DX425 bulletin issue nr. 588

   10 August 2002                                                   No 588
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                         >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<<

The  425  DX  News  monthly  edition   (July  issue)  is  now  available   at
http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/ and can be downloaded in  either .pdf or  .doc
format. The deadline for sending articles and pictures to be published in the
next issue is  29 August. Please  contact Maurizio Bertolino,  i121171/IZ1CRR
(i121171@425dxn.org) for the details.

3B8      - Fujio, JA0JEY/K1WP and Tsutuo, JA0QBY plan to be active (on  80-10
            metres SSB and CW plus Satellite AO-40) as 3B8/K1WP and 3B8/JA0QBY
            from Mauritius  (AF-049)  on 14-20  August.  QSL via  home  calls,
            either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JA0QBY]
3V       - Paulo, CT1ETE plans to be active (SSB only) from the Scout  Center
            in Borj-Cedria using the club's call  3V8CB. The activity will  be
            only will take place on 12 or 13 August (one day only) during  the
            local daylight hours. QSL via DL1BDF (direct only). [TNX CT1ETE]
9A       - Look for Boro,  9A3KB/p to be  active from  Kotez (Kozada)  Island
            (EU-110, CI-181) from  7.30 UTC until  10 UTC on  10 August.  [TNX
9A       - Karel/OK1FBH, Martin/OK1FZM and  Petr/OK1DSM will  be active  from
            Cres Island (EU-136, IOCA CI-012) on  12-19 August. They are  also
            planning a side trip to activate the lighthouse (LH-2527, CRO-020)
            on Zaglav Island (CI-225) during that time frame. [TNX 9A6AA]
A2 & 7P  - Hide, JM1LJS reports he will be  active as A25LJ from Botswana  on
            11-13 August and  as 7P8?? (requested  call 7P8LJ)  from on  14-16
            August. He  will operate  on 20-10  metres SSB  and CW.  QSLs  via
C6       - Al, K3TKJ will be active (on 40-6 metres  on both SSB and CW on  6
            and SSB  only on  the other  bands) as  C6ALW from  Andros  Island
            (NA-001) from 14 August to 18 September. [TNX The Daily DX]
CT       - Look for CS5E to be active on 20,  15 and 10 metres SSB from  Guia
            Lighthouse (ARLHS POR-024,  DFP FES-05)  from 9  to 19  UTC on  17
            August. QSL via bureau. [TNX CT1ECT]
CT       - A group of operators from Alto Minho (Portugal) will be active  as
            CQ0GIL from the hospital ship Gil Eannes on 17-19 August. QSL  via
            operators' instructions. [TNX CT1EDA]
FG       - FG/IK2XDE  (Andrea),  FG/IK2JYT (Giovanni),  FG/IK2HAB (Mario) and
            FG/IW2MVS (Luigi) will be  QRV  for Europe at 4 UTC  on 10 August.
            Look for them on +/- 7.085.  The Team is active from Terre de Haut
            (DIFO FG-011),  Les Saintes Islands (NA-114)  till 17 August.  QSL
            via  home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK2JYT]
HL       - The Gwangju DX Club will operate  (on all HF  bands, plus VHF  and
            UHF) as 6L0NJ/4 from  Soan Island (AS-085)  between 14 August  (10
            UTC) and  16 August  (24 UTC).  QSL via  DS4AEN either  direct  or
            through the KARL bureau. [TNX HL4XM]
I        - Operators from Salento DX Team will  participate in the ILLW  from
            the lighthouse (WLH LH-075, ARLHS  ITA-084) on Sant'Andrea  Island
            (EU-091, IIA LE-001). They plan to operate on HF and 6 metres  SSB
            and CW. [TNX IK7JWX]
I        - Frank, IZ7AUH  will be active  (on 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB)  from
            Chianca d'Abramo Island (EU-091; IIA LE-017) on 12 August. QSL via
            home call direct either direct  (Francesco Giacoia,  P.O.Box 224 -
