31 August 2002 No 591 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 5T - After several years Nicolas Sinieokoff, 5T5SN is again active from Nouakchott, Mauritania. QSL via IZ1BZV (Giorgio Tabilio, P.O. Box 95, 19100 La Spezia - SP, Italy). [TNX IZ1BZV] 5Z - Alex, PA3DZN has been in Kenya on a new assignment with UNICEF since April and is now active as 5Z4DZ for 2-3 years. QSL via PA1AW (Alex van Hengel, De Manning 15, 2995AE Heerjansdam, The Netherlands). [TNX The Daily DX] 7Q - Allan, G0IAS reports that Harry, G0JMU will be signing 7Q7HB from Malawi for the next five weeks. QSL direct only via G0IAS. 9Q - Ed, ON7UN will be in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi (D.R. of Congo) in late September for two weeks and expect to operate with a 9Q5 call TBA. He will also visit Brazzaville (Congo, TN) and see if he can operate from there. For the next six months will be visiting Gabon, Kenia, Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique. QSL via ON4ACA either direct or through the bureau. [TNX ON4ACA] C9 - Babs, DL7AFS and Lot, DJ7ZG will start their 2-week activity as C98DC [425DXN 589] around 24 September from Bazaruto Island (AF-072) in northern Mozambque. They will operate SSB on the usual DX frequencies and will also work RTTY/PSK on 18101 kHz. QSL via DL7AFS. Further information at http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs [TNX DJ7ZG] EA - Look for EA5/DK5IM/P to be active on CW from EU-093 on 1-11 September. QSL via DK5IM. [TNX The Daily DX] EA6 - Christian, DL6KAC reports he will be active again as EA6/DL6KAC from Mallorca Island (EU-004, DIE E-021) starting 5 September until late September-early October. He will operate on 10-80 metres mainly SSB. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. F - Didier, F6ELE and Joel, F5PAC will operate from Cezembre Island (EU-157) on 14-15 September. They plan to be active on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. [TNX F6ELE] F - Next activity of the Radio Club of the Council of Europe (TP2CE) is scheduled to take place with the call TP3CE on 19-20 October during the JARTS WW RTTY. [TNX F6FQK] FR & FH - Bernie, F6BLK will operate (mainly CW with some SSB) as FR/F6BLK from Reunion Island (AF-016) on 23-29 September and as TO8MZ from Mayotte (AF-027) from 30 September to 9 October. QSL via F6BLK either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F6BLK] G - Look for M/DK1RF to be active from one of the English Coastal islands (EU-120) on 7-13 September. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ] GJ - Kevin, ON1DRE and others will operate as GJ/ON1DRE from Jersey (EU-013) on 3-10 September. Theirs will be a 6 and 2 metres operation. [TNX ON1DRE] GM - Andre, GM3VLB reports he will operate from the Burnt Islands (EU-005) from 31 August until 2 September. QSL direct to home call. HK - Pedro, HK3JJH will be active from Isla Palma (SA-078) on 6-9 September and from Isla del Pirata (apparently one of the Rosario Islands - SA-040 - but not mentioned in the IOTA Directory) on 11-12 September. Look for HK3JJH/1 on +/- 28460, 21260 and 14260 kHz. QSL direct only to HK3JJH (Pedro J. Allina, P.O. Box 81119, Bogota, Colombia). [TNX HK3JJH] HS - Mirek, 9V1XE/VK3DXI is going to Thailand on business for 6-8 weeks. He plans to operate again as HS0/VK3DXI after hours and on weekends. He will be active mainly on CW, RTTY, and PSK, but will not disregard SSB or SSTV (however no no operation via AO40 is expected). QSL via DL4DBR. [TNX 9V1XE] I - Roby, IZ1CYN reports he will be active from Pantelleria (IH9), IOTA AF-014, on 17-23 September. