DX425 bulletin issue nr. 577

Da: <425list@425dxn.org>
A: <i121171@tin.it>
Oggetto: [425ENG] 425 DX News #577
Data: sabato 25 maggio 2002 13:57

   25 may 2002                                                       No 577
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3X        - DJ6TF, DJ7UC, DK1BT, DL4WK, DL7UFR, DL7BO and DL7DF will  operate
             as 3XY7C from Guinea from 30 October (evening local time) through
             13 November  (noon local  time). The  group plans  to operate  on
             160-6 metres CW,  SSB, RTTY  and PSK31  (they will  also make  an
             attempt in SSTV) with four transceivers,  two or three  amplifers
             and a wide  range of  antennas. QSL  via DL7DF  either direct  or
             through the DARC  bureau. The pilot  for the  DXpedition will  be
             Bernd, DF3CB (bernd@df3cb.com). Logs will be available during the
             DXpedition at http://www.qsl.net/dl7df/3x [TNX DF3CB]
7O        - Chris Lorek,  G4HCL [425DXN  575] was  due to  travel to  Sana'a,
             Yemen, on 22 May for a  period of around  three weeks. His  plans
             were to  be active  on SSB  over at  least  one weekend  "with  a
             pre-prepared, officially  issued and  government-stamped  written
             authority to operate as 701CL". Unfortunately,  on 16 May he  was
             informed of  the  terminal  illness  of  immediate  close  family
             member, and he had to postpone this and all other foreign visits.
             "The Yemen government authority have told me they will be pleased
             to welcome me as soon as I'm ready", he says, but "it's likely to
             be at least several weeks in the future".
9A        - Neno/9A7N, Luka/9A7Z and Ante/9A4DU from Radio Club Korcula  plan
             to operate from the following Croatian islands on 14-16 June:
             Bisevo    IOTA EU-016   IOCA CI-007
             Vis            EU-016        CI-142
             Ravnik         EU-016        CI-207
             Parzan         EU-016        CI-199
             Sv. Klement    EU-016        CI-218
             Jerolim        EU-016        CI-175
             Scedro         EU-016        CI-127
             QSLs via home calls. [TNX 9A7N]
9A        - Emir, 9A6AA plans  to be active  (on 40 and  20 metres SSB)  from
             Zeca Island (EU-136, IOCA CI-146, WLHA LH-1537, ARLHS CRO-201) on
             26 July and Visoki Island (EU-136, IOCA CI-225, ARLHS CRO-189) on
             the 27th.  Further information  at http.//www.qsl.net/9a6aa  [TNX
9G        - Henk, PA3AWW reports he will be working at the Dormaa Hospital in
             Dormaa-Ahenkro, Ghana in July and August. He plans to operate  as
             9G1AA on 40, 20 and 15 metres, mainly CW. QSL via PA3ERA.
9H        - Maurice, ON4BAM reports he will  be active (on  all HF bands  SSB
             and PSK) as 9H3Z from Malta (EU-023) on 15-30 July, IOTA  Contest
             included. Logs  for  his previous  operations  are  available  at
             http://www.qsl.net/on4bam. QSL via ON4BAM.
9H        - Jose, EA5KW will be active, probably  as 9H3KW, from Gozo  Island
             (EU-023) on 12-18 August. He  plans to operate  on SSB, CW,  RTTY
             and PSK31. QSL via home call. [TNX EA5KW]
9K2       - Hamad, 9K2HN  reports  that the  22-31  May 9K2F  operation  from
             AS-118 [425DXN  575] has  been delayed,  as  the group  is  still
             waiting for final permission to operate from Faylakah Island.
9M6       - Peter, G4MJS  is currently  active as  9M6AAC from  the  Hillview
             Gardens Resort station in Sabah, East  Malaysia. He will  operate
             as 9M6A during the CQ WW WPX CW (25-26 May) and the RSGB  Jubilee
             Contest (8-9 June), while on  5-7 June he  will be signing  again
             9M6AAC, with emphasis on WARC bands and 6 metres. QSL 9M6AAC  and
             9M6A via N2OO. [TNX N2OO]
BQ9       - The Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League (CTARL) announces its 7th
             DXpedition to  Pratas  Island (AS-110).  Paul/BV4FH,  Wong/BV5CR,
             Robert/BV3FG, Steven/K4WA, Sanford/K5YY, Gary/W5FI and  Igor/W0IZ
             will be active as BQ9P from around 9 UTC on 4 June through around
             23 UTC on 12 June. The team plans to operate five stations on all
             bands (160-6  metres). QSL  via KU9C  (Steve Wheatley,  P.O.  Box
             5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA). There  will be no  on-line
             logs for this  operation. Donations will  be gratefully  accepted
             with your  QSL card,  or in  advance of  the operation  via  KU9C
             (ku9c@arrl.net). [TNX KU9C]
BY        - Alberto, I1QOD and Antonio, I1ZB will be active as BY1/I1QOD  and
             BY1/I1ZB from the Beijing  Radio Club starting  on 25 June.  They
             plan to operate  on 10-80 metres  CW only from  8 to 17.30  local
             time. [TNX I1QOD]
C3        - Denise, F6HWU will be active as C31YL from Andorra on 29-31  May.
             She will operate only CW from the URA club station, which is open
             daily from  6 UTC  to 20  UTC. This  schedule is  most likely  to
             prevent her from operating on 160 and 80 metres; Denise also does
             not know if she will be  able to operate on  the WARC bands.  QSL
             exclusively via the URA bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
DL        - Ric, DL2VFR reports that this year DL0KWH will participate in the
             IOTA Contest from Usedom Island (EU-129).  Ric maintains an  IOTA
