DX425 bulletin issue nr. 598

   19 October 2002                                                No 598
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

6W      - Christian, F6HLC will participate in  the CQ WW  DX SSB Contest  as
           6W/F6HLC (SOAB Low Power) from Senegal. Outside the contest he will
           operate  on   6   metres   from  IK14.   His   web   page   is   at
           http://f6hlc.free.fr/page_6w/6w-a.htm [TNX F6HLC]
D4      - Al, 4L5A will participate in the CQ  WW DX SSB Contest as D4B  from
           Cape Verde. He  might also be  active before the  contest. QSL  via
           IK3HHX  (e-mail   requests  for   bureau  cards   are  welcome   at
           at@at-communication.com; those who work him on at least 3 different
           bands can send an e-mail request for direct cards). [TNX IK3HHX]
DU      - Dave, KB2FB/DU7 lives on Panglao Island (OC-129) in the Philippines
           and he  is active  on all  bands except  (for the  time being)  160
           metres. Typically he can be found on  15 or 20 metres at 10-12  UTC
           and on 80 metres at 12-15 UTC. [TNX The Daily DX]
FR      - Fred, F5IRO will be  stationed on Reunion  Island (AF-016) for  the
           next four months. He expects  to visit Juan  de Nova (AF-012)  from
           time to time and operate (mainly on CW) as FR5KH/J. QSL via  F6FNU.
           [TNX La Gazette du DX]
FS & PJ - Ken, K7ZUM  and Dustin,  KD7BSW will  operate as  FS/K7ZUM (on  all
           bands RTTY) and FS/KD7BSW (mainly on 10 metres SSB) from St. Martin
           (NA-105) before the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. They will participate  in
           the contest as PJ7/K7ZUM from St. Maarten. [TNX The Daily DX]
GM      - Jim, MM0BQI will  be returning to  Tanera Mor in  the Summer  Isles
           (EU-092) for a  week starting  on 19  October. He  will operate  as
           MM0BQI/P on  80-10  metres  SSB, CW  and  digital  modes  (he  will
           concentrate on 80 metres during his  sunrise/sunset hours but  also
           through the night).  Part time  participation in  JARTS RTTY,  RSGB
           10/15m CW and CQ WW SSB contests is expected. QSL via MM0BQI either
           direct (Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh EH8 7DW,  Scotland)
           or via the RSGB bureau. [TNX MM0BQI]
GM      - A team  from  the  GMDX  Group  (namely  Colin/GM0RLZ,  Stu/MM0BSM,
           John/MM0CCC,   Colin/GM0CLN,    Robert/MM0ANT,    Tom/GM4FDM    and
           Gavin/GM0GAV) will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as  GM5A
           (Multi-Multi) from the club premises of Stirling and District  ARC.
           QSL via GM0RLZ. [TNX GM0CLN]
GM      - The contest group  of the Mid  Lanark ARS  (namely GM0EGI,  GM0LIR,
           will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as GM0B (Multi-Multi).
           They will operate from Dunnet Head, the most northerly point on the
           U.K.  mainland  and  before  the  contest  they  will  operate   as
           homecall/p. QSL  via the  RSGB bureau  or  direct to  GM0EGI.  [TNX
GU      - G0WAT, G3BJ, G3XTT,  G4JKS, G4JVG,  G4VXE, GU0SUP  and GU4YOX  will
           participate in the CQ WW DX  SSB Contest as  MU0C (the Chiltern  DX
           Club contest call) in the multi-two category. They will operate  as
           guests of the Guernsey Amateur Radio Society, from its HQ  station.
           QSL via G3XTT. [TNX G3XTT]
I       - Look for  Vincenzo,  IT9NVA  to  operate  from  Isola  delle  Palme
           (EU-025, IIA SR-010) on 19 October  in the morning. QSL via  bureau
           or direct to Vincenzo Altamura, P.O. Box 164, 96100 Siracusa -  SR,
           Italy. [TNX IT9NVA]
I       - Special event  station  II9GM will  be  active from  Patti,  Sicily
           (EU-025) on 20 October. [TNX IT9EJE]
KC4_ant - Bruce, KJ3Z will be spending a  couple of weeks at McMurdo  Station
           (WABA K-09) on Ross Island (AN-011) in late October and might  find
           the time to operate from KC4USV. He will be on a 6-week assignment,
           two based at McMurdo and then four out "in the field" (once out  on
           the ice, though, he probably  will not be  operating at all).  [TNX
           F5NOD and WN3VAW]
KH6     - Rich, N0HJZ reports he will be active from Hawaii on 22-29  October
           and will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as KH6/N0HJZ (SOAB
           Low Power).
KP      - Jeff, N5TJ reports he will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB  Contest
