DX425 bulletin issue nr. 579

Da: <425list@425dxn.org>
A: <i121171@tin.it>
Oggetto: [425ENG] 425 DX News #579
Data: venerd� 7 giugno 2002 22:04

   8 June 2002                                                  No 579
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3V       - Giovanni Bini, I5JHW reports that seven operators from Tunisia and
            seven from Italy (namely Roberto/I5HLK, Sergio/I5NSR, Danio/I5OYY,
            Paolo/I5UKS, Piero/IK5CK  and  Roberto/IK5FTQ  and  Giovanni/I5JHW
            himself)  will  operate  as  3V8KO  from  Kuriat  Island  in   the
            Sousse/Monastir/Mahdia Region group (AF-???)  on 14-16 June.  They
            plan to run four stations with one amplifier, one beam antenna and
            three verticals. QSL via I5JHW either  direct (Giovanni Bini,  Via
            Santini 30, 51031 Agliana - PT, Italy) or through the bureau.
5V       - Francois, VE2XO will be active as  5V7XO from Lome, Togo on  25-31
            August. He will mainly operate on RTTY  and SSB on 10, 12, 15,  17
            and 20 metres, with possible  activity on 6  metres. QSL via  home
            call (Francois Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe, Montreal QC H3T  1L4,
            Canada). [TNX VE2XO]
9A       - Peter, DL4AMK plans to operate as 9A/DL4AMK from the lighthouse on
            the island of Sveti Ivan  na Pucini (EU-110)  on 13-20 July.  [TNX
9U       - Christian, 9U5A [425DXN 578] says that  he "will probably stay  in
            between 30 and  10 meters. I  have a  Band W  antenna between  two
            coconut trees. Rig is a TS-450S and that's all". QSLs go to Emilie
            Mouraux, 45 rue de la liberte, Ludelange, 57710 Tressange, France;
            logs at http://www.ocha.bi
AP       - Willy, 9A4NA/T98N has been in Peshawar,  Pakistan since early  May
            and will stay  there for at  least two more  months. From time  to
            time he  will operate  (SSB only,  typically  after 12  UTC)  from
            Asad's (AP2AUM) station. QSL via KK5DO. A log search for  contacts
            made by Willy can be  found at http://www.t93y.com/logsearch  [TNX
CU       - Luis/CT1AGF,   Antonio/CT1EPV,    Hermann    (HB9CRV/CT3FN)    and
            Phil/HB9FMU will be active on all  bands (6 metres included)  SSB,
            CW, RTTY and PSK31 from Corvo  Island (EU-089) from  16 July to  1
            August. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as CU9D (QSL via
            WA3HUP); outside  the contest  look for  CU9AB (QSL  via  WA3HUP),
            CU9/CT1AGF/p (QSL via home call), CU9/CT3FN/p (QSL via HB9CRV) and
            CU9/HB9FMU/p (QSL via home call). [TNX CT1END]
CU       - CT1AHU, CT1AVC, CT1EFL and CT1EGW will be visiting the Azores from
            20 to 30 July and plan to be active  on SSB, CW and RTTY from  the
            CU2 (EU-003) and CU3, CU5, CU6 and CU7 (EU-175) call areas as time
            permits. They plan to participate in the IOTA Contest from the QTH
            of CU3AD and CU3EJ on EU-175. [TNX CT1EGW and CT1END]
DU       - 4D70 (individual  callsisgns) and  DZ70 (club  callsigns) are  the
            specil prefixes that  can be used  in the  Philippines through  31
            December to  celebrate  the 70th  anniversary  of  the  Philippine
            Amatuer Radio Association (PARA). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
FO       - Paolo, IK2QPR will be active as FO/IK2QPR from Bora Bora (OC-067),
            French Polynesia on 10-14 August. QSL via home call. [TNX IK2QPR]
FP       - Lefty, K1TOL and Tim,  N1RZ plan to  operate from Miquelon  Island
            (NA-032, GN17)  on  14-24 June.  This  will be  a  6  metres  only
            DXpedition.    Further     information     is     available     at
            http://6m.dxers.info/dxpedition/fp/ [TNX OZ6OM]
GM       - Jim, MM0BQI confirms he will  be active (on  80-6 metres SSB,  CW,
