DX425 bulletin issue nr. 589

   17 August 2002                                                No 589
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

4X     - Alex/4Z5KJ (UA0ZY) and Daniel/4X1FC expect to  be active (mainly  on
          CW) from Mikhmoret Ligthouse (ARLHS ISR-006) until 19 August in  the
          morning. [TNX 4Z5KJ]
5B     - Alan, G3PMR will  be vacationing on  Cyprus (AS-004) at  the QTH  of
          Mike, 5B4AGX on 12-18 September. He  hopes to get some operating  in
          (SSB and CW) from Mike's shack, signing 5B/G3PMR. QSL via home call.
          [TNX G3PMR]
5W     - Bill, W7TVF (5W0VF)  will go back  to Apia, Samoa  (OC-097) from  18
          November to 9 December. He plans to be active on all bands, 6 metres
          included (beacon at 50.104 MHz), and  will try to operate also  RTTY
          and PSK31. Those who need 5W on a particular band or mode can e-mail
          Bill at bill.w7tvf@air-internet.com [TNX The Daily DX]
9A     - Mike, 9A3JB will be active (on  40-6 metres CW and SSB) from  Murter
          Island (not IOTA, IOCA CI-074)  from 19 August  to 6 September.  QSL
          via bureau. [TNX 9A3JB]
9H     - Gerd, DJ4KW and Gisela, DK9GG plan to be QRV on CW and digital modes
          from Gozo (EU-023) from 26 September to 8 October. [TNX DJ4KW]
C9     - Babs, DL7AFS  and Lot,  DJ7ZG will  be active  again as  C98DC  from
          Mozambique for two weeks starting around  22 September. They  expect
          to operate from an island in northern Mozambique, probably with Rei,
          DL6DQW/C98RF. Rei will operate CW  and on 6  metres, while Babs  and
          Lot will try to operate RTTY/PSK mostly on 18101 kHz. QSL C98DC  via
          DL7AFS,  QSL  C98RF  via  DL6DQW.  Updates  will  be  published   at
          http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs [TNX DJ7ZG]
CT     - CT2GZB and CT1CSY will be  active as CQ0GZB  from the lighthouse  at
          Cabo da  Roca (ARLHS  POR-007, DFP  FES-01) on  18 August.  QSL  via
          bureau. [TNX CT1END]
CT     - Marq, CT1BWW reports he will be signing CQ0BWW on 17/18 August,  7/8
          September, 28/29 September,  12/13 October and  9/10 November.  This
          special call has been issued to him to celebrate his 20-year  career
          as constestman. QSl via bureau to CT1BWW.
CX_ssh - Oleg, R1ANF plans  to operate  as R1ANF/A  from Uruguayan  Antarctic
          scientific base "General Jose Artigas" (WABA  CX-01) on King  George
          Island, South  Shetlands (AN-010)  for a  couple of  weeks in  early
          September. Oleg  is  currently  active  from  Chinese  "Great  Wall"
          station (WABA BY-01) [425DXN 588] and can be found on the Antarctica
          Net (held  on Mondays  starting at  17 UTC  on 21275  kHz). QSL  via
          RK1PWA. [TNX DL5EBE]
CY0    - The Daily DX  reports that George/VE3NZ,  Nick/VE3EY and  Lali/VE3NE
          are planning an operation (HF and  6 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY)  from
          Sable Island (CY0MM) between 15 and 26 November, CQ WW CW DX Contest
          included. The DXpedition will take place only if the group can raise
          enough  funds   by   15  October.   They   have  a   web   page   at
DL     - Look for DF0IF to be active from Westermakelsdorf lighthouse  (ARLHS
          FED-026) on Fehmarn Island (EU-128) during the weekend for the ILLW.
          QSL via bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
FS     - Gregg, W6IZT will be active (on 40-10 metres CW and SSB) as FS/W6IZT
          from St Martin  (NA-105) on 17-26  August. QSL via  home call.  [TNX
G      - Nick/G0WZK, Bill/G3WNI and Tom/G0PSE will operate (on 10-160  metres
          CW, SSB and RTTY)  as GB2APL from  Anvil Point Lighthouse  (ENG-001)
          during the ILLW. QSL via the RSGB bureau or direct to G0PSE  (e-mail
          requests for bureau cards can be sent to g0pse@qsl.net). [TNX G0PSE]
HL     - Special event station DT14AG is active until 23 October to celebrate
          the XIV  Asian Games  in Busan,  Korea.  A second  special  station,
          HL14AG, will be activated from 23 September through 23 October.  QSL
          via HL0BHQ either direct (KARL Busan  Branch, P.O.Box 88,  Busanjin,
          614-013, Korea) or through the bureau.  A series of certificates  is
          available for working HL14AG, DT14AG and stations located in the  43
          Asian    countries    participating    in    the    games;    e-mail
          ds5psn@hanmail.net for the details. [TNX DS5PSN]
I      - Alfredo, IK7JWX and  other operators  from the  Salento DX  Team-ARI
          Lecce will operate from Gallipoli (not IOTA, IIA LE-010) during  the
          morning of  17 August.  They will  then move  to Sant'Andrea  Island
          (EU-091, IIA LE-001)  and operate  from the  local lighthouse  (WLHA
          LH-075, ARLHS ITA-084, not WAIL) until the late afternoon/evening of
          18 August. Operations are expected to take on HF and 6 metres  (from
          JN80XB) SSB and CW. QSL via home calls either direct or through  the
          bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
I      - Operators from  ARI Imperia  will be  active  as IK1AWV/P  from  the
          Lighthouse at  Porto Maurizio  (WAIL LI-002)  on  31 August  in  the
          morning. QSL via IK1AWV  either direct or  through the bureau.  [TNX
I      - Bruno, IC8JAH  reports he  plans  to be  active  on 40  metres  from
          Scoglio Monacone (EU-031, IIA NA-012) on 1 September.
JA     - Look for JO1EPY/6 to be active (on 6,  10, 12, 15, 17 and 40  metres
          SSB and CW) once again from Kuchinoshima (AS-049) on 5-8  September.
          QSL via home call either direct (Hiroshi Kotoku, 3-4-19  Kishimachi,
          Kawagoe City, Saitama 350-1131, Japan) or  through the bureau.  [TNX
JT     - Frank, DK5PF will  be active  as JT1FDJ  from Ulaanbaatar,  Mongolia
          until 29  September. QSL  via home  call (Frank  Korte, Stormweg  6,
          31737 Rinteln, Germany). [TNX JT1CD]
JT     - JU840C is the  call to be  used on  21-31 October  to celebrate  the
          840th anniversary  of  Gengis  Khan  (Chinggis  Khaan),  founder  of
          Mongolian empire,  and  the  Mongolian  Radio  Sport  Federation  is
          organizing an international DXpedition to the birthplace of Chinggis
          Khaan in Khentii province, some 270 km far from  Ulaanbaatar.  Those
          interested  in   participating   in  the   DXpedition   can   e-mail
          jt1kaa@mongol.net (Khos, JT1CD) for the details.
KH8    - Glyn  Jones/GW0ANA   and   other  five   operators   (namely   David
          Flack/AH6HY, Thomas  Steinmann/DJ6OI,  Roger  Mulzer/DL5RBW,  Markus
          Dornach/DL9RCF and Doug Roberts/G0WMW) will be active from  American
          Samoa from 29 October to 8 November. Three operators will be  active
          from Tutuila (OC-045), while the other  three will operate from  Ofu
          Island (OC-077) between 30 October and 6 November. Special attention
          will be  paid to  160 metres  and to  EU openings  for OC-077.  More
          information is available at http://www.ukdxers.co.uk
LX     - Peter/PA2PKZ,     Arend/PA2AWU,     Herman/PA0TEN,      Roel/PA1DYK,
          Harry/PA3HEP, Frans/PA5CA and Jan/PA5RA will operate as LX/PA6Z from
          Wiltz, Luxembourg on 21-28 September. They will be active on  160-10
          metres (possibly also 6 metres,  if local TVI  permits) SSB, CW  and
          RTTY, with special  attention to RTTY  and the WARC  bands. QSL  via
          PA1KW either direct  Bert van Holst,  Ien Dalessingel  357, 7207  LJ
          Zutphen, The Netherlands or through the bureau. [TNX PA5RA]
OZ     - Weather permitting,  Jakob/OZ7AEI will  be active  as OZ7AEI/P  from
          Livo Island (EU-171, NJ-007) on 18 August, starting around 10 UTC on
          20 metres. [TNX OZ7AEI]
PJ6    - Henry, K4LMY  expects to  return to  Saba Island  (NA-145) on  19-24
          August. He plans to operate  as PJ6/K4LMY mainly  between 10 and  12
          UTC on 14260 and 21260 kHz.  QSL via home call either direct  (Henry
          N. Hassell, 17251 Ingram Ln., Amelia, VA 23002, USA) or through  the
          bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
SV     - Akis/SV7CLI, Vagelis/SV7AIF and  Sakis/SV7AMJ  will  participate  in
          the ILLW as SY7LH from  Alexandroupolis Lighthouse (ARLHS  GRE-005).
          QSL via SV7CLI. On-line logs for SY7LH 2000 and 2001 operations,  as
          well  as   information  on   the  lighthouse,   can  be   found   at
          http://www.qsl.net/sv7cli [TNX SV7CLI]
TA     - LZ1NK, LZ1CNN, LZ1ZQ and LZ4MA will  be active as TB05GF and  YM05GF
          from Gokceada Island (EU-186) on 23-26 August. They plan to  operate
          on 3520, 7020, 10105, 14020,  18075, 21020, 28020  kHz CW and  3780,
          7050, 14250, 18125,  21250, 28550 kHz  SSB. QSL  via LZ1NK  (Nikolay
          Enchev, Parchevich 43 A, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria). [TNX NG3K]
UA     - Vic, UA6AF and  other are planning  an operation  from IOTA   groups
          AS-044 and AS-114 to take place  between 20 August and 2   September
          (dates will depend on weather conditions).  QSL via G0KBO   (direct)
          or UA6AF (bureau). [TNX UA6AF]
UA     - UA6LP, UA6MC, UX7IM and  UR3IFD will be  active from either  Pervogo
          Stvora Front Lighthouse (RLHA RLE-015, WLHA LH-0761, ARLHS  ERU-134,
          RR-17-06) or  Pervogo  Stvora Rear  Lighthouse  (RLE-014,  LH  0493,
          ERU-135) during the ILLW. [TNX WRC/RRA Bulletin]
UA     - Look for RZ4HWF (operators RW4HW, RW4HAC, RK4HM, RZ4HF, RN4HW, RW4HL
          and UA4HTJ)  will be  active from  Damba-48 Island  (RR-26-new)  and
          lighthouse (WLH-0551, ARLHS ERU-081) on 16-18 August. QSL via RW4HW.
          [TNX RW4HW]
UA     - Dima/RA0LQ and Mike/UA0MF will be active (SSB and CW with 150 watts)
          as  UE0LLH  from  the  lighthouse  (LH-1309,  ASR-006,  RLA-007)  on
          Skrypleva Island  (AS-066)  on 17-18  August.  QSL via  UA0MF  (Mike
