DX425 bulletin issue nr. 569

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@tin.it>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #569
Date: sabato 30 marzo 2002 01:18

   30 March 2002                                                No 569
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

6W      - Jean-Louis, 6W6JX reports that operators from the Dakar Radio  Club
           will be active from Goree Island (IOTA AF045) between 30 March  and
           1 April. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX F5NQL]
9L      - Jerry, K4ZIN is going to operate  (on 10-40 metres  CW and SSB)  as
           9L1JT from Sierra Leone, with some  limited activity on 9-16  April
           and full time operations on 20-22  April. QSL via K4ZIN. [TNX  OPDX
9M6     - Taka,  JL1CHV   [425DXN  568]   will  now   operate  (probably   as
           9M6/homecall) on the HF bands from Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia  on
           29-31 March, including an entry (one day and a half) in the CQ  WPX
           SSB Contest. QSL via JL1CHV. [TNX JH1KLN]
A2      - John, G3HCT will be in Botswana on 7-20 April and plans to  operate
           as A25/G3HCT on the WARC bands CW. [TNX The Daily DX]
BV      - A group of operators from Taiwan  (namely BO2AB/2, BM2AAL,  BM2ACE,
           BV1ED, BV2AH, BV2KI, BV2KS, BV2NT, BV2QB,  BV4AS, BV5DL and  BX4AF)
           will be active  as BV9K and  BV2B/9 from  Kueishan ("Turtle  Hill")
           Island (AS-155) between 29 March and 1 April. Operations will  take
           place on the HF bands (CW  and SSB), plus 2 and  6 metres. QSL  via
           BV2KI (Bruce Yih, P.O. Box 84-609, Taipei, Taiwan). [TNX JI6KVR]
F       - Special station TM5PDG will be activated (on 15-40 metres CW,  SSB,
           SSTV and  PSK31) from  Le Pont  du Gard  (Gard Bridge)  on 7  April
           (http://www.ref-union.org/ed30/).  QSL  to  F6KQK  via  the  French
           bureau. [TNX F5PHW]
F       - Fifteen operator from F6KOP will be  active on all bands (6  metres
           included) as TM5Y from Yeu Island (EU-064) on 7-12 May. [TNX F4BUX]
F       - Dom, F5SJB will be active again as TM5CW between 18 May and 1 June,
           including and entry  in the CQ  WW WPX  CW Contest.  QSL via  F5SJB
           either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5SJB]
F       - The "Minkie  Boys" (namely  Harvey/ON5SY, Hans/ON4ASG,  Wil/ON4AVA,
           Dan/ON4ON, Dries/ON6CX, Pat/ON7PQ and  Bill/ON9CGB) will be  active
           as F/homecall/p  from  Sein  Island  (EU-068,  DIFM  AT-007,  ARLHS
           FRA-066 & FRA-067) on 25-29 July. They will participate in the IOTA
           Contest, probably as  TM2ON. QSL for  all via  ON4ON either  direct
           (Danny Commeyne, Rozenlaan 38, B-8890 Dadizele, Belgium) or through
           the UBA bureau. [TNX ON9CGB]
FK      - Look for Franck,  FK8HC to be  active as FK8HC/P  from Puen  Island
           (OC-032, DIFO  FK-067) on  29-31 March.  The DIFO  web page  is  at
           http://www.qsl.net/f5nod/difo.html [TNX F5NQL]
HH      - Jan, K4QD will be active  as HH4/K4QD from  Haiti (NA-096) on  8-19
           April. Jan, a member  of the Florida  DXPedition Group (FDXPG),  is
           going as a volunteer to the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission,  and
           he will operate in any spare time available. He will operate CW and
           SSB with 100 watts, a a beam on 20-10 metres and a dipole on  40-80
           metres. QSL  via K4QD  either direct  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
HL      - The operation  from the  Huksan Islands  (AS-093) [425DXN  567]  is
           confirmed to take  place on 4-7  April. Han/HL1VAU, Han/DS2GOO  and
           Chae/DS5BSX will operate as homecall/4  from Taehuksan Island  with
           two stations using wire antennas  on 10-40 metres  CW and SSB.  QSL
           for HL1VAU/4 via homecall, others via DS2GOO. The web page for  the
           operation is at http://www.qsl.net/hl1vau/as093/ [TNX HL1VAU]
I       - Walter, IN3XUG is active on 10-40 metres as IC8/IN3XUG from  Ischia
           Island (EU-031, IIA NA-001)  until 2 April.  QSL via IN3XUG  either
           direct or through the bureau. [TNX IN3XUG]
           IW9BDV and  IW9FY  will be  active  as IU9ACI  from  Lachea  Island
