From: <> To: <> Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #571 Date: sabato 13 aprile 2002 00:39 13 April 2002 No 571 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<< The monthly edition (several full colour pages, with pictures, graphs, maps etc) is now available at and can be downloaded in either .pdf or .doc format. C2 - YL operators Elizabeth/VE7YL (CW), June/VK4SJ, Mio/JR3MVF and Gwen/VK3DYL plan to operate, possibly as C21YL, from Nauru (OC-031) on 1-14 October. QSL via VK3DYL either direct (Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Court, Mt. Waverley, Victoria 3149, Australia) or through the VK3 bureau. [TNX VK3DYL] CN - CN2PM is Peter, G3WQU (ex E4/G3WQU), who is stationed at Laayoune (Western Sahara under Moroccan Administration). He will be active (CW and PSK31) most weekends for two years, maybe more. QSL to Peter McKay, MINURSO, P.O. Box 80000, Laayoune, Western Sahara, Morocco. [TNX CN2PM] DU - Ken, G3OCA will be going to the Philippines in September to activate the Calamian group (OC-090) and the Cuyo Islands (OC-120) as DU1/G3OCA and the Sarangani Islands (OC-175) as DU9/G3OCA. He will operate CW and SSB with 100 watts to either a 3-element yagi or a multiband vertical. Exact dates will be given nearer departure time. QSL via G3OCA (Russian stations QSL via UA4SKW). [TNX G3OCA] EA - EA1CA, EA1DAV, EA2TV, EA4ABE, EA4AHD, EA4ST will be active as ED1URJ from the Sisargas Islands (EU-077) on 26-29 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest. QSL via bureau or direct to EA4URJ. [TNX JI6KVR] EA8 - Operators from the Gran Canaria DX Group will be active as EA8RA/p from Arinaga Lighthouse (D-2812 for the Spanish Lighthouses Award) on 14 April. QSL via EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN] FG - Michel, F5IN will operate (CW only) as FG/F5IN while vacationing at Capesterre, Guadeloupe (NA 107, DIFO FG-001) on 1-10 May. QSL via F5IN. [TNX F5NQL] GI - Operators from the Bangor And District Amateur Radio Society ( will operate as GN3XRQ from Rathlin Island (EU-122) from 31 May until 3 June. They expect to be active on 80-10 metres mostly SSB, with some CW. [TNX GI4XSF] I - Weather permitting, Antonio/IK2SNG and Augusto/IK4RQJ will operate from Scanno di Piallazza (EU-155, IIA FE-001) on 12-14 April. Andrea/IK4VET, Roberto/IK4XCL and Filippo/IK4ZHH will be active from Isola Barricata (not IOTA, IIA RO-005) and Isola Batteria (not IOTA, IIA RO-007) on 13-14 April from around 7 UTC until around 16 UTC. Activity is expected to take place on 10-40 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK4RQJ] I - Filippo/IK4ZHH, Alberto/IK4ZHV and Roberto/I4YFY will be active (on 10, 15, 20, 40 metres and WARC bands, CW and SSB) from Cesenatico Lighthouse (WAIL ER-003) on 25-28 April. QSL via IK4ZHH (P.O. Box 7217, 47100 Forli - FO, Italy). [TNX IK4ZHH] I - Several operators from ARI Latina and Salento DX Team will be active as IB0A from Zannone Island (EU-045, IIA LT-012) on 20-24 June. QSL via I0YKN either direct (Nuccio Meoli, Via della Stazione 36, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy) or thorugh the bureau. [TNX IK7JWX] I - A group of operators from ARI Livorno (namely I5JRR, I5ZUF, IK5CMI, IK5PWB, IK5SRF, IK5UIP and IK5WWA) will participate in the ARI International Contest (4-5 May) as IA5G from Gorgona Island (EU-028, IIA LI-014). [TNX Radiogiornale 49/2002] I - Operators from Salento DX Team will participate in the IOTA Contest as II7GR from Isola Grande (EU-091, IIA LE-002). QSL via I0YKN either direct (Nuccio Meoli, Via della Stazione 31, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IK7JWX] JA - Look for JH1VVW/6 and JF1GUQ/6 to be active (on HF and 6m, SSB and CW) from Tsushima (AS-036) on 12-14 April. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Takeshi, JI3DST will be active (on 40, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6 and 2 metres SSB) as JI3DST/6 from Miyako Island (AS-079) between 27 April and 5 or 6 May. QSL via JI3DST, preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI3DST] JA - Look for Joe, JA4PXE/6 and Kou, JH4WXV/6 to be active on all bands SSB and CW from the O-jima, Danjo Islands (AS-056) from 9 UTC on 3 May through 00.30 UTC on either 5 or 6 May. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JA4PXE] JD1_oga - Tack/JD1BKQ, Nori/JA1OZK and others will install a DX Club Station in Ogasawara (AS-031) in early May. Look for JD1YBO to be active on 1-5 May on all bands CW, SSB and RTTY plus 6 metres. QSL via the bureau to JD1YBO or direct to JD1BKQ (Tatsuhiko Kimura, 79-142 Nara-cho, Saitama-city, 331-0042 Saitama, Japan). [TNX JD1BKQ] KH0 - Look for KH0/JM1YGG to operate (on 6 metres and HF) from Saipan (OC-086), Northern Marianas on 16-19 May. QSL to JM1YGG through the JARL bureau. [TNX JK1EBA] LU_so - Jose-Luis [425DXN 563] is the current operator at LU1ZA (Destacamento Naval Orcadas, WABA LU-14) on Laurie Island, South Orkneys (AN-008). He has not been active on the amateur radio bands so far. He expects to be QRV in May, most likely after 21.30 UTC. [TNX YZ1SG, F5NQL and Diamond DX Club] LU - Pablo, LU8DO and Claudio, LU7CC plan to operate as LU8DO/p and L77C from Punta Piedra Lighthouse (ARLHS ARG-058) on 13-14 April. QSL via home calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] OE - Radio Austria International will operate special event station OE1M on the International Marconi Day (27 April). Further details (including the "QRZ" facility: enter your call and OE1M will immediately call you on the band) are available at [TNX OE1WHC] OZ - Knud, OZ2ZB plans to operate from three Danish islands on 18 April as follows: 09.30 UTC Egholm EU-171 NJ-004 10.30 UTC Tagholm EU-171 NJ-015 11.30 UTC Frueholm EU-171 NJ-010 TK - TK7I, the special call of the Loos DX Gang, will aired on 10-80 metres from Etang de Biguglia, south of Bastia (EU-014) on 20-27 April. QSL via F5JYD either direct or through the REF bureau. [TNX F5JYD] R1A_ssh - Oleg, R1ANF went QRT from the Brazilian Antarctic refuge "Astronomo Cruls" (R1ANF/p, WABA PY-03) on 8 April and is again active from Bellingshausen Base (WABA UA-04), South Shetland Islands. QSL via RK1PWA (Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, Amderma, Arkhangelskaja 164744 , Russia). [TNX DL5EBE] V2 - Bill, W4WX and Larry, W1LR are currently active as VP2MHX and VP2MHS from Montserrat (NA-103) until 14 April. They will then move to Antigua (NA-100) and operate (on all bands, except 160m, on SSB, RTTY and PSK-31) as V25WX and V2/W1LR on 15-16 April. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX W4WX] VE - The Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs will be operating the special event station VO1MGY on 15 April from the Admiralty House Museum in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland to commemorate the 90th anniverary of the sinking of the Titanic. This will be a CW only event. QSL via the bureau or direct to VO1HE. VE - Linda, VE9GLF and Len, VE9MY are planning to operate from St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) around the end of July including an entry in the IOTA Contest. "We understand that there is a large demand for this one from Asia and Oceania", they say. More information will be available in due course. [TNX VE9MY] VK9_lh - YL operators Elizabeth/VE7YL (CW), June/VK4SJ, Mio/JR3MVF, Raija/SM0HNV and Gwen/VK3DYL will operate as VK9YL from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) on 15-29 September. QSL via VK3DYL either direct (Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Court, Mt. Waverley, Victoria 3149, Australia) or through the VK3 bureau. [TNX VK3DYL] XV_spr - The XV9TH April DXpedition to the Spratly Islands [425DXN 557] has been postponed to a later date to be decided. [TNX The Daily DX] ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ will be active again as ZD8Z from Ascension Island (AF-003) on 17-27 April. QSL direct only via VE3HO. [TNX The Daily DX] GUYANAS ---> Olli Rissanen, OH0XX will operate (mainly CW) as FY5KE from French Guiana on 16-19 April, PZ5RA from Suriname (formerly Dutch Guiana) on 21-24 April and 8R1RPN from Guyana on 25-26 April. The QSL route for all of these operations is via OH0XX (Olli Rissanen, #599 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA). [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DXCC NEWS ---> Cards for 3DA0FR, 3DA0DF and 3DA0FOC have been inadvertently rejected for "No documentation Received." This error has been corrected. If you have had one or more of these cards rejected contact DXCC for correction at: [TNX Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager] EP3DX ---> Mac, W3HC reports this is a new amateur radio operator from Iran. QSL to Hessam D. Jodakei, P.O. Box 16765-4114, Tehran, Iran. You can access any of Mac's 17 web pages by going to NOT THE MANAGER ---> Vittorio D'Amora, I8DVJ is not and has never been the QSL manager for any station, let alone "YA0A", "P52BH" and similar pirate calls, for he is actually receiving several requests! QSL 5Z4MR ---> "There a few different addresses in the QSL managers' list