             Contest announced operation listing at http://www.iota-post.com
EI        - Due to high seas  and stormy weather  conditions John, EI4GK  and
             Declan, EI9HQ were unable to reach Great Blasket Island for their
             23-26 May operation [425DXN 576]. They will make another  attempt
             in the coming week and if  successful should be operational  from
             29 May to 2 June. [TNX EI4GK]
FR/T      - Jacques, FR5ZU  (jacques.quillet@wanadoo.fr)  has  cancelled  his
             June-July amateur  radio activity  from Tromelin  Island  [425DXN
             573]. According to F5UJK, "After Dina  storm disaster on  Reunion
             Island, all Jacques' aerial gear had been completely  destroyed".
             He is currently looking for a new vertical at a reasonable  price
             and can be reached at jacques.quillet@wanadoo.fr [TNX F5NQL]
G         - Special event  station  GB50 (Golf  Bravo  Fifty)  [425DXN  565],
             celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Queen  Elizabeth II, will  take
             place from a marquee on the North Terrace of Windsor Castle  from
             9 UTC on 29 May until 21 UTC on 9 June, with operation daily from
             7-22 UTC on  all bands 80  through 6 metres.  QSL via G4DFI  (SWL
             reports via Bob Treacher, BRS32525). There will be two  operating
             awards (full  colour certificates)  available for  working  GB50,
             full   details    are    available   on    the    GB50    Website
             (http://www.gb50.com) or from the Awards Manager, Clare  Treacher
             RS102891 (clarejoan@hotmail.com). It  will be  possible to  visit
             GB50  during  normal  opening  hours   at  Windsor  Castle   (see
             http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/page576.asp  for  information   on
             visiting the Castle). [TNX G3XTT]
G         - The 25th Chester (Oldfield) Scout Group will be active (on 10, 15
             and 20 metres,  hopefully on 12,  17, 40 and  80 metres as  well)
             from their HQ using their JOTA  callsign GB2COS on 31 May-1  June
             to celebrate the Golden  Jubilee of Queen  Elizabeth II. QSL  via
             G7BQY. [TNX G7BQY]
G         - All UK amateurs will be allowed to use the prefixes GQ, MQ and 2Q
             in June to celebrate  the Golden Jubilee  of Queen Elizabeth  II.
             [TNX M0CBM]
GM        - Andre, GM3VLB and Alex, G0DHZ/GM0DHZ plan  to be active from  the
             following islands in the Inner Hebrides (EU-008):
             Muck   from 13.30 UTC on 30 May  to 07.30 UTC on 31 May
             Canna  from 16.00 UTC on 31 May  to 05.30 UTC on 1 June
             Rhum   from 10.30 UTC on 1 June  to 12.00 UTC on 3 June
             Eigg   from 17.00 UTC on 3 June  to 10.00 UTC on 4 June
             Please note that all times are approximate and all operations are
             weather dependent. Andre and Alex will have two stations  running
             simultaneously (power restricted to 50  watts). QSLs direct  only
             to GM3VLB and G0DHZ. [TNX GM3VLB]
GM        - Jim, MM0BQI plans to be active (on 80-6 metres SSB, CW, RTTY  and
             PSK) as MM0BQI/P and GB5SI  from Tanera Mor  in the Summer  Isles
             (EU-092) on  7-10 June  and again  on  26-29 July  (IOTA  Contest
             included). QSLs via MM0BQI either direct  or through the  bureau.
             More details at http://www.qsl.net/mm0bqi
GM        - Peter, GM3OFT reports he is planning to operate as GM3OFT/P  from
             several islands in the Orkneys (EU-009)  from 26 June to 10  July
             (his final schedule is expected no later than 19 June).
GM        - GM0RLZ, MM0BSM, MM0CCC, GM0CLN and GM3WOJ will participate in the
             IOTA Contest as GM5A from Islay  in the Inner Hebrides  (EU-008).
             [TNX The Daily DX]
HB0       - Klaus, DL7NS will  be active as  HB0/DL7NS from Liechtenstein  on
             1-12 June. He will operate with  100 watts and a  GP on the  WARC
             bands CW. QSL  via home call  either direct or  through the  DARC
             bureau. [TNX NG3K]
HL        - Korean  amateur  radio  operators  are  allowed  to  use  special
             prefixes between 31 May and  30 June to  celebrate the 17th  FIFA
             World Football  (soccer) Cup.  For instance,  HL1xxx will  become
             HL17xxx,  DS1yyy  will  become  DS17yyy/1,  6K2zzz  will   become
             6K17zzz/2 etc.; also club stations will replace the "0" in  their
             prefixes with "17". [TNX DS1BHE]
I         - Look for IT9NVA/p to be active (on +/- 14253, 14011 and 7063 kHz)
             from Dromo Giggia Lighthouse (WAIL SI-008,  ARLHS ITA-062) on  25
             May. [TNX IK1NLZ]
I         - Special call  IU7LE  will be  aired  from ARI  Lecce  during  the
             weekends in June to  celebrate the 75th  anniversary of ARI,  the
             Italian amateur radio IARU society. QSL  via I7PXV either  direct
             or through the bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
I         - Feco, HA8KW plans to operate (on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20 and 30 metres
             CW with  some  SSB) as  IV3/HA8KW/P  from Grado  Island  (EU-130)
             between 25 July and 2 August, IOTA Contest included. QSL via home
             call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX HA8KW and  Islands
             On The Web]
JA        - Look for  Takeshi,  JI3DST/6 to  be  active  from  Miyako  Island
