425 DX News #606 14 December 2002 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 4W - Dan Holloway, VK8AN will be active as 4W6AN from Dili, East Timor from around 19 December through the end of the year. Due to limited notice and possible impermanence, Dan will only be putting out about 15 watts and the antennas will be a GP and a dipole to start with, but an amplifier is being considered. Look for him on the usual DX and IOTA frequencies from 40 to 10 metres. QSL direct only via VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia). [TNX VK4AAR] 7P - Andre, ZS6WPX will be active as 7P8ZZ from Lesotho on 13-17 December, inluding an entry in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. QSL direct only to Andre van Wyk, P.O. Box 1220, JHB International Airport 1627, South Africa. Check http://www.kb2erj.com/zs6wpx/7p8zz/ for more informations. [TNX ZS6WPX] D4 - Fabio, I4UFH reports he will be active as D44TD on 12-16 December, ARRL 10 Meter Contest included. QSL via CT1EKF. FO - Ron, W6OM will be active (mostly on 40, 80 and 160 metres CW) as FO5VO from Bora Bora (OC-067), French Polynesia on 16-20 December. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] KH0 - Look for KH0/JA1HOD, KH0/JA1UII, KH0/JJ1CDY and KH0/JA3MVI to be active from Saipan from around 6 UTC on 14 December through around 1 UTC on 17 December. They plan to operate on 160-10 metres CW and SSB, with some activity on 6 metres if conditions are favourable. QSL via home calls. [TNX JA3MVI/1] KH3 - The Daily DX reports that Bert, V73GOD will be on Johnston Atoll "on a frequent but unscheduled basis". While there he will use the club station's call KJ6BZ for which he is the trustee. KH6 - W1HH/KH6 will be active from Hawaii on 18-31 December. This will be a QRP operation, look for him 5 KHz up from band edge on 20 and 15 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX W1HH] LU_ant - The next schedule with LU1ZD, operating from "General San Martin" base (AN-016, WABA LU-11) is on 20 December at 22.30 UTC on 21365 kHz. [TNX WC6DX] SP - The following twelve special event station will be active from Poland from 15 December through 15 March to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the breaking of the Enigma machine code by the Polish cryptographers (http://www.enigmahistory.org/enigma.html): HF70E (QSL via SQ9AOJ) SN70E (QSL via SP6CDP) HF70N (QSL via SP7CVW) SN70N (QSL via SP6JKH) HF70I (QSL via SP6IHE) SN70I (QSL via SP5PPK) HF70G (QSL via SP2DNI) SN70G (QSL via SP1PBT) HF70M (QSL via SP2PI) SN70M (QSL via SP5ZCC) HF70A (QSL via SP9PRO) SN70A (QSL via SP9EVP) An Enigma Award, sponsored by the SP DX Club, is available for working these stations, for further information please visit http://www.sp5zcc.waw.pl/en/enigma.html. [TNX SP1DPA and SQ9MZ] VU - The DX Newsletter reports that Bernhard, DL2GAC (VU2BMS) will be staying in India until 30 December. He will then move on to the Solomon Islands (H44MS). W - John, W2AGN will operate as W2C during the "Lighthouse Christmas Lights 2002" event (http://www.arlhs.com/xmas-guide.html). He plans to to be active between 14 UTC on 21 December to 19 UTC on the 22nd from Finn's Point Rear Range Light (USA-285), Salem County, NJ. QSL via W2AGN (John L. Sielke, 1353 Samuel Dr, Vineland, NJ 08360, USA). [TNX VA3RJ] ZA - Look for ZA0IS (operated by ZA1FD, ZA1FH, ZA1KP and ZA5G) and ZA0/IK7JWX to be active (SSB and CW on HF) from Sazan Island (EU-169] and Lighthouse (ARLHS ALB-004, WLH LH-0028) [425DXN 605] on 18-22 December. QSL via IK7JWX (Alfredo De Nisi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE, Italy). [TNX IK7JWX] ARRL 10 METER CONTEST ---> Other operators who have announced their participation in this year's event include: - Juan, CO8TW on both CW and SSB low power. QSL via IZ8CCW. Logs will be available at http://www.qsl.net/co8tw/ - Lee, DS4CNB as D88S (CW) from "King Sejong Antarctic base on King George Island, South Shetlands. QSL via home call. - Alfredo, HC1HC, with QSL via NE8Z (Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA) - Pavel, OD5/OK1MU as SO High Power (CW only). - Kostas, SV1DPI and others as SW1W (SSB and CW) from Greece. QSL via SV1CIB, either direct or through the bureau. - K6LA as VY2TT (SO LP Mixed) from Prince Edward Island. [TNX CO8TW, NE8Z, NG3K, SV1DPI] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 160 METRES ---> Bernie McClenny, W3UR, editor of The Daily DX, wants Topband operators outside North America to be reminded to stay clear of 1820 and 1830 if they wish to be heard in North America. These two frequencies have harmonics that make it almost impossible to copy weak signal DX. DX stations can listen on 1820 and 1830, if it is clear, but please do not transmit there. 9L1AB ---> Andy, G3AB arrived back home on 6 December, after a 26-day activity (single operator) from Freetown, Sierra Leone as 9L1AB. 40362 QSOs were logged on CW, SSB and RTTY on all bands 6-160m, with 959 QSOs on 6m and 1265 QSOs on 160m. Only dipole and inverted L antennas were used. A full report with statistics and photos will appear on the website soon (http://www.g3ab.net/9l1ab.htm). Direct QSL cards are already being mailed out. CCF MEETING ---> The 8th Contest Club of Finland's Contest/DX Meeting will be held in Vantaa (Helsinki) on 17-19 January 2003. For further information and pre-registration please contact Ari, OH5DX (oh5dx@sral.fi). The CCF web site is at www.qsl.net/ccf JARL BUREAU ---> Joe, JJ1BDX/3 reports that effective 7 July 2003 the JARL QSL Bureau will charge JARL members an annual fee of JPY 3600 (approx. USD 28 to 30) for handling *each and all* non-JA callsigns. This includes not only foreign stations with JA QSL managers, but also JA callsigns with foreign prefixes (e.g. KH2/JJ1BDX). KB8NW ---> Our best wishes for a prompt recovery to Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW, editor fo the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, who underwent heart bypass surgery on 7 December. [TNX K8AV] QSL 5N0W ---> David Klimosz, OK1RK (ex 5N0/OK1AUT, 5N0ZKD and 5N0W) says the call 5N0W was issued to him back in 1999. He left Nigeria on 30 June 2000 and can confirm contacts made before that date only. QSL HH2PK ---> Kim Larson - Steve's (N3SL) daughter - has been the QSL manager for Pat, HH2PK for about six months [425DXN 572]. One month ago, nearly 7 kg (14 pounds) of QSLs were received from the bureau, going back as much as ten years. On 2 Decemeber over 1000 QSLs were mailed to the ARRL bureau, answering all of the QSOs Kim was able to confirm from Pat's logs. Pat has not been active since January 1998 and has moved from Haiti to Canada. Kim has Pat's logs from April 1989 to 29 Nov 1997 (the December 1997 and January 1998 logs were corrupted and cannot be recovered). On-line