DX425 bulletin issue nr. 585

   20 July 2002                                                     No 585
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

       >>>   This  issue is shorter than usual as it was prepared   <<<
       >>>   before your  editors left for their summer holidays.   <<<
       >>> Many thanks to Maurizio, IZ1CRR/I1-21171 for posting it. <<<

9A     - Oto, 9A4OP plans to operate as 9A4OP/p from 23 (!) Croatian  islands
          in two weeks  starting on  24 July.  His itinerary  is available  at
          http://www.inet.hr/9a6aa under "next activities". All of the islands
          count for  EU-170,  except Zecevo  (IOCA  CI-147),  which  does  not
          qualify for IOTA. [TNX 9A6AA]
9A     - Frano, 9A5V will be active  in the IOTA  Contest from Sipan   island
          (EU-016, IOCA CI-122). QSL via home call. [TNX 9A7N]
9A     - Boris, 9A2JY  will  be active  from the Korcula  island (EU-016, IOCA
          CI-041) from 20 July until 20 August (IOTA Contest  included). He is
          also planning to activate some anothers Croatian islands during that
	  time (details on http://www.inet.hr/9a6aa). [TNX 9A6AA]
9M     - Ian, G3TMA will  participate in the  IOTA Contest  as 9M6A  (OC-088)
          from the Hillview Gardens Resort. QSL via N2OO. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
CE     - Marco, CE6TBN  (http://www.qsl.net/ce6tbn) will  participate in  the
          IOTA Contest as CE6TBN/p from Mocha  Island (SA-061, DICE  ICE-601).
          QSL via N1IBM. [TNX CE6TBN]
CN     - Giorgio, I2JSB (SSB) and Marco, IK2IQV (CW) will be active as  5C2MI
          from Mogador Island (AF-065) on 23-30  July, IOTA Contest  included.
          Outside the constest they will concentrate  on the WARC bands and  6
          metres (WWL IM50CM). QSL direct only to I2JSB (Giorgio Savini,  P.O.
          Box 55, 20089 Rozzano - MI, Italy). [TNX I2JSB]
EA8    - Look for  EA8BWW to  participate in  the  IOTA Contest  from  Gomera
          Island (DIE S-014),  Canary Islands  (AF-004). QSL  via EA8AG.  [TNX
EI     - Operators from the Limerick Radio Club  will be active as EJ0A  from
          Inisheer (EU-006) on 19-21 July.  QSL via EI8EM  or W2ORA. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
EI     - A group of operators from Ireland and England (namely EI3JE,  EI8GS,
          EI4BZ, EI6BT, EI8IR, M0XXX, G0WKW and G7ORR) will participate in the
          IOTA Contest as EI7M from the  main island (EU-115). QSL via  EI6HB.
          [TNX NG3K]
F      - Laurent, F8BBL  will be  active (CW  only) from  Madame (not  IOTA),
          Oleron (EU-032), Aix (EU-032) and Re  (EU-032) islands on 10-11  and
          17-18 August. Look for F8BBL/QRP/P on  +/- 7030 and 14060 kHz.  [TNX
FR     - Patrick, FR5FD has announced his participation  in the IOTA  Contest
          from Reunion Island (AF-016). QSL via home call. [TNX F5NQL]
G      - A large team of operators  will participate in  the IOTA Contest  as
          G9Q from Great Britain (EU-005). QSL via G1GJK. [TNX The Daily DX]
GM     - Operators from  the  Cockenzie and  Port  Seton Amateur  Radio  Club
          (http://www.cpsarc.com/) will  participate in  the IOTA  Contest  as
          GM2T from the  Isle of  Tiree (EU-008).  QSL via  GM4UYZ. [TNX  OPDX
GU     - G3SJJ, G3SVL, G4DRS, G4IIY and GU0SUP  will participate in the  IOTA
          Contest as GU8D from Guernsey Island  (EU-114). QSL via G3LZQ.  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
HK0_sa - Roberto, EA4DX will be active as HK0/EA4DX from Providencia (NA-049)
          on 20-30 August. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
I      - Operators from  ARI Trieste  will be  active as  IQ3V from  Vittoria
          Lighthouse (WAIL  FV-001) on  17-18 August.  QSL via  IV3LNQ  either
          direct (Luigi Lenardon, P.O. Box 3959, 34148 Trieste - TS, Italy) or
          through the bureau. [TNX IV3LNQ]
I      - ARI Taranto members plan to operate from San Pietro (IIA TA-002, WWL
          JN80NK) in the Cheradi Islands (IJ7, EU-073) on 9-15 September. This
          activity will celebrate ARI Taranto's 35th anniversary. [TNX I7XUW]
I      - Vincenzo, IT9NVA  plans to be  active in the morning of 20  July from
          Carrozzieri Lighthouse (WAIL SI-010). [TNX IK1NLZ]
JA     - Hiroshi, JO1EPY will operate as JO1EPY/1  from O-shima in the  North
          Izu Islands (AS-008) from 7 UTC on 27 July until 15 UTC on the 28th.
          During the IOTA Contest he  will concentrate on  15 metres SSB.  QSl
          via  JO1EPY  either  direct  (Hiroshi  Kotoku,  3-4-19   Kishimachi,
          Kawagoe, Saitama  350-1131,  Japan)  or  through  the  bureau.  [TNX
JA     - Joe, JA4PXE/4 will be active from  Yashiro Island (AS-117) on  27-28
          July, including a 12-hour single operator entry in the IOTA contest.
          QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Look for JM1PXG/6 to take part  in the IOTA  Contest from the  Daito
