DX425 bulletin issue nr. 587

   03 August 2002                                                No 587
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3B8     - Look for Laurent, 3B8/F5AEG to be  active (on 10, 15 and 20  metres
           SSB) from Mauritius (AF-049) on 3-20 August. He will try to operate
           from a lighthouse located on one of the smaller islands surrounding
           Mauritius during the ILLW on 17-18  August. QSL via F5AEG. [TNX  La
           Gazette du DX]
3D2_rot - Stephane, J28VS will operate (on all HF bands SSB) as 3D2VS/p  from
           Rotuma (OC-060) between 30 August and 5 September and as 3D2VS from
           Suva (OC-016), Fiji Islands on 6-11 September. QSL via F6KHM either
           direct or through the bureau. [TNX J28VS]
4J      - Yannick, F6FYD (President of Clipperton DX  Club) and Gerard,  F2VX
           will be in Baku, Azerbaijan on 6-23 August. Yannick will operate as
           4J0FR (QSL via F6FYD) while Gerard will use the club call 4K7W (QSL
           via operator's instructions). They will be  active on all bands  CW
           and SSB. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
5X      - Jay, K4ZLE/5X2A  is  in Uganda  until  11 August.  This  is  not  a
           DXpedition and most operation will be  during his late  night/early
           morning hours. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
7Q      - Ely, IN3VZE  will be  active again  as 7Q7CE  from Malawi  from  22
           September to 8 October. QSL via home call either direct (Ely Camin,
           Corso 3 Novembre 136/2, 38100  Trento - TN,  Italy) or through  the
           bureau. [TNX IN3VZE]
8Q      - Emanuela, IZ2ELV  will operate  (on 10  and 20  metres SSB  with  a
           dipole) as 8Q7LY from Velavaru, Maldives (AS-013) on 21-31  August.
           QSL via bureau to her home call. [TNX IZ2ELV].
9A      - A large group of Dutch  amateurs will be  going to Qawra  (JM75FV),
           Malta (EU-023) for their 15th holiday/DXpedition. They will operate
           as 9H9PA from 16 September until 6 October on all modes 40-6 metres
           (also on 80 and 160 metres  if they can find a  good place for  the
           antennas) and VHF. QSL via PA7DX (Anton Kerkhof, Blaublomke 2, 8401
           MG Gorredijk, The Netherlands). The operators will be  Sietse/PA1XA
           (9H3AAG), Peter/PA7PTR  (9H3TE),  Ton/PA1SL  (9H3AB),  Louis/PA0LRK
           (9H3LRK), Rob/PE9PE  (9H3PE),  Frits/PA0BEA  (9H3IE),  Andre/PA3HGP
           (9H3S),  Hans/PA3FYG  (9H3AAL),  Jaap/PE1NGF  (9H3X),   Bill/PA3BIZ
           (9H3ON),  Ger/PA0OI  (9H3OI),  Sjirk/PE1OFJ  (9H3YM),  Barry/PA3FEO
           (9H3QF), and Ruben/PD3RUB (9H3ZR). QSL for the individual 9H3s  via
           home   calls.   Logs   and   pictures   will   be   available    at
           http://www.vrza.nl [TNX PA3BIZ]
9M2     - Keith, GM4YXI plans to  be active as  9M2/GM4YXI from Ketam  Island
           (AS-074) on  9-11 August  and from  Babi Besar  Island (AS-046)  on
           16-19 August, while the weekend of 24-25 August is 'open'. He  will
           operate on 20, 17, 15, 12  and 10 metres using  the usual IOTA  SSB
           frequencies and around 14040, 18088, 21040, 24910 and 28040 kHz  on
           CW, with  100  watts and  vertical  antennas.  Keith  will  lookout
           specifically for openings to NA, especially the east coast. QSL via
           Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres  Dr, Sioux City,  IA 51108, USA.  Kim
           and Steve Larson (N3SL) also have the logs for Keith's previous 9M2
           activity  (see  http://www.qsl.net/n3sl/manager.htm). Last  minute
           issues may cause a change of  plan, check http://www.gm7v.com/ for
           updates. [TNX GM4YXI]
C5      - John, G4IRN will  be active as  C56/G4IRN from The  Gambia on  6-13