            RTTY and  PSK)  as GB5SI  from  Tanera Mor  in  the  Summer  Isles
            (EU-092) from 7 through 10 June [425DXN 577]. He will  participate
            in the RSGB Jubilee Contest and  the ANARTS RTTY contest. QSL  via
            MM0BQI either direct  (Jim Martin, 3  Lismore Ave, Edinburgh,  EH8
            7DW, Scotland) or through the bureau.
GM       - The Cambridge University Wireless Society will be active as  GM6UW
            from various locations  in the Hebrides,  Scotland in July.  Plans
            are still dependant on the finalisation of transport links and the
            trip will be weather-permitting, but operations should take  place
            as follows:
               11 July  Lewis Island      (EU-010)
            12-15 July  Shiant Islands    (EU-112)
            17-19 July  Treshnish Islands (EU-108)
            Activity should be on all HF  bands and 6 metres with an  emphasis
            likely to be on 20-10 metres.  Some CW operation is possible,  but
            most activity will be SSB. QSL via M0BLF, either direct or via the
            bureau. A bureau QSL request  form and logs  will be available  at
            http://www.cam.ac.uk/societies/cuws/dxped/2002/hebrides.htm   [TNX
GM       - A team  from  the GMDX  Group  (namely  Colin/GM0RLZ,  Stu/MM0BSM,
            John/MM0CCC, Colin/GM0CLN, Chris/GM3WOJ,  Jim/GM0NAI and  possibly
            Rob/GM3YTS) will  be  active from  Islay  in  the  Inner  Hebrides
            (EU-008) on 25-29 July. They will participate in the IOTA  Contest
            as  GM5A   (QSL   via  GM0RLZ).   Updates   will  be   posted   at
            http://islay.0catch.com/ [TNX GM0CLN]
GU       - Terry, W6/G3MHV and Mady, KP3YL/W6 will  be active (on 10, 15,  20
            and 40  metres CW  and SSB)  as GU3MHV  and GU4WHV  from  Guernsey
            (EU-114) on 17-25  June. QSL via  the bureau or  direct to  KP3YL.
            [TNX W6/G3MHV]
HB9 & S5 - Roy,  W6UKX  reports  he  will  be  active  on  most  bands   from
            Switzerland on 12-22 June and from Slovenia between 24 June and  3
            July. QSL via home call.
HL       - Look for DS4DRE/4 to be active  (on 40-10 metres CW and SSB)  from
            Pogil Island (AS-085) on 23-25 June. QSL to DS4DRE preferably  via
            the KARL bureau. [TNX DS4DRE]
I        - Operators from ARI Tivoli,  ARI Frascati and  ARI Genzano will  be
            active (on 80-2 metres) as IA5P  from Pianosa Island (EU-028,  IIA
            LI-016) on 7-10 June. QSL via I0VWV. [TNX IW0EBR]
I        - Special event  station  IQ9YL will  be  active on  18-26  June  in
            connection with the International YL Meeting that will take  place
            in Palermo (EU-025) on 21-23 June.
IS0      - Freddy, IZ1EPM (ex IW1DIM)  reports he will  be active from  Santa
            Teresa di Gallura  (JN41OF), Sardinia (EU-024)  on 15-23 June  and
            again in August. He plans to operate on  10, 15, 18, 20, 24 and  6
            metres during his early morning and evening hours.
JA       - Look for 7N1JZT and JQ1SUO to  be active (on 10-40 metres SSB  and
            CW) as 7N1JZT/1 and  JQ1SUO/1 from Niijima  (AS-008) on 8-9  June.
            QSL via home calls. [TNX JQ1SUO]
KH0      - Look for  KH0/JH4RLY  and KH0/JA4RED  to  be  active  from  Saipan
            (OC-086), Northern Marianas  on 14-17 June.  They plan to  operate
            above 40 metress on SSTV, PSK31, and RTTY. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
LY       - Seven stations  from Klaipeda,  Lithuania  will operate  with  the
            LY750 prefix  from 5  July  to 5  August  to celebrate  the  750th
            anniversary of  that  town.  Look  for  LY750TG  (LY2TG),  LY750BE
            (LY3BE),  LY750EC  (LY2EC),  LY750FE  (LY2FE),  LY750CT   (LY1CT),
            LY750PDA (LY2PDA)  and LY750SV  (LY2SV). QSL  via P.O.  Box  1000,
