DX425 bulletin issue nr. 581

Da: "Mauro Pregliasco" <i1jqj@ari.it>
A: <i121171@425dxn.org>
Oggetto: 425 DX News #581
Data: sabato 22 giugno 2002 09:34

   22 June 2002                                                No 581
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3DA    - Frosty, K5LBU  will be  active (on  SSB and  possibly some  PSK)  as
          3DA0CF from  Swaziland  on 11-18  July.  Frosty expects  to  have  a
          tribander plus dipoles  for the low  bands and  he hopes  to put  up
          something for 6 metres. He will  be active during the IARU  Contest.
          QSL via K5LBU either direct or through the bureau. [TNX K5LBU]
9A     - Look for 9A5V/p, 9A3VM/p and 9A5KV/p to be active from the following
          Croatian islands on 22-23 June: Tajan (EU-016, IOCA CI-221), Crkvina
          (EU-016, IOCA CI-163), Kosmec (EU-016, IOCA  CI-180) and Olipa  (not
          IOTA, IOTA CI-079). [TNX 9A6AA]
9A     - Bill, ON5JE will be active as 9A/ON5JE from Dugi Otok (EU-170)  from
          27 June to 20 July. QSL via  home call either direct or through  the
          bureau. [TNX ON5JE]
BY     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA (Editor of Les Nouvelles  DX) reports he will  be
          in Nanjing from  26 June to  1 July. His  licence authorizes him  to
          operate  as  homecall/club  call  and  he  will  operate  as  either
          F6AJA/BY4RSA or /BY4WNG from the University.
DL     - Volker (DL1WH) and  Peter (DL2RPS) will  be active (SSB  and CW)  as
          DL0FFF from the lightship "Fehmarnbelt" in  Lubeck on 15-18  August,
          for the International Lightship/Lighthouse Weekend.  It will be  the
          first amateur radio activity to take  place from this ship. QSL  via
          the bureau or direct to DL1WH. [TNX DL1WH]
F      - A group  of operators  from France  (F5GTW  and F5TRK)  and  Belgium
          (ON6QO, ON7WZ, ON4LEM,  ON4LAN, ON5GL,  ON4CFG and  ON4CCP) will  be
          active as TM4X from Aix Island (EU-032) on 6-12 July. QSL via F5GTW.
          The     web      page     for      the     operation      is      at
          http://users.skynet.be/on4ccp/iota.htm [TNX ON4CCP]
F      - The Chatelleraud  Radio Club  will  activate special  event  station
          TM2CMM from  18  August  to  1  September  to  celebrate  the  World
          Championships for hot-air  balloons. QSL to  F5KOK via bureau.  [TNX
FP     - After the St. Paul Island  operation [425DXN 575]  Ed, W0SD and  his
          wife Edith,  W0OE  will  be active  from  St.  Pierre  and  Miquelon
          (NA-032) on 27-29 July. Look for them on HF and 6 metres on the same
          frequencies as the St. Paul operation. [TNX W0SD]
FP     - Paul, K9OT and Peg, KB9LIE will  be active as FP/K9OT and  FP/KB9LIE
          (QSL via home calls)  from Miquelon (NA-032)  on 11-19 August.  They
          will operate CW and SSB on 80-6 metres (160m will be attempted) with
          100 watts to wire and vertical antennas. Special emphasis will be on
          30, 17 and 12 metres.  They will participate  in the North  American
          QSO Party SSB as FP/K9WM (the Green River Valley ARS club call,  QSL
          via NN9K). [TNX K9OT]
FR     - Patrick, FR5FD will return to France on 8 September 2002. Thus  far,
          he has sent out 103,000 QSL cards since September 1999. [TNX WE7K]
FT_Z   - Caroline, F4DOT has been on Amsterdam  Island for six months and  is
