Da: <425list@425dxn.org> A: <i121171@425dxn.org> Oggetto: [425ENG] 425 DX News #580 Data: venerd� 14 giugno 2002 21:05 15 June 2002 No 580 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3X - Baldur, DJ6SI and Tom, DL1QW are currently active from Conakry, Guinea as 3XA8DX on 160-6 metres CW (Baldur), SSB and RTTY (Tom, who will also be the operator on 6 metres). Their 12-day trip started on 12 June. QSL via homecalls. [TNX DL1YFF] C2 - The 1-14 October C21YL activity from Nauru [425DXN 571] has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond the operators' control. Peter, C21TA will try to operate on 10 and 12 metres during his business trips to the island over the next few months. The YL team will still operate from Lord Howe Island as VK9YL on 15-29 September as previously announced, and will replace the trip to Nauru with an operation from the South Cook Islands (see ZK1 below). [TNX VK3DYL] F - Pierre, F5AAR will be active from Yeu island (EU-064) on 17-20 June. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] FG - Dany, F5CW will be active from Guadeloupe from 22 June to 12 July. In early July he will be joined by Jean-Remy, F8CMT and the two will operate as TO8CW from Les Saintes (NA-114) on 4-9 July. Jean-Remy will remain in FG until 25 July. [TNX F6AJA] FO - Yves, F6CTL will travelling to French Polynesia on 20 June-15 July. He also plans to visit Rurutu (OC-050) and Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Islands. Yves will operate SSB and will be joined by Alain, F2HE (ex-FO0CLA), who will work CW. [TNX La Gazette du DX] FR/T - Apparently Jacques, FR5ZU has managed to get new antennas to replace those destroyed by the hurricane [425DXN 577], as he eventually became active as FR5ZU/T from Tromelin on 9 June. He will be there until early July and will operate in his spare time. GM - Jack, G4ZVD will be touring the Hebrides from 17 till 28 June and plans to operate from Barra, South Uist, Benbecula, North Uist, Berneray, Harris/Lewis (all count for EU-010) and Skye (EU-008). [TNX GM3VLB] HS - Champ, E21EIC reports that the following stations from Thailand are expected to participate in the All Asian DX Contest CW: E20HHK SOSB (40m) LP, QSL via E21EIC HS4BPQ SOSB (15m) LP, QSL via E21EIC HS6NDK SOSB (80m) LP, QSL via CBA or bureau HS1CKC SOSB (20m) LP, QSL via CBA or bureau Champ himself will be operating on all bands HP (look for him on +/- 3524 kHz around 20 UTC). QSL E21EIC via CBA or bureau. I - Vincenzo, IT9NVA plans to operate as IT9NVA/P from the lighthouse "Cozzo Spadaro" (WAIL SI-012, ARLHS ITA-057) on 15 June. [TNX IT9NVA] I - I2AZ, IK2TDR, IK2UIZ, IK2XXX, IK2UVT and IW2KVT plan to operate (on 40-2 metres SSB and CW) from Bergeggi Island (EU-083, IIA SV-002) on 15-16 June. QSL via bureau or direct to IZ2BHQ. [TNX IK2UIZ] I - Alberto, IT9MRM will be active as I8/IT9MRM/P from the lighthouse at Capo Spartivento (WAIL CL-009, ARLHS ITA-043) on 17-18 June. [TNX IK1NLZ] I - Antonello, IK2DUW will be active as IB0/IK2DUW from the islands of Ventotene (IIA LT-011) and/or Santo Stefano (IIA LT-010) on 19-29 June. Both the islands counts for IOTA EU-045 and Antonello plans to operate SSB, CW, RTTY and