DX425 bulletin issue nr. 600

   2 November 2002                                                 No 600
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

9A     - Members from the Croatian IOCA  Group will be  active as 9A6AA/p  on
          20, 15  and  40 metres  SSB  from a  few  islands in  Kvarner  group
          (EU-136) area between 31 October and  4 November. Their main  target
          is the island/lighthouse of Susak (CI-108, LH-0444, CRO-011),  which
          is likely to be activated on 2 November. [TNX 9A6AA]
D4     - Nicolas, F5TGR will operate (on  10-20 metres SSB  and CW) as  D44TR
          from Sal Island (AF-086), Cape Verde on 1-12 November. QSL via F5TGR
          either direct  (Nicolas  Quennet,  8 bis  Rue  de  la  marne,  95220
          Herblay, France) or through the bureau. [TNX F5TGR]
EP     - Victor/UT8LL, Massoud/EP2ES and other  Iranian operators are  active
          as EP6KI from Qeys (Kish) Island (AS-166) until 3 November. QSL  via
          G4WFZ either direct or through the RSGB bureau.
FM     - Clemens, DL2GAN will operate (on 10, 15 and 20 metres CW and SSB) as
          FM/DL2GAN from Martinique (NA-107) on 8-28 November. QSL via DL2GAN.
          [TNX The Daily DX]
FO     - Bob, WA4OAB is going to be active as FO/WA4OAB from Tahiti  (OC-046,
          French Polynesia) on 9-10 November and  from Moorea (OC-046,  French
          Polynesia) on 12-13 November. He plans  to operate on 10, 15 and  20
          metres CW and SSB around 22 UTC and possibly also on 20 metres at  9
          UTC. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
FY     - A group of operators from Radio Club Guyane will be active as FY5KAC
          from the western  part on the  country on 8-11  November. They  will
          have one  station for  HF, one  station for  6  metres and  a  third
          station for satellite operation. QSL via bureau. [TNX La Gazette  du
HA     - Special event  station HG0WGC  will be  active on  1-30 November  to
          celebrate the  World Gymnastic  Championship in  Debrecen,  Hungary.
          Special QSL  via HA0NAR  either direct  (Dr. Laszlo  Radocz,  130/A.
          Rozsavolgy str., Debrecen, H-4225, Hungary)  or through the  bureau.
          [TNX HA0NAR]
HL_ssh - Oleg, UA1PBA is currently active as HL8KSJ from the club station  at
          the Korean Antarctic base "King Sejong" (WABA HL-01) on King  George
          Island, South Shetlands (AN-010). [TNX DL5EBE]
JA     - Look for Taka, JR3TVH/6 to be  active (on 40, 20, 17,  15, 10 and  6
          metres SSB and CW) from Miyako Island (AS-079) on 1-4 November.  QSL
          via JR3TVH either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH8    - Mike, KH8/KM9D (ZK2TO) is now at  Pago Pago, American Samoa and  has
          received permission to visit and operate from the rare Swains Island
          (OC-200). On 29  October he reported  the date for  sailing had  not
          been fixed, "but probably we will  leave the harbor at Pago Pago  in
          the  middle  of  the  week".  The  distance  to  Swains  Island   is
          approximately 200 nautical miles. QSL via OM2SA. [TNX OM3JW]
PY     - PY1LVF (Vieira), PY1NEW (Pete), PY1NEZ (Lima) and PY1VOY (Rick) will
          be active (on 6, 10, 12,  15, 17, 20,  30, 40 and  80 metres CW  and
          SSB) as PR2C and/or homecall/2 from Comprida Island (SA-024) on 4-11
          November. QSL according to operators' instructions. [TNX PY1NEZ]
S2     - John, KX7YT will be active (on 10,  15 and 20 metres SSB and  PSK31)
          as S21YV from Bangladesh between 8 November and 4 December. QSL  via
          to home call. [TNX the Daily DX]
W      - Look for Guy, AC9X/p to be  active on 20 and  40 metres from  Biddle
          Island (not IOTA,  USI IN-001R) on  3 November,  starting around  13
          UTC. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
XY     - Hiroo, JA2EZD (XW2A)  was not able  to go and  operate from  Myanmar
          [425dxn 597] due to health reasons and has postponed his trip to  30
          October-12 November. He will operate as XY1M on 160-6 metres CW  and
          SSB. QSL via XW2A (Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O. Box 2659, Vientiane,  Laos).
          [TNX JI6KVR]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA TROPHIES --> At the RSGB HF & IOTA Convention last month the 2001  Shell
Trophies were presented as follows:
* Most Courageous: to the Russian  team on the  "Lost Islands" expedition  to
   Ushakova and Uyedineniya (RI0B and RU0B)
* Most Outstanding  in  Africa, Asia,  and  Europe: to  the  JW0PK  team  who
   operated from Prins Karls Forland (EU-063)
* Most Outstanding in North and South America and Oceania: to the team led by
   VE7DP who operated from the Philippine  IOTA groups OC-091, OC-093,  OC-126
   and OC-244
Merit Awards for consistent service to the IOTA community were also presented