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. JA - Look for JI5USJ/4 and JI5RPT/4 to be active from Oki Island (AS-041) starting around 12 UTC on 20 September until around 00 UTC on the 24th. They will operate on 160-10 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Look for Take, JI3DST/8 to be active (on 10, 12, 15, 17 and 40 metres SSB) once again from Okushiri Island (AS-147) on 20-23 September. QSL via JI3DST (preferably thriugh the bureau). [TNX JI6KVR] KC4_ant - Mike Fokin, RW1AI will operate (mostly CW on 40-10 metres) as KC4/N2TA from "East Camp" (WABA K-12), the US camp co-located with Russian "Vostok" station, from late August for five months. QSL direct only to P.O. Box 392, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA (mail drop only: expect direct replies when Mike returns home early next year). [TNX UA1AKE] KH0 - Look for JE6DND to be active as KH0R from Saipan, Northern Marianas (OC-086) on 7-10 September. He expects to operate on HF and 6 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX OZ6OM] KH0 - Shin, JI1CYX reports he will operate as KJ1C/KH0 from Saipan, Northern Marianas (OC-086) on 15-18 September. He will be active on 30-10 metres CW and SSB with 100 watts and dipoles. QSL via JI1CYX (Ota Shin-ichi, 5-23-46 Mori, Isogo, Yokohama, 235-0023 Japan). KH6 - Hiro, JA5XAE reports he will operate as KH6/JA5XAE from Ohau Island, Hawaii (OC-019) on 22-26 September. He plans to be active on 40-10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. LA - The Norwegian Post- and Telecommunications Authority has recently issued a permit for Norwegian club stations to replace their ordinary LA prefix with the rare LN prefix during certain HF contests, starting with the All Asian (7-8 September), WAE (14-15 September), SAC (21-22 and 28-29 September) and CQ/RJ WW RTTY DX (28-29 September) contests. [TNX LA4LN] LX - Norbert, DL9NEI will operate as LX/DL9NEI/p from Luxembourg on 13-16 September. During the WAE SSB Contest he will be signing LX5A, before and after the contest he will concentrate on RTTY. QSL via bureau. [TNX DL9NEI] OZ - Look for Peter, OZ/DL6LZM to operate on 10-80 metres SSB from Fyn Island (EU-172) on 3-6 September and from either Lolland or Enehoje Island (EU-029) on 7-13 September. QSL to DL6LZM via the DARC bureau. [TNX DL2VFR and VA3RJ] P5 - Ed, P5/4L4FN was out of the country on 13-27 August. Now he is back on the air from Pyongyang, North Korea and has received all the stuff (some masts, some elements to repair the Hex beam and some other odds and ends) sent by KK5DO several weeks ago. Please visit http://www.amsatnet.com/p5.html for regular updates on Ed's activity. [TNX KK5DO] PY - PS7ZZ, PS7TKS et PS7KC will operate (on 10-80 metres CW, SSB, PSK31 and RTTY) as ZW7NDG from Bacopar Lighthouse on 6-8 September. QSL via PS7ZZ. [TNX La Gazette du DX] SM - Hardy, DL3KWF and his wife Rosel, DL3KWR will be active (CW) as SM1/DL3KWF an SM1/DL3KWR from Gotland Island (EU-020) on 2-13 September. QSL via home calls; bureau card requests are welcome at dl3kwf@darc.de and dl3kwr@darc.de [TNX DL3KWF] SP - Radio Club station SP9KDU will be active as SN9TG from Tarnowskie Gory on 1-8 September. QSL via SP9KDU, preferably via bureau. [TNX SP9KDU] TK - Vasek, DL4FF reports he will be active from Corsica (EU-014) between 8 September and 4 October. He will operate on 160-10 metres CW and SSB as TK/DL4FF. QSL via home call, either direct or through the bureau. TY - Pat, I8QLS (ex-TY2LS), Piero W1NA/I8CZW and Gino, I8ULL will be active from Benin on 19-28 October, including single band efforts during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (Pat on 10m, Piero on 15m and Gino on 20m). Outside