21 September 2002 No 594 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3X & 6W - Francois, VE2XO will be active again as 3XY6A from Conakry, Guinea on 22-25 September; he might also operate as 6W1RT from Dakar, Senegal on 26-27 September. He will concentrate on RTTY with some SSB; main activity on 20, 17 and 15 metres. QSL via home call (Francois Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe, Montreal QC H3T 1L4, Canada). [TNX VE2XO] 9A - Tom, 9A2AA and Neno, 9A7N plan to operate as 9A2AA/P and 9A7N/P from Sestrica Island (EU-170, IOCA CI-103) and Lighthouse (WLH LH-1084, ARLHS CRO-015) on 21 September, starting around 12 UTC. [TNX VA3RJ] 9A - Mauro/9A2PU and Boro/9A3KB will be active (on all bands, 6 metres included) from Veli Brijun Island (EU-110, IOCA CI-139) on 28-29 September. They will operate from a location close to the lighthouse at Cape Pinida (LH-1651, CRO-010). [TNX 9A6AA] 9Q - Pat, F6BLQ/9Q1A reports the following licences have been extended through 31 December 2002: 9Q0AR (ARAC), 9Q1YL (Nicole), 9Q1MM (Jean-Philippe), 9Q1KS (Cyprien) and 9Q1A (Pat himself). Three new callsigns have been allocated: 9Q0HQ (ARAC), 9Q1DM (David Mewa) and 9S1X (Pat). Documentation is being sent to the DXCC Desk. For further information please visit http://www.qsl.net/f6blq 9Q - Ed, ON7UN will be in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi (D.R. of Congo) in late September/early October for two or three weeks and expect to operate with a 9Q5 call TBA. He will also visit Brazzaville (Congo, TN) and see if he can operate from there. For the next six months will be visiting Gabon, Kenia, Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique. QSL via ON4ACA either direct or through the bureau. [TNX ON4ACA] BY - Two groups of operators from four different Chinese provinces will operate as BI7DX from Weizhou Island (AS-139) from 27 September to 4 October. The first group (including Alan/BA1DU, Zhang/BA6AP, Terry/BA7NQ, Liao/BA7QT, Chen/BD7NI, Wu/BD7QY, Li/BG7IEE and Liu/BG7OH) expect to be QRV at 8 UTC on 27 September. The second group (including Ken/BA1AJ, Jerry/BA1FB, Qin/BA1KA, Fan/BA1RB, Xiang/BD1CC and Liu BG1DO) will arrive on 2 October. Three stations equipped with two Yagis, one vertical antenna and two linear amplifiers will be used on 10-40 metres SSB and CW. QSL via BA1DU (P.O.Box 8091, Beijing 100088, China). [TNX BA1DU] DU - Ken, G3OCA reports that the timetable of his IOTA operation from the Philippines [425DXN 571] has been changed and that the activity from OC-175 (Sarangani Islands) has been cancelled. He now plans to leave the UK on 3 October and to operate from OC-235 (6-10 October), OC-120 (11-16 October) and OC-126 (17-20 October). Different special call signs will be used from each island. A number of local operators, including the primary DU coordinator DU1MS and 4F2KWT, will be joining the team on each island. Propagation forecasts have been prepared to try to ensure that the best use is made of openings to Europe and East Coast USA. QSLs via G3OCA either direct or through the RSGB bureau (direct cards from Russian stations should be sent to UA4SKW). EA - A group of operators will be active from Tabarca Island (EU-093, DIE E-006) on 28-29 September. Depending on the various locations os the island, they will sign ED5TII (main station), ED5TIC, ED5TIM and ED5TIF (from the lighthouse). QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX EA7HBC] EY - Dany, F5CW is currently in Tadjikistan; he received his EY8/F5CW licence on 19 Septembre and hopes to be allowed to install an antenna at the hotel. The licence expires on 30 November. [TNX La Gazette du DX] FO_aus - Silvano, I2YSB and Adriano, IK2GNW will operate as FO/I2YSB/p and FO/IK2GNW/p from Rurutu (OC-050), Austral Islands on 17-28 October. While there they will try to operate also from Maria Island (OC-???). QSL via home call. The web page for the operation is at http://digilander.libero.it/i2ysb [TNX I2YSB] I - Vincenzo, IT9NVA reports he plans to operate from the lighthouse at Capo Santa Croce (WAIL SI-007) on 21 September in the morning. I - Look for IT9MRM/9 to be active on 40-10 metres SSB from the lighthouse at Punta San Raineri (WAIL SI-002, ARLHS ITA-143) on 23-27 September. QSL direct only to IT9MRM. [TNX VA3RJ] IS0 - Giovanni, IZ2DPX reports he will be active as IS0/IZ2DPX/p and/or IS0/IZ2DPX/m from Baia Sardinia (EU-025, IIA SD-001) from 28 September to 5 October. He will operate on 10, 15, 17, 20 and 6 metres (from JN41RD). QSL via IK2DUW. KC4_ant - KC4AAC (Skip) is currently active from US Antarctic station "Palmer" (WABA K-10) located on Anvers Island (AN-012). Reportedly he should be there until October. Look for him around 14243 kHz typically between 01.00 UTC and 02.30 UTC. QSL via K1IED. KH2 - Walt, KF2XN is currently active as KH2/KF2XN from Guam (OC-026) [425DXN 593] and is now expected to be heading for the Northern Marianas (KH0) within a couple of weeksfor "extensive operations". QSL via W2GR. [TNX N5FPW] KH6 - Hiro, JA5XAE has cancelled his 22-26 September operation from Hawaii [425DXN 591]. LA - Rag, LA6FJA will be operate as LN1HQ (NRRL club station) during this weekends' SAC (Scandinavia Activity Contest) CW. Next week LN1HQ will participate in the CQ/RJ WW DX RTTY Contest, possibly as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL for these activities only via bureau to LA6FJA. [TNX LA6FJA] OZ - Look for Peter, OZ/DL4FCH to be active from Romo Island (EU-125, DIA NS-001) from 28 September to 4 October. He plans to operate on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres CW. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. Logs will be available at http://www.niksch.de/dl4fch [TNX DL4FCH] TK - Rudy/OM3PC and Miro/OM5RW will be active (on 160-10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) as TK/OM3PC/p and TK/OM5RW/p from Corsica (EU-014) on 22-30 September. They will participate in the CQ WW DX RTTY Contest as a Multi-Single entry. [TNX OM5RW] UR_ant - Those who are looking for Alex, EM1KGG [425DXN 592] at "Akademik Vernadsky" station (WABA UR-01, IOTA AN-006) may want to try around 18.00 - 18.30 UTC on +/- 21200 kHz on Saturdays and Sundays (when Alex has skeds with Paul, UT1KY). QSL via UT7UA. [TNX UT7WZA] VE - Nenad, VE3EXY will operate as VE3EXY/2 from Zone 2 from around 22 UTC on 27 September to around 13 UTC on 2 October, CQ/RJ WW DX RTTY Contest included. Look for him on CW (3510, 7010, 10107, 14025, 18077, 21025, 24897 and 28025 kHz) and RTTY (14090, 21090 and 28090 kHz). QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. VK - Paul, VK3KXG reports that