DX425 bulletin issue nr. 593

   14 September 2002                                              No 593
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

4S     - A large group of operators from JARL Kansai will be active from  Sri
          Lanka (AS-003) on  20-25 September. They  plan to  operate on  80-10
          metres SSB, CW, RTTY and SSTV, and  they will also try to be  active
          on 6  metres. JA3ART  (4S7GGG),  JA3CHS (4S7CHG),  JA3DBD  (4S7DBG),
          JA3HXJ (4S7YHG), JA3UJR (4S7UJG), JH3FAR (4S7FAG), JH3GXF  (4S7GXG),
          JH3IJY (4S7IJG), JM3INF (4S7YJG) and  JR3QHQ (4S7QHG), plus  7J3AOZ,
          JG3FPN, JG3JKG, JH3LSS, JH3VEJ, JN4QIN and  JR3OCS. QSL for all  via
          JR3QHQ (Toru  Tanaka, 3-6-14  Jonan, Ikeda  Osaka 563-0025,  Japan).
          [TNX JR3QHQ]
8R     - Esmond, 8R1AK is active from Laguan Islan (SA-068) as 8R1USA/p. QSL
          via Esmond L. Jones, P.O.Box 10868, Georgetown, Guyana.
9M6   - Shun Wakiyama, JH7IMX will  be active as  9M6LSC from East  Malaysia
          from 26 September to 1 October, including a SOAB entry in the  CQ/RJ
          WW DX RTTY Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
9M6    - Saty, JE1JKL will  be active again  as 9M6NA (SOSB  15 metres)  from
          Labuan Island (OC-133), East Malaysia during the CQ WW DX CW Contest
          (23-24 November).  QSL via  home call  (e-mail requests  for  bureau
          cards are welcome at 9m6na@jsfc.org). The  web page for 9M6NA is  at
          http://jsfc.org/je1jkl/9m6na.html [TNX NG3K]
9U     - Baldur, DJ6SI  is  active  as  9U0X from  Burundi  until  20  or  21
          September. He prefers CW and  expects to operate  on all bands.  QSL
          via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
C6     - Al, K3TKJ has extended his C6ALW operation [425DXN 588] from  Andros
          Island (NA-001),  Bahamas until  13 October.  He will  operate on  6
          metres only. QSL via K3TKJ. [TNX The Daily DX]
CE_ssh - Ricardo, CE9R [425DXN 587] has been  QRT from the Chilean  Antarctic
          base "Presidente  Eduardo Frei  Montalva" (WABA  CE-03) since  early
          September. Ric  will be  going back  to  King George  Island,  South
          Shetlands (AN-010)  in  January 2003,  when  he  will  operate  from
          "Profesor Julio Escudero" base (WABA CE-011). [TNX DL5EBE]
EA8    - Robert/F6BED,  Gerard/F5YD  and  Roger/F6BDE   will  be  active   as
          EA8/homecall from  the Canary  Islands (AF-004)  as follows:  Hierro
          Island (DIE  S-015) on  16-18 September,  La Gomera  (DIE S-014)  on
          20-23 September, Tenerife  (DIE S-012) on  25-27 September. QSL  via
          home calls either direct or through the French bureau. [TNX NG3K]
F      - Francois, F5JNE will operate (on 20  and 40 metres SSB and CW)  from
          Belle Ile (EU-048,  DIFM AT 015)  on 25-26 September.  QSL via  home
          call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
F      - Special event station TM4ENN will be  active from 26 September to  9
          October to celebrate the 60th anniversary  of the airborne  squadron
          "Normandie-Niemen", founded by  Charles de Gaulle  in 1942. QSL  via
          bureau or to F6BZH. [TNX F5NQL]
FS     - Look for Ann/W2AZK, Brian/KF2HC, Gene/K2KJI, Maryann/K2RVH, Bob/W5GJ
          and Mike/WA2VUN  to  be  active as  FS/home  call  from  St.  Martin
          (NA-105) on 4-11 December. They hope to have two stations on HF  and
          one station on  6m, operations will  be CW, SSB,  and possibly  some
          PSK31. They plan to participate in the ARRL 160M contest. QSL to the
          call sign  worked.  Up-to-date  information  will  be  available  at
          http://www.njdxa.org [TNX KF2HC]
G      - The Cray Valley Radio Society  (http://www.cvrs.org) will be  active
          as GB2FB during the British Wireless  for the Blind's  "Transmission
          2002" weekend (http://www.blind.org.uk) on 14-15 September. Each QSO
          made by GB2FB will  help to make  more money for  the BWBF, and  the
          Society's aim is to make 1000 QSOs. GB2FB will begin its 24 hours of
