DX425 bulletin issue nr. 576

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@425dxn.org>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #576
Date: venerd� 17 maggio 2002 21:13

   18 May 2002                                                   No 576
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

EI    - John, EI4GK and Declan, EI9HQ plan  to be active  as EJ4GK and  EJ9HQ
         from Great Blasket Island  (EU-007) on 23-26  May. Operation will  be
         mainly SSB on all bands 10-80 metres, but they also hope to include a
         6m operation and some PSK31. QSL via home calls. [TNX EI4GK]
EW    - Andy, W2/NP3D  will be  active (on  all bands  CW, SSB  and RTTY)  as
         EW/NP3D from Belarus on 18-27 May.  QSL via W3HNK. [TNX W2/NP3D]
F     - Look for Pascal,  F8CGL/P to be  active from  Oleron Island  (EU-032,
         DIFM AT-025) on 17-24 May. QSL via home call either direct or through
         the bureau. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
F     - Bernard, F5XX and the Castres DX Gang will be active (on 160-6 metres
         CW, SSB,  PSK31, RTTY)  as F5XX/P  from  Fort Brescou  (EU-148,  DIFM
         ME-001) on 23-27 May. They will participate in the CQ WPX CW  Contest
         as TM5B (MS low power). [TNX F5NQL]
I     - Raul, IK8VRS will be active from the islands of Procida (EU-031,  IIA
         NA-002) and  Vivara (EU-031,  IIA NA-005)  during the  weekend.  [TNX
JA    - JO1EPY has been forced to cancel his 8-10 June operation from  Tokara
         Archipelago (AS-049) [425DXN 573] due  to business commitments.  [TNX
JT    - Nicola,  I0SNY  and  Gianni,  I8KGZ  will  be  active  as  JT1Y  from
         Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for a couple  of weeks starting  on 21 May.  In
         late May they will take a  side trip to China  and will operate  from
         Beijing's Radio Club for 2-3 days. QSLs via I0SNY. [TNX I0SNY]
OZ    - Six German operators  from the Amateur  Radio Scout Group  VCP-Bremen
         will operate as OZ1RDP from Romo  Island (EU-125) on 18-21 May.  They
         plan to be active on 80-10 metres, plus  6 and 2 metres, SSB and  CW.
         [TNX IZ8CCW]
OZ    - Finn, OZ4EL will be active (on  80-10 metres SSB  with some CW)  from
         Sletterhage Lighthouse (DEN-043)  in central Jutland  between 25  May
         and 7 June. QSL via OZ4EL  either direct or through the bureau.  Finn
         is   the    President    of    the    Danish    lighthouse    Society
         (http://home.19.inet.tele.dk/fyrtaarn)  and  Chairman  of  the  Radio
         Aateur        Lighthouse         Group         Sletterhage
PY0_fn- Dennis, K7BV will be active from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) between
         24 May and 1 June, including an entry in the WPX CW Contest (possibly
         with a special call). Log and  further information will be  available
         at http://www.qth.com/k7bv/PY0F [TNX The Daily DX]
R1M   - A group of operators from Russia (including six WRTC 2002  operators,
         who will  take  advantage  of this  activity  to  simulate  the  WRTC
         competition for 24 hours) and Finland  will operate (on 10-80  metres
         SSB and CW, CQ WPX CW  Contest included) from Malyj Vysotskij  Island
         (EU-117) starting in the local evening  of 22 May. The Russians  will
         depart on 27 May, while the  Finnish team remain on the island  until
         the 30th.  Calls will  be R1MVI  (QSL via  OH2BR) and  special  calls
         R1MVC, R1MVD and R1MVF to  be used during  the WRTC simulation.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
TI    - Look for Dick, W5AA to be signing W5AA/TI8 from Costa Rica between 22
         May and 17 June. He will operate on all bands with an emphasis on 30,
         12 and 17 metres. [TNX W5AA]
TI    - N0KE, W8QZA, W1XE, CX6VM and probably others will participate in  the
         upcoming CQ  WPX CW  Contest as  TI5N  from TI5KD's  contest  station
         (http://www.yantis.net/ti5kd/).  This  will  be   a  QRP  (5   watts)
         Multi-Multi operation. QSL via W3HNK.
UA    - Yuri, UA9OBA  logged  some 1500  QSOs  as R3CA/0  from  Makar  Island
         (Respublika Sakha, Laptev Sea Coast East group, AS-163) on 14-15 May.
         The "Polar Ring" expedition is now on the coast of the East  Siberian
         Sea and Yuri might operate again as R3CA/0 from Nemkova or Smerti  in
         the Kolesovskaya  Otmel'  Islands  (AS-???).  QSl  via  UA9OBA  (Yuri
         Zaruba, P.O.  Box 1,  Novosibirsk-92, 630092,  Russia). [TNX  WRC/RRA
VE    - Terry, VE7TLL reports that Canadian amateur radio operators have been
         authorized to use special prefixes to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of
         Queen Elizabeth  II.  From 18  May  through 18  July,  the  following
         special prefixes are authorized on a voluntary basis:
         XM1 for VE1       XL4 for VA4       XM8 for VE8
         XL1 for VA1       XM5 for VE5       XM9 for VE9
         XM2 for VE2       XL5 for VA5       XN1 for VO1
         XL2 for VA2       XM6 for VE6       XN2 for VO2
         XM3 for VE3       XL6 for VA6       XO0 for VY0
         XL3 for VA3       XM7 for VE7       XO0 for VY1
         XM4 for VE4       XL7 for VA7       XO2 for VY2
VP9   - Merv, N6NO will be active as N6NO/VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005) on  22-28
         May. He plans to concentrate on the WARC bands CW. QSL via home call.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
YB    - Ten operators from ORARI  Medan branch will  be active as  homecall/p
         from Pandan Island, North Sumatera on 25-26 May (Pandan is not listed
         in the IOTA Directory 2002 and as long as its location is cleared up,
         this operation  will not  count for  any IOTA  group). They  plan  to
         operate on 40  (7.060 Mhz) and  80 (3.820 Mhz)  metres only. QSL  via
         YC6PUP (P.O. Box 2395, Medan 2001, Indonesia). [TNX YC6LPM]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