            Vilnius 2001, Lithuania or P.O. Box 70, Klaipeda 5800,  Lithuania.
            There will  be  an  award for  working  the  LY750  stations;  for
            information please  contact  Eugene, LY3BE  (ly3be@mail.ru).  [TNX
OH       - Mario, DL5ME  reports he  will be  active as  OH1/DL5ME from  Nagu
            Island (EU-096) on 13-16 June. He might also operate as  SM0/DL5ME
            from EU-084 for 1-2 days starting on 18 June.
OZ       - According to  the  latest Most  Wanted  IOTA Groups  listing,  the
            Jylland East & Fyn group  (EU-172) has been  credited to only  the
            22,5% of  the current  participants in  the RSGB  IOTA  Programme.
            Jens, OZ5MJ lives  on Fyn Island  and says  he is  QRV "almost  24
            hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year" 10-80 metres  SSB,
            CW and RTTY. Skeds are welcome at moreau@post1.tele.dk and QSL  is
            sure via the bureau. Direct cards can be sent to Jens Palle Moreau
            Jorgensen, Jaegerbakken 13, DK 5260 Odense S, Denmark. [TNX OZ5MJ]
PY       - Simone, IV3NVN and other operators from Brazil plan to operate  as
            ZW5T from  a few  IOTA islands  in the  Santa Caterina  State  and
            Parana State groups between 6 June and 4 July. Main activity  will
            take  place  from  Santa  Caterina  Island  (SA-026),  dates   and
            destinations of side  trips will depend  on local conditions.  QSL
            direct only to IV3NVN. [TNX IV3NVN]
PZ       - Johan, PA3EXX was  expected to  operate as  PZ5PI from  Papegaaien
            Eiland (SA-???) on 6-11  June [425DXN 575],  but apparently he  is
            having some problem. The latest news is  that he will be QRV on  8
            June only (from 10 UTC through 20  UTC) and on 20 metres SSB  only
            (TX 14260, RX 5-10 kHz  up). QSL via  PA3EXX either direct  (Johan
            Willemsen, Belmolendijk 12, 1693 DJ Wervershoof, The  Netherlands)
            or through the bureau. [TNX PA3BLS]
SM       - Kjell, SM4DDS  will be  active (on  10-40 metres  CW and  SSB)  as
            8S4C/5 from Stora Alo island (EU-177) from 29 June to 6 July.  QSL
            via home call, either  direct (both the  addresses - Thailand  and
            Sweden - all  right) or through  the bureau  (e-mail requests  for
            bureau cards are welcome at sm4dds@svessa.se). [TNX SM4DDS]
SV       - J48S is the special call issued to ON6HE, ON4AUB, ON5CT and ON4AAC
            for their 23-29 July activity from Samos Island (EU-049). QSL  via
            ON4AAC. [TNX ON4AAC]
UA       - Look for UA1TAN/6, UA1TBK/6 and RA1TC/6 to be active from  Eyskaya
            Kosa Island (RR-1702,  not IOTA) in  Sea of Azov  on 9 June.  They
            also plan to visit Zelenyi (RR-1705) and Dolgiye (RR-1701) islands
            in the following days. QSL via home calls. [TNX WRC/RRA Bulletin]
UA       - Igor, RK6CZ  and  Sergej, RV6ASX  pla  to operate  from  Krupinina
            Island (EU-185) on 12-16 June. QSL via bureau. [TNX RK6CZ]
R1A_ant - Wally, RU1ZC is active as R1ANZ  from Mirny Station (AN-016,  WABA
            UA-07) and can be found at 15-15.30 UTC on 14160 kHz together with
            UA1BJ  and others. [TNX DL5EBE]
V7       - Jim Todd, KC7OKZ/V73KZ  and his wife  Carol, KC7TSX/V73SX  [425DXN
            577] plan to reach Taongi Atoll  (OC-???) in the Marshall  Islands
            the last week of July and stay  there maybe as long as one  month.
            "We may be able to take  a passenger or two",  Jim says, "but  you
            must have a flexible schedule". If  interested in joining Jim  and
            Carol, please  e-mail  at wingsdx@usa.net  or  kaptkimo@ntamar.com
            [TNX V73KZ and Islands On The Web]
V8       - After their  trip  to  Indonesia  (see  YB  below),  Dario/IT9SSI,
            Elvira/IV3FSG and  Antonio/IZ8CCW  will operate  from  Bandar  Sri