log checking is available at http://www.qsl.net/n3sl/manager.htm [TNX N3SL] QSL LU6XQ ---> Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK is the new QSL manager for Alberto, LU6XQ. Cards can be sent either direct or through the bureau. Other stations Patrick handles QSL cards for can be found at http://www.qsl.net/wd9ewk/qsl-mgr.html QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Tim Dickerson, N9NU has a slot open for a QSL manager to a station in need. He currently handles KH6XT (online logs at http://www.n9nu.net/n9nu_search/n9nu_search.html). Interested parties should contact Tim at n9nu@n9nu.net QSL OC-050 ---> Silvano, I2YSB reports that all of the direct requests received so far for the recent FO/I2YSB and FO/IK2GNW operation from Rurutu, Austral Islands have been processed and mailed. QSL SA-060 ---> Luc, PY8AZT and Phil, PT2PS made some 2000 QSOs from Cotijuba Island (SA-060) in July and for reasons beyond their control have not been able to have the QSL cards printed until now. Requests received so far will be processed "just in time for the IOTA HR and Annual Listing". [TNX PY8AZT] QSL VIA DK6CW ---> Alexander, DK6CW is the QSL manager for the following stations: 4K6CD, 4K8DX, 4K8DM, 4K3MA, 4J3DGF, EK3AA, EK3AW, EK3KA, EK3SA, EK3GM, EK1700A, EK6DM, 4L3Y, DL2BC, RA3SD, UK8FC, ZA/UT7DW. QSL direct to Alexander Poliakov, P.O. Box 3552, D-49025 Osnabrueck, Germany. [TNX The Daily DX] QSL VIA G3NKC ---> Dave, G3NKC reports that in addition to MD4K, he will be handling cards also for MD6V, but only for HF contests. Check http://www.md4k.com for further announcements and remote QSL requests. QSL VIA G3TEV ---> Please note that the only station that Mike, G3TEV acts as QSL manager for is 9J2BO and no others. "In future any cards I receive for other stations will be disposed of", he says, "I cannot afford the time and expense to return them to the sender". QSL VIA ON5NT ---> Michael, DJ5AV has received his EL2WW and AP2ARS (2001 SSB QSO) from Ghis, who apologizes for the delay. "Last year I was confronted with serious health problems in my family", Ghis says. "Things got back to normal and I am cleaning up the backlog (also for buro cards). Thank you very much for your patience and understanding". QSL VIA UA0LCZ ---> Vlado has received from the printer the QSLs for his UA0LCZ/p and RI0MP operations from Popov Island (AS-066) in July-September 2001 and 25-30 July 2002. Direct requests have been processed and mailed. His address is Vlado Miroshnichenko, P.O. Box 41-21, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia. [TNX UA0MF] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3C2MV VE6JO D90HC DS2BGV ST0F ZS4TX 3DA0CF K5LBU DU9/N0NM W4DR SU9BN EA7FTR 4J10TX UT3UY ED8TGC EA8BYO T32NCC N6GDS 4J6ZZ UT3UY EY8MM K1BV T88ME 7N1RTO 4K5CW UT3UY FG5FC F6DZU TM5SIA F2WS 4L1FX DJ1CW FM5GU KU9C TM7TLT F6KWP 4U1ITU K1ZZ (a) GS4AGG/P GM0WRR TM7XX F5MUX 5B4AHB LA8LA HG450EV HA6VB TM9TLT F6KUC 5N3/DK1MZ DL4ABJ HI3HN OE7NHT TZ6JA JA3EMU 5N42EAM IK2IQD HI3K AD4Z TZ8FT F2YT 5T5CPS JA1CPS HR5/F2JD F6AJA UA0KCL/3 RA3DEJ 5T5PBV JA1PBV II2ARI I2MQP UA0YAY IK2QPR 5T5RQ JA6RQ IR5ONU I5KKW UE3RZK RU3RN 5T5RUZ JA8RUZ IU7LE I7PXV UK8GI RW6HS 5U7JB ON5NT J41KID SV1CEI UN1F DF6PB 5V7BR F5RUQ JW7VK LA7VK UN2E DF6PB 5W0VF W7TVF JY9NX JH7FQK UN5J W3HNK 6J2Z AC7DX JY9QJ DL5MBY UN6T DF6PB 7Q7BP G3MRC K9C AB9DU UN7ECA DL7EDH 8P9HT K4BAI K9V