QSL 3V8BB --->  Bernie McClenny, W3UR,  Editor of The  Daily DX, maintains  a
list of QSL  routes for operations  that have taken  place from 3V8BB.  Check

QSL 5C2MI ---> Giorgio, I2JSB reports that all of the QSLs for the July  2002
operation from Mogador island (AF-065) received so far have been replied  to.
QSL direct only to Giorgio Savini,  P.O. Box 55, 20089  Rozzano - MI,  Italy.
On-line logs are available at http://www.arisettimo.it">www.arisettimo.it

QSL RI0L ---> Antonello, IK2DUW reports that  he has no backlog for the  July
2002 operation from AS-066 (Rikorda and  Rimskogo-Korsakova Islands). QSL  to
Antonello Passarella, Via M. Gioia 6, 20051 Limbiate -  MI, Italy.

QSL T77CD ---> Please note that  cards for Giovanni,  T77CD should be  routed
direct via his QSL manager,  I0MWI (Stefano Cipriani,  Via Taranto 60,  00055
Ladispoli - RM, Italy). Do not  send your QSLs direct to  T77CD as this  does
not speed up the process.

QSL TG9NX ---> Please note that KZ8Y [425DXN 599] is not the QSL manager  for
Franco, TG9NX (cards should be sent to the address on qrz.com). We  apologize
for any inconvenience this may have caused Franco and our readers.

QSL XF4IH  --->  The first  batch  of 300  direct  QSLs for  the  March  2002
operation from Cacaluta Island  (NA-188) was mailed  on 28 October.  Enrique,
XE1IH (ex XE1LWY) expects to finish by the end of November. [TNX G3NUG]