          waiting for the  equipment put together  by F5CW to  reach her  (the
          next ship is due to depart  in July). She  will operate from  square
          MF82 on 6 metres only, most  like with a FT1Z call. Caroline  should
          be the first YL operator from the TAAF (Territory of French  Austral
          and Antarctic Lands). [TNX La Gazette du DX]
GM     - Andre, GM3VLB  is planning  an operation  from the  Flannan  Islands
          (EU-118) around the second half of July or early August. Tem members
          will include Peter/GM3OFT, Alex/G(M)0DHZ, Andre himself and possibly
          Niall, GM6GMZ/VP8NJS. Further  details are expected  in due  course.
          [TNX GM3VLB]
I      - Vincenzo, IT9NVA plans to operate (on  20 and 15 metres SSB and  CW)
          from Dromo Giggia Lighthouse (WAIL SI-008; ARLHS ITA-62) on 22 June.
          [TNX IT9NVA]
I      - Franco, IK4PLW operated  from the Ravenna  Harbour lighthouse  (WAIL
          ER-004) on 17-18 June and plans  to be active  again as IK4PLW/p  on
          22-23 June. QSL via home call. [TNX IK4PLW]
I      - Giorgio, IZ1DXS will operate in his spare time on 6 and 2 metres  as
          IZ1DXS/1 from Laigueglia (JN43BX, a rare  square) from 26 June to  8
          July. Look for him around 50180 kHz SSB and 50098 kHz CW, and on +/-
          144.320 MHz during the contest on 6-7 July. QSL to IZ1DXS preferably
          through the bureau. [TNX IZ1DXS]
I      - IK8UHA, IK8VRH, IK8WEJ, IZ8EBI and possibly others will  participate
          in the IOTA Contest as IQ8B  from Santo Janni (EU-144, IIA  PZ-001).
          QSL via IK8WEJ. [TNX IK8VRH]
I      - Look for Roberto, IH9/IK2XRJ to be active (SSB only on 10-40 metres,
          possibly also on 6 metres) from Pantelleria (AF-018, IIA TP-001)  on
          11-22 August. QSL via home call either dircet or through the bureau.
          [TNX IK2XRJ]
JW     - Tom, LA4LN will be active again  as JW4LN from Spitsbergen  (EU-026)
          on 6-8 July and 17-21 July and (weather premitting) from Bear Island
          (EU-027) on 9-16 July. He will operate (mainly in the local evenings
          and when time permits) on  the lower CW  portions of especially  the
          40, 30, and 20m bands (or  other bands which may be  open) and on  6
          metres (50150 +/-  15 kHz). PSK-31  and RTTY are  possible, but  not
          from Bear Island, where a battery  and a gasoline generator will  be
          used for power. QSL direct to  LA4LN (Tom V. Segalstad, P.O. Box  15
          Kjelsaas, N-0411 Oslo, Norway). [TNX LA4LN]
SP     - Special event station 3Z0EMC is active  through 28 June during  16th
          International Symposium  on  Electromagnetic  Compatibility  at  the
          Wroclaw University of  Technology (http://www.emc.wroc.pl). QSL  via
          SP6ECA. [TNX SP6ECA]
SP     - Krzysztof, SP1MVG reports that the  following stations will  operate
          from Polish lighthouses on 29-30 June (SPL-xx = the reference number
          for the Polish Lighthouses Award):  SN1DM from Swinoujscie  (SPL-15)
          on Wolin  Island (EU-132),  3Z1DM from  Kikut (  SPL-14 )  on  Wolin
          Island (EU-132),  SN0DM from  Niechorze (SPL-13)  and SP1KQR/1  from
          Kolobrzeg (SPL-12). QSLs via bureau.
SP     - The Polish Amateur Radio Union HQ  station, SN0HQ, will  participate
          in the IARU Championship on 13-14 July. The PZK HQ Award (CW, SSB or
