DX425 bulletin issue nr. 595

   28 September 2002                                             No 595
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

4X      - Alex, 4Z5KJ (UA0ZY) and Dov, 4Z4DX report they plan to operate from
           Eilat Marina Lighthouse (ISR-007) until 28 September in their local
5H      - Harald, DL7VSN reports he will be active again from Zanzibar Island
           (AF-032) on 3-22 October.  In 1997 he  operated as 5H1/DL7VSN,  but
           now he will be signing 5H1HS on 10-80 metres (maybe also 160m) with
           100 watts and dipoles. His favourite modes are CW and RTTY. QSL via
           home call either direct (qrz.com) or  through the bureau. Logs  and
           pictures will be available at
5Z      - Alex, 5Z4DZ looks for USA on  80 metres from  two hours before  his
           sunrise at 02.00 UTC until just after sunrise when he has to run to
           work. During his sunset looks for  Asia and Europe  but the QRN  is
           still high at that time. Please note that he is not allowed to work
           160, 30 and 6 metres. Log  search at http://www.qsl.net/5z4dz/  QSL
           via PA1AW. [TNX PA1AW]
9A      - Kresimir, 9A7K plans to be active from several Croatian islands and
           lighthouses between 27 September and 5 October. He will operate  as
           9A7K/p and 9A0LH from the lighthouses. He expects to be active from
           IOTA EU-170  (Babac, Kosara  and Pasman  islands) EU-016  (Brusnik,
           Jabuka, Svetac  and  Vis islands)  and  EU-136 (Cres,  Krk,  Prvic,
           Susak, Sveti  Marko,  Trstenik and  Zeca  islands).  QSL  via  9A7K
           (Kresimir Juratovic,  P.O.Box  88, HR-48001  Koprivnica,  Croatia).
           [TNX W9DC]
9A     - Peter, DL4AMK reports he will be active  (on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20  and
          40 metres SSB) as 9A/DL4AMK from Sv. Ivan na Pucini Island (EU  110,
          IOCA CI-113) and lighthouse  (WLH 0036, CLH  145) on 12-18  October.
          QSL via DL4AMK either dircet or through the bureau.
9V     - After a long wait, Sasi, 9V1SM  is QRV from  Singapore on all  bands
          from 40 through 6 metres, mainly SSB. If all goes well, he plans  to
          commence his PSK  31 operations in  a month's time.  QSL via  W3HNK.
          [TNX 9V1SM]
BY     - The BI7DX DXpedition to  AS-139, originally planned  to start on  27
          September [425DXN 594], has been delayed due to weather  conditions.
          [TNX BA7JA]
C5     - C56R is the call Juha, OH9MM  and his friends  will be using  during
          their 20 November-1 December operation from The Gambia [425DXN 587].
          Look for C53M during the CQ  WW DX CW Contest.  The QSL manager  for
          this trip will be OH3RM. [TNX OZ6OM]
C6     - Magnolia DX Association members Randy/W5UE, Stan/K5NY, Bernie/KK5EW,
          Joe/N5ID and Terry/W8JE will be active  (on on 10-160 metres CW  and
          SSB) as homecall/C6A from Treasure Cay, Abaco Island (NA-080) in the
          Bahamas on 21-28 October. They will participate in the CQ WW DX  SSB
          Contest as C6ARB  (Multi-Two). QSL  for C6ARB  via W5UE,  individual
          team member activity via home calls. [TNX W5UE]
CT3    - Ben, DJ8FW will be active again as CT3AS from Madeira (AF-014)  from
          29 September to 11 October. He plans to operate CW, RTTY, PSK31  and
          some SSB. QSL via DJ8FW. [TNX NG3K]
F      - Dom, F5SJB will be active again as TM5CW (France) on 11-25 November,
          including an entry in  the CQ WW  DX CW Contest.  QSL via home  call
          either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5SJB]
HC8    - Mike, G4IUF will be vacationing in Ecuador on 2-29 October and plans
          to operate (licence to be issued upon arrival, requested call HC8UF)
          from San Cristobal  Island, Galapagos (SA-004)  on 5-23 October.  He
          plans to operate SSB (28477, 24947, 21277, 18137, 14197, 7047,  3797
          and 1847  kHz) and  CW (28017,  24897, 21007,  18077, 14007,  10107,
          7007, 3507 and 1827 kHz), but this will a low key operation, as Mike
          and his wife "want to see lots of the wildlife". [TNX G4IUF]
I      - Look for Alberto, IT9MRM to be active (on 10, 15 and 20 metres  SSB,
          between 8 and 14 UTC) as  IF9/IT9MRM/p from the lighthouse at  Punta
          Sottile (WAIL SI-024) on Favignana Island (EU-054, IIA TP-011) on  1
          October. QSL via IT9MRM. [TNX IK1NLZ]
I      - Special call IU7LE will be aired from ARI Lecce during the  weekends
          in October to  celebrate the 75th  anniversary of  ARI, the  Italian
          amateur radio IARU society. QSL via  I7PXV either direct or  through
          the bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
I      - Look for scout station IR2RES to  be active on 19-20 October  during
          the annual  Jamboree On  The Air  (http://www.scout.org/jota/).  The
          special call is for commemorating Ettore  Rattellini, amateur  radio
          operator (I2EAR)  and scout.  QSL via  IZ2DVI either  direct  (Marco
          Gemelli, Via  Roma 53,  21030 Marzio  - VA,  Italy) or  through  the
          bureau.    The    web    page    for    this    activity    is    at
          http://www.qsl.net/iz2dvi/activity/jota2002/jota02.htm  [TNX  IK2IWU
          and IZ2DVI]
JA     - JQ1QFO/1 and  7N1NAI/1 had  to cancel  their operation  from  AS-043
          [425DXN 593], originally planned for 28-29 September. [TNX The Daily
JX     - LA9DL, LA6VM  and LA7XK  will be  active as  JW5X from  Longyearbyen
          (EU-026) Svalbard on 27-29 September. They  will participate in  the
          Scandinavia Activity Contest (SAC) SSB [TNX The Daily DX]
KH0    - Walter, KH2/KF2XN expects to go  on a side  trip to Saipan  (OC-086)
          [425DXN 594] and operate  as KH0/KF2XN during  the weekend. He  will
          try to be as active as possible on as many bands as possible, mainly
          SSB. QSL for either KH2/KF2XN and KH0/KF2XN via W2GR (Mike Benjamin,
          1064 99th Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14304, USA). [TNX W2GR]
LU     - LU1AEE, LU2WD, LU5WF, LU5WR, LU6WBH, LU7DW,  LU8WFY and LW8EXF  will
