DX425 bulletin issue nr. 605

425 DX News #605
7 December 2002
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                         >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<<

The 425  DX  News  monthly  edition (November  issue)  is  now  available  at
http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/ and can be downloaded in  either .pdf or  .doc
Do  not   forget   to   participate  in   the   DXCC   Most   Wanted   Survey

3C     - The OPDX Bulletin  reports that Vitaly,  3C2MV might  have to  leave
          Malabo a few days earlier than expected (possibly on 8 December, but
          that is not definite yet). QSL via VE6JO.
8P     - John, K4BAI will  be active as  8P9HT (on 160-6  metres CW and  SSB)
          from Barbados (NA-021) on 10-17 December. He will participate in the
          ARRL 10  Meter contest,  both modes,  as 8P9Z.  QSL both  calls  via
          K4BAI. [TNX NG3K]
C6     - Wade, AA8LL and Liz, K8LIZ  will be active  (on 40-10 metres  mostly
          SSB, with CW on  request) from Crooked  Island (NA-113), Bahamas  on
          18-20 January. They will be signing AA8LL/C6A and K8LIZ/C6A (QSL via
          home calls), but they also have permissione to operate as C6ALB (QSL
          via AA8LL) from Bird  Rock Lighthouse (WLA  LH-0118, ARLS BAH  005).
          Their new web site is at http://home.att.net/~aa8ll [TNX AA8LL]
CO     - Pepin, CO2TK  reports  he will  participate  in the  ARRL  10  Meter
          Contest as Single Operator Low Power. QSL via F6FNU.
EA9    - Special event station AM9CE  will be active  on 6-9 December  during
          the URE National Convention to be held in Ceuta. QSL via EA9CE. [TNX
FM     - Topbanders who need  Martinique should  look for  Denis, FM5GU  this
          weekend, as he is going to put together a very serious effort in the
          ARRL 160 Meter Contest. QSL via KU9C. [TNX KU9C]
GM     - Look for Dave, GM0LVI/p to be  active (on 80-20  metres CW and  SSB)
          from Tanera Mor in the Summer Isles (EU-092) between 28 December and
          2 January. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
HA     - Tibor, HG4I will operate as HG03HNY  from 20 December to 12  January
          to celebrate the new year. He  plans to be active  on all bands  CW,
          RTTY, PSK with  some SSB. QSL  direct to Tibor  Szabo, Budai u.  6.,
          H-2465 Rackeresztur, Hungary. [TNX HG4I]
HR     - Hiro, HR3/JA6WFM  had to  cancel his  planned trip  to Cayo  Cochino
          (NA-160) as the arrangement  with the hotel  was not possible.  Hiro
          has finished his work in Honduras  and is going back  to Japan on  8
          December. [TNX JI6KVR]
HS     - Charly, K4VUD  reports he  is going  back to  Thailand and  will  be
          active as HS0ZCW  until 3 January.  He plans to  participate in  the
          ARRL 10 Meter Contest. QSL via home call.
HS     - Special event  station  E20AJ  (http://www.qsl.net/e20aj/)  will  be
          activated from 28 December to 7 January during the 20th World  Scout
          Jamboree to be held in Sattahip, Thailand. [TNX LX1KQ]
I      - Vincenzo, IT9NVA reports he  plans to operate  from Isola Grande  di
          Marzamemi (EU-025, IIA SR-005) on 7 December.
I      - Special event station IR5ONU will be activated by operators from ARI
          Val di Chiana between 8 December and 10 May.  QSL  via I5KKW  either
          direct or through the bureau [TNX I5KKW].
IS0    - Max, IK2YSE will be active (on  10-40 metres CW only) as  IM0/IK2YSE
          from the  islands  of Maddalena  (EU-041,  IIA SS-001)  and  Caprera
          (EU-041, IIA  SS-005) between  28 December  and 2  January. QSL  via
          bureau. [TNX IK2YSE]
KH3    - Gary Belcher,  KH6GMP  will operate  (on  SSB, RTTY  and  PSK31)  as
          KH6GMP/KH3 from Johnston Atoll (OC-023) on  11-17 December, ARRL  10
          Meter Contest included (SSB only). QSL  via KH6GMP either direct  or
          through the bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
LU     - Fabian/LU1AEE, Claudio/LU7DW, Daniel/LU8EKC and Nely/LW8EXF will  be
          active as homecall/D from the lighthouse (ARG-045) located on Martin
          Garcia Island (SA-055)  on 7-8 December.  They plan to  have two  or