           September. He will operate mainly CW on 10-80 metres with 100 watts
           and wire antennas. QSL via G4IRN. [TNX NG3K]
C5      - Juha, OH9MM will celebrate his 30th  birthday (28 November) with  a
           special Multi/Multi  or  Multi/Single  operation  from  The  Gambia
           during the CQ WW CW Contest (23-24 November). Before and after  the
           contest, from 20  November through 1  December, activity will  take
           place on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. The callsign will be
           C53M and Juha  still needs a  couple of  CW operators  to join  the
           team. If interested, please contact him at oh9mm@sral.fi [TNX  OPDX
CE      - Marco, CE6TBN will be active as CE6TBN/p from Mocha Island (SA-061,
           DICE ICE-601) on 9-11 August. QSL via N1IBM. [TNX N1IBM]
CE9_ssh - Ricardo, CE9R  is active (mostly on 15 and 10 metres SSB)  from the
           Chilean  Antarctic  Base  "Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva"  (WABA
           CE-03) on  King George  Island  (AN-010)  until September.  QSL via
           CE3HDI. [TNX CE3HDI]
DL      - Look for  DJ3XG/p to  operate from  the EU-042  islands of  Japsand
           (German Island Award N-32), Norderoog (N-33), Norderoogsand  (N-34)
           and Suederoogsand (N-35) between 8 and  20 August. QSL via  bureau.
           [TNX DL2VFR]
DL      - Helios Lighthouse in Cologne/Ehrenfeld (FED-107) will be  activated
           during the ILLW on 17-18  August. Two HF  stations will operate  on
           10-40 metres SSB, with some PSK31  and possibly some SSTV as  well.
           The main callsign will be DA0HC  (QSL via DL6KAC), DN1KAV (QSL  via
           DH4KAV) and DN1KS (QSL via DJ2KS)  are likely to  be used as  well.
           [TNX DL6KAC]
FO      - Look for FO/JJ8DEN to be active (on CW and RTTY) from the  Maupihaa
           group (OC-057),  French  Polynesia on  5-7  August.  He  will  then
           operate from  Maupiti Island  (OC-067),  French Polynesia  until  9
           August. QSL via home call either direct or through the JARL bureau.
           [TNX JI6KVR]
G       - Look for GB5PW to operate from Pendeen Watch Lighthouse during  the
           ILLW on  17-18 August.  QSL via  bureau or  direct to  G0CAM.  [TNX
GM      - Andre, GM3VLB  and Alex  G(M)0DHZ  are going  to  be faced  with  a
           difficult voyage and above all a most difficult landing ("a trip to
           EU-118 is not like a cruise  on your local lake"),  but hope to  be
           able to operate from the Flannan Islands [425DXN 581] starting on 8
           August. QSL direct to GM3VLB. [TNX GM3VLB]
GM      - Look for GB2ELH  to operate from  Eshaness Lighthouse (SCO-075)  in
           the Shetland Islands (EU-012) during the ILLW on 17-18 August.  QSL
           via MM5PSL or WA7OBH. [TNX MM5PSL]
I       - IT9NVA expects  to operate  from the  lighthouse at  Capo Murro  di
           Porco (WAIL SI-011, ARLHS ITA-029, IOTA EU-025) on 3 August in  the
I       - A group of operators from ARI  Portici and Pomigliano will  operate
           from Procida  Island (EU-031,  IIA NA-002)  on 4  August. Look  for
           IC8/IZ8DDG,   IC8/IW8EVR,   IC8/IW8EUE,   IC8/I8JOQ,    IC8/IW8ERC,
           IC8/IK8TYD and IC8/IK8FMF  to be  active on  HF, 6  and possibly  2
           metres. QSL via  home calls either  direct or  through the  bureau.
           [TNX IZ8DDG]
I       - Look for Vanni, IA5/IK4RUX and Ermanno, IA5/IZ4AIH to be active  on
           SSB from Elba Island (EU-028, IIA LI-001) on 6-17 August. They  are
           planning a side trip to at least one satellite island. QSL via home
           calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK4RUX]
I       - Look for IQ1L to be active from La Lanterna (WAIL LI-005, ITA-177),
           Genova during  the  ILLW on  17-18  August. QSL  via  bureau.  [TNX