on 6 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX IK2DUW] I - Franco, HB9OAB reports he will be active as IA5/HB9OAB/P between 22 June and 1 August. He will operate from Elba Island (EU-028) on 6 and 2 metres and satellite. For further information please visit http://www.wlog2000.com JA - JG1TBV lives on Hachijo Island (AS-008) and is active on 15 and 20 metres SSB and CW. QSL direct or via the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] JA_ant - Hiro, JH7JCX is a member of the JARE 43 wintering team at Syowa Station on East Ongul Island (AN-015) and is active as 8J1RL. He is expected to show up on 17 June at 17 UTC on 21275 kHz. [TNX DL5EBE] KH0 - JA6CNL and JA6AGA will operate as KH0N and WH0C from Saipan (OC-086) on 14-18 June. They will participate in the All Asian DX Contest. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR] OH0 - K7ZV, OH1TX, OH1NX, OH1TV, OH2BC, OH2BH and OH5BR will operate as OH0ZV from the Aland Islands (EU-002) over the weekend. QSL via K7ZV. [TNX N4GN] ON - UBA club section Gulden Spoor KTK (ON6CK and OT0R) operates through 31 December as OP0GS to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the Battle of the Golden Spurs at Kortrijk. A special activity is planned for 24 hours on 11 July. QSL via ON5GK. [TNX ON5MF] OZ - Per, OZ1DGQ will be active from Laeso Island (EU-088, NK-003 for the Danish Islands Award) from 19 June through at least 20 August. His QTH will be close to the Harbour Lighthouse (DEN-029) and he will operate mainly after 18 UTC on 10-80 metres SSB (with some CW, PSK31 and RTTY) and on 6 metres (+/- 50.200 MHz). QSL direct only to OZ1DGQ. Questions to be routed through Finn, OZ4EL (oz4el@oncable.dk) [TNX OZ4EL] PA - Gregg, VE3ZZ is now living in the Netherlands and is licensed as PA9ZZ. He was active briefly as PA9ZZ/P from Schouwen-Duiveland Island (EU-146) on 2 June and will be active again (SSB only) from the island during the IOTA contest. QSL via PA9ZZ either direct (Gregg A. Calkin, Bontiuslaan 1A, NL-2242 PW Wassenaar, The Netherlands) or through the PA bureau. Gregg says cards can be requested also via the VE bureau. [TNX PA9ZZ/VE3ZZ] SU - Bob Blumberg, K4RB has been licensed as SU9US and will be active in most CW contests and selected SSB contests from his QTH in Cairo. QSL via K4DX (direct only). [TNX K4DX] UA - Club station RK9XYW will be active as UE9XSC on 20-30 June. The operators will be RA9XF, UA9XF, UA9XOJ, UA9XRV and scouts partecipating in the 10th Scout Camp at Ulyanovo. QSL via RA9XF either direct (Leonid Sidorkin, P.O.Box 841, Syktyvkar, 167000, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX RA9XF] UA - RN1AW, RX1AW, RA1ANP, RZ1AS and RW6HJV will be active as UE1CIG from the lighthouse on Gogland Island (EU-133, RRA 01-04, LH 0737) from 25 July to 1 August. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as RI1CGG. QSL via RN1AW either direct (Victor Tsarevsky, P.O. Box 114, Pushkin-8, 196608, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX RN1AW] W Howie, K1VSJ is active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) from Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) until 1 September. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. [TNX The Daily DX] W - Special event station K5F will be active (on 80-10 metres CW only) on 16-23 June to celebrate the Amateur Radio Week. The station will be active during the ARRL Field Day. QSL via KW5DX. [TNX K1NT] XW - Champ, E21EIC will be back to Laos on 19-29 June and will operate as XW1IC on 80-10 metres (maybe on 160 metres as well) CW, SSB and RTTY, plus PSK-31 and SSTV on request. QSL via E21EIC either direct or through the RAST bureau. [TNX E21EIC and NG3K] XX9 - John, K9XW reports he plans to operate from Macao for the All Asia CW DX Contest on 15-16 June (likely single band 15m, low power). Callsign is still to be determined. QSL via K9XW. XZ - The latest information on the QRV schedule of the XY3C/XY5T/XY7V DXpedition to Myanmar [425DXN 579] is as follows: 2-8 August Yangon 80-10m + 6m, one station 9-22 August Ngapali 160-10m + 6m, up to 4 stations 16-19 August IOTA NEW 80-10m + 6m, two stations Web site at DXpedition is at http://www.dx-pedition.de/myanmar2000/ [TNX DL4KQ and NG3K] ZK1_sc - Elizabeth/VE7YL (CW), June/VK4SJ, Mio/JR3MVF and Gwen/VK3DYL will operate from Aitutaki (OC-083) on 1-6 October and from Rarotonga (OC-013) on 7-15 October. Both the islands are in the Southern Cooks. Callsign to be announced later. QSL to VK3DYL either direct (Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Court, Mt. Waverley, Victoria 3149, Australia) or through the VK3 bureau. [TNX VK3DYL] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CALL FOR OPERATORS ---> Two more operators are required to make a full team of six to go and operate from an IOTA new one off the coast of Queensland in early August. If anyone is interested, please e-mail Bill Horner, VK4FW for full details. F5KBP ---> Maurice Charpentier, F5NQL reports that someone pirated F5KBP recently. He says that the activities of the former F5KBP (ex FF1LBP) radio club have been transferred to F5KCC since early 1996. Nowadays F5KCC (QSL via F5NQL) is the Amateur Radio Club of the Union Sportive et Culturelle de Moneteau. Cards for contacts made with FF1LBP and F5KBP up to 31 December 1995 can be sent to F5NQL (direct or bureau), while contacts made with F5KBP from 1 January 1996 were with a pirate station. QSL 3D2AG ---> Chris Williams, KG6AR is the manager for the A Sect. of the US 6th District Bureau and reports he receives several cards for "3D2AG via K6AG" each month. Please note that K6AG is a silent key and that cards should be sent direct only to 3D2AG (Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, P.O. Box 14633, Suva, Fiji Islands). QSL 9E1C ---> Vittorio, IK2OVC is receiving bureau cards for 9E1C. Please note that the correct QSL route is via IV3OWC. QSL AX8AM ---> Steve, VK8AM operated as AX8AM during the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Due to his changing residence he has not had time to respond to the QSLs he has received. Bernie, VK4EJ has taken over the job of QSLling and is in the process of answering all his QSL requests (direct and bureau). Direct cards will be mailed within the next month. Bernie also reports he still has plenty of cards for Steve's P29BI operation from Bougainville (OC-135) in 1999-2000. QSL F5OGG/p ---> With immediate effect, cards for contacts made with Philippe, F5OGG operating portable from lighthouses should be sent to LX1NO. [TNX F5NQL] QSL IB0A ---> Please note that the QSL manager for the 20-24 June operation [425DXN 571] from Zannone Island (EU-045, IIA LT-012) will be IZ0BTV (Simone Bizzarri, P.O. Box 51, 00046 Grottaferrata - RM, Italy). QSL KP2D ---> Steve Wheatley, KU9C is the new QSL manager for KP2D and expects to receive logs in a week or two. He should be able to process the QSLs soon thereafter. QSL TU2WL ---> Gianni, IN3ASW reports that all of the direct and bureau cards received so far for his his April 2000 activity as TU2WL have been sent out. QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Russell Chandler, KU4FP is willing to offer his services as a QSL Manager for someone in need. Please contact him at ku4fp@arrl.net WRTC 2002 ---> Hrane Milosevic, YT1AD and Mladen Bogdanov, YU7NU will be joining the event as a wildcard selection and second team from Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav team will replace the N6KT/K6NA team since Rich, N6KT is not able to come for reasons beyond his control. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3V8KO The web page for the current activity from Kuriat Island (AF-092) is at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/3v8ko/ (logs will be available after the operation). [TNX IZ1CRR] LOGS: The log for the recent PZ5PI IOTA operation (SA-092) is now available at http://home-l1.tiscali.nl/~su042021/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3D2RW ZL1AMO EP4HR I2MQP PZ5PI PA3EXX 3V8KO I5JHW ES0/RZ1AK RZ1AK RW0MM/p UA3DX 3W4DK OK3IA ES0/UA1CIO RZ1AK SN800R SP9ERV 3XA8DX DJ6SI [a] ES8J ES1AX SO4TEC DL3BQA 3XA8DX DL1QW [b] ET3PMW W7KEU SV5/HB9DTA/P HB9DTA 3Z0IEQ SP6IEQ EZ8AQ DJ1MM SV8/I2YYO IK2MYX 4K7A TA2ZV F/ON6JUN/P ON6BV SV8/PA1XA PA3BLS 4N4KP DL2MHA FR5ZU/T JA8FCG T30ED 3D2SJ 5B4/RW9UP RZ9UA GB5ER G0VIX T88BA G4OHX 5B4ABP OE2GEN GB5SI MM0BQI TG4/AC4LN UA4HWX 5N0NHD JH8BKL HH2/DL1DA DL1DA TL8DV W3MC 5N6EAM IK2IQD HQ4C HR2NLL TM4P F5LTU 5N6NDP IK5JAN IA5P I0VWV TM5GIR F6GPE 5W1SA JH7OHF IG9SIX I4CIL TM5RGE F5KOS 5X1GS WB2YQH IQ3V IV3LNQ TM5SLZ F5NTS 6M17YC HL5FXP IY9MM IT9MRM TM6ACO F6KFI 7Q7BP G3MRC J48ALO SV2DGH TM6JUN F5RJM 8P9AM VA3UZ JE0EHE/JD1 JE0EHE TR8CA F6CBC 9G5ZW OM3LZ JH0IEW/JD1 JH0IEW TT8DX F5OGL 9H3UT DL9GDB JT1Y I0SNY TT8FC EA4AHK 9L1JT K4ZIN JW7VK LA7VK UE0LFF UA3DX 9M6A N2OO K1D W1DAD UE3ISL RK3IWU 9M6AAC N2OO K4UP/VY0 K4UP V31BV UA4HWX 9N7RB W4FOA KH0/JA4RED JA4RED V73MJ JF1NZW A71MA KZ5RO KH0/JH1QXP JH1QXP V8AJV PA1JAV AC4LN/HR2 UA4WHX KH0/JH4RLY JH4RLY VE3EXY/2 VE3EXY AP2AUM KK5DO KH0N JA6CNL VK8JAC AE6BO AY4DX EA5KB KH6ND K2PF VP2E N5AU BQ9P KU9C MD4K GD0TEP VP5/K9DX K9QVB C6AIE WZ8D MJ/DF4OR DL1ZBO VP5/KW4DA KW4DA CN2DX HB9HLM MQ0CBM M0CBM VP8ITN GM3ITN CN8LI ON4ANT N3SH N0VLR W2H KA2BBZ CO8CY EA5KB N4B KK0DX WA4RX/CY9 KC6AWX CP6XE IK6SNR NH6D/KH4 N6FF WH0C JA6AGA D2U CT1BFL OA4WW OH0XX WP2Z KU9C D44TD CT1EKF OD5/IW0GXY IW0BET WV2B/CY9 KC6AWX DT0FWC HL0OHQ OH0PM OH2PM XM6/VU3SNM 9V1SM DT1FWC HL0FHQ OH0Z OH1EH XM7/VU3SNM 9V1SM DT2FWC HL0BHQ OH6AW/8 OH6AD YA/G0TQJ G0TQJ DT3FWC