From: <> To: <> Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #575 Date: sabato 11 maggio 2002 20:57 11 May 2002 No 575 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3V - Thierry, F5MSE and Steph, F5NZY are active as 3V8SM from Djerba Island (AF-083) until 15 May. QSL via DL1BDF. [TNX F5NQL] 5W - David, K8AA and Ted, K8AQM plan to be active (on 40-10 metres mainly CW and digital modes, with some SSB) from Samoa (OC-097) on 2-12 July. Likely calls will be 5W0TR (K8AQM) and 5W0AA or 5W0DL (K8AA). QSL both calls via K8AA. [TNX NG3K] 6Y - Team Vertical is heading back to Jamaica (NA-097) for the WPX CW Contest. N6BT, KE7X, WA6O, N6XG, W0YK, N6XI, and K2KW will operate on 160-6 metres as homecall/6Y5 on 18-28 May. They will participate in the contest (25-26 May) as 6Y2A (QSL via WA4WTG) with six 1-KW stations. For more information, please visit [TNX K2KW] 7O - Pekka Ahlqvist, OH2YY has been in Sanaa, Yemen since 7 May. He applied for permission to operate amateur radio during his visit and he received a written confirmation, dated 23 April 2002, to import and operate his radio equipment. He has been active (SSB only) as 7O/OH2YY during his free time. Pekka will be in Yemen till late night on 11 May. QSL via OH2YY (Pekka Ahlqvist, Vapaalanpolku 8B, 01650 Vantaa, Finland). [TNX NG3K] 7O - Chris Lorek, G4HCL was scheduled to return to Sanaa, Yemen, on 11 May [425DXN 574], but his visit has been postponed by a few days. He will be working in Yemen and plans activity in his own time on Saturday and Sunday only. This may be 18 and 19 May, but is more likely to be 25 and 26 May. He will be operating using equipment at Yemenia (Yemen Arab Airways) at Sanaa International Airport, using 1kW to a professional antenna system. He has applied for the callsign 7O1YA (Yemen Airways) or 7O1CL. Chris will be active primarily on 10, 15 and 20 metres SSB, but with some activity on the other bands and possibly also on PSK31. There will be no CW activity. Look for Chris on the following frequencies: 3790, 7045, 14145, 18125, 21275, 24975 and 28475 kHz SSB and around 14080 or 21080 kHz on PSK31. QSL via G4HCL (P.O. Box 400, Eastleigh SO53 4ZF, England). [TNX G4JVG] 7X - Mirek, 9V1XE will be again in Algeria on 13-28 May. He will operate as 7X0DX on 160-10 metres during his limited free time, typically after 16 UTC and before 5 UTC. He hopes to be able to spend Fridays (17 and 24 May) on the bands. He will also have a portable set up for AO40. QSL via DL4DBR either direct (Teddy Barczyk, Pappelstrasse 34, 58099 Hagen, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. Updates on his activities and on-line logs are available at 7X - Steve, OM3JW confirms that the 7W4HI IOTA expedition to the Habibas Islands (AF-???) [425DXN 573] will take place from 14 May (in their early evening) until the 18th. QSL via OM3CGN either direct (Ivan Gombos, P.O. Box 55, 97901 Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia) or through the bureau. 9K - A group of operators from the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society will be active as 9K2F from Failaka Island (AS-118) on 22-31 May. QSL via 9K2RA either direct or through the bureau. [TNX 9K2HN] CY9 - An operation from St. Paul Island (NA-094) is scheduled to take place from 29 June through 8 July. The operation will feature two full time stations - one for 6 metres (it will only transmit on 50.157 kHz listening up) and one for HF (given the time of the year, no operation is planned for 80 and 160 metres) - but an attempt is being made to add a third part time HF station to be used during peak propagation times especially to the Pacific area. The operators will be N0QJM, VE1AAO, VE9DH, W0OE, W0SD, W7XU and