          be active as L65W  from the lighthouse  (ARG-071) located on  Leones
          Island (SA-065) on 11-13 October  (if all goes  well, as landing  on
          this island is "very difficult"). [TNX LU7DW]
PJ2    - Joeke, PA0VDV  will  be active  again  as  PJ2/PA0VDV  from  Curacao
          (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles  from 10 November  to 2 December.  He
          will operate CW only on 80-10  metres, with an emphasis on the  WACR
          bands. He does not plan to participate  in the CQ WW DX CW  Contest.
          QSL via home call either direct (Joeke van der Velde, Delleburen  1,
          8421 RP Oldeberkoop,  The Netherlands) or  through the bureau.  [TNX
PY_ssh - Oleg (UA1PBA),  one of  the operators  at Russian  research  station
          "Bellingshausen" (R1ANF,  WABA  UA-04),  confirms  he  will  try  to
          operate as R1ANF/p from "Padre Balduino Rambo" refuge [425DXN  591].
          Established in  1985/85  and located  on  Fildes Peninsula  of  King
          George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010),  this Brazilian refuge  has
          never been activated on the amateur  radio bands and  will be a  new
          one for the WABA programme. [TNX DL5EBE]
S0     - Luis/XE1L, Bela/N8SHZ, Fernando/EA1BT, Xevi/EA3BTD, Jose/EA4BPJ  and
          Julio/EA5XX will be  active as  S07L from Bir Lehlu, Western  Sahara
          from 9  October until  local sunrise  of the  13th. They  expect  to
          operate 24 hours a day on  6-40 metres (possibly 80 metres as  well)
          SSB, RTTY and PSK31 with some CW.  They will use dipoles for the  HF
          bands and a 3-element yagi for 6 metres. The pilot for the operation
          will be Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM (ea5rm@ure.es). QSL via EA4URE. Logs
          will be  available after  the  operation at  http://www.ure.es  [TNX
          EA5XX and EA5RM]
S7     - Serge, EX0M will operate as S79W  from Mahe (AF-024), Seychelles  on
          6-12 October. QSL via DF8WS. [TNX NG3K]
SV     - Terry, M0CLH  will  be  active  as  SV8/M0CLH/P  from  Samos  Island
          (EU-049) on 3-17  October. This will  be a  QRP 'holiday'  operation
          with dipoles for 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via home call  direct
          or through the bureau. [TNX M0CLH]
SV     - Wolfram, DL3HWD reports he will operate (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres
          CW) as J43DIG from near Kalamata on 3-15 October. QSL via DL3HWD.
TI     - A large group  of operators  from Canada  and the  US (namely  AC8G,
          and WA8LOW) will be active from near San Jose, Costa Rica for a week
          beginning  23  October.  The  principal  activity   will  be  as   a
          multi-multi entry  in the  CQ WW  SSB contest  using TI5N  (QSL  via
          W3HNK) from the mega station  QTH of Keko,  TI5KD. Before and  after
          the contest, the group expects  to have activity  on all bands  from
          160 to 6  metres using a  variety of modes  to include PSK31.  Calls
          used will be TI5/homecall with the  QSL route being the homecall  or
          as announced. [TNX AC8G]
TT8    - Pascal, F5PTM got  his TT8ZZ  licence on  24 september  and will  be
          active from  Chad until  early December.  He  will operate  on  80-6
          metres mostly CW. QSL via home call. [TNX F5LEN]
UA     - Andy, UA1PBP/9  will  be active  again  from the  polar  station  on
          Marresal'skie Koshki Island (AS-089) for about one month starting on
          24 September. His next assignment  after that will  be at the  polar
          station Fedorov on  Vaygach Island  (EU-086). QSL  via RK1PWA.  [TNX
VE     - A large group  of operators  (namely VE3BY,  VE3DXE, VE3CBA,  VE3RS,
          VE3KJS, VA3TSG, G3SXE, K8DD, AC8W, N8RA and NB1B) will operate  from
          Zone 2 on  21-31 October. Before  the contest they  will be  signing
          CJ2KCE, CJ2BY and CJ2SRE, while the special VC2C call (commemorating
          the 100th anniversary of the completion of the Trans-Pacific  Cable,
          http://www.pacific-cable.org) will be used during  and after the  CQ
          WW DX SSB Contest. Before and after the contest they will operate on
          2 and 6 metres, Satellite, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV, CW and WARC bands. QSL
          CJ2BY via VE3BY, CJ2SRE via VE3SRE, CJ2KCE via VA2KCE. QSL VC2C  via
          NB1B or VE3TPZ, either direct or  through the bureau (stations  from
          the  US  and   Canada  are  requested   to  use   NB1B  and   VE3TPZ
          respectively). The website for the  operation is under  construction
          at  http://www.QSL.net/teamzone2;  sked  requests  are  welcome   at
          TeamZone2@QSL.net [TNX NB1B]
ZK1    - Roger/W7VV  (ZK1VVV),  Bob/W7TSQ   (ZK1ASQ),  John/AA7PM   (ZK1APM),
          Ralph/VE7XF (ZK1AKX) and Rick/KT7G (ZK1TTG) will be active (on 6-160
          metres CW, SSB and RRTY) from Manihiki (OC-014), North Cook  Islands
          on 17-31 October. QSL via home  calls. They will join Tuatai,  ZK1MA
          and participate in the CQ WW  SSB Contest as ZK1MA (QSL via  W7TSQ).
          Most of the operators  will then move  to Rarotonga (OC-013),  South
          Cook Islands and  be active from  there on 1-12  November. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
ZK2    - Mike, KM9D and Janet,  KF4TUG will be  active as respectively  ZK2MO
          (CW) and  ZK2TO  (SSB) from  Niue  Island (OC-040)  starting  on  28
          September for  some ten  days. QSL  via OM2SA  (George Sipos,  93013
          Trhova Hradska 550, Slovakia). [TNX OM2SA]
ZS     - Barry, ZS1FJ reports  that his  ZS23I activity  from AF-077  [425DXN
          589] has been delayed. He now plans  to start on 3 October around  8
          UTC on +/- 18160 kHz.
ZS_ant - Anton, ZS7/ZS4AGA expects to operate from  "E-Base" (WABA ZS-04)  on
          the Fimbul Ice Shelf in late November. He is currently stationed  at
          "SANAE  IV"  (WABA  ZS-03,  the  South  African  Antarctic  base  at
          Vesleskarvet, Queen Maud Land) and will be on 21275 kHz next  Monday
          at 17 UTC for the Antarctica Net. [TNX DL5EBE]