including N4GNR", Max says, but since 1994 his QSL route has been direct to Max Raicha, P.O. Box 1641, Kisumu 40100, Kenya. QSL HC8N ---> Trey, N5KO/HC8N reports that Derek Wills AA5BT is stepping down after 10 years and 50,000 QSL requests answered. The new QSL route for HC8N is now via W5UE (Randy Becnel, P.O. Box 170, Kiln, MS 39556-0170, USA). QSL YC9WZJ ---> Steve, W2FB (formerly W6MD) reports he now has Joni's logs for contacts made in 2002, December 2001 and 1998 until 30 November. He is missing most QSOs in 1999, 2000, and 2001. QSL direct to W2FB (Steve Busono, 3102 Commons Drive, East Brunswick, NJ 08816, USA) or YC9WZJ (Joni Salim, P.O. Box. 127, Sorong 98401, Irian Jaya, Indonesia). Please note that cards for YC9WZJ/P are via YC9BU. QSL ZL2VS ---> Dusty, ZL2VS has been permanently QRT since 21 February 2002 and says that he "will honour any QSL cards that I receive via buro until end of year". QSL "LOST ISLANDS" ---> The QSL cards for the 16 April-2 May 2001 "Lost Islands" DXpedition - RI0B (AS-156), RU0B (AS-057), RS0B (AS-042), RU0B/p (AS -050), RS0B/p (AS-068) and R3CA/p (AS-005) - have been printed (give a look to them at under "QSL collection") and RW3GW and UA9OBA expect to receive them soon. After direct requests are processed, the remaining QSOs will be confirmed automatically through the bureau. [TNX UA9OBA] QSL NIGER 2002 ---> Silvano, I2YSB reports that all the direct cards for this DXpedition have been processed and mailed. QSL VIA G0IAS ---> Allan, G0IAS is receiving QSL cards for the stations he manages without return postage. "I pay for all printing and for the envelopes that are sometimes not included", he says, but "as I am not allowed to use RSGB Buro for their return, I will not pay the postage from my own pocket". SUBMARINES ON THE AIR ---> This special event will take place between 00.00 UTC on 27 April and 23.59 UTC on the 28th (for details visit the Submarines Veterans Amateur Radio Association's web site at Over thirty submarines worldwide are expected to take part in the event - for a list of Museum Submarines with call signs please visit [TNX Mediterraneo DX Club] WRTC 2002 ---> As part of its original plan for the WRTC 2002 event (, the WRTC2002 organizing committee reserved the right to select one team with special characteristics, while maintaining the high quality operator criteria established as a hallmark for the WRTC 2002 games. With this objective in mind, at its meeting on April 8, 2002, the committee decided to invite a team from the United Arab Emirates (A61AJ) to be the representative of the contesting community in the Middle East. Team UAE will be led by Ali Al-Futtaim, A61AJ, who has been the driving force behind the development of what is one of the premier contest superstations in the Middle East and Asia. In the spirit of the games, a team has been selected that is representative of the current A61AJ operating roster. Team members therefore include US nationals Jeff Briggs, K1ZM and Phil Goetz, N6ZZ, who represent the A61AJ team as it now stands in the contesting landscape. [TNX OH1EH] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The logs for H40XX and H44XX (with the exception of contacts made during the CQ WPX SSB contest) are now available at VK9ML: main website: mirror website: mirror website (Japanese language): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct: 3A2MD, 3B8CF, 3B9FR, 3D2CI, 3DA0FOC, 3DA0RS, 3V8SM (AF-083), 3W7D (AS-157), 4F8BOF, 4U1ITU, 5U4R, 5X4L, 6Y9A, 7Q7LA, 8P9JB, 9K2MU, 9M6/JA1OEM, 9M6YAT, 9N7ZK, 9Q0AR, 9Q1A, 9V1YC, A35RK, A61AO, AH4/AH7G, AP2JZB, BI5P (AS-138), BI7D (AS-131), BQ9P (AS-110), BV9G (AS-155), C31LJ, C93MR, C93MR, D44TD (AF-086), E29AL, E30NA, EK3KA, EK6TA, EL2AR, EM1KCC, ET3PMW, EU3FT, EY8MM, EZ8AQ, FM5DX, FO5PS, FR5FD, FR5HA, FY5FY, FY5KE, GD6IA, H44AT, HP3XBS, HR3/JA6WFM, J28EW, J5X, J75KG, JD1/JA9XBW, JT1BH, JT1Y, KC4AAA (AN-016; WABA K-08), KG4EC, KG4MO, KH6ND/KH5, KP4SQ, L80AA/D (SA-055), LU1ZA (AN-008; WABA LU-14), OH0/W3UR, OH0NL, OX1AWG, OX3LG (NA-151), OY9JD, P40A, P40E, PJ7/ND5S, PT0T, RW2F, RZ1OA/p, S53O, SV2ASP/A, T2T, T88CC, T88SI (OC-248), TE8AT, TF4/LX9EG, TF8GX, TI5/KE0UI, TR8CA, TU2MA, UA1OLM/a, UE0XYZ (AS-091), V63RF, V73UG, VK0KMT (AN-016; WABA VK-03), VK4FW/FK, VK9NL, VP5/W5AO, VP5GA, VP8CBA, VP8GEO, VP8SGK, VP8SIG (AN-008; WABA G-05), VQ9IO, VQ9NL, VU2ELJ, VU2KFR (AS-153), VY1JA, W4D (NA-213), XP1AB (NA-018), XU7ACE, XW0X, YB5QZ, YI9OM, YI9OM, YS1CF, ZD8A, ZD9IR, ZK1NCP, ZK1VVV, ZL5CP (AN-11; WABA ZL-02). ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.