WV2B. Planned frequencies are: RTTY - 7080, 10115, 14080, 18080, 21080, 24908, 28080 kHz CW - 7005, 10105, 14020, 18100, 21020, 24900, 28020 kHz SSB - 14195 (alternate 14145), 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 kHz QSL via W7XU. [TNX W0SD] EA - Pepe, EA5KB reports he will participate in the IOTA Contest as EA5KB/EA7 from EU-143. EA8 - EA8RA and EA8AZM will be active (on RTTY only) as EA8RA/p from the lighthouse at Punta de Melenara (FEA D-2807.5) on 19 May. QSL preferably via the bureau or to EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN] F - Bernard, F5XX will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) as F5XX/p from Aix Island (EU-032, DIFM AT-023) on 13-20 May. QSL via home call, preferably through the bureau. [TNX F5NQL] F - Eric/F5LOW, Alain/F6ANA, Olivier/F5IQC and Fabrice/F5NBQ will be active as TM0X from Aix Island (EU-032, DIFM AT-023) on 18-23 May. They will have two stations and will operate on 10-80 metres SSB and CW. QSL via F6ANA either direct (Alain Mesnier, Les grands bois, Chemin de la Bussiere, 16440 Mouthiers sur Boeme, France) or through the bureau. [TNX F5UJK] FP - Jean-Christophe/FP5AC, Jean-Pierre/FP5CJ, Jean/FP5BU and Jean-Marc/FP5BZ will be active (on al 10-160 metres, with tests on 50 MHz) as FP5KE (the local ARC callsign) from Ile aux Chevaux, St. Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032) on 21-23 June. [TNX FP5AC] G - The Taunton & District ARC will operate (on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) as GB0SM from St Mary's, Isles of Scilly (EU-011) on 18-25 May. QSL via the RSGB bureau or direct to G3WNI (Bill Lindsay-Smith, Way Close, Madford, Hemyock, Devon EX25 1AB, England). E-mail requests for bureau cards are welcome at [TNX G0PSE] GJ - F5JOT, F5LGQ, F6CKH, F8CRH, F8CUR and F8CUY plan to operate (on 10-80, 6 and 2 metres) from Les Minquiers Islands (EU-099), Jersey on 17-21 May. QSL via F8CUR. [TNX The Daily DX] GJ - Ray/DL1ZBO, Tilo/DJ5BX and Ekki/DF4OR will be active as MJ/DF4OR from from Jersey (EU-013) during the ANARTS RTTY Contest on 8-9 June. Before and after the contest they will also operate SSB and CW. [TNX DF4OR] GM - Andre, GM3VLB is active from Inchmarnock (EU-123) until 13 May. This activity counts for the new "SCOTIA" Award (Scottish Islands Award), details at QSL to GM3VLB (direct only). [TNX GM3VLB] HK0 - DH7WW, DK8YY, DL2AKT, DL2OAP, DL3ALI, DL4ALI, DL4JS, DL4YY, DL7ZZ, DL8AKI and HC2DX will be active (requested call HK0ZZ) from San Andres Island (NA-033) on 16-29 July, IOTA Contest included. The plan to operate on 160-10 metres (with an emphasis on the low bands) CW, SSB and digital modes, plus satellite and 6 metres. QSL via DH7WW either direct (Ulrich Moeckel, Muldenstrasse 1, 08304 Schoenheide, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. Logs will be available at For further information please e-mail Ralf, DL3JJ at [TNX DL7ZZ] I - Giuseppe, IZ4CCO reports he plans to operate as IA5/IZ4CCO from Elba Island (EU-028) on 11-12 May. I - Alberto, IT9MRM will be active as IY9MM (the suffix stands for Marina Militare, which is the Italian Navy) on 10 June (Italian Navy Day), 4 November (Italian Armed Forces Day) and again on 4 December. Look for him from 6 UTC through 20 UTC on 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB. [TNX IT9MRM] JA - Look for JA9VOK/1, JA9XBW/9 and JE9VJZ/9 to be active from Hegura Island (AS-117) on 11-12 May. They plan to operate on 80-6 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR] JD1_oga - Look for JA1UII/JD1, JG1GGU/JD1, JH1HHC/JD1, JI1LET/JD1, JK1KNB/JD1 and 7N2UTO/JD1 to be active from Ogasawara (AS-031) on 8-10 June. They will operate on all bands, 6 metres included, and