          Mixed, award fee 1 USD) will be issued for 3, 6, 9 and 12 QSOs  with
          SN0HQ. Applications should be sent  to Augustyn Wawrzynek  (SP6BOW),
          PZK Award Manager, ul. Korfantego 5  B/1, 47 - 232  Kedzierzyn-Kozle
          12, Poland. [TNX SP6BOW]
SU     - Alan, VK6BN is  active as  SU9BN from  Sharm El  Sheikh. During  the
          first days he gave his home call as QSL route, but now he has a  QSL
          manager and cards should be sent to EA7FTR (Francisco Lianez  Suero,
          Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain). [TNX EA7FTR]
TF     - Ramon, XE1KK reports he will be active on HF and UO-14 as  TF/VE7RKK
          from Iceland on  2-8 July. He  might take a  side trip to  Greenland
          during that time frame and operate as OX/VE7RKK on satellite (UO-14)
          only. QSL via XE1KK, preferebaly through the bureau.
V6     - Spike,  W7AVA  will  be  active  as  V63VB  from  Pohnpei  (OC-010),
          Micronesia on 14-23 September. QSL via home call. [TNX W7AVA]
VE     - Jeff, VA3QSL will be vacationing on  Cape Breton Island (NA-010)  on
          27-30 June and will operate mobile  on a casual basis on the  ususal
          IOTA frequencies. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3QSL and Islands On  The
W      - Look for  Brad, W1RQ  to be  active  from Martha's  Vineyard  Island
          (NA-046) from 22  June through 12  July. He will  operate mainly  on
          10-40 metres SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX W1RQ]
W      - Steve, AK0M plans to be active (mainly CW, with some SSB and  PSK31)
          from Ocean Isle Beach (USI NC-011S)  on 23-28 June. Look for him  on
          20-10 metres  plus  6m, with  possibly  some 30m  and  40m  activity
          depending on conditions. QSL via home call. [TNX AK0M]
W      - As many as 40 operators, mostly from the Central Texas DX &  Contest
          Club, will  be signing  W1AW/5 (ARRL  HQ station)  from six  contest
          stations during the IARU  HF World Championship  on 13-14 July.  "We
          want to produce  the best score  ever done from  the USA  by any  HQ
          station effort in the past", Richard King, K5NA says, "and threaten,
          if not beat, the best of  the European HQ stations." W1AW/5 will  be
          operating on each of the twelve band-modes available in the  contest
          for the entire  24 hour long  contest period. A  map of the  station
          locations is online  at http://www.ctdxcc.org/iaru2002.html QSL  via
          W1AW. [TNX WM5R]
W      - Look for W4/LZ3SM, KG4NXP and WF1L/4  (ex KG4OHE) to be active  from
          Tangier Island (NA-083) on 26-28 July. They plan to operate on  40-2
          metres CW, SSB and PSK31 and to participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL
          via operator's instructions. [TNX LZ3SM]
YV     - The Association of Radioamateurs of Venezuela (ARV) and the Grupo DX
          Caracas are organizing the annual IOTA  DXpedition to celebrate  the
          Venezuelan Navy Day. This  year the operation  will take place  from
          Toas Island (SA-066) on 23-28 July.  They will be active as YW1T  on
          HF and 6 metres, SSB and CW. QSL via W4SO (mail drop) either  direct
          or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
XF4    - Ramon, XE1KK  reports that  the his  DXpedition to  Socorro  Island,
          Revilla Gigedo [425DXN 559] has been postponed "indefinitely".

