DX425 bulletin issue nr. 568

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@tin.it>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #568
Date: venerd� 22 marzo 2002 23:32

    23 March 2002                                                No 568
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3B8     - Mart, DL6UAA (http://www.dl6uaa.de)  is expected to  be active  (on
           10-80 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY)  probably as  3B8MM from  Mauritius
           starting around 25 March for some weeks. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
8Q      - Igor, RN3OA will be active (on  10-80 metres SSB  and CW) as  8Q7OA
           from the Maldives (AS-013) between 29 March and 10 April, including
           an entry in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via RN3OA either  direct
           (Igor Zakharov, P.O. Box 381, Voronezh, 394000, Russia) or  through
           the bureau. [TNX RN3OA]
9M9     - Look for 9M9/JL1CHV and 9M9/JM1OYV  to operate on  HF and 6  metres
           from East  Malaysia between  28 March  and 1  April. QSL  via  home
           calls. [TNX OZ6OM]
CE0_sf  - The XR0X team expects to go QRT   sometime during 26 March to  have
           everything loaded aboard ship to weight anchor at 12 (local) on the
           27th. They will make a big contest like push during the weekend and
           stay up as long as possible for  48 hours to be everywhere all  the
           time. Europeans please note that there  was a pirate  on 10m CW  at
           14.40 UTC on 21 March who worked many EUs. [TNX K6GNX]
D4      - Al, 4L5A, and  Nodir, EY8MM  are active  as D44AC  from Cape  Verde
           until 3 April. Al will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest  as
           Single Operator  on 10  metres. QSL  via  IK3HHX either  direct  or
           through the bureau. [TNX IK3HHX]
DU      - Gerard, F2JD and Yannick,  F6FYD will be  active as DU1/G0SHN  from
           Verde Island (OC-244) on 28-31 March. They plan to operate on 40-10
           metres CW and SSB with 100  watts and dipoles. QSL via F6AJA.  [TNX
F       - Alain, F5HPY will be active (on  40 and 20  metres SSB) as  F5HPY/p
           from Re Island (EU-032) on  23-24 March. He  will operate from  the
           following lighthouses:  La Flotte  (DPLF  PB 233,  ARLHS  FRA-285),
           St-Martin de Re (DPLF PB 146,  ARLHS FRA-489), Le Fier d'Ars  (DPLF
           PB 212,  ARLHS  FRA-283)  and Les  Baleines  (DPLF  PB  017,  ARLHS
           FRA-136) QSL via  F5HPY either direct  or through  the REF  bureau.
           [TNX F5NQL]
F       - Look for F8BIQ/p to be active from Yeu Island (EU-064, DIFM AT-021)
           on 23-24 March.  He will operate  from La  Petite Foule  Lighthouse
           (DPLF PB-057, ARLHS  FRA-391) on the  23rd (morning)  and from  Les
           Corbeaux  Lighthouse  (DPLF  PB-045  ARLHS  FRA-249)  on  the  24th
           (morning). [TNX F5NQL]
F       - Patrick, F6OIE will be active as TM0A from 24 March to 7 April  and
           again from  19 May  to 2  June. Outside  the WPX  Contests he  will
           operate mainly on the WARC bands. [TNX F6AJA]
H4      - Ranko, YT6A is not going to  make the Temotu trip with Nick,  VK1AA
           [425DXN 559]. This means that Nick  will have to leave part of  the
           equipment in  Honiara (H44)  and take  to H40  the "most  important
           stuff" only - this does not  include the WARC  antenna and RTTY  is
           also under question. Nick expects to operate as H40XX  from  Temotu
           between 24 March and 7 April and then again as H44XX from  Honiara,
           Solomon Islands until 9 April. QSL via VK1AA (Nick Hacko, P.O.  Box