the contest they will concentrate on the low and WARC bands, on 6m and CW. QSL via I8ACB. [TNX I8QLS] UA - RA0LFN, RA0LGG, RU0LM, UA0LEM, UA0LGI and UA0LQI are active as RK0LXD/p from Lisij Island until 1 September. According to RW0LF, who has provided the information, this island is located near the town of Nakhodka (along the coast of the Sea of Japan). QSL via UA0LQJ. UA - Look for UE0OBI/p to be active from Bolshoy Ushkaniy Island (RRA RR-21-02) on 5-7 September. QSL via RZ0OA. [TNX VA3RJ] UK - Special event station UM9AA will be active on all bands from 27 August through 5 September to celebrate Uzbekistan's Indipendence Day (1 September). QSL via UK9AA (Fedor Petrov, P.O. Box 58, Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan). [TNX UK9AA] V6 - The Diamond DX Club announces that three DDXC members - namely Nando/IT9YRE, Gaetano/IT9GAI and Claudio/I1SNW - will be active as V63RE, V63GH and V63WN from Nomwin Island (Hall Islands, OC-???) on 24-27 October and from Etal Island (Mortolok Islands, OC-???) from 30 October to 4 November. QSL via IT9YRE. Further information are available at http://www.ddxc.net/v63 VE - Terry, VE7TLL reports that Canadian amateur radio operators have been authorized to use special prefixes to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Japanese immigration to Canada. From 1 September through 31 October, the following special prefixes are authorized on a voluntary basis: CK1 for VE1 CK8 for VE8 CJ6 for VA6 CK2 for VE2 CK9 for VE9 CJ7 for VA7 CK3 for VE3 CJ1 for VA1 CY1 for VO1 CK4 for VE4 CJ2 for VA2 CY2 for VO2 CK5 for VE5 CJ3 for VA3 CZ0 for VY0 CK6 for VE6 CJ4 for VA4 CZ1 for VY1 CK7 for VE7 CJ5 for VA5 CZ2 for VY2 VE - Michael, VE3WMB will be activating five lighthouses on the Island of Grand Manan (NA-014), New Brunswick on 1-6 September. This will be a PSK31 (QRP) only operation; look for VE3WMB/VE9 on or around 14071 kHz. The lighthouses to be activated are Gannet Rock (ARLHS CAN-192), Swallowtail (ARLHS CAN-491), Southwest Head (ARLHS CAN-469), Long Eddy Point (ARLHS CAN-283) and Long Point (ARLHS CAN-644). QSL via VE3WMB. [TNX VA3RJ] W - The Radio Amateur Society of Norwich (N1NW) will be active from New London Ledge Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-542) on 7-8 September. QSL via Radio Amateur Society of Norwich, P.O. Box 329, Norwich, CT 06360, USA. [TNX VA3RJ] W - Joe Emond, KE6SGA and Bill Wortell, KA6SPQ plan to operate from the lighthouse (ARLHS USA-793) on St George Reef (NA-184) on 19-20 October, weather permitting. Access will be via helicopter with very hazardous sea conditions on and off the rock. For more information please contact Bill at ka6spq@charter.net [TNX VA3RJ] XE - 6F1LM will be aired until the end of the year from the FMRE headquarters station (XE1LM) to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores [425DXN 590]. [TNX XE1J] ZK1_sc - Victor, ZK1CG reports he will be signing again ZK1USA in September in commemoration of September 11th. Victor operates from Rarotonga (OC-013) in the Southern Cooks. QSL via ZK1CG. Victor is looking for operators to help run a contest station from the South Cooks during the CQ WW SSB Contest in October, If interested, please contact Victor at sales@computers.co.ck ZL7 - The Kermadec DX Association's operation from Chatham Island (OC-038) [425DXN 583] is scheduled to take place from 17 through 28 October local times. Actual operating times will depend on local conditions. The operators will be Hiro Miyake (JF1OCQ), Reinhard Maute (DF4TD), Steve Taylor (G4EDG), Paul Rubinfield (WF5T), Bill Beyer (N2WB), Dave Anderson (KW4DA), Al Hernandez (K3VN), Murray Woodfield (ZL1CN), Wilber Knol (ZL2BSJ), Stan White (ZL2ST), Bob McQuarrie (ZL3TY) and Team Leader Ken Holdom (ZL4HU). They will operate on 160-10 metres, with some 6 metres where possible. The callsign will ben announced when the operation starts. QSL via ZL4HU either direct or through the bureau. Donations can be sent to Kermadec DX Association ZL7, P.O. Box 7, Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand. [TNX ZL4HU] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ANTARCTIC BASES ---> Oleg (UA1PBA) and Alex, operators at R1ANF (the Russian station "Bellingshausen", WABA UA-04), left the Chinese station "Great Wall" (WABA BY-01) on 28 August, after being active as R1ANF/A since 7 July. They confirm they plan to operate, again as R1ANF/A, from from the Uruguayan station "General Jose Artigas" (WABA CX-01) during the first two weeks of September. Oleg and Alex will also try to operate from the Brazilian refuge "Padre Balduino Rambo" (WABA PY-???), the Korean station "King Sejong" (WABA HL-01) and the Chilean base "Profesor Julio Escudero" (WABA CE-11). All of the scientific stations mentioned so far are located on King George Island in the South Shetlands (AN-010). Look for daily activity on CW (on +/- 10106, 14011, 18076, 21011, 24906 and 28011 kHz) and on SSB during the Antarctic Net on Mondays (21275 kHz at 17 UTC). QSL via RK1PWA. [TNX R1ANF] ANTARCTICA LIST ---> Gil, F5NOD (f5nod@waika9.com) reports that the new mailing list devoted to operations from the Antarctic continent is up and running and has the support and co-operation of the Diamond DX Club (http://www.ddxc.net). Please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/antarctica_list/ or send an e-mail to antarctica_list-subscribe@yahoogroups.com in order to subscribe. QSL 3D2AG/p ---> Tony, 3D2AG/FO5RK is currently in French Polynesia, while the new blank cards for his activity from Rotuma are in Fiji. Please be patient and do not send second requests, as there are some 2000 cards still to be replied to. [TNX K4WSB] QSL 9N7RB ---> Lawrence, 9N7RB has been officially QRT since 23 August, after some 12,000 QSOs with 289 countries. QSL via W4FOA, preferably direct (bureau cards will be answered on a time available basis). Lawrence's equipment and antennas will be left behind in Nepal. [TNX W4FOA] QSL AP2ARS ---> Robert, S53R reports that all direct requests for A52KR and AP2ARS were answered during July/August (direct cards sent with unredeemable IRCs were replied to via bureau). Please note that Robert does not handle AP2ARS cards any more due to lack of time. K2PF has been the QSL manager for AP2ARS (and A52KR) since 1 January 2002; bureau cards sent to S53R need to be resent to K2PF. QSL D68C ---> Phil, G3SWH reports that he has finished processing all of the incoming requests D68C cards on hand. A large quantity of cards will be despatched shortly to the RSGB bureau. The confirmed QSO count stands at 80692. That's 47.8%, and almost certainly a record for number of confirmed QSOs for a single DXpedition. Phil is still receiving at least one direct request most days! [TNX G3XTT] QSL JW4LN ---> Tom, LA4LN logged 1000+ QSOs during his 6-21 July activity as as JW4LN from Spitsbergen (EU-026) and Bear (EU-027) islands. Some 750 QSOs were made from Bear. Tom reports that the majority of the direct QSLs received so far did not include sufficient coverage for return postage (one US$ is not enough, while 1 IRC is). "For a while I have answered under-covered direct QSLs, attaching a request for reimbursement of the missing postage", Tom says, but "only a very few percent have reimbursed the missing postage". From now on direct