DX425 bulletin issue nr. 572

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@425dxn.org>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #572 
Date: venerd� 19 aprile 2002 23:13

   20 April 2002                                                  No 572
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3D2     - Brian, N6IZ plans  to be active  (hopefully as  3D2IZ) from  Namotu
           (OC-121), Fiji Islands on 19-26 April.  He will operate on 10,  15,
           20 and 40 metres with 100  watta and a  vertical antenna. [TNX  The
           Daily DX]
DU      - Yannick,  F6FYD  and  Gerard,  F2JD/G0SHN  plan  to  be  active  as
           DU1/G0SHN from an island in the  Calamian group  (OC-090)  on 26-29
           April.  They  will operate  SSB and CW with 100 watts and a dipole.
           QSL via F6AJA. [TNX F6AJA]
F       - Look for  F9IE to  be active  (on  80-20 metres)  from  Noirmoutier
           Island (EU-064) on 19-22 April. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
I       - Bad weather conditions have caused the IU9ACI operation from Lachea
           Island (EU-166) [425DXN 569] to be  postponed to 19-21 April.  [TNX
I       - Gio, IK2AIT reports  he will operate  (on 20 metres  mainly CW)  as
           IF9/IK2AIT from  Marettimo Island  (EU-054,  IIA TP-010)  on  20-25
I       - Operators from ARI Pisa will be active (SSB and CW) as IY5PIS  from
           the Marconian site at Coltano during the International Marconi  Day
           (27 April). QSL  via IZ5MDC either  direct or  through the  bureau.
           [TNX IK5ZTT]
I       - Marconian station  IY0TC will  be active  during the  International
           Marconi Day from Scoglio del Pirgo (not IOTA. IIA RM-001)  starting
           around 13 UTC. QSL via I0KHP. [TNX IK0CNA and I0KHP]
JA      - Look for Shigeru, JI3CEY/6 to be active (on 40, 20, 17, 12, 10  and
           6 metres SSB and CW) from Okinawa (AS-017) from around 9 UTC on  27
           April and 00.00  UTC on the  30th. QSL  via the  JARL bureau.  [TNX
JD1_oga - Look for JA1HEF/JD1,  JA1KJW/JD1 and  JE1XXG/JD1 to  be active  (on
           160-6 metres CW  and SSB) from  Ogasawara on 21-28  April. QSL  via
           home calls. [TNX JA1ELY]
KH1     - The final list of  operators for the  upcoming DXpedition to  Baker
           Island include  YT1AD,  YU1AU, YU1DX,  Z32ZM,  ZS6MG/Z31FU,  KW4DA,
           N6TQS, RZ3AA, RA3AUU,  9X0A/RW3AH, S56A and  LY3NUM. Estimated  QRV
           time is from  4 UTC on  29 April through  2 UTC on  9 May. QSL  via
           RZ3AA (SSB  only:  Roman Thomas,  P.O.  Box 2059,  Moscow,  101000,
           Russia)  and  YT1AD  (other  modes:  Dr.  Hrane  Milosevic,   36206
           Vitanovac, Yugoslavia).  The  web site  for  the DXpedition  is  at
KH9     - Terry, K7ASU will  operate as K7ASU/KH9  from Wake Island  (OC-053)
           starting around 27 April for approximately 4 weeks. He will be  QRV
           in his spare time, most likely between 7 and 9 UTC. QSL via  K7ASU.
           [TNX The Daily DX]
LU      - Benjamin Ricciardo, LU1EBS is a 13-year-old amateur radio  operator
           who lives on  Martin Garcia Island  (SA-055) with  his parents  and
           eight brothers. He  is a  novice class  operator and  for the  time
           being is active almost daily  around 23 UTC  on 80 metres  (3595.5,
           3610 and 3689 kHz).  QSL direct only  via LU2CRM (Carlos  Martinez,
           P.O. Box 6, 1420 Buenos Aires, Argentina). [TNX LU2CRM]
LU      - Argentine amateurs are allowed to replace their current LU, LW  and
           AZ prefixes with AY, L5 and L6 respectively from 12 UTC on 20 April
           through through 14  UTC on 29  December. This is  to celebrate  the
           25th anniversary of GACW  (Grupo Argentino de  CW) and support  the
           programme "Amateur Radio,  Amateur, a  safe way  for our  children"
           sponsored by GACW. [TNX LW2DX]
LU      - L50W is the special call used  by the Trelew Radio Club (LU1WP)  to
           celebrate their 50th anniversary. Activity will  start on 22  April
           on 10,  15,  20, 40  and  80 metres.  QSL  via LU4WGE  (Jorge  Omar
           Gallego, P.O. Box 7, Trelew, 9100 Chubut, Argentina). Logs will  be
           available at http://www.qsl.net/lu1wp [TNX LU4WGE]
OZ      - Look for Jakob, OZ7AEI/P to be  active from Egholm Island  (EU-171,
           DIA NJ-004) on  24 April starting  around 13 UTC  on 20 metres  and
           later on 40 and 15 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX OZ7AEI]
T2      - Dave Anderson, KW4DA is part of  the Baker Island DXpedition  team.
           Prior to and following the activity from Baker he will operate from
           Tuvalu (OC-015) on CW, RTTY, PSK,  SSB and SSTV.  Look for T2DA  on
           22-25 April and again on 11-16  May. QSL via KW4DA (Dave  Anderson,
           712 Baneberry Court, Asheville, NC 28803, USA). [TNX KW4DA]
VK9_mr  - Rough seas and strong winds delayed the voyage, and the VK9ML  team
           reached Mellish Reef on  14 April around  12.30 UTC. Five  stations
           came on the  air at 10.00  UTC on 15  April after a  day of  hectic
           setup. The original QRT date of 22 April might be extended. QSL via
           VK4APG.   Visit   http://www.qsl.net/vk9ml/2002/  for   up-to-date
           informatiom and log search. [TNX N1DG]
VP9     - Tom, W9AEB reports he will be  active (on 10-20 metres SSB and  CW)
           as VP9/W9AEB from Bermuda (NA-005) until 28 April. QSL via WF9V.
W       - Pieter, KG4NXP and  Svetly, W4/LZ3SM will  operate on  CW, SSB  and
           PSK31 from Tangier  Island (NA-083,  USI VA-001S)  on 26-27  April.
           [TNX W4/LZ3SM]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