           as KP3Z (SOAB) from the newly enhanced NP4Z station in Puerto Rico.
           QSL via WC4E.
KP2     - Bob, K8NY reports he will be  active as KP2/K8NY  from St. John  in
           the Virgin Islands (NA-106)  from 19 October  through the 26th.  He
           will be  operating  on  20  metres  around  the  CW  and  SSB  IOTA
KP2     - Bruce/W4OV, Julio/WD4JR,  John/NP2B and  Joe/VE3BW will  be  active
           from St. Croix,  US Virgin  Islands (NA-106)  starting 22  October.
           They will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest as NP2B, before  the
           contest they will concentrate and the  WARC bands and especially  6
           metres as homecall/NP2. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
PY      - PS8ET/p, PS8DX/p, PS8PY/p,  PS8HF/p, PU8PYK/p  and possibly  others
           will operate from Ilha da Conceicao (not IOTA, DIB 79) during  this
           weekend's Jamboree On The Air. QSL  to Teresina DX Group, P.O.  Box
           096, 64001-970 Teresina - PI, Brazil. [TNX PP5SZ]
ST      - Scout station ST2BBS (Boy Scouts Sudan)  will be active during  the
           Jamboree on  the Air.  QSL via  the address  on QRZ.com  [TNX  OPDX
V4      - Doc, W9NY reports that V47NS will again be active for the CQ WW  DX
           SSB Contest  from Nevis  Island (NA-104).  They  hope to  have  the
           station up and  running on 24  October and will  break down on  the
           28th. Contest will involve two transceivers all bands and  multiple
           operators. QSL via W9NY.
V6      - The boat  chartered by  Claudio, I1SNW  and Nando,  IT9YRE for  the
           voyage to Nomwin Island has  a serious problem  to the engine,  but
           they have been able to find another (although much more  expensive)
           boat. Claudio and Nando are therefore  able to confirm their  plans
           for the upcoming double IOTA expedition to Micronesia. They will be
           leaving Italy on 20 October and expect to be QRV from Nomwin Island
           (OC-???) around 7.30  UTC on the  24th until around  14 UTC on  the
           27th. They will then move  to Ta in  the Mortlock Islands  (OC-???)
           and be active from around 3 UTC  on 30 October until around 14  UTC
           on 4 November. Look for V63RE  and V63WN from  both the islands  on
           the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via IT9YRE.
VP5     - Jack/N2VW and  Frank/WA2VYA will  be active  from   VP5JM's QTH  on
           22-29 October. They will participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest as
           VP5T (multi-multi) and plan  to operate CW,  PSK31, WARC bands  and
           maybe 6 metres before and after the contest. QSL via N2VW. [TNX The
           Daily DX]
VP9     - Look for Mike, K1EU/VP9 (QSL via home call) and Joe, K1JB/VP9  (QSL
           via home call)  to be active  (on 10-160  metres CW  and SSB)  from
           Bermuda (NA-005) on 23-29 October. They will participate in the  CQ
           WW DX SSB Contest as VP9I (QSL via K1EU). [TNX W2SUQ]
W       - The Lake Whitney Amateur Radio Society,  NZ5T, will be active  from
           The Island (USI TX-036L, not IOTA) on 26 October. Look for activity
           on 14250, 21290 and 28435  kHz. QSL to  L.W.A.R.S., P.O. Box  1181,
           Whitney, TX 76692, USA. [TNX VA3RJ]
XX9     - A large team of operators from Macao, Hong Kong and Guangdong  will
           participate in the cq WW DX SSB Contest as XX9C (Multi-Multi)  from
           Taipa Island (AS-075), Macao. QSL via XX9BB. Logs will be available
           at http://www.hellocq.net/xx9c [TNX The Daily DX]
YB      - The team on  Temaju Island (OC-252)  - YC9BU/7, YC9WZJ/7,  YB9COD/7
           and YB9AY/7 - is expected to  go QRT around 24  UTC on 19  October.
           QSLs via YC9BU. [TNX YE1D]
ZS7_ant - Weather permitting, Anton, ZS7/ZS4AGA will operate as  ZS7/ZS4AGA/p
           from "E-Base" (WABA  ZS-04) during the  weekend. He  will have  100
           watts only. Look for him on 21275 kHz at 17/18 UTC. [TNX DL5EBE]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

#CQDX ---> The popular #CQDX chat  room for DXers has  a new address.  Please
reconfigure your  IRC client  to  connect to  irc.radiochat.org.  Information
about the  room  and software  configuration  instructions can  be  found  at
http://dx.qsl.net/cqdx [TNX N6RT]

DXCC NEWS ---> The 9U0X operation by Baldur, DJ6SI (September 2002) has  been
approved for DXCC credit.