            TA-05, 74100 Taranto - TA, Italy)  or through the bureau.  The web
            page for the activity is at http://www.iz7auh.com [TNZ IZ7AUH]
IS0      - Special  event  station  IS0AX  will  be  operated  from  Tortoli,
            Sardinia  (EU-024)  on   10  August.  QSL   cards  will  be   sent
            automatically through the bureau. [TNX IS0JMA]
JA       - Look for Samy,  JR8KJR/8 to be  active (on 6,  10, 12,  15 and  17
            metres  SSB  and  other  modes)  from  Yagishiri  Island  (AS-147)
            starting around 9  UTC on 14  August until  around 00  UTC on  the
            16th. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau.  [TNX
LX       - Thirteen operators from UBA-Kortrijk (KTK) will be active (on  all
            HF bands and  modes, plus VHF  and Satellite)  as LX/ON6CK/P  from
            Luxembourg on 15-18 August. QSL via  bureau to ON6CK or direct  to
            ON4ADN. [TNX ON6HH]
LZ       - Nick, LZ1NG expects to be active (on 6-80 metres SSB and CW)  from
            Sveta Anastasia Island  (EU-181) until  17 August.  QSL via  LZ1NG
            (Nikolay Babarev,  P.O. Box  356,  Plovdiv 4000,  Bulgaria).  [TNX
LZ       - Boyan/LZ1BJ, Ely/LZ1JB, Lyuben/LZ1ZC and others will be active  as
            homecall/1 from Sveta Anastasiya Island (EU-181) on 15-22  August.
            They plan operate on 40-10 metres SSB  and CW with 1 Kw, beam  and
            vertical antennas.  QSL via  home  calls, preferably  through  the
            bureau. [TNX LZ1BJ]
R1A_ssh  - Oleg, R1ANF/A is currently active  from Chinese Antarctic  station
            "Great Wall" (WABA BY-01) on King  George Island, South  Shetlands
            (AN-010). He  operates  when weather  conditions  and  spare  time
            permit. [TNX DL5EBE and IZ8BRI]
SP       - Wojtek, SP9HWN will be active  (on 80-6 metres  CW, SSB, RTTY  and
            PSK31) as HF98JP on 15-31  August to celebrate  the visit of  Pope
            John Paul II to Poland. QSL via home call. [TNX SP9HWN]
SP       - SP2BIK, SP2BRN, SP2IZC,  SP2TQW and SQ2BXJ  will operate as  SN2NP
            from the old lighthouse in Gdansk, Nowy Port on 17-18 August.  QSL
            via SP2BIK. [TNX SP2BIK]
SV       - Look for SV8/IK8HCG and  SV8/IK8UND to be  active on 10-40  metres
            from Paxoi Island (EU-052) on 13-22  August. QSL via IK8UND.  [TNX
SV       - Akis/SV7CLI, Vagelis/SV7AIF and  Sakis/SV7AMJ will participate  in
            the ILLW (17-18 August) as  SY7LH from Alexandroupolis  Lighthouse
            (GRE-005). QSL via SV7CLI. [TNX SV7CLI]
SV9      - Dick, G3URA will be active as SV9/G3URA on 20 metres in the  SARTG
            RTTY Contest on 17-18 August from his QTH on Crete (EU-015).  Dick
            will also be on PSK outside  the contest. QSL to home call  direct
            or via bureau. [TNX G3URA]
TF       - TF1IRA    will    be    operated    during    the    International
            Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend  from  Knarraros Lighthouse  for  the
            fifth year in a row. Operation  will be mainly SSB  and CW on  80,
            40, 20, 15  and 10 metres.  QSL via the  TF bureau,  or direct  to
            TF3GB. [TNX TF3AO]
UA       - Look for  RK6AXS/p  and RK6CZ/p  to  be  active  from  Sudzhukskiy
            Lighthouse (WLHA  LH-0754, RLHA  RLE-022, ARLHS  new one)  in  the
            Black Sea on 16-18 August. QSL via home calls. [TNX RV3GW]
V8       - Antonio, IZ8CCW and Dario, IT9SSI have cancelled their 5-11 August
            operation from  Brunei  [425DXN 579]  an  were expected  to  leave
            Indonesia on 7  August. The  8A3M activity  from Maselembu  Island
            (OC-250) finished on 4 August after 4200 QSOs. [TNX IZ8BRI]