CQ/RJ WW DX RTTY CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their
participation in this year's event:
8P  - Dean, 8P6SH as 8P2K (SOAB or SOSB 15 metres). QSL via KU9C.
9A  - 9A2EU, 9A4KJ and 9A5MR as 9A7T (Multi-Single, low power) QSL via 9A2EU.
HC  - Jorge, HC1JQ as SOSB (10 metres). QSL via home call.
HC8 - N5KO and others as HC8N (Multi-Multi)  from the Galapagos Islands.  QSL
       via W5UE.
HP  - DJ7AA, DL4LQM, DL5LYM and HP1XVH as  H8A (Multi-Single) from  Contadora
       Island (NA-072), Panama. QSL via DL6MYL.
HS  - Champ, E21EIC as SOSB. QSL direct or bureau.
KH0 - JA2VUP as AH0B (SOAB) from Saipan. QSL via home call.
LX  - Robert, LX1RQ as LX5A (SOAB LP). QSL via LX1RQ.
P4  - Jacobo, P43P from Aruba (SOAB). QSL via I2MQP.
R2  - A group of operators from Kaliningrad as RW2F. QSL via DK4VW.
SV  - Savas, SV2AEL as SW2A (SOAB). QSL via home call.
SV9 - Uli, DJ9XB as J49XB from Crete.
UA  - UA1AKC, UA1ARX, RW1AC, RV1AW, RN1AM and RA1ACJ as RU1A  (Multi/Single).
       QSL via RU1AE or bureau.
ZC4 - ZC4DW (U.K. Bases on Cyprus) as either SOAB or SOSB. QSL via G0DEZ.
[TNX NG3K, The Daily DX, OPDX Bulletin and others]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