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Please note that Bill,  K8ZBY is not and has never  been
the QSL manager for 9K2FM. 

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Mario, IK3HHX is receiving cards for D44TD. Please  note
that he is not the manager for this station (QSL via CT1EKF).

PIRATE ---> Alex, 5Z4DZ was spotted on 30 metres (CW) and 15 metres RTTY, but
30 metres are not allowed  in Kenya and  Alex has not  operated RTTY so  far.
Logs at http://www.qsl.net/5z4dz have been  updated and  now contain  14,728
QSOs through 13 October 2002 (14 UTC). QSL  via PA1AW, who reports he has  no
QSL backlog.

QSL L65W --->  The QSL manager  for the recent  operation from Leones  Island
(SA-065) is Claudio Fernandez, LU7DW. Please include 1 IRC or 2 US$ (one gren
stamp is not enough to cover the air mail postage from Argentina) for  direct
cards. E-mail requests for bureau cards  can be sent to  lu7dw@comnet.com.ar.
Claudio reports  that  he hopes  have  the QSLs  from  the printer  in  early

QSL XR3Z & CE3/NE4Z ---> Paul, K4FB (ex AJ4Y) was the QSL manager for  Steve,
XR3Z & CE3/NE4Z. Steve has been back from Chile for a few years, but is  once
again out of the country on assignment and Paul has neither the logs nor  the
QSL cards any longer.

QSL VIA HK3JJH  ---> Cards for  Pedro's operation as  HK3JJH/4 from  Titumate
(SA-093) should  be sent  direct only  to Pedro  J. Allina,  P.O. Box  81119,
Bogota, Colombia. Pedro would welcome some  help with the  high costs of  the
expedition when people send for QSLs. [TNX HK3JJH]

QSL VIA IK0FVC ---> Francesco, IK0FVC regrets being no longer able to confirm
contacts made with  HV4NAC prior to  31 January 1999,  as due  to a  computer
crash those log files are lost  and cannot be retrieved.  HV0A logs are  safe
and sound, as well as the logs for 1A0KM (but please note that he can confirm
QSOs made from 1994 onwards only). [TNX IK0FTA]

QSL VIA KJ4UY ---> Larry, KJ4UY/V47UY is  now back home and his Winter  Haven
address [425DXN 570] is no longer  valid. His current address is Lawrence  W.
Wolf, 3528 Oak Grove Court, Haines  City, Florida 33844-9298, USA. [TNX  OPDX

QSL VIA SP2PI ---> George, SP2PI says he is the QSL manager for the following
past, present and future activities:
SN0HQ - contest call for the HQ PZK (IARU Contests 2000, 2001, 2002, ecc)
SO2R  - new contest call for SP2FAX (to be used for the first time during the
         CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2002)
HF70M - special event call for SP2PMK (15 December 2002 - 15 March 2003)
HF2VL - special event call for SP2PI (February-March 2003)
Direct cards  should be  sent to  Jerzy H.  Wojniusz, Matejki  56/39,  87-100
Torun, Poland.

WABA DIRECTORY  ---> The  Diamond  DX Club  presented  the new  WABA  (Worked
Antarctic Bases Award)  e-Directory during the  HF-DX Convention in  Bologna.
The    web     version     is    available     on     the     DDXC's     site
(http://www.ddxc.net/directory/), the  paper version  (.pdf format)  will  be
downloadable starting  on 1  January 2003,  when  the new  Directory  becomes
effective. Due to the many changes  in the Antarctic  base listings, a  forum
has been opened  on the  web site  (click on  Forum in  the header  section):
please do *not* send your comments, questions etc. to the web master (Egidio,
IZ8BRI), but use the forum instead.

