DX425 bulletin issue nr. 599

   26 October 2002                                                No 599
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3C     - Vitaly, VE6JO  plans  to  be  active  from  Bioko  Island  (AF-010),
          Equatorial Guinea between around 2 and 24 November. The licence  has
          been issued (3C2MV, even though he  had requested 3C2A), but  Vitaly
          is still waiting for the visa, which cannot be issued until a person
          with local residence status sends an invitation. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
9L     - Andy Chadwick, G3AB  (ex G4ZVJ) will  be in  Freetown, Sierra  Leone
          from 7 November for several weeks.  He plans to be  QRV as 9L1AB  on
          160-6 metres mainly CW. QSL via G3AB (Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase,
          Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 1UA, England); e-mail requests for bureau
          cards can  be  sent to  andy@g3ab.net.  Updates will  be  posted  on
          http://www.g3ab.net/9l1ab.htm [TNX G3AB]
EA8    - Ben, OZ5IPA will be active (CW and SSB) as EA8/OZ5IPA from  Tenerife
          in the Canary  Islands (AF-004) from  29 October  until 4  November,
          including and entry in the IPA Contest (2-3 November; information at
          http://www.iparc.com).  QSL  direct  only  to  Preben  Jakobsen,   9
          Knoldager, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark. [TNX OZ5IPA]
EA8    - Look for EA8/HA6PS/P, EA8/HA6NL/P, EA8/HA7JJS/P and EA8/HA6ZV/P (QSL
          via home calls)  to operate on  all HF bands  from Tenerife,  Canary
          islands (AF-004)  on  1-8 November.  They  will participate  in  the
          HA-QRP Contest as EA8/HA5RT/P (QSL via HA6NL). [TNX HA6NL]
EL     - Antoine, F6FNU  reports that  Mario (ex  EY8TM) will  be staying  in
          Monrovia, Liberia for three  years. He has  got his licence  (EL2TM)
          but is still waiting for his equipment to arrive. QSL via F6FNU.
FO_aus - Silvano, FO/I2YSB and Adriano, FO/IK2GNW  have cancelled their  side
          trip to Maria  Island [425DXN  594] due  to transportation  prblems.
          They will operate  from Rurutu  (OC-050), Austral  Islands until  28
          October. QSL via home calls.
HP     - Operators from the Radio Club of Panama will be active on all  bands
          and modes as HP100RCP on 1-30  November to celebrate the  centennial
          of the Republic  of Panama. QSL  to Radio Club  de Panama, P.O.  Box
          10745, Panama 4, Panama. [TNX XE1BEF]
HV     - Look for HV5PUL to  be activated (on  HF, 6 and  2 metres) from  the
          Pontificia Universita' Lateranense, Vatican  City on 12-15  November
          to celebrate the opening of the 2002-03 academic year.
I      - Operators from the Salento DX Team will  be active on 20, 15 and  40
          metres SSB  and CW  from the  lighthouse  in Taranto  Harbour  (WAIL
          PU-002) on 2-3 November and from the lighthouse at Punta San Cataldo
          (WAIL PU-010) on 9-10 November. [TNX IK7JWX]
J3     - Mike, K6MYC  and  Jimmy, W6JKV  will  operate (probably  only  on  6
          metres) from  Grenada  from 31  October  through 10  November.  [TNX
JA     - Look for Takeshi, JI3DST to be active (on  40, 17, 15, 12, 10 and  6
          metres SSB) as  JI3DST/6 from  Kuchino-Shima in  the Tokara  Islands
          (AS-049) on 6-17 November, from Okinawa  (AS-017) on 18-21  November
          and from Miyako Island (AS-079) from 21 November to 6 December.  QSL
          via home call, preferably via the JARL bureau. [TNX JI3DST]
KH2    - Tack/KA8A (7M4KRX),  Nori/AA9WZ  (JA1OZK) and  Hide/KC9AJS  (7N4FTL)
          will be active  as K2G  from Guam  on 22-26  November, CQ  WW DX  CW
          Contest included. Outside  the contest they  will beon  SSB and  the
          WARC bands as well. QSL direct  only via JA1OZK (Masanori  Watanuki,
          5-10-9 Ryokuen, Izumi-ku, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa 245-0002,  Japan).
          [TNX 7M4KRX]
KP3,4  - Rick, NE8Z reports he will be  signing KP4/NE8Z (mainly on the  WARC
          bands CW)  from many  different locations  in Puerto  Rico  (NA-099)
          between 26 October and 3 November. QSL via NE8Z.
T8     - Tosy, JA6VZB and  Seiji, JH6RTO  will be  active as  T88JA (QSL  via
          JA6VZB) and  T88FS (QSL  via JH6RTO)  from Palau  (OC-009) on  19-27
          November. Tosy will participate in  the CQ WW  DX CW Contest,  while
          Seiji will concentrate on 6 metres. [TNX JH6RTO]
VK     - Steve, G0UIH  (the rsgbiota.org  Website Manager)  will be  back  in
          Australia as VK2IAY/p in from 22 November until 15 December and will
          operate from the following IOTA islands:
          2-5   December  Lady Elliot        OC-142
          6-9   December  Fitzroy            OC-172
          11-12 December  North Stradbroke   OC-137
          Steve has also a mind to operate  from OC-171 for a couple of  days,
          but exact plans have not yet been decided for this group. He will be
          using 100 watts and monoband dipoles for 20, 17 and 15 metres;  look
          for him on or around 14260,  18145 and 21260 kHz  SSB only. QSL  via
          G0UIH either  direct or  through the  RSGB  bureau. Any  queries  to
          rsgbiota@aol.com [TNX G0UIH]
W      - Look for N4EX/4 to be active  (on 10-80 metres  CW only) from  Bogue
          Banks (NA-112) from 27 October through around 17 UTC on 3  November.
          QSL via N4EX either direct or through the ARRL bureau. [TNX  Islands
          On The Web]
W      - Look for K4E  to be aired  on 10-80 metres  CW and  SSB from  Egmont
          Key/Lighthouse on 2-3 November. QSL via KU4BT. [TNX The Daily DX]
XT     - Dani, EA4ATI is currently active as  XT2ATI and ill be stationed  in
          Burkina Faso for  the next six  months. QSL direct  only via  EA4YK.
          [TNX EA4YK]
XT     - Look for  XT2DX to  participate in  the CQ  WW  DX CW  Contest  from
          Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso  in the multi-multi  category, with  seven
          stations. The operators will be G0MTN,  G3PJT, G3SXW, G4BWP,  G4PIQ,
          GM3YTS, K4UEE, K5VT, KC7V, KY7M. There will be some activity  before
          the contest, on 20-22 November. QSL via G3SXW. [TNX G3SXW]
ZS     - David, GI4FUM will be active as ZS1/GI4FUM/p from various  locations
          in South Africa,  including the top  of Table  Mountain, between  27
          October and 3 November. This will  be a QRP  (2 watts) operation  on
          40, 18, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB. [TNX NG3K]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DL0SWA ---> Tom, DL8AAM reports that  during the night from  8 to 9  November
the  National  Weather  Service  of  Germany  (Deutscher  Wetterdienst)  will
celebrate its 50th  anniversary. A special  crossband event  will take  place
between amateur radio stations and weather service longwave transmitter ddh47
on 147,3  kHz from  22.30 UTC  until 05:30  UTC. Amateur  radio stations  are
invited to call DL0SWA/DDH47 on 3565, 7025 or 14052 kHz (please give RST  and
locator only). QSL via the DARC bureau. Web page at