ZL7C ---> The Kermadec DX Association expedition completed operation with the
final QSO being at 10.15 UTC on  27 October. The provisional total number  of
QSOs stands at 72,200, including some 5513  QSOs plus 88 dupes logged in  the
CQWW SSB Contest. The entry in  the CQWW Contest was on  two radios only  and
included operation on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres. [TNX ZL2AL]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DX RANKERS:  Mako, 7N2UTO has  established a  small search  engine for  DXers
              with    a    collection     of    useful     web    sites     at
              http://isweb31.infoseek.co.jp/sports/rankers/ [TNX 7N2UTO]
LOGS:        Logs for the recent FO/I2YSB and FO/IK2GNW operation from Rurutu
              (OC-050)  in   the  Austral   Islands  are   now  available   at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3G1X        XQ1IDM      FS/K7ZUM    K7ZUM       T88YK       JN1WTK
3G5A        XQ5SM       GI5W        UT5SI       TF8SM       N5FTR
3XY7C       DL7DF       GM0B        GM0EGI      TI5/N6JRL   N6JRL
4A1AC       XE1BEF      GM5A        GM0RLZ      TI5/NH7C    NH7C
4J7WMF      TA2ZV       HB0/HB9AON  DJ2YE       TI5/W8ILC   W8ILC
4L0G        DL7BO       HC8A        KU9C        TI5N        W3HNK
4L1FX       DJ1CW       HC8N        W5UE        TI8/K4QFF   K4QFF
4L1MA       ON4RU       HH2/K2AC    JA7AGO      TI8/W5AA    W5AA
4S7RO       DJ9ZB       HI7/K2AC    JA7AGO      TJ1GS       EA4AHK
4U1ET       TF3MM       HI9X        W9AAZ       TK4Z        K6VNX
4U1WB       KK4HD       HL0JHQ      HL3VQ       TM2A        F5BJW
4W6MM       TF3MM       HL8KSJ      RK1PWA      TM2E        F8BPN
4X1VF       K1FJ        HP1AC       EA5KB       TM5SIA      F2WS
5B4/G0LII   5B4AHA      HP1BYS      HP1RCP      TM6WW       F6KFI
5H3ID       IN3BXL      HS4BPQ/9    E21EIC      TM8ZV       F5FAB
5N42EAM     IK2IQD      HS9EQY      E21EIC      TO5A        F5VHJ
5N42NHD     JH8BKL      IH9P        KR7X        TP3CE       F6FQK
5N6EAM      IK2IQD      II3L        IV3KAS      TT8ZZ       F5PTM
5U7JK       I2YSB       II6A        I6DHY       TU5GD       N5FTR
6W4RK       F5NPS       IO4T        IK4XCL      TY0T        I8ACB
6Y9X        KQ1F        IQ0N        IK0NFV      TY2AB       I8ACB
8N1OGA      JA1MRM      IR4T        IK4IEE      TY3M        I8ACB
8P8P        NT1N        JW0HU       SP3WVL      UA0YAY      IK2QPR
8P9JG       NT1N        JW7FD       LA5NM       UE3RSW      RU3RN
8P9KU       NT1N        JY8YV       JA1ELY      UK8LA       RW3RN
8P9KW       NT1N        JY9QJ       DL5MBY      UN7JJ       EA5KB
8Q7OM       G0ESY       K8O         AH6HY       UN7MO       EA7FTR
9G5MD       F5VCR       K8T         GW0ANA      V26B        WT3Q
9H1EL       LA2TO       KD3RF/VE2   KD3RF       V26OB       DL8OBQ
9K9Z        W8CNL       KH0/KB9LQG  SP5EWG      V31BD       N6FF
9N1AA       N4AA        KH0AA       JA5DQH      V47KP       K2SB
9N7SZ       JA9LSZ      KH2/AD5KT   JA2KCT      V63B        JA7AO
9S1X        F2YT        KP3Z        WC4E        V63DX       JA7HMZ
9V1YC       AA5BT       KP4/NE8Z    NE8Z        V63RE       IT9YRE
9Y4TBG      DL4MEH      L21I        W3HNK       V63WN       IT9YRE