modes. QSL via home calls. Details and logs will be available at [TNX 7N2UTO] KH9 - The Daily DX reports "bad news from Wake Island". K7ASU/KH9's operation "has come to a close, due to unforeseen reasons. He'll be back next year under different circumstances." LA - Look for Jorgen, M0AXP to operate as LA/M0AXP from Tromsoya (EU-046) on 12 May and possibly during the evenings of 13-14 May. QSL via home call. [TNX M0AXP] LA - A group of operators will be active with two stations as LA9M from Sekken Island (EU-056) on 18-20 May. QSL via QRZ.COM [TNX CT1END] OA - Amateur radio operators from Peru are authorized to use the special prefix OC on 13-19 May to celebrate the foundation of the International Telecomunication Union and the World Telecommunications Day (17 May). The official station of the Radio Club Peruano will operate as OC4O on all bands CW and SSB. The Radio Club Peruano sponsors the "World Telecommunicacions Day International Contest", which will take place on 40 and 80 metres SSB from 00.00 UTC through 05.00 UTC on 18 May. For further information please visit or e-mail [TNX OA4AHW] OJ0 - SM5AJV, SM0GNS, SM5HJZ and SM0HPL will be active from Market Reef (EU-053) on 13-16 June. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres CW and SSB (digital modes might be possible as well) with at least two stations around the clock. QSL via SM5HJZ either direct (Jonas Ytterman, Lilla Breden, SE-740 10 Almunge, Sweden) or, preferably, through the bureau (use the QSL-request form on the web site below in order to speed up the process). Any changes in plans will be announced at [TNX SM5AJV] P4 - Dick, W3RM and Mike, N3MT will be active as P40RM and P40MT from Aruba (SA-036) from 29 May through 19 June. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres mainly CW, with some SSB. QSL direct via home calls. [TNX NG3K] PY - Paul, PY3DX reports he will participate in the CQ WPX CW Contest (25-26 May) as PU3A from Santa Catarina Island (SA-026). QSL via PY3DX. PZ - Johan, PA3EXX will be active as PZ5PI from Papegaaien Eiland (Parrot Island) (SA-???) on 6-11 June. He plans to operate on 7004, 10104, 14020, 18075, 21020, 24895, 28020 kHz CW and 7060, 14260, 18145, 21260, 24945, 28460 kHz SSB. QSL via PA3EXX either direct (Johan Willemsen, Belmolendijk 12, 1693 DJ Wervershoof, The Netherlands) or through the bureau. Furtehr information is available at (mirror at [TNX PA3EXX] SM - Guenter, DL5CX reports he will be active (on 80-10 metres CW, PSK, RTTY and SSB) as SM7/DL5CX/p from Oland Island (EU-037) on 1-15 June. SP - Helmut, DL7VOX will be active as SP1/DL7VOX/p from Wolin Island (EU-132) between 27 May and 9 June. He will operate on 10-80 metres mostly CW. QSL via DL7VOX either direct (Helmut Radach, Riesaer Str. 93, D-12627 Berlin, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL7VOX] SV - Eddy/ON6HE, Francois/ON4AUB, Dirk/ON5CT and Frank/ON4AAC will be active from Samos Island (EU-049) on 23-29 July, IOTA Contest included. They plan to request a special call. QSL via ON4AAC either direct (Frank Pletinck, Potaardestraat 70, B-9190 Stekene, Belgium) or through the bureau. [TNX ON4AAC] SV9 - Tony, G4LDL should be in Crete during the last two weeks of May. He plans to operate SSB only as SV9/G4LDL with QRP equipment (5 watts) and whatever aerial he can manage to erect. QSL via home call. [TNX G4LDL] T2 - The K1B team will be active again from Tuvalu as follows: T25A (YT1AD), T23A (RZ3AA), T2X (RW3AH), T26U (RA3AUU), T2DA (KW4DA), T2QS (N6TQS), T27M (ZS6MG). Look for them on CW, SSB and RTTY on 11-13 May. TA - A group of operators from Radio Club Stip, Macedonia (namely Momo/Z31MM, Chris/Z31GX, Todor/Z31RM, Tone/Z32PT, Zoki/Z33F, Venco/Z36W and honorary