           730, Parramatta  2124,  NSW,  Australia).  The  web  site  for  the
           DXpedition is at http://www.qsl.net/vk1aa/temotu/ [TNX VK1AA]
HC8     - Ramon, XE1KK will  join Trey,  N5KO from  HC8N (Galapagos,  SA-004)
           during the CQ  WW WPX  SSB Contest.  Before and  after the  contest
           Ramon will be active as HC8/XE1KK  (QSL via home call) and/or  HC8N
           (QSL via AA5BT) on HF, 6 metres and FM satellites. [TNX XE1KK]
J6      - Kirk, W8QID, will be active (on  10-80 metres, mainly CW) as  J68ID
           from St.  Lucia (NA-108)  between 21  March and  2 April.  He  will
           participate in the  CQ WW  WPX SSB  Contest with  the J6DX  contest
           group. QSL J68ID via W8QID. [TNX W8QID]
JA      - Look for  JJ2GAZ/1 to  be active  (on all  bands CW  and SSB)  from
           Mikura Island, Izu  Archipelago (AS-008)  on 30-31  March. QSL  via
           home call either direct or through the bureau.
KH0     - Look for KH0/JF2QNM  to operate (on  6 metres and  HF) from  Saipan
           (OC-086), Northern Marianas from 29 March to 1 April. QSL via  home
           call. [TNX OZ6OM]
KP2     - Dean/N6DE and Eric/K6EP will be active  (on 160-10 metres SSB,  CW,
           RTTY and PSK31) as KP2/homecall from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
           (NA-106) between 27 March and 2  April. QSL via home calls.  During
           the CQ WW WPX SSB contest they  will use WP2Z (QSL via KU9C).  [TNX
P2      - Bernhard, P29VMS/DL2GAC  plans  to  operate  from  OC-135  (Solomon
           Islands, Papua New Guinea) on 23-25 March. He will then fly back to
           Honiara (H44, Solomon Islands). [TNX JE1DXC and Islands On The Web]
PA      - Peter, DL4FCH will be active as PA/DL4FCH (on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80
           metres CW) from Texel Island (EU-038) between 29 March and 4 April.
           Logs will be available at http://www.niksch.de/dl4fch [TNX DL4FCH]
PY_ant  - Look for  Oleg, R1ANF  to operate  as  R1ANF/p from  the  Brazilian
           Antarctic station "Astronomo Cruls" (WABA-new) on 24-25 March. This
           summer  station  is  located  on  Nelson  Island,  South  Shetlands
           (AN-010). QSl via RK1PWA. [TNX DL5EBE]
S7      - Look for  Kurt,  HB9MX  to  be  active  again  as  S79MX  from  the
           Seychelles starting around 25  March for four  weeks. QSL via  home
           call. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
VK0_mac - Toshi, JA1ELY  reports that  Peter, VK0MQI  (aka VK0AC  from  ANARE
           Davis Base in  1998) is a  member of the  2002 Australian  National
           Antarctic  Research Expedition on Macquarie Island (AN-005). He was
           expected to depart on 11 March and he will be staying on the island
           until December. Peter  plans to operate  on all  the amateur  radio
           bands, 6 metres included, in his spare time. Please be patient with
           him, particularly during the early part of his operation, as  Peter
           "does not  have much  experience in  DXing".  QSL via  JE1LET  (for
           Japanese stations only) and JA1ELY (others).
VP6     - The VP6DI  operators will  leave Ducie  Island on  27 March  during
           their evening hours (the early UTC hours of 28 March). They  expect
           to arrive on  Henderson Island (OC-056)  [425DXN 567]  on their  28
           March and depart the following day.
XX9     - Pertti, OH2PM will be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) as XX9TRR
           from Macau between 26 March and  1 April. On 26,  27 and 28  March,
           before and after his sunset (10.30 UTC) and sunrise (22.30 UTC), he
           will concentrate on 30m and 80m  CW. QSL via  N6XJ. [TNX The  Daily