           (EU-166, IIA CT-002) on 12-14 April (or, in case of bad weather, on
           19-21 April). They  plan to operate  on HF (CW  and SSB),  6 and  2
           metres. QSL via IT9EJW either direct (Alfio Bonanno, P. O. Box  18,
           95028   Valverde  -  CT, Italy)  or  through  the  bureau.  Further
           information at http://www.rgetna.org [TNX IT9EJW]
JA      - Look for JR8KJR/8 to  operate from Rebun  Island (AS-147) on  30-31
           March and from Rishiri  Island (AS-147) on  1-3 April. Activity  is
           expected on 6, 10, 12, 15,  17 and 40 metres  SSB. QSL via  JR8KJR.
           [TNX JI6KVR]
JD1_oga - Look  for  JM3FVL/JD1,   JE5DTS/JD1,  JG4LSR/JD1,  JL4CVB/JD1   and
           JO1ZZM/JD1 to be active (on 80-6 metres SSB, CW, PSK and RTTY) from
           Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara between 28 April and 4 May.  Further
           information is available at http://www.qsl.net/jl4cvb/ogasawara.htm
           [TNX JL4CVB]
KH8     - Dave, AH6HY  will be  active as  AH6HY/AH8 from  the Manua  Islands
           (OC-077), American Samoa on 18-24 May. Operation will be on 10,  15
           and 20 metres SSB only, on the usual IOTA & DX frequencies. QSL via
           home call either direct or through the bureau. The web page for the
           operation is at http://www.qsl.net/ah6hy/samoa.html [TNX AH6HY]
KL      - Rick/KL7AK, Blaine/KL7TG,  Linda/NL7RE, Larry/KF6XC  and  Jim/K9PPY
           will be active  as KL7AK from  Deer Island in  the Southern  Alaska
           Peninsula West group (NA-???) from  late in the  UTC evening on  31
           July until mid-afternoon on  5 August. They  will operate on  80-10
           metres SSB  and  CW and  their  main station  will  have  a  linear
           amplifier and a triband yagi. QSL via N6AWD. [TNX KL7AK]
OD      - Max, IW0GXY has been authorized to operate on 6 metres from Lebabon
           as OD5/IW0GXY through June (and probably until September).  Further
           details can be  found at http://www.qsl.net/iw0gxy/index.html  [TNX
OX      - Look for Michael, OX3LG to operate  (on HF bands and 6 metres,  SSB
           and CW) from Kook Island (NA-220), Greenland between 1 August and 1
           October. QSL  via OZ1ACB  (Allis  Andersen, Kagsaavej  34,  DK-2730
           Herlev, Denmark). [TNX DL2VFR]
OZ      - Rico, NH7T and Tom, DL1DVE will operate as OZ/homecall from  EU-172
           and EU-171 between 30 March and 6 April. They will also activate  a
           few lighthouses  from the  ARLHS list  during  that time.  QSL  via
           DL1DVE, preferably through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL1DVE]
OZ      - Look for Jakob,  OZ7AEI/P to operate  from Veno  Island (not  IOTA,
           NJ-005 for the Danish Islands Award) on 1 April starting arounf  11
           UTC on 20 metres SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX OZ7AEI]
OZ      - Special event station  OZ5HCA will  be activated  from Odense,  Fyn
           Island (EU-172) from 1 through  7 April to  celebrate the birth  of
           Hans Christian Andersen (2 april 1805).  QSL via OZ3FYN. A  special
           Hans Christian Andersen  award is available  for working OZ5HCA  on
           three different bands.  Applications (GCR list  + 3 USD  or 3  IRC)
           should be sent to OZ3FYN (P.O. Box 134, DK-5100 Odense C, Denmark).
           [TNX OZ1LQH]
OZ      - Knud, OZ2ZB  reports he  will  open his  2002  season of  island  &
           lighthouse activities on 4 and 6 April as follows:
           4 April: from 10 UTC  Kyoe/Vaarholm Island (not IOTA, DIA NJ-012)
               "    from 11 UTC  Klosterholm Island (not IOTA, DIA NJ-013)
               "    from 12 UTC  Hornsgaardsholm Island (not IOTA, DIA NJ-016)
           6 April: from  9 UTC  Fur Island (EU-171, DIA NJ-003) &  Lighthouse
                                 (LH DLS-021, ARLHS DEN-073)
               "    from 12 UTC  Glyngore   Lighthouse   (LH   DLS-32,   ARLHS
PA      - Operators from UBA section "NOK" will be active from the lighthouse
           (ARLHS NET-024) on Texel Island (EU-038)  on 26-28 July. They  will
           participate in  the  IOTA Contest  (27-28  July) as  PA6TEX,  while
           before the  contest  they will  use  PA/ON4NOK (also  on  the  WARC
           bands). QSL via ON7YX (ex ON4ALW) either direct or through the  UBA