             (AS-079) from  5 UTC  on 1  June to  0 UTC  on the  3rd. He  will
             concentrate on 6 and 2 metres, but will operate on 17, 15, 12 and
             10 metres as well.  QSL via JI3DST,  preferably through the  JARL
             bureau. [TNX JI3DST]
JD1_oga   - Look for JH0IEW/JD1  and JE0EHE/JD1 to  be active from  Ogasawara
             (AS-031) on 8-16 June. They will operate on 80-6 metres plus WARC
             bands SSB and CW. QSL via home calls either direct or through the
             bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
KL        - Lanny, W5BOS  will be  active (on  20-10 metres  CW and  SSB)  as
             W5BOS/KL5 from the Walrus Islands (NA-121) on 8-10 July. QSL  via
             W5BOS either direct or through the bureau. [TNX W5BOS]
KP2       - Steve, KU9C  reports he  will be  at WP2Z  (U.S. Virgin  Islands,
             NA-106) on 2-8  June and plans  to operate the  digital modes,  6
             metres and the WARC bands as time permits. QSL via KU9C.
LU        - Mariano, LU4EJ and possibly others plan  to be active as  LU4EJ/D
             from  Ariadna  Island  (SA-021)  on  4-6  October.  Operation  is
             expected to take  place on or  around 3680,  7080, 14260,  14200,
             21260, 21300, 28460,  28560 and 50110  kHz. QSL  via LU4EJ.  [TNX
OJ0       - Seppo, OH1VR plans to be active  again as OJ0VR from Market  Reef
             (EU-053) on 7-11  June and 8-11  July. He will  operate on  160-6
             metres CW and SSB. QSL via OH1VR.
             Vicky, AE9YL and Carl, K9LA  will join Seppo  on 8-11 July.  Look
             for OJ0/AE9YL  (QSL via  home call)  and OJ0/K9LA  (QSL via  home
             call) on the various HF bands. [TNX NG3K and The Daily DX]
PY0F      - Dennis, K7BV  reports he  will NOT  be  active from  Fernando  de
             Noronha on 24 May-1 June [425DXN 576].
R1M       - Harry, RA3AUU reports the arrangements for the CQ WPX CW  Contest
             from Malyj Vysotskij [425DXN 576]. RW1AC  & RW3QC, UA2FZ &  RW4WR
             and RV1AW  & RA3AUU  will participate  in the  contest as  R1MVC,
             R1MVD and R1MVF for 24 hours (from  12 UTC to 12 UTC), using  100
             watts and 3el tri-bander/dipole set-ups on 10, 15, 20, 40 and  80
             metres. QSLs for R1MVC, R1MVD, R1MVF  will be sent  automatically
             via the bureau. RA1ACJ will be  signing R1MVI (QSL via OH2BR)  as
             SOSB on 160 metres. R1MVI may  also run in  the contest for  some
             time on other bands, but for check log only.
SV9       - Jim, SM2EKM reports he will  be active (on  all bands mostly  CW)
             from Crete from 25 May to 8 June. QSL via home call.
UA        - On 22-23 May Yuri, UA9OBA operated for a few hours as R3CA/0 from
             G.U.S.M.P. Island (AS-070). His next activity  will be from  Ayon
             Island (AS-038),  with operation  expected to  start late  on  24
             May/early on the 25th. QSL via UA9OBA. [TNX VE7TLL]
UA        - Dennis/RZ1AK, Vlad/UA1CIO and Tim/UA3DPB will be active as RK1A/p
             from Reymosar Island (EU-133,  RRA 01-17) on  26-28 May. QSL  via
             RZ1AK either direct (Dennis Eremin,  P.O. Box 202,  St.Petersburg
             196070, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX RZ1AK]
UT        - A group of operators from Ukraine will be active (on 10-80 metres
             SSB and CW plus 2m) as UT3IZZ/p from Kalanchaksky Island (EU-179)
             between 29 May and 4 June. QSL via UT3IZZ (P.O. Box 11,  Gorlovka
             84601, Ukraine). [TNX UT3IB]
V7        - Jim Todd, KC7OKZ/V73KZ and his  wife Carol, KC7TSX/V73SX  [425DXN
             569] have  been on  Majuro (OC-029),  Marshall Islands  since  28
             January. They report  to check "quite  often" into  the ANZA  Net
             (21.205 MHz at 0450 UTC), the Southern Cross Net (14.226.5 at  11
             UTC) and the Bill Bennett Family  Net (14.245 MHz at 14 UTC).  It
             looks like they are going to have permission to operate from  the
             forbidden islands of Taongi (OC-???)  and Ujelang (OC-???).  They
             plan to leave Majuro for Taongi in late July. Further information
             is expected in due course. [TNX G3ZAY]
VE        - The  Castalia   Island  DX   Association   (http://www.cidxa.com)
             announces a DXpedition to Baffin Island (NA-047), Zone 2, from 15
             June through the 18th. Current plans are for operations on 20, 15
             and 10 metres from approximately 22  UTC to 3 UTC. Operations  on
             the WARC bands may be attempted if time and conditions allow. The
             callsign will  be  K4UP/VY0. QSL  via  K4UP (Castalia  Island  DX
             Association, P.O. Box 3, Castalia, NC 27816, USA). [TNX WA4TLI]
W         - Operators from the Federal Way ARC (http://www.fwarc.org) will be
             active on 10-40  metres as WA7FW/7  from Whidbey Island  (NA-065)
             from 00.00 UTC on 20 July through 23.59 UTC on the 21st. QSL  via
             operators instructions. [TNX N7UO]
W         - Tony/WF1N and  Lou/W1DIG  will  be  active  from  Thacher  Island
             (NA-148) between around 15 UTC on 26 July and 18 UTC on the 28th.
             They will participate  in the IOTA  Contest. QSL  via home  calls
             either  direct  or  through  the  bureau  (bureau  cards  can  be
             requested  by   e-mail   to   a.spino@snet.net   for   WF1N   and
             megawatt@snet.net  for  W1DIG).  Thacher  also  counts  for   WLH
             (LH-0924) and ARLH (USA-105). [TNX WF1N]