EU SPRINT  ---> The  European Sprint  Autumn Contests  will take  place on  5
October (SSB) and  12 October (CW),  from 15 to  18.59 UTC on  20, 20 and  80
metres (pilot frequencies are: 14250, 7050 and 3730 SSB; 14040, 7025 and 3550
CW). For  further  information  please  visit  the  EU  Sprint  web  site  at

GB50 ---> The  two awards associated  with the GB50  station that was  active
from Windsor Castle in June 2002  have now been  received from the  printers.
Clare RS102891, the Golden Jubilee Awards Manager, is dealing with claims  in
the order that  they were received.  The first batch  of awards have  already
been  posted.  Full  details  of  the  awards,  and  a  claim  form,  are  at
http://www.gb50.com or www.cvrs.org for  anyone who has  still to apply.  The
GB50 QSL card will be available soon  and Owen, G4DFI (the GB50 QSL  Manager)
hopes to be in a position to start replying to cards in about ten days.  [TNX

QSL 9L1BTB ---> The correct QSL route is (it has been since 25 November 2001)
via SP7BTB, not SP7CDG.

QSL ER1CW  ---> Effective  immediately, W4FOA  will  be handling  direct  QSL
management responsibilities for ER1CW. Cards should  be sent to Tony  Martin,
1801 Grand Center Road, Chickamauga, GA 30707-1878, USA. Bureau cards  should
still be sent to ER1CW via the ER bureau. [TNX W4FOA]

QSL GB0KJW ---> This call was used by David/G0EVV, Terry/G0OWE and Bill/G4ADD
from Longstone, Farne Islands (EU-109) on 21 September to celebrate the  life
of the late Eric Brown (G0KJW) and his wide contribution to both the IOTA and
IOSA programmes. QSL via the RSGB Bureau or direct to G0OWE. [TNX K5MK]