          operation at 10z on Saturday through to 10z on Sunday. Two  stations
          will be active - one will concentrate on the various HF bands, while
          the second station will be active on 40 metres SSB for the entire 24
          hours. Special QSL via G4DFI. [TNX BRS-32525]
GD     - Bill/G3WNI, Tom/G0PSE  and  Richard/M5RIC will  operate  (on  10-160
          metres CW, SSB and RTTY) as GB2IOM from the Isle of Man (EU-116)  on
          5-11  October.  The  QTH  will  be  the  Point  of  Ayre  Lighthouse
          (IOM-013), in the rare WAB Square NX40. QSL via the bureau or direct
          to  G0PSE  (e-mail  requests  for  bureau   cards  are  welcome   at
          g0pse@qsl.net). Logs will  be available at  http://www.qsl.net/g0pse
          about one week after the operation. [TNX G0PSE]
GJ     - Chris, G0WFH will be active as GJ0WFH/p from Jersey (EU-013) on 5-12
          October. He  plans to  operate around  28360, 24950,  21285,  18135,
          14180 and 7090 kHz during his  daylight hours and around 7045,  3780
          and 1845 kHz at night. QSL  via G0DBX either  direct or through  the
          bureau. [TNX G0WFH]
GM     - Dave, GM0LVI reports he will be active from the island of Tanera Mor
          in the Summer Isles (EU-092) on 5-12 October.
HI     - Four operators  from  the Florida  DXPedition  Group -  namely  W4WX
          (W4WX/HI9), Clarence W9AAZ (W9AAZ/HI9),  Cory N1WON (N1WON/HI9)  and
          Bob K9MDO (K9MDO/HI9) - will  be active (on  all bands, including  6
          metres, CW,  SSB,  PSK-31 and  RTTY)  from  the  Dominican  Republic
          (NA-096) on 22-30 October. They will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB
          Contest as HI9X (Multi-Single). QSL HI9X via W9AAZ, QSL xxxx/HI9 via
          home calls. [TNX W4WX]
HK     - Look for HK8HIX/p, HK8RQS/p and HK8UUC/p to be active from Isla  del
          Morro (SA-081)  on  11-14 October.  QSL  via EA5KB  (Jose  F.  Ardid
          Arlandis, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain). [TNX EA5KB]
I      - Special event station II6I will be activated on 5-13 October  during
          a congress on propagation in Jesi. [TNX IK6PYS]
JA     - Look for Joe, JA4PXE/4 and  Takeshi, JI3DST/4 to  be active (on  40,
          20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres SSB) from Yashiro Island (AS-117) on
          14-15 September. QSL via home calls, preferably through the bureau.
JA     - Look for Taka, JR3TVH/8 to  be active (on  40, 20, 17,  15 10 and  6
          metres SSB and CW) from Rishiri Island (AS-147) on 20-23  September.
          QSL via JR3TVH either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Sasi/JA1KJW, Yama/JJ1JGI, Mitsu/7N4AGB and Hiro/7N4TCG will  operate
          (on 80-6  metres CW  and SSB)  from Sado  Island (AS-117)  on  20-24
          September. QSL via home calls either  direct or through the  bureau.
          [TNX The Daily DX]
JA     - Look for JQ1QFO/1 and 7N1NAI/1 to be active (on 6, 10 and 14  metres
          SSB and CW) from Hachijo Island (AS-043) on 28-29 September. QSL via
          home calls either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH0    - JA2VUP will participate  in the CQ  RJ WW   DX  RTTY Contest  (28-29
          September) as AH0B  (SOAB) from Saipan  (OC-086). He  will be  there
          from 26 to 29 September and  will concentrate on PSK31 and the  WARC
          bands before the contest. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
KH2    - Walt, KF2XN will be active  as KH2/KF2XN from  Guam (OC-026) for  at
          least the  next month.  He operates  mostly SSB  in his  spare  time
          (weekend hours of operation will be  increased and varied  depending
          on propagation).  His assignment  might be  extended for  3  months,
          however at the moment this is  not clear. QSL  direct to W2GR  (Mike
          Benjamin, 1064  99th Street,  Niagara Falls,  NY 14304,  USA).  [TNX
KH8    - The callsigns  to  be used  during  the double  IOTA  DXpedition  to
          America Samoa [425DXN 589] are K8T  from Tutuila Island (OC-045,  28