          Islands (AS-047). QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Look for JF6WTY,  a resident on  Tanega-Shima in  the Osumi  Islands
          (AS-032), to be active during the  IOTA Contest on 10-40 metres  SSB
          and CW. QSL  to JF6WTY  either direct  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
JX     - Ove, LA2IJ will be active (mainly on RTTY with some SSB) during  his
          free time as  JX2IJ from Jan  Mayen (EU-022) between  25 July and  1
          August. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau.  [TNX
          OPDX Bulletin]
LU     - Bahia Blanca DX  Group members  AY7DSY, LU8DWR,  LU9ESD, LU8EBK  and
          LU6EPR will operate from Recalada Lighthouse (ARG-009) on 17-18  and
          24-25 August. [TNX LU8DWR]
LU     - Daniel,  LU3DTD  will  join  Mariano,  LU4EJ  for  the  4-6  October
          operation [425DXN  577]  from  Ariadna  Island  (SA-021).  Look  for
          LU4EJ/D and LU3DTD/D on +/- 3680, 7090, 14200, 14260, 21300,  21260,
          28460, 28560 and 50110 kHz. [TNX LU4EJ]
PY     - Look for Luc,  PY8AZT and  Phil, PT2PS  to participate  in the  IOTA
          Contest as PY8AZT/P from Cotijuba Island  (SA-060). They will be  on
          the island from 26 to 29 July and will operate CW during the contest
          and SSB outside the  IOTA event. "Don't  expect big signal,  station
          will run 100 watts on vertical and wire antennas", Luc says. QSL via
          PT2PS or PY8AZT. [TNX PY8AZT]
SV     - The J48S  team [425DXN  579]  will also  operate  on 6  metres  (WWL
          KM37MR, J48S/b  beacon  on  50.080  MHz)  during  their  23-29  July
          activity from Samos Island (EU-049). QSL via ON4AAC. [TNX ON4AAC]
SV9    - SV9ANJ, SV9BMJ, SV9COL, SV9FBM and SV9FBG will be participate in the
          IOTA Contest as  SY9DIA from Dia  Island (EU-187).  QSL via  SV9ANJ.
          [TNX SV9ANJ]
SV9    - George, SV1QN  reports  he will  operate  as SV9/SV1QN  from  Gadvos
          Island (EU-187) sometime in August. QSL via home call either  direct
          or through the bureau.
SV9    - Mauro, I1JQJ,  will be  active as  SV9/I1JQJ  from the  QTH of Manos,
          SV9ANJ on 21 July. [TNX I1JQJ]
TA     - Metin, TA1ED will be active  (on 10-80 metres  SSB) as TA1ED/0  from
          Gokceada Island (EU-186) on 25-30 July,  IOTA Contest included.  QSL
          via home call. [TNX TA3J]
UA     - Nick, RA1QQ is going to Murmansk on 22 July and will be active  from
          Kharlov  Island   (EU-161,   RR-03-02)  for   10   days,   including
          participation in  the  IOTA Contest.  QSL  via home  call  (Nick  A.
          Smerdov, P.O.  Box 24,  Cherepovets, 162611,  Russia). [TNX  WRC/RRA
VE     - The Club  de Radioamateur  de Beauce  (VE2CRB) will  be active  from
          Pozer Island (not IOTA, new one for  CISA) on 20 July. They will  be
          using a low  power transceiver with  vertical on  SSB (7260,  14260,
          21260, 28460 kHz)  and CW (7040,  14060, 21060). QSL  via bureau  or
          direct to VE2CRB. [TNX VE2GHI]
VE     - Look for Elsie, N7YX/VE7 and Hillar, N6HR/VE7 to be active from  the
          Queen Charlotte Islands (NA-051) for the IOTA Contest. QSL via N6HR.
          [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VP5    - Russ, W4UBC plans to be  active (on 10-80  metres SSB) as  VP5/W4UBC
          from the VP5JM station on Providenciales (NA-002) on 21-26 July. QSL
          direct only via W4UBC. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - Jon, WB8YJF will be  active from Ocracoke  Island (NA-067) on  21-28
          July, IOTA Contest included.  QSL via home  call either direct  (Jon
          Severt, 5586 Babbitt Rd., New Albany, OH 43054, USA) or through  the
          bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W      - The Pine Mountain DX Rangers will participate in the IOTA Contest as
          WW4LL from Dauphin Island (NA-213). [TNX NG3K]
W      - Matt, KM5VI and other operators will participate in the IOTA Contest
          as KM5VI from  Galveston Island (NA-143).  QSL KM5VI  direct or  via
          bureau. [TNX KM5VI]
YB     - Six operators (namely  Sardjana/YC2ECG, Faozan/YD2JWM,  Budi/YD2OEH,
          Yanto/YD2CJQ, Andy/YD2KVU and Rivai/YB2MTA) will  be active as  YE2R
          from  Karimunjawa  (OC-186) on  28 August - 3 September.  They  will
	  operate on 15 and 10 metres (maybe on 17 metres as well) SSB and CW 
	  with two beams (one for Europe and Africa  and  the other for  North
	  and  South America) for SSB and an inverted  V for CW and  17m. They
	  expect to have three active at the same time and to be QRV for 12-18
	  hours a day. QSL direct only via YB2MTA. [TNX YB2MTA]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9A QRP CLUB ---> Founded on 10 April 1994, it is for amateur radio  operators
whose output power does not exceed 5W (CW) or 10W (SSB). The Club sponsors  a
series of awards for QRPers; for further information e-mail 9a3fo@hi.hinet.hr