           bureau. [TNX ON7YX]
PY_ssh  - Oleg, R1ANF/p  is currently  active  from the  Brazilian  Antarctic
           refuge "Astronomo  Cruls"  (WABA PY-03)  on  Nelson  Island,  South
           Shetlands (AN-010).  He is  expected to  be on  the Antarctica  Net
           (21275 kHz at 17 UTC) on 1 April. QSL via RK1PWA. [TNX DL5EBE]
T9      - Bernard, F5LPY is active as T9/F5LPY  from Bosnia until the end  of
           May. He can be found every evening around 20.30 UTC on 20 metres CW
           and on 20 metres  SSB on Sundays  between 7 and  10.30 UTC. QSL  to
           F5LPY via the REF bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
UA      - Vladimir Chukov, R3CA is  the leader of  an expedition to  Northern
           Asiatic Russia which  should have started  on 23  March. There  are
           plans to visit and operate (on 80, 40 and 20 metres) from  Bol'shoy
           Begichev Island (AS-152), the Lyakhovskiye Islands (AS-029) and the
           Medvezh' (Bear) Islands (AS-022). An operation from the Laptev  Sea
           Coast East group (AS-???) is taken into consideration. The calls to
           be used should be R3CA/9 and  R3CA/0, with QSL  via RA3DEJ (who  is
           participating in the expedition). [TNX WRC/RRA Bulletin]
UA      - The WRC/RRA  Bulletin  reports that  Vasily,  UA0QMN/p  and  Alexej
           UA0QHZ/p are  expected to  operate  from Bol'shoy  Begichev  Island
           (AS-152, RR-0804)  between 28  March and  2  April. QSL  via  RZ3EC
           either direct or through the bureau.
UA      - Leonid Kashigin , UA6CW reports he will be going to the North  Pole
           in early April for three weeks. He will operate on 10-80 metres  as
           either R0POL or R3RRC/0. QSL via UA6CW.
V7      - Jim Todd,  KC7OKZ/V73KZ and  his wife  Carol, KC7TSX/V73SX  [425DXN
           554] are now on Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Islands. Within the  next
           couple of months they should be able to put Ujelang Atoll  (OC-???)
           on the air. [TNX V73KZ & Islands On The Web]
VK9_mr  - Frank Hunt, ZL2BR  has replaced VK4DH  in the VK9ML  team who  will
           operate on all bands and modes from Mellish Reef (OC-072) on  12-24
           April [425DXN 563]. The web sites for the operation are at:
           The pilot stations (e-mail addresses on  the webisites above)  will
           be Bill  Rothwell, G0VDE  (Europe &  Africa), Don  Greenbaum,  N1DG
           (North & South America), Hisato Kobayashi,  7K1WLE (Asia) and  Adam
           Maurer, VK4CP (Oceania). [TNX VK4CP]
VP6     - The Ducie  team  - namely  VP6BK  (JA1BK),  VP6XX  (JF1IST),  VP6AJ
           (K9AJ),  VP6VT  (K5VT),  VP6TC,  VP6DB,  and  VP6MW  -  arrived  at
           Henderson Island  (OC-056) on  27 March  around  16 UTC.  They  are
           expected to leave the island between 2-3 UTC on 30 March. QSL VP6AJ
           via N9TK, others via home call.
VQ9     - Jesse Falquez, AB5RY is operating as VQ9J from Chagos for the  next
           few months. He works CW and  SSB on 160-10  metres, running a  full
           power station with good  antennas. QSL direct  only via K5QM.  [TNX
           plan to be active on 160-6 metres from Myanmar in August. They will
           have three stations  (with amplifiers,  yagis for  30-6 metres  and
           horizontal and vertical  antennas for the  low bands) operating  as
           XY3C (CW), XY5T (SSB) and XY7V  (digital modes). The activity  will
           start in Yangoon on 4-8 August (limited operation on 40-6  metres),
           the the group will move to Ngapal, near Thandwe (formerly known  as
           Sandoway) on  the Arakan  coast  and be  active  between 9  and  22
           August. There might be  an opportunity for  a short operation  from
           the Arakan Region IOTA group (AS-???). QSL XY3C via DL4KQ, XY5T via
           IN3ZNR, XY7V via DL8KBJ, either direct  or through the bureau.  The
           web      page       for       the      DXpedition       is       at
           http://www.dx-pedition.de/myanmar2000 [TNX IN3ZNR]
ZF      - Andy, AE6Y reports  he will operate  as ZF2AF (QSL  via home  call)
           from the Cayman Islands (NA-016) until 2 April. He will participate
           in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest from ZF2NT's station.