WAG CONTEST ---> The Worked All Germany  Contest will take place from 15  UTC
on 19  October through  14.59 UTC  on the  20th. You  have  to work  as  many
stations from Germany as possible on  each of the five traditonal bands.  The
complete rules are available at http://www.darchfdx.de [TNX DL1DTL]

+ SILENT KEY + Albert, LU6XQ and the GACW (Grupo Argentino de CW) reports the
sad news of the passing of Jorge Vrsalovich, LU7XP, on 12 October at 74 years
of age due to severe  heart problems. First  licenced in May  1949, he was  a
well-known DXer and a teacher for amateur radio operators in Argentina.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:      The logs  for the  recent activity  by  DL9HO/P and  DK1IP/P  from
            Nordstrandischmoor    Island    (EU-042)    are    available    at
            http://www.qsl.net/dl9ho/N25/N25.html [TNX DL9HO]
LOGS:      The log of the recent GB2IOM  activity from the Isle of Man  (IOTA
            EU-116) is now available at http://www.qsl.net/g0pse. [TNX G0PSE]
LOGS:      On-line logs and information on the recent LX/PA6Z can be found at
            http://www.pa6z.tk [TNX PA5RA]
ZL7C:      The web  site  for  the  current  operation  from  Chatham  is  at
            http://www.qsl.net/zl7c/ - it  includes logs  uploaded daily.  The
            group will be very  active in the  CQ WW DX  SSB Contest and  will
            close down immediately after the contest is finished. [TNX ZL2AL]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8/PA3GIO  PA3GIO      EZ11A       RU4SS       OH0B        OH2BH
3D2RW       ZL1AMO      EZ21A       RU4SS       OH0JV       DL7RV
3F8FDA      HP8AJT      EZ3A        RU4SS       OQ0LEF      ON4RU
3Z6V        SP6DVP      EZ56V       RU4SS       P29CC       K1WY
4D0MS       G3OCA       EZ75R       RU4SS       P29VR       W7LFA
4X6HP/P     EA7FTR      EZ8CW       RU4SS       R5CC        RW3RN
4Z5LA/p     4Z5LA       EZ8CW/3     RU4SS       RU1A        RU1AE
5H1HS       DL7VSN      EZ9A        RU4SS       S07L        EA4URE
5H3JD       DK9MA       F6REF       F2WS        S79W        DF8WS
5Z4DZ       PA1AW       FK8HW       VK4FW       S9YL        N4JR
6F1LM       XE bureau   FO0PT       DJ0FX       ST0F        ZS4TX
6J2Z        AC7DX       FO0SAI      JI1JKW      T88ME       7N1RTO
7Q7BP       G3MRC       GB2IOM      G0PSE       TA4ZT       DK1AR
8N1OGA      JA1MRM      GB2LBL      M0CMW       TG4/AC4LN   UA4WHX
8P6JQ       K9JJR       GB6CW       G4DFI       TG4/UA4WHX  UA4WHX
8P9/AC4LN   UA4WHX      GJ0WFH/P    G0DBX       TM2E        F8BPN
8P9BV       UA4WHX      GS2MP       N3SL        TM5BIB      F6KMF
8Q7QR       HB9BMY      GU4YWY/m    G4YWY       TM5SIA      F2WS
8R1/AC4LN   UA4WHX      H7/AC4LN    UA4WHX      TM8ZV       F5FAB
9H3JR       DJ0QJ       HG41FC      HA1VQ       TO8MZ       F6BLK
9H3SG       DJ4KW       HI8/AC4LN   UA4WHX      TP3CE       F6FQK
9J2BO       G3TEV       HK3JJH/4    HK3JJH      TT8FC       EA4AHK
9J2GM       PA3HHT      HK8RQS/P    EA5KB       TU2IG       F5IG
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      HP1/AC4LN   UA4WHX      TX0AT       IZ0CKJ
9M6A        N2OO        HP8/AC4LN   UA4WHX      UA0FDX      EA5OL
9M6AAC      N2OO        HR1RQF      EA7FTR      UA6QL       RW6HS
9N1HA       N5VL        HS4BPQ/9    E21EIC      UN3F        EA5KB
9N7ZK       SM4AIO      II6I        IK6LLE      V31BV       UA4WHX
9Y4/AC4LN   UA4WHX      IR2RES      IZ2DVI      VP2VE       WA2NHA
A25/PA3HHT  PA3HHT      J28UN       F8UNF       VP5FEB      KZ5RO
A35RK       W7TSQ       J43DIG      DJ8OT       VU4A        pirate
A61AJ       N4QB        J6/AC4LN    UA4WHX      XX9TEP      N1UR
A61X        N1DG        J73/AC4LN   UA4WHX      YA3GIB      pirate
AC4LN/6Y5   UA4WHX      J75EA       PA5ET       YA5T        KU9C
AC4LN/HH2   UA4WHX      J75ET       PA5ET       YI9OM       OM6TX
AC4LN/HR1   UA4WHX      J75PA       PA5ET       YN4SU       TI4SU
AC4LN/HR2   UA4WHX      J75WP       PA5ET       YP1W        YO3JW
AC4LN/J3    UA4WHX      J75ZH       PA5ET       YS1/AC4LN   UA4WHX
AC4LN/TI2   UA4WHX      J8/AC4LN    UA4WHX      Z2/PA3HHT   PA3HHT
AC5ML/p     AC5ML       JT1FDH      OE2CAL      Z22JE       KZ5RO
AY1ECZ      EA5KB       JW5NM       LA5NM       ZB2CN       DJ9WH
AY4EJ/D     LU4EJ       JY9QJ       DL5MBY      ZC4DW       G0DEZ
CA0YAM      CE1VLY      K6C         W1SRD       ZC4VG       G0UVX
CN2OA       F3OA        KH2GR       JF6BCC      ZD8Z        VE3HO
CN8UIT      CN8MC       KH6ND       K2PF        ZK1AKX      VE7XF
CP6AA       IK6SNR      KL7FAA      AC7DX       ZK1APM      AA7PM
CQ0BWW      CT1BWW      L59DA       AC7DX       ZK1ASQ      W7TSQ
CW60F       CX3FH       LQ7D        AC7DX       ZK1DKF      SM7DKF
D2BB        W3HNK       LU7JA       WD9EWK      ZK1EQL      SM7EQL
DX0L        G3OCA       MB2HFC      G4BWP       ZK1MA       W7TSQ
DZ1MS       G3OCA       MD3LCR/P    M3LCR       ZK1TTG      KT7G
E5DX        pirate      MI0SDX      M0SDX       ZK1VVV      W7VV
EO5GKU      UR0GK       N6DE        W1SRD       ZK2MO       OM2SA
ER8C        ER1DA       OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN       ZL3/N2WB    N2OO
EX8MLS      DL4YFF      OD5PL       HB9CRV      ZL7C        ZL4HU
EZ10A       RU4SS       OD5UT       K3IRV       ZW5B        W3HC