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CHAM ISLAND --->  Yuki, JI6KVR is  back home after  the Cham Island  (AS-162)
DXpedition. Operations started two days  later than planned  as the team  had
problems in negotiating with the Navy and received the final permission  only
on 15  March. The  web site  (http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage25.htm)  has
been updated with pictures taken on the island. [TNX JI6KVR]

DDXC OFFICERS --->  The Diamond DX  Club's Board of  Directors for  2002/2005
includes:  Gennaro  Casaburi,  I8YRK  (Director),  Gaetano  Cusumano,  IK8DDN
(Vice-Director),  Luigi  Emilio  Liccardo,  I8LEL  (Award  Manager),  Antonio
Zaccone, IK8FYZ (Secretary), Pasquale Iannotta, IK8CVZ (Treasurer).

DXCC NEWS ---> XU7ABA and XU7ABB  (Cambodia) and TI9M (the recent  DXpedition
to Cocos Island)  are now being  accepted for DXCC  credit. [TNX Bill  Moore,
NC1L, DXCC Manager]

HOLYLAND CONTEST ---> IARC Contest Manager Mark Stern, 4Z4KX (4z4kx@iarc.org)
reminds contesters that  the Holyland Contest  will take place  on 20  April,
from 00.00 UTC through 24.00 UTC.

QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Tim Dickerson, N9NU is willing to offer his services
again as a QSL Manager for someone  in need. He has excellent references  and
has the time. Please contact him at n9nu@n9nu.net

QSL H40AT & H44AT ---> Cards arrived from  the printer a couple of weeks  ago
and Antonio, IZ8CCW reports he has processed more than the 50% of the  direct
requests. The rest will follow within  the end of the  month. QSL via  IZ8CCW
either direct (Antonio Cannataro, P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy) or
through the bureau.

QSL S21FHQ --->  This is the  new FAIRS Headquarters  Club Station in  Dhaka,
Bangladesh. QSL  cards should  be sent  to N4VA  (Larry  Vogt, P.O.  Box  12,
Springfield, VA 22150,  USA). The  web site  for the  Foundation for  Amateur
International Radio Service  (FAIRS) is  at http://civic.bev.net/fairs/  [TNX
OPDX Bulletin]

QSL V51/SP6IXF ---> The QSL cards are  expected from the printer on 26  March
and Janusz will start  processing the requests  immediately. Cards should  be
sent to Janusz  Szymanski, P.O.  Box 1808,  50-385 Wroclaw  46, Poland.  [TNX

QSL YI1BGD --->  Please note that  Cliff, G0MMI  can confirm  QSOs made  with
YI1BGD operated  by Rodger  (G0TLC) *only*.  These *do  not* include  any  CW
contact, as Rodger does not work CW. Rodger is not in Iraq at this time,  nor
will he be there in the near future - his  last visit to the region was  back
in November 2001. [YNX G0MMI]

QSL VIA 3D2AG ---> La Gazette  du DX reports that Antoine  will be in  French
Polynesia until the  end of  the year.  Cards for  his activities  (including
FO0DER and ZK1AGG) should be sent to Dr. Antoine De Ramon N'Yeurt, c/o Claude
Payri, Laboratoire  d'Ecologie  Marine  (LEM)  -  Jeune  Equipe  Terre-Ocean,
Universite de Polynesie Francaise (UPF), B.P.  6570 Faa'a Aeroport -  Tahiti,
French Polynesia.

QSL VIA N4AA ---> Carl is the QSL  manager for HK3JJH and HR2/KC4CD. He  also
has log/cards for 5A1A (1995 operation  *only*) and 9N1AA (1998-2000).  These
logs are  not  complete, "but  I'll  do the  best  I can  with  what  I  have
available", he  says.  QSL  to  Carl  Smith,  P.O.  Box  249,  Leicester,  NC
28748-0249, USA.

QSL VIA NT1N ---> Dave, NT1N, is the new QSL manager for Pete Grillo,  W0RTT.
He can confirm  QSOs made with  AH3C (Feb-Dec  1990), C4A  (25-26 Nov  1995),
IS0QDV (23-24  Nov 1991),  KJ6BZ (Nov  1989), KN0E/KH3  (Mar 1989-Feb  1990),
KN0E/NH3, PT0F (28-29 Nov 1992) and T32BS (Apr 1990). QSL to Dave Patton, 324
Ashford Center Rd., Ashford, CT 06278, USA. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL VIA NW8F ---> Cecil will be closing the logs for 9L1MG, 9L1PG, J5UAI  and
TI1US at the end of 2002.  Please note that he is no  longer the QSL  manager
for VP2MDY and (cards are now handled by N2NB). [TNX QRZ-DX]