RLHA ---> The Russian Lighthouse Award (RLHA) is a newly born award sponsored
by the Russian Robinson Club. Rules, lighthouse list and further  information
can be found at http://www.hamradio.ru/rrc/rlha/ [TNX VA3RJ]

QSL EK5ZI &  4K5ZI ---> Nikolay,  UX0FF still has  logs and  cards for  these
operations from  Zmeiniy (Snake)  Island (EU-182)  back in  1990-1992.  Cards
should be sent to Nikolay Lavreka,  P.O. Box 3, Izmail, 68600, Ukraine.  [TNX
OPDX Bulletin]

QSL HH2PK --->  Steve Larson, N3SL,  reports that his  daughter Kim (who  has
handled cards for AH1A, 3B6RF, GM4YXI, GM3WOJ, and GS2MP) has been chosen  by
Pat, HH2PK, to take care of his QSLs.  Pat has not been active since  January
1998 and has moved from Haiti to Canada.  Kim has Pat's logs from April  1989
to 29 Nov 1997 (the December  1997 and January 1998  logs were corrupted  and
cannot be recovered). Please visit http://www.qsl.net/n3sl/manager.htm for an
on-line log search and specific instructions on QSL requests. Cards will  not
be received from the printer until  mid-June, at the earliest. Any  donations
to help with expenses will be appreciated.

QSL KH6XT ---> N9NU (Tim S.  Dickerson, 900 Vincent  Dr, Sandwich, IL  60548,
USA) reports he is the new QSL manager for Dennis, KH6XT.

QSL T93M ---> Boris, T93Y reports  that direct QSLs for FG/T93M and  T93M/HI9
sent to T93Y's address in Sarajevo  are forwarded to the QSL manager  (DJ2MX)
once a month.  For a quicker  response, please send  your requests direct  to
DJ2MX: Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany).

QSL TM5C ---> Lee, F5NLY reports he now has the TM5C logs starting from  2001
CQWW contests, but he is still waiting for the cards. QSL preferably via  the

QSL UA0QFC/A ---> Alex, UR3HC (ex-UA0QFC) operated from Dunay Island (AS-082)
back in  1992,  1993  and  1994.  He still  has  logs  and  cards  for  those
activities; QSLs  should be  sent to  Alex Nakonechij  P.O.Box 84  Kremenchug
39631, Ukraine.

QSL V44NK ---> Please note that Larry,  KJ4UY (V47UY) is not the QSL  manager
for Karl Sage, V44NK.  Cards for V44NK  should be sent  direct only, as  they
have no bureau  in St.Kitts/Nevis. Larry,  KJ4UY can confirm  QSOs made  with
V47UY only.