I       - Giuseppe, IZ5BSB plans to operate on 20-40 metres SSB as  IZ5BSB/I8
           from Le Castella (IIA KR-001) on 10 August. [TNX IZ5BSB]
I       - IU1DCI will be  the call  of the  special station  to be  activated
           during the DCI  (Italian Castles  Award) Meeting  organized by  ARI
           Mondovi' on 21-22 September.
KG4     - Florida DXPedition Group  member Bill Gallier,  W4WX/KG4DX will  be
           active from Guantanamo  (NA-015) on  16-21 August.  Bill will  join
           Clayton, KG4PK as  entry in  the ILLW  on 17-18  August. They  will
           operate from the very rare Windward Point Lighthouse (GTM-001). QSL
           KG4DX and KG4PK via W4WX. [TNX W4WX]
LA      - Bruce, KD6WW  reports  he  will be  active  (primarily  on  CW)  as
           LA/KD6WW/p from EU-033  on 8 August  (19-23 UTC) and  in the  early
           morning (4-6 UTC) of the 9th.
LU      - AY4EJ/D and AY3DTD/D are the callsigns to be used by Mariano, LU4EJ
           and Daniel, LU3DTD during their 4-6 October operation [425DXN  585]
           from Ariadna  Island  (SA-021). They  will  run 150  watts  into  a
           vertical antenna,  ground planes  and dipoles.  Main activity  will
           take place on SSB, but Mariano  will try to operate  QRS CW on  +/-
           3520 and 7020 kHz from 21 UTC.  QSL via home calls. [TNX LU7EE  and
OJ0     - The QLF DX Team (namely LA5UKA,  LA6YEA, LA8SDA, LA9VDA,  OJ0/LB1NE
           plus OH0RJ) will be active from Market Reef (EU-053) from 31 August
           to 7  September. They  have  applied for  OJ0LA  and plans  are  to
           operate on 10-160 metres CW and SSB (maybe some RTTY as well).  QSL
           OJ0LA via LA9VDA, QSL OJ0/LB1NE via  CBA, QSL OJ0RJ via OH0RJ.  The
           web page is at http://home.c2i.net/la6yea/ [TNX LA9VDA]
OZ      - Club station  OZ9HBO  will be  active  as  OZ9HBO/L  from  Bovbjerg
           Lighthouse during  the ILLW  on 17-18  August.  QSL via  bureau  or
           direct to OZ9HBO (P.O. Box 1323, DK-7500 Holstebro, Denmark).  [TNX
PJ2     - Mark, KD4D will be active as  PJ2/KD4D from Curacao (SA-006)  until
           14 August. QSL via home call.  He will participate in the 2002  WAE
           DX CW Contest as PJ2M (QSL via N9AG). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
SP      - To celebrate the visit of pope John Paul II to Poland Darek, SP6NVK
           will operate (on  80-10 metres  SSB, RTTY  and PSK31)  as HF6HF  on
           14-21 August, while special station HF9JP (QSL via SP9PKZ) will  be
           active (on 160-6  metres CW, SSB  and RTTY) on  10-31 August.  [TNX
           SP6NVK and SP9BRP]
SV5     - Goran, SM0CMH will be active (on 10-80 metres, WARC bands included,
           CW) as SV5/SM8C from Kalymnos Island  (EU-001) on 3-30 August.  QSL
           via SM0CMH  either direct  (Goran Lundell,  Algovagen 11,  SE-13336
           Saltsjobaden, Sweden) or through the bureau. [TNX SM0CMH]
TK      - Look for Claude, TK/F5MCC to  operate (on +/-  14030 and 18072  CW,
           14125 and 14257 SSB) from Lavezzi Island (EU-164, DIFM TK-011) on 4
           August between 8.30 UTC and 15.30 UTC. QSL via F3GJ. [TNX F5NQL]
UA      - Mike/UA0MF, Art/UA0NL, Alex/UA0LCS and Volodja/UA0LE will  activate
           Tokarevskiy Lighthouse  (WLH-0435)  during  the  weekend.  QSL  via
           UA0MF. [TNX UA0MF]
UA      - Operators from  the Russian  Robinson Club  plan  to be  active  as
           R3RRC/1 from the Khibiny Mountains, Kola Peninsula on 9-23  August.
           [TNX WRC/RRA Bulletin]
UR      - Vlad/UY0UY, Nick/UX7UN and Vlad/UT5UKY will  be active as  UT4UZA/p
           on 3-4 August  from a Dnieper  island valid  for Ukrainian  Islands
           Award programme. QSL via  UX7UN (Nick Usoltsev,  P.O. Box 73,  Kiev
           04209, Ukraine). [TNX UT5UKY]
VE      - The Georgian Bay  ARC will be  active as VE3OSR/p  from Flower  Pot