            Begawan, Brunei (OC-088) on  5-11 August. They plan to be active
            on all bands SSB, CW,   RTTY, PSK31 and   maybe SSTV.   The  web
            page  for  the  operation   is  at   http://www.mdxc.org/v8a  [TNX
VE       - Andrew, VE8AE plans  to be on  Resolution Island (NA-130)  between
            around 28 July and 2 August and hopes to be active as VY0AE.  [TNX
            VE8AE and Islands On The Web]
VK       - Bill, VK4FW will be active during the IOTA Contest from Cumberland
            Island (OC-160). He will be working on the island but he should be
            able to spend "a fair amount of time on the radio", mainly on  CW.
            QSL  direct  only   to  VK4FW:   Bill  Horner,   P.O.  Box   1343,
            Maroochydore, 4558, Australia. [TNX VK4FW and Islands On The Web]
VP5      - Dave, KW4DA reports he will operate  (SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and  some
            SSTV) as VP5/KW4DA from Turks & Caicos on 7-17 June. There will be
            no set schedule, operation will be as time permits. QSL via  KW4DA
            (Dave Anderson, 712 Baneberry Court, Asheville, NC 28803, USA).
VP8_fal  - Les Hamilton, GM3ITN has been invited (see http://www.gm3itn.co.uk
            if you want to know why) to visit the Falkland Islands (SA-002) on
            10-22 June.  He plans  to  operate as  VP8ITN  (SSB and  CW)  from
            Saunders Island (West  Falklands) on 18-20  June, and  there is  a
            possibility of activity from Port Stanley  at any time between  12
            and 17 June. QSL via home call. [TNX GM3ITN]
XE       - Hector, XE2DN and other operators plan to be active as XF1DN  from
            Angel de la Guarda Island (NA-163) at any time between now and  15
            June. [TNX JI6KVR]
XZ       - The XY3C/XY5T/XY7V team [425DXN 569]  has been granted  permission
            to operate  for a  couple of  days from  an island  in the  Arakan
            Region IOTA group (AS-???).  They had announced  they would be  in
            Ngapal, on the Arakan coast, between 9 and 22 August. The web site
            for the  DXpedition is  at  http://www.dx-pedition.de/myanmar2000/
            [TNX IN3ZNR]
YB       - Adhi, YC3MM plans to be active (on 15 and 10 metres SSB and CW) as
            YC3MM/p from Bawean  Island (OC-197) for  2-4 days  starting on  8
            June. Logs will  be available  at http://www.mdxc.org/yc3mm  after
            the operation. QSL  via IZ8CCW (Antonio  Cannataro, P.O. Box  360,
            87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy). [TNX IZ8CCW]
YB       - A group pf operators from Indonesia (namely YC3DIK, YC3IZK,  YC3MM
            and YC3OX) and Italy (namely IT9SSI,  IV3FSG, IZ8CCW and  possibly
            others from the  Mediterraneo DX Club)  plan to  operate from  the
            Masalembu Islands (OC-???) from 29 July  to 4 August. They  should
            be active with two or three  stations on SSB, CW  and RTTY with  a
            special callsign to be issued in late June. Contributions will  be
            gratefully accepted. QSL via IZ8CCW. [TNX IZ8CCW]
YV       - Steve, W4DTA will be going to  Venezuela a quick holiday on  19-23
            June. He plans to operate as  YV5DTA from 40 through 6 metres  SSB
            and CW during his spare time. QSL via W4DTA. [TNX W4DTA]
ZA       - Vlado, Z35M has been active as ZA/Z35M from Tirana, Albania  since
            1 June. He says he will remain there "for several years for  job".
            QSL direct only to his address  in Macedonia: Vladimir  Kovaceski,
            P.O.  Box  10,  Struga  6330,  Macedonia.  His  web  site  is   at
            http://www.qsl.net/z35m [TNX IZ8CCW]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations  have been approved for DXCC  credit:
3W2DC, 5T5RUZ,  5T5CQT, 5T5GCW,  5T5PBV, 5T5UPA,  5T5U, 9Q0AR,  9Q1A,  9Q1YL,
BQ9P, S07U, S07X, VK9LY, XZ1DB, XZ5DB and ZK1NCP.