VI3JPI is the special callsign issued to the 27-30 September operation [425DXN 593] from Lady Julia Percy Island (OC-???). QSL direct only to VK3KXG (Paul Stampton, 69-71 Brown Street, Leongatha, Victoria, Australia 3953). VK - Johan, PA3EXX reports he will operate as VK4WWI Woody Wallis Island in the Queensland State (Gulf of Carpentaria) North group (OC-???) on 6-10 November. He will then move to Turtle Head (OC-187) and be active on 11-12 November. QSL via PA3EXX either direct (Johan Willemsen, Belmolendijk 12, 1693 DJ Wervershoof, The Netherlands) or through the bureau. Further information is available at http://home.tiscali.nl/~su042021 W - Tony, WF1N and Lou, W1DIG have to cancel their 20-23 September trip [425DXN 589] to Appledore Island (NA-217) because of boat connection problems. They will not be able to reschedule the trip in 2002. [TNX WF1N] ZS - Rudi, ZS6DX reports he will operate special event station ZS02AM until 22 September. The event is "Africa Militair", an airshow and arms exibition at Waterkloof airbase in Pretoria. QSL via ZS6DX, direct or via the bureau. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH THE SONSOROL HAM RADIO PROJECT ---> The Sonsorol Ham Radio Project is collecting funds to teach radio fundamentals to local children and to build a local station thanks to rev. Bill Burton, T88SI and Governor Laura Ierago. You can contribute donating money, used equipment, books, antennas, keys, QRP kits or buying the T88SI video (20 minutes VHS-PAL), including small souvenir from Sonsorol. 10$ will be donated to the fund for every video sold. A video clip is available at http://www.sonsorol.com/ham_radio/index_eng.htm, where donors will be listed. Please contact Maury, IZ1CRR (i121171@425dxn.org) for price details. 425DXN - PORTUGUESE VERSION ---> Paulo Pinto, CT1ETE has been unable to edit the Portuguese language version of 425 DX News for some time due to an hard disk crash. He says he "will update the Portuguese version as soon as possible beginning with the most recent one and trying to recover the older ones". DXCC NEWS ---> Bill Moore, NC1L (ARRL DXCC Manager) reports the following operations are approved for DXCC credit: Afghanistan - YA/G0TQJ (30 April - 11 July 2002) Myanmar - XY3C, XY5T, XY7V, XY0TA, XY4KQ and XY3EZ (1-25 August 2002) Yemen - 7O/OH2YY: the DXCC Desk has received evidence that the Yemen operation by Pekka Ahlqvist, OH2YY in May 2002 was conducted with written, government approval. Credit for QSOs with 7O/OH2YY between 4 and 11 May 2002 (inclusive) will be given effective immediately. As far as 7O1YGF is concerned, no evidence traceable to the Yemeni government has been received by the DXCC Desk to date. DXCC credit for this operation will be given only after such evidence has been presented to ARRL. IOTW ---> John, WD8MGQ reporst that the Island On The Web forums are back on line at the following URLs: Skeds and Rumors http://www.islandchaser.com/cgi-bin/Skeds/skeds.pl General IOTA forum http://www.islandchaser.com/cgi-bin/General/general.pl IOTA contest forum http://www.islandchaser.com/cgi-bin/Contest/contest.pl Unfortunately, the provider lost all the email addresses, so everyone needs to subscribe again. PIRATE ---> Toru, JR3QHQ reports that the station signing 7Q7YE on 15 September (20m CW, with QSL via