ORKNEY ISLANDS ---> Peter, GM3OFT plans to visit the following islands during
his GM3OFT/P trip [425DXN 577] to the Orkney Islands (EU-009):
25/06 Burray, Lamb Holm, Glim Holm, Burray    3/07 Eday, Stronsay
26/06 Burray, Hunda, South Ronaldsay          4/07 Stronsay, Rousay
27/06 South Ronaldsay, Orkney Mainland        5/07 Rousay, Egilsay, Wyre
28/06 North Ronaldsay                         6/07 Wyre
29/06 North Ronaldsay                         7/07 Shapinsay, Orkney Mainland
30/06 North Ronaldsay, Sanday                 8/07 Gairsay
  1/07 Sanday, Eday                            9/07 Flotta, Hoy
  2/07 Eday                                   10/07 Hoy, Orkney Mainland
Look for Peter on +/- 3772, 7072, 14260,  18160 and 21260 kHz. QSL to  GM3OFT
either direct or through the bureau. [TNX GM3OFT]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

                            >>> THE HUMAN RACE <<<

William K.  Desjardins, W1ZY  is the  producer  of a  television  documentary
series  entitled  "The  Human  Race".  This   project,  which  is   receiving
endoserments from  several IARU  member societies,  pits two  radio  amateurs
against one another in a race around the planet. One heads East and the other
West. The racers are tracked off  a central website by fellow radio  amateurs
who participate in the race by transporting and hosting the racers. Both  are
followed by television production crews that document both legs of the  race.
Throughout the  production phase,  amateurs  are interviewed  on-camera  and,
together, tell the  story of Amateur  Radio to television  viewers. The  race
begins in the American midwest (June, 2003) and concludes when the two  teams
meet one  another  at  a  point located  roughly  halfway  around  the  world
(December, 2003).  Radio  amateurs are  invited  to support  this  television
project by participating in it as racers, hosts or trackers. These roles  are
explained more fully on the project's website (see below).
Bill, W1ZY, has been invited to  attend and produce 'official' videotapes  of
the Ham  Radio  2002 and  WRTC  2002 in  Germany  and  Finland.  The  project
presently seeks small contributions from DX associations, amateur radio clubs
and individual amateurs to  relocate the project  to Europe. This  relocation
allows the producers  to begin visiting  IARU member  societies in  countries
situated on the travel itinerary.  425DXN readers are  invited to review  the
content of The Human Race by visiting the project's website at

ILLW ---> The annual International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend will be  held
00.01 UTC on 17 August through 23.59 UTC on the 18th, with over 100 announced
operations from 27 countries so far.  The official site for  the event is  at
http://vk2ce.com/illw [TNX GM4SUC, gm4suc@compuserve.com]

IRCs ---> Allan, G0IAS (QSL manager for 7Q7HB and several other stations)  is
receiving IRCs that are not redeemable as they are not stamped by the issuing
Post Office: "please to all Hams... IRCs MUST be franked by Post Office  when
they are  purchased. They  are already  too expensive  and if  they can't  be
exchanged they are no good at all".

QSL 5R8GN & 8Q7PA ---> Fabio Pandini, I2PQW is receiving cards for these  two
stations for contacts made in 2000. Please note that I2PQW has logs and  QSLs
only for IK2GNW's operations  in 1985-86 (8Q7PA)  and 1990-91 (5R8GN).  These
calls have  been  reissued and  the  QSL routes  are  via  PA0LPE  for  8Q7PA
(19/01-03/02/00) and via FA1AWH for 5R8GN.

QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Kim Larson  - Steve's (N3SL)  daughter - is  looking
for stations needing a QSL manager. She has done AH1A and is now doing  3B6RF
(North America only),  GM4YXI, 9M2/GM4YXI,  GM3WOJ, GS2MP  and HH2PK.  Please
contact   Steve   at   n3sl@arrl.net   for    information   (web   page    at

SALMON RUN ---> The 2002 Washington State Salmon Run (the legendary  contest,
sponsored by  the  Western Washington  DX  Club, that  offers  smoked  salmon
prizes) will be held during the weekend of 21-22 September. Complete  details
are available at http://www.wwdxc.org/salmonrun/ [TNX WA0RJY]

VK4FW ---> Bill, VK4FW suffered from a mild heart attack on 18 June. "Doctors
tell us that  an infected lung  triggered it", Cheryl  Horner says. "Bill  is
expected to take  a while  to fully  recover. Please  be patient  if you  are
waiting for QSL cards or other DX related things".