QSL VIA RU3FS  ---> RU3FS  reports he  is the  QSL manager  for RI1CGO  (IOTA
Contest 2000), RP3DDF (December 2001), UE3FWM  (22-24 February 2002),  UE3ASK
(12 August 2001). Cards can be sent via the bureau or direct to A.  Kostikov,
P.O. Box 55, Moscow, 115522, Russia. [TNX UA3DX]

US POSTAL RATES INCREASE ---> The United States Postal Service has  announced
that new postal rates will go into effect on 30 June. Details can be found at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DIE:          The latest list DIE and DIEI islands, as well as the rules  for
               these awards,  are  available  on  http://www.425dxn/org (.pdf
DX SPOTS:     DXINFO v1.9 is the new release of the software for handling the
               files of the collection of DX spots from the OH2AQ Web  Cluster
               put together  by  Rod  Elliott, VE3IRF.  It  can  be  found  at
QSL VP6DI:    Check   http://www.ve3ho.com/ve3ho-qslmgr.htm  for    detailed
               information direct from the QSL manager.
XR0X:         The San Felix team made 68,910 QSOs (38125 SSB, 27506 CW,  3053
               RTTY, 226  PSK). A  7-minute audio  clip (12  metres CW  on  23
               March) can be found on  http://www.425dxn.org/, thanks to  team
               member Massimo Mucci, I8NHJ.
YUDX:         The YU DX Contest will take place from 12 UTC on 20 April to 12
               UTC  on   the  21st.   Full  information   can  be   found   at
               http://www.yudx.net [TNX 4N1DX/VE3]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2IR       DJ2MX       HC8N        W5UE        T93Y        W2FB
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      HC8Z        NE8Z        T94EU       W2FB
3XY6A       VE2XO       HD8Z        NE8Z        TK7I        F5JYD
3XY8A       VE2XO       HH4/K4QD    K4QD        TL8CG       IK1APO
4L1FX       DJ1CW       HL1VAU/4    HL1VAU      TM1AIX      F8CHM
4U1WB       KK4HD       IR0MA       I0MWI       TM2A        F5BJW
5B4/T93Y    W2FB        IU9ACI      IT9EJW      TM5OIS      F5KRH
5N6NDP      IK5JAN      J6/VK2IR    DJ2MX       TM5PDG      F6KQK
5W0IR       DJ2MX       JT1R        JT1BL       TM9FFP      F6KUC
5W1SA       JH7OHF      JX2IJ       LA2IJ       TR0A        OM3LZ
6K5REL/4    6K5REL      K4/VK2IR    DJ2MX       TR8CA       F6CBC
6Y/VK2IR    DJ2MX       KH2E        JE1HJA      TU2IG       F5IG
7Q7DX       EA5IQ       KH2WW       JL1EAN      TU5EX       TU2CI
7X0MT       F5MSR       KH8/VK2IR   DJ2MX       UA9C/UA9QDK RW9QA
9L1JT       K4ZIN       KP4SQ       KD8IW       UA9CUA      W3HNK
9M6/JQ1NGT  JQ1NGT      L50EV       LU9EV       UA9OS       W3HNK
A25/DJ6SI   DJ6SI       L52DX       LW2DX       UA9QA       RW9QA
A25/DL1YFF  DL1YFF      L77C        LU7CC       UA9QDK      RW9QA
A25/G3HCT   G3HCT       LI3D        LA9CE       UA9QFF      RW9QA
A41KJ       N5FTR       LU9XT       WD9EWK      UA9QFF      W3HNK
A43GI       A47RS       N4/VK2IR    DJ2MX       UE0XYZ      RA0ZD
A71EM       LZ1YE       NO7F/KL7    K8NA        UN3F        EA5KB
C56JJ       PA9JJ       NP4A        W3HNK       UN9PQ       IK2QPR
CE2LZR      EA5KB       OD5/IW0GXY  IW0BET      UR6F        UX0FF
CN2PM       G3WQU       OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN       V2/W1LR     W1LR
CU9AB       F5TOV       OD5IU       LX1NO       V25WX       W4WX
CX2AQ       EA5KB       OD5UT       K3IRV       V47UY       KJ4UY
DS2GOO/4    DS2GOO      OH8/ES1RA/P ES1RA       VK9LT       HB9QR
DU1/SQ9BOB  SP6GVU      OK9GLX      OK2AOP      VO1MGY      VO1HE
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        OP0GS       ON5GK       VP2E        N5AU
EA8RA/p     EA8AKN      P29BW       N5FTR       VP2EJ       W5SJ
ED3NP       EA3NP       P40M        AA1M        VP2MHS      W1LR
ED4MAD      EA4RCU      P49MR       VE3MR       VP2MHX      W4WX
ED5MUC      EA5VM       P5/4L4FN    KK5DO       VP2VE       WA2NHA
ED5SJF      EA5URL      P55P        pirate      VP5/GM3JOB  GM3JOB
EJ4GK/P     EI4GK       PT1G        PY1LVF      VP5/GM4ZNC  GM4ZNC
EM0RSE      DJ0MAQ      PZ5AM       PA3AMA      VQ9NL       W4NML
EP3UN       LA7JO       PZ5DK       PA0DKA      XW1HS       E21EIC
EP4HR       I2MQP       R0POL       UA6CW       YB0AVR      HA2VR
ET3PMW      W7KEU       R1FJL       UA3AGS      YC0KTS      LZ1YE
EX0V        N6FF        R4CG        RK4CYW      YI9OM       OM6TX
EX7ML       DL4YFF      RM9RX       RW9QA       YJ0ABR      DL6NBR
FM5WD       W3HNK       RM9RZ       RW9QA       YJ0AHK      DL1NHK
FO0/N5XX    N5XX        RN9RZ       RW9QA       YJ8DA       KE4DA
FY5FU       F5PAC       RW9QA       RW9QA       Z32XX       NN6C
FY5GS       F6FNU       RW9QA       W3HNK       Z38B        IK3GES
GB90MGY     G3XHK       S79MX       HB9MX       ZD8Z        VE3HO
H44MS       DL2GAC      SM0JHF/HI9  SM0JHF      ZD9IR       ZS6EZ
HC8A        KU9C        SN800R      SP9ERV      ZK1HCC      DL9HCU
HC8GR       N5KO        T30CXX      W0CXX       ZS6FJM      CT1ABE
HC8L        N2AU        T88WB       DL7ADL      ZS7/ZS4AGA  ZS4A