7W4HI ---> The 14-18 May  7W4HI operation from  the Habibas Islands  (AF-???)
[425DXN 575]  was  cancelled  at  the very  last  moment  due  to  unexpected
bureaucratic problems concerning  landing permissions. "I  am frustrated  and
it's big disappointment for  me", Steve, OM3JW  says, as "we  spent a lot  of
time with preparations of this project".

NOT THE MANAGER ---> DK3WO has received several cards for contacts made  with
"ST6MM" on 29 September 2001 (20 and 15 metres CW and SSB). Please note  that
DK3WO is not the  QSL manager for  any station, let  alone this pirate.  [TNX

QSL 4U1ITU ---> Due to a  most unfortunate oversight  Robert, W5IUA has  been
listed recently as the QSL route for 4U1ITU.  Please note that he is not  and
has never been the QSL manager for 4U1ITU ar anyone else. Cards still have to
be sent via  the bureau  or direct  to IARC,  P.O.Box 6,  CH-1211 Geneva  20,
Switzerland. We apologize for any inconvenience  this may have caused  Robert
and our readers.

QSL DU1/SQ9BOP ---> Jacek, SQ9BOP made some 6000 QSOs from the Philippines;
now he is in Poland and in July will be goint to the US for one year. Cards
should be sent to SP6GVU (Andrzej Kaleta, P.O. Box 498, Wroclaw 2, Poland).

QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Nick Pisaroff,  LZ2JF has been  a radio amateur  for
more than twenty  years and now  is willing to  offer his services  as a  QSL
manager for someone in need. Please contact him at lz2jf@yahoo.com

+  SILENT  KEY  +  DXpedition  pioneer  Bob  Denniston,  VP2VI  (W0DX)   died
unexpectedly in his sleep a few  days ago at  83 years of  age. He served  as
ARRL president from  1966 until 1972  and as IARU  president from 1966  until
1974. After heading up the VP7NG DXpedition to the Bahamas during the  second
weekend of the 1948 ARRL International DX Contest, he was credited with being
the "father of the modern DXpedition." First licensed as W9NWX at the age  of
13, he subsequently held W4NNN, W0NWX,  W0DX and, when he retired to  Tortola
(British Virgin  Islands), VP2VI.  He remained  active on  the amateur  radio
bands until his death.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2AD       YT1AD       AY1ECZ      EA5KB       OP0GS       ON5GK
3D2AF       RW3AH       AY1QS       EA5KB       P5/4L4FN    KK5DO
3D2CW       KW4DA       AY4DX       EA5KB       PJ5JP       K1BXE
3D2MG       ZS6MG       AY7DSY      LU7DSY      R1ANF       RK1PWA
3D2RU       RZ3AA       C56RF       G3NKO       RP1COP      RZ1AK
3D2UM       LY3NUM      CN2OA       F3OA        RP9XUK      UA9XS
3D2UU       RA3AUU      CO8UN       EA5KB       SN0EH       SP9RQH
4F3/GM4DKO  GM4DKO      D2BB        W3HNK       SN0LED      SP3OL
4K1V        4K7Z        DX1HBC      JA1HBC      SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
4L1BR       DL2RMG      EG3MLL      EA3AKN      T25A        YT1AD
4L4MM       F5VHH       EM0RSE      DJ0MAQ      T26U        RA3AUU
4S7BRG      HB9BRM      EM5U        UT2UB       T2DA        KW4DA
4X6HP       EA7FTR      EO57F       UR5FEO      TI3M        EA5KB
5A1XU       pirate      EO57G       UR3GM       TM0AR       F5TJC
5B4/AI5P    AI5P        EO57JM      KG6AR       TM0X        F6ANA
5N4BFD      DJ9FH       EO57JS      KD5RBU      TM1BI       F8CHM
5W0SJ       3D2SJ       EO57RR      UZ8RR       TM5OA       F5OA
5X1GS       WB2YQH      EO57WL      UT1WL       TM5Y        F4AJQ
5Z4IC       MW0AIE      ET3PMW      W7KEU       TN3B        EA3BT
6K2BTX      HL6US       EW8AM       DL8KAC      TN3W        EA3BT
6O0X        DJ6SI       GB0SM       G3WNI       TP3CE       F6FQK
6Y2A        WA4WTG      HL17FWC     HL0HQ       TX5BTY      F6CTL
7O/OH2YY    OH2YY       IF9A        IT9ATF      UE1ZSM      UA1ZJW
7X0DX       DL4DBR      IQ0N        IK0NFV      UE9ORQ      UA9ORQ
7X2RO       OM3CGN      IR0MA       I0MWI       UE9OWQ      UA9ORQ
8Q7FO       JR2FOR      IR7Y        IK7WUJ      UK8GZ       UA3TT
8Q7HS       JA2AZX      J28FF       F6ITD       UP57BF      UN7BF
8Q7IC       JA2AIC      K1B (SSB)   RZ3AA       UP57EX      UN7EX
8Q7JA       JA2ALN      K1B         YT1AD       UP57T       UN7TO
8Q7MI       JJ2KYT      K2KW/6Y5    WA4WTG      V73BL       W4CK
8Q7NK       JA2AAU      KG4IZ       WA5PAE      V73MJ       JF1NZW
8Q7TE       JA2ATE      KH0/JM1YGG  JM1YGG      VK9XV       PA3GIO
9A/F5TLN    F5LPY       L59DAH      AC7DX       VP6KH       KD7KH
9M6QQ       DF5UG       LA/M0AXP    M0AXP       VQ9SH       KD4RHO
9M8QQ       DF5UG       M0SDX       UT2UB       WS1Z/KH0    JA5CUX
9N7RB       W4FOA       OA6CY       EA5KB       XW1LLR      XW8KPL
A35RK       W7TSQ       OH0/SK3SN   SM3KIF      YA5T        KU9C
A41KJ       N5FTR       OJ0/SM0UXX  SM0UXX      YL/RZ3BY    UA3DX
AT0D        VU3DJQ      OJ0/SM0VFE  SM0VFE      YS1EJ       W4GJ
AX2ITU      VK2PS       OJ0RJ       OH0RJ       ZC4RAF      5B4YX
AX3ITU      VK3ER       OJ0VR       OH1VR       ZV2GJR      PY2GJR