ITALY & USA --->  Next weekend Metro  Amateur Radio Club  (MAC) and the  Pisa
Amateur Radio  Club will  participate in  a  joint venture  of  international
significance. Niles, Illinois  and Pisa, Italy  are Sister Cities  and in  an
effort to bring the communities a  little closer, each  club will set-up  and
operate amateur radio stations from their respective leaning towers. Look for
K9Y (QSL via N9BOR) and IZ5AXT/TWR (QSL via  IK5ZTT) to be active on SSB  and
CW on 1-2  June. Latest information  on the  event at  http://www.qsl.net/mac
[TNX Metro ARC]

CQ WW  WPX  CW CONTEST  --->  The following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event:
- YT1AD,  YU1RL,  YU7NU,  4N1FG  and  S56A   from  the  3V8BB  club   station
   (Multi/Single). QSL for this operation via YT1AD. [TNX VE3EXY]
- JP, CE4USW as CB4A (SOSB LP - band to  be decided), QSL to Box 128,  Talca,
   Chile; Nick, XQ1IDM as 3G1X (SOAB HP), QSL via home call; Dan, XQ1ZW  (SOAB
   LP),  QSL   via   home   call.   The   CB4A   log   will   be   posted   on
   http://www.qsl.net/cb4a immediately after the contest. [TNX XQ5SM]
- Javi, LU5FF as L73F (SOAB LP). QSL via home call. [TNX LU5FF]
- Andy, AE6Y as P40Y from P40V's QTH in Aruba. QSL direct to AE6Y.
- Ton, PY2YU  as PX2W,  probably as  SOAB LP.  QSL  via PY2YU  either  direct
   (Hamilton Oliveira  Martins, Rua  Rui Coelho  de  Oliveira Filho  131,  Jd.
   Panorama, Sorocaba  18030-020,  SP, Brazil)  or  through the  bureau.  [TNX
- Paul, YV1DIG as  YW1D (SOAB or  SOSB 40 metres).  QSL via  EA7JX. [TNX  The
   Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