JR3QHQ) was a pirate. PIRATE? ---> DU2/DU8ARK was reported being active from OC-092 on 30 metres. Joe, I2YDX (the QSL manager for DU8ARK) says that Dan does not operate CW and is believed to be in Manila. QSL HK3JJH ---> Pedro reminds DXers and IOTA enthusiasts that he is not a member of the Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados and cannot receive bureau cards. QSLs should be sent direct only to Pedro J. Allina, P.O. Box 81119, Bogota, Colombia. QSL ZC4ATC ---> During his recent trip to Cyprus, Alan/G3PMR was able to operate ZC4ATC for about one hour (about 85 QSOs). For some reason in the past QSLs for ZC4RAF and ZC4ATC were sent to him, but Alan is not and has never been the QSL manager for these stations. To avoid further confusion as a result of last week's operation, please note that the correct QSL manager for ZC4ATC is 5B4YX, including the QSOs Alan made on 12 September 2002. QSL MANAGER NEEDED ---> The following stations from Z3 are looking for a QSL manager: Z31DX, Z32AF, Z32AM, Z32RS, Z33A, Z33AA, Z340FAD, Z350AM, Z350DX, Z350FAD, Z37FAD, Z39Z, Z30Z and in the near future also Z32AY and Z34NO. Volunteers are invited to get in touch with Z32AF at either z32af@mt.net.mk or or z32af@contesting.info QSL VIA WB2RAJ ---> WB2RAJ is the QSL manager for the following stations: EM3W, FK5DX, FK8GM, J39BW, LZ2TU (for 1993 only), ST2/G4OJW, ST2AA (through February 1995 only), ST0K and UZ3AYR. He is *not* the manager for ST2SA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: Logs and further information on Alex, 5Z4DZ are available at http://www.qsl.net/5z4dz LOGS: Logs and pictures of the 31 August IK1AWV/P activity from Porto Maurizio Lighthouse (WAIL LI-002) are available at http://www.arimperia.net/A_faro.htm LOGS: Pictures and in the near future the logs for the recent operation from the Cheradi Islands (IJ7) can be found at http://www.aritaranto.it/vherdi-2002 [TNX IZ7AUH] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B8/IZ4DPV IZ4DPV ED5URX EA5AHC ST0/ST2SA/p pirate 3D2VS F6KHM EZ8AQ UA3TT ST0F ZS5WC 3D2ZJ JA3EZJ FK8GJ F6CXJ SZ8LH SV8DTD 3W2RQH HL0RQH GB2FB G4DFI T88CM JA6CM 3Z0AK SP8BJH H8A DL6MYL T88SM JA6EGL 3Z0RG SP6ZDA HJ0QGL N0JT TL8DV W3MC 4L1MA ON4RU HS0/OZ1HET OZ1ACB TM1MAN F8CSD 4S7CHG JR3QHQ HS0ZAR K3ZO TM8CDX F5CQ 4S7DBG JR3QHQ HZ1DX N3LDY TT8DX F5OGL 4S7FAG JR3QHQ HZ1MD PA2VST TT8FC EA4AHK 4S7GGG JR3QHQ IA5/IK5PWQ IK5PWQ UA6QR RW6HS 4S7GXG JR3QHQ II1VE IK1AWV UA6WIL RW6HS 4S7IJG JR3QHQ IO3TT IV3KAS UE0OFF RZ0OA 4S7JKG JR3QHQ IQ8V IK8YFU UE3RZK RU3RN 4S7QHG JR3QHQ J42V/P SV2CLJ UE6LRD RK6LWA 4S7UJG JR3QHQ J43DIG DJ8OT UN1O IK2QPR 4S7YHG JR3QHQ J6USA J69AZ UN7TO RW6HS 4S7YJG JR3QHQ JT1FDI K4YT UN9M RW6HS 5B/G3PMR G3PMR JT1FDK UA0ACG US0HZ W3HNK 5B4/R3CC RW3RN JW0HU SP3WVL UT1EO RW6HS 5B4/RN3QO RN3QO JY4NE K3IRV UT4UZA/P UX7UN 5N0NHD JH8BKL JY9QJ DL5MBY V63KA JH8BKL 5R8ET K1WY K4P K7DID V63KZ JA0VSH 5Z4DZ PA1AW K5C K2FF V63MP JG0PBJ 7Q7BP G3MRC K6C K0DEW V63SPH JH8BKL 7Q7HB G0IAS K6D W0IN V63VB W7AVA 8N1OGA JA1MRM K8B NV8V V73CW AC4G 8Q7AM EA5MB KH0/KB9LQG SP5EWX V73GT WF5T 8R1USA 8R1AK KH0R JE6DND VK8XC VK4AAR 9H3AAG PA3BLS KH2/KF2XN W2GR VK9YL VK3DYL 9H3TE PA7PTR KJ1C/KH0 JI1CYX VP8CSA DL1SDN 9H3YM PE1OFJ LN8W LA9VDA VR2GZ OE1GZA 9H9PA PA7DX LO7H EA7FTR VU2UR SM3DBU 9J2GM PA3HHT LR0N LU2NI VU3DJQ EA7FTR 9L1BTB SP7CDG LV7H