           Island (CISA ON-005) and Lighthouse (ARLHS CAN-181) on 3-5  August.
           QSL direct to VE3OSR. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VE      - The Summerside  ARC  (VE1CFB,  http://www.ve1cfb.hn.org/) will  be
           active as VY2PEI from the Cape Bear Lighthouse (CAN-092) on  Prince
           Edward Island (NA-029) from 13 UTC  until 21 UTC on 7 August.  [TNX
           The Daily DX]
VK      - The RAAF Williams Amateur  Radio Club (http://www.vk3app.com) will
           be activating Split Point Lighthouse Aireys Inlet (ARLS AUS-154) as
           VK3APP/p from 0001-0800 UTC on 17  August as part of the ILLW.  QSL
           via the bureau or direct to VK3JMG. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VK9_ck  - Hirotada, JA0SC will be active as VK9CI from Cocos-Keeling (OC-003)
           on 25-29 August. He plans to  operate mainly on 15 metres SSTV  and
           RTTY with 200  watss and  a mono  bander. QSL  via JA0SC  (Hirotada
           Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba Matsushiro-cyo, Nagano-city 381-1214, Japan).
           [TNX JA0SC]
VP2V    - Look for Zev, VP2V/N2WKS to  be active (on  40-10 metres) from  the
           British Virgin Islands (NA-023) starting on 4 August for one  week.
           He plans to operate the WAE on CW. [TNX QRZ-DX]
W       - Steve, W3HF, will be active as W3HF/4 from Bogue Banks (NA-112, USI
           NC-010S) from 10  to 17 August.  Operation will be  QRP on  10-20m,
           with a possibility  of 30 and  40. Primary mode  will be PSK,  with
           some  SSB  possible.  This  qualifies  for  the  APE  (August   PSK
           Expedition)    endorsement    from     the    PODXS    070     club
           (http://hometown.aol.com/n3dqu/podxs070.htm). QSL  via  home  call,
           direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - The Old Barney ARC will participate  in the ILLW as N2OB from  "Old
           Barney", the Barnegat Lighthouse (USA-039) on Long Beach Island, NJ
           (NA-111, USI NJ-001S). Operation will be  on 17 August from 13  UTC
           to 22 UTC  on +/-  7180, 14280  and 21280  kHz. QSL  via N2OB  (Bob
           Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ  08087, USA). The web page  is
           at http://www.qsl.net/n2oo/history/beacon.htm [TNX N2OO]
W       - Bob/N2OO, Beth/KF2BQ  and Skip/N1IBM  will operate  as N2CW/3  from
           Smith  Island  (NA-140,  USI  MD-003S)  between  26  August  and  2
           September. Look for them on +/-  7180, 14280, 18140, 21280 kHz  SSB
           and CW around .025 on each band. QSL via N2CW or N2OO either direct
           (same address: P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton,  NJ 08087, USA) or  through
           the bureau. [TNX N2OO]
XY      - XY0TA will be the callsign to be used during the 16-19 August  IOTA
           operation from Apaw-ye  Kyun in the  Arakan Region group  (AS-???).
           Two stations will be active on  10-40 metres. QSL via DL8KBJ.  [TNX
           The Daily DX]
ZS      - Andrew, ZS1AN  will be  active as  ZS1AN/P from  the lighthouse  on
           Dassen Island (AF-064) during  the ILLW. He  plans to operate  from
           approximately 16 UTC on 16 August until 12 UTC the 18th. Mode  will
           be primarily CW,  on or around  7026, 14026, 21026  and 28026  kHz.
           Direct cards should be sent to  P.O. Box 350, Newlands 7725,  South
           Africa. The operation is weather dependant  as the island can  only
           be reached by small  boat. Additional information  can be found  at
           www.qsl.net/zs1an/dassen.html [TNX ZS1AN]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CLIPPERTON DX CLUB ---> The 24th annual Clipperton DX Club Convention will be
held in Bretagne  on 27-29 September.  Please visit http://cdxc.free.fr/ for
the details. [TNX La Gazette du DX]