member Voja/YU7AV) and two operators from TA1KA Radio Club in Istanbul, Turkey (namely Aziz/TA1E and Selim/TA2DS) will be active from Bozcaada (AS-099) on 20-28 May. They will operate on 10-160 metres (plus 6m, 2m and 70cm) CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and SSTV as TA0/homecall and YM0KA. QSL via home calls; QSL YM0KA via TA1KA. Further information on is available at [TNX Z36W] TN - Josep, EA3BT and Nuria, EA3WL confirm they will be leaving for Brazzaville, Congo on 16 May [425DXN 567]. They plan to operate until 27 May as TN3B and TN3W with two stations on 80-6 metres SSB, RTTY and some CW. The pilots will be Pere Galimany, EA3AJI (EU and SA;, Bill Avery, K6GNX (USA: and Yuki Deguchi, JI6KVR (JA:; full information on the expedition can be found at, where Josep and Nuria expect to post their logs on a daily basis. QSL via EA3BT. [TNX EA3BT & EA3WL] TY - F5MOO (TY7Z), F5CWU (TY9F), F5AOV (TY4DX) and F1PJB (TY6FB) will be active again from Benin between 15 July and 14 August. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres and via satellite. Further information will be available at [TNX La Gazette du DX] UA_ant - Wally, RU1ZC has arrived at Mirny Base (WABA UA-07, IOTA AN-016) and is expected to be active as R1ANZ very soon. [TNX DL5EBE] UA - The R3CA/0 "Polar Ring" Arctic expedition [425DXN 569] has now reached the town of Tiksi (northern Yakutia). Yuri, UA9OBA has joined the group in order to operate from the Laptev Sea Coast East group (IOTA AS-???) and the East Siberian Sea Coast West group (IOTA AS-???). Exact dates will depend on weather conditions, but Yuri anticipates it will be a "short visit" (more or less one day only between 11 and 15 May) with barefoot rig and a G5RV antenna in both cases. QSL via UA9OBA (Yuri Zaruba, P.O. Box 1, Novosibirsk-92, 630092, Russia). [TNX UA9OBA] UA - The Siberian ARC "Radio-Prim" ( will operate special calls UE9OWQ and UE9ORQ on 11-20 May to celebrate the 9th anniversary of the club. QSL via UA9ORQ either direct (Vladimir Volosozhar, P.O. Box 868, Novosibirsk, 630089, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX UA9ORQ] VE - Frank, VE7DP and Heinz, VA7AQ plan to be active from Quadra Island (NA-091) on 18-19 May. QSL via home calls either direct (please note that VE7DP's new address is available at or through the bureau. [TNX VE7DP] VE - Richard, VE2DX will participate in the IOTA Contest as VE2DX/VY2 from Prince Edward Island (NA-029). In the week before and after the contest he hopes to get other IOTAs on the air (NA-068, NA-128 and possibly NA-177). [TNX NG3K] VK - Paul, VK2HV reports he will operate on 15 and 10 metres as AX2ITU on 17 May, from 00.00 UTC through 23.59 UTC. QSL via VK2PS either direct or through the bureau. VK9_lh - Bert, PA3GIO will be active (on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB) as VK9LO from Lord Howe (OC-004) between 28 May and 7 June. QSL via PA3GIO, preferably through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at (mirror at VK9_xms - Bert, PA3GIO will be active (on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB) as VK9XV from Christmas Island (OC-002) on 18-25 May. QSL via PA3GIO, preferably through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at (mirror at YO - Jean-Michel, F6AJA, editor of Les Nouvelles DX, reports he will once again be active in his free time as YO/F6AJA from the QTH of YO8FZ in Suceava, Romania between 19 and 26 May. QSL via F6AJA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 6O0X ---> This is Baldur, DJ6SI, who has been active from Somaliland for a couple of days. The Daily DX reports that Baldur is expected to be there for one week. QSL via DJ6SI. Somaliland declared indipendence from Somalia in 1991, but it does not meet the qualification criteria for separate listing as a DXCC Entity. FO/F8DQL ---> Paul, F2YT reports the station FO/F8DQL, claiming to be transmitting from Tahiti, is pirate, as the genuine F8DQL is currently in Paris. K1B ---> The Baker Island team went QRT at 18 UTC on 7 May. Some 35% of all QSOs (approx. 