WRTC 2002 ---> Ari Korhonen, OH1EH reports the following changes in team  and
referee rosters:
* The Italian team now includes Stefano Brioschi, IK2QEI and Fabio Schettino,
   I4UFH, who will replace Maurizio Panicara, I4JMY
* Team Slovenia no  includes Vito  Gregor, S56M  and Ivo  Jereb, S57AL  (they
   replace Robert Kasca, S53R and Robert Bajuk, S57AW)
* Referee Edin Gadzo, T97M will be replaced by Boris Knezovic, T93Y.

YA5T ---> If you have worked one of the  YA5T operators and do not find  your
call in the on-line log (http://www.ve9dx.com/ya5t/ya5t.html), do not  panic!
"The YA5T operation is a team of 6 people", Steve Wheatley, KU9C says.  "Each
one of them keeps their own  logs, and submits  them to me  and the web  site
when time permits. I have logs up to a few days ago, but there is a number of
days in early June for which the logs have  not been received. If you do  not
show up on the web site,  it doesn't mean you  are not in  the logs, it  just
means the logs have not been uploaded to the web site."

XR0X ---> The March 2002 XR0X operation from  San Felix was on hold for  DXCC
credit pending receipt of documentation. Documenation  has been received  and
the operation has been approved. [TNX I8NHJ]

+ SILENT KEY + Zik, 4N1DX/VE3ZIK reports  the sad news of the recent  passing
of Ladislav "Laci" Rudic, YU7SF. A  very active contester, Laci took part  in
2407 contests.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

HS0/IK4MRH:  The web page for Nerio, a resident on Phuket Island (AS-053), is
              at http://www.qsl.net/ik4mrh/ [TNX IK4DCT]
LOGS:        The on-line  log  for YC3MM/P  (Bawean  Island,  OC-197)  is  at
              http://www.mdxc.org/logsearch.asp [TNX IZ8CCW]
RDA:         Information on the new "Russian District Award" can be found  at
              http://rx3rc.paints.ru/rda/rda_eng.htm [TNX RX3RC]

QSLs received  direct: 3B8DB,  3D2AG/P, 3D2CI,  3V8GI (AF-091),  3W2XK,  3W3M
(AS-157), 4T0I  (SA-052), 5H3RK,  5R8DL, 5U0T,  5U1A, 5U4R,  6H3KK  (NA-090),
6K5REL/4 (AS-148), 7X4AN, 7Z1AC, 8R1K, 8R1RPN,  9K2MU, 9L1BTB, 9L1DX,  9L1JT,
9M6/JA1OEM, 9M6/JA1WPX,  9N6AAC,  9N7RB,  9N7ZK,  A25/JA1OEM,  A35SO,  A45XR,
A61AJ, A71MA,  A92ZE,  BI5P (AS-138),  BV9G  (AS-155), BX5AA,  C31LJ,  C56RF,
C98DC, CB4A, CN2PM, CN8LI, CN8YR, CV1F  (SA-057), CW0Z (SA-030), CW6V,  D2BB,
H44YC, H44ZG, H6C, H7DX, HH2PK, HH4/K4QD,  HL1VAU/4 (AS-093), HV5PUL,  J88DR,
JY9NX, K3J, LU1ZA (AN-008), LY2ZZ, NH6D/KH4,  OD5/OK1MU, OJ0U, OY9JD,  P29VMS
(OC-103), P3A, P40RH, P43E, P5/4L4FN, PA9DD, PT0F, PT1G (SA-029), RW2F, S07U,
S79EU, S79MX,  SU1SK, SV2ASP/A,  UE0XYZ  (AS-091), V47SS,  V51/DJ4SO,  VP6DI,
VQ9MR, XE1UN,  XE1ZOI,  XF1/DL1YMK  (NA-078),  XR0X,  XW3ZNR,  YA5T,  YE8XM/p
(OC-070), YJ0ABR  (OC-035), YN4RBO,  YV5JBI/P (SA-090),  Z21HS, ZA1E,  ZC4BS,

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org