ZY0SAT ---> Joca, PS7JN/ZY0SAT has been  back home since 15 March. He  logged
some 2500 QSOs   using dipoles. The  logs for both  his activities (2001  and
2002) are  available at  http://www.geocities.com/dasvirgens. He  expects  to
start sending cards out  in a couple  of months; QSL  to Joaquim das  Virgens
Neto, Rua Carlos Serrano 1969,   59076-740 Natal - RN, Brazil. Donations  are
welcome and will be used for a new and better equipment (radio and antennas),
as Joca should be back to St. Peter  and St. Paul Archipelago around the  end
of the  year.  Those  who  are  willing  to  help  him  can  e-mail  Joca  at
ps7jn@hotmail.com. [TNX PS7JN]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

T88SI:     The complete log for the February  operation from Sonsorol  Island
            (OC-248) is now available at  either http://www.425dxn.org and  on
            the Diamond DX Club's web site (http://www.ddxc.org).
            Cards are expected to arrive  from the printer  within the end  of
            the month and the QSL manager  will begin processing the  requests
            immediately. QSL via IT9YRE (Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012
            Avola - SR, Italy).
            Details on the  operation will be  published in  the April  425DXN
            Monthly   Edition;    pictures    are   already    available    at
VP6DI:     The official web sites for the operation are:
            Logs                      http://www.big.or.jp/~ham/VP6DI/
            Pilot Info/Latest News    http://www.qsl.net/aa0mz/ducie.htm
            General Information       http://www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/ducie.htm
            Part of the logs have been  uploaded using a  1200 Baud modem  and
            satellite  phone.  They  are  from  a  very  early  stage  of  the
            operation, so do not panic if you do not find your call/QSO.
            Mike, VK4DX reports  he has included  a few audio  files from  the
            Ducie pileup on his web site  (http://www.vk4dx.net). He has  also
            updated his Contest Calendar with Australian and US events.
XR0X:      The team has been forced to  temporarily discontinue updating  the
            web log server. Logs through approximately 20 March at 18 UTC were
            uploaded on  22 March  (check http://cordell.vwh.net/SFX/),  after
            which expect a delay for further updates: "The HF pactor link  has
            been very slow  due to  propagation problems",  the team  reports,
            "and requires us to use one  of our valuable HF stations for  long
            periods of time which  means that we  are spending time  uploading
            data instead of working you". [TNX K6GNX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3V8SQ       DL1BDF      FJ/JH8CLU/P JH7OHF      RW1AI/ANT   RW1AI
3W2XK       W9XK        FO5RA       KM5M        T88BA       G4OHX
3W3C        EA5RM       FS/JH8CLU/P JH7OHF      TG7/W9AEB   WF9V
3W3M        F6BUM       GM3WOJ      N3SL        TJ1CR       F6AXD
3W9KGS      DL1DA       GS2MP       N3SL        TL8MS       DL6MW
4J10TX      UT3UY       GZ7V        ZS5BBO      TM0AR       F5TJC
4J6ZZ       UT3UY       HK0GU       DL7VOG      TT8FC       EA4AHK
4K5CW       UT3UY       HR4/YN4SU   TI4SU       TU5EX       TU2CI
4K7Z        TA2ZV       HS0ZCW      K4VUD       TY2SF       IK2ILK
5N6EAM      IK2IQD      J37LR       VE3EBN      UA0IA/0     UT7IY
5R8GT       DK8ZD       J68AR       K9JE        UE0LLH      UA0MF
5V7EB       IK2DHS      J68GS       KI6T        UK7AV       RW6HS
5X1GS       WB2YQH      J88DR       G3TBK       UN2E        DF6PB
5Z4PV       PA3CBH      JI3ACL/4    JI3ACL      UN3F        EA5KB
7P8Z        ZS4TX       JI3CEY/4    JI3CEY      V31VR       VE7VR
7Q7HB       G0IAS       JW1TV       LA1TV       VK6LB       DL7AFS
7X0DX       DL4DBR      JW5RIA      LA5RIA      VP2V/N9COQ  W0AW
8P9BX       VE3WFS      JW7QI       LA7QI       VP2V/W0AW   W0AW
9G5AA       G3SXW (94)  KG4IZ       WA5PAE      VP5WW (03/02) KX4WW
9G5AA       G3XTT (02)  KG4MO       K4ZLE       VP6DI       VE3HO
9G5AA       GM4FDM (99) KH0/JR4URW  JR4URW      VP8CBA      K0IR
9G5AA       GM4FDM (00) KP2/N1ZZ    N1ZZ        VP9/M0CNP   M0CNP
9J2BO       G3TEV       LZ1JY       W0FS        VQ9GB       K7GB
9M2/G4ZFE/p G4ZFE       MJ/K3PLV    K3PLV       VQ9M        WB7OJV
9M6AAC      N2OO        MJ/K8PT     K8PT        W4D         W5UE
9V1MN       DL4MN       OP0GS       ON5GK       W5AA/TI8    W5AA
A35TL       DL2RUM      OX1AWG      OX3HX       XR0X        N7CQQ
AP2ARS      K2PF        OY4TN       ON5UR       XU7ACF      DF8AN
BV9G        BV8BC       PA3GIO/HI9  PA3GIO      XV3C        EA5KB
C21AT       VK3ALX      PJ2/DL4WK   DL7DF       XW1HS       E21EIC
C31LJ       VE3GEJ      PJ2/DL7DF   DL7DF       YA5T        KU9C
C6AKK       AA7X        PJ2/DL7UFN  DL7DF       YC8VCC/P    YC9BU
CE6TBN/7    N1IBM       PJ2/DL7UFR  DL7DF       YE8XM/P     YC9BU
CO2WL       EA3ELM      PJ2/N8BJQ   N8BJQ       YI9OM       OM6TX
CT3/DL3KWR  DL3KWR      PJ2/W0CG    W0CG        YL/RZ3BY    UA3DX
CV7UA       CX5UR       PJ6/PA3GIO  PA3GIO      YO3APJ      W9OL
D44TA       OE5XVL      RH9XF       RA9XF       YR20T       YO2KJW
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        RH9XK       UA9XL       ZD8Z        VE3HO
EG5PTA      EA5ELT      RH9XN       RN9XA       ZF2BI       K4BI
EW8AM       DL8KAC      RH9XR       RV9XO       ZF2JC       NC8V
EY8CQ       DJ1MM       RH9XS       RV9XJ       ZK1SBQ      DL8SBQ
F8KFI       F5INM       RH9XU       UA9XC       ZK3HC       DL9HCU

