending  an e-mail  to
QSL ROUTES:       Boye, OZ7C reports that his QSL manager web page is back up
                   and running at http://www.qsl.dk/oz7c/ (the QSL and Manager
                   databases contain 336,368 and 17,570 records respectively).
                   Weekly updates will be posted usually on Mondays.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3C5XA       G3XAQ       EY8MM       K1BV        T30HC       DL9HCU
3V8SQ       DL1BDF      FG5FC       F6DZU       T77GI       pirate
3W2XK       W9XK        FK8GM       WB2RAJ      TA0/NK7U    pirate
3Z0OL       SQ4NR       FP5BZ       F5TJP       TF3CW       LX1NO
4K7A        TA2ZV       FY5GS       F6FNU       TM0A        F6OIE
4X6HP/P     EA7FTR      H44MS       DL2GAC      TM5SIA      F2WS
5H9IR       ZS6EZ       HC#/NP3D    W3HNK       TT8FC       EA4AHK
5R8GZ       G3SWH       HI3HN       OE7NHT      UA6JD       K0KG
7Q7HB       G0IAS       HI8ROX      ON4ANT      UA6LGR/3    UA6LGR
7Q7LA       G0IAS       HK3CW       W2GR [a]    UA9YAU      W4CMB
7X2RO       OM3CGN      HL5/VK2DXI  DS5UCP      UK8ZC       RW6HS
8Q7AM       EA5MB       II1D        IZ1CCE      UN0F        EA5KB
9G1YK       PA3ERA      IY4W        I4JED       UN9GC       LZ1YE
9H3CT       G0WKJ       J41LHA      SV1GRB      V31JP       KA9WON
9J2BO       G3TEV       J75PL       AA1M        V31JZ       NN7A
9K2GS       W6YJ        J75RN       W1USN       V31KQ       WA0ETE
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      J79AK       8R1AK       V31YN       DJ4KW
9N7YJ       LA5YJ       J79RJ       DJ7RJ       V51HK       DL6OBS
A45WD       YO9HP       JT1R        JT1BL       V51XG       DL8AL
A61AJ       N4QB        JW0HU       SP3WVL      V73GT       WF5T
A61AQ       N1DG        JW7VK       LA7VK       V73RX       N6RX
A61AR       UA6MF       K8LIZ/C6A   K8LIZ       VK0MQI      JA1ELY
C21HC       DL9HCU      K9YNF/HR9   K9YNF       VK0MQI      JE1LET
C31LJ       VE3GEJ      LU1ZA       LU4DXU      VK7KHZ/P    EA7FTR
C6AGN       W1DIG       LW4EU       EA7FTR      VO2UE       VE2ACP
C6ALB       AA8LL       LZ0A        LZ1KDP      VO2ZT       VE2TKH
CE/CO2WW    pirate      N4BQW/KH9   KB6NAN      VP8ROT      GM0HCQ
CM8WAL      EA5KB       OH0B        OH2BH       VQ9SS       N6SS
CT3FN       HB9CRV      OH0R        OH2PM       W8DLI/WH0   JI3DLI
CV1F        EA5KB       OH0Z        OH5DX       W8XGI/KH0   JA1XGI
D2EB        I3LLH       P29VMS      DL2GAC      WH0EWX      SP5EWX
D44TD       CT1EKF      P40AV       K4AVQ       XT2ATI      EA4YK
D88S        DS4CNB      P40RH       W6FRH       XW1N        HS6NDK
DA0ED       DJ5CL       P49MR       VE3MR       XY2A        XW2A
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        PJ5/K3RGD   WA2NHA      YA1BV       JA1PBV
E44Q        pirate      PR0F        W5SJ        YA6RF       F6ITD
ED2TIS      EA2ICA      RU0SYL      UA0SE       ZF2CM       K0BJ
ED5MUC      EA5URM      S21B        KX7YT       ZF2DS       W3WKP
ED5URV      EA5URV      S21YY       JM1HXU      ZK1UKX      W6UKX
ED6SAA      EA6ZX       SB7OOJ      SM5CAK      ZK2GI       PA3GIO
EM60USB     UT5UKY      ST2X        PA5NT       ZP62AA      ZP5AA
ER60SB      ER1DA       SU9BN       EA7FTR      ZS90SAP     ZS6ZYM

[a] direct cards only
[b] others
[c] JA stations only

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

5A1A      Assid, Hardehauser Weg 4, 33100 Paderborn, Germany
A41MA     Younis Albeloushi, P.O.Box 1470, 111 Muscat, Oman
CE6M      P.O.Box 591, Temuco, Chile
DS4CNB    Lee Dae Ryung, P.O Box 30, Tongyung 650-600, South Korea
EA2ICA    Asociacion Radioaficionados Aragon, P.O. Box 10263, 50080 Zaragoza,
EA4YK     Ricardo J. Hartasanchez, P.O.Box 41079, 28080 Madrid, Spain
EA6ZX     Pau Balaguer, P.O. Box 240, 07080 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
EA7FTR    Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain
ER1DA     Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 3000, Chisinau, MD-2071, Moldova
EX8MLE    Sergey Tkachenko,P.O. Box 742, Bishkek 720017, Kyrghyzstan
IT9NVA    Vincenzo Altamura, P.O. Box 216, 96100 Siracusa - SR, Italy
IV3NCC    Marco Tuniz, Via Savoia 18, 34079 Staranzano - GO, Italy
K2ZR/4    Dick Stein, 206 / Apt.2 Southard Street, Key West, FL 33040, USA
KB6NAN    Dianna R. Killeen, P.O. Box 911, Pescadero, CA 94060-0911, USA
KC4/N2TA  P.O.Box 392, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA
LA5YJ     Hugo Bjorn Ark, Rute 504, Reinsvoll, N-2840 Norway
LU4DXU    Horacio "Henry" Ledo, P.O. Box 22, Martinez 1640, Buenos Aires,
N6SS      Preston T. Smith, 20 N. Outback Rd., Dewey, AZ 86327, USA
NN7A      Art Phillips, P.O. Box 201, Flagstaff, AZ 86002, USA
OH5DX     Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank. 9A1, FIN 29200 Harjavalta, Finland
OM2SA     George Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Slovakia
ON5NT     Ghis Penny, P.O. Box 93, BE-9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium
PA3GIO    Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands
PA5NT     Gerben A. Menting, Waezenburglaan 104, 9351 HG Leek, The
SQ4NR     Grzegorz Gawel, ul. Herdera 16/14, 10-691 Olsztyn, Poland
UA0SE     Serge Karpov, P.O.Box 5247, Angarsk 665819, Russia
UR7VA     P.O. Box 23, Kirovograd-9, 25009, Ukraine
UT5UKY    Vladimir Prikhodko, P.O. Box 54, Kiev 04213, Ukraine
W2GR      Mike Benjamin, 1064 99th Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14304, USA
XW2A      Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O.Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos
YO9HP     Alex Panoiu, Pleasa, Prahova, RO-2038, Romania
ZS6ZYM    Jan Swanepoel, P.O. Box 14393, Zuurfontein 1912, South Africa

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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