          October-8 November, QSL via GW0ANA) and K8O from Ofu Island (OC-077,
          29 October-7 November, QSL via AH6HY). [TNX NG3K]
KH9    - Jake, N6XIV/KH9 [425DXN 592] has been notified that his stay on Wake
          Island has been extended. He will  now remain on the island until  4
          October unless something changes. Look for Jack between 7 and 9  UTC
          on +/- 14265 kHz. QSL via K2FF. [TNX K2FF]
KP2    - WF9V, W7FLE, WW9WW, WG9J, W9AEB (members  from the STARS Radio  Club
          anniversary tour) will operate (on 160-6 metres SSB, CW and PSK)  as
          K9V from St. Croix, US Virgin islands (NA-106) on 2-8 December.  QSL
          via WF9V. [TNX W9AEB]
LU_ant - It has been  reported that LU1ZG  (Martin) and  LU2ZL are  currently
          active from  the  Antarctic base  "General  Manuel Belgrano  II"  of
          Argentina (AN-016, WABA LU-08). [TNX DL5EBE]
OZ     - Knud, OZ2ZB  reports he  will be  active from  the following  Danish
          JY-013  Store Rotholm            17 September, 0800 to 0900 UTC
          NJ-009  Hirsholm       EU-171    27 September, 1800 to 1900 UTC
          NK-003  Laesoe         EU-088    28 September, 0600 to 0800 UTC
          NK-006  Borfeld        EU-088    28 September, 1000 to 1100 UTC
          NK-007  Sondre Ronner  EU-088    28 September, 1400 to 1500 UTC
OZ     - Look for Jakob, OZ7AEI/p to operate from several Danish
          islands starting in the morning of 19 September:
          FY-001  Fyn      EU-172      FY-019  Langeland   EU-172
          FY-015  Tasinge  EU-172      FY-021  Sio         EU-172
          FY-016  Thuro    EU-172      FY-024  Helnaes
          QSL via bureau or direct. [TNX OZ7AEI]
PY     - Ciro, PY7ZY (http://www.qsl.net/py7zy) is active as ZY7USA until  17
PY     - Look for  PU1NEZ/6  (Carl), PY1NEW/6  (Pete),  PY1NEZ/6  (Lima)  and
          PY1VOY/6 (Rick) to be active (on 160-6 metres CW and SSB) between 21
          and 30 September  from the following  mainland lighthouses in  Bahia
          State:  Porto  Seguro  LH   (ARLHS  BRA-084),  Corumbau   (BRA-130),
          Barreiras do Prado (BRA-119), Alcobaca (BRA-003). QSL via operators'
          instructions. [TNX PY1NEZ]
R1_ssh - R1ANF/HF0POL (Mirek) is currently active from Russian Antarctic base
          "Bellingshausen" (WABA UA-04) on King George Island, South Shetlands
          (AN-010). He  should remain  there for  about  one more  week.  [TNX
SV     - Luke/ON4BB, Rene/ON5KH and Bill/ON5JE will be active from  Zakynthos
          (EU-052) on 18-30 September. They plan to operate as SV8/homecall on
          20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB  and CW. QSL via home calls  either
          direct or through the bureau. [TNX ON5JE]
SV     - Gabi, HA3JB will  be operating from  Greece using  CW, RTTY  (14083,
          21083 and 28083 kHz), PSK31 (14070,  21070 and 28120 kHz), and  SSTV
          (14227, 21343 and 28683 kHz) as SV4/HA3JB between 11 and 19 October.
          QSL to home call. [TNX W5KAU]
SV5    - Phil, G4OBK will be active as SV5/G4OBK from Kos Island (EU-001)  in
          the Dodecanese from 19 September to 1 October. He expects to be  QRV
          for a few hours most days, and to operate on 10-40 metres CW,  RTTY,
          PSK31 and maybe a little SSB.  He might operate  for a limited  time
          during the CQ/RJ WW DX RTTY  Contest to give  out a multiplier.  QSL
          via home call either direct or trhough the bureau. [TNX G4OBK]
TA     - Mill, LX1CC, will be active as YM3CC from Izmir until 2 October.  He
          will operate on all HF bands and on VHF/UHF CW, SSB and FM. QSL  via
          LX1CC either direct or through the bureau. [TNX TA3J]
UN     - Look for special calls UO2000T (Vladimir, UN6T), UO2000TFN (Evgenij,
          UN7TFN), UO2000TO  (Aleksandr,  UN7TO),  UO2000TS  (Sergej,  UN7TS),
          UO2000TX (Bek, UN7TX) to be aired from Taraz, Dzhambulskoj oblast of
          Kazakhstan on 20-30 September. QSL for  all these special calls  via
          RW6HS (Vasilij M. Kasyanenko, P.O. Box  0, 357300, g.  Novopavlovsk,
          Stavropolskij kr., Russia). [TNX RW6HS]
