From: <> To: <> Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #573 Date: venerd� 26 aprile 2002 12:21 27 April 2002 No 573 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3DA0 - Hide, JM1LJS will be active (on 40-6 metres SSB and CW) as 3DA0LJ from Swaziland on 1-4 May. He might operate (on 40 metres SSB and CW) also from Botswana (probably as A25/JM1LJS) for a few hours on 30 April. QSL via home call. The web page for the operation is at at [TNX JM1LJS] 7X - Steve, OM3JW reports that the operation from the Habibas Islands (AF-???) [425DXN 555] is scheduled to take place on 14-18 May. The operators will be 7X2RO, 7X2YL, 7X2ZL, 7X2SA, DL7FER, OM3CGN, OM2DX and OM3JW; they will be active as 7W4HI with two stations barefoot, verticals and dipoles. The QSL route will be announced later. 8Q - Seven operators from Japan will be active (on 80-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV) from the Maldives (AS-013) on 10-15 May. They will also operate on 6 metres (beacon at 50120 kHz, when you hear it call on 50125 kHz). The calls will be 8Q7NK (QSL via JA2AAU), 8Q7FO (QSL via JR2FOR), 8Q7HS (QSL via JA2AZX), 8Q7IC (QSL via JA2AIC), 8Q7JA (QSL via JA2ALN), 8Q7MI (QSL via JJ2KYT) and 8Q7TE (QSL via JA2ATE). [TNX JA1ELY] 9A - Nicola, IK3JLS reports he will be active as 9A/IK3JLS (QRP) from Krk Island (EU-136) on 1-5 May. He will operate on 10-40 metres mainly CW, typically around 7, 12 and 21 UTC. QSL via bureau to IK3JLS. 9A - Look for Sylvain, 9A/F5TLN and Bernard, 9A/F5LPY to operate from from Korcula Island (EU-016, IOCA CI-041) on 4-5 May. [TNX 9A6AA and F6GKD] 9M6 - Tada, JA1WPX will be active as 9M6/JA1WPX from East Malysia between 28 April and 3 May. He hopes operate on 40-6 metres CW, SSB, FM and possibly RTTY. [TNX JA1ELY] 9N - Kaz, JA8MWU will be staying in Katmandu, Nepal between 29 April and 3 May. He hopes to operate as 9N7WU on 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres, SSB only. QSL via to home call. [TNX JA1ELY] BY - Jiangsu DX Club operators BA4RC, BA4TA, BA4RD, BA4RF, BA4TB, BD4RS, BD4XF, BD6BW and BD5RV will be active (on 80-6 metres, WARC bands included, SSB, CW and PSK31) as homecall/4 from Dongxilian Island (claimed as counting for AS-135, IOTA status under investigation) on 1-3 May. All QSLs via BA4RD (Ken Wang, P. O. Box 538, Nanjing 210005, China). Logs will be available at [TNX BD5RV] C6 - John, WZ8D will be active as C6AIE from Abaco Island (NA-080, FL16iq), Bahamas on 3-13 June. He will operate on 6 and 2 metres (VHF contest included) and on other bands as well. QSL direct only to WZ8D (John Walker, 1930 Meredith Ln., Loveland, Ohio 45140, USA). [TNX WZ8D] CT - Look for CT1BWW/P and CT2HME/P to be active from Gibalta Lighthouse on 11 May. QSL via bureau. [TNX CT1BWW] DL - Tom, DL8AAM reports that the Marinefernmeldeschule (the German Navy Communications School) in Flensburg-Muerwik (DL0MFS) will celebrate the 100th anniversary on 4-5 May with a special Morse transmission under their military callsign DHJ61 on the maritime frequencies of 12410.5 kHz and 8443.5 kHz. Thei will also operate as DL0MFS on the amateur radio bands; look for them on CW (3565, 7025, 14052, 18095, 21052 and 28052 kHz) and SSB (3625, 7060, 14335, 21360 and 28935 kHz). QSL DL0MFS via the DARC bureau. DL - Seven German operators (namely DH8WLA, DL1APR, DL1APW, DL2AXA, DL5AOJ, DM3BJ and