          three stations on  all bands SSB,  CW and RTTY.  QSL via home  calls
          either direct or thorugh the bureau. [TNX LU1AEE and LU7DW]
PJ2    - W9VA, K9BG, W9JUV  and W9UZ will  participate in the  ARRL 10  Meter
          Contest (14-15  December) as  PJ2T from  Curacao (SA-006).  QSL  via
          N9AG. Outside the  contest they will  operate as PJ2/homecall.  [TNX
PY     - PY8AZT,  PY8DAN,   PT2ND  and   PT2PS  will   be  active   as   ZW8P
          (http://www.zw8p.hpg.ig.com.br) from  Cotijuba  Island  (SA-060)  on
          12-17 December, ARRL 10 Meter Contest  included. They will have  two
          stations active on 80-6 metres. QSL via PT2PS. [TNX PT2PS]
TI9    - Jose Pastora, TI2JJP will be active (on 10, 15 and 20 metres SSB) as
          TI9JJP from Cocos Island (NA-012) on 10-25 December. QSL to P.O. Box
          2048-2050, San  Pedro Montes  Oca, San  Jose, Costa  Rica. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
V3     - Look for Jay Hoskelis, K0BCN/V31MX and Cal Neely, V31MF to be active
          (on 10, 15 and 20 metres SSB) from Caye Caulker (NA-073), Belize  on
          11-17 December, including a Multi-Single entry in the ARRL 10  Meter
          Contest (14-15 December) as V31MX. QSL  via K0BCN direct or  bureau.
          [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VU     - Special event station AT0NG will be  activated on 13-22 December  to
          celebrate the 32nd  National Games of  India. QSL  via VU2JOS  (Jose
          Jacob, P.O. Box 1555, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082, India). [TNX The
          Daily DX]
W      - Ivan, G3IZD will operate as AE4WK from Anna Maria Island (NA-034) on
          12-15 December. [TNX The Daily DX]
XU     - Dick, N6FF will  be active  as XU7ACB  from Sihanoukville,  Cambodia
          until 18  December. He  will operate  mainly on  the low  bands  and
          Topband enthusiasts should look for him transmitting on 1903 kHz and
          listening between 1823 and 1831 kHz. QSL via N6FF. His pilot station
          (Rod, WC7N) can be contacted at wc7n@gb.wave.net. [TNX The Daily DX]
XV     - Hiroshi, JA1TAA  will be  active as  XV3TAA  from Vietnam  on  12-20
          December. He plans to operate on  160, 80, 40 and  30 metres CW  and
          SSB. QSL direct only via home call (Hiroshi Hotta, 4-12-53  Kameino,
          Fujisawa City,  Kanagawa,  252-0813 Japan).  The  web site  for  the
          operation is at http://asahi-net.or.jp/~kw2m-szk [TNX JA3AFJ]
XW     - Look for Champ,  E21EIC to be  again active  as XW1IC  from Laos  on
          11-16 December, including and  entry in the  ARRL 10 Meter  Contest.
          Before and after the contest he  will operate on 160-10 metres.  QSL
          via E21EIC either direct or through the bureau. [TNX E21EIC]
YI     - Mike, OM2DX [425DXN 603] will be using YI9OM for a few weeks,  while
          waiting for his  call to be  issued (hopefully  YI9DX). Please  note
          that the new QSL route for contacts made with YI9OM from 28 November
          2002 is via OM3JW. Mike will remain at the Slovak Embassy in Baghdad
          fro 2-4 years and plans to  operate on all bands  CW, SSB, RTTY  and
          PSK 31. Topbanders should look for him after 20.30 UTC on  1832-1833
          kHz. [TNX OM3JW]
ZA     - Alfredo, IK7JWX (and  possibly other operators  from the Salento  DX
          Team) will join three operators from Radio Club Partizani  (Albania)
          for an operation  from Sazan Island  (EU-169) and Lighthouse  (ARLHS
          ALB-004) to take place between 16 (or 17) and 22 December.. QSL  via
          IK7JWX. [TNX IK7JWX]
ZK3    - Atsu, 5W1SA is  now expected  to be  QRV from  Tokelau [425DXN  604]
          during the weekend. He will be there for 2-3 weeks. QSL via  JH7OHF.
          [TNX The Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9V1XE ---> Mirek,  9V1XE is  moving from  Singapore back  to Australia.  This
time, after operating  as VK3DXI and  VK2DXI, he  will be  in Perth,  Western
Australia as VK6DXI. Mirek has made some  12,000 QSOs on all bands and  modes
during his 4-year stay in Singapore, all logs are now with DL4DBR. Those  who
still nedd a direct card for 9M8DX/2 or Z2/VK3DXI, please stand by for a  few
months and wait for Mirek to settle in Perth. [TNX 9V1XE/VK6DXI]