A35XX/P     N5XX        L52DX       LW2DX       VA2BY       VE3BY
A41KJ       N5FTR       L79H        EA7FTR      VC2C        NB1B (a)
A45WD       YO9HP       LP7H        EA7FTR      VC2C        VE3TPZ (b)
A61AJ       N4QB        LR0N        LU2NI       VC2C     NB1B or VE3TPZ (c)
A61AS       YO3FRI      LR7E        LU2EE       VC2C        VE3BY (d)
A61X        N1DG        LT0H        EA7FTR      VE3EY/2     VE3EY
AH2R        JH7QXJ      LT1F        LU1FKR      VI4CC       VK4WIG
AL1G        AC7DX       LT5V        LU8VCC      VK4YN/P     VK4FW
AY8XW       WD9EWK      LX5A        LX1RQ       VP2MCV      PA5ET
BW0RTY      BV2KI       LX7DX       PA1TO       VP2MEA      PA5ET
BW0S        BV2KI       LX7I        LX2AJ       VP2MET      PA5ET
C4A         9A2AJ       LY7A        LY2ZO       VP2MJD      W5OZI
C6ARB       W5UE        LZ26ZA      LZ1KZA      VP2MPA      PA5ET
CE0Z        N1IBM       M8C         G4DFI       VP2MWM      PA5ET
CE4P        CE4PBB      MI0SDX      M0SDX       VP2MWP      PA5ET
CE4U        CE4USW      MM0LEO      W3LEO       VP5VAC      WA4JTK
CE4Y        CE4FXY      MU0C        G3XTT       VP9I        K1EU
CE9/R1ANF   RK1PWA      NH2PW       N5FTR       VQ9DT       VQ9X
CJ2BY       VE3BY       NP3D/4X     W3HNK       VY0TA       VE2BQB
CM8WAL      EA5KB       OA1BV       DL1JAN      W2MM        W1DLP
CN2R        W7EJ        OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN       W4WX/HI9    W4WX
CN8YR       K4KU        OH0Z        OH5DX       W9AAZ/HI9   W9AAZ
CO8EJ       EA5KB       OM0M        OM0WR       WP3C        W3HNK
CO8LY       EA7ADH      OP0GS       ON5GK       XT2ATI      EA4YK
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       OT2H        ON5YR       XU7ACD      JH6QIL
CP6XE       IK6SNR      OT2N        ON7YX       XX9C        XX9BB
CT9L        DJ6QT       P29BW       N5FTR       XX9TEP      N1UR
CV5Y        EA5KB       P40A        WD9DZV      YA1BV       JA1PBV
D44AC       IK3HHX      P40B        I2MQP       YA3GIB      pirate
D44TT       DJ1MM       P40P        WJ5DX       YA4F        G4KUX
D4B         IK3HHX      P40W        N2MM        YI9OM       OM6TX
DT14AG      HL0BHQ      PA9MR       VE3MR       ZA/Z35M     Z35M
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        PT0F        CT1BOH      ZD7DP       W1ZT
DX0L        G3OCA       PY0FF       W9VA        ZD7JP       N5FTR
E20HHK/6    E21EIC      R5CC        RW3RN       ZD8Z        VE3HO
E20NTS      E21EIC      RO4M        RN4LP       ZF2AH       W6VNR
ED7KAR      EA7URC      RU1A        RU1AE       ZK1AKX      VE7XF
ES2U        ES1QV       RW2F        DK4VW       ZK1APM      AA7PM
ES6Q        ES5RY       SI9AM       SM3CVM      ZK1ASQ      W7TSQ
EY8/F5CW    F8CMT       SO2R        SP2PI       ZK1TTG      KT7G
FG5FC       F6DZU       SY8A        SV8CS       ZK1VVV      W7VV
FM5GU       KU9C        T2DX        W4WET       ZL7C        ZL4HU
FO/I2YSB    I2YSB       T32NCC      N6GDS       ZP6Y        W3HNK
FO/IK2GNW   IK2GNW      T42EU       OR5EU       ZS0M        ZS6MG
FO/JA2ZL    JA2ZL       T88EA       JH1EAQ      ZS6Z        ZS6EZ
FS/AH8DX    AH8DX       T88TU       JK7TKE      ZV5OKT      PP5BLU