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

5Z4MR      Max Raicha, P.O. Box 1641, Kisumu 40100, Kenya
A47RS      P.O. Box 981, Muscat 113, Sultanate of Oman
CU3AN      Gabriel Alves, P.O. Box 157, 9701-902 Angra Codex, Portugal
DJ2MX      Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany
DL6UAA     Mart Moebius, Kirchplatz 10, D-04924 Dobra, Germany
E21EIC     Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903,
EA5IQ      Jose Maria Vives, Co Moncada 62 6A, 46025 Valencia, Spain
EA5KB      Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O. Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain
EP3DX      Hessam D. Jodakei, P.O. Box 16765-4114, Tehran, Iran
ER6A       Slava Lisii, C.P. 112, Chisinau-12, MD-2012, Moldova
ES1RA      Oleg M. Mir, P.O. Box 806, 11702 Tallinn, Estonia
EZ8BD      P.O. Box 15, Ashgabat, 744017, Turkmenistan
G3WQU (CN2PM)  Peter McKay, MINURSO, P.O. Box 80000, Laayoune, Western
                Sahara, Morocco
HB9QR      Erwin Fink, Toedistr. 7, CH-8572 Berg, Switzerland
I0MWI      Stefano Cipriani, Via Taranto 60, 00055 Ladispoli - RM, Italy
IT9EJW     Alfio Bonanno, P. O. Box 18, 95028 Valverde - CT, Italy
KB5GL      Silvano Amenta, 5028 Hearst Ave, Metaire, LA 70001, USA
KJ4UY      Lawrence W. Wolf, 4330 Mahogany Run S.E., Winter Haven, Florida
            33884-2945, USA
KK5DO      Bruce Paige, P.O. Box 310, Alief, TX 77411, USA
KU9C       Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
NE8Z       Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139 USA
OH0XX      Olli Rissanen, #599 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL
            33442, USA
PY1LVF     Jose Luiz Vieira Fernandes, P.O. Box 18009, 20722-970 Rio de
            Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
RA0ZD      Alexey Antipov, P.O. Box 81, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683038,
RW9QA      Vlad Kondratenko P.O. Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
RZ3EC      Eugene Shelkanovtcev, P.O. Box 70, Orel 302028, Russia
SV2ASP/A   Monk Apollo, Monastery Dochiariou, GR-63037 Mt. Athos, Greece
UN2O       L.V. Welikanov, P.O. Box 1, Atyrau 465002, Kazakstan
UX4UM      Victor Petrenko, P.O. Box 55, Kiev, 02091, Ukraine
VE2XO      Francois Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe, Montreal QC H3T 1L4, Canada
VE3HO      Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada
W2FB       Steve Busono, 3102 Commons Drive, East Brunswick, NJ 08816, USA
W5SJ       Bill Priakos, 6408 Risinghill Dr, Dallas, TX 75248, USA
W5UE       Randy Becnel, P.O. Box 170, Kiln, MS 39556-0170, USA
ZS6EZ      Chris R. Burger, P.O. Box 4485, 0001 Pretoria, South Africa

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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