QSL KG4 ---> Guantanamo (KG4) does not have a QSL bureau and all cards should
be sent direct or via a manager. Bill, W4WX is the QSL manager only for KG4GC
(his old call) , KG4DX (his present call since September 2001), KG4PK, KG4WD,
KG4KD, KG4FD, KG4AU, KG4JY, and KG4CQ. Bill has the GTMO data base of  issued
calls; those who  need assistance in  locating a QSL  route can  send him  an
e-mail at w4wx@bellsouth.net

QSL KH2/JA1HGY  --->  Nao  operated as  KH2/JA1HGY  on  13-16  September  and
welcomes bureau card requests to be sent to ja1hgy@jarl.com [TNX JA1HGY]

QSL XW1LLR --->  Champ, E21EIC  now has  the logs  and all  the QSL  requests
received by Larry, XW1LLR so far.  Cards will be printed within late  October
and Champ expects to start sending them  out in November. QSL should be  sent
to E21EIC  either direct  (Champ C.  Muangamphun,  P.O. Box  1090,  Kasetsart
University, Bangkok 10903, Thailand) or through the RAST Bureau.

VI3JPI ---> The  VI3JPI (http://www.qrz.com/vi3jpi) team  reached Lady  Julia
Percy Island (OC-251) by helicopter,  which was far  more expensive than  the
planned boat. "The problem is", VK3QI  reports, "that the  boat would not  go
until earliest Monday,  due to the  Bass Strait swell  from the Low  Pressure
south of Tasmania, so many IOTA chasers would have missed out, as  operations
would have  been  on weekdays,  not  the weekend".  Any  donations  would  be
gratefully accepted towards the cost of  the transportation. QSL via  VK3KXG.

WAE SSB ---> Ferdi, XQ5SM (Chairman  of the Southern Cross DX Group)  reports
the following SCDXG members were  active during the  recent WAE SSB  Contest:
CE8EIO (SOHP), CE4EBJ (SOHP),  CE4U (SOLP, operated  by CE4USW), CE4P  (SOLP,
operated by  CE4PBB), CE4EM  (SOLP).  QSL via  home  calls either  direct  or
through the bureau.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:   On-line  logs  for  R1ANF/HF0POL  [425DXN   593]  are  available   at
         http://www.sq5ta.ats.pl/logs/search.html [TNX SQ5TA]
ST0F:   Bruce, WD4NGB has put together a web page for William, ZS5WC/ST0F
         at http://www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/st0f.htm [TNX The Daily DX]
ZL7:    The web site for the 17-28 October operation from the Chatham Islands
         [425DXN 591] is at http://www.qsl.net/zl7c [TNX ZL2ARN]

QSLs received  direct:  3B9FR, 3D2CI,  3D2CW,  3D2RW, 3DA0TM,  3V8BB,  3V8KO,
3XA8DX, 3XY8A, 4W6GH,  5B4/AI5P, 5W0DL,  5W0TR, 5Z4DZ,  9H1PF, 9J2CA,  9K2AI,
9M6CT, 9N7RB,  9Q1A, 9Q1YL,  9V1YC, AI5P/CY9,  AP2ARS, BQ9P,  C56JJ,  CA0YAM,
ER6A, ER7HQ, FK8HW,  FP/AI5P, HL0Y/3 (AS-080),  HP2CWB, JT1BV, JT1CO,  JW0HS,
JW5NW, K1B, LA4WKA (EU-055),N6XIV/KH9, OH2U/P  (EU-097), OJ0LA, OJ0U,  OJ0VR,
P29SS, P3F, PW0T, PY2XU/P (SA-024), RA1QQ/1  (EU-161), RU0B (AS-057),  S21YH,
S92SS, S9LA, S9SS, SU60WW, T25A, T2DA, T88DX, T93M/HI9, T94DO, T94MZ,  TJ1GD,
TT8DX, UA0FF  (AS-018),  UN7QX,  UX3FW/p  (EU-182),V73MJ,  VE7DP/1  (NA-091),
VK9CI, VK9LO,  VK9ML, VK9XB,  VK9XV, VP6DI,  XF1DN (NA-163),  XR2D  (SA-086),
XX9TXW, XZ1DB, XZ2ST, YA5T, YI9OM, YJ0AHK  (OC-035), YJ0AXC (OC-104),  YL4HQ,
YN4SU, ZB3A,ZD8Z, ZK1SCQ (OC-124), ZW5T (SA-026), ZX5J.

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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