DL9NDS) will be active from Ummanz Island (EU-057, O-06 for the German Islands Award) on 9-13 May. They will operate on all bands CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via home calls. [TNX DL9NDS] EI - Members of Limerick Radio Club will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW, 6m operation is also planned) as EJ0A from the Aran Islands (EU-006) on 24-26 May. QSL via either EI8EM or W2ORA, direct or through the bureau. [TNX EI8EM] F - Francis, F6FQK reports that the Council of Europe ARC will be active as TP3CE on 3-5 May. QSL via F6FQK. FO - TX5BTY is the special call issued to Alain, FO5RH (F2HE) [425DXN 564] to commemorate the mutiny of the Bounty. Look for him to be active on 2-14 May on all bands CW and SSB. QSL via F6CTL. [TNX La Gazette du DX] FR/T - Jacques, FR5ZU will be active (on all bands SSB and RTTY) as FR5ZU/T from Tromelin (AF-031) from 5 June until 5 July. He will operate in his free time, which in the first stages of his shift is expected to be limited to 2-4 UTC, 9-10 UTC and 13-15 UTC. QSL to FR5ZU (Jacques Quillet, 1 cite Meteorologique, Le Chaudron, 97490 Sainte Clotilde, France). Pics of Tromelin, Europa etc. are at [TNX F5NQL] I - The Project DX Team (namely Andrea/IK2XDE, Giampaolo/IK2XDF, Giovanni/IK2JYT, Matteo/IK2RZL, Antonio/IK2ZJR, Alberto/IW2NHE and Fabio/IW2LWB) will be active on HF and 6 metres from the following islands: 26/04 Bacucco (not IOTA, IIA RO-004) SSB 27-28/04 Scannone di Goro (not IOTA, IIA FE-005) SSB and RTTY 29-30/04 Baron (EU-155, IIA FE-003) SSB and RTTY 01/05 Scannone di Goro (not IOTA, IIA FE-005) SSB QSL via home calls, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK2XDE] I - IV3HAX and IV3SKB will operate (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) from Isola delle Conchiglie (EU-130, IIA UD-007) on 26-28 April. [TNX IV3SKB] I - IY4FGM, the station at the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation at Pontecchio, will be activated during the International Marconi Day. QSL via IK4UPU. [TNX IK4DCT] I - Rik, IK0YUJ reports he will operate (on 40-6 metres SSB and CW) as IA5/IK0YUJ/P from Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002) between 29 April and 1 May. QSL via bureau to IK0YUJ. I - Special event station IQ4FE will be activated on 11-12 May from Ferrara during an exibition celebrating amateur radio and the 75th anniversary of ARI, the Italian Radioamateurs IARU Society. [TNX I4JEE] I - Franco/I4CIL, Claudio/IW3RI, Pierpaolo/I4BTK and Lucky/IK4CZH will operate as IG9SIX from Lampedusa Island (JM65HL, AF-019, IIA AG-001) on 6 metres during the IARU Contest (1-2 June). QSL via I4CIL either direct (Franco Rondoni, Via Pasini 6, 48010 Filetto - RA, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IW3RI] JA - Look for JN3ATJ/6 to be active (on 6, 10, 12, 15, 17 and 40 metres SSB) from Iki Island (AS-036) until 30 April and from Tsushima (AS-036) between 30 April and 7 May. QSL via home call, either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Look for Taka, JR3TVH/6 to be active from Miyako Island (AS-079) from 22 UTC on 27 April until 4 UTC on 2 May. He will operate on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres mainly SSB. QSL via home call, preferably through the JARL bureau. [TNX JR3TVH] JA - Look for JI1PLF/1, 7N1GMK/1 and 7L4PVR/1 to be active (on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) from Hachijo Island (AS-043) on 7-10 June. QSL via home calls, either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Look for JO1EPY/6 to be active (on 6, 10, 12, 15, 17 and 40 metres SSB and CW) from Kuchinoshima, Tokara Archipelago (AS-049) on 8-10 June. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] KH1 - The first wave of the team arrived to Tuvalu and, while waiting for the others to join them, operated as T2DA (QSL via KW4DA), T2X (QSL via RW3AH), T23A (QSL via RZ3AA), T25A (QSL via YT1AD) and T26U (QSL via RA3AUU). If wheather conditions do not deteriorate significantly, the arrival to Baker Island is expected on 28 April at 4 UTC, with the first QSO scheduled for 22 UTC on the same day. News will be available at or [TNX VE3EXY] LU - Radio Club Ushuaia (LU8XW, will be using AY8XW for the rest of the year. A web page for AY8XW is available at; QSL via WD9EWK (please note that the QSL manager for LU8XW is EA5BD). [TNX LU5XPZ] LZ - Special event stations LZ02KM and LZ02JP will be active on all bands and modes between 1 and 31 May to celebrate the St. Cyril and Methodius Day and the visit of pope John Paul II. QSLs via bureau or direct to LZ1BFR (P.O.Box 830, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria). [TNX LZ1BJ] OE - Johannes/DF5AU, Oliver/DJ9AO, Michael/DL9NDV and Jun/JH4RHF will oprate from 4U1VIC on 10-12 May. They will take part in CQ-MIR-DX-Contest and try to be active via satellite RS 12 mode K. QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. Direct cards can be sent to Vienna International Amateur Radio Club, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 200, A-1400 Vienna, Austria. [TNX DJ9AO] OJ0 - Seppo, OH1VR plans to operate (for some 12 hours on 10-80 metres CW and SSB, possibly with some 6m as well) as OJ0VR from Market Reef (EU-053) on 8-9 May. QSL via OH1VR (direct only). [TNX K7BV] PY - Fauth/PY3JAF, Andy/PY3YY, Koetz/PY3KK and Paul/PY3DX will be active on all bands and modes as ZY3PEI from Itapua Lighthouse, near Porto Alegre, on 27-28 April. QSL via PY3JAF. [TNX PY3DX] SM - Look for Martin, SM0DTK/1 to be active from Gotland Island (EU-020) on 4-12 May, mostly between 3 and 6 UTC. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] SV - Dimitris/SV2CCA, Chris/SV2DGH and Giannis/SV2FPU will be active from Alonissos Island (EU-072) on 2-16 June. They will operate as J48ALO on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres SSB and CW. QSL via SV2DGH. Logs will be available at [TNX SV2DGH] SV5 - Ermanno, IK2WZD ( reports he will be active (on SSB and digital modes) as SV5/IK2WZD from Lipsi Island (EU-001) from May to October. UR - EM11E (Echo Mike One One Echo) is the call which will be used during several activities from Ukrainan islands between 1 May and 31 August. Operations will take place from islands located in the river Dniper (not IOTA), in the Sea of Azov (not IOTA) and in the Black Sea. QSL via UR5EAW (Alexander Shevchenko, Pelina str. 29, Dnepropetrovsk 49107 UA, Ukraine). [TNX UR5EAW] UR - Special event call EO57WL will be used on all band and modes by Lviv Shortwave Club (UR4WWE) on 6-12 May. QSL via UT1WL either direct (Leo Kharchenko, P.O. Box 5951, Lviv, 79054, Ukraine) or through the bureau. [TNX UR5WCW] V3 - Hugh, K0GHK and Roger, WA0ETE are active as V31KQ from Ambergis Caye (NA-073), Belize