CTC --->  The Croatian  Telepgraphy Club  (Franjevacka 5,  42220 Novi  Marof,
Croatia) was founded on 12 December  2001 and currently gathers members  from
several European  countries plus  South Africa,  Brazil, USA,  Argentina  and
Japan. For further information please e-mail Den, 9A3FO at 9a3fo@hi.hinet.hr

PIRATE ---> Someone has been active as 9Q5BQ on 30, 20 and 17 metres CW,  but
"this callsign remains unknown to both  the licensing authorities and the  9Q
National Society". Save your time and money and do not QSL to Pierre,  HB9AMO
(holder of 9Q5BQ in 1997 and 2001), as he has  not been in the D.R. of  Congo
for one year. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

QSL EK6DZ ---> Joe, W3HNK will  no longer be the QSL  manager for EK6DZ,  who
has decided to do his own QSLing. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSLs received  direct:  3A2MD,  3B8/PA3BAG,  3W7D  (AS-157),  4U1ITU,  4Z5ML,
5B4/RA9CMO, 5N1BHF,  5R8FU, 6O0X,  9K2ZZ, 9M2/G4ZFE/P  (AS-074),  9M2/JI1ETU,
9M6BG, 9M8FC,  9Y4/NG5E, A22DX,  A25/DL6SI,  A43GI (AS-119),  A52OM,  AP2ARS,
CO8LY, ET3PMW, FM5AD, FO/HG9B (OC-050), FO/SP9FIH (OC-027), H44MS, HH2/DL1DX,
LY2LP,  OH9AR/P  (EU-126),OJ0U,   P29VMS  (OC-099   and  OC-103),   P5/4L4FN,
PJ2/DL7DF,  PJ2/DL7UFR,  PW0T,  S07X,  SU1SK,  T5GG,  TF3DX,  TF8SM,   UA0QBA
(AS-028), UE0XYZ (AS-091), UN7MO, V31KQ, V73BD, V73BL, VK9LT, VP6AJ (OC-056),

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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