          Filippov, P.O.Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia). [TNX UA0MF]
UA     - RZ1AK, UA1CIO and UA4LDP  will be active  as UE1CLH from  Stirsudden
          Lighthouse (ARLHS  ERU-008,  RLE-011  for  the  Russian  Lighthouses
          Award) on 16-18  August. QSL via  bureau or direct  to VE3LYC.  [TNX
UR     - Vlad/UY0UY, Nick/UX7UN, Andre/UX1UF and  Vlad/UT5UKY will be  active
          as UT4UZA/p from Letnik Island  (DE-01) on 24  August. On 25  August
          they plan  to operate  from a  new island  valid for  the  Ukrainian
          Islands Award programme. QSL via UX7UN. [TNX UT5UKY]
UR     - Alex/UR4LUG, Oleg/UR3IFD, Leo/UT2II and Vit/UX7IM will be active  as
          EM5UIA from Kosa Tuzla Island (EU-180) on 5-10 September. They  plan
          operate on 20-10  metres SSB,  CW and  RTTY with  beam and  vertical
          antennas. QSL via UR4LUG either direct (Alexey E Yakovlev, P.O.  Box
          7629, Kharkov, 61018, Ukraine) or through the bureau. [TNX UR4LUG]
V6     - Kazu, JA0VSH (V63KZ)  and his wife  Miyuki, JG0PBJ  (V63MP) will  be
          active from  Pohnpei (OC-010),  Micronesia on  9-15 September.  They
          expect to operate  on 80-10 meters  SSB and CW.  QSL via home  calls
          either direct  (Kazuhide  and Miyuki  Maruyama,  2-16-8-206  Kinuta,
          Tokyo, 157-0073 Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
VE     - Look for Gilles,  VE2MAM/p to  be active  on 10-20  metres SSB  from
          Grande Basque Island (NA-125, Zone 2) on 18-22 August. QSL via  home
          call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
VK     - Trevor, VK7TS  will  be  active  as  VK7TS/4  from  Magnetic  Island
          (OC-171) from 23  August to 6  September operating  on 10-40  metres
          mainly SSB. QSL to VK7TS either  direct (Trevor Spargo, 1  Roebourne
          Rd, Otago, Tasmania, Australia 7017) or via the bureau. [TNX VK7TS]
VP2M   - Eugene, WA3IOU and his wife Marlene, N3LGY will be active (on 10-160
          metres SSB)  as  VP2MEB  and  VP2MAB  respectively  from  Montserrat
          (NA-103) on 14-25 October. QSL via home calls. [TNX K3MI]
VP8_fal- Look for VP8LGT to be active from lighthouse on Cape Pembroke (ARLHS
          FAL-001), Falkland Islands (SA-002) during the  ILLW. QSL via  VP8ON
          (Donald Betts,  P.O.  Box  233,  Stanley,  Falkland  Islands,  South
          Atlantic). [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - Look for  Ken,  WA8REI/p to  be  active from  Beaver  Island  Harbor
          Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-047) during the ILLW event. The lighthouse  is
          located  on  Beaver  Island  (USI  MI-032L)  in  Charlevoix  County,
          Michigan. QSL direct to WA8REI. [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - The Pearl River  DX Association will  be on the  air (on  15 and  20
          metres SSB) during late August through September with the call W2WTC
          to commemorate the amateurs who lost their lives at the World  Trade
          Center. QSL  via K2HJB  either direct  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
W      - Tony, WF1N  and Lou,  W1DIG will  be  active from  Appledore  Island
          (NA-217, ARLH USA-406) starting  around 19 UTC  on 20 September  and
          ending around 12 UTC on the 23rd.  They will operate on 40, 20,  17,
          15 and 10 metres on or  near the usual IOTA  SSB frequencies with  a
          tribander, wires and amplifier. QSl via home calls, either direct or
          through the bureau. E-mail requests for bureau cards are welcome  at
          a.spino@snet.net (WF1N) and megawatt@snet.net (W1DIG). [TNX WF1N]
XU     - Max/ON5UR, Karel/ON5TN and Wim/ON6NP will be active (on all HF bands
          and 6 metres) as XU7ACJ (  SSB ) and XU7ACN  (CW and digital  modes)
          from Cambodia on 11-26 september. On 20-23 September they will  take
          a side trip to Koh Poah  (AS-133) and operate as XU7AUR. QSL  XU7ACJ
          and XU7ACN via ON6NP, QSL XU7AUR  via ON5UR. Further information  is
          available at http://home2.pi.be/on5ur/cambodia/index.htm [TNX ON5UR]
XY     - The XY3C/XY5T/XY7V team at Ngapali is experiencing strong winds  and
          heavy monsoon rainfalls, and is having major problems with antennas.
          The XY0TA IOTA team became  active from Apaw-ye  Kyun on 15  August,
          after an adventerous  landing because of  the storm situation.  [TNX
YB     - Pri, YB0ECT says  he is QRV  daily on  3535 kHz  CW starting  around
          20.00 UTC and using full-sized dipoles. QSL via K5ZE.
YJ     - Art, ZL2HE will  be active on  160-10 metres as  YJ0HE from  Vanuatu
          from 21 August  until 2 September.  Operation will  take place  from
          Port Vila (Efate, OC-035), home of  YJ8UU, who is  due to retire  in
          mid October and return to New Zealand. QSL via ZL2HE. [TNX ZL2HE]
ZS     - Barry, ZS1FJ reports  he plans to  be active  (likely on  17 and  12
          metres) as ZS23I from AF-077 on 28 September for one or two days.