V6     - Sho, JA7HMZ will be active (on 160-6 metres) as V63DX (QSL via  home
          call) from Pohnpei  (OC-010), Micronesia on  25-31 October. He  will
          participate in  the CQ  WW DX  SSB Contest  as V63B  (SOAB, QSL  via
          JA7AO). [TNX NG3K]
V6     - The web pages for the double  IOTA DXpedition to Micronesia  [425DXN
          591] have  been  updated at  http://www.ddxc.net/v63.  Nando/IT9YRE,
          Gaetano/IT9GAI and Claudio/I1SNW will be active as V63RE, V63GH  and
          V63WN from Nomwin Island (Hall Islands, OC-???) on 24-27 October and
          Ta Island in the  Satawan Atoll (Mortolok  Islands, OC-???) from  30
          October to 4 November. QSL via IT9YRE.
VK     - Paul Stampton, VK3KXG is an ornithologist who has gained  permission
          to visit Lady Julia Percy Island, a wildlife refuge in the  Victoria
          State West group (OC-???), to undertake some scientific studies.  He
          has invited Tom Marlowe, VK3ZZ and Peter Forbes, VK3QI along to help
          with his scientific work and to  activate the island  from 27 to  30
          September. The operation  will be  CW/SSB on  most HF  bands on  the
          usual IOTA frequencies. It is intended that two stations will be  in
          operation 18hrs a day with a special callsign TBA when the operation
          starts (if  all  goes  well,  around 6  UTC  on  Friday  27th).  The
          scheduled date is subject to change due to wind conditions which can
          make access to the island by boat very difficult. QSL direct only to
          VK3KXG (Paul  Stampton,  69-71 Brown  Street,  Leongatha,  Victoria,
          Australia 3953). [TNX VK3KXG]
W      - Look for Mike, AB5EB/p to  be active on  the usual IOTA  frequencies
          from South Deer Island (NA-143) on 14 September. QSL via home  call.
          [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - The North Side Contesters Club will operate as K8B (on all HF  bands
          plus 6  and 2  metres and  70 cm)  from grid  square EN67  on  21-23
          September. It  will be  a field  day  type operation  from  Brockway
          Mountain in Keweenaw County, Michigan. QSL via NV8V. Details can  be
          found at http://members.aol.com/nv8v [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W      - Magnolia DX  Association  (http://www.mdxa.org)  members  Bill/K5YG,
          Glenn/K2FF, Darryl/KD5CQT and Randy/W5UE will be active as K5C  from
          Cat Island (NA-082, USI MS002S) on 21-22 September. This is a  small
          scouting trip in preparation for a larger operation from the  island
          by the MDXA  in early spring,  2003. They plan  to be  QRV on  10-80
          metres CW and SSB. QSL via K2FF. [TNX W5UE]
YB     - Special event station YE7V will be active (on 15 and 80 metres  SSB,
          CW,  RTTY  and  SSTV)  on  22-30  September  to  celebrate  the  3rd
          Indonesian Royal Palace Festival, to be  held in Kutai,  Kertanegara
          Regency, East Borneo. A special certificate signed by the Sultan  of
          Kutai Kertanegara and the Mayor of Kutai Kertanegara will be sent to
          those who QSL direct to YC7WZ  (Sy. Bandi Irwan  R., P.O. Box  1419,
          Samarinda, Kaltim 75100, Indonesia). [TNX W4JS]
YU     - Ron,   DL5NAV   has    left   Afghanistan    (logs   available    at
          http://www.qrz.com/dl5nav) and he is currently in Prizreni,  Kosovo.
          Ron operates mainly CW as YU8/DL5NAV  and will try to get a  special
          4N8 call from  the UNMIK (United  Nation Mission  in Kosovo).  Cards
          will be sent  out when Ron  goes back  home in  late November.  [TNX
ZK1_sc - Bengt,  SM7EQL  and  Ronnie,  SM7DKF  (both  members  of  the  SK7DX
          Southwest Scania Radio Amateurs) will operate (SSB and CW) as ZK1EQL
          and ZK1DKF from the Southern Cook  Islands next month. They will  be
          active from Rarotonga  (OC-013) on 1-3  October and  again on  12-14
          October, and from  Mangaia (OC-159) on  4-11 October.  QSL via  home
          calls. More information at http://www.qsl.net/sm7eql/ [TNX SM7EQL]