EA7FTR W2002WTC NY6DX 9M2TO JA0DMV LX/PA6Z PA1KW XU7ACJ ON6NP 9N1AC N3ME LX/PB5CW PA1TO XU7ACN ON5UR 9N7ZK SM4AIO LX5A DL9NEI YJ0AXC JE1DXC 9S1X F2YT N6XIV/KH9 K2FF YM3CC LX1CC 9U0X DJ6SI OD5PL HB9CRV YM3LZ LZ1BJ (a) A35XX N5XX OH0JWL DL5FF YM3LZ LZ2CJ (b) A52DX W3HNK OH0PM OH2PM YN4SU TI4SU A92ZE K4SXT OJ0SM SM5HJZ ZG2FX G3RFX C21RH VK4AAR P5/4L4FN KK5DO ZK1USA ZK1CG C91RF DL6DQW R0/UT1EO RW6HS ZL9BSJ ZL2BSJ CO2CI WD4OIN R3ZFZ RX3RZ ZP5IARU ZP5AA CX3UG EA5KB RK3RWT/P RU3RN ZW100J PT2AA DU3NXE W3HNK RW0MM/p UA3DX ZW5B PY5EG ED2URP EA2MG S79TH IK6PTH ZW7NDG PS7ZZ ED5PFA EA4YK S9TX W7KNT ZY7USA PY7ZY (a) bureau (b) direct ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 5A1A Abubaker Alzway, Postfach 170451, D-53027 Bonn, Germany CN2PM Peter McKay, MINURSO, P.O. Box 80000, Laayoune, Western Sahara, Morocco DL9NEI Norbert Neidhardt, Pirckheimerstrasse 78, 90409 Nurnberg, Germany EA4DX Roberto Diaz, Doce de Octubre 4, 28009 Madrid, Spain EA5KB Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain EA7FTR Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain FR5FD Patrick Labeaume, 6 avenue de Beziers, 34290 Lieuran les Beziers, France IK2QPR Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy JA0VSH Kazuhide Maruyama, 2-16-8-206 Kinuta, Tokyo, 157-0073 Japan JA4PXE Joe S. Kuwahara, 1-74 Midorimachi, Tokuyama-City, 745-0075 Japan JG0PBJ Miyuki Maruyama, 2-16-8-206 Kinuta, Tokyo, 157-0073 Japan JI1CYX Ota Shin-ichi, 5-23-46 Mori, Isogo, Yokohama, 235-0023 Japan JI3DST Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka 545-0021, Japan JI5RPT Makoto Koyanagi, 5-42-203 Kadan Aoba Sendai, Miyagi 980-0815, Japan JI5USJ Toru Koyanagi, 400-6-1119 Nagasoneminami Hikone, Shiga 522-0052, Japan JR3QHQ Toru Tanaka, 3-6-14 Jonan, Ikeda Osaka 563-0025, Japan K7DID Deanna Lutz, P.O. Box 70071, Washington, DC 20024, USA KC4/N2TA P.O. Box 392, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA OZ1ACB Allis Andersen, Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark OZ7AEI Jakob Pedersen, P.O. Box 23, DK-7760 Hurup Thy, Denmark PA1AW Alex van Hengel, De Manning 15, 2995AE Heerjansdam, The Netherlands PA1KW Bert van Holst, Ien Dalessingel 357, 7207 LJ Zutphen, The Netherlands PA7DX Anton Kerkhof, Blaublomke 2, 8401 MG Gorredijk, The Netherlands PY7AA P.O. Box 1043, 50001-970 Recife - PE, Brazil RV6LDX Alexei V. Lyashenko, P.O. Box 73, St. Yegorlykskaya, Rostovskaya Obl., 347660, Russia RW3RN Alex Kuznetsov, P.O. Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023 Russia RW6HS Vasilij M. Kasyanenko, P.O. Box 0, 357300, g. Novopavlovsk, Stavropolskij kr., Russia RX3RZ Serge Popov, P.O. Box 29, Tambov, 392000, Russia TN3S c/o Madeira Team, P.O. Box 19, 9001-901 Funchal, Portugal UK9AA Fedor Petrov, P.O. Box 58, Tashkent 700.000, Uzbekistan UR4LUG Alexey E Yakovlev, P.O. Box 7629, Kharkov, 61018, Ukraine VK3DYL Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Court, Mt. Waverley, Victoria 3149, Australia VK4AAR Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia W2GR Mike Benjamin, 1064 99th Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14304, USA ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org http://www.425dxn.org ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at www.425dxn.org now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.