ILLW  &  IOTA  --->  Several  stations  participating  in  the  International
Lighthouse/Lighthsip Weekend  (17-18  August) will  be  operating  from  IOTA
islands.   Check   http://www.vkwce.com/illw/2002.htm   for   the   announced
operations listing including QSL routes.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AMATEUR RADIO & ANTARCTICA ---> According to official sources, at least  five
Antarctic features have been named after amateur radio operators who  handled
radio traffic and  arranged phone  patches between  the US  and personnel  in
Antarctica in the 1960s and 1970s:
Eichorst Island         Marvin H. Eichorst, W9RUK (Glenview, IL)
Dean Nunataks           William S. Dean, ........ (Pleasanton, TX)
Gillies Rock            Betty Gillies, .......... (San Diego, CA)
Madey Ridge             Jules Madey, ............ (Clark, NJ)
Mount Stagnaro          John Stagnaro, .......... (La Crescenta, CA)
The Diamond DX Club, currently working on the revision of the WABA Directory
[425DXN 587] would like to know if there any reader of 425 DX News  who  can
help filling in the gaps.

ARLHS MEETING ---> Members  of the Amateur  Radio Lighthouse Society  (ARLHS)
will held their first meeting on  19 October at the Coastal Georgia  Heritage
Center located  adjacent  to St.  Simons  Lighthouse on  St.  Simons  Island,
Georgia.  For  further  information  please  contact  Jim  Buffington,  K5JIM