DIB --->  Pedro Sirzanink,  PP5SZ (DIB  Manager) says  that the  correct  DIB
reference number for Ilha da Polvora  [425DXN 586] is 73  (not 33, which  has
been given to Ilha Pedras Brancas). QSL PP3P via PY3JAF  Jorge A. Fauth,  Rua
Albion 402, ap 301 Bloco B1, Porto Alegre - RS 91530-010, Brazil). The  rules
and   island    list   for    the   Brazilian    Islands   Award    are    at

DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations  are approved for DXCC credit:  9N7QK
(29 September-29 November 2001), A52PC (22  October-3 November 2001),  XW1LLR
(1 May-30 September 2002).

ILLW  --->  Over  225   stations  in  36   countries  have  announced   their
participation in this year's International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (from
00.01 UTC on 17 August until  23.59 UTC on  the 18th). The  full list can  be
found at http;//www.vk2ce.com/illw/2002.htm

NOT THE  MANAGER  --->  Markus,  DL4AAZ is  receiving  cards  for  9H1TI  and
6Y5/DL2AAZ. Please note that the first call should be 9H3TI and that the  QSL
manager for both is DL2AAZ.

PIRATE --->  Someone pirated  5C2MI on  80 metres.  Please note  that due  to
strong winds, Giorgio/I2JSB and  Marco/IK2IQV were *not*  able to operate  on
either 80  and 160  metres during  their most  recent activity  from  Mogador
Island (AF-065). [TNX IK20VC]

QSL TN3B & TN3W ---> Josep, EA3BT reports  that all the TN3B and TN3W  direct
cards received until mid July have been mailed. QSLs are now being  processed
almost on a daily basis.

QSL VIA IK2DUW --->  Please note that  POB 13448 is  no longer active.  Cards
should be sent to Antonello Passarella, Via M. Gioia 6, 20051 Limbiate -  MI,
Italy. The logs for the  recent RI0L operation  from Rikorda Island  (AS-066)
are available at http://ri0l.nauss.ru [TNX IK2DUW]

QSL VIA JA7KAC  ---> "I  stopped to  pay for  another years  of QSL  handling
charge to JARL buro", Koh, JA7KAC says. Those  who still need a QSL card  for
J6/JA7KAC, J79KAC, K2AC/KH2  and V63DQ  should therefore  send their  request
direct to the address at qrz.com

WABA ---> The  Diamond DX Club  has been working  on a revision  of the  WABA
(Worked Antarctic Bases Award) Directory for a few months. Based on a serious
scientific approach to the matter, the  new WABA Directory, with  corrections
and integrations  to  the Antarctic  bases  listing as  well  as a  new  IOTA
section, will  be presented  at the  XVIII HF-DX  Convention  to be  held  in
Bologna on 28-29 September (for information on the Convention please  contact
Anton, IK4UPU at ik4upu@amsat.org). [TNX Diamond DX Club]

+ SILENT KEY + Eugene, RA0FF  reports the sad news of  the recent passing  of
well known DXer and contestman Valery Baranovich, RA0FA.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DX SPOTS: Rod Elliott, VE3IRF has  collected the DX spots from the  OH2AQ Web
           Cluster  since January  1997.  The  collection (from  January  1997
           up to July 2002) is available at http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/, as
           well the software (DXINFO v1.7) which will enable you to handle the
           files  (instructions  at the  URL above).  For further information,
           please e-mail to Maurizio, I1-21171/IZ1CRR (i121171@425dxn.org).

BENIN:    The   web   site   for    the    current   operation   from   Benin
           (http://perso.wanadoo.fr/f5cwu/html/benin02.htm) has  been updated
           with pictures, logs and information. [TNX La Gazette du DX]

QSLs received  direct:  3C2CY, 3D2AD,  3D2CI,  3DA0DF, 3V8BB,  3W6LI,  3XY8A,
4K6DI, 4L6AM, 4M1X, 4W6MM, 5R8FU, 7X2LS, 7X2RO, 8Q7OA, 9L1BTB, 9L1DX,  9L1JT,
9M2/G4ZFE/P (AS-074), 9M6AAC, 9M6BG, 9N7RB, 9Q1A, 9Q1YL, 9V1YC, A35TL, A45WD,
(OC-118), H40T, H44LB, H44MS, H7DX, HC8N, J6R, JG1GGU/JD1, JY5HX, JY9NX, K1B,
KH7O/KH5, N4MO/TI7,  NH4/NH6YK, OD5/OK1MU,  OH9AR (EU-126),  OJ0U,  OY/DJ6AU,
P29VMS (OC-099), P29VMS  (OC-103), P5/4L4FN, PJ2/DL7DF,  PW0T, PY7IG,  PZ1AP,
PZ5PI (SA-092),  R1ANM,  RU0LL, RU9VA,  S21AR,  S9SS,  SO7X,  SU9LL,  SV5FRD,
VK9LT, VK9NL, VP6AJ, VP6DI, VP6VT, VR2MY, VU2DK, VU2PAI (AS-096 and  AS-161),
XR0X, XV9DT,  XW1HS,  YA5T, YB0AZ,  YC3MM/P  (OC-197), YI9OM,  YW4M,  ZC40BS,

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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