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4Z5KJ    Alex Goldenberg, P.O. Box 822, Netanya 42100 ,Israel
DJ0MAQ   Czeslaw Grycz, Sigmaringer Str. 33, 10713 Berlin, Germany
DL4DBR   Teddy Barczyk, Pappelstrasse 34, 58099 Hagen, Germany
E21EIC   Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903,
EA5KB    Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O. Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain
ET3BN    Dr. Peter Hafferkorn, P.O. Box 150 194, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
F4AJQ    Frank Pouchin, 13 rue de l'eglise, F-77171 Sourdun, France
F6ANA    Alain Mesnier, Les grands bois, Chemin de la Bussiere, 16440
          Mouthiers sur Boeme, France
F8CUR    Patricia Paron, 2a Rue des Maraichers, 27000 Evreux, France
G3WNI    Bill Lindsay-Smith, Way Close, Madford, Hemyock, Devon EX25 1AB,
HL0HQ    Korean Amateur Radio League, C.P.O. Box 162, Seoul, Korea
I0MWI    Stefano Cipriani, Via Taranto 60, 00055 Ladispoli - RM, Italy
IK7WUJ   Giancarlo Graglia, Piazza Caduti 12, 70051 Barletta - BA, Italy
KD5RBU   Alex Pinkin, 10306 Morado Cove, 359 Austin, TX 78759, USA
KK5DO    Bruce Paige, P.O. Box 310, Alief, TX 77411, USA
KU9C     Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
KW4DA    Dave Anderson, 712 Baneberry Court, Asheville, NC 28803, USA
LU7DSY   Carlos Almiron, P.O. Box 709, 8000 Bahia Blanca, Argentina
OH2YY    Pekka Ahlqvist, Vapaalanpolku 8B, 01650 Vantaa, Finland
PY2GJR   Gremio de Radioamadores do GE Joao Ramalho, Avenida Goias 2905,
          09551 Sao Caetano do Sul- SP, Brazil
RZ1AK    Dennis Eremin, P.O. Box 202, St.Petersburg 196070, Russia
RZ3AA    Roman Thomas, P.O. Box 2059, Moscow, 101000, Russia
SP3OL    Damian Bogdanski, Os. Bol. Chrobrego 10/131, 60681 Poznan, Poland
SV2ASP/A Monachos Apollo, I.Moni Docheiariou, GR-63087 Dafni Af.Orous, Greece
UA9ORQ   Vladimir Volosozhar, P.O. Box 868, Novosibirsk, 630089, Russia
UT1WL    Leo Kharchenko, P.O. Box 5951, Lviv, 79054, Ukraine
UT2UB    Andrej Lyakin, P.O.Box 99, Kiev-10, 01010, Ukraine
UZ8RR    Vladimir Antonowich, P.O.box 28, Chernihiv, 14000, Ukraine
VK3ER    P.O. Box 87, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia 3132
VQ9X     Diego Garcia A.R.C., PSC 466 Box 15, FPO AP 96595-0015, USA
XV9DT    Eddie Visser, P.O. Box 88, Hanoi, Vietnam
YT1AD    Dr. Hrane Milosevic, 36206 Vitanovac, Yugoslavia

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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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