86000) are available on-line at If you do not find your QSO(s), do not panic and wait for the final logs to be posted (at the earliest when the team is back to Tuvalu, at the latest when they are back home). [TNX VE3EXY] QSL 5X1GS ---> Graham, 5X1GS, who has spent most of his time since Christmas up on the border with Sudan, is now back in Kampala. QSL cards have not been available for the past three months, but Graham's QSL manager (WB2YQH) says he now has the log file for the current period up through April. He expected to clear all of the oustanding requests by 8 May and to be back to the usual 24 hour turnaround. QSL 5X1GS direct only via WB2YQH. QSL E4/OE1GZA ---> Guenter, OE1GZA reports that all direct QSLs arrived to POB 1133, Ramallah between December 2001 and April 2002 have been retrieved and replied to. If you do not receive your card by early June, it will mean that Guenter never received your envelope and you will have to send a second request to OE1GZA in Austria (address at - do not use the Ramallah POB any longer! Logs are available at; details on E4/OE1GZA's activities from Palestine are at [TNX OE1GZA] QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Alex Kuznetsov, RW3RN is willing to offer his services as a QSL manager for someone in need. Please contact him at [TNX RW3RN] XE1CI ---> Nellie [425DXN 574] has started her recovery program thanks to a therapist who is coming to her apartment every day. Nellie wants to thank all her amateur radio friends for their love and support, thoughts and prayers. [TNX K5OVC] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The logs for the recent (1-3 May) activity from Dongxilian Island (AS-135) [425DXN 573] are now available at [TNX BD5RV] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct: 3B9FR, 3D2SJ, 3D2TN, 3E1DX, 3W3C (AS-162), 3XY6A, 3XY8A (AF-051), 4H2B (OC-093), 4K7Z, 4L5O, 4M1X (SA-089), 5A1A, 5B4ADA, 5H3RK, 5N1BHF, 5T5PBV, 5U0T, 5U1A, 5U4R, 5U4T, 5U8B, 5U9C, 5W0VF, 6V1A, 6Y8Z, 7A0K (OC-177), 8P4B, 8P5A, 8Q7DD, 9A1CCY, 9M6A, 9M6AAC, 9N7QK, A25/G3HCT, A71EM, A92GE, AL1G, AP2JZB, BA4RF, BV9G (AS-155), BV9L (AS-155), CE0ZY, CE6TBN/7 (SA-018), CE6TBN/7 (SA-043), CE9/R1ANF (AN-010, WABA CE-10), CO6XN, CP8XA, D2BB, D2YY, D44AC, DS2GOO/4 (AS-093), DU3NXE, ED1CLA (EU-142), EP3PTT, EP3SMH, EP3UN, ER1AN, EX8QB, EY90MT, FM5GU, FO0PT, FO0SEV, FO8DX, GM0HCQ, H40T, H44ZG, H6C, H7DX, HC1MD/HC4, HK0GU, HK0VGJ, HS0ZBS, HS0ZCW, J41YM, J68AR, J68AS, J6DX, J88DR, JA2NQG/JD1, JA6WFM/HR3, JT1CO, JW0HR, JW7QI, JX2IJ, KG4AS, KG4TO, KH7R, KL7RA, KP2/N2NI, KP2/OK1DXB, KP2/OK1TN, KP2/OK5DX, LU8DWR/D (SA-021), LZ0A, N2OO/p (NA-111), OA/ON4CD, OD5RAL (AS-108), OH0/W3UR, OM1A, OM1CW, P43E, P5/4L4FN, PJ2/NW0L, PJ2T, PJ5/K1NA, PY1NEZ/PP1 (SA-067), R1AND, R1ANF (AN-010, WABA UA-04), RS0F, S21AR, S79EU, S79MX, T2DX, T2T, TI2/AK0A, TI5X, TK5XN, TM5N (EU-094), TR0A, UA9YAB, UK8IZ, UK8OM, UN0N, UN2O, UN7JX, UU7J/P (EU-180), V2/KQ2M, V31DJ, V31QI, V47ZM, V73UG, V8AAP, VK4GL, VO1S, VP2E, VP2EY, VP2MHJ, VP2MHS, VP2MHX, VP6CW, VP8/UT1KY (WABA G-18), VP8DEF, VP8GEO, VP8SIG, VP8THU, VP9AD, VU2PAI (AS-161), VU2VJT, WP3C, XE1/DJ4ZB, XE2P, XK0XN/p, XR5SM (SA-070), XU7AAP, XU7ACE, XV9DT, XX9TDX, XX9TEP, XX9TFI, XX9TRR, YA5T, YB0AI, YE1D, YJ8DZ, Z32XX, ZC4DW, ZF2AF, ZF2AH, ZF2MM, ZK1NDK (OC-082), ZK1TLA, ZK2CA, ZM8CW, ZP6T. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.