VE       - Ed, W0SD/VO2 will operate (on 40,  20, 15 and 10 metres SSB,  plus
            CW, RTTY and  WARC bands on  request) from Zone  2 in Labrador  on
            17-18 August. He will be running 500 watts into the same  antennas
            used for CY9DH and FP/W0SD. [TNX AC0M]
W        - Ron/KA2BZS and his wife Fran will be operating from the Twinlights
            at  Navesink  (USA-530)  again  this  year  for  the  Internationl
            Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. They  will be  active on  17 and  18
            August (14.00-21.00 UTC each day)  on 40-10 metres  CW and SSB.  A
            glossy  picture   QSL   of  the   lighthouse   is   available   at
            http://www.cwforever.com/navesinktwinlights.php  QSL  via   KA2BZS
            either direct or (for DX stations) via the bureau. [TNX KA2BZS]
W        - Gary, K8IKW  and the  Alcona County  Amateur  Radio Club  will  be
            active as  K8S  from Sturgeon  Point  Lighthouse  (USA-823)  17-19
            August during the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. [TNX
W        - Eagle Harbor  Lighthouse  (USA-253) will  be  active in  the  ILLW
            (17-18 August)  using the  special call  K8E. Modes  of  operation
            include HF/VHF,  CW/SSB, FM  Satellite  and possible  HF  digital.
            Collectors of ARLHS numbers  can get credit  also for Front  Range
            Light (USA-254)  and Rear  Range Light  (USA-255). QSL  direct  to
            N8MR.    The    web    page    for    the    operation    is    at
            http://www.kc8nah.com/Interests/illw02.htm [TNX N8MR]
YL       - A group of Latvian operators will be active (on 160-10 metres  CW,
            SSB and RTTY  plus 6  and 2  metres) as  YL0A/LGT from  Kolkasrags
            Lighthouse (LAT-006, WLH 1007, not IOTA)  on 16-19 August. If  the
            weather situation does not allow them  to get on the island,  they
            will operate from the Mikeltornis Lighthouse (LAT-010). [TNX  OPDX
ZK1_sc   - Wolf, DL2SCQ/ZK1SCQ is currently  active from Raratonga  (OC-013).
            On 13 August he  will leave for  Palmerston Atoll (OC-124),  South
            Cooks, from where he should be QRV by Thursday (zulu time) for six
            days. He operates with 100 watts and wire antennas. QSL via DL6DK.
            [TNX N7RO]
ZL5_ant  - Chris Post,  N3SIG will  be back  on Ross  Island (AN-011)  on  15
            August and plans to be active again as ZL5CP from Scott Base (WABA
            ZL-02). He will  also sign KC4/N3SIG  when operating from  McMurdo
            Base (WABA K-09). QSL for both calls via AI3D. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
ZS       - Andrew, ZS1AN has  drawn up an  operating schedule  for his  16-18
            August [425DXN 587] ZS1AN/P activity  from Dassen Island  (AF-064)
            Lighthouse (ARLHS SAF-042, WLH LH-0423):
            0500-0600 UTC 7026  CW          1500-1600 UTC    14026 CW
            0600-0800     14026 CW          1600-1700        21026 CW
            0900-1000     14026 CW          1700-1900        14026 CW
            1000-1100     14226 USB         1900-2000         7026 CW
            1200-1500     21026 CW          2000-2200         3526 CW
            Additional  information  at   http://www.qsl.net/zs1an/dassen.html
            [TNX ZS1AN]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9Q LICENCES ---> Patrick, F6BLQ/9Q1A reports  he has been given assurance  by
the Ministry PTT in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) that the licences
for 9Q0AR, 9Q1YL,  9Q1MM, 9Q1KS  and 9Q1A  "are about  to be  renewed for  an
unlimited  period  of  time  pending  the  signature  of  the  next  Radiocom
Regulations Decree". Details will be published at http://www.qsl.net/f6blq/