DXCC NEWS ---> BQ9P (Pratas Island,  2002) and 3XY7C  (Guinea, 2002) are  now
being accepted for DXCC credit. Those who have had them rejected in a  recent
submission can send an e-mail to dxcc@arrl.org to have their records updated.

EU SPRINT CW ---> The results of the EU  Sprint Contest - Autumn CW (held  on
12  October)   are   avalable   at   http://www.qsl.net/eusprint   (logs   of
participating stations are downloadable in .asc format). Rules, past  scores,
all time records, winners, software, etc. are also available at the same URL.

OLD QSL CARDS ---> Raul, LU6EF (GACW  Coordinator) says that logs for all  of
the past operations by the Grupo Argentino de CW are still open. They include
L20XSI, L8D/X,  LU1ZC, LU2ZC,  LU5EVB/Z, LU6UO/Z,  LU6Z, LU7X.  Please  visit
http://gacw.no-ip.org for  more  details. Raul  also  reports  that  since  7
November 1 USD does not cover postage from Argentina.

QSL 4U1ITU ---> Please note that  K1ZZ is the QSL  manager only for  contacts
made during the CQ WW CW DX 2002 and on 28 November 2002. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL 5H3RK ---> Steve, G3OAG is  receiving bureau cards for  5H3RK, but he  is
not the QSL manager. The correct QSL route is direct to Ralph Karhammar, P.O.
Box 9274, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.

QSL ZP6T ---> The correct QSL route is via ZP5MAL (not ZP6MAL as reported  in
425 DX News #604). Many thanks to Chet, K8YTO for detecting the typo.

QSL VIA  DJ2MX  --->  Mario,  DJ2MX  (http://www.dj2mx.com)  reports  he  has
received from  the printer  the QSL  cards  for VK2IR's  DXpeditions  (5W0IR,
KH8/VK2IR, 3D2IR, 6Y5/VK2IR and J6/VK2IR). The first 100 direct requests have
been processed and  mailed and the  rest will  follow soon,  then Mario  will
process the  requests  that have  been  sent direct  to  Tommy's  address  in
Australia. QSL to Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany.

QSL VIA GM4FDM ---> Tom, GM4FDM has taken over QSL duties from Ray, G3NOM for
his various  calls  (including  A52OM,  XU1NOM,  S21U,  S2/G3NOM,  JT4/G3NOM,
HS0/G3NOM, 9M2OM, HS0AC and also HS0ZDZ). Direct cards are up to date, but he
still has a huge backlog for  bureau cards - he has  completed cards for  the
above calls up to 31 December 1998, and has started working on 1999.  "Please
be patient", he says, "I'll try to get them out as soon as I can".

QSL VIA I8ACB  ---> Ciro reports  that the QSL  cards for TY0T  and TY3M  are
being printed, please do not send duplicates.

QSL VIA PA3EPG ---> Please  note that Ben  is no longer  the QSL manager  for
4K5CW, 4K9CW and  4J4K. He  says he  can confirm  only contacts  made in  the
following time frames:
4K5CW  from  16 August   2000  to  11 March   2001
4K9CW  from  30 October  2000  to  26 January 2001
4J4K   from  03 November 2000  to  30 January 2001

QSL VIA UT3UY  ---> Toly  reports that  the QSL  cards for  4K5CW, 4J6ZZ  and
4J10TX have  been  printed. He  will  try to  mail  all the  direct  requests
received so far within the end  of the year. QSL  to Anatoly Kirilenko,  P.O.
Box 439/3, Kiev-151, 03151, Ukraine.