until 2 May. QSL via WA0ETE. [TNX K9RZ] V7 - Mark, W4CK will be active as V73BL from Kwajelein (OC-028), Marshall Islands on 14-24 May. [TNX The Daily DX] W - Andy (KB1BEE) and Bob O'Donnell (WW1V) will be active from on Bailey Island (NA-137) from about 22 UTC on 3 May to about 18 UTC on 5 May. Look for them on the usual IOTA frequencies on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX WW1V] W - Tony/WF1N and Lou/W1DIG will be active from Pot Island (NA-136) on 17-19 May. Look for them on or near the usual IOTA SSB frequencies; they will start around 15 UTC on Friday and end around 18 UTC on Sunday. QSL via home calls. Bureau cards can be requested at (WF1N) and (W1DIG). [TNX WF1N] YK - Saad, N5FF plans to be active as YK1BA from Damascus, Syria on 1-11 May (he might extend his stay up to one week). This is not a DXpedition, but Saad will try to operate at least 2-3 hours a day. Look for him mainly on 20 metres CW (14045 kHz) and SSB (14195 kHz), at 2-3 UTC, 12-13 UTC and 21-22 UTC. QSL via N5FF. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] NORTHERN EUROPE TOUR ---> La Gazette du DX reports that Patrick, F5MQW will be touring Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and The Netherlands between 1 May and July. His planned island stops include: DL/F8UFT - Fehmarn (EU-128), OZ/F8UFT - Lolland, Falster, Faro and Mon (EU-029), SM5/F8UFT - Oland (EU-037) SM1/F8UFT - Gotland (EU-020), LA/F8UFT - Mageroya and/or Kvaloya (EU-044), LA/F8UFT - Lofoten (EU-076), DL/F8UFT - Borkum (EU-047), PA/F8UFT - Texel (EU-038). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 4W/CU3FT ---> Jose, CT1EEB reports that Carlos, 4W/CU3FT went QRT from East Timor on 22 April (he started on 15 October 2001). All in all the three Portuguese operators who have been active from East Timor so far (the other two are Antonio, CT1EGH/4W6GH and Jose, CT1EEB/4W6EB) have logged 57,000+ QSOs on all bands and modes, with wire antennas and 100 watts. QSL 4W/CU3FT via CT1EEB. ARI INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST ---> It will take place on 4-5 May. There are some changes in the rules, check for further information. ARMED FORCES DAY ---> The US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are co-sponsoring the annual military/amateur radio communications tests in celebration of the 52nd Anniversary of Armed Forces Day. Although the actual AFD is celebrated May 18, the AFD Military/Amateur Crossband Communications Test will be conducted on May 11 (local) so as not to conflict with the Dayton Hamvention scheduled for the same weekend (May 17-19). The annual celebration features traditional military to amateur crossband communications test and the message receiving test. QSL cards will be provided to those making contact with the military stations. Special commemorative certificates will be awarded to anyone who receives copies of the digital Armed Forces Day message from the Secretary of Defense. Detailed information at [TNX DL8AAM] QSL XE1UN ---> N1NK (Jim Spears, 494 West Demello Drive, Tiverton, RI 02878, USA) is the new QSL manager for Yuri, XE1UN. He has all the logs from 15 December 1999, including Yuri's contest operations as 4A1UN. [TNX N1NK] QSL VIA N6CW ---> Terry, N6CW accepts e-mail requests for bureau cards for any of the stations he handles. This include ZD8A, ZD88A and activities