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AC7DX   Ron G. Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA
EA5KB   Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain
EA7FTR  Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain
F8UNF   Vincent Charles, P.O. Box 12, 54760 Leyr, France
G3MRC   Brian J. Poole, 18, Grosvenor Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcs., DY10
         1SS, England
G3OCA   Ken Frankcom, 1 Chesterton Road, Spondon, Derby DE21 7EN, England
G4DFI   Owen Cross, 28 Garden Avenue, Bexleyheath, Kent DA7 4LF, England
IZ0CKJ  Alessio Roma, Via Sterparo 43, 03023 Ceccano -FR, Italy
IZ2DVI  Marco Gemelli, Via Roma 53, 21030 Marzio - VA, Italy
JA1MRM  Saburo Asano, 3-26-8 Toyotamakita, Nerima, Tokyo, 176-0012 Japan
JA4GXS  Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cho, Yamaguchi-city, 753-0038 Japan
KU9C    Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 31, Morristown, NJ 07963-0031, USA
LU4EJ   Mariano Viva, Independencia 1193, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina
N2OO    Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA
OM2SA   George Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Slovakia
PA1AW   Alex van Hengel, De Manning 15, 2995AE Heerjansdam, The Netherlands
PA3GIO  Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands
PA5ET   Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands
RK1PWA  Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
RU4SS   Konstantin Vakhonin, P.O. Box 57, Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Russia
SM7DKF  Ronnie Nilsson, V. Haggviksvagen 12, SE-236 32 Hollviken, Sweden
SM7EQL  Bengt Falkenberg, Blomstervagen 6, SE-225 93 Lund, Sweden
SP6DVP  Krzysztof Bieniewski, P.O.Box 2110, PL 45-246 Opole 15 ZWM, Poland
UA4WHX  Vladimir M. Bykov, P.O. Box 2040, 426000 Izhevsk, Russia
VE3HO   Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada
VE7XF   Ralph Parker, 5330 Wallace Ave. Delta, BC, V4M 1A1, Canada
VK4FW   Bill Horner, P.O. Box 1343,, Maroochydore, 4558, Australia
YO3JW   Fenyo Stefan Pit, P.O. Box 19-43, RO-74400 Bucuresti 19, Romania
Z32XX   Dragan Davkovski, P.O. Box 15, 2000 Stip, Macedonia
ZL4HU   Ken Holdom, P.O. Box 7, Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org 


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