FO/F8DQL --->  A few  days before  Jean-Baptiste,  F8DQL became  active  from
Tahiti in early May, someone pirated his call (FO/F8DQL) on 30 and 20  metres
CW. It was  received with a  599+60db signal in  Paris at 14.00  UTC on  poor
antennas, that's why  FO/F8DQL was reported  to be a  pirate by French  DXers
[425DXN 575]. However the genuine F8DQL *did* visit his parents in Tahiti and
*did* operate as FO/F8DQL on 20, 15 and 10 metres CW. Complete documentation,
logbook included, is being sent to the DXCC Manager. [TNX F5NQL]

H44A --->  This  is the  National  Disaster Council  station  operating  from
Honiara (Solomon  Islands). "The  station is  only a  training station",  The
Daily DX  reports, "and  does not  QSL because  of funding  problems and  its
emphasis on teaching new operators the basics of Amateur Radio for  emergency

K1B ---> The  Baker Island operation  logged 95127 QSOs  (CW/SSB 89898,  RTTY
4708, PSK 446, SSTV 75), which  according to Hrane, YT1AD  is the "all  times
record for operation from uninhabited island with no facilities, and  powered
by generators". QSL  cards are  expected to  arrive from  the printer  around
mid-June, and to  be sent out  starting around the  first week  of July.  For
further  details  (as   well  as  links   to  on-line   logs)  please   visit
On their way  to Baker YT1AD  (T25A), RZ3AA (T23A),  RA3AUU (T26U) and  KW4DA
(T2DA) made some 7600 QSOs from  Tuvalu; on their way  back from Baker  YT1AD
(3D2AD), KW4DA  (3D2CW), RW3AH  (3D2AF), LY3NUM  (3D2UM), N6TQS  (3D2QS)  and
ZS6MG (3D2MG) made 6720 QSOs from Fiji.