CQ WW  WPX SSB  CONTEST  ---> The  following  stations have  announced  their
participation in this year's event:
- Hrane, YT1AD from 3V8BB as SOAB HP. [TNX YT1AD]
- Ahmad, 9K2AI and possibly others  from KARS club  station (9K2RA) as  9K9K.
   QSL via 9K2RA either direct (Kuwait  Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box  5240,
   Safat 13053, Kuwait) or through the bureau. [TNX 9K2AI]
- Ivan Bahamonde, CE4EBJ (Chairman, Southern Cross DX Group) reports that the
   following Chilean operators are expected to participate in the contest:
   Nick, XQ1IDM     as 3G1X     SOSB HP 20m  QSL via home call
   Ferdi, XQ5SM     as 3G5A     SOAB HP              home call
   CE4USW & CE4PBB  as CB4A     M/S                  Box 128, Talca, Chile
   Carlos, CE3NR                SOSB HP 40m          home call
   Ferdy, CE4FXY    as CE4Y     SOSB HP 10m          home call
   Luis, CE8EIO                 SOAB HP              home call
   Dan, XQ1ZW                   SOSB LP 10m          home call
   Pat, XQ4EM                   SOSB HP 10m          home call
   There is an informative webpage for CB4A at http://www.qsl.net/cb4a
- Goncalo, CT1GPQ as CS7GPQ. QSL via home call. [TNX CT1GPQ]
- Gabriel, EA6DD as ED6DD (SOAB HP). QSL via the bureau or direct to P.O. Box
   10180, 07080 Palma de Mallorca, Spain. [TNX EA6DD]
- Sei, JF1SQC as  FO8DX from Bora  Bora (OC-067), French  Polynesia. QSL  via
   JF1SQC through the JARL bureau. [TNX JF1SQC]
- Keith, GM4YXI (Single Band 10m High Power)  as GM7V, which is the North  of
   Scotland Contest group's call (http://www.gm7v.com).  QSL via ZS5BBO.  [TNX
- Oscar, LU5EVK as L20E. QSL via home call. [TNX LU5EVK]
- ON4AAM and ON4IT  as OT2H. They  will concentrate on  15 metres, with  some
   possible activity  on  40 and  80  metres. QSL  via  ON5YR.  Logs  will  be
   available at http://www.on7sa.be [TNX ON4IT]
- Mario, PP5MQ as PS5S. QSL via home call. [TNX PP5MQ]
- Ton, PY2YU as  PX2W on 10  metres LP. QSL  via home call  either direct  or
   through the bureau. [TNX PY2YU]
- Oms, PY5EG as ZW5B on 10 metres. QSL via W3HC. [TNX PY5EG]
Give also a look to the  listing of announced operations maintained by  Bill,
NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/wpxs2002.html