QSLs to LA4LN without sufficient coverage will be answered via the QSL bureau. Direct cards should be sent to Tom V. Segalstad, P.O. Box 15, Kjelsaas, N-0411 Oslo, Norway. QSL RU0B & RI0B ---> Elen, RV3ACA (Russian Robinson Club secretary) reports that all QSLs for RU0B and RI0B have been sent out via the bureau or direct. [TNX G3PMR] QSL TM4T ---> The QSL route is via F6HLC; Yann, F5NBU is the QSL manager only for the CQWW SSB Contest 1994. [TNX F5NBU] QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Antonio Dimasi, IV3IUM is willing to act as a QSL manager for one or more stations. He can be contacted at iv3ium@libero.it QSL VIA EA5KB ---> Pepe reports that on 29 July someone replaced his qrz.com address with a wrong one. Please note that if you use POB 5031 your mail will never reach him. His correct address is and has ever been the following: Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain. VK POSTAL RATES ---> The Daily reports that effective 2 September the postal rates from Australia to Asia and near Pacific countries go from $1.00 to $1.10 and for the rest of the world go from $1.50 to $1.65. YO DX HF CONTEST ---> The Romanian Amateur Radio Federation (FRR) invites the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the International Short Wave Championship of Romania (YO DX HF Contest), to be held from 12 UTC on 31 August through 12 UTC on 1 September. There have been some changes in the rusles, please visit http://www.qsl.net/yo3kaa/contests/yodx_eng.htm for detailed information. [TNX N2YO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: Logs, pictures and other information of the recent operation from Les Saintes (NA-114) are available at http://www.xdenews.net/ik2xde/fg2002 [TNX IK2XDE] LOGS: Logs and pictures of DL0KWH/p (IOTA Contest operation from EU-129) are available at http://www.qsl.net/dl0kwh. QSL via bureau or direct to DL2VFR (Enrico Stumpf-Siering, Gruene Trift 19, D-15754 Bindow, Germany). [TNX DL2VFR] LOGS: Logs and pictures of OY/DL2VFR, TF7/DL2VFR and TF1/DL2VFR are available at http://www.iota-expedition.com [TNX DL2VFR] WAIL: Pictures and information of Alberto's (IT9MRM) activity as I8/IT9MRM/p from the lighthouse at Capo Spartivento (WAIL CL-009) are now available at http://digilander.libero.it/marinai/Logs/i8_it9mrm_p.htm XY0TA: Pictures and other information of the recent XY0TA (AS-165) operation are available at http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage34.htm [TNX JI6KVR] XY2EZ: The web page for Hiroo's (JA2EZD) operation as XY2EZ is at http://qth.com/dxshack/XY/XYpedi2002.htm [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct: 3B8/W8MV, 3C5/SP1NY, 3D2CY, 3D2RW, 4K6DI, 4K7A/4JP2, 4K8F, 4U1UN, 4W6MM, 5H3RK, 5U4R, 5W0DL, 5W0TR, 6Y2A, 6Y5/K2KW, 6Y5/KE7X, 6Y5/N6XG, 6Y5/W0YK, 6Y5/WA6O, 9G1MR, 9H1AL, 9H1ZA, 9N7AS, 9Q1A, A25/DJ6SI, A52KR, A71EM, A71EY, A71EZ, AP2ARS, BV9G, C31JI, CP6XE, CU9/CU3DJ, EP3PTT, EP3UN, FG/F5CW, FG/G3TXF, FH/G3TXF, FM5GU, FO5QG, FW/G3TXF, HB0/DL7NS, HF0POL, HH2/F8CUP, HI8RV, HP3XBH, HZ1AB, IQ3V, J3J, J75KG, JY9QJ, K1B, K5M (NA-092), KP2BH, LU1ZA, LZ0A, LZ2DD, N6NO/VP9, OA4DKC, OA4WW, OH0B, OX3FV, OY3QN, P5/4L4FN, PJ2/G3XSV, PT1G, PW0T, R1ANF/P, RK1B, S07X, S9LA, SU9BN, T77C, TA3DD, TF3A, TI2OHL, TI5/N7DF, TI9M, TN3W, TU5IJ, UK9AA, V73XP, VK9ML, VP6DI, XR0X, XW1HS, XX9TEP, YA5T, YB0ECT, YI9OM, YJ0AOW, YJ2AU, YK1AH, YN8TLS, ZC4ATC, ZC4DW, ZL/PA0MIR, ZL/PA0MIR/p (OC-203), ZP6CW, ZX7XX (SA-046). ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org http://www.425dxn.org ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at www.425dxn.org now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.