DXCC NEWS  ---> DXCC  Manager Bill  Moore, NC1L  reports that  the  following
operations have been approved for DXCC credit:
Congo - TN3B & TN3W (16-27/05/02)
Laos  - XW3ZNR (20/03-20/05/02)
Laos  - XW1CKC, XW1CW, XW1EQY, XW1GBI, XW1HS, XW1IC & XW1OM (09/03-20/04/02)

QSL A22AA ETC --->  QSL cards for  A22AA, A25/KY4P, S92SS  and SV0LM from  US
amateurs should be sent to Charles  Lewis, 2270 Libreville Place, Dulles,  VA
20189-2270, USA. Non-US amateurs may want to use this address: Charles Lewis,
C.P. 522, Sao Tome, Sao Tome  e Principe, West Africa (via Portugal).  Please
note that the QSL manager for S9SS is N4JR. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL K4WLS/KL7  --->  Those  who worked  Larry,  K4WLS/KL7  from  Adak  Island
(NA-039)   in   1972-75   and   need   this   IOTA,   can   e-mail   him   at
K4WLS@carolina.rr.com giving call, QSO data and  mail address. If you are  in
his logs, Larry will send you the QSL card.

QSL TM0HQ  ---> The  correct QSL  manager for  TM0HQ (IARU  Contest 2002)  is
F6GIN. Online log at http://cdxc.free.fr/dxp/tm0hq/tm0hq.htm [TNX F5LMJ]

QSL W4/LZ3SM --->  Cards for Svetly's  recent operation  from Tangier  Island
(NA-083) should be sent to LZ3SM (Europe) or AI2P (others). The web page  for
the  activity  is  at  http://www.k4lrg.org/Contests/WF1L_IOTA_2002.htm  [TNX

WHITE SEA ISLANDS  ---> RA3NN/1, UA3NAN/1  and UA1OEJ/A  operated from  three
White Sea islands on 25 July-1 August as follows:
Date           Island          IOTA      RRA      WLHA       RLHA
25, 30, 31/07  Golets          EU-153    02-27    LH 2217    RLE-018
26-29/07       Zhizhginskiy    EU 153    02-23    LH 2447    RLE-019
01/08          Lyasomin        EU 153
QSL via RA3NN either direct (Andre Hudyacov, P.O. Box 1, Sharya, Kostromskaya
obl, 157500, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX RA3NN]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8/F5AEG   F5AEG       ES8X        ES2WX       R3RRC/1     UA3SGV
3D2KY       JA3MVI      F5OGG/P     LX1NO       RI0L        IK2DUW (b)
3Z0I/1      SP6ZDA      FG/IK2XDE   IK2XDE      RI0L        RU0LL (c)
4D70LA      DU7LA       FO/IK2QPR   IK2QPR      RK0LWW/p    UA3DX
4D70VDG     DU1VDG      FO/JJ8DEN   JJ8DEN      RZ1OA/a     RZ1OA
4J0FR       F6FYD       GJ2A        GJ3DVC      S21AM       N4VA
4J9NM       K2PF        GM2T        GM4UYZ      SK0HS/0     SM0MPV
4K5D        K2PF        GS4EZW      GW4EZW      SM1T        SM1TDE
5C2MI       I2JSB       GU8D        G3LZQ       SN0WI       SP2LLW
5K3W        HK3SGP      HG10SD      HA8PH       SN6OC       SP6FBD
5X2A        K4ZLE       HG50RT      HA6NL       SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
8A3M        IZ8CCW      HL0C/2      HL0C        SV8/IK2QEI  IK2QEI
8P6KY       G4IRH       HL0CAC/4    HL0CAC      SV9/SV1QN   SV1QN
8P9BJ       G0SOU       HL0Y/3      HL0Y        SW8L        SV1EML
8Q7ZZ       G3SWH       HR1/W4CK    W4CK        SY9DIA      SV9ANJ
8S4C/5      SM4DDS      HZ1AB       K8PYD       TA1ED/0     TA1ED
8S5T/0      DF6JC       I8/HA5AZC   HA5AZC      TJ1CR       F6AXD
9A0A        OK1FLM      II7GR       I7YKN       TK/F5MCC    F3GJ
9A0LH       9A7K        IT9EJE/9    IT9HLN      TM0MN       F6JOB
9A0R        9A9R        J45RW       OM5RW       TM2ON       ON4ON
9A8RR       OM7JG       JW0HU       SP3WVL      TU2IG       F5IG
9H3QC       RW3QC       JW5LJA      LA5LJA      TY4DX       F5AOV
9H3Z        ON4BAM      JW7FJA      LA7FJA      TY6FB       F1PJB
9M6A        N2OO        KL7AK/P     N6AWD       TY7Z        F5MOO
9M8CC       PB4CC       KP4/K8ZB    DK8ZB       TY9F        F5CWU
9N7AS       JH3PAS      L59EOC      EA7JX       UA1OLM/a    RZ1OA
9N7RB       W4FOA       LO7H        EA7FTR      UE0SAA      RA0WA
9Y4/AC4LN   UA4WHX      LU7HF       EA7FTR      UT4UZA/p    UX7UN
A35RK       W7TSQ       LU7HN       EA7FTR      VE1OTA/P    VE1VOX
AH0I        JF1IRW      LV7H        EA7FTR      VE9W        VE2CWI
AY7HF       EA7FTR      M0C         G3NUG       VK6BPM/P    WA6OJM
BI4J        BA4RD       N4C         KO4PY       VP5VAC      WA4JTK
BI5H        BD5HAG      OH0B        OH2BH       W2T         N2OO
C6DX        N8QET       OH0JV       DL7RV       W4NU/9K2    NK4U
CT2HXM      F4TTR       OH0LQK      OH3LQK      WP3R        W3HNK
CU3I        CS1GDX      OH9A        OH1NOA      XV3JAA      JR1JAA
CU9D        WA3HUP      OX3LG       OZ1ACB      XY3C        DL4KQ
CX1SI       CX1SI       PA5RA/P     PA5RA       XY5T        IN3ZNR
DA1LDN      ON4JM       PA6TEX      ON7YX       XY7V        DL8KBJ
DS0DX/2     HL1XP       PJ2/KD4D    KD4D        YB0IR       W4JS
EA8BWW      EA8AG       PJ2M        N9AG        YC3MM/5     IZ8CCW
ED1URJ      EA4URJ      PP3P        PY3JAF      ZF2DR       K5RQ
EG1URS      EA1URS      PY8AZT/P    PY8AZT      ZW2T/P      PY2TNT
EI7M        EI6HB       R1ANZ       RU1ZC       ZX7XX       PY7XC
EJ5E        EI2SDR      R1MVI       UA1ANA (a)  ZY4C        PY4ARS