EUCW 160M CONTEST ---> The second  EUCW 160M Contest, sponsored by the  Union
Francaise des Telegraphistes (http://www.uft.net), will be held between 20-23
UTC on Saturday, 4 January and 4-7 UTC on Sunday, 5 January 2003. Full  rules
are available at http://www.agcw.de/eucw/eucw.html [TNX F5NQL]

MARATHON DES ILES --->  The French Islands  Marathon, sponsored by  "Presence
Radioamateur", the  Clipperton  DX Club  and  "Megahertz"  magazine,  is  for
working stations operating  from the DIFM,  DIFO and DIFI  islands between  1
November 2002  and 31  August 2003.  For further  information please  contact
Alain, F6BFH at f6bfh@wanadoo.fr [TNX La Gazette du DX]

R1ANF ---> The R1ANF/p operation from  the Brazilian Antarctic refuge  "Padre
Balduino Rambo" (WABA PY-04) closed down  on 21 October after 1100 QSOs.  QSL
via RK1PWA. In early November Oleg  and Alex will  probably operate from  the
Chilean base "Profesor Julio  Escudero" (WABA CE-11)  on King George  Island,
South Shetlands (AN-010). [TNX DL5EBE]

QSL STATUS ---> Giovanni, I5JHW reports that all of the 2970 direct  requests
for 3V8KO (Kuriat Island, AF-092) have been replied to. The rest of the  QSOs
will be confirmed automatically via bureau in November.