PIRATE ---> Tony, T77C reports that the station signing T77V on 40 metres  CW
around 21 UTC on 1 August and around 20 UTC on 5 August was a pirate.

RTTY SURVEY ---> Digital modes  enthusiasts are invited  to participate in  a
"RTTY Most Needed DXCC Entities Survey". The  results will be used by many  -
anyone wanting to plan a DXpedition or  vacation can use the results to  help
them determine which DXCC Entity might be more desired on the digital  modes.
So it's  not just  the "top"  RTTY operators  results  that are  needed,  but
results from every  single RTTY  operator, no  matter how  many entities  you
need. Instructions  on  completing and  submitting  the survey  form  are  at
http://www.aa5au.com/rttysurvey.html [TNX AA5AU]

QSL 4W6MM ---> Thor, 4W6MM (TF1MM) expects to be leaving East Timor soon  and
from now  on  direct QSL  cards  should be  sent  to  Thorvaldur  Stefansson,
Skulagata 32-34, IS-101, Reykjavik, Iceland. He  has logged some 40,000  QSOs
as 4W6MM and some 1,500 QSOs as 4U1ET. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL SN6F/1 ---> Andy, SP6ECA reports  that all of  the SN6F/1 (EU-132)  cards
for IOTA Contest activities in  1998, 1999 and  2000 were sent  automatically
via the  bureau.  If  anyone  still  needs  a  card,  pse  e-mail  SP6ECA  at
eca3@box43.pl; cards for the IOTA Contest 2002 will be ready in September.