KOREA DX  CONVENTION --->  It will  take place  on 31  August-1 September  in
Cheonan.  For   further   information   please   contact   Lee,   HL1IWD   at

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Marc, ON5FP  is receiving cards  from stations who  have
contacted Dennis, GJ4TXB or Joe, GJ0NYG. Please note that Marc is the manager
for neither GJ4TXB  nor GJ0NYG. "The  only contacts I  can confirm for  these
hams", Marc says, "are the ones  made during our  joint expedition on  EU-099
back in July 1991".

PIRATE ---> Phil,  FJ5DX is receiving  cards for contacts  made on 10  metres
either CW and SSB. Please note  that he is not and has  never been active  on
that band. Currently he operates on 20 and 6 metres only, as the antennas for
40, 15 and 12 metres were dismantled in mid-February 2002. [TNX La Gazette du

PT2PS ---> After being active as  PU2DXS from 3 January  2001 through 14  May
2002, Philippe Schmitt is now PT2PS.  The interesting news is  that he is  13
years old, and has been licensed since he was 11. Philippe operates SSB  (10,
40 and 80m) and CW/PSK31 (10, 15, 40 and 80m).

QSL BV2A ---> Please note that the  "current" K2CM (George Allen) is NOT  the
QSL manager for BV2A or any other station. The "original" K2CM, who was a QSL
manager, died many years ago, but  George is still receiving  a lot of  cards
for BV2A. [TNX N2OO]

QSL D44AC ---> Cards  for the 21  March-3 April have  been received from  the
printer and are being sent out. The QSL manager is IK3HHX.

QSL DT#FWC  ---> Lee,  DS1BHE reports  that the  QSL  routes for  the  DT#FWC
special event stations [425DXN 574] have been changed as follows:
DT1FWC via HL0FHQ            DT6FWC via HL0JHQ
DT2FWC via HL0BHQ            DT7FWC via HL0UHQ
DT3FWC via HL0KHQ            DT8FWC via HL0GHQ
DT4FWC via HL0IHQ            DT9FWC via HL0CHQ
DT5FWC via HL0NHQ            DT0FWC via HL0OHQ

SCOTTISH ISLANDS  --->  Andre, GM3VLB  reports  the  following  residents  on
Scottish islands  are  active on  HF:  Ken/MM3AJE from  the  island  of  Coll
(EU-008),  Peter/MM5PSL  from  Shetland  (EU-012),  Allan/MM0LUP  from   Skye
(EU-008), Angus/MM3AML from Barra (EU-010).

QSLs received  direct:  3A2MD,  3D2CI,  3D2SJ,  3G0Y,  3W2XK,  3XY8A,  4K4BEU
(AS-050), 4K7Z,  4K80ADR,  4L0CR, 4X/OE1GZA,  5A1A,  5B4AGC,  5H3RK,  5N7YZC,
5R8FL, 5R8FU, 5T5PBV, 5U1A, 5U9C, 5W0MO,  6Y5BB, 6Y8A, 7Z1AC, 8P9JA,  8R1RPN,
9A5O, 9K2MU, 9L1BTB, 9M6AAC, 9M6EYT, 9M8R,  9N7RB, 9Q0AR, 9Q1A, 9U5D,  A22EW,
A71BY, A71EM,  AT0ITU, C21XU,  CE0ZY, CE7AYO/8,  CN2JS, CN2R,  CO8ZZ,  D68BT,
E4/OE1GZA,  E44/JA8RUZ,   EK6TA,   ET3PMW,  ET3VSC,   EX8AA,   EX8W,   EZ8AQ,
(OC-050), FO0FLA (OC-050), FO0SEV, FO5PS, FO8DX,  FW5ZL, FY5FU, H40LB,  H40T,
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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
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