AFRICA TOUR ---> Christian, TT8DX is back to Chad until the end of the month.
He will  then visit  Mali (TZ)  on 1-15  October and  Cameroon (TJ)  from  16
October through 30  November. In December  he is expected  to be in  Tanzania
(5H), Burkina Faso (XT), Ivory Coast (TU) and Gabon (TR). QSL via F5OGL. [TNX
La Gazette du DX]

ANTARCTICA ---> Chris, ZL5CP, currently active  from Scott Base (WABA  ZL-02)
on Ross Island (AN-011), will be staying in Antartica until February 2003. He
also operates as  KC4/N3SIG from nearby  McMurdo Station  (WABA K-09),  where
there  is  Mike,  KC4/KE6ZYK  (KC4USV)  as  well.  Mike's  web  site  is   at
http://groups.msn.com/antarcticmemories/ [TNX DL5EBE]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

NOT VIA WB2RAJ ---> Rich, WB2RAJ is not the QSL manager for ST2SA.

PIRATES --->  George Glushinsky,  RV6LJK from  the Rostov  Oblast Radio  Club
reports that local "radio hooligans" are  pirating 4K7DYY and EP3PTT and  ask
for cards to be sent to RZ6LS or RV6LAH. Spare your time and money with these

QSL NOT VIA  F5NPS ---> Denis,  F5NPS is  not the  QSL manager  for A71EZ  or
HP1XBI. He found out that someone had modified the Buckmaster entries,  which
now have  been corrected.  Cards  already received  are  being sent  back  to
sender. Denis is the QSL manager only for 6W4RK. [TNX F5CWU]

QSL 4S7BRG ---> Mario, 4S7BRG has moved permanently to Sri Lanka and his  old
QSL route (via HB9BRM) is no longer valid.  Cards should now be send via  the
4S bureau or via his qrz.com address. [TNX DL6KAC]

WAE CONTEST ---> The  48th WAE-DX-Contest (SSB),  sponsored by the  Deutscher
Amateur Radio Club  (DARC), will take  place from 00.00  UTC on 14  September
through 23.59 UTC on the 15th. EU stations  work DX and DX stations work  EU,
exchange RST and serial number. Check  the new (some minor changes) rules  at
http://www.waedc.de [TNX DXNL]

ZL9BSJ ---> This is Wilbert, ZL2BSJ,  who was active as ZL9BSJ from  Campbell
Island (OC-037)  on 12  September.  The Daily  DX  reports that  Wilbert  "is
currently in the area on work business and was ashore for a very brief  time.
Length of stay was not mentioned". QSL via ZL2BSJ.

+ SILENT KEY + Murphy Ratterree,  W4WMQ, the founder  and first president  of
INDEXA, became a Silent Key on 9 September. [TNX AA7UC]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LX/PA6Z:   The web site  for the  21-28 September  operation from  Luxembourg
            [425DXN 589] is at http://www.pa6z.tk [TNX PA5RA]
YJ0AXC:    Information on  Masa's, JE1DXC  operation from  the Banks  Islands
            (OC-104), as  well  as on  his  QSLling policy,  is  available  at

QSLs received  direct: 3A/DJ7RJ,  3C5/SP1NY, 3DA0CF,  3DA0DF, 3DA0FR,  3V8BB,
3V8KO, 4S7/N6AA, 5B4/AI5P, 5H3RK, 5U1A, 5U4R, 5W0DL, 5W0TR, 7O/OH2YY,  7Q7AH,
7X0DX,  8R1AK,  9M2/GM4YXI  (AS-072),  9N7RB,  9V1YC,  A35VP,  A45XR,  A71MA,
FG5FR, FO/HG9B/P  (OC-050),  FO0ARE (OC-046),  FP5BU,  FR5FD,  FY5FY,  H2SJR,
P29AS, PW0T, PY0FF,  PZ5RA, R1ANF, R1MVI,  RK1B, S9SS,  T88CC, T88PG,  T88TW,

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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