HL0KHQ OJ0SM SM5JHZ YA5T KU9C DT4FWC HL0IHQ OJ0U OH1VR YC3MM/p IZ8CCW DT5FWC HL0NHQ OJ0VR OH1VR YM3LZ LZ2CJ DT6FWC HL0JHQ ON6CK ON4ADN YS1/AC4LN UA4WHX DT7FWC HL0UHQ OR4ON ON4ON ZA/Z35M Z35M DT8FWC HL0GHQ OS4ON ON4ON ZA1E I2MQP DT9FWC HL0CHQ OT2H ON4IT ZB2/G3SQX G3SQX EA4AAA/EA8 EA4RCU OT2R ON4ADN ZC40BS G4KIV ED4MAD/EA8 EA4RCU P3F 5B4AGN ZC40DW G0DEZ EJ4GK/P EI4GK P40MT N3MT ZC40VG G0UVX EJ9HQ/P EI9HQ P40RM W3RM ZD9IR ZS6EZ EO15R UY2RO P5/4L4FN KK5DO ZS10JUN ZS6AMX [a] CW [b] other modes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 5A1A Abubaker, Postfach 170451, 53027 Bonn, Germany DJ3KR Juergen Roettger, Wieterstr. 7 a, D-37154 Northeim, Germany E21EIC Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand EA5KB Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O. Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain G0TQJ C.M. Vernon, 66 Kesteven Road, Stamford, Lincs PE9 1SU, England HR2NLL P.O. Box 273, San Pedro Sula, Honduras I4CIL Franco Rondoni, Via Pasini 6, 48010 Filetto - RA, Italy I5JHW Giovanni Bini, Via Santini 30, 51031 Agliana - PT, Italy IZ8CCW Antonio Cannataro, P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy JI3DST Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka-city, Osaka 545-0021, Japan JO1EPY Hiroshi Kotoku, 3-4-19 Kishimachi, Kawagoe, Saitama, 350-1131 Japan JT2KAA Dornod Radio Club Station, P.O.Box 94, Choibalsan, Dornod, Mongolia K4UP Castalia Island DX Association, P.O. Box 3, Castalia, NC 27816, USA K4ZIN Jerry Trousdale, 407 Bellwood Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37130, USA KA2BBZ Bill Cunnane, 2406 5th Ave, Toms River, NJ 08753, USA KC6AWX Robert Devine, 407 Alameda Del Prado, Novato, CA 94949, USA KK0DX Todd LeMense, 3603 So. 89th Street, Omaha, NE 6812-3931, USA KK5DO Bruce Paige, P.O. Box 310, Alief, TX 77411, USA KU9C Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA KW4DA Dave Anderson, 712 Baneberry Court, Asheville, NC 28803, USA LA7JO Stig Lindblom, P.O.Box 827, N-7408 Trondheim, Norway MM0BQI Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Ave, Edinburgh, EH8 7DW, Scotland OH0XX Olli Rissanen, #599 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA OH1VR Seppo Sisatto, Ojakatu 3 A 18, 33100 Tampere, Finland ON4IT Dimitri Du Bois, Petrus Van Nuffelstraat 72, B-9300 Aalst, Belgium ON4ON Danny Commeyne, Rozenlaan 38, B-8890 Dadizele, Belgium OZ5MJ Jens Palle Moreau Jorgensen, Jaegerbakken 13, DK 5260 Odense S, Denmark PA3EXX Johan Willemsen, Belmolendijk 12, 1693 DJ Wervershoof, The Netherlands RZ1AK Dennis Eremin, P.O. Box 202, St.Petersburg 196070, Russia SM5HJZ Jonas Ytterman, Lilla Breden, SE-740 10 Almunge, Sweden VE3EXY Nenad Stevanovic, P.O. Box 65046, Nepean, ON K2G 5Y3, Canada W1DAD Peter Schipelliti, 7 Dearborn Ridge Rd, Atkinson, NH 03811, USA WZ8D John Walker, 1930 Meredith Ln., Loveland, Ohio 45140, USA Z35M Vladimir Kovaceski, P.O. Box 10, Struga 6330, Macedonia ZS6EZ Chris R. Burger, P.O. Box 4485, 0001 Pretoria, South Africa ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org http://www.425dxn.org ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at www.425dxn.org now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.