ZL3CW ---> Jacky, ZL3CW/F2CW reports that his new address is: Jacky Calvo, 31
Raurenga Ave, Epsom - Auckland, New Zealand.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:   The log for  3G1X (CQWW CW  2002) by Nick,  XQ1IDM   is available  at
         http://www.qsl.net/3g1x [TNX CE4USW]
LOGS:   CY0MM on-line log  at http://dx.fireroute.com/cy0mm  was updated  for
         the last time on 30 November at 01.00 UTC, 45 minutes before the team
         left the island. The 49511th and last QSO was made on 29 November  at
         12.28 UTC. [TNX VE3NWA]
LOGS:   Logs for the V63RE and  V63WN operations from  OC-253 and OC-254  are
         now on  line at  http://www.ddxc.net/search.asp, while  pictures  are
         available at http://www.ddxc.net/v63/ [TNX IZ8BRI]
LOGS:   Logs for the recent VK4WWI operations from OC-255, OC-187 and  OC-172
         are now  available on  line at  http://home.tiscali.nl/~su042021  and
         http://home.quicknet.nl/mw/prive/willemsen [TNX PA3EXX]
S07L:   A photo gallery is available at
         http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage39.htm [TNX JI6KVR]

QSLs received  direct:  3A2MW,  4K8M,  4L8A,  4X4DK,  5B4/G0NUP,  5B4/UA9YAB,
5N0NHD, 5W0DL,  5W0TR,  6J1MM, 6J1ZOI,  6Y6L,  7X4AN, 8R1AK,  8R1USA,  9H1AL,
9H1ET, 9M2TO, 9M6BG,  9Q1A, 9Q5BB,  9S1X, 9U5A,  9U5DX, 9Y4/NG5E,  A25/V51AS,
A45XU, A52DX,  A61AJ,  AH3C, AP2AUM,  AP2IA,  AY1XS  (SA-008),  C31LJ,  C98DC
(AF-072),CP1WG, CP4BT,  CU2A,  CX5X,  CX6VM,  CY9DH,  D44TA,  D44TD,  DU1EIB,
DU3NXE, DX0L (OC-126), DZ1MS (OC-090), EA9HA,  EM1KCC, EP3SMH, ET3YU,  EW3BF,
HF0POL, HK3JJH/4 (SA-093), HO1A, HS0/G3NOM,  IS0/DM5TI, J48ALO, J75KG,  J77C,
J79MM, JI5USJ/4 (AS-041),  JM3FVL/JD1 (AS-031), JX7DFA,  K1B, KH6ND,  KL7AK/p
(NA-222), KN0E/KH3, KP2A, N2CW/3 (NA-140), NP4A, OH0B, P3A, P43JB,  P5/4L4FN,
PW0T, PW6AI (SA-019), PZ5RA,  R0DAT, R0L, R3CA/0  (AS-163 and AS-164),  R40G,
RI0L, RI1CG0, RU6FZ,  S9SS, SV2ASP/A, SV8UM  (EU-075), T24DX (OC-015),  T2DA,
T97M, TI5N, TI9M, TM5C,  TN3W, TT8DX, UA0FAA  (AS-025), UK9AA, UP6P,  US4IXQ,
V47KP, V51AS,  V63CP  (OC-059), VI3JPI  (OC-251),  VK6LC/4  (OC-138),  VK9LI,
(AS-153), W5AA/TI8, W9AEB/VP9,  WL7O (NA-158), XF4IH  (NA-188), XW1HS,  XY0TA
(AS-165), YA5T,  YE2R  (OC-186), YJ8DA,  YK1AO,  YP1W (EU-183),  YS1RR,  YW1T
(SA-066), Z24S, Z34M, ZD9IR, ZF2NT, ZK1SCQ, ZL6QH, ZP5JLC, ZS5NK, 

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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