QSL VIA EA7JX ---> Rodrigo, EA7JX is the new QSL manager for Javi, LU5FF  and
his special calls L24FF, L45FF, LQ0F, AY5FF and L73F. [TNX LU5FF]

QSL VIA RW3RN  ---> Alex  reports he  is the  new QSL  manager for  5B4/R3CC,
5B4/RW3QC, 9H3QC, OJ6C, R1MVC, R3CC,  RK3QWA and RW3QC.  His address is  Alex
Kuznetsov, P.O. Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023,  Russia and the  web page for  his
QSL service is at http://www.tmb.ru/~i011f/service.html

SARDINIA ISLANDS  --->  The complete  listing  of Sardinia  islands  (EU-024,
EU-041 and EU-165) activated by members of ARI Olbia since 1992 is  available
at http://www.ariolbia.cjb.net [TNX IS0JMA]

THE END OF  RAC ---> The  ARRL webnews  reports that  Radio Amateur  Callbook
"will cease publication  of its CD-ROM  Callbook product  effective with  its
winter 2003 edition, which will come out in November" as "sales have declined
to levels that make it unprofitable to publish future editions". The Callbook
began publishing in 1920 and the  75th edition (1997) was the last  hard-copy
version available.

UK POSTAL CHARGES ---> Mike, G3TEV  (QSL Manager for 9J2BO) reports that  the
UK postal rate for cards outside Europe is  now 47 pence (there is no  change
for cards inside Europe, as yet). Mike is receiving SASEs with the  incorrect
postage on them, and he says "it would be much better if stations sent  IRC's
as they can be used whatever the postal charge is".

YO DX HF CONTEST ---> It will take  place on 31 August-1 September and  there
are  some  changes  in  the  rules.  For  further  information  please  visit
http://www.qsl.net/yo3kaa/contests/yodx_eng.htm [TNX NG3K]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DIFO:    The DIFO  activity listing  has been  updated  and is  available  at
LOGS:    Logs   for    JY9QJ,   JY8YB    and    JY8B   are    available    at
          http://www.qsl.net/dl5mby/ [TNX The Daily DX]
LOGS:    The  logs  for  YC3MM/5's  operation  from  OC-245  and  for  8A3M's
          operation  from   Masalembu  Island   (OC-250)  are   available   at
          www.mdxc.org/logsearch.asp [TNX IZ8CCW]

QSLs received  direct: 3B8/DL6UAA, 3D2CI, 3D2CY, 3DA0WPX, 3G1X, 3V8BB,  3V8KO
(AF-092), 3XA8DX,  4L1DX,  4L2M, 4L3Y,  4S7BRG,  5A1A, 5A32,  5N0ZKD,  5Z4BI,
5Z4FM, 7O/OH2YY, 7X2LS, 7X2RO, 7X2VZK, 9H3Q, 9J2BO, 9K2ZZ, 9Q0AR, A25/DL1YFF,
(AS-103), BO0K  (AS-102), BO0KS  (AS-102),  BO0M (AS-113),  BV2B/9  (AS-155),
BV2KI, BV9A  (AS-103),  CE6/AD6TF, CN2IB,  CO7OTA  (NA-086),  CV1F  (SA-057),
OJ0U, OY4TN,  P5/4L4FN, PW0T,  PZ5PI (SA-092),  PZ5RA, R1AND,  R1FJL,  R1MVI,
UK8GZ, V26X,  V31GC, V47X,  V73UG, VK9ML,  VK9NL,  VK9NS, VP2E, VP2VE, VP6DI,
WA0VOM/SU, WP2Z, WP3C, XF1/DL1YMK (NA-078), XR0X, XV3C (AS-162), XV9DT, XW0X,

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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