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

GOWIN ---> The QSL Manager database GOWIN  is a new product release from  The
Golist.  For  further  information  please  visit  the  Golist  web  site  at
http://www.golist.net/ [TNX K1XN]

MBUA ---> The  Multi Band Ukraine  Award (MBUA), sponsored  by the  Ukrainian
Amateur Radio League, is available to  either licenced amateurs and SWLs  for
working different  Ukrainian  Oblasts  on at  least  5  bands.  Please  visit
http://www.uarl.com.ua or e-mail  Vlad Ageyev, UR5WCW  (UARL Award  Committee
Chairman, ur5wcw@ut1wpr.ampr.org) for further details. [TNX UR5WCW]

NOT THE MANAGER  ---> Steve,  VE3XO has  received "several  dozen cards"  for
3XY6A and 3XY8A, but the correct QSL route is direct only via VE2XO (Francois
Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe, Montreal QC H3T 1L4, Canada). [TNX N4AA]

QSL 4N1DX ---> Zrinko "Zik" Zibert,  4N1DX says he will  move from Serbia  to
Canada in April. K1WY is no longer  his QSL manager, but cards will  continue
to be available via YU1AVA either direct (RC Zemun, PPS Ugrinovci, Beogradska
1, 11277 Ugrinovci, Yugoslavia) or through the bureau.

QSL 5W0IR ---> Tommy, VK2IR at the last minute  decided to go with a QSL  for
the 5W0IR operation [425DXN 567]. The new QSL route is now via DJ2MX,  direct
only: Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany.

QSL DU8ARK  (OC-174)  --->  Joe, I2YDX  apologizes  for  sending  cards  with
incomplete QTH information.  A rubber stamp  has been ordered  and new  cards
will be issued. There is  no need to  send him second  requests, as Joe  will
send the new QSL card automatically  to the IOTA enthusiasts concerned.  [TNX

QSL EX8MLE ---> As of 1 April Paolo, IK2QPR is no longer the QSL manager  for
EX8MLE. Cards should be sent direct to Sergey Tkachenko,P.O. Box 742, Bishkek
720017, Kyrghyzstan. QSLs for EX2U, EX5T, EX7MA, EX7MK, EX8DX, EX8NK,  EX8NP,
EX8QB and EX8QF are still handled by IK2QPR. [TNX IK2QPR]

QSL IF9ZRQ ---> Aroldo Bizzarri, IF9ZRQ from Levanzo Island (EU-054) recently
became a Silent  Key and Rino,  IT9FXY is  trying to  get the  logs from  the
family. For the time being Rino can  confirm contacts made with IF9ZRQ on  15
and 16 July 2000, when Rino himself guest operated from Aroldo's station.

QSL JX7DFA ---> Vasilij, RW6HS  (rw6hs@narod.ru) reports he  his the new  QSL
manager for Per, JX7DFA for contacts  made with Russian and CIS stations.  He
currently has the logs from 1992 down to  13 March 2002 (52571 QSOs) and  Per
will send him the 1989-1991 logs as well.

QSL L80AA/D --->  Roberto U.  Beviglia, LU4BR,  President of  the Radio  Club
Argentino (LU4AA,  http://www.lu4aa.org)  reports that  all  the  direct  and
bureau QSL cards for L80AA/D (SA-055, ARLHS ARG-045) have been released.

VP6DI ---> The DXpedition to Ducie Island went QRT around 16 UTC on 26  March
after some 52,000 QSOs. The pilots  report that logs will  not appear on  the
website until a later date and that the QSL cards will *not* be available  at
Dayton. QSL via VE3HO (Garth Hamilton,  P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario  L0S
1E0, Canada). Cards for 6m QSOs should  be sent to JA1BK (Kan Mizoguchi,  5-3
Sakuragaoka 4 Chome, Tama-City, Tokyo 206-0013, Japan).