(a) 25-29 July 2002
(b) others
(c) Russian stations

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9A6AA   Emir Mahmutovic, Slovenska 15, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
9A7K    Kresimir Juratovic P.O. Box 88, HR-48001 Koprivnica, Croatia
9A9R    Vladimir Pavlica, P.O. Box 312, HR-51001 Rijeka, Croatia
9M2/GM4YXI  c/o Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres Dr, Sioux City, IA 51108, USA
DL5NAM  Chris Sauvageot, Guttenburg 19, D-91322 Graefenberg, Germany
E21LLR  Piti Eksitikul, P.O. Box 7, Bangkok 10206, Thailand
ER3MM   Victor A. Shuberneckij, P.O. Box 637, MD-3101 Belchy, Moldova
HK3SGP  Francisco "Siso" Hennessey, Jet Box 9779, P.O. Box 02-5242, Miami, FL
         33102-5242, USA
HL1OYF  Duk-Nam Kim, P.O. Box 54, Dong-Jack, Seoul 156-600, Korea
I2JSB   Giorgio Savini, P.O. Box 55, 20089 Rozzano - MI, Italy
I7YKN   Nuccio Meoli, P.O. Box 66, 73010 Porto Cesareo - LE, Italy
IK2DUW  Antonello Passarella, Via M. Gioia 6, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy
IK2QPR  Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova, Italy
IK7YTT  Andrea Vernice, Via di Vittorio 70, 70033 Corato - BA, Italy
IZ8CCW  Antonio Cannataro, P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza, Italy
JH3PAS  Kiyotaka Ichikawa, Issiki-Nishi 1-74-3, Hiraoka-cho, Kakogawa,
         675-0117 Japan
JO1EPY  Hiroshi Kotoku, 3-4-19 Kishimachi, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1131, Japan
KU9C    Steven Wheatley, P.O. Box 31,, Morristown, NJ 07963-0031, USA
LZ1NG   Nikolay Babarev, P.O. Box 356, Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria
N2OO    Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA
N6AWD   Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA
ON4ON   Danny Commeyne, Rozenlaan 38, B-8890 Dadizele, Belgium
OZ1ACB  Allis Andersen, Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
PY3JAF  Jorge A. Fauth, Rua Albion 402, ap 301 Bloco B1, Porto Alegre - RS
         91530-010, Brazil
PY7XC   Jemesson Faria, Rua Dhalia 228 AP401, Boa Viagem, Recife - PE,
         51020-290, Brazil
RA1QQ   Nick A. Smerdov, P.O. Box 24, Cherepovets, 162611, Russia
RU1ZC   Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, 184340 Loparskaya, Russia
RU3SD   Vasiliy Bardin, P.O.Box 1, Ryazan 390000, Russia
RZ1OA   Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163040, Russia
SM0CMH  Goran Lundell, Algovagen 11, SE-13336 Saltsjobaden, Sweden
SM5BFJ  Leif Hammarstrom, Lerklockan 4, 73091 Riddarhyttan, Sweden
UA0MF   Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia
UA1ANA  Sergey Permut, P.O. Box 415, St.Petersburg, 190000, Russia
UA3SGV  Andrei Blinushov, P.O. Box 20, Ryazan-center, 390000, Russia
UT0RW   Yuri Kuchinsky, P.O.Box 591, Chernigov 14030, Ukraine
UX7UN   Nick Usoltsev, P.O. Box 73, Kiev 04209, Ukraine
W0SD    Ed Gray, 43804 257 St. Salem, South Dakota 57058-5907, USA
WB8YJF  Jon Severt, 5586 Babbitt Rd., New Albany, OH 43054, USA
YB7VCW  Ricky Welan, P.O. Box 255, Balikpapan 76102, Indonesia

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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