(a) US stations
(b) VE stations
(c) others
(d) 60 metres

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9A2MF   Franjo Maticic, Ravna dolina 17, HR - 52475 Savudrija, Croatia
9A3KB   Borislav Santini, Galijotska 7, HR - 52100 Pula, Croatia
A51PR   Pema Rinzin, BTA/MOC, P.O. Box 1072, Thimphu, Bhutan
AH6HY   David Flack, P.O. Box 6005, Honolulu, HI 96818, USA
DL8KWS  Frank Jasper, Wilhelm-Leffers-Str. 56, 18055 Rostock, Germany
E21EIC  Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
         10903, Thailand
EA4YK   Ricardo J. Hartasanchez, P.O.Box 41079, 28080 Madrid, Spain
EA5KB   Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain
EA7FTR  Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain
G3OCA   Ken Frankcom, 1 Chesterton Road, Spondon, Derby DE21 7EN, England
G4DFI   Owen Cross, 28 Garden Avenue, Bexleyheath, Kent DA7 4LF, England
GW0ANA  Glyn Jones, Nirvana, Caste Precinct, Llandough, Cowbridge, CF7 7LX,
         Wales, UK
I2YSB   Silvano Borsa, P.O. Box 45, 27036 Mortara - PV, Italy
IK2QPR  Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy
IS0A    P.O. Box 76, 09100 Cagliari - CA, Italy
IT9NVA  Vincenzo Altamura, P.O. Box 164, 96100 Siracusa - SR, Italy
IT9YRE  Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy
JA1MRM  Saburo Asano, 3-26-8 Toyotamakita, Nerima, Tokyo, 176-0012 Japan
JA2ZL   Anci Yamada, 17-8-2 Takirocho, Tajimi, 507-0813 Japan
JA9LSZ  Yasuhiro Yahara, P.O. Box 111, Fukui, 910-8691 Japan
JH1EAQ  Nob, Watanabe, 6-11-2 Azuma-chou, Iruma-city, Saitama, 358-0002 Japan
JH6QIL  Shin-Ichi Kusumoto, 1777-289, Nishi-Mochida, Aira-cho, Kagoshima,
         899-5431 Japan
K1EU    Mike Russo, 8 Rocky Hill Rd Scarborough, Maine 04074, USA
KU9C    Steven Wheatley, P.O. Box 31,, Morristown, NJ 07963-0031, USA
MM0BQI  Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh EH8 7DW, Scotland
N1IBM   Morris E. Maze III, 847 Dolan St., Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734, USA
NB1B    Dennis Egan, 3 Keith Rd, Wayland, MA 01778-4517, USA
OZ5IPA  Preben Jakobsen, 9 Knoldager, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark
PA5ET   Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands
RA3OW   Vladimir A. Samojlenko, D. 33 KV. 105, UL. Kholzunova, Voronezh,
         394068, Russia
RK1PWA  Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
RK3TS   Mikhail M. Dubinin, P.O. Box 56, Nizhnij Novgorod, 603158, Russia
RW9QA   Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
ST2BSS  Magdi Osman Ahmed, P.O. Box 2, Khartoum Airport, Khartoum, Sudan
UT5SI   P.O. Box 926, Gorlovka-29, 84629 Ukraine
VE3TPZ  James Davidson, 65 Youngs St, Stratford, ON N5A 1J5, Canada
VK4FW   Bill Horner, P.O. Box 1343,, Maroochydore, 4558, Australia
W3HNK   Joseph Arcure, P.O. Box 73, Edgemont, PA 190278, USA
W5OZI   Pat Rose, P.O. Box 393, Junction, Texas 76849, USA
W5UE    Randy Becnel, P.O. Box 170, Kiln, MS 39556-0170, USA
W8CNL   Ray McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, North Augusta, SC 29841-4319, USA
XE1KK   Ramon Santoyo, Apartado Postal 19-564, Mexico 03910 D.F., Mexico
XQ1IDM  Nicolas Herrera G., P.O. Box 345, Antofagasta, Chile
XV9DT   Eddy Visser, P.O. Box 88, Hanoi, Vietnam
XW2A    Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O. Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos
Z35M    Vladimir Kovaceski, P.O. Box 10, Struga 6330, Macedonia
ZL4HU   Ken Holdom, P.O. Box 7, Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand

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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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