XR0X ---> The team closed down operations at 14.15 UTC on 26 March. The total
number of QSOs is just  over 70,000. QSL  via N7CQQ (John  Kennon, P. O.  Box
31553, Laughlin, Nevada  89028, USA). The  corrected logs will  be posted  on
line in a few days on  the DXpedition website  (http://cordell.vwh.net/SFX/).

YA5T ---> Robert, S53R left Afghanistan on 26 March. The YA5T team has logged
22,571 QSOs from Kabul and 404 QSOs  from Fayzabad, in addition to the  2000+
contacts made by Peter, ON6TT in late 2001. [TNX KU9C]

+ SILENT KEY + Gene Willbanks, N5BLK became a  Silent Key on 21 March 21.  As
an INDEXA (International DX Association) staff  member, Gene participated  in
the INDEXA daily  Information Session on  14.236 at 23:30  UTC, providing  DX
information to the amateur radio  community. Gene was  also active in  county
hunting and he especially enjoyed HF mobile operation, helping many  amateurs
to contact new counties for their USACA award. [TNX AA7UC]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:     The following logs are now available on line:
           7X0DX          http://www.7x0.sp5zcc.waw.pl/
           H7DX           http://www.qsl.net/dl7cm/nicaragua.htm
           XV3C (AS-162)  http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage25.htm
           Niger 2002     http://www.qsl.net/niger-2002/log.htm  (5U1A,  5U4R,
                          5U6W, 5U8B, 5U9C and 5U0T)
TP2CE:    The web site  for TP2CE, the  Council od Europe  Radio Club, is  at
           http://www.ewwa.net; a web page can also be found on the Council of
           Europe  web  site  at  http://www.coe.int  (go  to   "Audiovisual",
           "multimedia-audiovisual", "Audio"). [TNX F6FQK]

QSLs received direct: 3D2CI, 3D2CY, 3DA0DF, 4K8M, 4L3Y, 4M1X (SA-089),  4W6EB
(OC-148), 4Z8GZ, 5A1A, 5R8HD, 6Y5/G0NJZ, 6Y7A,  7Z1AC, 8P6SH, 8Q7IJ,  8R1USA,
9J2BO, 9K2K, 9K2MU, 9K2ZZ, 9L1BTB, 9M2RS, 9M6A, 9M6AAC, 9N7RB, 9Q0AR,  A35OY,
A45WD, A52A, A52GJ, A92EV, A92FZ, BD4XA,  BV5DR, C53HG, C56RF, C6AIE,  C6AKQ,
CE0ZIS, CE4U, CX5BW,  D2YY, D44TC,  D68C, DS4NPL,  DU9/N0NM, E29AL  (AS-126),
EK6TA, EP3SP, ET3PMW,  EY8MM, EZ10A,  F5XX/p (EU-148),  FK8GJ, FM5WD,  FO0CLA
(OC-050), FO0DEH (OC-057, OC-062 and OC-094), FR/F6KDF/T, FT5WH, FT5ZH, FW5ZL
(OC-118), HC1HC, HK5MQZ/0M,  HL0Y/2 (AS-105),  HP2/F5PAC (NA-202),  HP7/F5PAC
(NA-170), HR6SI (NA-035), HZ1AB, IM0R (EU-165), J28VS, J37BO, J41YM,  J73CCM,
KH0/JM1LRQ, KH2E,  KH2JU,  KL7JR (NA-050),  KP2/N6DE,  LA9VDA/p  (EU-079  and
EU-061), LU1ZA,  LY5R,  MI/EI7NET/P (EU-122),  MJ/K8PT/P,  OD5/OK1MU,  OY1CT,
P40A, P40MM, P43E,  PZ1AP, PZ1DV, RW2F,  S92JHF, SU1SK,  T2T, T30R  (OC-017),
T33RD (OC-018), T88BC,  T88CC, T88TW,  TE8AT (NA-116),  TT8JE, TU2DP,  TU2XZ,
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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
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