as VP2ECW, VP2VCW, VP2V/N6CW and TI4/N6CW. Send your QSO information to [TNX N6CW] VP6DI ---> The ARRL has notified JA1BK that VP6DI (Ducie Island) has been accepted for DXCC credit. Cards may be submitted on or after 1 June 2002. [TNX AF2C] WIA AWARDS ---> The Wireless Institute of Australia ( sponsors the following award programmes: WIA DXCC, WAVKCA (Worked All VK Call Areas) HF, WAVKCA (Worked All VK Call Areas) VHF, HAVKCA (Heard All VK Call Areas), WIA Grid Square Award, WIA Antarctic Award, Australian VHF Century Club Award and Worked all States VHF. Detailed information is available from the Federal Awards Manager, Malcolm K. Johnson (VK6LC), P.O. Box. 196, Cannington, Western Australia 6987, Australia (e-mail ZD7K/ZD8K VIDEO ----> Doug, G0WMW has been talked into running some copies of the ZD7K & ZD8K "Double DXpedition" video (45 minutes, NTSC or PAL format). The master tape goes for duplication in mid-May, with copies available mid-June at the earliest. For further information and orders, please e-mail as soon as possible (the deadline in 15 May). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LICENCES ABROAD: Do you know how to get a visitor amateur radio licence in a foreign country? Veke, OH2MCN has collected and made available all the information you need for 250+ countries at LOGS: The VP6DI logs are now only available at NEW REFLECTOR: "Time has come to offer award enthusiasts a forum where they can discuss award hunting in general", Egbert, ON4CAS (UBA Award Manager) says. Amateur radio licensed operators and SWLs "with a genuine interest in this part of our hobby" are invited to join the list; details can be found at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct: 3B8CF, 3B8GL, 3B9FR, 3D2SC (OC-095), 3W2FM, 3W7CW, 4J3M, 4L3Y, 4L5O, 4N1KT, 4S7EA, 4U1ITU, 4W/CU3FT, 4W6MM, 5A1A, 5A29, 5R8FU, 5R8GZ, 5U4R, 5U9C, 5W0VK, 6K5RPZ, 6Y5MM, 7Q7TB, 7X4AN, 8P5A, 8P9JA, 8Q7CG (AF-013), 9H1EL, 9J2BO, 9K2ZZ, 9L1BTB, 9M6NA (OC-133), 9N7RB, 9Q1A, 9Q5ZK, A22HH, A35RK, A35VK, A52UD, BD4XA, BI5P, BV9G (AS-155), C21XU, C6AIE, C6AMM, C98RF (AF-061), CE9/R1ANF, CN8NK, CO8DM, CO8LY, CT7B, CT9M, D44TD, DU8ARK (OC-174), E20KIR, E29AL, E30NA, EK1700LF, EK3GM, EP3PMW, ES1WW, ES5RW, ES5TV, ET3PMW, EU3AR, EY90MT, FG5DH, FK8GM, FK8HC, FM5DX, FO/HG9B/p (OC-050), FO/SP9FIH (OC-027), FO0FRY, FW5ZL (OC-118), FY5KE, GB90MGY, GD6IA, GM3W, H7DX, HC2DX, HC8N, HI3CVV, HK4GQX, HR4/TI5KD, HZ1AB, J28VS, J37LR, J6/G3TBK, J68GS, JD1/JM1KNI, JW1I (EU-027), JW5X, JX7DFA, JY9NX, KG4DZ, KP4SQ, L80AA/D (SA-055), LU1ZA (AN-008), OD5/OK1MU, OH0/W3UR, OH0R, OX/OZ8AE, OX1AWG (NA-018), PA7FM (EU-146), PJ2/NW0L, PJ5/K1NA, PQ7BZ, PT7BZ/PY6, PZ5RA, RA0FU, RU9VA, S21AR,T2T, T30AN, T48RAC, T77C, T88SI (OC-248), TA0/LZ1CNN (EU-186), TA0/LZ1NK (EU-186), TA0/LZ3ND (EU-186), TA3DD, TE6U, TE8CH, TE8CI, TG9NX, TI1C, TS7N, TX8DX (OC-032), TX8ISL (OC-033), TZ6VV, UE0XYZ (AS-091), UK9AA, UU2JZ, V26DX, V26G, V51/SP6IXF, V51HK, VK7TS/P (OC-233), VO1S, VP2EJ, VP5V, VP5WW, VP8CKN, VP8GEO (AN-007), VU2HFR (AS-153), VU2KFR (AS-153), VU2MTT (AS-161), VU2OXX, VU2RDJ (AS-161), VY0/7N2FGG (NA-009), W5AA/TI8, XE1VIC, XF1/DL1YMK (NA-078), XM2CWI (NA-038), XW0X, XX9TDX, XX9TEP, XX9TFI, YA5T, YB0A, YB1HDF, YC4FIJ, YM0KA, YM0MA (EU-186), YM21TA, YM75TA, YN1KD, Z21JE, Z31JA, ZC4DW, ZD7JC, ZD7MY, ZK1USA, ZW5B. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.