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

BV8BC    Bill Chen, P.O. Box 222, Taitung 950, Taiwan
DL4DBR   Teddy Barczyk, Pappelstrasse 34, 58099  Hagen, Germany
DL7AFS   Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstrasse 86, D-34123 Kassel, Germany
DL8SBQ   Hans-Peter Spaeth, Klingenberstr. 7, D-78532 Tuttlingen, Germany
E21EIC   Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903,
EA5KB    Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O. Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain
EA5RM    Antonio Gonzalez, P.O. Box 930, 03280 Elche, Spain
F5TJC    Jean-Louis Briere-Lecomte, 18 Le Petit St Louis, route de Theligny,
          72400 Cormes, France
G0IAS    Allan Hickman, The Conifers, High Street, Elkesley, Retford, DN22
          8AJ Notts, UK
G4ZFE    Richard Everitt, #1208 PNB Darby Park, Jalan Binjai, Kuala Lumpur
          50450, Malaysia (a)
IK7JTF   Salvatore Borace, P.O. Box 70, 70010 Cellamare - BA, Italy
K8PT     B. Peter Treml, 725 W. Magnetic St., Marquette, Michigan 49855-2730,
KU9C     Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
N1IBM    Morris E. Maze III, 847 Dolan St., Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734, USA
N3SL     Steve Larson, 22 N. Hidden Acres Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51108, USA
N7CQQ    John Kennon, P.O. Box 31553, Laughlin, Nevada 89028, USA
OE5XVL   Radio Club Voest, Lunzerstr 42, A-4020 Linz, Austria
RN9XA    Eugene Bugrimov, P.O. Box 1229 Syktyvkar, Russia
RW1AI    Mikhail Fokin, P.O. Box 2, St.Petersburg, 195009 Russia
RW6HS    Vasil M. Kasyanenko, P.O.Box 0, Novopavlovsk, Sravropolskiy kr.,
          357830 Russia
UT3UY    Anatoly Kirilenko, P.O. Box 439/3, Kiev-151, 03151, Ukraine
UX3FW    Yuri I. Kucherenko, P.O. Box 60, Izmail, 68600, Ukraine
VE3HO    Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada
ZS5BBO   Edwin Musto, P.O. Box 673, Westville 3630, South Africa

(a)  until 01 June 2002

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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