WF9V UN7JX IK2QPR 8P9Z K4BAI KH6GMP/KH3 KH6GMP UN7MO EA7FTR 8Q7DC DL8LE KP3A W3HNK UN9FD DF6PB 8R1RPN OH0XX L59EOC EA7JX V31JP KA9WON 9G1UW DL8UP LU1AEE/D LU1AEE V31MF K0BCN 9J2BO G3TEV LU1ZA LU4DXU V31MX K0BCN 9L1BTB SP7BTB LU1ZD LU4DXU V73CW AC4G 9L1DX EA4CEN LU1ZG LU4DXU V73MJ JF1NZW 9M2/JI1ETU JI1ETU LU1ZV LU4DXU VK2IAY/4 G0UIH 9M6AAC N2OO LU4ETN/D LU7DSY VK9XE JA1KJW 9N7YJ LA5YJ LU7DSY/D LU7DSY VO1MRC VO1NA 9S1X F2YT LU7DW/D LU7DW VP2EY HB9SL 9Y4/DL2RVS DL2YY LU8DRH/D LU7DSY VQ9DT VQ9X A41KJ N5FTR LU8EBK/D LU7DSY VQ9SS N6SS A71BY F5PYI LU8EKC/D LU8EKC VU2UR SM3DBU A71EM LZ1YE LU9ESD/D LU7DSY XT2ATI EA4YK A92ZE K4SXT LU9HS EA7FTR XU7ACB N6FF AM9CE EA9CE LW4DRH/D LU7DSY XV3TAA JA1TAA AT0NG VU2JOS LW8DMK/D LU7DSY XW1A E21EIC C53CW YL3CW LW8EXF/D LW8EXF XW1IC E21EIC C53GM YL2GM LX0LT LX1RQ XW1LLR E21EIC C53KL YL2KL LZ0A LZ1KDP XW1N HS6NDK C53LY YL2LY OD5/OK1MU OK1TN YA1CQ JA1CQT C53ZF YL1ZF OK8NSA N9NS YI9OM OM3JW (b) C56R OH3RM P40K WM6A YI9OM OM6TX (c) CA0YAM CE1VLY P40N DF8AN YV4DDK EA5KB CD1C CE1VLY P40TA WM6A YV5LIX EA7FTR CN8NK EA5XX P49MR VE3MR Z24S W3HNK CO2JD AD4Z PJ2T N9AG Z36A DJ0LZ CO2TK F6FNU PY0FT JA1ELY ZA1E I2MQP CO8TW IZ8CCW PZ5DK PA0DKA ZD8A N6CW CS2SSB CT1ILT R1ANC DL5EBE ZD8R N6ND CX3UG EA5KB R1ANZ RU1ZC ZD8Z VE3HO CX7OV EA5KB S07U JA1UT ZS02AM ZS6DX D88S DS4CNB S21YY JM1HXU ZW8P PT2PS (a) CQWW CW 2002 and 28 November 2002 (b) from 28 November 2002 (c) through 27 November 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DF6PB Alexander Schwindt, Theodor-Heuss Str. 54, 76726 Germersheim, Germany DS4CNB Lee Dae Ryung, P.O Box 30, Tongyung 650-600, South Korea E21EIC Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903, Thailand EA4YK Ricardo J. Hartasanchez, P.O.Box 41079, 28080 Madrid, Spain EA7FTR Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain F2YT Paul Herbet, 9 Rue de l'Alouette, 62690 Estree-Cauchy, France G3AB Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 1UA, England G3MRC Brian J. Poole, 18, Grosvenor Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcs. DY10 1SS, England HH2PK c/o Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres Dr, Sioux City, IA 51108, USA IK2QPR Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy JA1KJW Nakayama Hisashi, 1-17-8 Shibuya, Yamato, 242-0023 Japan JA1TAA Hiroshi Hotta, 4-12-53 Kameino, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa, 252-0813 Japan JA3EMU Toshiyuki Tanaka, 11-22 Higashi-Kourishinamachi, Hirakata, 573-0077 Japan KB6NAN Dianna R. Killeen, P.O. Box 911, Pescadero, CA 94060-0911, USA KU9C Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 31, Morristown, NJ 07963-0031, USA LA5YJ Hugo Bjorn Ark, Rute 504, Reinsvoll, N-2840 Norway LU4DXU Horacio "Henry" Ledo, P.O. Box 22, Martinez 1640, Buenos Aires, Argentina LU7DSY Carlos Almiron, P.O.Box 709, 8000 Bahia Blanca, Argentina UA0MF Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia UA3DX Nick Averyanov, P.O. Box 39, Odintsovo, Moscow region, 143010, Russia UT3UY Anatoly Kirilenko, P.O.Box 439/3, Kiev-151, 03151, Ukraine VE3HO Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada VU2JOS Jose Jacob, P.O. Box 1555, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082, India YC0BUW William Bunn, Jl Dr Makaliwe 2 no. 40, Jakarta 11450, Indonesia ZL3CW Jacky Calvo, 31 Raurenga Ave, Epsom - Auckland, New Zealand ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************