QSL STATUS ---> Jarno, OH6NJ reports  that "almost every direct QSL" for  the
June 2002 OH6AW (EU-101) and OH6AW/8 (EU-184) operations has been answered.

QSL STATUS ---> Josep, EA3BT reports  that all the direct  QSLs for TN3B  and
TN3W   received    so    far   have    been    confirmed.   The    list    at
http://www.ea3bt.com/congo/congo-qsl_information.htm includes direct requests
received through 20 October and will not  be updated any longer. If you  have
any doubt, please contact Josep at ea3bt@ea3bt.com

QSL STATUS ---> The Pearl River DX Association announces that all direct QSLs
for W2WTC (the World Trade Center  special event station) have been  answered
as of 21 October. [TNX K2HJB & KA2NUE]

QSL T99C ---> Henryk, SQ1GYH is receiving cards  for T99C, but he is not  the
QSL manager for this station. [TNX SQ1EUG]

QSL YJ8MN --->  Masahiro Nada, JH3IIU  has been  working in  Vanuatu for  two
years. QSL cards  can be sent  either direct to  Masahiro Nada,  PMB 005  [or
9005, both OK], Port Vila, Vanuatu or via  the JARL bureau to JH3IIU. Do  not
send direct cards to his home address in Japan. [TNX KI4RU]

QSL ZY5G ---> Fernando, PY5DZ is not the QSL manager for ZY5G (CQWW 2001). He
says the correct route is via PP5WB.

QSL VIA KZ8Y ---> Dave, KZ8Y  is the QSL manager  for 4S7AR, 4S7AVR,  4S7NMR,
N8DCJ/8P6, 8Q7AZ & TG9NX and apparently does not accept bureau cards. The QSL
bureau is  going to  return the  cards back  to the  original bureaux  marked
either "unclaimed" or "QSL Direct Only". [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

URDXC 2002  -->- The  Ukrainian DX  Contest will  be held  from 12  UTC on  2
November through 12 UTC on the  3rd. The new rules for  the 2002 edition,  as
well   the   results   of   last   year's    contest,   are   available    at
http://www.qsl.net/ucc [TNX UY5ZZ]

ZS23I ---> The planned ZS23I operation [425DXN 597] from Seal Island (AF-077)
has not taken place due to  the weather conditions.  "Permission is only  for
day visits  which means  that  not only  must  conditions be  acceptable  for
getting on to the island but  also at the  end of the  day for getting  off",
Barry, ZS1FJ says, "The authorities will not take the chance of us being left
on the island and  possibly face impossible  conditions with no  protection".
Barry has now left for the US; their  next attempt to operate from this  rare
IOTA group is expected at the end of November.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA SPOTS: The latest  100  IOTA  packet  cluster  spots  are  available  at
             http://www.mdxc.org/spotiota [TNX IZ8CCW]
KH8:        The web  site for  the upcoming  K8T  (OC-045) and  K8O  (OC-077)
             operations is at http://www.ukdxers.co.uk/

QSLs received direct:  3B8CF, 3B9FR, 3D2KY,  3DA0TM, 3V8KO (AF-092),  3W2LWS,
3XA8DX, 3XY6A, 4J9NM, 4S7NE, 5B4/G0LII, 5B4AHA, 5N6NDP, 5V7BR, 5V7XO,  5Z4DZ,
6W1QV, 7P8LJ,  7X2RO,  8P9AM, 8Q7KK,  9K2MU,  9K2ZZ,  9L1BTB,  9M2TO,  9N7ZK,
A25/V51AS, A25LJ, A35RK,  A52DX, A71MA, A92GJ,  A92ZE, AH4/AH7G, BG2EX,  BI5Q
(AS-137), C56/G4IRN,  CE6TBN/7  (SA-018), CU9/CT3FN/P,  CX5BW,  CY0DX,  D2BB,
(AS-057), RW1ZZ/P (EU-082), S21AR, SV5/G4OBK, SV8CS, SV9/ON4RU, SV9CVY, T2DA,
T30CXX, T30ED, T32B, T88CM, T88SM, T88ZF,  TA3DD, TG9NX, TI9X, TJ1CR,  TK5EP,
YB0DPO, YE1D, YE2R (OC-186), YE8XM/p (OC-249), YI1DZ, YJ0AXC, YM1X,  YV5JBI/P
(SA-090), YW1T (SA-066), ZC4DW, ZD7MY, ZP6M.


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org 


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