F5PBL AWARDS ---> The IARS/CHC  used to offer  an extensive award  programme;
after a  period of  stand-by, these  awards are  again available  via  Claude
Terrier, F5PBL, who is now issuing them on his own. All awards are  available
to licensed  amateurs and  SWLs. For  full information  please e-mail  Claude
(f5pbl@qsl.net) or visit http://www.qsl.net/f5pbl

NEW AWARD ---> The new "Russian Flora-Fauna Award", sponsored by the  Russian
Robinson Club,  is for  working stations  operating from  national parks  and
natural reserves;  rules  are available  at  http://www.hamradio.ru/rrc  [TNX

PACIFIC NORTHWEST DX CONVENTION  ---> It will  be held on  2-4 August at  the
Monarch Hotel,  Clackamas,  Oregon. Further  information,  registration  form
included, is available at http://www.wvdxc.org/convention.htm

PORTUGAL DAY CONTEST ---> The annual  Portugal Day Contest, sponsored by  REP
(Rede dos  Emissores Portugueses),  will take  place on  8 June  (00.00-24.00
UTC). Rules are available at http://www.rep.pt/ [TNX CT1CJJ]

QSL 9L1JT ---> "We had a successful 9L1JT mini-DXpedition in April with  over
5,400 CW QSOs",  Jerry, K4ZIN says.  He has discovered  that many people  are
sending their cards to an old  address and the post  office will not  forward
them to  him.  Please note  that  the correct  address  for  K4ZIN  is  Jerry
Trousdale, 407 Bellwood  Drive, Murfreesboro, TN  37130, USA.  The first  QSL
mailing will be the last week of June.

QSL MANAGER  OFFERED --->  Hector Espinosa,  XE1BEF (ex  XF0C, XF4C,  XF4CIS,
XF4CA) is willing to offer his services as a QSL Manager for someone in need.
Please contact him at xe1bef@yahoo.com

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DX SPOTS: Rod Elliott, VE3IRF has  collected the DX spots from the  OH2AQ Web
           Cluster  since January  1997.  The  collection (from  January  1997
           up to May 2002) is available at  http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/, as
           well the software (DXINFO v1.7) which will enable you to handle the
           files  (instructions  at the  URL above).  For further information,
           please e-mail to Maurizio, I1-21171/IZ1CRR (i121171@425dxn.org).
GACW:     The new URL  for the GACW's  (Grupo Argentino  de CW)  web site  is
LOGS:     The on-line log of GB0SM (EU-011) has been updated to include  this
           year's   activity   (18-25   May)   and   can   be   accessed    at
           http://www.qsl.net/gb0sm or http://www.qsl.net/g0pse [TNX G0PSE]

QSLs received direct:  3W2XK, 3W3M  (AS-162), 3W9HRN,  3XY8A (AF-051),  4J3M,
4T0I (SA-052),  4T4X, 4U1UN,  5U1A, 5U2K,  5U4R, 5U8B,  6Y5WJ, 8P6SH,  8Q7SL,
9Q1A, A71BY,  A71MA,  BA0AA, C31BO,  C56YT,  CE0Y/DM5TI,  CP6XE,  CU2A,  CV1F
FO0SEV, FR5HA, FY5FU,  H40T, H44LB,  H7DX, HH2PK,  HK0GU (NA-049),  HP2/F5PAC
(NA-170), HV5PUL,  J37ZA,  J79BK,  J88DR,  JH1EFP/JD1,  JW4X,  JW9DL,  K2ZR/4
(NA-079), K3J,  KG4AS, KG4IZ,  OA/ON4CD, OA4O,  OY9JD, P3A,  P40P,  P5/4L4FN,
PI4TUE, PJ2/DL7DF,  PJ2WI, PJ4M,  RF1P (EU-102),  RW3VA, S07X,  S21AR,  S55M,
UK9AA, V31DJ, VE9MY/P  (NA-154), VP2MHS,  VP5U, VP6DI,  VP6PAC, VQ9M,  VQ9MR,
VR2DS, XF1/DL1YMK (NA-078), XR0X, XR5SM (SA-070), XW0X, XW3ZNR, YA5T,  YJ0ABR
(OC-035), Z32LM, ZC4BS,  ZD7BG, ZD7VC,  ZF2AH, ZK1HCC,  ZK1SBQ, ZK3HC,  ZL6A,

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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